Chapter 3: Handling Coroutine Cancelations and Exceptions

In the previous chapter, you dove deep into Kotlin coroutines and learned how to use them for asynchronous programming in Android with simple code. You learned how to create coroutines with coroutine builders. Finally, you explored coroutine dispatchers, coroutine scopes, coroutine contexts, and jobs.

Coroutines can be canceled when their purpose has been fulfilled or their job has been done. You can also cancel them based on specific instances in your app, such as when you want users to manually stop a task with a tap of a button. Coroutines do not always succeed and can fail; developers must be able to handle these cases so that the app will not crash, and they can inform the users by displaying a toast or snackbar message.

In this chapter, we will start by understanding coroutine cancelation. You will learn how to cancel coroutines and handle cancelations and timeouts for your coroutines. Then, you will learn how to manage failures and exceptions that can happen in your coroutines.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Canceling coroutines
  • Managing coroutine timeouts
  • Catching exceptions in coroutines

By the end of this chapter, you will understand coroutine cancelations and how you can make your coroutines cancelable. You will be able to add and handle timeouts in your coroutines. You will also know how to add code to catch exceptions in your coroutines.

Technical requirements

You will need to download and install the latest version of Android Studio. You can find the latest version at For an optimal learning experience, a computer with the following specifications is recommended: Intel Core i5 or equivalent or higher, 4 GB RAM minimum, and 4 GB available space.

The code examples for this chapter can be found on GitHub at

Canceling coroutines

In this section, we will start by looking at coroutine cancelations Developers can cancel coroutines in their projects manually or programmatically. You must make sure your application can handle these cancelations.

If your application is doing a long-running operation that is taking longer than expected and you think it could cause a crash, you might want to stop that task. You can also end tasks that are no longer necessary to free up memory and resources, such as when the user moves out of the activity that launched the task or closes the application. Users can also manually discontinue certain operations if you have that feature in your application. Coroutines make it easier for developers to cancel these tasks.

If you are using viewModelScope from ViewModel or lifecycleScope from the Jetpack Lifecycle Kotlin extension libraries, you can easily create coroutines without manually handling the cancelation. When ViewModel is cleared, viewModelScope is automatically canceled, while lifecycleScope is automatically canceled when the life cycle is destroyed. If you created your own coroutine scope, you must add the cancelation yourself.

In the previous chapter, you learned that using coroutine builders such as launch returns a job. Using this job object, you can call the cancel() function to cancel the coroutine. Take the following example:

class MovieViewModel: ViewModel() {
    init {
        viewModelScope.launch {
            val job = launch {

The job.cancel() function will cancel the coroutine launched to call the fetchMovies() function.

After canceling the job, you may want to wait for the cancelation to be finished before continuing to the next task to avoid race conditions. You can do that by calling the join function after calling the call function:

class MovieViewModel: ViewModel() {
    init {
        viewModelScope.launch() {
            val job = launch {

Adding job.join() here would make the code wait for the job to be canceled before doing the next task, which is hideProgressBar().

You can also use the Job.cancelAndJoin() extension function, which is the same as calling cancel and then the join function:

class MovieViewModel: ViewModel() {
    init {
        viewModelScope.launch() {
            val job = launch {

The cancelAndJoin function simplifies the call to the cancel and join functions into a single line of code.

Coroutine jobs can have child coroutine jobs. When you cancel a job, its child jobs (if there are any) will also be canceled, recursively.

If your coroutine scope has multiple coroutines and you need to cancel all of them, you can use the cancel function from the coroutine scope instead of canceling the jobs one by one. This will cancel all the coroutines in the scope. Here’s an example of using the coroutine scope’s cancel function to cancel coroutines:

class MovieViewModel: ViewModel() {
    private val scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main +
    init {
        scope.launch {
            val job1 = launch {
            val job2 = launch {
    override fun onCleared() {

In this example, when scope.cancel() is called, it will cancel both the job1 and job2 coroutines, which were created in the coroutine scope scope.

Using the cancel function from the coroutine scope makes it easier to cancel multiple jobs launched with the specified scope. However, the coroutine scope won’t be able to launch new coroutines after you called the cancel function on it. If you want to cancel the scope’s coroutines but still want to create coroutines from the scope later, you can use scope.coroutineContext.cancelChildren() instead:

class MovieViewModel: ViewModel() { 
    private val scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main +
    init { 
        scope.launch() { 
            val job1 = launch { 
            val job2 = launch { 
    fun cancelAll() { 

Calling the cancelAll function will cancel all the child jobs in the coroutine context of the scope. You will still be able to use the scope later to create coroutines.

Canceling a coroutine will throw CancellationException, a special exception that indicates the coroutine was canceled. This exception will not crash the application. You will learn more about coroutines and exceptions later in this chapter.

You can also pass a subclass of CancellationException to the cancel function to specify a different cause:

class MovieViewModel: ViewModel() { 
private lateinit var movieJob: Job
    init { 
        movieJob = scope.launch() { 
    fun stopFetching() { 
        movieJob.cancel(CancellationException("Cancelled by

This cancels the movieJob job with CancellationException containing the message Cancelled by user as the cause when the user calls the stopFetching function.

When you cancel a coroutine, the coroutine’s job’s state will change to Cancelling. It won’t automatically go to the Cancelled state and cancel the coroutine. The coroutine can continue to run even after the cancelation, unless your coroutine has code that can stop it from running. These states of a job and its life cycle are summarized in the following diagram:

Figure 3.1 – Coroutine job life cycle

Figure 3.1 – Coroutine job life cycle

Your coroutine code needs to cooperate to be cancelable. The coroutine should handle cancelations as quickly as possible. It must check for cancelations of the coroutine and if the coroutine is already canceled, it throws CancellationException.

One way to make your coroutine cancelable is to check whether the coroutine job is active (still running or completing) or not by using isActive. The value of isActive will become false once the coroutine job changes its state to Cancelling, Cancelled, or Completed. You can make your coroutine cancelable with isActive with the following approaches:

  • Perform tasks while isActive is true.
  • Perform tasks only if isActive is true.
  • Return or throw an exception if isActive is false.

Another function you can also use is Job.ensureActive(). It will check whether the coroutine job is active, and if it’s not, it will throw CancellationException.

Here’s an example of how you can make your coroutine cancelable with isActive:

class SensorActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    private val scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO)
    private lateinit var job: Job
    private fun processSensorData() {
        job = scope.launch {
            if (isActive) {
                val data = fetchSensorData()
    fun stopProcessingData() {

The coroutine in the processSensorData function will check whether the job is active and will only proceed with the task if the value of isActive is true.

Another way to make your coroutine code cancelable is to use suspending functions from the kotlinx.coroutines package, such as yield or delay. The yield function yields a thread (or a thread pool) of the current coroutine dispatcher to other coroutines to run.

The yield and delay functions already check for cancelation and stop the execution or throw CancellationException. Thus, you no longer need to manually check for cancelation when you are using them in your coroutines. Here’s an example using the preceding code snippet, which has been updated with suspending function delay to make the coroutine cancelable:

class SensorActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    private val scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO)
    private lateinit var job: Job
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    private fun processSensorData() {
        job = scope.launch {
            delay (1_000L)
            val data = fetchSensorData()
    fun stopProcessingData() {

The delay suspending function will check whether the coroutine job is canceled and will throw CancellationException if it is, making your coroutine cancelable.

Let’s learn how to implement a coroutine cancelation for an Android project in the next section.

Exercise 3.01 – canceling coroutines in an Android app

In this exercise, you will work on an application that uses a coroutine that slowly counts down from 100 to 0 and displays the value on TextView. You will then add a button to cancel the coroutine to stop the countdown before it reaches 0:

  1. Create a new project in Android Studio. Don’t change the suggested name of MainActivity for the activity.
  2. Open the app/build.gradle file and add the dependency for kotlinx-coroutines-android:

    implementation ‘org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-


This will add the kotlinx-coroutines-core and kotlinx-coroutines-android libraries to your project, allowing you to use coroutines in your code.

  1. Open the activity_main.xml layout file and add an id attribute to TextView:










        tools:text="0" />

The id attribute will allow you to change the content of this TextView later.

  1. Open the MainActivity file. Add the following properties to the MainActivity class:

    private val scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main)

    private?var job: Job? = null

    private lateinit var textView: TextView

    private var count = 100

  2. The first line specifies the scope for the coroutine, CoroutineScope, with Dispatchers.Main as the dispatcher. The second line creates a job property for the coroutine job. The textView property will be used to display the countdown text and count initializes the countdown to 100. In the onCreate function of the MainActivity file, initialize the value for TextView:

    textView = findViewById(

You will update this textView with the decreasing value of value later.

  1. Create a countdown function that will do the counting down of the value:

    private fun countdown() {


        textView.text = count.toString()


This decreases the value of count by 1 and displays it on the text view.

  1. In the onCreate function, below the textView initialization, add the following to start the coroutine to count down the value and display it on the text view:

    job = scope.launch {

        while (count > 0) {





This will call the countdown function every 0.1 seconds, which will count down and display the value on the text view.

  1. Run the application. You will see that it slowly counts down and displays the value from 100 to 0, similar to the following:

Figure 3.2 – The app counting down from 100 to 0

Figure 3.2 – The app counting down from 100 to 0

  1. Open the strings.xml file and add a string for the button:

    <string name="stop">Stop</string>

You will use this as the text for the button to stop the countdown.

  1. Go to the activity_main.xml file again and add a button below TextView:









            app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="@id/textView" />

This will add a Button below TextView. The button will be used to stop the countdown later.

  1. Open MainActivity and after the job initialization, create a variable for the button:

    val button = findViewById<Button>(

This button, when tapped, will allow the user to stop the countdown.

  1. Below that, add a click listener to the button that cancels the job:

    button.setOnClickListener {



When you click the button, it will cancel the coroutine.

  1. Run the application again. Tap on the STOP button and notice that the counting down stops, as shown in the following figure:
Figure 3.3 – Clicking the STOP button cancels the coroutine

Figure 3.3 – Clicking the STOP button cancels the coroutine

Tapping on the STOP button cancels the coroutine with the job.cancel() call. This works because the coroutine is using the suspending delay function, which checks whether the coroutine is active or not.

In this exercise, you have worked on adding code to cancel a running coroutine in an Android app by tapping on a button.

There may be instances where you want to continue work even if you have canceled the job. To ensure the tasks will be done even if the coroutine is canceled, you can use withContext(NonCancellable) on the task.

In this section, you learned how to cancel coroutines and how to make sure your coroutine code is cancelable. You will learn how to handle coroutine timeouts in the next section.

Managing coroutine timeouts

In this section, you will learn about timeouts and how you can cancel your coroutines with a timeout. Setting a fixed amount of time after which to stop asynchronous code that is running longer than expected can help you save resources and immediately notify users of any issues.

When your application is doing a background task, you may want to stop it because it is taking too long. You can manually track the time and cancel the task. Or you can use the withTimeout suspending function. With the withTimeout function, you can set your timeout in milliseconds or Duration. Once this timeout is exceeded, it will throw TimeOutCancellationException, a subclass of CancellationException. Here’s an example of how you can use withTimeout:

class MovieViewModel: ViewModel() {
    init {
        viewModelScope.launch {
            val job = launch {
                withTimeout(5_000L) {

A timeout of 5,000 milliseconds (5 seconds) has been set for the coroutine. If the fetchMovies task takes longer than that, the coroutine will time out and throw TimeoutCancellationException.

Another function you can use is withTimeoutOrNull. It is similar to the withTimeout function, but it will return null if the timeout was exceeded. Here’s an example of how you can use withTimeoutOrNull:

class MovieViewModel: ViewModel() {
    init {
        viewModelScope.launch() {
            val job = async {
            val movies = withTimeoutOrNull(5_000L) {

The coroutine will return null if fetchMovies times out after 5 seconds, and if not, it will return the list of movies fetched.

As you learned in the previous section, the coroutine must be cancelable so that it will be canceled after the timeout. In the next section, you will learn how to handle the cancelation exception from coroutines.

In this section, you have learned about coroutine timeouts and how you can set an amount of time after which to automatically cancel a coroutine.

Catching exceptions in coroutines

In this section, you will learn about coroutine exceptions and how to handle them in your application. As it is always possible that your coroutines will fail, it is important to learn how to catch exceptions so that you can avoid crashes and notify your users.

To handle exceptions in your coroutines, you can simply use try-catch. For example, if you have a coroutine started with a launch coroutine builder, you can do the following to handle exceptions:

class MovieViewModel: ViewModel() {
    init {
        viewModelScope.launch() {
            try {
            } catch (exception: Exception) {

If fetchMovies has an exception, ViewModel will write the exception message to the logs.

If your coroutine was built using the async coroutine builder, the exception will be thrown when you call the await function on the Deferred object. Your code to handle the exception would look like the following:

class MovieViewModel: ViewModel() {
    init {
        viewModelScope.launch() {
            val job = async {
            var movies = emptyList<Movie>()
            try {
                movies = job.await()
            } catch (exception: Exception) {

If an exception is encountered while the fetchMovies call is running, the movies list will be an empty list of movies, and ViewModel will write the exception message to the logs.

When a coroutine encounters an exception, it will cancel the job and pass on the exception to its parent. This parent coroutine will be canceled, as well as its children. Exceptions in the child coroutines will not affect the parent and its sibling coroutines if you use SupervisorJob as follows:

  • Creating the coroutine scope with the suspending supervisorScope{} builder
  • Using SupervisorJob for your coroutine scope: CoroutineScope(SupervisorJob())

If the exception of your coroutine is a subclass of CancellationException, for example, TimeoutCancellationException or a custom one you pass to the cancel function, the exception will not be transmitted to the parent.

When handling coroutine exceptions, you can also use a single place to handle these exceptions with CoroutineExceptionHandler. CoroutineExceptionHandler is a coroutine context element that you can add to your coroutine to handle uncaught exceptions. The following lines of code show how you can use it:

class MovieViewModel: ViewModel() {
    private val exceptionHandler =
      CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, exception ->
    private val scope = CoroutineScope(exceptionHandler)

The exceptions from the coroutines started from the scope will be handled by exceptionHandler, if it’s not handled wherever an error could occur, which will write the exception message to the logs.

Let’s try to add code to handle exceptions in your coroutines.

Exercise 3.02 – catching exceptions in your coroutines

In this exercise, you will continue working on the application that displays on TextView a number from 100 and slowly decreases it down to 0. You will be adding code to handle exceptions in the coroutine:

  1. Open the countdown app you built in the previous exercise.
  2. Go the MainActivity file and at the end of the countdown function, add the following to simulate an exception:

    if ((0..9).random() == 0) throw Exception("An error


This will generate a random number from 0 to 9 and if it’s 0, it will throw an exception. It will simulate the coroutine encountering an exception.

  1. Run the application. It will start to count down and some point later, it will throw the exception and crash the app.
  2. Surround the code in your coroutine with a try-catch block to catch the exception in the app:

    job = scope.launch {

        try {

            while (count > 0) {




        } catch (exception: Exception) {




This will catch the exception from the countdown function. The app will no longer crash but you will need to inform the user about the exception.

  1. Inside the catch block, replace //TODO with Snackbar to display the exception message:

    Snackbar.make(textView, exception.message.toString(),


This will display a snackbar message with the text An error occurred, which is the message of the exception.

  1. Run the application again. It will start to count down but instead of crashing, a snackbar message will be displayed, as shown in the following figure:
Figure 3.4 – Snackbar displayed when the coroutine has encountered the exception

Figure 3.4 – Snackbar displayed when the coroutine has encountered the exception

In this exercise, you updated your application so that it can handle exceptions in the coroutines instead of crashing.

In this section, you have learned about coroutine exceptions and how you can catch them in your Android apps.


In this chapter, you learned about coroutine cancelations. You can cancel coroutines by using the cancel or cancelAndJoin function from the coroutine job or the cancel function from the coroutine scope.

You learned that a coroutine cancelation needs to be cooperative. You also learned how you can change your code to make your coroutine cancelable by using isActive checks or by using suspending functions from the kotlinx.coroutines package.

Then, you learned about coroutine timeouts. You can set a timeout (in milliseconds or Duration) using withTimeout or withTimeoutOrNull.

You also learned about coroutine exceptions and how to catch them. try-catch blocks can be used to handle exceptions. You can also use CoroutineExceptionHandler in your coroutine scope to catch and handle exceptions in a single location.

Finally, you worked on an exercise to add cancelation to a coroutine and another exercise to update your code to handle coroutine exceptions.

In the next chapter, you will dive into creating and running tests for the coroutines in your Android projects.

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