Subject Index

Note: This index also contains the names of ICI personnel and external consultants.

Agricultural Division see ICI: Agricultural Division

Alkali Division see ICI: Mond Division

Allen, Sir P.C., 70, 94, 99100, 1089, 272

American influences see United States

Ammonia Works, Agricultural Division (1971–75), 1869

analysis, levels of, and study questions, 4651

antecedents of organisation development in ICI, 47881, 4928

Agricultural Division, 1412, 4946

Mond Division, 33842, 34548

Petrochemicals Division, 23744, 4946

Plastics Division, 28991, 4967

Bainton, T.

in Millbank, 416, 4212, 430

in Mond Division, 3358, 342, 344, 352, 354, 356, 462, 492

Bay, F., 334, 337, 342, 344, 353, 3623, 368, 463, 491

Billingham see ICI: Agricultural Division

boards see management

Bridge, G.

in Agricultural Division, 121, 485, 4956

and external change agents, 1467

and management, 1436, 1512, 195, 4658

and MUPS, 88, 103

personality and leadership, 160, 400, 454, 457

policy statement, 139

and training, 150, 1534, 335, 342

in Millbank, 8890, 10119, 156, 179, 483, 509

Brown, J.,

in Agricultural Division, 178, 1846, 193

Brown, W.,

in Petrochemicals Division, 239, 2423, 253, 2567, 487, 500, 51011

BrunnerJ., 3201, 328

business development and history, ICI, 6979, 12139, 41013

in Agricultural Division

(1920–57), 12157

(1958–78), 1329

(1976–81), 20913

and economic context see ICI, changing business

in Mond Division, 32134 (1979–83), 36475

in Petrochemicals Division (1958–81), 21533

in Plastics Division (1945–81), 25983 see also production

Callard, Sir J., 70, 108, 225, 391, 3968

Campbell, G., 338, 349, 3656, 491

capital expenditure see investment etc

capital intensity, 567

capitalism as world system, 32

Central Personnel Department see organisation development, ICI

Chairman’s weekly meeting, 3834

Chairman’s Group Conference, 402, 412, 415, 416, 417, 422, 435, 463

Chambers, Sir P., 703, 91, 95, 99, 284, 383, 388, 448, 450

change agents

external, 39, 1467, 312, 318

internal, 39, 11014, 4778;

see also undernames of each ICI Division

chemical industry, trends and characteristics, 5369

capital intensity and scale of production, 567

cyclical economic effects, 589

expenditure on research, 57

growth, rapid, 546

heavy sector, recent hard times, 602

size, pervasiveness and criticality, 54

trade and competition, international, 52, 578, 823

in UK (1960–83), 52, 629

see also ICI

co-partnership, 1256, 128

competition and trade

in chemical industry, 52, 578, 823

in ICI, 7982, 935, 122, 133, 411, 449

Agricultural Division, 122, 133, 210

Mond Division, 3278

Petrochemicals Division, 216, 220

Plastics Division, 265

consensus decision-making, 3889

consultants see change agents

content in strategic change, 43940, 454


economic, UK chemicals industry (1960–83), 52, 629

in organisation development, 1518, 358, 47984, 4928

in strategic change, 43940, 45371

mobilisation of context to creat change, 49, 237, 427, 443, 447, 45558

contextual analysis, 3538, 412, 479

continuity, 38191, 4367, 477

and change (1950s-83), 44453

Cowan, D., 285, 287, 2923, 299304, 308, 310, 48990, 497

crisis theory of change, 446


perspectives on organisational process, 416

theories of choice and change, 445

culture see ICI, culture and organisation

data base and research questions, 3842

decision-making, 201, 43, 45

see also management; strategic change

diffusion and doubt stage in

Agricultural Division (1972–76), 1401, 17396

management-union problems, 17696

diversification, 923

Dow, S., 284317, 469, 48990, 4967, 511

Dudley, S., 88, 515, 517, 519

and evolution of OD, 10319, 4834

and MUPS, 89, 103

and Roberts, 309

and strategic change, 3801, 393408, 41416, 42836

and United States competition, 94


context of chemical industry (1960–83), 52, 629

cycle, 269, 4478

employees, numbers of, in chemical industry, 65, 68

employees, numbers of, in ICI, 75, 377, 426, 449

Agricultural Division, 123, 127, 1378, 301, 451

in Mond Division, 319, 3713

in Petrochemicals Division, 216, 224

in Plastics Division, 261, 267, 27980, 282, 2867, 302, 3045

see also redundancies

Engineering Works, Agricultural Division (1972–77), 18996

Evans, T.

in Agricultural Division, 147, 1524, 157, 160, 467, 495

inMillbank, 88, 10311, 11314, 118, 4834

evolutionary development of firm, 4456

exclusivity dilemma for innovation, 50515

expenditure see investment

failure of organisation development see organisation development in ICI, decline

Fleck, A., 96, 142, 284

flow chart, Petrochemicals Division, 219

functionalist approaches to organisation theory, 29, 323

General Chemicals Division see ICI: Mond Division

group level analysis, 468

growth of chemical industry, 546, 61

see also production/sales/profits

Harvey-Jones, J.

in Millbank

as Chairman, 702, 3768, 448, 452

and strategic change, 381, 393436, 45962, 484

in Petrochemicals Division, 157

as chairman, 221, 236, 245

and management, 2313

and OD unit, 23657

passim, 457, 4878, 496, 5001, 509

and strategic change, 4669

Heath, B., 2356, 24450, 4878, 5001, 509

Heavy Organic Chemicals Division see ICI: Petrochemicals Division

Hinton, Rev., 173, 179, 185, 188

Hodgson, Sir M., 70, 3767, 391, 40910, 41213

Hunt, P.D., 285, 287, 2923, 299304, 308, 490, 497


business history, culture, performance (1960–83) , 6979; see also under Divisions

changing business and economic context , 5283

chemical industry generally, 5362

chemical industry in UK, 52, 629

competitors (1967–81), 7982

recent history, 6979

competitors, 7982, 935, 122, 133, 411, 449: see also under ICI Divisions

corporate headquarters see ICI: Millbank

culture and organisation, managerial (1966–83), 6979, 4501; see also under ICI Divisions

diversification, 923

employees, 75, 377, 426, 499; see also under ICI Divisions

investment and expenditure, 7881, 411, 448, 452 (1950s–60s), 945; see also under lCl Divisions

production/sales/profits, 748, 377, 387, 41115, 420, 4478, 4501 (1950s–60s), 935; see also underlCl Divisions

technological innovation, 945, 1334, 142, 44950; see also under ICI Divisions

see also organisation development; trade unions

ICI: Agricultural Division

board, 12532, 136, 1424, 176209

see also organisation development

business development

(1920–57), 12132

(1958–83), 1329

change agents, external, 1469, 15776, 487, 513, 518

change agents, internal, 88, 121, 13980, 187206, 4857, 4956, 51219

comparison with Petrochemicals Division, 2214, 227, 229, 234

competition, 122, 133, 210

employees, 123, 127, 1378, 201, 451

investment and expenditure, 1223, 196

managerial culture and organisation

(1920–57), 12532

(1976–83), 196209

organisation development see organisation development

organisation strategy for creating

change, 156209

birth and pioneering (1969), 140, 15866

diffusion and doubt (1972–76), 1401, 17396

opportunities and refocussing (1976–83) 141, 196209

production/sales/profits, 121, 1379, 1967, 200, 209

social innovation (1962–69), 14359

strategic change (1962–67), 14359, 454, 4658

see also trade union

ICI: Millbank

board, 703, 378, 38191, 4225; see also organisation development

change agents, external, 879, 1001, 113, 146, 394408, 41316, 42836, 484, 519

change agents, internal, 8890, 94, 10119, 1467, 37681, 391437, 4835, 51519

corporate strategic change

(1958–83), 44453

(1973–83), 376437, 45965

managerial culture and organisation (1970s), 38191

organisation development see organisation development

trade unions, 393, 400

ICI: Mond Division

board, 31920, 32834, 33845, 3624

see also organisation development

business history and organisation, 32134

(1979–83), 36475

change agents, external, 320, 3358, 3424, 352, 354, 356, 3646, 462, 492, 519

change agents, internal, 33455, 36170, 4902, 515, 519

competition, 3278

employees, 319, 3713

managerial culture and organisation, 32834

organisation development, 33464

see also organisation development

production/sales/profits, 319, 3227

strategic choice (1973–83), 454, 45965, 4745

top-down strategy for creating change, 31975

business crisis (1979–83), 36475

business history, 32134

trade unions, 334, 34554, 35960

ICI: Petrochemicals Division, enforced change strategy, 21456

board, 221, 22533, 30714

business history, organisation and culture (1958–81), 21533

change agents, external, 236, 2523, 462

change agents, internal, 221, 23157, 4878, 496, 5001, 50911

comparison with Agricultural Division, 2214, 227, 229, 234

competition, 216, 220

employees, 216, 224

managerial organisation and culture, 22533

merger with Plastics see ICI: Plastics organisation development, 23457

see also organisation development

production/sales/profits, 21718, 220, 229

see also trade unions

ICI: Plastics Division, change without political support, 258318

board, 260, 27083, 31114

business history, organisation and culture (1945–81), 25983

change agents, external, 286, 28788, 30912

change agents, internal, 272, 284317, 48990, 4967

competition, 265

employees, 261, 267, 27987, 3025, 451

investment and expenditure, 261, 268

managerial culture and organisation

(1945–63), 2704

(1964–80), 27483

merger with Petrochemicals Division, 214, 258, 266, 318, 377, 406, 41722, 425, 4356

organisation development, 283318; see also organisation development

production/sales/profits, 2615, 268

strategic change (1967–81), 25859, 26370, 454, 457, 46971

ideological shifts, 4469

inclusivity dilemma for innovation, 50513

incremental adjustment and revolution (1950s–83), 44453

industrial relations see Manpower Utilisation etc; trade unions

inertia, 260, 270, 399403

innovation see technological innovation

institutionalisation of OD, 1935, 43536

integrative structures and cultures, 456

interest groups, 424

see also political

internal organisation development, 498505


in chemical industry, 57, 667

in ICI, 789, 81, 411, 448, 452

Agricultural Division, 1223, 196

Mond Division, 322

Petrochemicals Division, 217

Plastics Division, 261, 268

see also business

James, T.

at Millbank

and strategic change, 3801, 400, 4038, 4334, 484, 515

and training, 414

at Petrochemicals Division

and board, 252, 431

and merger with Plastics Division, 256, 318, 421

and organisation development, 2369, 2438, 4878, 5001

job-enrichment, 148

Jones, D., 334, 337, 344, 4634, 490

labour productivity, 450

see also Manpower Utilisation etc; trade unions

Larsen, R., 141, 1767, 193, 2056, 487, 513, 518

leadership behaviour in change processes, 14347, 15255, 23132, 245, 257, 33536, 34144, 36872, 37681, 42324, 42629, 440, 453, 455, 45758, 45968, 473

see also change agents; management

legitimacy of organisation development, 498505

legitimisation and delegitimisation of organisation development, 27, 44, 49

legitimisation processes for strategic change, 443, 453, 45558

life cycle

of firm, 4456

of strategies, 21

McBride, R., 4046, 484

McGill, H, 17980, 18990, 192

McGowan, Sir H., (later Lord McGowan), 123, 321, 388

McGregor, D, 879, 1001, 113, 146, 4667


culture see ICI, culture and, organisation

lack of support from see ICI: Petrochemicals

tasks in creating change, 4716

and technology, 1434

see also under each ICI Division, board and managerial

Mann, N.,

at Millbank, 432, 4367

atMond, 336, 338, 344, 351, 354, 36670, 463, 490, 492

manpower see employees

Manpower Utilisation and Payment Structure/Weekly Staff Agreement, 73, 8490, 478, 493

and Agricultural Division, 143, 148, 1547, 172, 17981, 198, 205

antecedents, 908

change agents and, 11014

legacy of, 11419

legitimacy of, 98102

and Millbank, 4834, 516

and Mond Division, 334, 3478, 351

and Petrochemicals Division, 225, 22933, 2378, 240

rescuing, 1023

see also trade unions

market focus, 4501

Marsh, P., 180, 18990

Marshall, S., 3368, 3534, 357, 3657, 462, 491, 515

Marxism, 2934, 445

Mercer, R.

in Agricultural Division, 1467, 175, 467

in Millbank, 89, 11314, 394408, 41314, 42836, 484, 519

in Petrochemicals Division, 236, 2523, 462

Methanol 2, Agricultural Division, 158

Miles, P.

in Agricultural Divison, 1401, 1657, 1727, 1935, 203, 486, 512

in Plastics Division, 284, 2903, 489

Millbank see ICI: Millbank

mobilisation of context to create change, 49, 237, 427, 443, 447, 45558

Mond, Sir A, 96, 123, 1256, 128, 321

Mond, L., 3201, 328

Mond Division see ICI: Mond Division

Moores, P., 141, 2034, 206, 211, 487, 513, 515

MUPS see Manpower Utilisation etc

OD see organisation development

Oldham, C, 158, 163

organisation see ICI, culture and organisation

organisation development in ICI, 3941, 4650

antecedents see antecedents

context of, 1518, 358, 47984, 4928

criticisms of, 91114, 3423; see also under organisation development in Divisions

decline and failure, 4950, 203, 2517, 31618

defined, 34

internal, 498505

legitimisation and delegitimisation, 27, 44, 49

origins and history of, 48

process, 1518

studies of, 318, 235, 28, 35

success, 4950

training in, 3434, 3656; see also under organisation development in ICI Divisions

use, impact and fate of, 477519

contexts, antecedents and birth, 47981, 4928

exclusivity and inclusivity dilemma, 50513

lessons from, 51319

structure, internal development,

strategy and legitimation of, 498505

variation in history and impact of, 48392

values, concepts and theories, 67, 1034, 1614, 171, 235, 249, 3426

see also change agents; trade unions

organisation development in ICI: Agricultural Division, 13942, 478, 4857, 499, 5025, 51718

antecedents, 1412

birth and pioneering stage (1969–72), 140, 15873

context, 1668

criticisms of, 165, 171, 193, 203

exclusivity and inclusivity 51113

management-union problems

(1970–76), 17696

opportunism and refocussing stage

(1976–83), 141, 196209

managerial culture and concerns, 197203

refocussing (1976–81), 2039

survival and regeneration, 20913

training, 139, 14555, 160, 171, 187, 207

organisation development in ICI: Millbank, 109, 112, 379, 499

condition and use

(1973–77), 3915

(1978–83), 40325

contribution of resources and methods, 42536

exclusivity and inclusivity, 511

lessons from, 51319

opening up (1974–77), 395403

inertia, 399403

secretarial error, 3979, 462

role for (1965–72), 84119

birth, development and use, 8790, 1037

legacy of MUPS/WASA/SDP, 11419

resistance to change, 8790, 1056, 11013, 118, 380, 41314

training, 8790, 1056, 11013, 118, 380, 41314

organisation development in ICI: Mond Division, 33464, 478, 4902, 499

and board (1970–76), 33854

Lostock experiment, 35461

purpose and unity on Mond board, beginnings of (1977–79), 3624

resources, use of, 3348

works and industrial relations (1965–76), 34554

organisation development in ICI: Petrochemicals Division, 23457, 478, 4878, 499, 505, 517

antecedents of, 23744, 4946

criticisms of, 2413, 252, 2556

exclusivity and inclusivity, 50911

from Task Force to OD unit (1970–72), 2448

internal life (1970–72), 24851

training, 2289

demise of (1972–73), 2517

organisation development in ICI: Plastics Division, 283318, 478, 48890

antecedents of, 28991, 4967

board and, 30716

Training and Personal Development Dept, 291307

criticisms of, 289305 passim, 309, 313

demise of, 31618

exclusivity and inclusivity, 509, 511

external evolution (1969–72), 2939

image of (1972), 3024

internal evolution (1969–72), 299302

redundancy and false dawn (1972–76), 3047

training, 2925, 299300

organisation theory

context and process linked, 358

criticisms of, 2835

functionalist approaches to, 29, 323

Marxist approaches to, 2934

radical approaches to, 29, 31

studies of, 2835

organisational process, 416

Parker, J., 24450, 4878, 496, 5001, 509

participation, 344

PCD see ICI: Petrochemicals Division

Personnel Committee, Millbank, 381

personnel departments see ICI: Petrochemicals Division

Plastics Division see ICI: Plastics Division

Policy Groups, Millbank, 38290, 41721, 427


impact on strategic change processes, 415, 49

influence, 196, 201

perspectives on organisational process, 416

support, lack of see ICI: Plastics Division

theories of choice and change, 425, 4423

population ecology, 34

power, 27, 144, 443

and decision-making, 45

relationships, 2930

see also management; ICI: Millbank

problem sensing for strategic change, 434, 437, 440, 458, 473


alternative theories of choice and change, 1923, 415, 440, 442

boundedly rational, 20

garbage can, 223

incremental, 223, 44142, 47172

political, 425

political and cultural, 445, 4425, 458, 460, 474

rational, 1920, 23, 44041, 457

link with context in organisation change, 358, 5051, 43840, 45355

in strategic change, 43944

patterns in, 45371


chemical industry, 569, 634, 73, 7980, 823

in ICI, 748, 935, 377, 387, 41115, 4478, 4501

Agricultural Division, 121, 1379, 1967, 200, 209

Mond Division, 319, 3227

Petrochemicals Division, 21718, 220, 229

Plastics Division, 2615, 268

see also business

productivity bargains see Manpower Utilization etc

profit-sharing, 1256, 128

profits see production

rationalisation programme, 377

recession and ICI, 93, 447, 449, 451

Agricultural Division, 196, 2012

Mond Division, 319, 327

Petrochemicals Division, 218, 220

Plastics Division, 2668

redundancies and severance, ICI, 7576, 377, 41213, 42021, 426, 44748, 45053

Agricultural Division, 12223, 134, 13738, 20609

Mond Division, 319, 37175

Petrochemicals Division, 318

Plastics Division, 267, 27982, 2867, 302, 3045, 318

Reilly, M., 2889, 314, 31718

research and development in ICI, 57, 124, 144

research questions and data base, 3842, 4651

resistance to change, 98114

revolution and incremental adjustment (1950s–83), 44453

riggers in Agricultural Division, 1846

Ripley, N., 139, 157

background, 502

and board, 140, 4678

and OD, 15877, 1936, 199, 4856, 5035, 512, 517

risk aversion factor, 199200

Rutherford Panel and Report, 878, 97101

sales see production etc

SDP see Staff Development Programme

segmentalist structures and cultures, 456

severance see redundancies

specialisation, 61

specialist change resources, 477519

see also organisation development in ICI, use, impact and fate of

specialists see change agents; organisation_development in ICI

stability see continuity

Staff Development Programme, 856, 8990, 103, 11018, 478

Petrochemicals Division, 23443

Mond Division, 334, 348

Plastics Division, 297 see also Manpower Utilisation etc

stages of strategic change, 4335, 4736

strategic change, xviii, xix, 1923, 25, 41, 501, 99, 117, 37681, 395403, 41437, 43876

analysis levels and study questions, 4651

context, process and content, xviii, 19, 25, 501, 43840, 4535

data base and research questions, 3842

definition of, 438

literature on, 1923, 4406

and organisation development (1973–83) 376437; see also organisation development in ICI: Millbank

political and cultural perspectives on organisational process, 416

problem sensing and, 434, 437, 440, 458, 473

process, 43876

managerial tasks in creating, 4716

patterns in, 45371

revolution and incremental

adjustment (1950s–83), 44453

stages of, 4335, 457 see also ICI: Agricultural Division, organic strategy; ICI: Mond Division, top-down strategy; ICI: Petrochemicals Division, enforced change; ICI: Plastics Division, change without political support etc


of organisation development groups, 498505

and systems of top of ICI, 38191 see also management culture and organisation of ICI: Agricultural Division; ICI: Mond Division;

ICI: Petrochemicals Division;

ICI: Plastics Division

T-groups see organisation development in ICI, training

technological innovation in ICI, 1334, 44950

(1950s–60s), 946

Agricultural Division, 1334, 142, 199

trade, international see competition and trade

trade unions and organisation development

Agricultural Division, 126, 1312, 1434, 148, 1547, 17699, 202, 205

Millbank, 3935, 400

Mond Division, 33435, 35461 (1965–76), 34554

Petrochemicals Division, 221, 225, 22933, 2378

productivity bargains see Manpower Utilisation etc

training see organisation development, training

United States, influence of, 5, 7, 87, 89, 95, 1056, 11213, 118, 394

Agricultural Division, 139, 1456, 156

Mond Division, 335, 337, 355

see also under each ICI Division, change agents, external

use, impact and fate of organisation development see under organisation development

values see organisation development, values etc

Ward, K, 23544, 249, 2537, 487, 500, 50911

Weekly Staff Agreement (WSA) 73

see also Manpower Utilisation etc

Wilson, B., 352, 356

and Mann, 3667, 492

and Marshall, 3367, 365, 367

and Woodburn, 3424, 354, 462

Woodburn, T.,

in Millbank, 400, 403, 41622, 42630, 436, 484

in Mond Division, 33544, 34955

passim, 362, 368, 45863, 4902

Wright, Sir R.,

as Chairman of ICI, 70, 391, 397, 4001, 403, 422, 429, 463

as personnel director, 108, 394, 396

WSA (Weekly Staff Agreement), 73 see also Utilisation etc

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