

To design is to communicate clearly by whatever means you can control or master.

 --Milton Glaser

Design is a way to communicate ideas visually. Unlike speaking or writing, however, visual communication happens almost instantaneously on a visceral level. Within seconds of seeing something, we should be able to understand its visual message. Obviously some designs such as illustrations may take additional deciphering, but when we look at something we can’t help trying to interpret its meaning.

Although Web design is a visual medium, it is created using written code—a style language known as CSS. While you can use programs like Adobe Photoshop or Dreamweaver to take a design and output the code, this rarely produces desirable results. To get the best results for your designs, you need to learn how to speak in styles.

Verbalizing the Visual

I want you to think of a shape. It can be any shape you want—a circle, a square, a triangle, an eight-pointed star, or an ameboid glob—but keep it to a single continuous shape. I want you to hold that shape in your mind, or, if you need to, scratch it out on a piece of paper (or, if you are really far gone) on a computer.

Now I want you to think about how you would describe the shape without making reference to any shape. You can use “line,” but not any shape names.

Let’s say you draw a simple square. You might describe a square like this:

Draw four lines the same length that touch, two horizontally and two vertically.

This sounds accurate. If I were drawing the shape as you described it, I might draw a square:

Verbalizing the Visual

However, following the same directions, I might draw something completely different:

Verbalizing the Visual

I’ve been teaching CSS for several years now, and every time I perform this exercise with students, they are amused (and frustrated) when I follow their directions but end up with a shape that looks nothing like what they are trying to describe. The problem isn’t with them, however; the problem is that humans make a lot of assumptions when it comes to communication. We are not just following the stated directions; we are also calculating what the person giving the directions is actually thinking. We fill in missing details, such as that all four lines should touch at their ends.

As good as they are becoming at understanding humans, computers still require that we communicate explicitly when we describe something, especially when that something is a visual design. A computer will not fill in the details.

What is needed is a language that you can use to quickly and precisely describe your designs in such a way that the computer will understand them without fault. That language is called Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and it is a language you need to master to be a successful Web designer.

Why CSS?

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is the language you use to tell computers how you want your designs to look on the Web. With CSS, you can specify details including widths, heights, colors, margins, padding, borders, backgrounds, and type styles. Understanding this language, then, becomes critical to achieving the best online designs.

One of the constant complaints I hear from designers is that developers never execute their design correctly. Learning CSS gives you two important advantages as a designer:


Control over how your designs look online. If something is the wrong color or is not lining up right, you will know what is wrong and how to fix it.


The ability to create better Web designs. Knowing how CSS works means knowing how to get the best results from what is possible.

The good news is that speaking CSS is not that different from speaking in English or any other “human” language—it just takes a little adjustment to get used to its particular syntax (how things are said), semantics (what things mean), and vocabulary (what to say).

For example, consider this simple design:

Why CSS?

To describe this design in English, you might say something like:

The border is solid red and 5 pixels thick; the background is pink; there is a 25 pixel padding around the content; the font is Arial at 8 pixels; and the text is double spaced.

The same description in CSS isn’t actually that different:

border: 5px solid red;background-color: pink;padding: 25px;font: 8px/2 arial;

Notice that most of the words (vocabulary) are almost identical. It’s primarily the structure (syntax) that’s different, but it’s really not that hard to decipher.

The goal of this book is to teach you to be able to describe your Web designs as easily in CSS as you do in English.

Reading This Book

I wrote this book for designers of all stripes—visual, interactive, user experience, information architecture. However, it is really for anyone who wants to learn how to use CSS.

Speaking in Styles is split into three sections and includes three appendixes:

Reading This Book

Part 1: A Web Primer

Defines what makes a Web page, introduces some tools you will need to build one, and dispels some popular myths about designers and CSS.

Reading This Book

Part 2: CSS Grammar

Covers the nuts and bolts of how to create style sheets and apply them to a Web page, including the important vocabulary designers need to know.

Reading This Book

Part 3: Speaking Like a Native

Follows the creation of a simple Web page design, emphasizing the best practices you should use.

Reading This Book


Includes all of the code for Part 3; the length, font, and color values you use with CSS; and a list of common fixes for dealing with the bugs in Internet Explorer.

Reading the Code

I have tried to simplify the examples as much as possible, keeping code and the results of that code as close as possible on the page. This often means that the full context of the code is not given.

The code is colored based on use:

Content in codeHTML codeCSS codeJavaScript code

Where I have included longer blocks of code, I have numbered the individual lines:

01  <style type="text/css" media="all">
02  h1 { color: red; }
03  </style>

Code references in the text will look like (01-03), and the referenced code will always be on the same page or on the page immediately to the right.

Table . Browser Abbreviations and Versions



Active Versions

Internet Explorer


6, 7, 8



3, 4



3, 4



8, 9, 10



1, 2

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