Chapter 7

Chatting with Messages and FaceTime


OS X includes Messages for instant messaging and FaceTime for video chat with Mac, iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch users.

Set Up Messages

Chat with a Buddy

Send and Receive Files with Messages

Set Up FaceTime

Make and Receive FaceTime Calls

Set Up Messages

The Messages app enables you to chat with your contacts via instant messaging. Using Messages, you can connect via Apple’s iMessage service to contacts on Macs and iOS devices or to contacts on other online messaging services, such as Google Talk, Yahoo! Messenger, and AOL.

The first time you run Messages, you set it up with your Apple ID, which identifies you uniquely on the iMessage service. You can also add other messaging accounts as needed by using the Add Account command or the Accounts pane in Messages Preferences.

Set Up Messages

Set Up Messages withYour Apple ID


001.eps Click Messages (9781118768068-ma022.tif) on the Dock.

002.eps Type your Apple ID.

A You can click Create an Apple ID to create an Apple ID if you do not have one.

003.eps Type your password.

004.eps Click Sign In.

The Messages window opens.

Add Another Messaging Account


001.eps Click Messages.

The Messages menu opens.

002.eps Click Add Account.

The Choose a Messages Account to Add dialog opens.

003.eps Click a message account option (9781118768068-ma005.tif changes to 9781118768068-ma006.tif). Your choices are Google, Yahoo!, AOL, and Other messages account.

004.eps Click Continue.

Note: If you selected the Other messages account option, click the Account Type pop-up menu (9781118768068-ma050.tif) and click the account type: AIM, Google Talk, Jabber, or Yahoo!.

A dialog for entering the account information appears. This example uses Google.


005.eps Type your name as you want it to appear.

006.eps Type the e-mail address for the messaging account.

007.eps Type your password.

008.eps Click Set Up.

A dialog appears enabling you to select what services to use with the messaging account.


009.eps Click an option, such as Mail, Contacts, Calendar, or Notes (9781118768068-ma002.tif changes to 9781118768068-ma003.tif).

010.eps Click Done.

Messages sets up the account, and you can start using it.

Chat with a Buddy

Messages enables you to chat with your contacts, or buddies, via instant messaging. The easiest way to start using Messages is by sending text messages. Depending on the messaging services and the computers or devices your buddies are using, you may be able to chat via audio or video as well.

To start chatting, you send your buddy an invitation. If your buddy accepts the invitation, the reply appears in the Messages window. You can conduct multiple chats simultaneously, switching from chat to chat as needed.

Chat with a Buddy


001.eps In Messages, click Compose New Message (9781118768068-ma061.tif).

A New Message entry appears in the left pane.

002.eps Click Add Contact (9781118768068-ma062.tif).

The Contacts panel opens.

003.eps Click the buddy with whom you want to chat.


A The buddy’s name appears in the To area.

B A green dot (9781118768068-ma063.tif) indicates that the buddy is available for chat.

004.eps Type the text you want to send, and then press ret.tif.


C Your message appears in a bubble on the right side of the right pane.

Note: You can change the way messages appear by clicking View, highlighting Messages, and then clicking Show as Balloons, Show as Boxes, or Show as Compact.

D A reply from your buddy appears on the left side of the right pane.


005.eps Type a reply to your buddy’s reply.

006.eps Click Special Characters (9781118768068-ma064.tif).

The Special Characters panel opens.

007.eps Click the category of special characters you want: Recents and Favorites (9781118768068-ma065.tif), People (9781118768068-ma066.tif), Nature (9781118768068-ma067.tif), Objects (9781118768068-ma068.tif), Places (9781118768068-ma069.tif), or Symbols (9781118768068-ma070.tif).

008.eps Click the special character.

009.eps Press ret.tif.

Messages sends the message, including the special character.

Send and Receive Files with Messages

As well as chat, Messages enables you to send files easily to your buddies and receive files they send to you. During a chat, you can send a file either by using the Send File command or by dragging a file from a Finder window into Messages.

When a buddy sends you a file, you can decide whether to receive it. Messages automatically stores the files you receive in the Downloads folder in your user account, but you can change the destination to another folder if you so choose.

Send and Receive Files with Messages

Send a File


001.eps Start a text chat with the buddy to whom you want to send a file, or accept a chat invitation from that buddy.

002.eps Click Buddies.

The Buddies menu opens.

003.eps Click Send File.

The Send File dialog opens.


004.eps Click the file you want to send.

005.eps Click Send.


A A button for the file appears in the text box.

006.eps Type any message needed.

007.eps Press ret.tif.

Messages sends the message, including a button for transferring the file.

If your buddy accepts the file, Messages transfers it.

Receive a File


B When your buddy sends you a file, it appears as a button in the Chat window.

001.eps Click the file’s button to download the file.

Set Up FaceTime

Apple’s FaceTime technology enables you to make audio and video calls easily across the Internet. FaceTime works with all recent Macs and with the last several generations of the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad and iPad mini.

Your iMac includes a built-in video camera and microphone, so it is ready to use FaceTime right out of the box. Before you can make calls, you need to set up FaceTime with your Apple ID.

Set Up FaceTime

Open and Set Up FaceTime


001.eps Click FaceTime (9781118768068-ma023.tif) on the Dock.

Note: If the FaceTime icon does not appear on the Dock, click Launchpad (9781118768068-ma015.tif) on the Dock, and then click FaceTime on the Launchpad screen.

The FaceTime window opens.

002.eps Type your Apple ID.

Note: If you need to create a new Apple ID, click Create New Account.

003.eps Type your password.

004.eps Click Sign In.

FaceTime signs you in.


005.eps Click the e-mail address or addresses at which you want people to contact you via FaceTime.

A check mark appears (9781118768068-ma057.tif) next to each address you select.

006.eps Click Next.

Your contacts list appears.


A Click Favorites to display your list of FaceTime favorites.

B Click Recents to display a list of recent calls you have made, received, and missed.

C Click Contacts to display your contacts from the Contacts app.

You are now ready to make FaceTime calls.

Close FaceTime


001.eps When you finish using FaceTime, click FaceTime.

The FaceTime menu opens.

002.eps Click Quit FaceTime.

FaceTime closes.

Note: You can also close FaceTime by pressing cmd.tif+ q.tif.

Make and Receive FaceTime Calls

When you have set up FaceTime with your Apple ID, you can make and receive FaceTime calls from your iMac. You can call any iPhone user or any user of a Mac or other iOS device who has enabled FaceTime.

To make a call, you open FaceTime, click the contact, and then select the e-mail address or phone number to use for contacting him. To receive a call, you simply answer when FaceTime alerts you to the incoming call.

Make and Receive FaceTime Calls

Make a FaceTime Call


001.eps Click FaceTime (9781118768068-ma023.tif) on the Dock.

Note: If no FaceTime icon appears on the Dock, click Launchpad (9781118768068-ma015.tif), and then click FaceTime (9781118768068-ma023.tif).

002.eps Click Contacts.

003.eps Click the contact you want to call.

Note: You can also place a call from the Favorites list or the Recents list.

004.eps Click the e-mail address or phone number to call.

FaceTime places the call.


005.eps When your contact answers, begin chatting.

006.eps When you are ready to finish the call, move the mouse to display the pop-up control bar, and then click End.

Receive a FaceTime Call

When you receive a FaceTime call, a FaceTime window appears.


001.eps Click Accept.

Note: In the Contacts app, you can assign a specific ringtone and a specific text tone to a contact. These tones can help you identify which contact is calling or messaging you.

The call begins.


A You can move the mouse to display the pop-up control bar and then click Full Screen (9781118768068-ma058.tif) to enlarge the FaceTime window to full screen.

002.eps Chat.

B You can click Mute (9781118768068-ma059.tif) to mute the audio.

C You can click Rotate (9781118768068-ma060.tif) to rotate the view.

003.eps When you are ready to finish the call, click End on the pop-up control bar.

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