
Inspiration about great communication is everywhere, and I’ve learned so much just by paying attention to the smart, talented people I work with, especially the terrific team at Davis & Company and our wonderful clients. As Yogi Berra once said, “You can see a lot just by looking,” especially when you’re surrounded by people doing great things.

Although I can’t mention all these folks by name (that would fill the whole book), I would like to acknowledge my coauthor, Jane Shannon. She’s one of the best writers on the planet and is a constant source of inspiration and delight.

—Alison Davis

First, thank you to my parents, Evelyn Lyon Risdon and James W. Risdon, who, among many achievements, both graduated from the University of Missouri School of Journalism and thus paved a trail that I followed.

Dr. Paul Fisher taught us the rules of typography and magazine design and then ended the semester by showing us how to break those rules effectively. Specifically, he demonstrated how collaboration between writer and graphic designer could lead to something greater than either could achieve alone.

Dr. Don Ranly, professor emeritus at the University of Missouri School of Journalism, will always be my favorite professor whose class I didn’t attend (because I graduated before he began teaching). At least I was able to introduce him to my students when I taught at Mizzou as a visiting professor.

Thank you to all the wonderful colleagues, friends, and clients I’ve had the privilege to work with. Special thanks to Bettina Rounds, Alan Beechey, Kate Nelson, Ellen Blitz, Bob Warkulwiz, Peter Moore, David Eccles, Lief Skoogfors, Jim Jarrett, Peter Ross, and Craig Bernhardt.

Special thanks also go to Alison Davis as a friend, consultant, boss, colleague, and collaborator, and someone who always makes my work better. She’s also the instigator of the great idea of creating this book.

Finally, thank you to two professional associations that helped me build my career, recognized the quality of my work, and also gave me the opportunity to give back to my profession: the International Association of Business Communicators and the Council of Communication Management.

—Jane Shannon

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