
We want to thank our DAMA-DMBOK Guide Planning Committee for the almost weekly meetings for months on logistics and progress review and coordination. The core committee of Deborah Henderson, Mark Mosley, Michael Brackett, Eva Smith, Susan Earley and Ingrid Hunt, supported by DAMA Administration Kathy Hadzibajric, really brought the Guide to fruition through many, many personal, committed, volunteer hours.

Thanks, also, to the primary contributors who took the Framework vision and, within the tightly defined format and on a volunteer basis, were able to deliver the wonderful chapter material in-time and on-schedule, for which we are truly grateful.

We particularly wish to thank Mark Mosley for his sound theory, personal fortitude, and endless hours spent, and Michael Brackett for his sound advice, production, and manuscript miracle. Special thanks to John Zachman, Len Silverston and Ben Hu, our DAMA Advisors, for their enthusiasm.

Finally, we want to recognize the families of all the volunteers on this project, who sacrificed personal time with loved ones involved in this second non-paying job.

Deborah Henderson
DAMA-DMBOK Guide Sponsor
VP Education and Research DAMA International
President DAMA Foundation
Toronto, Canada

John Schley
President DAMA International
Des Moines, Iowa, USA


The DAMA-DMBOK Guide resulted from the contributions of many DAMA members. Without the contribution of these people, the DAMA-DMBOK Guide would not have been possible. The profession owes a great deal of gratitude to these DAMA members for their participation in a monumental piece of work.

DAMA International, the DAMA International Foundation, and the DAMA Chapter Presidents’ Council sponsored the DAMA-DMBOK Guide project. Their vision, insight, patience, and continued support lead to the establishment and continuation of this project.

Deborah Henderson, President of the DAMA Foundation and VP of Educational Services for DAMA International, is the Project Sponsor for the DAMA-DMBOK Guide. It was her idea from the beginning and she has been a dedicated project sponsor through the entire project. Publication of this document is a result of her unwavering vision, enthusiasm, confidence, and support.

Four people contributed substantial time and effort pulling all aspects of development, review, and production of the DAMA-DMBOK Guide together.

Deborah Henderson, Project Lead

Mark Mosley, Editor-Development

Michael Brackett, Editor-Production

Susan Earley, Assistant Editor

The DAMA-DMBOK Guide Editorial Board provided comments on the direction of the DAMA-DMBOK Guide, reviewed chapters, and provided valuable insights, edits, and enhancements to the manuscript. They represented the front line of professionals contributing to the development of a data management profession. The Editorial Board members are listed below in alphabetical order with their role and affiliation.

Michael Brackett, Editor—Production (Puget Sound)

Larry Burns (Puget Sound)

Patricia Cupoli (Philadelphia)

Mike Connor (Wisconsin)

Alex Friedgan (Chicago)

Dagna Gaythorpe (UK)

Mahesh Haryu (New York)

Cynthia Hauer (GEIA)

Deborah Henderson, Chair (Toronto)

Steve Hoberman (New Jersey)

Ben Hu (China)

Ingrid Hunt, Marketing (San Francisco)

Gil Laware (Chicago)

Wayne Little (Portland)

Tom McCullough (NCR)

Jim McQuade (Pittsburg)

Mark Mosley, Editor—Development (Chicago)

Catherine Nolan (Chicago)

John Schley (DAMA I)

Anne Marie Smith (Philadelphia)

Eva Smith, Infrastructure (Puget Sound)

Loretta Mahon Smith (NCR)

Glenn Thomas (Kentucky)

James Viveralli (IDMA)

The DAMA-DMBOK Guide Planning Committee handled the vast multitude of details necessary to bring the manuscript to publication. Many of these details were behind the scenes, but were critical for production of the DAMA-DMBOK Guide. Without their constant, daily, participation, the DAMA-DMBOK Guide would not exist today.

Michael Brackett

Kathy Hadzibajric

Deborah Henderson

Ingrid Hunt

Mark Mosley

Eva Smith

The contributing authors wrote the initial drafts for each chapter. These draft chapters were circulated for review and returned to the author and the Assistant Editor for enhancement. The contributing authors are the professionals contributing to the development of a data management profession.

Larry Burns

Mike Connor

Patricia Cupoli

Mahesh Haryu

Deborah Henderson

Steve Hoberman

Michael Jennings

Wayne Little

David Loshin

Michael G. Miller

Mark Mosley

Erik Neilson

Mehmet Orun

Anne Marie Smith

Gwen Thomas

John Zachman

Many DAMA Members reviewed the draft chapters and provided significant comment that led to improvement of those chapters. These reviewers are another wave of professionals contributing to the development of a data management profession.

Michael Brackett

Larry Burns

Kris Catton

John Cheffy

Deborah Coleman

Mike Connor

Charmane Corcoran

Patricia Cupoli

Neena Dakua

Satyajeet Dhumme

Susan Earley

Cynthia Edge

Gary Flaye

Marty Frappolli

Alex Friedgan

Dagna Gaythorpe

Wafa Handley

Mahesh Haryu

David Hay

Deborah Henderson

Bill Hoke

Steve Hoberman

Rich Howery

Ben Hu

Chris Jones

David Jones

Gary Knoble

Gil Laware

Jeff Lawyer

Wayne Little

Shahidul Mannan

Pete Marotta

Danette McGilvray

Ray McGlew

Jim McQuade

Mark Mosley

Catherine Nolan

Annette Pence

Terence Pfaff

Michelle Poolet

Ghada Richani

John Schley

Anne Marie Smith

Eva Smith

Loretta Mahon Smith

Stan Taylor

Glenn Thomas

Gwen Thomas

Jim Viveralli

Jim White

Gwen Yung

Many DAMA Members logged on to the DAMA-DMBOK Guide web site but did not submit any comments as part of the review process.

Sid Adelman

Davida Berger

Maureen Bock

Robert Cathey

Jamie Deseda

Gordon Everest

Lowell Fryman

Jim Goetsch

Deborah Gouin

Jean Hillel

Jeff Ilseman

Emiel Janssens

Mattie Keaton

Beverly King

Josef Martin

Tom McCullough

Dennis Miller

Prashant Natarajan

Cynthia Nie

Brand Niemann

Mehmet Orun

Andres Perez

David Plotkin

Fabio Prando

Jie Shi

Kimberly Singleton

Fran Suwarman Sjam

William Tucker

Karen Vitone

Robert Weisman

Manfred Wennekes

The coeditors sincerely thank all of those DAMA members involved in the DAMA-DMBOK Guide project. Their contributions were invaluable in creating the DAMA-DMBOK Guide and for furthering the development of a data management profession. We sincerely apologize for the unintentional omission of any person who provided support for the DAMA-DMBOK Guide.

Mark Mosley, Editor—Development
Chicago, Illinois
January, 2009

Michael Brackett, Editor—Production
Lilliwaup, Washington
January, 2009

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