Chapter 5

Surfing the Web


If your iMac is connected to the Internet, you can browse or surf the sites on the World Wide Web. For surfing, OS X provides a web browser app called Safari. Using Safari, you can quickly move from one web page to another, search for interesting sites, and download files to your iMac.

Open a Web Page

Follow a Link to a Web Page

Open Several Web Pages at the Same Time

Navigate Among Web Pages

Return to a Recently Visited Page

Change Your Home Page

Create Bookmarks for Web Pages

Maintain a Reading List

Share Web Pages with Other People

Follow Links Others Share with You

Find Interesting Web Pages

Download a File

Select Essential Security Settings

Open a Web Page

The Safari app included with OS X enables you to browse the web in various ways. The most straightforward way to reach a web page is to type or paste its unique address, which is called a uniform resource locator or URL, into the address box in Safari.

This technique works well for short addresses but is slow and awkward for complex addresses. Instead, you can click a link or click a bookmark for a page you have marked.

Open a Web Page


001.eps Click Safari (9781118768068-ma016.tif) on the Dock.

Safari opens.

002.eps Triple-click anywhere in the address box or press cmd.tif+9781118768068-l.tif.

Safari selects the current address.

003.eps Type the URL of the web page you want to visit.

Note: You do not need to type the http:// part of the address. Safari adds this automatically for you when you press ret.tif.

004.eps Press ret.tif.

Safari displays the web page.


Follow a Link to a Web Page

After opening a web page in Safari, you can click a link on it to navigate to another page or another marked location on the same page. Most web pages contain multiple links to other pages, which may be either on the same website or on another website. Some links are underlined, whereas others are attached to graphics or to different-colored text. When you position the mouse pointer over a link, the mouse pointer changes from the standard arrow (9781118768068-ma137.tif) to a hand with a pointing finger (9781118768068-ma138.tif).

Follow a Link to a Web Page


001.eps In Safari, position the mouse pointer over a link (9781118768068-ma137.tif changes to 9781118768068-ma138.tif).

A The address of the linked web page appears in the status bar.

Note: If the Safari window is not showing the status bar, click View and select Show Status Bar to display it.

002.eps Click the link.

Safari shows the linked web page.


B The address of the linked web page appears in the address box.

Open Several Web Pages at the Same Time

Safari enables you to open multiple web pages at the same time, which is useful for browsing quickly and easily. You can open multiple pages either on separate tabs in the same window or in separate windows. You can drag a tab from one window to another.

Use separate tabs when you need to see only one of the pages at a time. Use separate windows when you need to compare two pages side by side.

Open Several Web Pages at the Same Time

Open Several Pages on Tabs in the Same Safari Window


001.eps Go to the first page you want to view.

Note: You can also click Add (9781118768068-ma012.tif) or press cmd.tif+9781118768068-t.tif to open a new tab showing your home page. Type a URL in the address box, and then press ret.tif to go to the page.

002.eps Press ctrl.tif+click a link.

The shortcut menu opens.

003.eps Click Open Link in New Tab.


A Safari opens the linked web page in a new tab.

Note: You can now repeat steps 2 and 3 to open further pages on separate tabs.

004.eps To change the page Safari shows, click the tab for the page you want to see.

Open Several Pages in Separate Safari Windows


001.eps Go to the first page you want to view.

002.eps Press ctrl.tif+click a link.

The shortcut menu opens.

003.eps Click Open Link in New Window.

Note: You can also open a new window by pressing cmd.tif+9781118768068-n.tif.


B Safari opens the linked web page in a new window.

004.eps To move back to the previous window, click it. If you cannot see the previous window, click Window and then select the window on the Window menu.

Note: You can also move back to the previous window by closing the new window you just opened.

Note: Press cmd.tif+ singlequote.tif to cycle forward through windows and cmd.tif+shift.tif+ singlequote.tif to cycle backward.

Navigate Among Web Pages

Safari makes it easy to navigate among the web pages you browse. Safari tracks the pages that you visit, so that the pages form a path. You can go back along this path to return to a page you viewed earlier; after going back, you can go forward again as needed.

Safari keeps a separate path of pages in each open tab or window, so you can move separately in each tab or window.

Navigate Among Web Pages

Go Back One Page


001.eps In Safari, click Previous Page (9781118768068-ma118.tif).

Safari displays the previous page you visited in the current tab or window.

Go Forward One Page


001.eps Click Next Page (9781118768068-ma119.tif).

Note: The Next Page button is available only when you have gone back. Until then, there is no page for you to go forward to.

Safari displays the next page for the current tab or window.

Go Back Multiple Pages


001.eps Click Previous Page (9781118768068-ma118.tif) and keep holding down the mouse button.

A pop-up menu opens showing the pages you have visited in the current tab or window.

002.eps Click the page you want to visit.

Safari displays the page.

Go Forward Multiple Pages


001.eps Click Next Page (9781118768068-ma119.tif) and keep holding down the mouse button.

A pop-up menu opens showing the pages further along the path for the current tab or window.

002.eps Click the page you want to visit.

Safari displays the page.

Return to a Recently Visited Page

To help you return to web pages you have visited before, Safari keeps a History list of all the pages you have visited recently.

Normally, each person who uses your iMac has a separate user account, so each person has his own History. But if you share a user account with other people, you can clear the History list to prevent them from seeing what web pages you have visited. You can also shorten the length of time for which History tracks your visits.

Return to a Recently Visited Page

Return to a Page on the History List


001.eps In Safari, click History.

The History menu opens.

A If a menu item for the web page you want appears on the top section of the History menu, before the day submenus, simply click the item.

002.eps Highlight or click the day on which you visited the web page.

The submenu opens, showing the sites you visited on that day.


003.eps Click the web page to which you want to return.

Safari displays the web page.

Clear Your Browsing History


001.eps Click History.

The History menu opens.

002.eps Click Clear History.

The Are You Sure You Want to Clear History? dialog opens.


003.eps Click Also reset Top Sites (9781118768068-ma002.tif changes to 9781118768068-ma003.tif) if you want to reset the list of sites you visit most frequently.

004.eps Click Clear.

Safari clears the History list.

Note: If you want to browse without History storing the list of web pages you visit, click Safari and then click Private Browsing. In the Do You Want to Turn on Private Browsing? dialog, click OK.

Change Your Home Page

When you open a new window, Safari automatically displays your home page, the page it is configured to show at first. You can set your home page to any web page you want, to an empty page, or to the Top Sites screen. You can also control what page Safari shows when you open a new tab or a new window. Your choices are to display the Top Sites screen, your home page, an empty page, or the same page from which you opened the new tab or window.

Change Your Home Page


001.eps In Safari, navigate to the web page that you want to make your home page.


002.eps Click Safari.

The Safari menu opens.

003.eps Click Preferences.

Note: You can also press cmd.tif+ comma.tif to open the Preferences window.

The Preferences window opens.


004.eps Click General.

The General pane opens.

005.eps Click Set to Current Page.

Safari changes the Home Page text field to show the page you chose.


006.eps Click the New windows open with pop-up menu (9781118768068-ma050.tif) and select Top Sites, Homepage, Empty Page, or Same Page, as appropriate.

007.eps Click the New tabs open with pop-up menu (9781118768068-ma050.tif) and select Top Sites, Homepage, Empty Page, or Same Page, as appropriate.

008.eps Click Close (9781118768068-ma007.tif).

The Preferences window closes.

Create Bookmarks for Web Pages

Safari enables you to create markers called bookmarks for the addresses of web pages you want to be able to revisit easily. When you find such a web page, you can create a bookmark for its address, assign the bookmark a descriptive name, and store it on the Favorites bar, on the Bookmarks menu, or in a Bookmark folder. You can then return to the web page’s address by clicking its bookmark. The content of the web page may have changed by the time you return.

Create Bookmarks for Web Pages

Create a New Bookmark


001.eps In Safari, navigate to a web page you want to bookmark.

002.eps Click Bookmarks.

The Bookmarks menu opens.

003.eps Click Add Bookmark.

Note: You can also press cmd.tif+9781118768068-d.tif to open the Add Bookmark dialog.

The Add Bookmark dialog opens, with the web page’s title added to the upper box.


004.eps Click the Add this page to pop-up menu (9781118768068-ma050.tif) and select the location or folder in which to store the bookmark.

005.eps Type a descriptive name for the bookmark.

006.eps Click Add.

The Add Bookmark dialog closes.

Safari creates the bookmark.

Organize Your Bookmarks


001.eps Click Show sidebar (9781118768068-ma139.tif).

Safari displays the sidebar.

002.eps Click Bookmarks (9781118768068-ma140.tif).

Safari displays the Bookmarks pane.

003.eps Click Add (9781118768068-ma141.tif).

Safari adds a new bookmarks folder to the list.

004.eps Type the name for the new folder and press ret.tif.


005.eps Click a collapsed folder to display its contents.

006.eps Click and drag a bookmark to the new folder.

Note: You can click and drag the bookmark folders into a different order. You can also place one folder inside another folder.

007.eps Click Show sidebar (9781118768068-ma139.tif).

Safari hides the sidebar.

Maintain a Reading List

Bookmarks are a handy way of marking the addresses of web pages you want to be able to visit repeatedly, but you may also want to save some web pages for later reading in their current state. Safari’s Reading List feature enables you to save pages like this.

You can quickly add the current web page to Reading List by giving the Add to Reading List command. Once you have added pages, you access Reading List through the sidebar.

Maintain a Reading List

Add a Web Page to Reading List


001.eps In Safari, navigate to a web page.

002.eps Click Add to Reading List (9781118768068-ma142.tif).

Note: You can also click Bookmarks and select Add to Reading List or press cmd.tif+shift.tif+9781118768068-d.tif.

Note: You can click Bookmarks and select Add These Tabs to Reading List to add all the tabs in the current window to Reading List.

Open Reading List and Display a Page


001.eps Click Show sidebar (9781118768068-ma139.tif).

Safari displays the sidebar.

002.eps Click Reading List (9781118768068-ma143.tif).

The Reading List pane opens.


003.eps Click the item you want to read.

The item appears.


004.eps When you are ready to remove an item from Reading List, position the mouse pointer over its entry and click Delete (9781118768068-ma144.tif).

Share Web Pages with Other People

Safari enables you to share web pages or their addresses quickly by using the Share button on the toolbar. You can send the page or its URL to someone else via AirDrop, e-mail, or instant messaging. Alternatively, you can share the page more widely by posting it to Twitter or Facebook.

When sharing via Mail, you can send the page as it is, a Reader version of the page, a PDF file showing the page, or a link to the page.

Share Web Pages with Other People

Share a Page via AirDrop


001.eps Navigate to the web page you want to share.

002.eps Click Share (9781118768068-ma124.tif).

The Share pop-up menu opens.

003.eps Click AirDrop.

The AirDrop dialog opens.


004.eps Click the person to whom you want to send the page.

005.eps Click Send.

AirDrop sends an invitation to receive the page. If the person accepts, AirDrop sends the page.

The AirDrop dialog closes.

Share a Link via E-Mail


001.eps Navigate to the web page you want to share.

002.eps Click Share (9781118768068-ma124.tif).

The Share pop-up menu opens.

003.eps Click Email This Page.

Mail creates a new message.


A The page’s title appears in the Subject box.

004.eps Add the recipient’s address.

005.eps Click the Send Web Content As pop-up menu (9781118768068-ma050.tif) and select what to send: Web Page, Reader, PDF, or Link Only.

Note: Sending a link enables the recipient to view the latest version of the page.

006.eps Type any message needed.

007.eps Click Send (9781118768068-ma071.tif).

Mail sends the message.

Follow Links Others Share with You

OS X and its apps enable you to follow links that other people share with you. When you receive a link in an e-mail message in Mail, you can preview the link to see if you want to follow it. You can then open the link in Safari or add it to Reading List.

If you open an AirDrop window or tab in the Finder, you can receive links via AirDrop. You can save these links and optionally open them in Safari.

Follow Links Others Share with You

Follow a Link Shared via AirDrop


001.eps Click Finder (9781118768068-ma014.tif) on the Dock.

A Finder window opens.

002.eps Click AirDrop.

The AirDrop screen appears.

Note: You can minimize the AirDrop window or open another tab in front of it without deactivating AirDrop.

003.eps When you receive a link via AirDrop, click Save and Open.

A You can click Save to save the link without opening it.

Safari displays the linked page.


Follow a Link Shared via E-Mail


001.eps In Mail, click the message that contains the link.

002.eps Position the mouse pointer over the link.

003.eps Click the pop-up button (9781118768068-ma108.tif).

The preview of the page appears.


004.eps Click Open with Safari.

B You can click Add to Reading List to add the web page to Reading List instead of opening it.

Safari displays the page.

Find Interesting Web Pages

Safari includes a built-in search capability that enables you to search the Internet using some of the largest search engines. You can search automatically with the search engine configured in Safari’s General preferences, but you can also easily switch to a different search engine for a particular search.

After searching, you can review the results the search engine returns and open links that seem promising.

Find Interesting Web Pages

Search with Your Default Search Engine


001.eps In Safari, click in the address box.

002.eps Start typing your search terms.

A The blue text shows your current search engine.

As you type, Safari displays suggested searches.

003.eps Click the search you want to use.

Note: If Safari does not display a search you want to use, type your remaining search terms and press ret.tif.

Safari displays a page of search results.


004.eps Click a link to open a web page.

The web page opens.

Note: When examining search results, it is often useful to press ctrl.tif+click a link and select Open in New Tab or Open in New Window. This way, the page of search results remains open, and you can follow other linked results as needed.

Use a Different Search Engine Temporarily


001.eps Click the Search icon in the address box.

The pop-up menu opens.

002.eps Click the search engine you want to use.

Safari switches to the search engine you select.


003.eps Type your search terms.

As you type, Safari displays suggested searches.

004.eps Click the search you want to use.

Download a File

Many websites provide files to download, and Safari makes it easy to download files from websites to your iMac’s file system. For example, you can download apps to install on your iMac, pictures to view on it, or songs to play.

OS X includes apps that can open many file types, including music, graphic, movie, document, and PDF files. To open other file types, you may need to install extra apps or add plug-in software components to extend the features of the apps you already have.

Download a File


001.eps In Safari, go to the web page that contains the link for the file you want to download.

002.eps Click the link.

Safari starts the download.

Note: The indicator on the Downloads button (9781118768068-ma146.tif) shows the progress of the download.


003.eps Click Downloads (9781118768068-ma147.tif) to open the Downloads window.

004.eps When the download is complete, press ctrl.tif+click the file in the Downloads window.

The shortcut menu opens.

005.eps Click Open.

Note: Depending on the file type and the preferences you have set, Safari may open the file automatically for you.

The file opens.

Depending on the file type, you can then work with the file, enjoy its contents, or install it.

Note: If the file is an app, you can install it as discussed in Chapter 3. If the file is a data file, such as a document or a picture, OS X opens the file in the app for that file type.



006.eps If the file disappears from the Downloads window and Safari does not open the file for you, click Downloads on the Dock.

The Downloads stack opens.

007.eps Click the file you downloaded.

The file opens.

Select Essential Security Settings

The web is packed with fascinating sites and useful information, but it is also full of malefactors and criminals who want to attack your iMac and steal your valuable data.

Safari enables you to protect your iMac and your data by configuring security settings. Your options include preventing Safari from automatically opening supposedly safe files you download, refusing unwanted cookie files, and removing stored passwords. You can also block pop-up windows, which malicious websites can use to distribute malevolent software.

Select Essential Security Settings


001.eps Click Safari.

The Safari menu opens.

002.eps Click Preferences.

The Preferences window opens.

003.eps Click General.

The General pane opens.

004.eps Click Open “safe” files after downloading (9781118768068-ma003.tif changes to 9781118768068-ma002.tif).


005.eps Click Security.

The Security pane opens.

006.eps Click Warn when visiting a fraudulent website (9781118768068-ma002.tif changes to 9781118768068-ma003.tif).

007.eps Click Block pop-up windows (9781118768068-ma002.tif changes to 9781118768068-ma003.tif).

Note: Some websites need pop-up windows to function properly. When you visit such a site, click Safari and click Block Pop-up Windows to temporarily allow pop-ups. Repeat the command afterward to block pop-up windows again.


008.eps Click Privacy.

The Privacy pane opens.

009.eps Click From third parties and advertisers (9781118768068-ma005.tif changes to 9781118768068-ma006.tif).

010.eps Click Prompt for each website once each day (9781118768068-ma005.tif changes to 9781118768068-ma006.tif).

011.eps Click Ask websites not to track me (9781118768068-ma002.tif changes to 9781118768068-ma003.tif) if you want to request not to be tracked. Websites may not honor this request.

012.eps Click Do not preload Top Hit in the background (9781118768068-ma003.tif changes to 9781118768068-ma002.tif).


013.eps Click Passwords.

The Passwords pane opens.

A You can click a stored password and click Remove.

014.eps Click Allow AutoFill even for websites that request passwords not be saved (9781118768068-ma003.tif changes to 9781118768068-ma002.tif).

B You can click AutoFill user names and passwords (9781118768068-ma003.tif changes to 9781118768068-ma002.tif) to prevent Safari automatically entering your usernames and passwords.

015.eps Click Close (9781118768068-ma007.tif).

The Preferences window closes.

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