It is impossible to thank individually the huge number of people who have contributed to the creation of this book. All I can do is to signal here a few who have been particularly helpful.

This book obviously draws on the massive literature of management, leadership, as well as Agile and lean. I have done my best to indicate in the text itself the sources of my thinking so that readers can immerse themselves more deeply in these vast streams of thought and practice.

I am indebted to a small group of collaborators that meets weekly to share their experiences of the emerging workplace, including Rod Collins, Jay Goldstein, Andrew Holm, Dawna Jones, Thomas Juli, Nancy Van Schooenderwoert, and Peter Stevens.

I would like to acknowledge the help of my collaborators at the SD Learning Consortium, who continue to energize and inspire me, including Vanessa Gamboa Adams, Matt Anderson, Lindsay Bennett, Aaron Bjork, Chris Connors, Susan Gordona, Kevin Grady, Chad Lindbloom, Paul Madden, Justin Marks, Michael Pacanowsky, Michael Robillard, Richard Sheridan, Ahmed Sidky, Jon Smart, Stefan Truthän, and Joakim Sundén.

I am grateful for the continuing inspiration offered by the Stoos gathering in 2012, including the insights of Jurgen Appelo, Sanjiv Augustine, Julian Birkinshaw, Rod Collins, Jay Cross, Esther Derby, Peter Hundermark, Klaus Leopold, Uli Loth, Catherine Louis, Melina McKim, Roy Osherove, Deborah Hartmann Preuss, Franz Röösli, Simon Roberts, Michael Spayd, Peter Stevens, John Styffe, Kati Vilkki, and Jonas Vonlanthen.

I am deeply grateful for the conversations with leaders of the Agile movement, including Alex Adamopoulos, Ray Arell, Mike Beedle, Phil Brock, Mike Cohn, Henrik Esser, Stephen Forte, Peter Green, Bob Hartman, Arjay Hinek, Ron Jeffries, Craig Larman, Evan Leybourn, Heidi Musser, Raj Mudhar, Jeff Sutherland, Ken Schwaber, Bas Vodde, Tom Wessel, and Adrian Zwingli.

I am grateful to Scrum Alliance for the opportunity to serve on its board and the support that it offered for the Learning Consortium in 2015 and the webinar series in 2015–2016.

Much inspiration was gained from Richard and Ilse Straub, and the people I met at the Drucker Forum, including Julian Birkinshaw, Clayton Christensen, Gary Hamel, John Hagel, Bill Fischer, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Fredmud Malik, Rita Gunther McGrath, Andrew Hill, and Adi Ignatius.

The Innovation for Jobs network has been a tremendous help, including Vint Cerf, David Nordfors, Curt Carlson, and Bob Cohen.

Colleagues at the Strategy & Leadership journal, under the courageous leadership of Robert Randall, have been a strong inspiration, including Brian Leavy, Liam Fahey, and Robert Allio.

The global community of management continues to inspire me: Scott Anthony, Joseph Bower, Mike Brittain, Mihir Desai, Bill Lazonick, Harry Moser, Paul Nunes, Lynn Paine, Roger Martin, Stan McChrystal, Carlota Perez, Fred Reichheld, Haydn Shaughnessy, and Anand Venkataraman.

I was fortunate to have many wonderful suggestions from several online review groups. I particularly appreciated the contributions of Matt Anderson, Joel Bancroft-Connors, Alan Barstow, Madelyn Blair, Kas Burger, Felipe Castro, Lisa Cooney, Jeremy Cox, Ed Curley, Stephane Dangel, Charles Dhewa, Gary Douglass, Lyn Dowling, Diane Dromgold, Tony Elmore, Mei Lin Fung, Jay Goldstein, Shane Hastie, Karen Hochberg, Arnaldo Romanos-Hofer, Andrew Holm, John Hovell, Dawna Jones, Cazzy Jordan, Thomas Juli, Michael Kende, Erwin van der Koogh, Yeu Wen Mak, Charles Matthews, Sharon McGann, Imelda McLarnon, Richard Miller, Deborah Mills-Scofield, Dan Montgomery, Steven Moore, Heidi Musser, David Nordfors, Pollyanna Pixton, Peter Randall, Stephen Ritchie, Johanna de Ruyter, Grant Sayer, Nancy Van Schooenderwoert, Robby Slaughter, Erik Smakman, Bruce Smith, Jim Starrett, Peter Stevens, Rini van Solingen, Carolyn Smithson, Willy Sussland, Nerio Vakil, Tathagat Varma, Germain Verbeemen, Cornelis Vonk, John Warren, Victoria Ward, Robert Ware, Douglas Weidner, Jouw Wijnsma, and Mike Wittenstein.

My agent, Sandra Bond, has been an invaluable sounding board as the book took shape.

Enduring support from my editor at Forbes, Fred Allen, has been particularly helpful.

I also recognize the support from my editor at AMACOM, Tim Burgard, whose courage and vision has helped this book to happen.

Amid all this help, I would also like to recognize the most pointed and useful management lessons and insights that have come from my daughter Stephanie and my sister Lyn Dowling.

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