
The Definitive Guide to HR Communication: Engaging Employees in Benefits, Pay, and Performance


About the Authors


Part I: Taking a New Approach

Chapter 1: Know Your Employees

What Demographics Can Reveal About Employees

What You Can Learn from Demographics

Four Key Demographics to Explore


Years of Service



Use Focus Groups to Explore Needs and Preferences

Guidelines for Conducting Focus Groups

Checklist for Knowing Your Employees

Chapter 2: Treat Your Employees Like Customers

How to Sell Employees on the Value of Working for Your Company

How Marketers Begin: By Knowing Their Customers

Four Ways to Treat Your Employees Like Customers

Checklist for Treating Your Employees as Customers

Chapter 3: Plan and Manage Communication

Start Each Communication Project by Asking Great Questions

Use the Answers to These Questions to Establish a Goal and Objectives

What’s the Difference Between a Goal and an Objective?

Questioning Helps Identify Personal Agendas, Too

Manage HR Communication Projects Effectively





So, How Long Will This Take?

Create Award-Winning Communications and Communication Plans

Describe Your Communication Project Succinctly

Establish an Appropriate Budget

And When There Is No Money . . . Sigh

Checklist to Manage Your Communication Project Effectively

Chapter 4: Frame Your Message

“Go Hollywood” to Create a High Concept

Going Up!

And the Oscar Goes to . . .

High-Concept Worksheet

Use the Inverted Pyramid to Organize Your Message

“Am I Doing This Wrong?”

Leverage the 1-3-9-27 Formula to Structure Content

Checklist for Framing Your Message

Chapter 5: Write Simply and Clearly

Earn Points for Doing It Well

Convey What Matters Most to Employees

Emphasize “How To”

Slice, Dice, and Chunk Content

Use Plain Language

Be Concrete

Checklist for Writing Simply

Chapter 6: Leverage Visuals

Visuals Persuade

Leverage Visuals to Help Employees Understand

Visuals Explain

Climb the Visual Tree

Learn More

Take Text to the Next Level

Beware the Typography Trap

Put Simple Graphics to Work

Take a Picture

Stock Photography

Employee Photos

Illustrate the Specific Point You Want to Make

Create Shortcuts Using Icons

Make Complex Concepts Simple Through Infographics

When You Don’t Have Money for Graphic Designers

Checklist for Leveraging Visuals

Chapter 7: Use the Right Tool for the Job

Review the Tools in Your Tool Kit

Deciding on the Best Tool

Using Each Tool Effectively

E-mail: Love It, Hate It, Need It

(Still) Powerful Print

Waiting in the Cafeteria Line

Everybody into the Pool!

Summing Up: Put Every Tool to Work

Checklist for Choosing the Right Tool for the Job

Chapter 8: Make Meetings Meaningful—and Support Managers

First, the Bad News

Our Mission for Meetings

Good Meetings Begin at the End

Your Friend, the Agenda

Set Participants’ Expectations

Manage Information Sharing

Create a Facilitation Approach

What About Web Meetings?

Support Your Local Manager

Try a Meeting in a Box

Checklist for Making Meetings Meaningful (and Helping Managers)

Chapter 9: Measure Effectiveness

Defining Effectiveness

Survey Essentials

Create Focus

Choose the Best Method

Ask Good Questions

Get Buy-in and Participation

Conduct the Survey

Analyze and Report on the Results

Communicate and Take Action

Checklist for Measuring Communication Effectiveness

Part II: Communicating in Key Situations

Chapter 10: Recruiting

“We Want Only the Best and Brightest”

Keys to Successful Recruiting Communications

Present a Clear Portrait of Your Company

Feature Your Employees Describing Their Jobs

Create Accurate Job Descriptions

Give Candidates a Thorough Overview of Company Benefits

Use the Right Tool in Recruiting Communication

Checklist for Recruiting Talent

Chapter 11: Orientation

Welcome Aboard!

Before You Begin

“My First Week”

Set Up Managers for Success

Translate the Manager’s Role into Action

That Special Day: The Orientation Program

A New Format for Your Orientation Program

Fun Facts

Positive Feedback for NEO

Checklist for Giving New Employees What They Need to Be Successful

Chapter 12: Policies

Here’s What I Expect from You and What You Can Expect from Me

Policies: The Short Form

Here’s Your Friendly Handbook. Don’t Be Frightened. It Won’t Bite

Do Your Homework Before Producing Your Handbook

Establish Your Objectives

Gather Content

Organize Your Handbook in a Way That Makes Sense for Your Company and Your Employees

Other Ways to Organize

Desperately Seeking Information

Keep the Language Conversational—Please, No Legalese

Encourage Employees to Use the Handbook as a Resource

Put a Title on Your Work

Measure Results

Bring Policies to Life

Communicate Life Events When Policies, Programs, and Benefits Intersect

Checklist for Making the Most of All That Your Company Offers

Chapter 13: Benefits

“My Head Hurts”

Is Eight Your Lucky Number?

Again, Begin with Objectives

Understand What Employees Know and What They Need

Develop a Planned Approach

Communicate Simply, Clearly, and Candidly

Manage Time Wisely

Use Tools for What They Do Best

Emphasize Action

Measure Twice; Cut Once

Checklist for Helping Employees Understand Their Benefits So That They Know What to Do

Chapter 14: Compensation

Beware the Black Box

Money Does Not Equal Motivation

The Magic Number Is 5

Use Simple Language

Create Visuals to Simplify Complicated Information

Help Prepare Managers to Talk About Pay

Personalize if Possible

Provide Examples

Checklist for Getting Value from Your Substantial Investment in Compensation

Chapter 15: Performance Management

It’s Report Card Time!

What Is Performance Management?

What Do Employees Want?

Begin with Company Goals

Connecting the Dots if Your Company Is Large

Does Everyone Understand Your Performance Management System?

What if Your System Is Complicated?

The Big Picture

Teaching Managers to Fish

Checklist for Communicating Performance Management

Chapter 16: Saving for Retirement

Hey, Can We Get Some Help Over Here?

You’re Ready for Your Simple Four-Step Program!

Not Algebra, But . . .

How to Get Smarter and Richer

How to Give Advice When You Can’t Give Advice

“Tell Me How You Got to Be So Rich”

More Stories

When You’re Announcing a New Plan, Write Your Own Story

The Beauty and Art of Illustrations

Personalize to Make a Point

Checklist for Helping Employees Achieve Their Financial Goals

Chapter 17: Leaving the Company

“You Say Good-bye, and I Say Hello”

“Good News: I’m Resigning”

We Regret to Inform You . . .

Quiet Communication

“Let’s Focus on What Happens Next”

The Worst Day Ever: Layoffs

Experience Tells Us

Checklist for Communicating as Employees Leave the Company



Investing in People: Financial Impact of Human Resource Initiatives


About the Authors


Chapter 1. Making HR Measurement Strategic

How a Decision Science Influences HR Measurement

Decision Frameworks

Data, Measurement, and Analysis

Hitting the “Wall” in HR Measurement5

The LAMP Framework

Logic: What Are the Vital Connections?

Measures: Getting the Numbers Right

Analytics: Finding Answers in the Data

Process: Making Insights Motivating and Actionable


Software to Accompany Chapters 3–11


Chapter 2. Analytical Foundations of HR Measurement

Traditional Versus Contemporary HR Measures

Four Levels of Sophistication in HR Analytics

Fundamental Analytical Concepts from Statistics and Research Design

Generalizing from Sample Data

Drawing Conclusions about Correlation and Causality

Eliminating Alternative Explanations Through Experiments and Quasi-Experiments

Quasi-Experimental Designs

Fundamental Analytical Concepts from Economics and Finance

Fixed, Variable, and Opportunity Costs/Savings

The Time Value of Money: Compounding, Discounting, and Present Value24

Present Value and Discounting

Estimating the Value of Employee Time Using Total Pay

Cost-Benefit and Cost-Effectiveness Analyses

Utility as a Weighted Sum of Utility Attributes

Conjoint Analysis

Sensitivity and Break-Even Analysis



Chapter 3. The Hidden Costs of Absenteeism

What Is Employee Absenteeism?

The Logic of Absenteeism: How Absenteeism Creates Costs

Direct Costs and the Incidence of Employee Absenteeism



Categories of Costs

Analytics and Measures for Employee Absenteeism

Estimating the Cost of Employee Absenteeism

Process: Interpreting Absenteeism Costs

Case Study: From High Absenteeism Costs to an Actionable Strategy

Other Ways to Reduce Absence

Controlling Absenteeism Through Positive Incentives

Paid Time Off (PTO)

Summary Comments on Absence-Control Policies

Applying the Tools to Low Productivity Due to Illness: “Presenteeism”



Chapter 4. The High Cost of Employee Separations

The Logic of Employee Turnover: Separations, Acquisitions, Cost, and Inventory

Voluntary Versus Involuntary Turnover

Functional Versus Dysfunctional Turnover

Pivotal Talent Pools with High Rates of Voluntary Turnover

Voluntary Turnover, Involuntary Turnover, For-Cause Dismissals, and Layoffs

How to Compute Turnover Rates

Logical Costs to Include When Considering Turnover Implications


Separation Costs

Example: Separation Costs for Wee Care Children’s Hospital

Replacement Costs

Training Costs

Performance Differences Between Leavers and Their Replacements

The Costs of Lost Productivity and Lost Business




Chapter 5. Employee Health, Wellness, and Welfare

Health, Wellness, and Worksite Health Promotion

Skyrocketing Health-Care Costs Brought Attention to Employee Health

Two Broad Strategies to Control Health-Care Costs

Logic: How Changes in Employee Health Affect Financial Outcomes

The Typical Logic of Workplace Health Programs

Legal Considerations and Incentives to Modify Lifestyles

Analytics for Decisions about WHP Programs

Measures: Cost Effectiveness, Cost-Benefit, and Return-on-Investment Analysis

Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

Cost-Benefit and Return-on-Investment Analysis

Conclusions Regarding Cost-Effectiveness, Cost-Benefit, and ROI Analyses

Solving the Analysis and Measurement Dilemmas to Improve Decisions about WHP Programs

Process: Communicating Effects to Decision Makers

ROI Analyses of WHP Programs

Improving Employee Welfare at Work: Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)

The Logic of EAPs

Costs and Reported Benefits of EAPs

Enhanced Analytical Considerations in EAPs

A Template for Measuring the Effects of EAPs

Future of Lifestyle Modification, WHP, and EAPs



Chapter 6. Employee Attitudes and Engagement

Attitudes Include Satisfaction, Commitment, and Engagement

Satisfaction, Commitment, and Engagement as Job Outcomes

The Logic Connecting Employee Attitudes, Behaviors, and Financial Outcomes

Employee Engagement and Competitive Advantage

Employee Engagement and Service Climate

Measures of Employee Attitudes

Analytical Principles: Time Lags, Levels of Analysis, and Causal Ordering

Time Lags

Levels of Analysis

Causal Ordering

Estimating the Financial Impact of Employee Attitudes: The Behavior-Costing Approach

Behavior Costing at SYSCO: The Value-Profit Chain

A Final Word



Chapter 7. Financial Effects of Work-Life Programs

“Remixing” Rewards

Special Issues Parents Face

Work-Life Programs: What Are They?

Logical Framework

Impact of Work-Life Strains on Job Performance

Work-Life Programs and Professional Employees

Opting Out

The Toll on Those Who Don’t Opt Out

Enhancing Success Through Implementation

Analytics and Measures: Connecting Work-Life Programs to Outcomes

Child Care

Flexible Work Arrangements

Work-Life Policies and Firm Performance

Stock Market Reactions to Work-Life Initiatives


Influencing Senior Leaders



Chapter 8. Staffing Utility: The Concept and Its Measurement

A Decision-Based Framework for Staffing Measurement

Framing Human Capital Decisions Through the Lens of Utility Analysis

Overview: The Logic of Utility Analysis

Utility Models and Staffing Decisions

The Taylor-Russell Model

The Naylor-Shine Model

The Brogden-Cronbach-Gleser Model

Process: Supply-Chain Analysis and Staffing Utility27




Chapter 9. The Economic Value of Job Performance

Pivotal Talent at Disney Theme Parks

Logic: Why Does Performance Vary Across Jobs?

Analytics: The Role of SDy in Utility Analysis

Measures: Estimating the Monetary Value of Variations in Job Performance (SDy)

Cost-Accounting Approach

The Estimate of SDy

The 40 Percent Rule

Global Estimation

The Cascio-Ramos Estimate of Performance in Dollars (CREPID)

System Effectiveness Technique

Superior Equivalents Technique

Process: How Accurate Are SDy Estimates, and How Much Does It Matter?



Chapter 10. The Payoff from Enhanced Selection

The Logic of Investment Value Calculated Using Utility Analysis

Measuring the Utility Components

Analytics: Results of the Utility Calculation

Process: Making Utility Analysis Estimates More Comparable to Financial Estimates

Logic: Three Financial Adjustments

Analytics: Calculating the Economic Adjustments

How Talent Creates “Compound Interest:” Effects of Employee Flows on Utility Estimates

Logic: Employee Flows

Analytics: Calculating How Employee Flows Affect Specific Situations

Logic: The Effects of a Probationary Period

Logic: Effects of Job Offer Rejections

Logic: The Effect of Multiple Selection Devices

Process: It Matters How Staffing Processes Are Used

Cumulative Effects of Adjustments

Dealing with Risk and Uncertainty in Utility Analysis

Break-Even Analysis

Monte Carlo Analysis

Confidence Intervals

Process: Communicating the Impact of Utility Analyses to Decision Makers

Employee Selection and the Talent Supply Chain



Chapter 11. Costs and Benefits of HR Development Programs

The Relationship Between Training Expenditures and Stock Prices

The Logic of Talent Development

Utility Analysis Approach to Decisions about HRD Programs

Modifying the Brogden-Cronbach-Gleser Model to Apply to Training

Issues in Estimating dt

What If Training Covers Less Than the Full Range of Job Skills?

Break-Even Analysis Applied to Proposed HRD Programs

Duration of the Effects of an HRD Program

Economic Considerations and Employee Flows Applied to HRD Programs

Example: Skills Training for Bankers

Costs: Off-Site Versus Web-Based Meetings

Process: Enhancing Acceptance of Training Cost and Benefit Analyses




Chapter 12. Talent Investment Analysis: Catalyst for Change

Better Answers to Fundamental Questions

Absence Means More Than Just Getting the Work Done

Turnover Isn’t Always a Bad Thing

Layoffs Cut More Than Costs

When Everyone Is Reducing Employee Health Investments, Is It Smart to Invest More?

Why Positive Employee Attitudes Are Not Simply “Soft” and Nice to Have

Work-Life Fit Is Not Just a “Generational” Thing

The Staffing Supply Chain Can Be As Powerful As the Traditional Supply Chain

Taking HR Development Beyond Training to Learning and Workforce Enhancement

Intangible Does Not Mean “Unmeasurable”

The HC BRidge Framework as a Meta Model

Lighting the LAMP of Organization Change


Appendix A. The Taylor-Russell Tables

Appendix B. The Naylor-Shine Table for Determining the Increase in Mean Criterion Score Obtained by Using a Selection Device


Financial Analysis for HR Managers: Tools for Linking HR Strategy to Business Strategy

Chapter 1 Business Strategy, Financial Strategy, and HR Strategy

Is HR Weakest in the Most Critical Areas?

You Don’t Need to Be a Quant to Make Good Business Decisions

Which HR Decisions Are Important?

What This Book Attempts to Do

Chapter 2 The Income Statement: Do We Care About More Than the Bottom Line?

Income Statements

Profit Can Be Measured at Various Levels

Seeing the Big Picture

The Bottom Line

Chapter 3 The Balance Sheet: If Your People Are Your Most Important Asset, Where Do They Show Up on the Balance Sheet?

Assets on the Balance Sheet

Liabilities on the Balance Sheet

Which Numbers on a Balance Sheet Can You Believe?

Use Caution When Using Published Financial Ratios

Chapter 4 Cash Flows: Timing Is Everything

Cash Flow Information from the Income Statement

Cash Flow Information from the Balance Sheet

Chapter 5 Financial Statements as a Window into Business Strategy

Common Size Financial Statements

Connecting the Dots

Return on Equity

Differential Impact of Financial Leverage

The Big Picture

The Link Between HR Strategy and Business Strategy

Chapter 6 Stocks, Bonds, and the Weighted Average Cost of Capital

Why Is the Cost of Capital Important to HR Managers?

Where Does the Money Come From?

Is Your Company of Above Average or Below Average Risk?

Capital Costs in 2012

Chapter 7 Capital Budgeting and Discounted Cash Flow Analysis

Calculating Present Values

Do the Future Benefits Justify the Upfront Costs?

Using DCF on the Job

HR Applications

Money Has Time Value Because of Interest Rates, Not Because of Inflation

Chapter 8 Financial Analysis of Human Resource Initiatives

Decisions Involving Cash Flow That Occur at Different Points in Time

Allocating Budgets When There Are a Larger Number of Alternatives

Calculating NPV of Specific HR Initiatives

Determining Program Impacts Using Pre-Post Changes

Determining Program Impacts Using Comparison Groups

What Is Your Firm’s HR Budget?

Is Your HR Budget Allocation Optimal?

Maximizing the ROI on Your Analysis Efforts

Chapter 9 Financial Analysis of a Corporation’s Strategic Initiatives

Estimating the NPV of a Strategic Initiative Such as a New Product Introduction

Using the Spreadsheet to Structure the Deal

Using Monte Carlo Simulations to Model Risk and Uncertainty

Chapter 10 Equity-Based Compensation: Stock and Stock Options

How Do Stock Options Work?

What Is the Intrinsic Value of an Option? What’s the Time Value of an Option?

Are Options High-Risk Investments?

Do Employees Prefer Options or Stock?

Understanding the Inputs to the Black-Scholes Model

Firms Must Disclose the Methods and the Assumptions They Use to Cost Stock Options

Using Monte Carlo Simulation to Determine the Value of Employee Stock Options

Dilution, Overhang, and Run Rates

Equity Compensation Is One Tool for Aligning Executive and Shareholder Interests

Chapter 11 Financial Aspects of Pension and Retirement Programs

Defined Benefit (DB) Plans

Defined Contribution (DC) Plans

Hybrid Plans

The Shift from DB Plans to DC Plans

Pension Accounting

Why Base Costs on the Expected Rather Than the Actual Return on Plan Assets?

How Do Firms Select the Appropriate Discount Rate?

DB Plans Encourage Retirement

The Future?

Chapter 12 Creating Value and Rewarding Value Creation

Aligning Pay with Performance

Managing EPS Expectations

Putting It All Together

Appendix A: A Sample of Financial Measures Currently in Use




Applying Advanced Analytics to HR Management Decisions: Methods for Selection, Developing Incentives, and Improving Collaboration



Chapter 1 Challenges and Opportunities with Optimal Decision Making and How Advanced Analytics Can Help

1.1 How We Make Decisions and What Gets in the Way

1.1.1 Intuition Versus Analytical Thinking

1.1.2 Poor Intuitive Statisticians

1.1.3 Understanding Human Nature

1.1.4 Biases and Decisions

1.1.5 Big Data and Information Overload

1.1.6 The Problem with Certitude

1.1.7 Advanced Analytics Does Not Care Who It Annoys

1.1.8 Types of Decision Making

1.2 Rise of the Machines: Advanced Analytics and Decision Making

1.2.1 Advanced Analytics

1.2.2 Predicting Outcomes

1.2.3 Improper Linear Models: Combining Expert Intuition with Analytics

1.2.4 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

1.3 Human and Machine: The Ideal Decision-Making Team

1.3.1 A Word About AI Tools

Chapter 2 Collaboration, Cooperation, and Reciprocity

2.1 Human Nature and Human Science

2.1.1 Reciprocity and Fairness

2.1.2 Selfish, Greedy, Lazy, and Dishonest

2.1.3 Human Nature 2.0

2.1.4 Fierce Cooperation

2.1.5 Collaboration

2.1.6 Hard Wired to Share What We Know

2.1.7 Collective Intelligence

2.1.8 Asymmetric or Private Information

2.1.9 Game Theory 101

2.2 The Power of Collaboration: The Scandinavian Model

2.2.1 What Kinds of Organizations Could Benefit from a High Degree of Collaboration?

2.2.2 The Benefits of Collaboration

2.2.3 The Bottom-Line Impact of Participative Decision Making

2.2.4 Organizational Culture

2.2.5 Optimal Incentive Contract for Collaboration: Sharing Control and Return Rights

2.2.6 Models of Collaboration

2.2.7 The SAS Institute

2.2.8 EMC|One

2.2.9 Boston Scientific

2.3 Advanced Analytics and Collaborative Decision Making

2.3.1 Challenges and Opportunities with Participative Decision Making

2.3.2 Software, Advanced Analytics, and Cooperation and Collaboration

2.3.3 Deep Q&A Expert Systems

Chapter 3 Value Creation and Advanced Analytics

3.1 The Wealth of Organizations and What Advanced Analytics Can Do

3.1.1 Information Capital

3.1.2 Constant and Unrelenting Experimentation

3.1.3 Gold in Them There Databases: Human Capital Data

3.1.4 Not Only Human Experts Are Prone to Biases

3.2 Value and How to Create It: Intangible Capital

3.2.1 Who Really Holds the Keys to the Kingdom

3.2.2 The Nature of the Organization

3.2.3 The Cost of Employee Turnover

3.3 Strategic Choice and Advanced Analytics

3.3.1 HCM Practice Choice and Advanced Analytics

3.3.2 Business Intelligence Alignment of HCM Practices and Policies with Business Strategy

3.3.3 Decision Science, Business Intelligence, and Implications for HCM Decisions

3.3.4 Machine Learning and HR Practice Choice

3.4 Software Applications, Analytics, and HR Decisions

3.4.1 Software Options and Optimal HCM Practice

3.4.2 Enterprise Resource Planning Software

3.4.3 Talent Analytics

3.4.4 SAS Business Intelligence

3.4.5 Talent Scorecard

3.4.6 Talent Management Suites and Advanced Analytics

Chapter 4 Human Science and Selection Decisions

4.1 Optimizing Selection and Promotion Decisions

4.1.1 Performance and Selection

4.1.2 Making the Unobservable Observable

4.1.3 Eliminating Biases from Selection Decisions

4.1.4 Human Science and Employee Selection

4.1.5 Skills Shortages

4.2 Workforce Planning, Talent Acquisition, and Decision Analytics

4.2.1 Workforce Planning and Predictive Analytics

4.2.2 When Is Workforce Planning Necessary?

4.2.3 Challenges with Forecasting

4.2.4 External Big Data and Employee Recruitment and Selection

4.3 Human Science and Selection and Promotions Decisions

4.3.1 What We Have to Learn from the Use of Advanced Analytics for Player Selection in Professional Sports

4.3.2 Biases and the Selection Decision

4.3.3 Selection Tools: Augmented Biographical Survey

4.3.4 Challenges with the Use of Bio Data

4.4 Applications of Human Science to Selection Decisions

4.4.1 The Application of Expert Intuition to Selection and Promotion Decisions

4.4.2 Applied Game Theory and Selection Decisions

4.4.3 Deep Q&A Expert Systems and Selection Decisions

4.4.4 Predictive Modeling and Selections Decisions

4.4.5 Applied Econometric and Machine Learning Techniques

Chapter 5 Human Science and Incentives

5.1 Human Science and Incentives

5.1.1 Incentives, Motivation, and Human Science

5.1.2 Incentive Contracts

5.1.3 Collaboration and Tournament Compensation Do Not Go Together

5.1.4 We Get What We Pay For

5.2 Human Science and Motivation

5.3 Performance Management

5.3.1 Biases Impacting Performance Management and Compensation Decisions

5.3.2 Strategy Maps and Performance Management

5.4 Applying Human Science to Incentive Contracts

5.4.1 Irrational, Cooperative, and Looking for Meaning

5.4.2 Complexity Theory and Incentive Contracts

5.4.3 The Application of Expert Intuition to Incentive and Motivation Issues

5.4.4 Applied Game Theory and Incentive Contracts

5.4.5 Deep Q & A Expert Systems and Incentive Contract Decisions

5.4.6 Predictive Modeling and Incentive Contracts

5.4.7 Applied Econometric and Machine Learning Techniques

5.5 Application of Human Science to Specific Incentive Issues

5.5.1 Executive Compensation

5.5.2 Other Possible Human Science Incentive Applications


Garbage In...

Our Argumentative Natures

Advanced Analytics and Diagnosis of HCM Issues

The Science (and Art) of Prediction

The Challenges with Being Empirically Declarative

Decision-Making Authority and Cooperation

Sharing Control and Return Rights


Definitions (Appendix)



Compensation and Benefit Design: Applying Finance and Accounting Principles to Global Human Resource Management Systems

Part 1

Chapter 1 Introduction: Setting the Stage

The Cost Versus Expense Conundrum


The Current HR Cost-Classification Structure

The Current Accounting for Compensation and Benefit Cost Elements

Key Concepts in This Chapter

Appendix: The Terms

Chapter 2 Business, Financial, and Human Resource Planning

The Overall Planning Framework

HR Planning

HR Programs

Key Concepts in This Chapter


Chapter 3 Projecting Base Compensation Costs

Base Salary Costs

Key Concepts in This Chapter

Appendix: Cash Flow Impact of Salary Increases

Chapter 4 Incentive Compensation

An Introduction to Incentive Compensation Programs

Accounting for Annual Cash Incentive Plans

Key Incentive Compensation Metrics

Free Cash Flow as an Incentive Plan Metric

Economic Value Added as an Incentive Plan Metric

Residual Income as an Incentive Compensation Plan Metric

The Balanced Scorecard and Incentive Compensation

Balanced Scorecard and Compensation

Key Concepts in This Chapter

Chapter 5 Share-Based Compensation Plans

Stock Award Plans

Stock Option Plans

Stock Option Expensing

The Accounting for Stock Options

Tax Implications of Stock Plans

International Tax Implications of Share-Based Employee Compensation Plans

Employee Share Purchase Plans

Stock Appreciation Rights

Key Concepts in This Chapter

Appendix: Stock Options and Earnings per Share

Chapter 6 International and Expatriate Compensation

The Background to International and Expatriate Compensation

The Balance Sheet System

Expatriate Taxes

The Cost-Differential Allowance

Global Payroll Systems

International Pensions

Global Stock Option Plans

Key Concepts in This Chapter

Chapter 7 Sales Compensation Accounting

General Accounting Practices

Sales Compensation Plans

Accounting Control and Audit Issues

Other Salient Elements of a Sales Compensation Plan

Travel Allowances

Commission Accounting

Key Concepts in This Chapter

Chapter 8 Employee Benefit Accounting

The Standards Framework

Defined Contribution Versus Defined Benefit Plans

Section 965 Explained

Calculating Plan Benefit Obligations

Claims Incurred but Not Reported (IBNR)

Other Benefit Obligations

Additional Obligations for Postretirement Health Plans

Self-Funding of Health Benefits

International Financial Reporting Standards and Employee Health and Welfare Plans

The Financial Reporting of Employee Benefit Plans

Key Concepts in This Chapter

Chapter 9 Healthcare Benefits Cost Management

The Background

The Reasons for the Rising Costs

Cost Containment Alternatives

Forecasting Healthcare Benefit Costs

Key Concepts in This Chapter

Chapter 10 The Accounting and Financing of Retirement Plans

The Background

The Accounting of the Plans

The Pension Benefit Obligation

Pension Plan Assets

The Pension Expense

The Accounting Record-Keeping

Accounting Standards Affecting Pension Plans

Key Concepts in This Chapter

Part 2

Chapter 11 Human Resource Analytics

The Background for the Use of HR Analytics

The Need for HR Analytics

Measuring the Effectiveness of HR Investments

Total Compensation Effectiveness Metrics

A Changed Paradigm

Key Concepts in This Chapter

Chapter 12 Human Resource Accounting

The Background

The Debate

HR Accounting Methods

Key Concepts in This Chapter

Appendix: No Long-Term Savings from Workforce Reductions


An HR Finance and Accounting Audit



People Analytics: How Social Sensing Technology Will Transform Business and What It Tells Us about the Future of Work

Chapter 1 Sensible Organizations: Sensors, Big Data, and Quantifying the Unquantifiable

Telescopes, Microscopes, and “Socioscopes”


Digital Breadcrumbs


Enter the Badge

Big Data = Big Brother?

Trust and Transparency

Chapter 2 Evolution, History, and Social Behavior: Our Wandering Road to the Modern Corporation

Back to the Future

In the Shadow of Man

You Say “Groups,” I Say “Organizations”

Individual < Tribe < City-State

Do as the Romans Do

Talkin’ ‘Bout a Revolution

New Information, New Communication

The Organization of Today

(In)formal Processes

Informally Important

The Social Network

Organizing the Path Ahead

Chapter 3 The Water Cooler Effect: Why a Friendly Chat Is the Most Important Part of the Work Day

Talk Your Ear Off

Cohesion versus Diversity

Blue-Collar versus White-Collar Water Coolers

Banking on Change

Peanut Butter Jelly Time

Break Value

Chapter 4 The Death of Distance? Measuring the Power of Proximity

So, Should I Stay at Home and Work in My Pajamas?

Co-Located Offices: The Gold Standard?

More Than a Tape Measure

Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder?

Long Table, Short Table

So, Where Should I Sit?

Chapter 5 I’m the Expert: Why Connections Are More Important Than Test Scores

The (Electric) General

The IT Firm Study

IT Firm Study Results

Expert Puzzle

Being an Expert Expert

Chapter 6 You Look Like the Creative Type: The Importance of a Diverse Network

Cartoon Wars

Lessons from South Park: The Roots of Creativity

Chapter 7 Tough It Out versus Stay at Home: Modeling Disease Spread Through Face-to-Face Conversations

Corporate Epidemiology

Chapter 8 Why We Waste $1,200,000,000,000 a Year: Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate Culture, and Communication

I’ll Call, and Raise

Fixing the Problem

Chapter 9 Attach Bolt “A” to Plank “Q”: Matching Formal Dependencies with Informal Networks

Big Projects, Big Problems

Congruence, Distance, and Software

Don’t Fall into the Gap

Keeping in Contact

Chapter 10 The Future of Organizations: How People Analytics Will Transform Work

Badges, Badges Everywhere?

Moving Toward the People Analytics System

Augmented Social Reality

All Around the World

The Next Big Thing

Chapter 11 Where We Go from Here: Face-to-Face Interaction, New Collaboration Tools, and Going Back to the Future

Back to the Future 2



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