Chapter 25. Using Inheritance and Polymorphism

Subroutines and functions enable you to reuse code by packaging it so other pieces of code can call it easily. By using inheritance, you can reuse code in another way: by making one class reuse the properties, methods, and events of another class.

In this lesson you learn how to use inheritance to make one class reuse the code of another. You also learn how polymorphism enables a program to treat an object of one class as if it belonged to another.


One way to understand inheritance is to realize that real-world things of one type may also be of another type. For example, an employee is also a person (despite what some managers may think). That means whatever attributes a person has, an employee has also. A person has a name, address, birthday, and so forth. An employee also has those things, in addition to some new ones such as a salary, job title, office number, and employee ID number.

Similarly, a manager is a type of employee. That means a manager has everything an employee does, which in turn means the manager has everything a person does.

In Visual Basic, classes provide a similar structure through inheritance. One class such as Employee can inherit the properties, methods, and events of another class such as Person.

This kind of inheritance enables you to reuse code in a new way because it means you don't need to write the same properties, methods, and events for the Employee class that you already defined for the Person class.

When you make one class inherit from another one, you derive the new class from the existing class. In that case, the new class is called the child class and the class from which it inherits is called the parent class.

You could build a Person class with properties that all people have: FirstName, LastName, Street, City, State, and Zip. You could then derive the Employee class from Person and add the new properties Salary, JobTitle, MailStop, and EmployeeId.

Next, you could derive the Manager class from Employee and add new manager-related properties such as DepartmentName and DirectReports.

Syntactically, to make a class that inherits from another you add an Inherits statement immediately after the Class statement. For example, the following code shows definitions for a Person class, an Employee class that inherits from Person, and a Manager class that inherits from Employee:

Public Class Person
    Public Property FirstName As String
    Public Property LastName As String
    Public Property Street As String
    Public Property City As String
    Public Property State As String
    Public Property Zip As String
End Class

Public Class Employee
    Inherits Person

    Public Property Salary As Decimal
    Public Property JobTitle As String
    Public Property MailStop As String
    Public Property EmployeeId As Integer
End Class

Public Class Manager
    Inherits Employee

    Public Property DepartmentName As String
    Public Property DirectReports As New List(Of Person)
End Class


Note that Visual Basic supports single inheritance only. That means a class can inherit from at most one parent class. For example, if you define a House class and a Boat class, you cannot make a HouseBoat class that inherits from both.


Polymorphism is a rather confusing concept that basically means a program can treat an object as if it were any class that it inherits. Another way to think of this is that polymorphism enables you to treat an object as if it were any of the classes that it is. For example, an Employee is a kind of Person so you should be able to treat an Employee as a Person.

Note that the reverse is not true. A Person is not necessarily an Employee (it could be a Customer or some other unrelated person such as a Plumber).

For a more detailed example, suppose you make the Person, Employee, and Manager classes, and they inherit from each other in the obvious way. Now suppose you write a method that takes a Person as a parameter. Employee inherits from Person so you should be able to pass an Employee into this method and the method should be able to treat it as a Person. This makes intuitive sense because an Employee is a Person, just a particular kind of Person.

Similarly, Manager inherits from Employee, so a Manager is a kind of Employee. If an Employee is a kind of Person and a Manager is a kind of Employee, then a Manager must also be a kind of Person, so the same method should be able to take a Manager as its parameter.

This feature enables you to reuse code in ways that make sense. For example, if you write a method that addresses letters for a Person, it can also address letters to Employees and Managers.


In this Try It, you get to experiment with classes, inheritance, and polymorphism. You build Person, Employee, and Manager classes. To test the classes, you build a simple program that creates instances of each class and passes them to a method that takes a Person as a parameter.


You can download the code and resources for this Try It from the book's web page at or You can find them in the Lesson25 folder of the download.

Lesson Requirements

In this lesson:

  • Create a Person class with properties FirstName, LastName, Street, City, State, and Zip. Give the class a GetAddress method that returns the Person's name and address properties as a string of the following form:

    Alice Archer
    100 Ash Ave
    Bugsville    CO    82010
  • Derive an Employee class from Person. Add the properties EmployeeId and MailStop.

  • Derive a Manager class from Employee. Add a DepartmentName property and a DirectReports property of type List(Of Employee). Make a GetDirectReportsList method that returns the names of the Manager's direct reports, separated by new lines.

  • Make the main program create two Employees named Alice and Bob, a Manager named Cindy who has Alice and Bob in her department, and a Person named Dan.

  • Make a ShowAddress method that takes a Person as a parameter and displays the Person's address.

  • On the main form, make buttons that call ShowAddress for each of the people, passing the method the appropriate object.

  • Make a final button that displays Cindy's list of direct reports.


  • This example doesn't do anything fancy with the class's properties, so you can use auto-implemented properties.

  • The ShowAddress method should take a Person parameter even though some of the objects it will be passed are Employees or Managers.


  • Create a Person class with properties FirstName, LastName, Street, City, State, and Zip. Give the class a GetAddress method that returns the Person's name and address properties as a string of the following form:

    Alice Archer
    100 Ash Ave
    Bugsville    CO    82010
    1. Make a new Person class with code similar to the following:

      Public Class Person
          Public Property FirstName As String
          Public Property LastName As String
          Public Property Street As String
          Public Property City As String
          Public Property State As String
          Public Property Zip As String
          ' Display the person's address.
          ' A real application might print this on an envelope.
          Public Function GetAddress() As String
              Return FirstName & " " & LastName &
                  vbCrLf & Street & vbCrLf & City &
                  "    " & State & "    " & Zip
          End Function
      End Class
  • Derive an Employee class from Person. Add the properties EmployeeId and MailStop.

    1. Make the Employee class similar to the following:

      Public Class Employee
          Inherits Person
          Public Property EmployeeId As Integer
          Public Property MailStop As String
      End Class
  • Derive a Manager class from Employee. Add a DepartmentName property and a DirectReports property of type List(Of Employee). Make a GetDirectReportsList method that returns the names of the Manager's direct reports, separated by new lines.

    1. Make the Manager class similar to the following:

      Public Class Manager
          Inherits Employee
          Public Property DepartmentName As String
          Public Property DirectReports As New List(Of Person)
          ' Return a list of this manager's direct reports.
          Public Function GetDirectReportsList() As String
              Dim result As String = ""
              For Each emp As Employee In DirectReports
                  result &= emp.FirstName & " " & emp.LastName & vbCrLf
              Next emp
              Return result
          End Function
      End Class
  • Make the main program create two Employees named Alice and Bob, a Manager named Cindy who has Alice and Bob in her department, and a Person named Dan.

    1. Because the program's buttons need to access the objects, these objects should be stored in fields as in the following code:

      ' Define some people of various types.
      Private Dan As Person
      Private Alice, Bob As Employee
      Private Cindy As Manager
    2. Add code to the main form's Load event handler to initialize the objects. The following code shows how the program might create Alice's Employee object:

      ' Make an Employee named Alice.
      Alice = New Employee()
      Alice.FirstName = "Alice"
      Alice.LastName = "Archer"
      Alice.Street = "100 Ash Ave"
      Alice.City = "Bugsville"
      Alice.State = "CO"
      Alice.Zip = "82010"
      Alice.EmployeeId = 1001
      Alice.MailStop = "A-1"
    3. Creating and initializing the other objects is similar. The only odd case is adding Alice and Bob as Cindy's employees as in the following code:

  • Make a ShowAddress method that takes a Person as a parameter and displays the Person's address.

    1. Use code similar to the following:

      ' Display this Person's address.
      Private Sub ShowAddress(ByVal per As Person)
      End Sub
  • On the main form, make buttons that call ShowAddress for each of the people, passing the appropriate object to the method.

    1. Create the buttons' Click event handlers. The following code shows the event handler that displays Cindy's address:

      Private Sub btnCindyAddress_Click() Handles btnCindyAddress.Click
      End Sub

      Note that the variable Cindy is a Manager but the ShowAddress method treats it as a Person. That's okay because Manager inherits indirectly from Person.

  • Make a final button that displays Cindy's list of direct reports.

    1. This method simply calls the Cindy object's GetDirectReportsList method and displays the result:

      Private Sub btnCindyReports_Click() Handles btnCindyReports.Click
      End Sub


Please select Lesson 25 on the DVD to view the video that accompanies this lesson.


  1. Make Vehicle, Car, SportsCar, and Truck classes, giving them appropriate properties.

  2. Figure 25-1 shows an inheritance diagram that illustrates the relationships between the Vehicle, Car, SportsCar, and Truck classes. Arrows point from each child class to its parent class. Draw a similar diagram to show the relationships between the Person, Employee, Manager, Secretary, Programmer, Executive, and Customer classes.

    Figure 25-1

    Figure 25.1. Figure 25-1

  3. Implement the inheritance hierarchy you built in Exercise 2, giving each class a few reasonable properties. If you give the Executive class a ReportingManagers property that is a list of Managers, can an Executive have another Executive as a reporting Manager? (Look in the solution's Executive class for the answer.)


You can find solutions to this lesson's exercises in the Lesson25 folder inside the download available on the book's web site at or

Figure 25-1
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