The server

Now we will implement the server, which will perform the task of relaying the messages, as already mentioned. Create a file in the routes folder called sockets.js and insert the following code into it:

var io = require(''), 

exports.initialize = function(server) { 
  io = io.listen(server); 
  io.sockets.on("connection", function(socket){ 
        message: 'Welcome to the most interesting chat room on earth!'})); 
    socket.on('message', function(message){ 
      message= JSON.parse(message); 
      if(message.type == "userMessage"){ 
        message.type = "myMessage"; 

In the first line of code (you must be familiar with this by now), we import the module; we will identify this module by the io variable.

Since works with the communication layer, we need to set it up to listen to the HTTP server. The HTTP server can only be accessed from the main application module, so we have to pass server to our module before our module can do anything. Hence, we export a method called initialize from our module, which will set up the server and also bind all the message handlers:

exports.initialize = function(server) { 
  //work to do

The initialize method will accept the HTTP server object as a parameter. This is required by

  io = io.listen(server);

On the first line of the method, we will pass the server to the module's listen method. The server is an instance of the node HTTP server module; will configure various handlers on this server. This is the only boilerplate code required to set up Next, we need to set up our message handler for messages.

The first event that our server will receive is a new connection from a new client. This is identified by the connection event on the io.sockets object and notifies our application that a new client has opened a new connection and all the protocol negotiation (transparent to us) has been completed and now we have a socket to communicate with this client:

  io.sockets.on("connection", function(socket){ 
  //Add other event handlers to the socket

The connection event handler will be triggered, passing along the socket that was just established. The socket is an event emitter that can trigger different events based on the messages it gets, and we will use this socket also to communicate with the client for which it was created. There are several events exposed, such as the connection event to handle events on the server. Let's take a quick look at these events:

  • io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) {}): Initial connection from a client. The socket argument should be used in further communication with the client.
  • socket.on('message', function(message, callback) {}): The message handler is triggered when a message sent with socket.send is received. The message parameter is the message sent, and callback is an optional acknowledgment function.
  • socket.on('anything', function(data) {}): The anything event can be any event except the reserved events.
  • socket.on('disconnect', function() {}): This event is fired when the socket disconnects.

Now that we have seen how to handle the socket events, let's see how we can send messages from the server to the client:

        message: 'Welcome to the most interesting chat room on earth!'})); 

The socket.send method will send the message on the socket, which will be triggering the message event on the client. The message sent has to be a string, so we will use JSON.stringify to send the data for the message as a string. Here our message has two parts, a type and a message.

One part of our task is over, we are now able to welcome the user. The next task is to handle the user messages when they come in. For this, we set a message event handler on the socket:

  socket.on('message', function(message){ 
      message= JSON.parse(message); 

      if(message.type == "userMessage"){ 
        message.type = "myMessage"; 

Just like any other event connector, socket.on will take two parameters, namely the event to handle and the event handler for it. In this case, unlike the io.sockets.on event, this event handler will receive the message as the parameter and not the socket.

Since the message is a string, we will parse the message's JSON string to create a message object. If this is a message sent by the user, this message will be of the type userMessage, and that is what we check.

Now, we have to send out this message to all the connected users. For this, provides us with a broadcast object. When we send the message using the broadcast object, it will be sent to all the clients that are connected, except to the one for which this socket was created. The syntax for sending the message here is the same; the difference is that it is called on the broadcast object, referred to as message flags in, instead of the socket itself.

Also, we want to send back the same content to the client that sent this message, but just change the type to myMessage. For this, we send the message directly on the socket.

That's it. We have written the code for the server; but now we have to actually initialize this server. To do this, modify the server creation in app.js to set the server variable, as shown in the following code snippet:

var server = http.createServer(app).listen(app.get('port'),
    console.log("Express server listening on port " + app.get('port')); 

Now that we have modified the HTTP server, we can call the socket module's initialize method, passing this server as a parameter to it. Add the following line to the end of app.js:

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