The microservices capability model

Before we conclude this chapter, we will review a capability model for microservices based on the design guidelines and common pattern and solutions described in this chapter.

The following diagram depicts the microservices capability model:

The microservices capability model

The capability model is broadly classified in to four areas:

  • Core capabilities: These are part of the microservices themselves
  • Supporting capabilities: These are software solutions supporting core microservice implementations
  • Infrastructure capabilities: These are infrastructure level expectations for a successful microservices implementation
  • Governance capabilities: These are more of process, people, and reference information

Core capabilities

The core capabilities are explained as follows:

  • Service listeners (HTTP/messaging): If microservices are enabled for a HTTP-based service endpoint, then the HTTP listener is embedded within the microservices, thereby eliminating the need to have any external application server requirement. The HTTP listener is started at the time of the application startup. If the microservice is based on asynchronous communication, then instead of an HTTP listener, a message listener is started. Optionally, other protocols could also be considered. There may not be any listeners if the microservice is a scheduled service. Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Streams provide this capability.
  • Storage capability: The microservices have some kind of storage mechanisms to store state or transactional data pertaining to the business capability. This is optional, depending on the capabilities that are implemented. The storage could be either a physical storage (RDBMS such as MySQL; NoSQL such as Hadoop, Cassandra, Neo 4J, Elasticsearch, and so on), or it could be an in-memory store (cache like Ehcache, data grids like Hazelcast, Infinispan, and so on)
  • Business capability definition: This is the core of microservices, where the business logic is implemented. This could be implemented in any applicable language such as Java, Scala, Conjure, Erlang, and so on. All required business logic to fulfill the function will be embedded within the microservices themselves.
  • Event sourcing: Microservices send out state changes to the external world without really worrying about the targeted consumers of these events. These events could be consumed by other microservices, audit services, replication services, or external applications, and the like. This allows other microservices and applications to respond to state changes.
  • Service endpoints and communication protocols: These define the APIs for external consumers to consume. These could be synchronous endpoints or asynchronous endpoints. Synchronous endpoints could be based on REST/JSON or any other protocols such as Avro, Thrift, Protocol Buffers, and so on. Asynchronous endpoints are through Spring Cloud Streams backed by RabbitMQ, other messaging servers, or other messaging style implementations such as ZeroMQ.
  • API gateway: The API gateway provides a level of indirection by either proxying service endpoints or composing multiple service endpoints. The API gateway is also useful for policy enforcements. It may also provide real time load balancing capabilities. There are many API gateways available in the market. Spring Cloud Zuul, Mashery, Apigee, and 3scale are some examples of the API gateway providers.
  • User interfaces: Generally, user interfaces are also part of microservices for users to interact with the business capabilities realized by the microservices. These could be implemented in any technology, and are channel- and device-agnostic.

Infrastructure capabilities

Certain infrastructure capabilities are required for a successful deployment, and managing large scale microservices. When deploying microservices at scale, not having proper infrastructure capabilities can be challenging, and can lead to failures:

  • Cloud: Microservices implementation is difficult in a traditional data center environment with long lead times to provision infrastructures. Even a large number of infrastructures dedicated per microservice may not be very cost effective. Managing them internally in a data center may increase the cost of ownership and cost of operations. A cloud-like infrastructure is better for microservices deployment.
  • Containers or virtual machines: Managing large physical machines is not cost effective, and they are also hard to manage. With physical machines, it is also hard to handle automatic fault tolerance. Virtualization is adopted by many organizations because of its ability to provide optimal use of physical resources. It also provides resource isolation. It also reduces the overheads in managing large physical infrastructure components. Containers are the next generation of virtual machines. VMWare, Citrix, and so on provide virtual machine technologies. Docker, Drawbridge, Rocket, and LXD are some of the containerizer technologies.
  • Cluster control and provisioning: Once we have a large number of containers or virtual machines, it is hard to manage and maintain them automatically. Cluster control tools provide a uniform operating environment on top of the containers, and share the available capacity across multiple services. Apache Mesos and Kubernetes are examples of cluster control systems.
  • Application lifecycle management: Application lifecycle management tools help to invoke applications when a new container is launched, or kill the application when the container shuts down. Application life cycle management allows for script application deployments and releases. It automatically detects failure scenario, and responds to those failures thereby ensuring the availability of the application. This works in conjunction with the cluster control software. Marathon partially addresses this capability.

Supporting capabilities

Supporting capabilities are not directly linked to microservices, but they are essential for large scale microservices development:

  • Software defined load balancer: The load balancer should be smart enough to understand the changes in the deployment topology, and respond accordingly. This moves away from the traditional approach of configuring static IP addresses, domain aliases, or cluster addresses in the load balancer. When new servers are added to the environment, it should automatically detect this, and include them in the logical cluster by avoiding any manual interactions. Similarly, if a service instance is unavailable, it should take it out from the load balancer. A combination of Ribbon, Eureka, and Zuul provide this capability in Spring Cloud Netflix.
  • Central log management: As explored earlier in this chapter, a capability is required to centralize all logs emitted by service instances with the correlation IDs. This helps in debugging, identifying performance bottlenecks, and predictive analysis. The result of this is fed back into the life cycle manager to take corrective actions.
  • Service registry: A service registry provides a runtime environment for services to automatically publish their availability at runtime. A registry will be a good source of information to understand the services topology at any point. Eureka from Spring Cloud, Zookeeper, and Etcd are some of the service registry tools available.
  • Security service: A distributed microservices ecosystem requires a central server for managing service security. This includes service authentication and token services. OAuth2-based services are widely used for microservices security. Spring Security and Spring Security OAuth are good candidates for building this capability.
  • Service configuration: All service configurations should be externalized as discussed in the Twelve-Factor application principles. A central service for all configurations is a good choice. Spring Cloud Config server, and Archaius are out-of-the-box configuration servers.
  • Testing tools (anti-fragile, RUM, and so on): Netflix uses Simian Army for anti-fragile testing. Matured services need consistent challenges to see the reliability of the services, and how good fallback mechanisms are. Simian Army components create various error scenarios to explore the behavior of the system under failure scenarios.
  • Monitoring and dashboards: Microservices also require a strong monitoring mechanism. This is not just at the infrastructure-level monitoring but also at the service level. Spring Cloud Netflix Turbine, Hysterix Dashboard, and the like provide service level information. End-to-end monitoring tools like AppDynamic, New Relic, Dynatrace, and other tools like statd, Sensu, and Spigo could add value to microservices monitoring.
  • Dependency and CI management: We also need tools to discover runtime topologies, service dependencies, and to manage configurable items. A graph-based CMDB is the most obvious tool to manage these scenarios.
  • Data lake: As discussed earlier in this chapter, we need a mechanism to combine data stored in different microservices, and perform near real-time analytics. A data lake is a good choice for achieving this. Data ingestion tools like Spring Cloud Data Flow, Flume, and Kafka are used to consume data. HDFS, Cassandra, and the like are used for storing data.
  • Reliable messaging: If the communication is asynchronous, we may need a reliable messaging infrastructure service such as RabbitMQ or any other reliable messaging service. Cloud messaging or messaging as a service is a popular choice in Internet scale message-based service endpoints.

Process and governance capabilities

The last piece in the puzzle is the process and governance capabilities that are required for microservices:

  • DevOps: The key to successful implementation of microservices is to adopt DevOps. DevOps compliment microservices development by supporting Agile development, high velocity delivery, automation, and better change management.
  • DevOps tools: DevOps tools for Agile development, continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment are essential for successful delivery of microservices. A lot of emphasis is required on automated functioning, real user testing, synthetic testing, integration, release, and performance testing.
  • Microservices repository: A microservices repository is where the versioned binaries of microservices are placed. These could be a simple Nexus repository or a container repository such as a Docker registry.
  • Microservice documentation: It is important to have all microservices properly documented. Swagger or API Blueprint are helpful in achieving good microservices documentation.
  • Reference architecture and libraries: The reference architecture provides a blueprint at the organization level to ensure that the services are developed according to certain standards and guidelines in a consistent manner. Many of these could then be translated to a number of reusable libraries that enforce service development philosophies.
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