• Baby boomers, 6
    • engagement drivers for, 44
    • job benefits, preferences of, 97
  • Barnes & Noble, 111
  • Belfiore, Bruce
    • on accountability, 119
    • on communication, 132
    • on mission statement, 113115
    • on tenure, 6364
    • on training, 121
  • BenchmarkPortal, 6364, 113
  • Best-in-class organizations
    • assessment/analysis by, xii, 127128
    • budget allocations of, 147
    • culture of, 128, 131
    • high-performer investments by, 66
    • innovation at, 32
    • one-one meetings at, 21, 56
    • workplace safety at, 146
  • Blame deflection, 7476
  • Bowles, Jim, 4950
  • Branding, 149
  • Budgets
    • allocations, 9495
    • for engagement/retention, 148149
    • stay interviews impact on, 9495


  • Career growth
    • accountability and, 100101
    • connection factors in, 102103
    • job sanctification and, 3335, 3738, 43
    • overview of, 8587
    • performance factors in, 101
    • performance styles and, 103107
    • recognition practices and, 8889
    • reputation and, 101102
    • reputation factor in, 101102
    • stay interview and, 9395, 152
    • stratification factor, 103
    • trust factors in, 8990, 96
  • Career Growth and Accountability Model, 101102
  • Careers
    • conversations, 101102
    • discussions, 59
    • shifting aspirations for, 9092
  • Changing workplace, 70, 90
    • career-life cycle in, 93
    • communication in, 7578, 8182
    • culture in, 131
    • Disney World example, 12
    • leadership in, 94, 109
    • products in, 73
    • relationships in, 39
    • skeptics of, 53
    • slow adaption to, 7, 55
    • staff dynamics in, 24
    • workflow in, 72
  • Climate builders, 26
  • Coaches, 26
  • Communication
    • advance notices, 8182
    • best practices, 7980
    • blame, 7476
  • Clerk of Courts example, 7173
    • culture and, 132133
    • generational preferences, 9899
    • hand-written notes, 8889
    • with handshakes, 135
    • key function of, 8
    • litmus test for, 8283
    • message tailoring, 78
    • sharing down, 8183
    • shortfall, 7778
    • skills, development of, 5860
    • talking points, 82
    • tenure and, 99
    • upper feedback channel, 82
    • virtual tools for, 130
    • worst practices, 7677
  • Communicators, 2526
  • Compensation plans, 43, 9798
  • Connection factor, 102103
  • Coworker relationships, 3940
  • Culture
  • Cutbacks, 7374


  • Data. See Survey data
  • Developers, 26
  • Disengagement, 127
  • DurhamFirst, 33


  • Employee Engagement Exercise (E-3) Program, 88
  • Employees. See also Frontline employees
    • changing dynamics of, 24
    • disengagement factors, 127
    • generational differences in, 34
    • high-performance, 66
    • job performance, 101
    • long-tenured, 6364
    • onboarding, 134136
    • promotion of, 115118
    • recognition of, 3233
    • reputation of, 101102
    • subgroups among, 6263, 6566
    • valued, 17
  • Engaged employees
    • characterization of, 1213
    • development of, 6770
    • job sanctification of, 3335
    • productivity of, 1314
  • Engagement
    • budgets for, 31
    • competencies, assessing, 142144
    • as core competency, 112
    • defined, 4
    • drivers of
    • coworker relationships, 3940
    • credible leadership, 4042
    • job/career satisfaction, 3738
    • organizational, 3637
    • overview, 3536
    • erosion of, 91
    • impact of, 45
    • imperative of, 1115
    • implementing, 68
    • index for, 2228
    • key metric indicators for, 146147
    • leadership impact on, 2122, 51
    • organizational levels of, 32, 7981
    • skills, 115118
    • survey data on, 126
    • tipping points, 3033
  • Engagement and retention initiatives
    • at AT&T, 150151
    • as business strategy, 12
    • funding, 148149
    • groundwork for, 149150
    • Sheridan Healthcare example, 1820
    • skill in building, 1415
    • studies (See Workplace America)
    • winning strategy for, 152153
  • Engagement continuum (commit, engage, excel)
  • Engagement meeting, 5556
  • Enthusiasts, 52
  • Esteem builders, 26
  • Exit interviews, 92
  • Exit surveys, 139


  • Fayko, Donna, 14, 99
  • Feedback, 57
  • Finance. See Budgets
  • Flexibility experts, 26
  • Four drivers program, 141
  • Frontline employees, 100
    • aspirations of, 9091
    • blame deflection by, 7476
    • boosting performance of, 2122
    • cutbacks and, 74
    • engagement levels of, 8081
    • opportunities for, 99
    • trust, importance of, 9596
    • turnover, 115
  • Frontline leaders, 100
    • career growth of, 8687
    • engagement role of, 25, 140
    • influence of, 61
    • LEI scores, 81
    • onboarding by, 134


  • Generation managers, 26
  • Generation X
    • age of, 6
  • culture preferences of, 133
  • engagement drivers for, 44
  • job benefits, preferences of, 97
  • Generational differences. See also Baby boomers; Generation X; Millennials
    • bridging differences, 3
    • confluence of, 67, 6566
    • engagement strategies for, 2930


  • “Handshake” conversations, 135
  • Harvard Business Review, 130131
  • High-performance builders, 26
  • “Hiring for Attitude” program, 34


  • Internal advocates, 148
  • Internal partners, 148
  • Interviews. See Stay interviews


  • J. D. Powers, 150
  • Job performance. See Performance
  • Job/career sanctification
    • benefits of, 3335
    • compensation plans and, 43
    • trends in, 3738
  • Job/career stratification, 103
  • Johnson, Bertha, 3233, 88


  • Kennedy, John F., 14


  • Leader engagement index (LEI)
    • application of, 2324
    • basis of, 23
    • core principles of, 2528
    • drivers for, 4245
    • influence metrics in, 6062
    • lower scores, reasons for, 81
    • scoring of, 2425
    • value of, 22, 25
  • Leaders. See also Senior leaders
    • career discussions and, 59
    • communication skills of, 5860
    • credible, 4042
    • critical, 54
    • effective/ineffective, 122
    • enthusiastic, 52
    • focus on, 4951, 57
    • honesty of, 102
    • identification of, 123
    • impact of, 51, 6062
    • ineffective, 7
    • millennial, 6566
    • regular meetings by, 142143
    • retention role of, 1720
    • roles of, 5051
    • selection of, 123
    • self-perception, 120121
    • skeptical, 5354
    • structures, 7679
    • training, 120123
    • uninspired, 5455
  • Leadership
    • accountability, 152
    • books on, 111
    • effective/ineffective, 122
    • as market advantage, 2022
    • readiness of, 122
    • skills employees value, 2728
    • structures, 7679
  • Leadership development program, 4849, 61
  • Leadership teams
  • Litmus test (communication), 8283


  • Management books, 111
  • McEwen, Patti, 125
  • Meetings
    • accountability at, 79
    • data review, 143
    • engagement/retention initiatives, 5557, 98, 150
    • management, 150
    • one-on-one, 21
    • recognition at, 98
    • town-hall like, 125
  • Metrics. See also Survey data
    • accountability for, 42
    • leader influence, 6062
    • monitoring, 153
    • top performance, 146
  • Millennials
    • career savvy of, 65
    • characterization of, 5
    • impact of, 45
    • job benefits, preferences of, 9798
    • in leadership, 6566
    • numerical dominance of, 67
    • styles of, 6263
  • Mission statements, 113115
  • Money. See Budgets


  • Onboarding, 134136
  • Organizations. See also Best-in-class organizations
    • confluence of generations at, 67
    • continuum benefits for, 69, 157
    • critics in, 54
    • declining, 7374
    • engagement levels at, 32, 7981
    • enthusiast in, 52
    • key metrics, 146
    • LEI at, 2124
    • market advantages, 66
    • resource management at, 1516, 3132
    • retention failures by, 78, 34
    • skeptics in, 53
    • stay interviews by, 9293
    • talent keeper role, 3637
    • title use by, 103
    • turnover costs, 1617
    • uninspired staff in, 5455


  • Patti McEwen, 1820
  • Performance
    • data on, 117
    • key indicators, linking, 146
    • leaders', 120121
    • numbers, driving, 116
  • Performance factors, 101, 111
  • Performance styles
  • Promotions, 115118


  • Ramp-up time, 17
  • Recognition programs, 3233, 98
  • Resources. See Budgets
  • Retention. See also Turnover
    • building strategy for, 89
    • competencies, assessing, 142144
    • experts, 27
    • factors influencing, 9596
    • management strategies for, 7
    • reasons for, 8587
    • roadmap, 142
    • skills, 115118
  • Retention Quotient (RQ), 142143


  • Senior leaders, 25, 137138
  • data analysis by, 137
  • insight to, 25
  • perception of, 36
  • role of, 140141
  • skeptics among, 53
  • Sheridan Healthcare, 1820, 125126
  • Shifting aspirations, 9092
  • Social media, 63, 98
  • “Start, Stop, and Continue” questioning, 55
  • Stay interviews
  • career growth and, 94, 152
  • conducting, 9394
  • financial impact of, 9495
  • use of, 9293
  • Stillwater Mining Company
  • hiring practices at, 34
  • safety at, 1213
  • transparency at, 7576
  • Survey data. See also Metrics; Workplace America survey
  • action plan for, 136138
  • application of, 6
  • categories, 137
  • embrace of, 46
  • leader performance, 120122
  • management of, 136
  • retention, 117
  • stay interviews, 9495


  • TalentKeepers, 67
  • capabilities of, 155156
  • CIA encounter, 8990
  • core values of, 156157
  • engagement continuum, 157159
  • experience of, 155156
  • mission of, 156
  • Talking points, 82
  • Technology, 130
  • Tenure, 99
  • Time-to-productivity. See Ramp-up time
  • Trust
  • building, 25
  • career growth and, 8990
  • retention and, 9596
  • Turnover. See also Retention
  • cause of, 115
  • factors affected by, 127
  • reducing, 64
  • survey data on, 126
  • true cost of, 1517


  • Unemployment rate, xi
  • Upper feedback channel, 82
  • Urquhart, Steve, 7173, 118119



  • Walt Disney Company, 138
  • Walt Disney World, 12
  • Weaver, Debbie
  • on attrition, 3435
  • on employee safety, 1213
  • on transparency, 7576
  • Wet Socks, 105106
  • Work-life balance, 97
  • Workflows, 7273
  • Workplace America survey, 130
  • engagement meetings in, 5556
  • engagement/turnover, 125126
  • generational drift, 128, 129
  • high turnover data in, 5
  • key metrics in, 146
  • leadership effectiveness, 8
  • leadership engagement in, 21
  • WOWs, 105
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