acceptance testing Fig. 2.2, 1617, 42, 46, 5152, 150

ad hoc testing 85, 126

Agile development methodologies 18, 44, 146

and fundamental test process 2425

and test tools 187, 196

alpha testing 52

analytical approaches 151

audit trails 64

see also traceability

authors 67

baselining 153154

beta testing 52

big-bang integration 47

black-box techniques see specification-based techniques

bottom-up integration Fig. 2.5, 4849

boundary value analysis 8991

builds 186

burn-down charts 25

business rules 9192

Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) assessment 212

capture playback tools 193194

Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL)

examination structure 223224

examination technique 227

levels of understanding 23

purpose 12

question types 224226

revision 227228

sample paper 227

syllabus 24

CFGs see control flow graphs (CFGs)


maintenance testing 5455

regression testing 19, 2223, 25, 44, 54, 55

retesting 15, 2223, 54, 55

traceability 44, 185

checklists 67, 69

cloud storage 178


control flow graphs Figs. 4.84.9, 107109

flow charts Figs. 4.44.7, Fig. 4.10, 103105, 111

instrumentation 198

program structures 101103

pseudo 100

reviewing 62

static analysis 7173

see also structure-based techniques; work-products

code of ethics 2728

communication 27, 63

comparators Tab. 6.5, 177, 192193

compilers 7273, 189

completion criteria

coverage measures as 83

defining 13, 21

see also exit criteria

component integration testing 49

component testing Fig. 2.2, 42, 46, 150

configuration management 148, 168

configuration management tools Fig. 6.3, Tab. 6.1, Tab. 6.5, 186187, 188

confirmation testing see retesting

consultative approaches 151

contract acceptance testing 52

control flow graphs (CFGs) Figs. 4.84.9, 107109

simplified Figs. 4.154.18, 100, 121125

see also hybrid flow graphs

control flow models 53

control structures Fig. 2.4, 47

see also program structures

conversion testing 55

cost escalation model Fig. 1.3, Tab. 1.1, 17, 41


of errors Fig. 1.3, Tab. 1.1, 17

reducing 63, 178, 195

test tools Fig. 6.1, Fig. 6.4, 177, 196, 203, 214215

coverage see test coverage

coverage measurement tools Tab. 6.5, 198199

CTFL see Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL)

cyclical development models see iterative development models

dashboards Fig. 5.3, 160

data-driven testing 194

data quality assessment tools 204


in test tools 178, 183, 184

use in testing 189, 191

debugging 14

debugging tools 46, 189

decision coverage 117121

decision table testing 9194

decision testing Fig. 4.14, 117121

decisions see iteration structures; selection structures

defect lists 127

defect management tools see incident management tools

defects 15, 72

causes Fig. 1.1, 910

clustering 18

early identification 17, 6263, 71, 189

finding by performance testing 202

finding by reviews 63

finding by static analysis 72, 189

and quality 1213

raising constructively 27

see also errors

design see test design


modelling tools Tab. 6.5, 189190

pair programming 69

as testers Tab. 5.1, 14, 26, 4344, 46, 145

use of test tools Tab. 6.5


baselining 153154

test plans Fig. 5.2, Tab. 5.2, 152155

see also reviews; specifications; work-products

drivers 49, 196

dynamic analysis tools Tab. 6.5, 200201

dynamic approaches 151

Dynamic Systems Development Methodology (DSDM) 44

dynamic testing 14

early testing 1618

entry criteria

reviews 65

test activities 156157

equivalence partitioning 8789

‘error–defect–failure’ cycle 17

error guessing 126127


absence of 19

clustering 18

costs of Fig. 1.3, Tab. 1.1, 17

effects Fig. 1.1, 910

see also defects

‘errors of migration’ 17

estimation, test 157159

ethics 2728

events 95


question types 224226

revision 227228

sample paper 227

structure 223224

technique 227

executable statements 101, 105

testing Figs. 4.104.13, 110117

execution postconditions 80

execution preconditions 80

execution, test see test execution

exhaustive testing 11, 16

exit criteria

evaluating 23

reviews 65, 67

test activities 157

see also completion criteria

experience-based techniques 84, 85, 126127

expert-based estimation 157, 158

exploratory testing 127, 151, 194

factory acceptance testing 51

failure lists 127

failure, software 810

fault attack 127

field testing 52

flow charts Figs. 4.44.7, Fig. 4.10, 103105, 111

formal reviews Fig. 3.1, 6467, 6970

Foundation Certificate see Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL)

FTP see fundamental test process (FTP)

functional requirements 50

functional specifications Figs. 2.12.2, 42, 4950

functional testing 53, 127

fundamental test process (FTP) Figs. 1.41.5, 2025

heuristic approaches 151

high-complexity measures 71

hybrid flow graphs Figs. 4.104.13, 111, 113

impact analysis 55


of test tools Fig. 6.6, 212219

see also test execution

incident management 22, 165167

incident management tools Fig. 6.3, Tab. 6.5, 177, 183185

incident reports Fig. 5.4, Tab. 5.4, 166167

incremental development models see iterative development models

independent testing Fig. 5.1, Tab. 5.1, 145146

informal reviews 6869

inspections 66, 6970

tools for 187188

instrumentation code 198

integration strategies

big-bang integration 47

bottom-up integration Fig. 2.5, 4849

top-down integration Fig. 2.4, 4748

integration testing Fig. 2.2, 42, 4649, 150


between tools 179

see also integration testing

International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) 1

interoperability testing 53

‘invalid’ transitions 95

ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 Software Testing 34

iteration structures 101, 102103

decision testing 117121

visual representations Fig. 4.6, Fig. 4.16, 107

iterative development models Fig. 2.3, 4344

keyword-driven testing 194

lessons learned 24, 216

limited entry decision table 92

linear development models

V-model Fig. 2.2, 4143

waterfall model Fig. 2.1, 3940

load generators 202

load testing tools Tab. 6.5, 202203

loops 101, 102103

decision testing 117121

visual representations Fig. 4.6, Fig. 4.16, 107

maintenance testing 5455

management information 178, 183, 184


review 67

test 28, 143, 148149

master test plan Fig. 5.2, Tab. 5.2, 152, 153155

maturity, organisational 212

menu structure models 53

methodical approaches 151


coverage 83

incident reports Fig. 5.4, Tab. 5.4, 166167

reviews 6667

static analysis 71

test progress Figs. 5.35.4, 160

test summary reports Tab. 5.3, 23, 163164

from test tools 178, 183, 185

metrics-based estimation 157, 158

migration 55

model-based approaches 151

modelling tools Tab. 6.5, 189190

moderators 65, 67, 69

monitoring see test progress monitoring

monitoring tools 203204

non-executable statements 101, 105

non-functional failures 12

non-functional requirements 50

non-functional testing 53

non-valid inputs 83, 8788

‘null’ transitions 95

open source tools 178, 213

operational acceptance testing 5152, 150

organisational maturity 212

pair programming 69

Pareto principle 18

partitions 8789

payback models, test tools Fig. 6.1, Fig. 6.4, 177, 196

performance models 53

performance testing tools Tab. 6.5, 202203


reviews 6465, 67, 69, 70

test managers 28, 143, 148149

see also developers; testers

pilot projects 215

plain language specifications 53

planning see test planning

plans, test Fig. 5.2, Tab. 5.2, 152155

preventative test approach 150

prioritisation 13

process-compliant approaches 151

process flows 53

process improvement 164, 166, 184

product risks 143144

program specifications Figs. 2.12.2, 42, 46

program structures 101103

control flow graphs Figs. 4.84.9, 107109

decision testing Fig. 4.14, 117121

flow charts Figs. 4.44.7, Fig. 4.10, 103105, 111

see also structure-based techniques

progress data 160

progress monitoring Figs. 5.35.4, 159160

project management 143, 148

project risks 142143

project test plan see master test plan

proofs of concept 213214

prototyping 44

pseudo code 100

psychology of testing 2627

quality Fig. 1.2, 12

Rapid Application Development (RAD) 44

Rational Unified Process (RUP) 44

reactive test approach 150

record tools 193194

regression-averse approaches 151

regression testing 19, 2223, 25, 44, 54, 55

test tools for 193, 195, 196

regulation acceptance testing 52


incident Fig. 5.4, Tab. 5.4, 166167

test summary Tab. 5.3, 23, 163164

from test tools 183

requirement specifications Figs. 2.12.2, 1617, 42, 51


changes to 185

functional 50

non-functional 50

of test tools 212213

requirements management tools Fig. 6.3, Tab. 6.5, 185186

resources, triangle of Fig. 1.2, 12

response times 202

retesting 15, 2223, 54, 55

review leaders 65, 67, 69

review process support tools Tab. 6.5, 187188

reviewers 6465, 67, 69, 70

reviews 17, 60, 6263

formal Fig. 3.1, 6467, 6970

formality level Fig. 3.2, 6364

objectives 64

process 6367

roles and responsibilities 6465, 67, 69, 70

success factors 7071

tools for Tab. 6.5, 187188

types Fig. 3.2, 6870

rework 17, 66

risk 11, 19, 142

product risks 143144

project risks 142143

of test tools 177, 179

risk-based testing 144

risk management 144145

root cause analysis 72

safety-critical systems 81, 126, 146, 152

test tools for 191, 198, 201

scribes 67, 69

scripts, test 80, 193195

see also test design

Scrum 44

SDLC see software development life cycle (SDLC)

security testing 19

security testing tools Tab. 6.5, 199200

security threat models 53

selection structures 101, 102

decision testing Fig. 4.14, 117121

visual representations Fig. 4.5, Fig. 4.7, 107

sequence structures Fig. 4.4, 101102

sequential development models see linear development models

simplified control flow graphs Figs. 4.154.18, 100, 121125

site acceptance testing 51

software compilers 7273, 189

software development life cycle (SDLC) 1617, 37

costs of errors during Fig. 1.3, Tab. 1.1, 17

iterative models Fig. 2.3, 4344

maintenance testing 5455

test types 5254

V-model Fig. 2.2, 4143, 45

waterfall model Fig. 2.1, 3940

see also test levels

software failure 810

software models 71

source code see code

specification-based techniques 8486

boundary value analysis 8991

decision table testing 9194

equivalence partitioning 8789

state transition testing Figs. 4.14.2, 9498

use case testing Fig. 4.3, 9899


functional Figs. 2.12.2, 42, 4950

plain language 53

program Figs. 2.12.2, 42, 46

requirement Figs. 2.12.2, 1617, 42, 51

technical Figs. 2.12.2, 42

test procedure 80

see also reviews

stand-up meetings 25

standard-compliant approaches 151

standards, testing 34

state tables (ST) Tab. 4.1, 95, 9697

state transition models 53

state transition testing Figs. 4.14.2, 9498

statement coverage 110117

statement testing Figs. 4.104.13, 110117

static analysis 7173

static analysis tools Tab. 6.5, 7273, 188189, 191

static testing 14, 60

static analysis 7173

test tools for Tab. 6.5, 7273, 187189, 191

see also reviews

stochastic testing 151


test 150152

see also integration strategies

stress testing tools Tab. 6.5, 202203

structural testing 53

structure-based techniques 84, 100, 126, 127

decision testing Fig. 4.14, 117121

simplified control flow graphs Figs. 4.154.18, 100, 121125

statement testing Figs. 4.104.13, 110117

stubs 48, 196

system integration testing 49

system operators 150

system testing Fig. 2.2, 42, 46, 4950, 150

technical reviews 69

technical specifications Figs. 2.12.2, 42

test analysis 2122, 25

test analysts see testers

test approaches 150152

test automation 54

test basis 45, 85, 190

test cases 21, 80, 190191

see also test design

test charters 127

test closure activities 24, 25

test comparators Tab. 6.5, 177, 192193

test conditions 21, 80

see also test design

test control 21, 2425, 164165

test coverage 83, 126, 127

decision 117121

measurement tools Tab. 6.5, 198199

statement 110117

test data preparation tools Tab. 6.5, 178, 191192

test design 2122, 45, 77

in Agile development 25

choosing techniques 127128

experience-based techniques 84, 85, 126127

technique categories 8485

test development process 7983

see also specification-based techniques; structure-based techniques

test design tools Tab. 6.5, 190191

test-driven development 43, 46

test environments

setting up 149

and test tools 179

test estimation 157159

test execution 14, 20, 2223

test execution schedules 83

test execution tools Fig. 6.3, Fig. 6.4, Tab. 6.5, 193196

test executors see testers

test frames 190

test harnesses Fig. 6.5, Tab. 6.5, 178, 196198

test implementation see test execution

test leaders 28, 143, 148149

test-level plans Fig. 5.2, Tab. 5.2, 152155

test levels 4546

acceptance testing Fig. 2.2, 1617, 42, 46, 5152, 150

integration testing Fig. 2.2, 42, 4649, 150

system testing Fig. 2.2, 42, 46, 4950, 150

unit testing Fig. 2.2, 42, 46, 150

test management information 178, 183, 184

test management tools Fig. 6.3, Tab. 6.5, 182183

test managers 28, 143, 148149

test oracles Tab. 6.5, 178, 191

test planning Fig. 2.2, 21, 42, 152157

activities 155156

in Agile development 2425

entry criteria 156157

exit criteria 157

test plans Fig. 5.2, Tab. 5.2, 152155

test procedure specifications 80

test process improvement 164, 166, 184

Test Process Improvement (TPI) assessment 212

test progress monitoring Figs. 5.35.4, 159160

test reporting Tab. 5.3, 23, 163164

test scripts 80, 193195

see also test design

test strategies 150152

test summary reports Tab. 5.3, 23, 163164

test tasks 147150

test tools 175

benefits 177, 178, 195196

classification of 181182

configuration management Fig. 6.3, Tab. 6.1, Tab. 6.5, 186187, 188

costs Fig. 6.1, Fig. 6.4, 177, 196, 203, 214215

coverage measurement Tab. 6.5, 198199

data quality assessment 204

definition 177

dynamic analysis Tab. 6.5, 200201

evaluating 213214

implementation process Fig. 6.6, 212219

incident management Fig. 6.3, Tab. 6.5, 177, 183185

interfaces between 179

maintenance 179

modelling Tab. 6.5, 189190

monitoring 203204

open source 178, 213

other software tools 205206

payback models Fig. 6.1, Fig. 6.4, 177, 196

performance testing Tab. 6.5, 202203

proofs of concept 213214

requirements management Fig. 6.3, Tab. 6.5, 185186

review process support Tab. 6.5, 187188

risks 177, 179

security testing Tab. 6.5, 199200

static analysis Tab. 6.5, 7273, 188189, 191

success factors 215216

test comparators Tab. 6.5, 177, 192193

test data preparation Tab. 6.5, 178, 191192

test design Tab. 6.5, 190191

test execution Fig. 6.3, Fig. 6.4, Tab. 6.5, 193196

test harnesses Fig. 6.5, Tab. 6.5, 178, 196198

test management Fig. 6.3, Tab. 6.5, 182183

test oracles Tab. 6.5, 178, 191

usability test 204205

vendors 179, 213, 214215


code of ethics 2728

developers as Tab. 5.1, 14, 26, 4344, 46, 145

experience-based techniques 84, 85, 126127

independent Fig. 5.1, Tab. 5.1, 145146

tasks 149150

use of test tools Tab. 6.5

see also reviewers; test managers


early 1618

exhaustive 11, 16

nature and purpose 1415

principles 1519

psychology of 2627

stopping 13, 83

types 5254

see also individual testing types

testing standards 34

testware, traceability 148, 168, 187

time-boxes 43

timescales see test estimation

tools see test tools

top-down integration Fig. 2.4, 4748


configuration management Tab. 6.1, 148, 168, 187

in iterative development 44

requirements changes 185

in reviews 64, 187

of test cases 81

testware 148, 168, 187

transaction times 202

transitions 9495

Unified Modeling Language (UML) 71, 189

unit test framework tools see test harnesses

unit test frameworks 46

unit testing Fig. 2.2, 42, 46, 150

usability models 53

usability test tools 204205

usage patterns 202

use case testing Fig. 4.3, 9899

user acceptance testing 51

user representatives 43, 51

user stories 44, 62

V-model Fig. 2.2, 4143, 45

see also test levels

valid inputs 83, 8788

validation 41

vendors, test tools 179, 213, 214215

verification 41

walkthroughs 69

waterfall model Fig. 2.1, 3940

web-based tools 178, 187

white-box techniques see structure-based techniques

Wide Band Delphi approach see expert-based estimation

work-products 16, 37, 4041, 42

see also reviews

XML (Extensible Markup Language) 179

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