
Abstraction 97

Academic Achievement Award 333

Access 157

Accuracy 296

Action rules 95

Active data warehousing 209

Administrative meta-data 265

Advanced visualization and discovery 229

AGATE See France DGA Architecture Framework

ANSI / IEEE 1471-2000 68

ANSI / NISO Z39.19-2005 187

ANSI Standard 859 244

ANZLIC See Australian New Zealand Land Information Council

Application data layer 112

Architectural framework 67, 82

Architecture 65

Attribute 98

Auditing data security 159

Australian New Zealand Land Information Council 276

BABOK See Business Analysis Body of Knowledge

Backup files 133

Base II New Accord 50

BI application architect 220

Body of Knowledge 8, 11


CBK 11


PMBOK Guide 11


Boyce / Codd normal form 97

Brackett, Michael 332

Bridge table 215

BSP See Business Systems Planning

Bus 217

Business Analysis Body of Knowledge 11

Business architecture 65, 66

Business continuity group 133

Business Continuity Plan 245

Business data steward 5, 37, 40, 43, 119, 173, 176, 187, 190, 252

Business dimensional lifecycle 206

Tenets 206

Business entity 64, 73, 94

Conceptual 94

Business intelligence 197

Buy or build 227

Monitoring 232

Operational 209

Strategic 208

Tactical 208

Tools 225

User groups 225

Business intelligence architecture 80

Business intelligence management 7, 20, 41

Business intelligence value chain 315

Business knowledge 74

Business meta-data 262

Business relationship 76

Business rules 95, 119, 300, 305

Business subject area 74

Business Systems Planning 67, 79, 92

Business value chain 77

Business vobaculary 92

CAD / CAM See Computer Assisted Design and Manufacturing

Canada Bill 198 242, 328

Canadian Information Processing Society 11

Candidate key 99

Capital Planning and Investment Control 69

Card catalog 259

Cardinality rules 95

CBIP See Certified Business Intelligence Professional

CBK See Common Body of Knowledge

CCA See Clinger-Cohen Act

CDI See Customer data integration

CDMP See Certified Data Management Professional

CDMP certification

Accepted vendor certifications 323

Exam preparation 325

Examination 325

Mastery 322

Practitioner 322

Process 321

Qualifying examinations 323

Recertification 325

Scores 322

Certified Business Intelligence Professional 9

Certified Data Management Professional 9, 321

Certified Information Systems Security Professional 11

Change-capture mechanism 230

Chief data steward 43, 44

Chief information officer 43, 46

CIF See Corporate information factory

CIM See Common Information Model

CIO See Chief information officer

CIPS See Canadian Information Processing Society

CISSP See Certified Information Systems Security Professional

CITBOK See Canadian Information Technology Body of Knowledge

Citizen relationship management 52

Class words 113

Classification Framework 67

Clinger-Cohen Act 69

CobiT See Control objectives for information and related technology, See Control objectives for information and related technology.

Code management system 185

Code table 100, 174, 191

COE See Data management center of excellence

COI See Data management community of interest

Co-location 111

Common Body of Knowledge 11

Common Information Model 276

Common Warehouse Meta-data 274

Community Award 333

Completeness 296

Composite key 99

Computer assisted design and manufacturing 138

Conceptual business entity 94

Conceptual data model 72, 76, 93

Conceptual design review 114

Confidentiality classification 159

Configuration management 117

Conformed dimensions 216

Conformed facts 217

Content lifecycle 248

Content management 239, 248

Content management system 241, 248

Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata 276

Context diagram

Data architecture management 64

Data development 87

Data governance 37

Data management 18

Data operations management 129

Data quality management 291

Data security management 151

Data warehousing and business intelligence management 198

Defined 27

Document and content management 240

Meta-data management 259

Reference and master data management 171

Control activity 24

Control objectives for information and related technology 38

Coordinating data steward 40

Corporate information factory 79, 201

Purpose 203

Cost-benefit ratio 315

Covey, Steven 223

CPIC See Capital Planning and Investment Control

CRM See Citizen relationship management, Customer relationship management

CRUD matrix 79

CSDGM See Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata

Cultural change leadership 16

Currency 296

Customer data integration 178

Customer relationship management 52, 178

CWM See Common Warehouse Meta-data


DAMA Dictionary of Data Management 11, 321

DAMA Foundation 8

DAMA International 8, 320

DAMA International Academic Achievement Award 333

DAMA International Community Award 333

DAMA International Conference Europe 9, 320

DAMA International Government Achievement Award 333

DAMA International Lifetime Achievement Award 332

DAMA International Professional Achievement Award 332

DAMA International Symposium 8, 320, 321

DAMA Mission 8


Functional Framework 12, 14

Recurring themes 16

Structure 15

DAMA-DMBOK Guide 9, 20

Audience 10

Goals 9

Use 10

Dashboard 227

Data 2, 6

Structured format 3

Unstructured format 3

Data access services 109

Data administration 5, 129

Data analyst 101, 108, 111, 120

Data architect 43, 64, 71, 220

Data architecture 63, 81

Data architecture management 6, 19, 40, 63, 64

Context diagram 64

Guiding principles 81

Process summary 82

Data architecture steering committee 48

Data asset 6, 53

Value 53

Data attribute 64

Definition 98

Essential 76

Instance 98

Logical model 98

Data cleansing 231, 291

Data cleansing tools 185, 188

Data consistency 155

Data definition language 102

Data delivery architecture 64, 72, 82

Data deployment 6

Data design

Detailed 101

Data development 20, 40, 87

Context diagram 87

Guiding principles 120

Issues 123

Process summary 121

Responsibilities 87

Data dictionary 99

Data enhancement 311

Data entity 94

Data flow 79

Data governance 6, 19, 37, 40, 252, 294

Activities 45

Context diagram 37

Frameworks 55

Government analogy 42

Guiding principles 56

Issue management 50

Issues 59

Issues adjudicated 43

Procedures 51

Process summary 57

Responsibility for 42

Rules defined by 42

Scope 41

Unique 60

Uniqueness 38

Data governance council 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 51, 53, 81, 132, 154

Data governance function 37

Data governance office 43, 44

Data governance strategy 45

Data hub model 183

Data implementation 116

Data integration 16

Data integration architecture 79, 80

Data integration procedure 190

Data integration specialist 111

Data lifecycle 3, 4

Data lineage 79, 161

Data management 4, 7, 17, 37, 319

Activities 21

Activity groups 24

Consumers 28

Deliverables 28

Elements 18

Function 18, 19

Goals 18

Individual roles 31

Initiatives 52

Inputs 28

Metrics 28

Mission 18

Non-strategic goals 19

Participants 28

Principles 19

Program 17

Software product classes 31

Specialized hardware 34

Suppliers 28

Technology categories 30

Tools 28

Types of organizations 29

Data Management

Context Diagram 18

Data management activities

Control 24

Development 24

Operational 24

Planning 24

Data Management Association See DAMA International

Data management center of excellence 43

Data management community of interest 44

Data management context diagram 18

Data Management Curriculum Framework 9

Data management executive 43, 44, 46, 81

Data management function 6

List 12

Data management implementation roadmap 47

Data management intranet website 55

Data management procedures 48

Components 49

Data management profession 8

Data management professional 5, 37, 43, 44, 319

Continuing education 321

Obligations 319

Data management program charter 47

Data management scope statement 47

Data management services 6, 43, 53

Reporting 44

Data mart

Purpose 222

Data matching 310

Data migration criteria 112

Data mining 229

Data model 73

Conceptual 93

Differences 91

Essential 73

Integrated 73

Integration 115

Logical 96

Physical 99

Purpose 91

Subject oriented 73

Validation 115

Versioning 115

Data modeling 73, 90

Logical 92

Methods 89

Physical 101

Standards 113

Data naming standards 113

Data operations management 6, 20, 40, 129

Context diagram 129

Goals 129

Guiding principles 144

Impedances 146

Issues 146

Process summary 145

Data parsing 308, 311

Data policy 47

Drafting 47

Topics 47

Data producer 113

Data professional 113

Data profiling 188, 301, 308

Data quality 16, 291

Assessment 297

Awareness 294

Business rules 300

Conformance 305

Control 302

Dimensions 296

Expectation 292

Fitness for use 295

Metrics 298

Operational procedures 303

Procedures 306

Tools 307

Data quality framework 292

Data quality management 6, 20, 41, 291

Approach 292

Context diagram 291

Guiding principles 312

Process Summary 313

Data quality measurements 188

Data Quality Oversight Board 294

Data recovery plan 132

Data resource management 5

Data retention plan 137

Data rules 95

Data security

Access 157

Auditing 159

Bill of Rights 155

Business requirements 153

Confidentiality classification 159

Monitoring 158

Outsourcing 160

Password 156

Regulation list 167

Regulatory requirements 153

Stakeholders 154

Data security Bill of Rights 155

Data security management 6, 20, 40, 151

Context diagram 151

Four As 152

Goals 151

Guiding principles 162

Issues 164

Process summary 163

Data security policy 153, 154

Responsibility 155

Data security standards 154

Physical 154

Data standards

Components 48

Data steward 5, 39, 77, 120, 153, 159

Business 5, 40

Communication 54

Coordinating 40

Empowerment 61

Executive 40

Qualifications 60

Time commitment 60

Data stewardship 5, 16, 39, 60

Committee 43, 51

Facilitator 45

Meta-data 264

Program steering committee 42

Responsibilities 40, 42

Team 42, 48, 51

Data strategy 46, 52

Components 46

Deliverables 47

Ownership 46

Data technology architecture 78, 139

Components 140

Technologies to include 139

Data technology requirements 138

Data transformation 231, 309

Data value 3

Data warehouse 197, 199, 200

Purpose 222

Data warehouse architecture 80

Data warehouse chess pieces 207

Data warehouse management 20

Data warehousing 197, 218

Data warehousing and business intelligence

Concepts and definitions 199

Data warehousing and business intelligence management 198

Architecture 220

Context diagram 198

Critical success factors 220

Guiding principles 232

Objectives 198

Process summary 233

Projects 218

Data warehousing management 7, 41

Database administration 5

Database administrator 101, 108, 129, 137

Number needed 148

Responsibilities 102

Database availability

Factors affecting 134

Loss factors 134

Online criteria 135

Database backup 133

Database changes 117

Database design

Best practices 105

Documentation 107

Physical 102, 103

Database management system 78, 350

Database management technology 140

Alternatives 142

Software 142

Steps 141

Tools 141

Database of record 190

Database online analytical processing 210

Database performance 105, 134

Causes 136

Monitoring 135

Tuning 130

Database systems administration

Tasks 131

Database transaction 111

Database update mechanisms 112

Dataset updating 112

Datum 2

DBA See Database administrator

DBMS See Database management system

DCMI See Dublin Core Meta-data Initiative

DDL See Data definition language

Deming cycle 292

Denormalization 101, 106

Criteria 106

Department of Defense Architecture Framework (U.S.) 68

Dependent entity 94

Descriptive meta-data 265

Design review 114

Conceptual 114

Logical 114

Physical 115

Detailed data 200

Detailed data design 101

Development activity 24

Development DBA 129, 132

Dewey Decimal System 80

Dice 226

Dictionary of Data Management 11

Dimension attribute

Type 1 214

Type 2 214

Type 3 214

Type 4 214

Type 6 215

Dimension attribute types 213

Dimension tables 212

Dimensional data model 201

Dimensional data modeling 210

Directory 282

Disaster Recovery Plan 245

Distributed Management Task Force 275

DMS See Data management services

Document / record

Audit 247

Management 246

Management lifecycle 242

Retention 246

Document and content management 7, 20, 41, 239

Context Diagram 240

Guiding principles 253

Process summary 253

Subfunctions 239

Document library system 240

Document management 239

Document management system 240, 243

Document repository 243

DODAF See Department of Defense Architecture Framework (U.S.)

DOLAP See Database online analytical processing

Domain 98

DQM See Data quality management

Drill down 226

DRM See Data resource management

DTMF See Distributed Management Task Force

Dublin Core Meta-data Initiative 275

Duplicate identification match rules 186

DW chess pieces 201

DW-BIM See Data warehousing and business intelligence management

DW-bus architecture 217

DW-bus matrix 217, 222

EAI See Enterprise application integration

Eckerson, Wayne 228

ECM See Enterprise Content Management

EDM See Enterprise data model , See Enterprise data management

EIM See Enterprise information management

Enterprise application integration 350

Enterprise architecture 63, 66, 71

Enterprise assets 1

Enterprise Content Management 239

Enterprise data architect 68

Enterprise data architecture 19, 63, 71, 80, 81, 84

Enterprise data architecture steering committee 48

Enterprise data governance council 43

Enterprise data management 5

Enterprise data model 48, 64, 71, 72, 73, 74, 82

Components 77

Enterprise data warehouse 197

Enterprise Data World 9, 320, 325

Enterprise information management 5, 16

Enterprise logical data model 76

Enterprise model 66

Enterprise perspective 16

Enterprise resource planning 52, 179

Enterprise-wide data architecture 316


Business 94

Data 94

Dependent 94

Independent 94

Entity definitions 98

Entity life cycle 77

Entity relationship data modeling 211

Entity types 94

Entropy 315

Environmental elements 12

Basic 12

Supporting 13

ERP See Enterprise resource planning

Essential data attribute 76

Essential subject area 75

Ethical activities 330

Ethical conduct 328

Ethical data management 328

Ethical frameworks 328

Ethical information handling 331

ETL See Extract-Transform-Load

ETL architect 220

European Union 50

Executive data steward 40

Explicit knowledge 3

Extensible Markup Interface 252

Extensible Markup Language 251, 274, 275

External data 132

Extract-Transform-Load 78, 110, 136

Facet taxonomy 249

Fact tables 211

FASB See Financial Accounting Standards Board

FEA See Federal Enterprise Architecture

Federal Enterprise Architecture 68

Federal Geographic Data Committee 276

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 241

Federal Trade Commission 328

FGDC See Federal Geographic Data Committee

Fifth normal form 97

Financial Accounting Standards Board 50

Financial master data 179

First normal form 96

Flat taxonomy 249

Foreign key 99

Fourth normal form 97


Architectural 67

Classification 67

Process 67

France DGA Architecture Framework 68

FTC See Federal Trade Commission

Functional framework


Fundamental stored procedure 112

GASB See Government Accounting Standards Board (U.S.)

GEA See Government Enterprise Architecture

Global IDs 187

Glossary 282


Data management 18

Data operations management 129

Data security management 151

Golden data values 188

Golden master data 187

Golden record 173

Goodwill 53

Government Accounting Standards Board (U.S.) 50

Government Achievement Award 333

Government Enterprise Architecture 68

Grain 216

Guidelines to Implementing Data Resource Management 320

Guiding principles

Data architecture management 81

Data development 120

Data governance 56

Data operations management 144

Data quality management 312

Data security management 162

Data warehouse and business intelligence management 232

Document & Content Management 253

Meta-data management 284

Reference and master data management 192

Health Information Protection and Portability Act (U.S.) 49, 328

Hierarchical database management system 350

Hierarchical taxonomy 249

HIPPA See Health Information Protection and Portability Act (U.S.)

Historical data 200

HOLAP See Hybrid online analytical processing

Hot backups 134

HRM See Human resource management

Hub and spoke 181, 182

Human resource management 179

Hybrid online analytical processing 210

IAM See Information asset management

ICCP See Institute for Certification of Computing Professionals


IE See Information engineering

IEEE See Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

IM See Information management

Imhoff, Claudia 201

IMM See Information Management Metamodel

Independent entity 94

Indexing 101, 105

Information 2, 92

Information age 1

Information architect 248

Information architecture 66

Information asset management 5

Information consumer 113, 328

Information content architecture 248, 250

Information engineering 89

Information gaps 1

Information management 5

Information needs 72

Information quality 291

Information resource management 5

Information system 65

Information systems planning 67, 79

Information Systems Security Certification Consortium 11

Information technology 65

Information technology infrastructure library 138

Information Technology Management Reform Act 69

Information value chain 64, 66, 71, 77, 82

Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe 276

Inmon, Bill 199

INSPIRE See Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe

Institute for Certification of Computing Professionals 9, 321

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 11

Integrated data 200

International Management Metamodel 274

IRM See Information resource management

ISC See Information Systems Security Certification Consortium

Islands of data 155

ISO 15489 239

ISO/IEC 11179 277

ISO/IEC 25961 68

ISP See Information systems planning

IT governance 38

IT Infrastructure 6

IT security policy 154

ITIL See Information technology infrastructure library

Key 99

Candidate 99

Composite 99

Foreign 99

Surrogate 99

Kimball, Ralph 200, 206, 210

Knowledge 3

Explicit 3

Tacit 3

Knowledge asset 67

Knowledge management 3

Knowledge worker 3

Legacy data migration 118

Lifetime Achievement Award 332

Linked server 109

Linnaeus 80

Location master data 180

Logical data model 72, 76, 96

Logical data modeling 92

Logical data names 113

Logical design review 114

Machine Readable Catalog 243

Management by exception 231

Many-to-many relationship 96

MapQuest 138

MARC See Machine Readable Catalog

Martin, James 67, 79

Massive parallel processing 34

Master data 176

Master data environment 190

Master data management 6, 20, 40, 171, 173, 177

Applications 185

Challenges 177

Data matching 185

Focus areas 177

Key to success 191

Master data standards 185

Master data subject area 182

Master database of record 182

Match-link rules 186

Match-merge rules 186

MDA See Model Driven Architecture

MDM See Master data management

Message broker 110

Meta-data 2, 259, 261

Architecture 80

Current focus 267

Delivery mechanisms 283

History 266

Integration 280

Leveraging 259

Managed environment 270

Management 7, 41, 248, 259

Quality 279

Repository 80, 281, 282, 283

requirements 269

Scope 261

Sources 265

Standards 266

Tools 250

Types 262

Unstructured data 249, 264

Uses 283

Meta-data architecture 270

Bi-directional 272

Centralized 271

Distributed 271

Hybrid 272

Meta-data management 20

Context diagram 259

Guiding principles 284

Initiative 279

Priority 288

Process summary 285

Meta-data management system 270

Meta-data requirements

Business user requirements 269

Technical user requirements 270

Meta-data specialist 220

Meta-data standards 273

Consensus 273

International 277

Meta-data strategy 267

Phases 268

Meta-Object Facility 277

Methods of data modeling 89

Meta-data 277


Legacy data 118

Ministry of Defense Architecture Framework (U.K.) 68

Mission of data management 18

MODAF See Ministry of Defense Architecture Framework (U.K.)

Model 91

Model Driven Architecture 277

MOF See Meta-Object Facility

MOLAP See Multi-dimensional OLAP, See Multi-dimensional online analytical processing

Monitoring data security 158

Morris, Henry 227

MPP See Massive parallel processing

Multi-dimensional database management system 350

Multi-dimensional OLAP 350

Multi-dimensional online analytical processing 210

Natural key 213

Network database management system 350

Network taxonomy 249

Non-strategic goals

Data Management 19

Non-tabular data 241

Non-volatile data 200

Normalization 96

Boyce/Codd 97

Fifth normal 97

First normal 96

Fourth normal 97

Second normal 96

Sixth normal 97

Third normal 96

Notable data management professionals 332

Noun 92, 94

Object role modeling 90

Object-oriented database management system 350

OCR software 243

ODM See Ontology Definition Metamodel

ODS See Operational data stores

OIM See Open Information Model

OLAP See Online analytical processing

OLTP See Online transaction processing

OLTP processing 138

One-to-many relationship 96

One-to-one relationship 96

Online analytical processing 209, 226, 350

Online transaction processing 173

Ontology 249

OODBMS See Object-oriented database management system

Open Information Model 274

Operational activity 24

Operational business intelligence 209

Operational data store 183

Operational data stores 79

Operational meta-data 263

ORM See Object role modeling

Outrigger table 215


Data security 160

Partitioning 101

Party master data 178

Challenges 179

Password 156

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards 50

PCI-DSS See Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards

PDI See Product data integration

Performance management 228

Personal information

Guidelines 329

Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documentation Act 329

Physical data model 99

Physical data modeling 101

Physical data names 113

Physical database design 102, 103, 105

Physical design review 115

PIPEDA See Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documentation Act

Pivot 226

Planning activity 24

PLM See Product lifecycle management

PMBOK See Project Management Body of Knowledge

PMI See Project Management Institute

PMO See Project management office

PMP See Project Management Professional

POC See Proof of concept


Data security 153

Porter, Michael 77

Precision 296

Predictive analytics 229

Primary subject area 76

Principles of data management 19


Privacy 296

Process architecture 66

Process framework 67

Process meta-data 263

Process summary

Data architecture management 82

Data development 121

Data governance 57

Data operations management 145

Data quality management 313

Data security management 163

Data warehousing and business intelligence management 233

Document and content management 253

Meta-data management 285

Reference and master data management 193

Product data integration 185

Product lifecycle management 179

Product master data 179

Production DBA 129, 132

Deliverables 130

Responsibility 130

Profession 319

Common features 319

Professional Achievement Award 332

Professional conduct 328

Project 87

Project charter 92

Project Management Body of Knowledge 11

Project Management Institute 11

Project management office 52

Project Management Professional 11

Proof of concept 143

Quality assurance certification 132

Query and reporting 223

RACI See Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed

RDBMS See Relational database management system

RDF See Relational Definition Framework, See Record Description Format

Reasonableness 297

Record Description Format 251

Record quality 252

Recursive relationship 96

Reference and master data

Integration 180

Lineage 180

Sharing 173

Solutions 185

Reference and master data management

Context diagram 171

Drivers 172

Guiding principles 192

Process summary 193

Reference data 174

Change 191

Integration 190

Reference data management 6, 20, 40, 171, 173

Reference data set 174

Meta-data 176

Slow change 190

Reference data value domains 176

Reference table 174

Referential integrity 297

Referential integrity rules 95


Data security 167

Regulatory compliance 49

Questions 50

Regulatory requirements

Data security 153

Relational database management system 350

Relational Definition Framework 275

Relational OLAP 210, 350

Relationship 95

Many-to-many 96

One-to-many 96

One-to-one 96

Recursive 96

Relationship types 96

Replication 110

Replication scheme 133

Repository scanning 280

Requirements analysis 92


Database administrator 102

Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed 161

Data management 52

ROLAP See Relational OLAP, See Relational online analytical processing

Roll up 226


Action 95

Business 95

Cardinality 95

data 95

Referential integrity 95

SAM See Subject area model

Sarbanes-Oxley Act 38, 49, 132, 241, 328

Scanning repositories 280

Scorecard 227

SDLC See System Development Life Cycle

Second law of thermodynamics 315

Second normal form 96

Self-regulatory regimes 328

Semantic modeling 249

Semantic Web 251

Semi-structured data 241, 252

Service Level Agreement 132, 134, 221, 291, 302, 304, 307

Service-oriented architectuure 87, 109, 209

Seven Habits 223

Sixth normal form 97

SLA See Service level agreement

Slice-and-dice 226

SMART acronym 19, 46

SME See Subject matter expert

SMP See Symmetrical multi-processing

Snowflake table 215

Snowflaking 215

SOA See Service-oriented architectuure

SOA web services 110

Software product classes 31

Solvency II 50

Source-to-target mapping 230

Sousa, Ryan 201

Specialized hardware 34

SQL See Structured query language

Staging area 230


Data security 154


Data security 154

Meta-data 266

Star schema 215

State transition diagram 77

Strategic business intelligence 208

Structural meta-data 265

Structured query language 102, 274

Subject area 93

Essential 75

Primary 76

Subject area model 74

Subject matter expert 87, 119

Subject oriented data 199

Summarized data 200

Surrogate key 99, 212

SWEBOK See Software Engineering Body of Knowledge

Symmetrical multi-processing 34

System Development Life Cycle 4, 20, 68, 87

Activities 88

System of record See Golden record

Systems architecture 66

Tacit knowledge 3

Tactical business intelligence 208

Taxonomic reference data 175

Taxonomy 80, 231, 248

Facet 249

Flat 249

Hierarchical 249

Network 249

TCO 143

TDWI See The Data Warehouse Institute

Technical architect 220

Technical meta-data 262

Technology architecture 65, 66

Categories 78

Components 79

Test data 117


Data access 118

Products 118

The Data Warehouse Institute 9

The four As of data security management 152

The Open Group 68

Architectural Framework 68

Third normal form 96

Third party data 132

Time variant data 200

Timeliness 297

TOGAF See The Open Group Architectural Framework

Total cost of ownership (TCO) 143

Transaction log

Backup 133

Dump 133


What is it 3

Type 1 dimension attribute 214

Type 2 dimension attribute 214

Type 3 dimension attribute 214

Type 4 dimension attribute 214

Type 6 dimension attribute 215

UML See Unified modeling language

Unified modeling language 90, 274

Uniqueness 297

Universal meta-data models 266

Universal Standard Products and Services Classification 175

University of California at Berkeley 1

UNSPSC See Universal Standard Products and Services Classification

Unstructured data 240, 241, 252

Management 252

Meta-data 249, 264

Updatable views 112


Data model 115

Validity 297

Value chain

Business intelligence 315

Business value chain 77

Information value chain 64, 66, 71, 77, 82

Value domain 174

Verbs 92

Very large databases 34

Views 101

VLDB See Very large databases

Vocabulary 187, 189

Vocabulary management 187

Key questions 187

W3C See World Wide Web Consortium

Web Based Enterprise Management 275

WEBM See Web Based Enterprise Management

Wisdom 3

World Wide Web 251

World Wide Web Consortium 275

XMI See Extensible Markup Interface

XML See Extensible Markup Language

XML databases 138

Zachman Enterprise Framework 68

Zachman Framework

Builder perspective 70

Builder view 72

Data column 70

Designer perspective 70

Designer view 72

Function column 70

Functioning Enterprise view 72

Goal column 70

Implementer perspective 70

Implementer view 72

Network column 70

Owner perspective 70

Owner view 72

Participant perspective 70

People column 70

Planner perspective 70

Planner view 72

Reasons for adoption 71

Time column 70

Zachman, John 69, 332

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