Chapter 2
MIMO System and Channel Models

2.1 MIMO System Model

In wireless communications, a transmitter is communicating with a receiver through free‐space medium. The transmitter is generally called the input as it transmits data into the communication link. The receiver is called the output as it receives transmitted data from the input. Depending on the number of antennas at both transmitter and receiver, several link configurations can be found. The simplest configuration is single‐input single‐output (SISO), where both transmitter and receiver each equipped with single antenna. If the transmitter has more than one antenna and communicates with single antenna receiver, a multiple‐input single‐output (MISO) configuration is conceived. If the receiver has more than one antenna and receives signal from a single antenna transmitter, a single‐input multiple‐output (SIMO) configuration is formed. Finally, if both transmitter and receiver have multiple antennas, a multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) configuration is established.

In Figure 2.1, MIMO system model with c02-i0001 transmit antennas and c02-i0002 receive antennas is depicted.

Schematic illustration of the general multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system model with Nt transmit antennas and Nr receive antennas.

Figure 2.1 General MIMO system model with c02-i0003 transmit antennas and c02-i0004 receive antennas.

This system can be represented by the following discrete time model:


which can be simplified to


where c02-i0005 is the c02-i0006‐length transmitted vector, c02-i0007 is an c02-i0008‐length additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) seen at the receiver input, c02-i0009 is an c02-i0010 MIMO channel matrix representing the path gains c02-i0011 between transmit antenna c02-i0012 and receive antenna c02-i0013, and c02-i0014 is the c02-i0015‐length vector received signal.

The transmitted vector c02-i0016 is created from the source data bit using a MIMO encoder, where arbitrary modulation techniques such as quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), phase shift keying (PSK), or others are used by the MIMO encoder. The noise is generally modeled as a complex Gaussian noise that is temporally and spatially white with zero mean and a covariance matrix of c02-i0017, where c02-i0018, with c02-i0019 denoting the noise power spectral density and c02-i0020 is the channel bandwidth. Also and when comparing systems with different configurations, the total transmit power from any number of transmit antennas is the same and for simplicity assumed to be 1. Therefore, the average signal‐to‐noise‐ratio (SNR) at each receive antenna (c02-i0021), under unity channel gain assumptions, is given by SNR c02-i0022. At the receiver, the optimum maximum‐likelihood (ML) detector can be used to decode the transmitted messages as [111],

where c02-i0023 denotes the estimated transmitted symbol, c02-i0024 is the estimated channel matrix at the receiver, c02-i0025 is the frobenius norm, and c02-i0026 is a possible transmitted vector from c02-i0027, where c02-i0028 is a set containing all possible transmitted vectors combinations between transmit antennas and data symbols.1

The ML decoder in (2.3) searches the transmitted vectors space and selects the vector that is closest to the received signal vector c02-i0029 as the most probable transmitted vector. The closer the two vectors from the set c02-i0030 to each others, the higher the probability of error. Therefore, a better design is to place the vectors as far apart from each other as possible. This can be done also through proper design of the MIMO channel matrix c02-i0031. Also, the computational complexity of encoding and decoding should be practical, systems with higher complexity tends to perform better.

2.2 Spatial Multiplexing MIMO Systems

The first proposed spatial multiplexing (SMX) MIMO system was vertical Bell Labs layered space time (V‐BLAST) system [112]. Later on, horizontal Bell Labs layered space time (H‐BLAST) system was proposed [113]. In these systems, the input data stream is de‐multiplexed into c02-i0032 parallel substreams. Each substream contains an independent data that will be transmitted from a single transmit antenna. In general wireless systems, channel coding and interleaving are generally applied. Based on the applied coding scheme, the different Bell Labs layered space time (BLAST) configurations are named. The H‐BLAST took its name because the channel coding is applied horizontally on each substream. The earlier V‐BLAST scheme called vertical since uncoded data symbol was viewed as one vector symbol. The transmitted streams from multiple transmit antennas are cochannel signals that share the same time and frequency slots. As such, the schemes mainly aim at decorrelating the received signals to retrieve the transmitted data. Each receive antenna observes a superposition of the transmitted signals, and the major task at the receiver is to resolve the inter‐channel interference (ICI) between the transmitted symbols. The optimum solution is to use ML receiver as in (2.3). The ML compares the received signals with all possible transmitted signal vectors that are modified by the channel matrix and selects the optimal codeword. The problem of ML algorithm is the high complexity required to search over all possible combinations. Therefore, initial systems targeted other low complexity receiver such as sphere decoder (SD) algorithm [114] and the multiple variants of it proposed in [115]. The V‐BLAST receiver was another low‐complexity receiver that applies a successive interference cancellation technique with optimum ordering (OR‐SIC). The optimal detection order is from the strongest symbol to the weakest one. The idea is to detect the strongest symbol first. Then, canceling the effect of this symbol from all received signals and detects the next strongest symbol and so on. The process is repeated until all symbols are detected. Details of this scheme can be found in [71, 112].

In this book, SMX MIMO systems will be used as a benchmark system for comparison purposes with SMTs. The ML optimum decoder from (2.3) will be considered.

2.3 MIMO Capacity

Before 1948, it was widely believed that the only way to reduce the probability of error of a wireless communication system was to reduce the transmission data rate for fixed power and bandwidth. In 1948, Shannon showed that this belief is incorrect, and lower probability of error can be achieved through intelligent coding of the information. However, there is a maximum limit of data rate, called the capacity of the channel, for which this can be done. If the transmission rate exceeds the channel capacity, it will be impossible to derive the probability of error to zero [3].

The channel capacity is, therefore, a measure of the maximum amount of information that can be transmitted over the channel and received with no errors at the receiver [25],


where c02-i0033 is the mutual information between the transmitted vector space c02-i0034 and the received vector space c02-i0035 and the maximization is carried over the choice of the probability distribution function (PDF) of c02-i0036.

In an AWGN channel and for SISO transmission of complex symbols, the channel capacity is given by [116],


The ergodic capacity of a SISO system over a slow fading random channel, assuming full channel state information (CSI) at the receiver side only, is given by [25, 116],

where c02-i0037 is the squared magnitude of the channel coefficient, and c02-i0038 is the expectation operator. As the number of receiver antenna increases, the statistics of capacity improves. The capacity, c02-i0039 in (2.6), is often referred to as the error‐free spectral efficiency, or the data rate that can be sustained reliably over the link [4].

In a SIMO system with an c02-i0040 receiver antennas, there exist c02-i0041 various copies of the faded signal at the receiver. If these signals are, on average, the same amplitude, then they may be added coherently to produce an c02-i0042 increase in signal power. Of course, there are c02-i0043 sets of noise that will add together as well. Fortunately, noise adds incoherently to create only an c02-i0044‐fold increase in the noise power. Thus, there is still a net overall increase in SNR by c02-i0045 compared to SISO systems. Following this, the ergodic channel capacity of this system is [117],


where in SIMO system, the channel matrix c02-i0046 can be reduced to an c02-i0047‐length channel vector c02-i0048, and c02-i0049 is the Hermitian operator.

In a MISO system, where the transmitter is equipped with multiple antennas, whereas the receiver has single antenna, a special design of the transmit signal needs to exist for any possible advantages. Without precoding of transmitted data, received data from the multiple antennas will interfere at the receiver input and the capacity will be zero. Special techniques such as space–time coding (STC), repetition coding, and others are used in such topologies. The aim is to create orthogonal transmitted data that can be decoded by the receiver under a total power constraint; i.e. the transmit power is divided among existing transmit antennas. With such precoding, orthogonal signals are transmitted and the channel capacity is [4],


where in the case of MISO channels, c02-i0050 is c02-i0051‐length channel vector.

Having c02-i0052 antennas at the transmitter and c02-i0053 antennas at the receiver results in a MIMO configuration as discussed earlier. The ergodic capacity for a MIMO system over uncorrelated channel paths assuming equal total power transmission as in SISO systems is given by [25, 71, 116, 117],2

In order to interpret (2.9), let c02-i0054 be the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the channel matrix c02-i0055. c02-i0056 and c02-i0057 are unitary matrices. c02-i0058 is a diagonal matrix of c02-i0059 of c02-i0060 with c02-i0061 and c02-i0062 being the positive eigenvalues of c02-i0063. Rewriting (2.9) as

Graphical illustration of ergodic multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) capacity for different antenna configurations. Capacity improves with larger antenna configurations.

Figure 2.2 Ergodic MIMO capacity for different antenna configurations. Capacity improves with larger antenna configurations.

The result of c02-i0064 is a diagonal matrix containing the positive eigenvalues of c02-i0065. The diagonal elements are given by c02-i0066, where c02-i0067 is the rank of the channel matrix. Substituting this in (2.10) and using the identity c02-i0068 for matrices c02-i0069 and c02-i0070 [111], and c02-i0071 simplifies (2.10) to

It is shown in Figure 2.2 that using multiple antennas increases the ergodic capacity. The capacity increases with the increasing number of transmit antennas, receive antennas, or by increasing both of them at the same time.

2.4 MIMO Channel Models

Propagating signals from transmitter to receiver arrives from multipaths and suffer from multipath fading. The combined signals at the receiver are random in nature, and the received signal power changes over a period of time. The propagation channel consists of static or moving reflecting objects, and scatterers that create a randomly changing environment. If the channel has a constant gain and linear phase response over a bandwidth that is greater than the bandwidth of the transmitted signal, it is called flat fading or frequency nonselective fading channel [118]. This specific bandwidth is generally called the Coherence bandwidth and is a statistical measure of the range of frequencies over which the channel can be considered flat.

The movement of the transmitter, receiver, or the surrounding environment results in a random frequency modulation due to different Doppler shifts on each of the multipath components. Hence, a spectral broadening at the receiver side occurs and is measured by the Doppler spread, which is defined as the range of frequencies over which the received Doppler spectrum is not zero [119, 120].

Based on time and frequency statistics, fading channels can be classified into flat and frequency selective according to their time changes and slow and fast according to their frequency variations. These two phenomena are independent and result in the following fading types [121]:

  • Flat slow fading or frequency nonselective slow fading: when the bandwidth of the signal is smaller than the coherence bandwidth of the channel and the signal duration is smaller than the coherence time of the channel. The coherence time is the duration of time in which the channel impulse response is effectively invariant.
  • Flat fast fading or frequency nonselective fast fading: when the bandwidth of the signal is smaller than the coherence bandwidth of the channel and the signal duration is larger than the coherence time of the channel.
  • Frequency selective slow fading: when the bandwidth of the signal is larger than the coherence bandwidth of the channel and the signal duration is smaller than the coherence time of the channel.
  • Frequency selective fast fading: when the bandwidth of the signal is larger than the coherence bandwidth of the channel and the signal duration is larger than the coherence time of the channel.

The propagation environment plays a dominant role in determining the capacity of the MIMO channel. In what follows, several MIMO channel models are discussed.

2.4.1 Rayleigh Fading

The Rayleigh fading distribution is generally considered when the transmitter and receiver have no line‐of‐sight (LOS) [122, 123]. As such, the sum of all scattered and reflected components of the complex received signal is modeled as a zero mean complex Gaussian random process given by c02-i0072. Hence, the phase of the random process c02-i0073 takes an uniform distribution, and is given by


where c02-i0074 if c02-i0075 and zero otherwise. Furthermore, the amplitude takes a Rayleigh distribution given by


where c02-i0076 denotes the set of all positive real numbers.

2.4.2 Nakagami‐c02-i0077 (Rician Fading)

If the transmitter and receiver can see each other through a LOS path, the channel amplitude gain is characterized by a Rician distribution, and the channel is said to exhibit Rician fading [120, 123, 124]. The Rician fading MIMO channel matrix can be modeled as the sum of a LOS matrix and a Rayleigh fading channel matrix as [123],


where c02-i0078 is the Rician c02-i0079‐factor. The Rician c02-i0080‐factor is defined as the ratio of the LOS and the scatter power components. There are two contrasting prototypes of c02-i0081 for a MIMO channel and unipolarized antennas. The first one is a matrix with all elements being one, which can be applied when the distance between the transmit antennas and the receive antennas is much larger than the spacing between the transmit antennas and the receive antennas. The second alternative is for the case when the distance between the transmit antennas and the receive antennas is comparable to the spacing between the transmit antennas and/or the receive antennas. The LOS component of the channel matrix, assuming c02-i0082 for instance, is then given by


Perfect orthogonality of this channel matrix requires specific antenna locations and geometry. Therefore, c02-i0083 is likely only in multibase operations when transmit (or receive) antennas are located at different base stations [111].

In Rician fading channel, the capacity of the MIMO system depends on the value of the Rician c02-i0084‐factor and on the channel geometry. When the value of c02-i0085 is low, the random matrix c02-i0086 has more influence than c02-i0087, resulting in an expression of the MIMO capacity similar to (2.11). However, when the value of c02-i0088 is high, the LOS component of the channel matrix dominates and the capacity depends on the channel geometry of the LOS component. As discussed before, there exist two contrasting prototypes of c02-i0089 for a MIMO channel. The second one, c02-i0090, clearly outperforms the first channel with an increasing c02-i0091‐factor. This is because the second matrix is orthogonal while the first one is rank‐deficient. Hence, the geometry of the LOS component of the channel matrix plays a critical rule in channel capacity at high Rician factor [125].

2.4.3 Nakagami‐c02-i0092 Fading

Nakagami‐c02-i0093 distribution is widely used to describe channels with severe to moderate fading [126128]. The Nakagami‐c02-i0094 channel is a generalized fading channel that includes the one‐sided Gaussian c02-i0095, the Rayleigh fading c02-i0096, and if c02-i0097, the Nakagami‐c02-i0098 fading channel converges to a nonfading AWGN channel. Furthermore, when c02-i0099, the Nakagami‐c02-i0100 can closely approximate the Nakagami‐c02-i0101 (Hoyt) distribution.

The entries of the Nakagami‐c02-i0102 fading channels are modeled as [127]:


where c02-i0103 and c02-i0104 are an identical and independently distributed (i.i.d.) Gaussian random variables with c02-i0105 and c02-i0106 means and c02-i0107 and c02-i0108 variances.

The joint envelope‐phase distribution of the random variable c02-i0109 is given by [127],


where c02-i0110, c02-i0111, and c02-i0112 is the gamma function.

The envelope of the Nakagami‐c02-i0113 channel is given by [127]


and the phase distribution is given by [127]

Assuming c02-i0114 and c02-i0115, the mean and the variance of the Nakagami‐c02-i0116 channel are then given by


The joint distribution c02-i0117 for different values of c02-i0118 are depicted in Figure 2.3. As can be seen from the figure, when c02-i0119 increases, the Nakagami‐c02-i0120 channel approaches Gaussian distribution, which increases the correlation between different channel paths from different transmit antennas. It can be also seen from (2.19) that the phase distribution of the Nakagami‐c02-i0121 channel is uniform only if c02-i0122, which corresponds to Rayleigh distribution. The impact of varying the value of c02-i0123 on the performance of SMTs and other MIMO systems will be discussed in coming chapters.

Graphical representations of Nakagami-m joint envelope-phase probability distribution function (PDF) behavior for variable m values and σ2X = σ2Y = 1/2m and μX = μY = 0.

Figure 2.3 Nakagami‐c02-i0124 joint envelope‐phase pdf behavior for variable c02-i0125 values and c02-i0126 and c02-i0127.

2.4.4 The c02-i0128c02-i0129 MIMO Channel

The imagesc02-i0131 channel is a generalized fading distribution that represents the small‐scale variation of the signal in a nonline–of–sight (NLOS) environment [73, 129]. The previously discussed channels can be driven as special cases from the c02-i0132c02-i0133 distribution. The Nakagami‐c02-i0134 channel can be obtained by setting c02-i0135 and c02-i0136. The Rayleigh fading channel is deduced when c02-i0137 and c02-i0138. The one‐sided Gaussian distribution can be obtained by setting c02-i0139 and c02-i0140 and the Nakagami‐c02-i0141 (Hoyt) distribution can be obtained when c02-i0142 and c02-i0143.

The complex c02-i0144c02-i0145 fading channel coefficients can be numerically generated using the envelope and the phase distributions. The envelope c02-i0146 can be obtained through


where c02-i0147 and c02-i0148 with c02-i0149 and c02-i0150 being mutually independent Gaussian processes with c02-i0151, c02-i0152, c02-i0153, and c02-i0154.

The phase c02-i0155 can be obtained via


The c02-i0156c02-i0157 joint envelope‐phase PDF, c02-i0158 can be expressed as [129]


where c02-i0159 is the root mean square (rms) value of c02-i0160, c02-i0161 and c02-i0162. c02-i0163 (where c02-i0164) represents the number of multipaths in each cluster and c02-i0165 (where c02-i0166) represents the scattered‐wave power ratio between the in‐phase and quadrature components of each cluster of multipath.

The PDF of the normalized envelope, after random variable transformation, is given as


The phase distribution, c02-i0167, is given as

Graphical representations of η-μ joint probability distribution function (PDF) for fixed η and variable μ. η value is fixed to 1 while μ takes the values of: 0.1, 0.5, 2.5, and 10.

Figure 2.4c02-i0168c02-i0169 Joint PDF for fixed c02-i0170 and variable c02-i0171. c02-i0172 Value is fixed to 1, while c02-i0173 takes the values of 0.1, 0.5, 2.5, and 10.

Graphical representations of η-μ joint PDF for fixed μ and variable η. η value is varied as: 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, and 1 while μ is fixed to 0.4.

Figure 2.5c02-i0174c02-i0175 Joint PDF for fixed c02-i0176 and variable c02-i0177. c02-i0178 Value is varied as 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, and 1 while c02-i0179 is fixed to 0.4.

The joint envelope‐phase distributions of the c02-i0180c02-i0181 channel for variable values of c02-i0182 and c02-i0183 are shown in Figures 2.4 and 2.5, respectively. Increasing the value of c02-i0184 has similar impact as increasing the value of c02-i0185 for the Nakagami‐c02-i0186 channel. However, increasing the value of c02-i0187 has almost no impact on the shape of the distribution but reduces the value of the envelope c02-i0188.

2.4.5 The c02-i0189c02-i0190 Distribution

The c02-i0191c02-i0192 distribution is another general fading distribution that describes the small‐scale variation of the fading signal in a LOS environment. The parameter c02-i0193 represents the ratio between the total power of the dominant component and the total power of the scattered waves, and c02-i0194 is the number of the multipath clusters. As such, it includes other well‐known fading distributions, such as

  1. The Nakagami‐c02-i0195 distribution that is realized when c02-i0196 and c02-i0197.
  2. The Nakagami‐c02-i0198 distribution that is obtained when c02-i0199 and c02-i0200.

The complex c02-i0201c02-i0202 fading channel coefficients can be numerically generated using the envelope and the phase distributions. The envelope c02-i0203 can be obtained through


where c02-i0204 and c02-i0205 with c02-i0206 and c02-i0207 being mutually independent Gaussian processes with c02-i0208, c02-i0209, and c02-i0210 and c02-i0211, respectively, denote the mean values of the in‐phase and the quadrature components of the multipath waves of cluster c02-i0212. Let c02-i0213 and c02-i0214, then




with c02-i0215. The phase c02-i0216 of the complex fading channel can be obtained via,


Define c02-i0217 as a phase parameter, then for a fading signal with envelope c02-i0218 and c02-i0219 being the rms value of c02-i0220, the c02-i0221c02-i0222 joint phase‐envelope distribution c02-i0223 is given by [130],


where c02-i0224, c02-i0225, and c02-i0226. The parameters c02-i0227 and c02-i0228 can be obtained as c02-i0229 and c02-i0230. The function c02-i0231 denotes the modified Bessel function of the first kind and order c02-i0232.

The c02-i0233c02-i0234 envelope PDF is then given by [131]


The PDF of the normalized envelope is

The c02-i0235th moment, c02-i0236, of c02-i0237 in (2.33) is given as


where c02-i0238 is the confluent hypergeometric function [[132], Eq. (13.1.2)].

Graphical representations of Π-μ joint PDF for fixed μ and variable Π and for ą = -Π/2. μ-Value is set to 2 and Π varies from 0.1, 1, 1.5, and 10.

Figure 2.6c02-i0239c02-i0240 Joint PDF for fixed c02-i0241 and variable c02-i0242 and for c02-i0243. c02-i0244‐Value is set to 2 and c02-i0245 varies from 0.1, 1, 1.5, and 10.

Graphical representations of Π-μ joint PDF for fixed μ and variable Π and for ą = Π/2. μ-Value is set to 2 and Π varies from 0.1, 1, 1.5, and 10.

Figure 2.7c02-i0246c02-i0247 Joint PDF for fixed c02-i0248 and variable c02-i0249 and for c02-i0250. c02-i0251‐Value is set to 2, and c02-i0252 varies from 0.1, 1, 1.5, and 10.

Graphical representations of Π-μ joint PDF for fixed Π and variable μ and for ą = −Π/2. μ-Value is varied from 0.1, 1, 3, 10 and Π is fixed to 0.5.

Figure 2.8c02-i0253c02-i0254 Joint PDF for fixed c02-i0255 and variable c02-i0256 and for c02-i0257. c02-i0258‐Value is varied from 0.1, 1, 3, and 10, and c02-i0259 is fixed to 0.5.

The c02-i0260c02-i0261 joint PDF for different values of c02-i0262, c02-i0263, and c02-i0264 is numerically computed and depicted in Figures 2.6, 2.7, 2.8. Figure 2.6 demonstrates the impact of varying c02-i0265 for fixed c02-i0266 and c02-i0267. The impact of varying c02-i0268 can be seen when comparing the results in Figure 2.6 with those in Figure 2.7. For the same values of c02-i0269 and c02-i0270, a c02-i0271 change of c02-i0272 leads to a PDF flip around the c02-i0273 access. Large values of c02-i0274 indicate stronger LOS path component. Varying c02-i0275 has similar impact as discussed for c02-i0276c02-i0277 channel as it has the same definition.

2.4.6 The c02-i0278c02-i0279 Distribution

Another generalized fading distribution that describes the small‐scale variation of the fading signal in a NLOS environment is called c02-i0280c02-i0281 channel. The parameter c02-i0282 denotes the nonlinearity of the propagation medium and c02-i0283 is the number of the multipath clusters. Hence, the c02-i0284c02-i0285 distribution includes the Weibull and the Nakagami‐c02-i0286 distributions as special cases. The Weibull distribution can be obtained when c02-i0287, whereas Nakagami‐c02-i0288 is obtained when c02-i0289 and c02-i0290.

The envelope c02-i0291 and the phase c02-i0292 of the c02-i0293c02-i0294 fading channel are given by


where c02-i0295 and c02-i0296 with c02-i0297 and c02-i0298 being mutually independent Gaussian processes with c02-i0299, and identical variances c02-i0300.

For a fading signal with envelope c02-i0301 and c02-i0302 being the c02-i0303rms of c02-i0304, the c02-i0305c02-i0306 joint phase‐envelope distribution c02-i0307 is given by [133]


where c02-i0308, c02-i0309, and c02-i0310.

The c02-i0311c02-i0312 PDF of envelope c02-i0313, c02-i0314, is given by [134]


The PDF of the normalized envelope c02-i0315, c02-i0316, after random variable transformation is given as

The c02-i0317th moment, c02-i0318, of c02-i0319 in (2.39) is given as


The PDF of the phase is given by

Graphical representations of α-μ joint PDF for fixed μ and variable α. μ-Value is set to 1 and α varies from 0.1, 0.7, 2, and 10.

Figure 2.9c02-i0320c02-i0321 Joint PDF for fixed c02-i0322 and variable c02-i0323. c02-i0324‐Value is set to 1 and c02-i0325 varies from 0.1, 0.7, 2, and 10.

Graphical representations of  α-μ joint PDF for fixed α and variable μ. μ-Value varies from 0.1, 1, 3, and 10 and α is fixed to 0.5.

Figure 2.10c02-i0326c02-i0327 Joint PDF for fixed c02-i0328 and variable c02-i0329. c02-i0330‐Value varies from 0.1, 1, 3, and 10 and c02-i0331 is fixed to 0.5.

The joint PDF distribution for variable c02-i0332 and fixed c02-i0333 is shown in Figure 2.9 and for fixed c02-i0334 and variable c02-i0335 in Figure 2.10. Changing the value of c02-i0336 significantly changes the joint distribution PDF while changing c02-i0337 has the same impact as discussed before for c02-i0338c02-i0339 and c02-i0340c02-i0341 channels. The impact of varying these parameters on the performance of SMT and other MIMO systems will be discussed in detail in the coming chapters.

2.5 Channel Imperfections

In this section, several channel impairments are considered and their impacts on the MIMO channel capacity are studied. In particular, spatial correlation (SC), multual coupling (MC), and imperfect channel estimation are studied.

2.5.1 Spatial Correlation

The channel correlation depends on both the environment and the spacing of the antenna elements. A terminal, surrounded by a large number of local scatterers, can achieve relatively low correlation values even if the antennas are only separated by half a wavelength [135, 136]. In outdoor base stations, the antennas are significantly higher than the scatterers, and sufficiently low correlation is likely to require more than 10 wavelengths between neighboring antenna elements. In indoor base stations, however, the required antenna separation is likely to be in between these two extremes [136].

The magnitude of correlation depends on the antenna spacing, angular values of the signals, power azimuth spectrum (PAS), and the radiation pattern [137]. Generally, it is fair to assume that correlations at the transmitter and the receiver arrays are independent of each other because the distance between the transmit and receive arrays is large compared to the antenna element spacing. All the elements in the transmit array illuminate the same scatterers in the environment. As a result, the signals at the receive array antennas will have the same PAS [137].

To incorporate the SC into the channel model, the correlation among channels at multiple elements needs to be calculated. The cross correlation c02-i0342 between the channel coefficients of the two antenna elements c02-i0343 and c02-i0344 at the transmitter array can be calculated as


where c02-i0345 is the channel vector between transmit antenna c02-i0346 and all receive antennas, and c02-i0347 is the inner product. In a similar way, the cross correlation c02-i0348 between the two antenna elements c02-i0349 and c02-i0350 at the receiver array can be computed. The transmit and receive correlation matrices (c02-i0351 and c02-i0352) contain information about how signals from each element at the transmitter and receiver are correlated with each other and they are given by


The correlated channel matrix is then obtained as

The correlation matrices can be generated based on measurement data such as the spatial channel model (SCM) approach [138], or computed analytically based on the PAS distribution and array geometry [137]. The latter can be computed assuming a clustered channel model (as seen in Figure 2.11), in which groups of scatterers are modeled as clusters located around the transmit and receive antennas. The clustered channel model has been validated through measurements [139, 140] and adopted by various wireless system standard bodies such as the IEEE 802.11n technical group (TG) [141] and the 3GPP/3GPP2 technical specification group (TSG) [138].

Geometrical diagrams of cluster channel model - spatial correlation (SC) between transmit/receive signals. Angles αc, Θ0, and Θi are the mean angle of arrival (AOA) of cluster, channel tap, and the AOA offset of the channel tap.

Figure 2.11 Geometry of cluster channel model – SC between transmit/receive signals. Angles c02-i0353 are the mean AOA of cluster, channel tap and the AOA offset of the channel tap.

In the clustered channel model, a group of scatterers are modeled as clusters located around the transmitter and the receiver antenna arrays. Each multipath resulting from the scattering is associated with a time delay and an angle of arrival (AOA). Multipaths are grouped to form clusters. In each cluster, the delay differences between the multipaths are not resolvable within the transmission signal bandwidth. The clustered model is characterized by multiple clusters with each cluster having a mean AOA of cluster and channel tap (c02-i0354 and c02-i0355 in Figure 2.11). Multipaths within a cluster are generated with respect to a certain PDF that best fits the PAS of the channel. The standard deviation of each cluster PAS is a measure of the cluster angular spread (AS).

In the early 1970s, Lee modeled the PAS in outdoor scenarios as the c02-i0356th power of a cosine function [142]. This model has been regarded as inconvenient [138], since it does not enable one to derive closed‐form expressions. Therefore, two other distributions, a truncated Gaussian and a uniform one, have been introduced in [143, 144], respectively. Another model considers a truncated Laplacian distribution in [145] and is shown to best fits to the measurement results in urban and rural areas. Simulating SC Matrix

The signal received at the c02-i0357th antenna element, assuming noise‐free transmission, is

where c02-i0358, c02-i0359 is the number of subpaths per channel tap, c02-i0360 is the complex envelope of the transmitted signal, c02-i0361 is the complex fading channel, which can be Rayleigh for NLOS channel, Rician for LOS channels, or any other fading channel, c02-i0362 is the antenna element spacing denoted by c02-i0363 at the transmitter and c02-i0364 at the receiver, and finally from Figure 2.11, c02-i0365 is the AoA offset compared to the mean AoA of the channel tab, c02-i0366.

Each channel tap is assumed to exhibit a truncated Laplacian PAS. Then, the random variable c02-i0367 is distributed according to the Laplacian PDF with c02-i0368 standard deviation given by

The correlation between signals received at antenna c02-i0369 and c02-i0370 is calculated as [137]


Substituting c02-i0371 in (2.46) in the previous equation results in

Assume that the transmitted signal power is unity, i.e. c02-i0372 and the complex fading coefficients are i.i.d. over different rays and channel time delays,


In addition, let c02-i0373 be independent across different rays and the antenna gain pattern to be unity. Then, (2.49) can be reduced to the following

From calculus, c02-i0374. Assume that the AOA offset compared to the mean AOA of the channel tab c02-i0375, then, c02-i0376.

Substituting this in (2.51), recalling that c02-i0377 is a random variable (RV) with a PDF given in (2.47), and using the definition of first‐order moment of a RV gives

It was observed in [137, 141] that the Laplacian PAS distribution decays rapidly to zero within the range c02-i0378, also for high values of rms AS. Therefore, the integration of c02-i0379 truncated over c02-i0380 is equivalent to the one over infinite domain. Assuming c02-i0381, (2.52) is written as follows:


This is equivalent to computing the Fourier transform of the PAS distribution. The Fourier transform c02-i0382 of c02-i0383 is given as [146]


From (2.47), c02-i0384, then the c02-i0385 is given as

replacing c02-i0386 from the above equation and substituting (2.55) in (2.52) results in


In general, the SC matrix for a receive array is given by [137]


where c02-i0387 denotes the Schur–Hadamard (or elementwise) product and c02-i0388 is the Fourier transform of the PAS PDF whose standard deviation is given by c02-i0389. The column vector c02-i0390 is the array response vector for the signal. In a similar way, the transmits correlation matrix can be computed. Effect of SC on MIMO Capacity

The correlated channel matrix is given in (2.45). Substituting the modified channel matrix in (2.9) results in


Without loss of generality, assume that c02-i0391 and the receive and transmit correlation matrices are full rank. At high SNR, the capacity of the MIMO channel can be written as [111]

From (2.59), it can be clearly seen that correlation at either transmitter or receiver has similar impact on the capacity of MIMO system. Let c02-i0392 be the eigenvalues of the receiver correlation matrix, same can be done for transmitter correlation matrix, such that,


It is shown in [111, 147] that c02-i0393 for any number of transmit and receive antennas. However, c02-i0394. This implies that c02-i0395, and is zero only if all eigenvalues of c02-i0396 are equal, i.e. c02-i0397, which is the case of no correlation. Therefore, SC will reduce the MIMO capacity at high SNR by c02-i0398.

2.5.2 Mutual Coupling

A radio signal impinging upon an antenna element induces a current in that element which in turn radiates a field that generates a surface current on the surrounding antenna elements. This effect is known as mutual coupling (MC). MC influences the radiation pattern and the antenna correlation. Parameters affecting MC are element separation, frequency, and array geometry [148]. It is shown in [149] that MC impacts the performance of adaptive arrays and for a relatively large number of antennas in a MIMO system, MC limits the effective degrees of freedom and reduces the ergodic capacity [150].

An c02-i0399 element antenna array can be regarded as a coupled c02-i0400‐port network with c02-i0401 terminals as seen in Figure 2.12. Let c02-i0402 and c02-i0403 be the vector of terminal voltages and source voltages at the transmit array, respectively. The two vectors are related as [150]


where c02-i0404, c02-i0405 is the source impedance diagonal matrix whose entries are equal to the conjugate of the diagonal entries of the transmitter mutual impedance matrix c02-i0406, i.e. c02-i0407 and c02-i0408 is a normalization factor that guarantees c02-i0409 for zero mutual coupling.

Schematic illustration of mutual coupling in MIMO system - a network representation.

Figure 2.12 Mutual coupling in MIMO system – a network representation.

Similarly at the receiver, c02-i0410 are the open circuit induced voltages across the array and c02-i0411 are the voltages at the output of the array. They are related as

where c02-i0412, c02-i0413 is the load impedance diagonal matrix whose entries are equal to the conjugate of the diagonal entries of the receiver mutual impedance matrix c02-i0414 to guarantee maximum power transfer, i.e. c02-i0415 and c02-i0416 is a normalization factor.

Let c02-i0417 be the vector of terminal currents in the transmitter array. At the transmitting end, the circuit relations are

Rearranging (2.63) and (2.64)

From (2.65), and knowing that the received signal without noise is c02-i0418, the received signal c02-i0419 can be written as

Substituting (2.66) in (2.62),


Using c02-i0420 and c02-i0421, the MIMO channel matrix in the presence of MC is modified as

(2.68)images Effect of MC on MIMO Capacity

Replacing the modified MIMO channel matrix in the presence of MC in the general MIMO capacity equation in (2.9) gives


At high SNR, the previous equation can be simplified to

It can be seen from (2.70) that MC affects both the channel correlation properties and the target average receive SNR. Assume that c02-i0422 and the receive and transmit correlation matrices are full rank, then (2.70) can be written as


which can be further simplified to

Comparing this result to (2.9), it can be noticed that the last two terms in (2.72) represent the effect of the two MC matrices. MC can enhance the capacity of the MIMO system if the following condition is satisfied,


In other words, the coupling effect will have a positive impact on the channel capacity if the product of the eigenvalues of the two ends MC correlation matrices is larger than one. This has been shown to be the case of closely spaced antennas [148, 150]. However, placing the antennas near to each others results in high SC, which degrades the performance and reduces the MIMO capacity. In the case that antennas were not very close to each other, the product of the eigenvalues of the two ends MC correlation matrices will be smaller than one and MC will then have negative impact on the channel capacity.

2.5.3 Channel Estimation Errors

The ML decoder for MIMO systems as given in (2.3) relies on the knowledge of the channel matrix c02-i0423 at the receiver. Practically, exact channel knowledge at the receiver is not possible due to the presence of AWGN. Therefore, channel estimation algorithm is generally used to obtain an estimate of the channel matrix c02-i0424 [120]. Assuming that c02-i0425 and c02-i0426 are jointly ergodic and stationary processes and assuming that the estimation channel and the estimation error are orthogonal yields


where c02-i0427 denotes the channel estimation errors (CSEs) with complex Gaussian entries c02-i0428. Note that c02-i0429 captures the quality of the channel estimation and can be chosen depending on the channel dynamics and estimation methods. In practical MIMO systems, interpolation techniques are generally considered for channel estimation methods. In such methods, the channel is estimated at a specific time or frequency and suitable interpolation methods are used to determine the channel at other points based on channel statistics [151]. Impact of Channel Estimation Error on the MIMO Capacity

The impact of channel estimation error on the capacity of MIMO systems is discussed in what follows. The MIMO capacity in the presence of channel estimation error can be derived by substituting c02-i0430 and maximizing the mutual information given c02-i0431, which yields with the lower bound [152]

Comparing (2.75) and (2.9) clearly highlights the negative impact of channel estimation error on the MIMO capacity. The SNR decays by a factor of c02-i0432. For small values of c02-i0433 the impact of CSE is negligible. But for large values, the channel estimation error could deteriorate the achievable capacity significantly.3


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