
#wreckOfHope (Leyokki): dealing with motion 297–301; motion and narration 309–313; motion score for 295–314; as starting point 295–296; writing motions 301–306

“(Re)Diffusion” (Galea) 88–89, 89


1Hz by 0101 (Rüdiger and Carl) 73, 76, 79, 167–169

‘3 Recurring’ (Plaid) 352

3TrinsRGB+1 video synthesiser 194

18 Happenings in 6 parts (Kaprow) 332


AANAATT (Hattler) 201

Abe, Shuya 196

Abstronic 197

‘acousmatic’ 127

action space 56

Adamski, Przemek 201

adhesion 123

Adorno, Theodor W. 150, 295

Adventures of Robin Hood, The (Curtiz) 156

Adventures of Tintin, The (Spielberg) 157

aerophones 318, 320

Aerosmith 190

affect 116–118, 133–138

agglutination principles 16

Ahn, Chang Wook 265

Alexandrov, Grigori 122

algorithmic aleatoricism 287–288, 292

A-li-ce 169–171

All Things Fall (Collishaw) 202

Alocas (Harris) 284, 285–288, 291–292

Alphabet (Forsythe and Kaiser) 338

Alves, Bill 8, 282

Amacher, Maryanne 290

Amarok (Oldfield) 353

Anadol, Refik 358

anchoring synchresis (instantaneous AVU) 20

ancient Greek Pythagoreans 32

ant-colony-inspired generative art 265

anticipatable movement 75–76

Apophenic Transmission (Pedersen/Chailight Productions) 112–16, 112, 113, 114, 115, 118

Arabesque (Whitney) 125

Arcimboldo 319

Arduino 194

Arduino (‘physical computing’ platform) 194, 321, 327

Are We Doing Right? (Embolex) 165–167

Aristotle 121

Arnheim, Rudolf 128

ars-relais 249–250

art documentaire, Un (Caillet and Pouillaude) 163

Artist, The (Hazanavicius) 154

asynchronism 123, 130, 148

Atonal festival 199

atonality 38, 367

Audiopaint 351

Audio-Vision (Chion) 122, 211

audiovisual adhesion 120, 129–130

Audiovisual Breakthrough (Mey) 283

audiovisual contract 18

audiovisual documentary performances: concept of 161, 174–175; examples 165–171; as practice 163–165; sensory experience 171–174

audiovisual Gestalts (AV). 78–79

audiovisual instruments: biofeedback methods 316–318; concept of 318–320; human body as 320–329; Mindscape (Robles-Angel) 319; overview of 316–318; Skin (Robles-Angel) 322–325, 324; Web-Mindscape (Robles-Angel) 319, 325–328, 326

audiovisualisation 272–273

audiovisual objects 16–17

audiovisual phrasing 50

audiovisual space: concept of 49; space-time 51–53; temporal frameworks 49–51

audiovisual units (AVUs): concept of 17–18; diegesis 23–25; synchresis 19–21

‘Augmented Tonoscope The’ (Sykes and Lycett) 33

Auroculis (Harris) 283

A U R O R A (Frost) 199

Avant-Doc 161

Avraamov, Arseny 124


Bachelard, Gaston 235–236

Bach, Johann Sebastian 43, 125

‘Backscatter’ (Fox) 197

Bacon, Francis 354

Ballet Mécanique (Léger and Murphy) 377

Bal, Mieke 95

Barbash, Ilisha 172

Barlow, Clarence 349

Barrière, Françoise 2

Barthes, Roland 171

Basanta, Adam 15

Baschet, Bernard 87

Baschet, Francois 87

Basinsky, William 192

Basquiat, Jean-Michel 177

Battey, Bret 45, 127–8, 129

Bauder, Christopher 201

Bayles, Martha 183

BBC Radiophonic Workshop 190–191

beat/metre 74, 86

Becker, Kristi 349

behavioural synchresis (short or medium AVU) 21

being invisible II, On (Rosenboom) 316

Benedek, Laszlo 179

Bennett, Vicki 190

Berger, Jonathan 360

Bergson, Henri 41, 236

Berlin Documentary Forum 163

Berlin Horse (Le Grice) 123, 128

Berlin (Ruttmann) 371

Berlioz, Hector 348

Bernstein, Leonard 147

Bers, Jonas 193–194

Bertoia, Harry 88

Best Years of Our Lives (Wyler) 150

Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz 75

biofeedback methods 316–318

biological metaphors 265

Biomuse (interface) 317

Bird, Steve 11

Birringer, Johannes 332

Björk 215–216

Blank Generation, The (Poe) 178–179

Blaue Reiter (art movement) 38

Blaze (Riley) 355, 356

“Blue Moon” (Presley) 183, 184

“Blues in C Sharp” (Jones) 88

Blum, Tom 317

Boards of Canada 190, 191

‘body schema’ 139

Bokowiec, Mark Alexander 331

Borgo, David 101

Boris Godunov (Mussorgsky) 348

Bornhofen, Stefan 265

Boucher, Myriam 45

Boulez, Pierre 34, 34

Boundas, Constantin 51

Boyle, Francois 250

Braaahm sound 157

Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) 317–318, 322, 325–328

Brakhage, Maryline 237

Brakhage, Stan 141–142, 237, 321

Bristol Experimental Expanded Film (BEEF) 203

brownshoesonly 195

Bücher, Karl 67

Burial 191

Burke, Edmund 134

Burnett, Chester Arthur “Howlin’ Wolf” 184

Burnham, Jack 96

Bute, Mary Ellen 197

Buzsáki, György 321


Cage, John 25, 86, 317, 331, 332

Cahiers du Cinéma (magazine) 234

Caivano, José Luis 360

“Canary Effect” 152–153

Capra, Fritjof 85

Carl, Stefan 73, 167

Carvalho, Ana 164

Cascone, Kim 189

Castaing-Taylor, Lucien 171–172

Castel, Louis-Bertrand 121–122, 319

Castells, Manuel 285

cathode ray tubes 195–197

Celona, Mike 211, 213

Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) 317

Centre for Contemporary Art (CCA) 288

Ceontea, Nick 195

César, Filipa 162

Chagall, Marc 348

CHA/V (Cheap Hacky A/V) project (Bers) 193–194

Chion, Michel 14–15, 18, 50, 66, 79, 122–123, 211, 283

Chladni, Ernest Florens Friedrich 32

Choi, Tae Jong 265

Chopin, Frédéric 182

chordophones 318

Choreutics (Ullmann) 341

Ciclic archives 169–170

cinegraphy 294, 313

cinema art 34

cinema concrète 249–250

Cinematic Virtual Reality (CVR): audible spaces in 211–213; definition of 206–207, 216–217; perception and immersivity in 208–209; space and reality in 210–211, 216–217; viewer attention 213–216

Circuit Bending 192

Clark, Andy 85

Clavecin pour les yeux (Ocular Harpsichord) 319

Clavilux 319

close-synch technique 145–146

Cloud Triptych (Cummings) 354, 354

Clozier, Christian 2

Coagula 351

Coffee and Cigarettes (Jarmusch) 181

Cohen, Annabel J. 15

Cohen, Nell Shaw 350

Cohen-Solal, Robert 250

Collishaw, Matt 202

Collopy, Fred 6

ColorControl 194

Colour Box, A (Lye) 123, 128

colour harpsichord 319

colour-light music projections 41–42

Colour Music 198

colour organs 4–5, 121–122, 319

colour scales 6, 121

colour-tone association 91–92

Composing for the Films (Adorno and Eisler) 150

composite cramming 192–194, 202

Compressed Feedback Synthesis (CFS) 271

Computer Music Journal (journal) 2

Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR) 322

computer video 250

concomitance 18, 50

concrète 250

congruence association model (CAM) 15, 24, 68–69

congruency 72–73

congruent movement synchresis (medium or long AVU) 21

Connolly, James 196

connotative meaning 233–234

Conrad, Tony 201

consonance 6

convergences 5–6

Cooke, Mervyn 156

Cook, Nicholas 50, 365, 368, 378

Cope, Nick 45

Copland, Aaron 146, 153–154

Costello, Brigid 86

Coulter, John 14–15

Counterlines (intermedia setup) 360

counterpoint: applications of 46, 50, 53, 148, 152, 243, 250; audiovisual 377–378; concept of 62; in Estuaries series 263–264, 271–278; fluid 272–278; gestural 268, 272–273, 276–277; glossolalic speech and 120, 130; Lichtspiel Opus 1 368, 377–378; VCMN-assisted 273, 278

Cox, Arne 53, 101

Cracked Ray Tube (Connolly and Evans) 196

Crimson Peak (Del Toro) 155

Critique of Judgement (Kant) 134

Cryptic 289

Cunningham, Chris 189

Cunningham, Merce 25, 331

Cutting, James E. 56

‘Cymatics’ 32


Dance Instruments (Rüdiger) 70

Dance Instruments (Rüdiger and Marciszewski) 71

Dannemberg, Roger B. 8

Danto, Arthur C. 79

Daphnis and Chloe (Ravel) 348

datamatics [ver. 2.0] (Ikeda) 350

‘Dazzling and Blind ing’ (McDonnell) 241

Decasia (Morrison) 201

Deep Web (Bauder and Henke) 201

deepwhitesound (online exhibition platform) 283

defined direction of action 77

deLahunta, Scott 331

Delalande, François 237

Delaunay, Robert 243

Delaunay, Sonia 243

Delaware Road festival 191

delayed synchresis (short AVU) 20

Deleuze, Gilles 52, 86, 134–136, 234, 236, 329

deliberate direction of action 77

De Martinis, Paul 85

Demers, Joanna 285

Dérive 1’ (Boulez) 34, 34

Derrida, Jacques 192

Desailly, Jean 250

Detheux, Jean 43–44

Dewan, Edmon 316

Diagonal-Symphonie (Eggeling) 125

diegesis: concept of 14, 21–23, 50–51; descriptors 23–25; sound 245

Digital Alchemy (McDonnell): complex electric visual/emergence of intense forms on the visual surface 257; concrète to complex electric visual 256–257; discussion 254–260; emergence of form and the construction of a geometric figure 258; emergent forms 259; extended listening 255–256; final surface 259–2560; multi-dimensional surface 257–258; qualities of musical sound of interest 255; surface with multi-dimensional colour block areas 256; vertical lines offset from the centre 259; visual ideas from sounds sounding 255–256

digital failure 189

Digital Harmony (Whitney) 33

direct diegesis (medium or long AVU) 23

direct film technique films 44–45

directionality 14

Direct Sound/Synthetic Sound 202–203

direct synchresis (instantaneous AVU) 19

‘Discorama’ (television programme) 250

Disintegration Loops (Basinsky) 192

dissonance 6, 38, 40, 50, 62, 120, 130, 155–156, 215, 311, 369, 375

documenta 11 162

documentary practices: audiovisual documentary performances 165–171; between cinema and art context 162–163; live audiovisual performance as 163–165; sensory experience 171–174

Doepfer Musiklelektronik 194

Dooley, Kath 213

‘Downtown Dreaming’ (Earp) 357

“Downtown Scene, The” 177–178, 180, 186

“Dresden Dynamo” (Rhodes) 88

Duchamp, Marcel 128

Duel Tones (McDonnell) 254

Duff, Andrew 197

Dulac, Germaine 294

Dvorák, Antonín 295


‘Early Experiments in Hand Drawn Sound’ (Fischinger) 33

Earp, Jeffrey 357

“Easel – Scroll – Films” (Richter) 304

Eaton, Manfred 317

Ecology of the Skin (Rosenboom) 317

eContact (online journal) 284

écoute réduite (reduced listening) 127, 245–246, 361

egalitarian aesthetics 177–180

Eggeling, Viking 4, 31, 40–41, 42, 125, 304, 365, 366

Eidos (Forsythe) 333

ein sehen raus hören (Rüdiger) 74

Eisenstein, Sergei 49, 50, 62, 122–123, 125

Eisler, Hanns 150

Ekman, Rasmus 351

Elder, Bruce 142

‘Electrical Walks’ (Kubisch) 350

electroacoustic 127

‘Electroacoustic Cinema’ 11

electroacoustic music: abstract painting and 39; compositional model for 338; constructing visual music images with 240–260; definition of 3–4, 14; historical pieces of evidence: 2–3; listening process for 9, 254–255; main constituents of 16–17; materials within 58, 62, 232; sonic practices in 284; sonic textures in 46; sound units in 17; studio practices of 13; use of recognisable ‘real’ sounds in 10–11; visual music and 127–128

elektronische Musik 248–249

El Escudo Dos Spark Fun board 327

Elsässer, Thomas 167

embodiment 138–142

Embolex 165–167

Emergency Broadcast Network 190

Emmerson, Simon 338

EMOTIV Insight (interface) 325–327, 325

End Transmission (Hyde) 193, 193

energetic meaning 233–234

Eno, Brian 123

Ensemble Parallax 34, 34

Enwezor, Okwui 162

Epstein, Jean 294

Estuaries series (Battey): discussion 268–70; Estuaries 1 127–128, 263, 269; Estuaries 2 127–128, 263; Estuaries 3 127–128, 129, 263, 264, 271–278, 274–275; fluid audiovisual counterpoint, 273–277; musical technique 270–271; Nelder-Mead method 127–128, 265–267; OptiNelder filter 264–268, 278; variable-coupled map net works (VCMN) approach 270–273, 277–278

étude aux allures (Schaeffer) 250

Eurorack system 195

Evans, Kyle 196

Excitations (Palmer) 318

Expanded Audiovisual Format (EAF): Alocas (Harris) 284, 285–288, 291–292; Auroculis (Harris) 283; case studies 285–292; definition of 281–282; expanded cinema and 283–284; ilsonilus: 1 (Harris) 282–283; pletten (Harris) 282–283; site-adaptive 285, 291–292; site-specific 285–288, 291–292; Visaurihelix (Harris) 284, 287–292

expanded cinema 53, 68, 164, 173, 283–284

expansive objects 71–72

expected synchresis (instantaneous AVU) 20

experimental cinema 4

Experimental Television Centre 195

“explicit synch-points” 145–146

extended listening 245–246, 253–256

extra-diegetic 22


Fantin-Latour, Henri 348

Fearful Symmetry (Glynn) 332

Feldman, Morton 243, 343

Fenderson, Jerobeam 197

Ferrari, Luc 250

FEZ (Vreeland/Disasterpeace) 352–253, 353

Fischinger, Oskar: creation of sound on optical track 124, 260; as early pioneer of experimental cinema 4, 203, 304; Klingende Ornamente 33; modernistic formalist principles espoused by 132; Optical Poem 24; Raumlichtkunst 54; Studie 243–6, 319; Studie Nr. 1 243

Fisher, Mark 192

Five Film Exercises, The (Whitney and Whitney) 125, 319

Flicker, The (Conrad) 201

fluid audiovisual counterpoint, 273–277

form: basic formal elements 34–36; exploring music with visual formations 42–44; independent and autonomous means of expression 38–39; musical means of expression for 36–37; process of making facilitating emergence of 44–45; relation to means of expression 33–34; role of artistic decision-making processes on 39–40; universal language of 40–41; in visual music 30–46

‘formula’ (Aphex Twin) 351, 352

formula (Ikeda) 350

Forsythe, William 333, 338

Foti, Katerina 335, 337, 339, 343–344

Fournel, Nicolas 351

Four Romantic Pieces (Dvorák) 295

Fox, Robin 197, 200

Francoise, Jules 101

Frege, Gottlob 93

Friedrich, Caspar David 295

Frost, Ben 199

Fry, Roger 38–39

‘Fugue in Red’ (Klee) 37, 37

Führerstandsmitfahrt U44 in 360° // DSW21 (einundzwanzig) 209

Funk, Aaron (Venetian Snares) 351

Fusco, A. J. 358

“Fuzz is Your Friend, The” (Mattox) 88


‘Gala’ (van Tonder) 255

Galvanic Skin Interface (GSR) 317, 322–325

Gamblers, The (Morris) 172–174, 173

Gametrak controllers 333–335, 334, 337, 341, 343–344, 345

GCE/MB Games 197

Gernemann-Paulsen, Andreas 327

Gestalt theory 16, 17, 74, 128, 151

gestural counterpoint 268, 272–273, 276–277

gestural surrogacy 102–5

gestural synchresis (short AVU) 20, 21

gesture: affect and 116–118; as analytical framework for visual music 100–105; causality and 232; concept of 58, 62; as disposition of movement 58, 62; as metaphor 237; motivations 230; musical gesture 156, 227, 229, 230–233, 236, 269, 331, 370, 373–374, 376–378; OptiNelder technique 268, 273, 276–278; relationship between texture and 58, 62, 232–233, 276; sound/image relation and 14, 60–61, 231–232, 290; visual gesture 230, 237, 366–367, 369; visual music and 116–18

Ghost Box 190–191

Ghost Dog (Jarmusch) 180–181

ghost synchresis (short or medium AVU) 21

Gieskes, Gijs 194

Glass, Philip 201, 311

Glitch 189, 190, 192

Global Groove (Paik and Godfrey) 188

‘Glorious Midi Unicorn’ (Huang) 354

glossolalic speech: structure of glossolalia 129–130; visual music as form of 120–130

Glynn, Ruairi 332

Godfrey, John 188

Goldberg, Theo 249

GONG (Leister) 52, 55–57

Goodman, Steve 117

Gordon, Michael 201

Gorillaz 211

Gosvig, Christian 250

Grateful Dead, The 198

Grau, Oliver 92

Greenfield, Gary R 265

Green Light Corridor (Nauman) 332

Green, Sam 174

Griffiths, Paul 287, 369

Grohmann, Will 37

Grossberg, Lawrence 51

Groupe de Recherches Musicales (GRM) 250

grouping 16

Guattari, Felix 52

Gubby, Alan 191


Hagener, Malte 167

Hains, Raymond 250

hair-comb 83–85, 94–95, 96

Hamlyn, Nicky 125

haptic experiences 54–56

haptic images 137

Hard World for Small Things (Transport by Wevr) 210

Harris, Debbie 179

Harvestworks Digital Media Art Center 322

Hatari! (Hawks) 146

Hatten, Robert S. 230

Hattler, Max 201

Hauntology 192, 201

Hébert, Pierre 45

Henke, Robert 200–201

Henri, Michel 36

Henriques, Julian 116–117

Herrmann, Bernard 146, 147–148

heterophony 377–378

Hexstatic 190

Hill, Andrew 284

Hill, Gary 195

Hobbs, Jim 284

Hocking, Ralph 195

Holzer, Derek 197

Home Invasion (Hwang) 210–211

horizontal relations 74–76

Hornbostel, Erich M. von 318, 320

Howe, Tim 45

Huang, Andrew 354

Hughes, Lynn 317

Huhtamo, Erkki 85

human body 320–329

Human Bondage, Of (Cromwell) 153, 154

Hume, David 69

Hutt, Michael 266

Hwang, Alex T. 210–211

Hyde, Jo 2, 45


idiophones 318, 320

“if, then, if, then” process 338

Ikeda, Ryoji 350

ilsonilus: 1 (Harris) 282–283

image appropriation 360–361

imagination 233–238

“implicit synch-points” 145

Improvisation Technologies (Forsythe) 333

Inception (Nolan) 157

incongruent diegesis (medium or long AVU) 24–25

Informer, The (Ford) 154

Inland (Gillies) 213

INsideOUT (Robles-Angel) 322

intentionality 238–239

interactive dance: Locus (Jung) 332, 335–340, 336, 340, 344–345; Music Room, The (Jung) 332, 341–345, 342; overview of 331–332; physical restriction as choreographic method 332–335

interface 320

International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) 322

International Electroacoustic Music and Sonic Art Competition 2

International Laser Display Association (ILDA) 199–201

International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) 325

intra-diegetic 22

Intruders (A-li-ce) 169–171, 170

IN TUNE (Teitelbaum) 316

Ireland, David 15

Iwamiya, Shin-ichiro 69


“jackass music” 151–152

Jack, Olivia 351

Jackson, Rickey 210

Jacobs, Ken 201

Jacobs, Lea 150

James, Richard D. (Aphex Twin) 351

Jarmusch, Jim: Coffee and Cigarettes 181; Ghost Dog 180–1; Mystery Train 182–186; Permanent Vacation 180, 184; Year of the Horse, The 180

Jaws (Spielberg) 158

Jeck, Philip 192

Jefferson Airplane 198

Jenny, Hans 32–33

Jensenius, Alexander Refsum 101

Jones, Dave 195

Jones, Jennie 88

Journal rappé (rapped news) 169

Judson Dance Theater 332

Jurassic Park (Spielberg) 157


Kabir Kouba (Boucher) 227, 228, 229, 229, 231–232, 231

Kalinak, Kathryn 54, 148

Kamiya, Joe 316–317

Kandinsky, Wassily 30, 36, 38–40, 366

Kant, Immanuel 134

Kanu belong Keram (Rüdiger) 68

Kaprow, Allan 332

Kapuscinski, Jaroslaw 243, 350, 360

Kastner, Jeffrey 226

Keefer, Cindy 132

Kenny, Megan 105

Kerrins, Mark 54

Keyti (rapper) 169

Kijek, Kasia 201

kinesphere 341, 341

kinetic art 41

kinetic energy 14

King, Chris 195, 197

Klee, Paul 31, 36–37, 42, 134, 141–142, 243

Klif, Ivan 197

Klingende Ornamente’ (Fischinger) 33

Klomp, Karl 193

Knapp, Benjamin 317

Kojima, Kenji 351

Kontrast-Analogie 41

Korngold, Erich Wolfgang 156

Kronos Quartet 174

Krzywinski, Martin 348, 360

Kubisch, Christina 350

Kubota, Shigeto 195

Kunst Hochschule für Medien (KHM) 322

Kupa, Frantisek 133

Kupka, František 243

Kuri Suti Bekar (Barlow) 349

Kvifte, Tellef 318


Labanotation 305, 306

Laban, Rudolf 305, 333, 341–344

Lakshminarayana, Shivakumar 212

Langer, Susanne 117

language 91–4

Laroche, Simon 317

Larsen, Lars 197

Laser Drawing (Novello) 200, 200

Laserium 199

lasers 199–201

Lauke, Karen 290–291

Leacock, Richard 171

Lee, Mike C.-Y. 235

Lefebvre, Henri 58, 116, 285

Legal Nomads 212–213

Le Grice, Malcolm 122, 123, 126, 128

Lehman, Frank 150

Lehmer’s Linear Congruence Formula (LLC) 270

Lehrer, Jonah 233

leitmotiv technique 150

Leman, Marc 101–102

Lemm, David 357

Leviathan (Castaing-Taylor and Paravel) 172

Lewis, Jerry Lee 184

Liaisons (Detheux) 43–44, 44

Lichtspiel Opus 1 (Ruttmann) 319, 366

Lichtspiel Opus 3 (Ruttmann): audiovisual analysis 371–377; musical reading of 365–378; musical score example 370, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376; spatio-temporal characteristics of 366–367

Life for Dance (Laban) 342

light 41–2

Lighthouse, The 289

“Light Music” (Rhodes) 88

Light Music (Rhodes) 124–125, 129

light-plays 41–42

light shows 198–201

Light Surgeons 165–166

Lincoln, Justin 357

Linear Dreams (Reeves) 203

“Line Describ ing a Cone” (McCall) 84

Liquid Spaces – Dynamic Models of Space in Art and Technology (residency project) 322

listening 245–246

Liszt, Franz 243

Li, Ze-Nian 354

location 285, 291–292

Locus (Jung) 332, 335–340, 336, 340, 344–345

London Filmmakers Co-operative 124, 195

London Video Arts 195

‘Look’ (Venetian Snares) 351, 352

L’Orgue Mystique (Tournemire) 348

‘lost future’ 190–192

Lost Weekend, The (Wilder) 155

“Louie, Louie” (Berry) 182

loup en pierre, Le (Barlow) 349, 349

Lucier, Alvin 200, 316, 325

Ludwig, Christian 350

Lumia 198

lumia art 41–42

Luna Series (Battey) 272

Lund, Cornelia 87

Lurie, John 179

Lusted, Hugh 317

LUX Centre 195

Lycett, Ben 33

Lye, Len 45, 123, 128

LZX Industries 195


MacDonald, Scott 161

Machado, Penousal 265

Mâche, François-Bernard 250

Mackintosh, Charles Rennie 289

Mackintosh Tower 289

Magic Flute, The (Mozart) 348

Magnuson, Ann 178

Malec, Ivo 250

Malevich, Kazimir 246–247, 253, 254

Malinowski, Stephen 43, 43

Manning, Erin 87

Mannone, Maria 354

Manovich, Lev 126

Mapplethorpe, Robert 219

Marciszewski, Piotr Temps 70

Marks, Laura 56

Marshmallow Laser Feast 199

Marxhausen, Reinhold Pieper 87–88

Massey, Doreen 51, 57–59

Massumi, Brian 52–53, 55, 59, 138

Mattox, Charles 88

Matyushin, Mikhail 243

Max (computer applica tion) 194, 320, 321, 323

McCall, Anthony 84

McDonnell, Maura 34

McGregor, Wayne 333, 335, 338

McKay, Glenn 198

McLaren, Norman 33, 203, 243

McLaughlin, Cahal 162–163

McLuhan, Marshall 188

meaning: brain as screen 234–235; connotative 233–234; energetic 233–234; imagination and 233–238; intentionality and 238–239; meaning-making 92–94; metaphor and 237–238; symbolism and 237–238

Mechem, Madeline 353–354

media archaeology 203–204

Meigh-Andrews, Chris 88

Meinong, Alexius 94

Melodie der Welt (Ruttmann) 371

membranophones 318

mental images 236–237

Mera, Miguel 154

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 138–139, 141

meta-narrative audiovisual discourse 18

metric synchresis (medium or long AVU) 21

Mey, Adeena 283

Meyer-Eppler, Werner 287, 292

MGMT (pop band) 198, 199

Miceli, Sergio 145

Mickey-Mousing: applications of 157–158, 230; pejorative connotations 146–147; re-evaluation 150, 158; spatial-perceptive function and 150–157; technique of 145–147, 157

middle C 121–122, 124

Miller, Dennis H. 8–9, 45

mimesis 117–118

Mind and Movement (choreographic composition tool) 335

Mindscape (Robles-Angel) 319

Mini Oramics machine 203

Mitchell, Eric 179

modular systems 194–195

Moholy-Nagy, László 33, 41, 133, 243

Moholy-Nagy, Sibyl 141–142

Mondrian, Piet 243

monomedia diegesis (medium or long AVU) 25

mood music 149–150

Mori, Mariko 316

morphology 14

Morricone, Ennio 145

Morrison, Bill 201

Morris, Rosalind 172

Mothers of Invention 198

motion score: adaptions for 3D movie space 305–306; concept of 296–297; extract of 307308; genesis 297–301; Labanotation 305; making motion 297–298; motion and narration 309–313; motion shapes 299; movements in Labanotation 306; movie as starting point 295–296; narration of readability 299–300; non-diegetic synchronisation 300; notes as variations 304; organic growth 300–301; process of making 297–314; relation between motions 298–299; relay 312; sequence four 312–314; sequence three 309–310, 314; sequence two 310–312, 314; stave 303–304; storyboard 302–303; symbols of Labanotation 306; texture 312–313; thinking motion 298–301; timeline 302–303; trigger 311; visual rhythm 312–313; visual stretch 309–311; writing motions 301–306

movement: beat/metre and 74–76; potentiality and 57–61; space-time and 51–53; water 228–229

Movie Drome (Vanderbeek) 188

moving image: phenomenological parameters of 6; sound and 122–125; sound-to-image mappings 7–8

Moving Matter(s) (conference) 332

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 348

Mroué, Rabih 162

Mrugala, David 355, 356–357, 356

Munzter’s stern (Ullmann) 104

music: “Downtown Scene, The” 177–178, 186; film form and 184–186; Glitch aesthetics 189, 190, 192; ideology and 182; Jarmuschian 180–186; light shows and 198–201; modular systems 194–195; sounds 243–245; see also visual music

musical diegesis (medium or long AVU) 24

musical gesture 230–233

musical instruments 318–320

Musical Intentionality (Lee) 235

Music for Solo Performer – for Enor mously Amplified Brain Waves and Percussion (Lucier) 316

Music Room, The (Jung) 332, 341–245, 342

musique concrète 4, 241–242, 245, 248, 250, 252–253, 260

Mussorgsky, Modest P. 348

Mystery Train (Jarmusch) 182–186

“Mystery Train” (Parker) 183

“Mystery Train” (Presley) 183, 184

Mystic Image, The (Walker) 348


‘name’ motifs (Malinowski) 43

Nancarrow, Conlon 365, 368–369, 378

narration 151

narrative storytelling 22

Nash, David 291

Nature (Kastner) 226

Nature Morte (Hobbs) 219, 220–225

Nauman, Bruce 332

Nelder-Mead method 127–128, 265–267

Nelson, Kim 174

neo (alt-) radiophonic territory 190–191

Neruda, Pablo 238

Neurofeed back 317

Newton, Isaac 6, 32, 121

Nicolai, Carsten 351

Nikolais, Alwin 339

Nine Inch Nails 352

Nodewebba 270, 277

Noise (Kijek and Adamski) 201

non-synchronisation 123

North, Alex 156

Notes on Music and Dance (Reich) 332

Novello, Alberto “JesterN” 200

No Wave 178

Nunique Quartet 105


object borders 70–71

object characteristics 70

object dimension 71–72

object parameters 69, 70–72

objet sonore 361

O’Brien, Glenn 179

O’Callaghan, Casey 101, 103, 118

Office de Radiodiffusion-Télévision Française (ORTF) 249

Oldfield, Mike 353

Oliveira, João P. 230, 232–233

on cut synchresis (instantaneous AVU) 19–20

‘One’ (Lemm) 357

OpenEEG (interface) 325

Optical Poem (Fischinger) 24

optical sound 203

optical sound formats (Sanderson) 124

OptiNelder filter 264–268, 278

Oram, Daphne 203, 351, 355

Oramics system 351

Oramics to Electronica (London Science Museum exhibition) 203

Orbison, Roy 184

ORCUS (research centre) 317

Organ Music (Teitelbaum) 316

Ortsbestimmungen: das Dokumentarische zwischen Kino und Kunst (Hohenberg and Mundt) 163

oscillographics 197, 200

‘oscilloscope music’ 350

Oval 189

Ox, Jack 132


Pabón, Consuelo 329

Paik/Abe Video Synthesizer 195

Paik, Nam June 188, 196, 317

Palmer, Michaela 317–318

Pandermali, Natasha 337, 339–340

parametric diegesis (medium or long AVU) 24

parametric mapping 7–8, 24, 100, 103–104, 112, 128

Paravel, Véréna 172

Parker, Evan 101, 200

Parker, Herman “Junior” 183

Parmegiani, Bernard 250

Pearce, Gail 162–3

Pedagogical Sketchbook (Klee) 141–142

People Like Us (Bennett) 190

Perec, Georges 59

Perkins, Carl 184

Permanent Vacation (Jarmusch) 180, 184

personal space 56

Perversely Interactive System (Hughes and Laroche) 317

Philosophical Enquiry (Burke) 134

phi-phenomenon 75

Phosphor (Henke) 201

Photosounder 351

Piché, Jean 45, 238, 249


place 285

Plaid 352

pletten (Harris) 282–283

Poe, Amos 177–9

“Point and Shoot” (Galea) 90, 90

‘pointillistic trance’ 199

Portishead 190

potentiality 57–61

Potter, Keith 311

Powell, Anthony 209

Prelinger Archive 190

Prendergast, Roy 147

Presley, Elvis 183–184

Prins, Gert-Jan 194

Prometheu (Scriabin) 319

Psychedelic Light Show Preservation Society, 198

Psycho (Hitchcock) 156

Pudovkin, Vsevolod 122–123

punctual objects 71–72

punk movement 178

puredata (modular coding environment) 194

Pythagoras 319


Quadrangle (Sanderson) 126


Raiders of the Lost Ark (Spielberg) 157

Ramoes, The 177

Raster Manipulation Unit, 196

Raumlichtkunst (Fischinger) 54

Ravel, Maurice 348

‘rave voyeurism’ 199

Ray, Nicholas 179, 182

‘real’ sounds 10–11

reference parameters: object parameters 70–72; semantic parameters 69, 76–77; structural parameters 69, 72–74

Reflets (Boucher) 227, 228–229, 228, 232–233, 232

Reich, Steve 201, 332

representation 93

Residue (Miller) 8–9, 9

Retour a la Raison, Le (Man Ray) 377

Return of the Jedi (Marquand) 157

Reynolds, Simon 192

RGB MusicLab 351

Rhodes, Lis 88, 124–125, 129, 203

rhythm: in audiovisual media 67–68; horizontal relations 74–76; Lichtspiel Opus 1 368–369; as meaning-making process 92–94, 97; Mickey-Mousing and 150; notion of 86–87; object parameters 69, 70–72; reference parameters 68–77; semantic parameters 69, 76–77; sound-image-touch relationships 87–89; structural parameters 69, 72–74; as tool of inquiry 66–67; use of hair-comb 83–85, 94–96; vertical relations 72–73; visual 182, 185, 312–313; in visual arts 87–90

rhythmanalysis, 116

Rhythmus 21 (Richter) 88, 125, 126, 366

Richards, Tom 203

Richter, Hans: as early pioneer of experimental cinema 4, 304; exploration of surface 246–247; modernistic formalist principles espoused by 132; relationship to Ruttmann 365–366; Rhythmus 21 (Richter) 88, 125; use of screen space 40–41

Riding, Laura 45

Riding on a Cloud (Mroué) 162

Rieke, Zachariah 357

Rijpma, Johan 201

Riley, Bridget 281, 290, 355, 359

Rimington, Alexander W. 121, 319

Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai A. 122

Riot Ensemble 371

Roaratorio (Cage and Cunningham) 25

Rocco Din, A (Sanderson) 126–127, 127

Rockabilly 182–183

rock and roll 182–183

Romero, Elias 198

Rosenboom, David 316–317

Rothko, Mark 133, 243

Rough Sea (Turner) 135–136, 135, 139–140

Rouzic, Michael 351

Rowan-Hull, Mark 45

Roy, Stéphane 17

Rózsa, Miklós 146, 155

Rubin, Rick 190

Rüdiger, Daniel von 167–169, 172–173

Run DMC 190

Ruskin, John 135

Rutherford, Anne 117

Rutterford, Alex 189

Rutt/Etra Scan Processor 195

Ruttmann, Walter: Berlin 371; as early pioneer of experimental cinema 4; on electroacoustic music 251; Lichtspiel Opus 1 319, 366; Lichtspiel Opus 3 365–378; Melodie der Welt 371; modernistic formalist principles espoused by 132

Ryan, Joel 335


Salter, Salter 331

Sánchez, Javier 360

Saturnz Barz (Spirit House) (Gorillaz) 211

Saxer, Marion 371

Schaeffer, Pierre 122, 127, 245, 249–250, 260

Schoenberg, Arnold 38

Scott Base 360 VR Walkthrough (Powell) 209

Scriabin, Alexander 121–122, 319

Scrimshaw, Will 117

Sea Hawk, The (Curtiz) 156

Sea of Ice (Friedrich) 295

Searle, John 238

sea, The (Neruda) 238

Seed/Tree (Robles-Angel) 321–322

Seeing Sound Conference/Festival 2

SeenSound 99–100, 105

Selznick, David O. 146

semantic parameters 69, 76–77

Send Me Home (LONLEYLEAP) 210

Senni, Lorenzo 199

Sensory Ethnog raphy Lab (SEL) 171–172

Sesonske, Alexander 54

Seven Magnetic Places (Kubisch) 350

Shared Semantic Structural Search Model 69

Sherwin, Guy 124, 203

Shiver and Spine (Alsop) 109–111, 110, 118

Sights & Sounds of a Coffee Plantation by Shivakumar (Lakshminarayana) 212

Signal Culture 195

Silk Chroma (McDonnell) 254

single images 52

Single Origin Laser (Fox) 200

Single Wing Turquoise Bird collective 198

site-adaptive 285–258, 291–292

site-specific 285, 289–293

Skin (Robles-Angel) 322–5, 324

Smalley, Denis 58, 102–103, 230, 232

Smirnov, Andrey 203

Smith, Patti 177

Sobchack, Vivian 54–55

Songs About My Cats (Venetian Snares) 351

sonic logos 116–117

sonified images 348–361

Sorensen, Vibeke 252

Sosnowski, Malwina 75

sound: affect and 116–118; diegesis 22–25; geometric approach to making visible 32–33; mapping to bodily movement 331–345; moving image and 122–125, 127–128; of music 243–245; phenomenological parameters of 7; sonic textures 46, 55–56; sound/image relation and gesture 231–232; sound/image relations in videomusic 13–26; sound-to-image mappings 7–8; synchresis 18–21; synchronised sound 122, 132, 145–147; technologies for playback 245

SOUND/IMAGE (conference/festival) 2–3, 288

Sound in Z (Smirnov) 203

Sound on Screen (Chion) 66

Souriau, Étienne 22

space: in Cinematic Virtual Reality 210–211; egocentric regions of 56; experiential space and touch 53–57; movement and 51–53, 57–61, 62; phenomenological 54–55; potentiality and 57–61; site-specific 291–293; site-specificity and 285; space-time 51–53, 61–62

spatial-perceptive function 150–157

Spectromorphology (Smalley) 230

Stalling, Carl 146

Stan Brakhage and Visual Music, On (Brakhage) 237

“Stardusts” (Marxhausen) 88

“Starry Night, The” (Van Gogh) 84

“Startle Effect” 155–156

Star Wars (Lucas) 150

‘Statement on Sound’ (Eisenstein, Pudovkin and Alexandrov) 122–123

Stefani, Ewan 290–291

Steiner, Max 146–147, 156

Steven Lawrence Gallery 288

stone milker (Björk) 215–216

stop-frame animation 201

Story Without End (Bennett) 190, 191

Stravinsky, Igor 149

“Streamline” (Meigh-Andrews) 88

structuralist film 201

structural parameters 69, 74–76

Studie (Fischinger) 243, 246, 319

Studie Nr. 1 (Fischinger) 243

Studies (Cummings) 355

Studio for Electro-Instrumental Music (STEIM) 335

Study No. 1 (Cummings) 355–357, 359

Study No. 3 (Cummings) 357

Study No. 4 (Cummings) 357

Study No. 5 (Cummings) 357

Study No. 6 (Cummings) 357

Study No. 8 (Cummings) 357, 358

Study No. 9 (Cummings) 357

Study No. 10 (Cummings) 357–358, 358

Study No. 19 (Cummings) 358, 359

Study No. 21 [‘Canon X’] (Nancarrow) 368

Study No. 22 (Cummings) 358–359, 359

Study No. 24 (Cummings) 357

Sturm, Bob L. 360

sublimated diegesis (medium or long AVU) 22, 25

sublime 133–138

SuperEverything* (Light Surgeons) 165–166

surface 246–247

surrogacy 6, 7, 102–105

Sutherland, Ivan 207

Swan Lake (Tchaikovsky) 348

Sweetgrass (Castaing-Taylor and Barbash) 172

Sykes, Lewis 33

symbolism 237–238

symbols 305, 306

Symphonie Diagonale (Eggeling) 41, 42, 366–367

synaesthesic correspondences 6

synch-points 145–147

synchresis: concept of 14, 18, 50, 122; descriptors 18–21; in visual music 104

Synchronator 194

synchronicity 72–73

synchronisation 21, 50, 56–57, 61, 128, 156–157, 167, 193–194, 244, 300, 311–312

synchronised sound 122, 145–147

synthesis 120, 130

synthetic diegesis (medium or long AVU) 23–24


Tagg, Phillip 50

Talking Heads, The 177

tape loops 192

‘tape music’ 248

Tate Modern 124

Taussig, Michael 117, 118

Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich 348

technology 84–85

Teitelbaum, Richard 316

tempo 76

temporal frameworks 49–51

Test Pattern [no 8] (Ikeda) 24

texture: concept of 62; as disposition of movement 58, 62; linearity and 53; as metaphor 237; relationship between gesture and 58, 62, 232–233, 276; sonic texture 46, 55–56; sound/image relation and 60–61; spatial transitions and 53; surface texture 6, 8; in visual art work 35; visual rhythm and 312–313

Thaut, Michael 86

‘The Aesthetics of Failure’ (Cascone) 189

The Brunswick Light Ray Process (BEEF event) 203

Theory of Objects (Meinong) 94

“Theremin Piece” (Mattox) 88

Thompson, Jeffrey 351

Thought Technology Ltd. 317, 323

Thousand Thoughts, A (Green and Bini) 174

Tilton, Roger 171

timbre 251–252

time 87, 92

Tiomkin, Dimitri 156

Toccata and Fugue in D minor (Bach) 43

Tom, Tom the Piper’s Son (Jacobs) 201

‘tone figures’ 32

Tönendes ABC/ABC in Sound (Moholy-Nagy) 33

Tone, Yasanao 189

Tonoscope 32

touch 83

Tournemire, Charles 348

Tower (Nikolais) 339

Traité des objets musicaux (Schaeffer) 26

Tridimensional Music 354

Trip Hop 190

Triptych, May/July 2009 (Cummings) 354–355, 355

Tristan and Isolde (Wagner) 348

Truax, Barry 249

Truth, Dare or Promise (Pearce and McLaughlin) 163

Truth or Dare (Pearce and McLaughlin) 162

Turner, Joseph M. W.: affect and 133–138; sublime and 133–138

Turrell, James 133

TV party (O’Brien) 179


Ufan, Lee 358

Uganda w 360 (Legal Nomads) 212–213

Ullmann, Jakob 104–105

Ulysses Deriding Polyphemus (Turner) 136–137

undefined direction of action 77

Unité Polyagogique Informatique CEMAMu (UPIC) 351

Unitxt (Nicolai) 351

Universelle Sprachte (Eggeling and Richter) 41


Vagues (Boucher) 227, 228, 229, 229, 237–238, 238

Valéry, Paul 164

Vanderbeek, Stan 188

Van Gogh, Vincent 84

van Koolwijk, Bas 194

van Tonder, Cobi 243, 255

Vaporwave 191–192

Varèse, Edgard 3, 53

variable-coupled map net works (VCMN) approach 270–273, 277–278

Variations V (Cage and Cunningham) 331

Varto, Juha 97

Vasulka, Steina 195

Vasulka, Woody 195

vectorisation 50

vector monitors 196–197

Vector Synthesis 199

Vectrex videogame console 197

vertical relations 72–3

Vicente-Sandoval, Dafne 104–105

Video Circuits 195

video-music 249

Vidiot 195

Ville Magnétique, La (Kubisch) 350

Vinyl Requiem (Jeck) 192

Virtual Reality (VR): definition of 206–207; perception and immersivity in 207–209

Visaurihelix (Harris) 284, 287–292

Vishton, Peter M. 56

Visible Evidence Conference 163

vista space 56

visual art 242–243, 246–247

visual bias 148–150

visual music: affect and 116–118, 132–142; Apophenic Transmission (Pedersen/Chailight Productions) 112–116, 112, 113, 114, 115, 118; basic formal elements 34–36; cinema concrète 249; colour of middle C 121–122; colour-tone and mapping approach to 32; computer video 250; concept of 319; constructing images with electroacoustic music concepts 241–242; Digital Alchemy (McDonnell) 254–260; early pioneers of 4–5, 203, 243–246; embodiment and 138–142; exploring music with visual formations 42–44; extended listening and 245–246, 253–256; as form of glossolalic speech 120–130; as form of sounding visual 260; geometric approach to making 32–33; gesture as analytical framework for 100–105; historical context 242–251; independent and autonomous means of expression 38–39; means of expression for visual forms 36–37; moving image in 246–247; musical instruments 319; phenomenal body and 139–140; question of form in 30–46; relation of form to means of expression 33–34; role of artistic decision-making processes on 39–40; role of musical element in 45–46; Shiver and Spine (Alsop) 109–111, 110, 118; sound and moving image in 122–125; sounding visual techniques 251–260; surface and 246–247; technical-led content making and composition methods 248–249; universal language of form 40–41; use of light as material and expression 41–42; visual sonic listening and 253–254; Wind Sound Breath (Burke) 105–109, 106, 107, 108, 118

Visual Music for Ten Voices (Woloshen) 203

“visual symphony” (symphonie visuelle) 294

VJ scene 190

Voegelin, Salomé 101

VOID (Knight-Hill) 59–61, 59

Voyager Space Sounds (Thompson) 351

Vreeland, Rich (Disasterpeace) 352–353


Wagner, Richard 348

Walker, Tom 348

‘Walk This Way’ (Run-DMC and Aerosmith) 190

Walton, Kendall 92

War Horse (Spielberg) 157–158

‘Warning, The’ (Nine Inch Nails) 352

Water and Dreams (Bachelard) 235–236

Waterfront, On the (Kazan) 147

Wave UFO (Mori) 316

Weaving (Kubisch) 350

Weber, Mark “MFO” 198

Web-Mindscape (Robles-Angel) 319, 325–328, 326

Weibel, Peter 320

Wells, Alan 360

Whitehead, Alfred North 117

Whitehead, James (JLIAT) 349

White, Joshua 198, 199

Whitney, James 125, 203

Whitney, John 33, 125–126, 203, 282

Wilfred, Thomas 42, 121, 140, 319

Williams, John 156–158

Wilson-Bokowiec, Julie 331

Wilton, Andrew 136–137

Windowlicker (Aphex Twin) 351

Wind Sound Breath (Burke) 105–109, 106, 107, 108, 118

Winters, Ben 149–150, 156–157

Wishart, Trevor 50, 200

Wittgenstein, Ludwig 93

Wobbulator 196

Wu, Xiaoying 354


Xenakis, Iannis 250, 351

Xuman (rapper) 169


Yarra Bend Park 106

Year of the Horse, The (Jarmusch) 180

Yeo, Woon Seung 360

Youngblood, Gene 284

Young, La Monte 177

Young, Neil 180


Zama Zama Project, The (Morris) 172–173

Zappa, Frank 198

Zimmer, Hans 157

Zizek, Slavoj 184

ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe 321–322

Zomby 191

Zummer, Thomas 234


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