Business Writing Basics in the Age of Electronic Communications
Mastering the skills of clear, concise writing can certainly give you an edge in today’s business world, where communications are too often dominated by jargon, double-talk, and weak, watered-down prose. Most business communications today descend into what E.B. White, the essayist and coauthor of The Element of Style, called “the language of mutilation.”
Some examples: A commercial describes a new television series as “the most unique show of the season”—an impossible claim, considering that unique means “one of a kind.” A Detroit automobile manufacturer bases a series of print ads on the theme “new innovations.” Is there such a thing as an old innovation? An advertiser describes a dental splint created to hold loose teeth in place as a product designed “to stabilize mobile dentition.” Dentition is what you brush every day. When’s the last time you heard of someone being punched in the mouth and getting mobile dentition—or the dentition fairy leaving money under your pillow? A brochure for a storage silo informs us that material is “gravimetrically conveyed,” not dumped. And, of course, every system, product, and service now sold to businesses is said to be “cost-effective.” How refreshing it would be to read about a product that was inexpensive, low-priced, or just plain cheap.
English-speaking people have not always embraced such obfuscation. Approximately 70 percent of the words in Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address contain less than six letters. Winston Churchill, faced with Hitler’s armed forces, said to Americans, “Give us the tools and we will do the job.” He did not say: “Aid our organization in the procurement of the necessary equipments and we will, in turn, implement the program to accomplish its planned objectives.”
Many businesspeople of the 21st century struggle to write clear, lucid prose. They may know the basics (sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, exposition), but a few poor stylistic habits continually mar their writing, making it dull and difficult to read. Part of the problem may lie in their approach to writing— they may view it as a time-consuming, unimportant, and unpleasant task. Or perhaps the underlying problem is a lack of confidence in their ability to communicate, uncertainty about how to get started, or insufficient training. Whatever the obstacle, they also face an additional challenge: the need to be well versed in the nuances of electronic communications, which have all but overhauled the way people communicate in business and industry.
The era of long, leisurely letters is gone; we have entered the age of frantic thumb-typing on laptops and handheld devices that can transmit e-mail messages whether we are in the train station, the airport, or the board room. Concise letters, fast faxes, and, especially, instant e-mail have replaced the chatty correspondence of yesteryear. In this environment, your reader doesn’t have time to waste, and neither do you. You need to get your message across clearly, easily, and quickly so that you can cut down on writing time and focus on more important tasks.
Observing the rules of good business writing is the first step toward achieving this goal, whether you’re typing an e-mail or composing a letter. The following tips identify common pitfalls in business writing and offer ways to overcome them.

12 general tips for better business writing

1. Get organized.

Poor organization is a leading problem in business writing. A computer programmer might never think of writing a complex program without first drawing a flowchart, but he’d probably knock out a draft of a user’s manual without making notes or an outline. Writer Jerry Bacchetti points out, “If the reader believes the content has some importance to him, he can plow through a report even if it is dull or has lengthy sentences and big words. But if it’s poorly organized—forget it. There’s no way to make sense of what is written.”
Poor organization stems from poor planning. Before you write, plan. Create a rough outline that spells out the contents and organization of your document. The outline need not be formal. A simple list, doodles, or rough notes will do; use whatever form suits you. By the time you finish writing, some things in the final draft might be different from the outline. That’s okay. The outline is a tool to aid in organization, not a commandment cast in stone. If you want to change it as you go along—fine.
An outline helps you divide the writing project into many smaller, easy-to-handle pieces and parts. The organization of these parts depends on the type of document you’re writing. In general, it’s best to stick with standard formats. For example, a speech begins with an introduction, presents three to four key points in the body, then closes with a summary of the main points made in the body. An operating manual includes a summary; an introduction; a description of the equipment; instructions for routine operation, troubleshooting, maintenance, and emergency operation; and an appendix containing a parts list, spare-parts list, drawings, figures, and manufacturer’s literature. Standard formats such as these allow for an easier time writing and for better understanding.
If the type of document you are writing doesn’t strictly define the format, select the organizational scheme that best fits the material. Some common formats include:
003Order of location. An article on the planets of the solar system might begin with Mercury (the planet nearest the sun) and end with Pluto (the planet farthest out).
004Order of increasing difficulty. Computer manuals often start with the easiest material and, as the user masters basic principles, move on to more complex operations.
005Alphabetical order. This is a logical way to arrange a booklet on vitamins (A, B-3, B-12, C, D, E, and so on) or a directory of company employees.
006Chronological order. Here you present the facts in the order in which they happened. History books are written this way. So are many case histories, feature stories, corporate biographies, and trip reports.
007Problem/solution. Another format appropriate to case histories and many types of reports, the problem/solution organizational scheme begins with “Here’s what the problem was” and ends with “Here’s how we solved it.”
008Inverted pyramid. News reporting follows this format. The lead paragraph summarizes the story, and the paragraphs that follow it present the facts in order of decreasing importance. You can use this format in journal articles, letters, memos, and reports.
009Deductive order. You can start with a generalization, then support it with particulars. Scientists use this format in research papers; they begin with the findings and then state the supporting evidence.
010Inductive order. Another approach is to begin with specifics and then lead the reader to the idea or general principles the specifics suggest. This is an excellent way to approach trade journal feature stories.
011List. Articles, memos, instructions, procedures, and reports can be organized in list form. A list procedure might be titled “Six Tips for Designing a Website” or “Seven Steps to a Greener Household.”

2. Know the reader

Written communication is most effective when it is targeted and personal. Your writing should be built around the needs, interests, and desires of the reader. Know your reader, especially in relation to the following categories:
012Job title. A person’s job influences his or her perspective of your product, service, or idea. For example, techies are interested in your processor’s reliability and performance, whereas a purchasing agent is concerned about the cost. Are you writing for plant engineers? Of fice managers? CEOs? Machinists? Make the tone and content of your writing compatible with the professional interests of your readers.
013Education. Consider the education of your audience. Is your reader a PhD or a high-school dropout? Does he or she understand computer programming, thermodynamics, physical chemistry, statistics, and the calculus of variations? Target the knowledge level of your readership appropriately. On the other hand, be sure to write simply enough so that even the least technical of your readers can understand what you are saying.
014Industry. When plant managers buy a reverse-osmosis water purification system for the town water supply, they want to know every technical detail down to the last pipe, pump, fan, and filter. Fishermen buying portable units for fishing boats, however, have only two basic questions: “What does it cost?” and “How reliable is it?” Especially in promotional writing, know what features of your product appeal to various markets.
015Level of interest. A prospect who responded to an advertisement is more likely to be receptive to a salesperson’s call than one who is called on “cold turkey.” Is your reader interested or disinterested? Friendly or hostile? Receptive or resistant? Understanding the reader’s state of mind helps you tailor your message to meet his or her needs.
If you don’t know enough about your reader, there are ways of finding out. If you are writing to a potential business client, for example, visit its Website to get background on the company and study it before you write. If you are presenting a paper at a conference, look at the conference brochure to get a feel for the audience who will be attending your session. If you are contributing text to product descriptions, ask the marketing or publications department the format in which the material will be distributed and who will be reading it.

3. Avoid “corporatese”

Corporatese is language more complex than the concepts it serves to communicate. Often you will find it in the writings of technicians and bureaucrats, who hide behind a jumble of incomprehensible memos and reports loaded with jargon, cliches, antiquated phrases, passive sentences, and excess adjectives. This pompous, overblown style can make a business document sound as if a computer or a corporation, instead of a human being, wrote it.
Here are a few samples of corporatese from diverse sources. All of these excerpts are real. Note how the authors seem to be writing to impress rather than to express:
“Will you please advise me at your earliest convenience of the correct status of this product?”
-Memo from an advertising manager
“All of the bonds in the above-described account having been heretofore disposed of, we are this day terminating same. We accordingly enclose herein check in the amount of $30,050, same being your share realized therein, as per statement attached.”
-Letter from a stockbroker
“This procedure enables users to document data fields described in master files that were parsed and analyzed by the program dictionary.”
-Software user’s manual
This type of verbal gobbledygook has also turned the concept of firing into the following pieces of gibberish:
017“Eliminating redundancies in the human resources area.”
018“Indefinite idling.”
019“Involuntary separation.”
020“Managing our human resources down.”
022“Reductions in overhead, process improvements, facility rationalization, and purchasing and logistics savings.”
025“Volume-related production schedule adjustment.”
How do you eliminate corporatese from your writing? Start by avoiding jargon. Legal scholar Tamar Frankel notes that when you avoid jargon, your writing can be read easily by novices and experienced professionals alike. Many industries have their own special jargon. Although this language may sometimes be helpful shorthand when you’re communicating within your profession, it confuses readers who do not have your specialized background. Take the word yield, for example. To a chemical manufacturer, yield is a measure of how much product a reaction produces. But, to car drivers, yield means “to slow down” (and stop, if necessary) at an intersection. This is where knowing your reader, as explained previously, becomes important.
To eliminate corporatese in your writing, you should also avoid cliches and antiquated phrases. Write simply. Don’t use a technical term unless it communicates your meaning precisely. Never write mobile dentition when loose teeth will do just as well. Some executives prefer to use big, important-sounding words instead of short, simple words. This is a mistake; fancy language just frustrates the reader. Write in plain, ordinary English and your readers will love you for it.
Here are a few big words that occur frequently in business and technical literature; the column on the right presents a shorter and preferable substitution:
Big wordSubstitution
eliminateget rid of

4. Favor the active voice

In the active voice, action is expressed directly: “John performed the experiment.” In the passive voice, the action is indirect: “The experiment was performed by John.” When you use the active voice, your writing will be more direct and vigorous; your sentences, more concise. As you can see in the samples below, the passive voice seems puny and stiff in comparison to the active voice:
Passive voice Active voice
Control of the bearing-oil supply is provided by the end shutoff valves.Shutoff valves control the bearing-oil supply.
Leaking of the seals is prevented by the use of O-rings.0-rings keep the seals from leaking.
Fuel-cost savings were realized through the installation of thermal insulation.The installation of thermal insulation cut fuel costs.

5. Avoid lengthy sentences

Lengthy sentences tire the reader and make your writing hard to read. A survey by Harvard professor D.H. Menzel indicates that in technical papers, the sentences become difficult to understand when they exceed 34 words. One measure of writing complexity, the Fog Index, takes into account sentence length and word length in a short (100- to 200-word) writing sample. Here’s how it works: First, determine the average sentence length in the writing sample. To do this, divide the number of words in the sample by the number of sentences. If parts of a sentence are separated by a semicolon (;), count each part as a separate sentence. Next, calculate the number of big words (words with three or more syllables) per 100 words of the sample. Do not include capitalized words, combinations of short words (everywhere, moreover), or verbs made three syllables by adding ed or es (accepted, responses). Finally, add the average sentence length to the number of big words per 100 words, then multiply it by 0.4. This gives you the Fog Index for the sample.
The Fog Index corresponds to the years of schooling needed to read and understand the sample. A score of eight or nine indicates high school level; 13, a college freshman; 17, a college graduate. Popular magazines have Fog Indexes ranging from eight to 13. Technical journals should rate no higher than 17. Obviously, the higher the Fog Index, the more difficult the writing is to read.
In his book Gene Control in the Living Cell (Basic Books, 1968), J.A.V. Butler leads off with a single 79-word sentence: In this booh I have attempted an accurate but at the same time readable account of recent worh on the subject of how gene controls operate, a large subject which is rapidly acquiring a central position in the biology of today and which will inevitably become even more prominent in the future, in the efforts of scientists of numerous different specialists to explain how a single organism can contain cells of many different kinds developed from a common origin. This sample has a Fog Index of 40, which is equivalent to a reading level of 28 years of college education! Obviously, this sentence is way too long. Here’s a rewrite with a Fog Index of only 14: This booh is about how gene controls operate-a subject of growing importance in modern biology.
Give your writing the Fog Index test. If you score in the upper teens or higher, it’s time to trim sentence length. Read over your text, breaking long sentences into two or more separate sentences. To further reduce average sentence length and add variety to your writing, you can occasionally use an extremely short sentence or sentence fragments of only three to four words or so. Short sentences are easier to grasp than long ones. A good guide for keeping sentence length under control is to write sentences that can be spoken aloud without losing your breath (do not take a deep breath before doing this test).

6. Be specific

Businesspeople are interested in specifics—facts, figures, conclusions, and recommendations. Do not be content to say something is good, bad, fast, or slow when you can say how good, how bad, how fast, or how slow. Be specific whenever possible.
General Specific
a tall spray dryera 40-foot-tall spray dryer
plantoil refinery
unfavorable weatherrain
structural degradationa leaky roof
high performance95 percent efficiency

7. Be simple

The key to success in business writing is to keep it simple. Write to express, not to impress. A relaxed, conversational style can add vigor and clarity to your work.
Formal style Informal conversational style
The data provided by direct examination of samples under the lens of the microscope are insufficient for the purpose of making a proper identification of the components of the substance.We can’t tell what it is made of by looking at it under the microscope.
We have found during conversations with customers that even the most experienced of extruder specialists have a tendency to avoid the extrusion of silicone profiles or hoses.Our customers tell us that experienced extruder specialists avoid extruding silicone profiles or hoses.
The corporation terminated the employment of Mr. Joseph Smith.Joe was fired.

8. Define your topic

Effective writing relies on clear definition of the specific topic about which you want to write. A big mistake that many of us make is to tackle a topic that’s too broad. For example, the title Project Management is too all-encompassing for a business paper. You could write a whole book on the subject. By narrowing the scope with a title such as Managing Chemical Planet Construction Projects With Budgets Under $500,000, you get a clearer definition and a more manageable topic.
It’s also important to know the purpose of the document. You may say, “That’s easy; the purpose is to give business information.” But think again. Do you want the reader to buy a product? Change methods of working? Look for the hidden agenda beyond the mere transmission of facts.

9. Develop adequate content

Once you’ve identified your reader and defined your topic and purpose, do some homework and gather information on the topic at hand. Even though you’re an expert, your knowledge may be limited and your viewpoint lopsided. Gathering adequate information from other sources helps round out your knowledge or, at the very least, verify your own thinking. Backing up your claims with facts is also a real credibility builder.

10. Be consistent in usage

Inconsistencies in business writing will confuse your readers and convince them that your work and reasoning are as sloppy and unorganized as your prose. Good business writers strive for consistency in the use of numbers, hyphens, units of measure, punctuation, equations, grammar, symbols, capitalization, business terms, and abbreviations.
For example, many writers are inconsistent in the use of hyphens. The rule is: Two words that form an adjective are hyphenated. Thus, write: first-order reaction, fluidized-bed combustion, high-sulfur coal, space-time continuum, and so forth.
The U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual, Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style, and your organization’s writing manual can guide you in the basics of grammar, punctuation, abbreviation, and capitalization.

11. Shun dull, wordy prose

Business professionals, especially those in the industry, are busy people. Make your writing less time-consuming for them to read by telling the whole story in the fewest possible words.
How can you make your writing more concise? One way is to avoid redundancies, a needless form of wordiness in which a modifier repeats an idea already contained within the word being modified. Some redundancies that arise in business literature are listed below, along with the correct way to rewrite them:
advance planplan
actual experienceexperience
two cubic feet in volumetwo cubic feet
cylindrical in shapecylindrical
uniformly homogeneoushomogeneous
Another good strategy is to avoid wordy phrases that often appear in business literature. The following list identifies some of these and offers suggested substitute words:
Wordy phrase Suggested substitute
during the course ofduring
in the form ofas
in many casesoften
in the event ofif I
exhibits the ability tocan
Also avoid overblown expressions such as the fact that, it is well known that, and it is the purpose of this writer to show that. These take up space but add little to no meaning or clarity.

12. Use short blocks of text

To enhance readability, break your writing up into short sections. Long, unbroken blocks of text are stumbling blocks that intimidate and bore readers. Breaking your writing up into short sections and short paragraphs makes it easier to read.
These tips cover the basics of effective business writing. Following them should help eliminate some of the fear and anxiety you may have about writing, making the task easier and more productive. Of course, though, to keep pace with our electronically oriented business world, you don’t just need the basics-you need to know which form of communication (e-mail? fax? standard letter?) is best suited to your message. In addition, you need to be adept at the ever-evolving rules of e-mail etiquette and avoid the kinds of business e-mail blunders that can potentially damage your reputation—or even put your job on the line.
So, how does one master the precarious art of electronic business communications? The first, most fundamental step is knowing when an e-mail, a fax, or a letter is the most appropriate medium for your message.

How to determine the best medium for your message

Knowing when and how to use e-mails, faxes, and letters can help you shine as a business professional. Obviously, you don’t send a fax to congratulate someone on his or her retirement, and you don’t send a formal letter to tell employees there’s a new snack machine in the lobby. But, of course, the biggest challenge today is not really sorting faxes from letters; it’s knowing when to use e-mail. One hundred eighty-three billion e-mails were sent each day in 2006, reported the technology market research firm The Radicati Group, which also estimated that the number of e-mail users was 1.2 billion in 2007 and would increase to 1.6 billion by 2011. E-mail has become the chosen form of communication for so many kinds of messages that probably the most valuable skill today is knowing when not to use it.
Although there is no single “right” way to determine when to shun e-mail in favor of a more formal missive, there are definitely some business communications that simply ought to be sent the traditional way-that is, mailed through the post office (or, at the very least, communicated via a phone conversation, meeting, memo, or even fax instead). The acronym POST is an easy way to remember which business communications these are. A POST message has the following qualities:
Personal and/or Private
A brief explanation of each of these qualities follows.

Personal and/or private

Rule #1: Don’t use business e-mail for personal communications. Most corporations’ electronic communications usage policies prohibit the use of workplace e-mail accounts to transmit or receive personal messages. Chances are, you’ve had to sign one of these policies in agreement. Although you might be aware of people who violate the rules all the time—sending messages to make dinner plans with friends, vent about relationship woes, share the most popular YouTube video, or, worse yet, gripe to family and friends about the boss—taking these policies seriously is the mark of a true professional. When an e-mail is about your personal life, or its intended recipients belong to what you would consider your personal life, don’t send it using your corporate e-mail account. And don’t assume that management doesn’t have the technology in place to routinely archive and review every e-mail you send. Remember that once your message is out there, you can’t get it back. It will not only serve as proof that you have violated your corporate e-mail policy, but it may embarrass you or, worse yet, result in your firing. Refer to “Tips for avoiding common e-mail blunders” in Chapter 1 for advice on keeping your business communications out of the personal fray. Even if you are the business owner yourself, keeping your personal life separate from your daily business communications is a good practice that encourages better management of your time and resources.
Now, to address “private.” All e-mail can be forwarded, searched, and stored, so there is really no such thing as a private or confidential e-mail, no matter what high-end encryption functions your e-mail program might feature. If you have a private or confidential business matter to discuss, such as contract negotiations, personnel issues, or company proprietary information, or if you need to send a message that includes a Social Security number, personal identification code, credit card number, or a client’s financial account or similarly confidential information, don’t send an e-mail, either internally or externally. With e-mail, you can never be certain that your message won’t end up in the hands of an unintended recipient.
Confidential details and issues are best expressed in a printed memo or letter, or in a face-to-face meeting that is followed up by a printed memo or letter—preferably in an envelope labeled confidential. At the very least, before sending an e-mail that addresses potentially sensitive information, ask someone knowledgeable in your organization. Remember that you represent your organization, not just yourself, in every business message you send. You don’t want to leave yourself, or the company you represent, open to legal action for releasing information that someone expected to remain under wraps. By the same token, revealing information your own organization intended to keep close to the vest can damage your employment record or even be enough to get you fired if you previously signed a confidentiality agreement. Examples include details about a proprietary strategy for launching a product or contracts with external vendors for work that a client believed was being completed in-house.
A good rule of thumb: If you don’t want a message made public, don’t use e-mail.


By “official,” we mean the types of correspondence for which you require either delivery confirmation or detailed documentation and recordkeeping. Some examples: messages pertaining to contracts, agreements, and other legal obligations; notifications of firing, salary, or job classification changes; communications about employee benefits and other personnel issues; tax-related information; employment offers; official notices about important information; formal announcements about changes in company structure; and notarized or signed documents.
There are many reasons why e-mail is not suitable for communications like these. Although e-mail can be a written record, it’s electronic, which means there’s a potential to lose messages to software or hardware glitches. In addition, many corporate e-mail servers have memory storage limits and automatically delete e-mails when users go over these limits. It’s also possible to have the content of your e-mail changed, falsified, or manipulated by another user (who can simply type over parts of your message). And, although “read receipts” are available with e-mail, most e-mail programs allow users to opt out of sending these receipts.
Furthermore, even if you print a copy of an e-mail for your records, your recipient may not necessarily do the same—or even save your e-mail. You can, of course, scan important documents and attach them to an e-mail, provided they do not need added security (for example, if they don’t include personal identification codes or account numbers). In most cases, however, proper documentation of the kinds of messages we’re discussing here requires the genuine article—the original hard copy.


By sensitive, we are referring to the kinds of messages in which emotion is (or ought to be) involved. Occasionally in business you will need to congratulate, give thanks, express condolence or personal concern, reprimand, state disapproval, or lavish praise—and do it in writing. If you want the thought or feeling behind your message to come across as you intended and to correspond with the medium in which it was sent, e-mail is not the way to go. It can’t convey emotion in the same way that the stationery or writing style of a letter can (much less the facial expressions, vocal inflections, and gestures of a face-to-face meeting).
For example, in a letter, the use of exclamation points, all capital letters, and ellipses (three or four periods in a row) can be effective, but in an e-mail, the use of these often backfires. Why? The inherent brevity of e-mail, along with its stark, utilitarian setting within a computer screen, leaves little room for expression. In e-mail, liberally used exclamation points suggest overexcitement, while all capital letters look like shouting and ellipses appear to underlie an indecisiveness about what to say next.
Even if you add special formatting to enhance your e-mail, such as background “stationery” with expressive colors or scenes, you can’t be certain that what you see on your screen will be what your recipient sees. That’s because he or she may have different software or hardware, or settings that filter out graphics and/or HyperText Markup Language (HTML).
Of course, there are always “smileys” or “emoticons”-face-like symbols composed of different characters on a computer keypad, commonly used to express emotion in e-mail. Here are some popular emoticons, along with their meanings:
Emoticon Meaning
:-XNo comment
:-ITongue in cheek
Although many people use emoticons freely, they are not recommended for business communications. Some readers may not understand their meaning, and emoticons can also leave the impression that you’re being irreverent or cutesy.
When it comes to sensitive messages, the other drawback of e-mail is that it can be risky when you have an emotionally charged or touchy situation to address. E-mail is like the “convenience store” of written communications; typically, it’s brief, to the point, composed quickly, and lacking any backstory. Because of this, short statements made in the context of a sensitive subject matter can be misinterpreted, and one’s intended tone easily gets lost in translation. Often, the direct language that characterizes an e-mail is misread as curt, cold, or accusatory. Recently, a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology reported that e-mails are misinterpreted 50 percent of the time, and a Canadian study revealed that 32 percent of people considered e-mail to be ineffective at conveying tone, intent, and emotional context. In addition, when you’re faced with a business situation that irks you, e-mail’s convenience makes you more likely to fire off a response before carefully choosing your words as you would when composing a letter. Add that to the inherently abrupt tone of e-mail, and you can end up making a bad situation even worse.
So, in sum: If you’re actively trying to convey emotion or you need to address a sensitive situation, avoid e-mail. It’s probably best to go with a printed letter or memo. In this age of fast, impersonal e-mails and text messages, your reader will appreciate it.


A dictionary definition of the word selling is “producing a strong effect” or “powerfully persuasive.” For a message to be “telling”—that is, to make a distinct impression—the best medium is a printed letter, not an e-mail. In today’s e-mail-oriented business world, letters have symbolic importance. Letters are tangible; you can hold them and read them. Their visual and tactile features have impact. For example, crisp, textured stationery; clean, professional company letterhead; and an elegantly penned signature suggest class and formality. A handwritten note suggests warmth and personal attention. E-mail, on the other hand, lacks personality. It is functional, not symbolic.
So, for correspondence that is meant to make a strong impression, the post office is usually the best way to go. Examples include promotional mailings, brochures, and letters introducing your company to potential clients. You can, of course, transmit such documents by e-mail, attaching them as portable document format (PDF) files, but these files sometimes look different on different computers because of variations in operating platforms and selected printer fonts. The bottom line is: If you want your message to make a real impression, avoid e-mail.
That covers the basics of knowing when not to use e-mail in business situations. To make it even easier to identify the specific kinds of correspondence discussed in this book for which e-mail is inappropriate, we use the following icon:026Look for this icon above sample messages in each chapter.
In addition, here are a few more guidelines on when to use a business letter or a fax.
027The business letter is used to communicate formal matters in business, jurisprudence, or otherwise. You can use this form of correspondence when you want to send a cover letter to accompany your resume, write a letter announcing business news to colleagues outside your company, or notify vendors of a change in your ordering procedures. You can file an official complaint or compliment with such a letter, or use it for any number of other business occasions.
028The facsimile machine dramatically changed the pace of business communication about two decades ago, but its use has somewhat declined with the advent of e-mail. Still, knowing how to correctly and appropriately use this form of quick correspondence will help you boost your business image.
Here are some basics: Use faxes only when the message needs immediate attention. Do not use the fax machine to send documents or information in which the appearance is important. Despite advances in image quality and plain paper fax machines, faxed messages still do not arrive with the same professional look that personal letters or reports offer.
Of course, communicating effectively in business today not only involves knowing whether you should send your correspondence by e-mail, fax, or letter. It also means being able to use e-mail wisely, navigating the ever-evolving rules of e-mail etiquette. The next chapter offers valuable rules, tips, and guidelines related to e-mail etiquette and more.
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