
  • absorption
  • accent(edness) rating(s)
  • accent(s)
  • accentedness
  • accentual prominence
  • accommodation
  • acculturation
  • accuracy
  • acoustic energy
  • activity recipe collections
  • Adaptive Control of Thought Model
  • additions
  • additive bilingualism or integration
  • adjacency pairs
  • African American English
  • Afrikaans
  • alliteration
  • allophone
  • ambient languages
  • ambisyllabicity principle
  • American English
  • Analytic-Linguistic Approach
  • Anglo-Indian English
  • Anglo-Saxon words
  • Applied Linguistics
  • articulation
  • articulation, manner of
  • articulation, place of
  • articulatory gestures
  • artificial intelligence
  • aspiration
  • assessment
  • assimilation
  • attitude
  • audiation
  • audiolingual method
  • audiovisual method
  • Australian English
  • authentic language
  • automatic speech recognition
  • automaticity
  • automatization
  • Autosegmental Phonology
  • Autosegmental theory
  • awareness
  • babbling
  • Babu English
  • backchanneling
  • Bantu Education Act
  • beginning-proficiency
  • Black South African English (BSAfE)
  • blends
  • border sounds
  • British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
  • British English
  • British Isles
  • British Library
  • broad transcription
  • BSAfE, mesolectal
  • Butler English
  • Canadian English
  • Canadian Shift
  • Cantonese
  • Cape English
  • Cape Flats English
  • Catalan
  • categorization
  • centralization
  • Channel Islands
  • childhood apraxia
  • Chinese English
  • citation forms
  • clarification
  • classroom-based research
  • clicks
  • CLT
  • Cockney
  • coda
  • Cognitive Code learning
  • Cognitive Grammar
  • Cognitive Linguistics
  • Cognitive Phonology
  • Coleman Report
  • Communication Accommodation Theory
  • communicative approach
  • communicative framework
  • Communicative Language Teaching
  • complementary distribution
  • Complexity Theory
  • comprehensibility
  • comprehensible input
  • compression
  • computer assisted pronunciation training
  • computer-based dictation
  • concept formation
  • connected speech
  • consonant
  • consonant clusters
  • consonant harmony
  • consonant inventory
  • consonant substitutions
  • consonants, final
  • consonants, geminate
  • consonants, syllabic
  • Constructivism
  • content words
  • context
  • contextualization
  • contractions
  • Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis
  • contrastive distribution
  • conventional transcription
  • convergence
  • Conversational actions
  • corpus
  • corrective feedback
  • correctness
  • Counseling-Learning/Community Language Learning
  • covert rehearsal
  • creaky voice
  • Critical Listening
  • critical/sensitive period
  • cross-cultural speech
  • cumulative effect
  • declarative knowledge
  • declarative memory
  • deletion
  • derivational morphology
  • designer methods
  • diacritics
  • diagnostic testing
  • dialect
  • dialogue systems
  • diffusion
  • Digital technologies
  • diphthongs
  • Direct Method
  • Discourse and Conversation Analysis
  • discourse functions
  • discourse intonation
  • discourse meanings
  • disfluency
  • dissimilation
  • distinctive features
  • disyllables/disyllabic
  • divergence
  • Dragon Dictate
  • duration
  • Dutch
  • Dynamic Systems Theory
  • Early Modern English
  • East Anglia
  • East Midlands
  • Effectiveness
  • ejectives
  • elaboration
  • electronic visual feedback
  • ELF corpora
  • eliding sounds
  • elocution
  • emergence
  • emotion
  • empirical evidence
  • England
  • English as a foreign language (EFL)
  • English as a Lingua Franca (ELF)
  • English as a native language (ENL)
  • English as a second language (ESL)
  • English as an international language (EIL)
  • English rhythm
  • English-medium education
  • epenthesis
  • epenthetic schwa
  • episodic effects
  • ethnic variation
  • expanding circle
  • explicit instruction
  • Extreme or Broad SAfE
  • false dichotomy
  • familiarity
  • features of pronunciation
  • figura
  • Filled Pause Ratio
  • fixed-stress languages
  • flapping
  • fluency
  • Focus
  • foot
  • foreign words
  • form-focused instruction
  • formality
  • formant synthesis
  • formants
  • formS-focused instruction
  • French
  • function words
  • functional load
  • fundamental frequency
  • future studies
  • GAT conventions
  • General American (GA)
  • General Indian English
  • Generative phonology
  • geographical distribution
  • geographical space
  • German
  • Germanic
  • glides
  • glottalic theory
  • glottalization
  • Grammar Translation
  • grammar-based intonation
  • graphic unit
  • Great Vowel Shift
  • Greek
  • greetings
  • Grimm’s Law
  • Gujarati English
  • hiatus
  • high-proficiency
  • Hindi (English)
  • Hispanic English
  • historical changes
  • historical linguistics
  • historical sociolinguistics
  • homophone(s)
  • hyperadaptation
  • hypercorrection
  • iambic pattern/words
  • identity
  • idioms
  • illocutionary force
  • imitative-intuitive
  • implicational fall-rise
  • implicature
  • implosives
  • Indian English
  • inflectional morphemes
  • inner circle
  • insertion
  • institutionalization
  • integrated skills
  • intelligibility
  • intelligibility, international
  • intelligibility, local
  • intelligibility assessment
  • intelligibility measures
  • intelligibility principle
  • intensity
  • interaction
  • interactional integration
  • interactional linguistics
  • interactive alignment
  • interactive tasks
  • interactonal competence
  • interlanguage
  • interlocutor
  • intermediate languages
  • intermediate-proficiency
  • International Association for World Englishes
  • International Phonetic Alphabet
  • International Phonetic Association
  • Interpretability
  • interstress intervals
  • interval measures
  • intonation
  • intonation contours
  • intonation languages
  • intonation terminal
  • intonation, final
  • intonation, marked
  • intonation, unmarked
  • intonational phrase
  • IPA
  • Irish Republic
  • isochrony
  • Japanese
  • jungle listening
  • Kachru’s three circles model
  • Key Stress Rule
  • Key Syllable
  • KIN-PIN Split
  • koineization
  • Korean
  • Korean English
  • L1 background
  • language acquisition device
  • language attitudes
  • Language for Specific Purposes
  • language laboratories
  • language-as-action
  • languaging
  • lax vowels
  • learnability
  • learner rules
  • Left Stress Rule
  • Left Syllable
  • length
  • letter-to-sound connections
  • lexical access
  • lexical activation
  • lexical chunks
  • lexical set
  • lexical stress
  • lexical variation
  • lexicality
  • liaison
  • Lingua Franca Core (LFC)
  • linguistic competence
  • linguistic insecurity
  • Linguistic Survey of Scotland
  • linking
  • lip rounding
  • Listener Effects
  • listener judgments
  • loanwords
  • logographic language
  • London Jamaican
  • loudness
  • maintenance
  • Malayalee English
  • Mandarin
  • Maori
  • Maori English
  • Marathi English
  • Maximum Onset Principle
  • mean consonantal duration
  • Mean Length of Run
  • meaning-first principle
  • meaning-focused approach
  • mental lexicon
  • merger
  • metacognition
  • metalanguage
  • Mexican English
  • Mexican Spanish
  • Middle English
  • Miller’s Law
  • minimal pair
  • mixed dialects
  • modification
  • monophthong
  • monophthongization
  • monosyllables
  • mora
  • morphophonemic alternations
  • mother tongue phonology
  • Multicultural London English
  • multisyllabic words
  • NAmE
  • narratives
  • narrow transcription
  • nasal vowels
  • nasalisation
  • Native Language Magnet Model
  • native listeners
  • native speakers
  • nativeness
  • Nativeness Principle
  • nativist model
  • Natural Approach
  • natural language processing
  • negative transfer
  • negotiated interaction
  • neutralization
  • New Englishes
  • new information
  • New Zealand English
  • Nigerian English
  • non-core features
  • non-native listeners
  • non-native speakers
  • non-word
  • Norm dependent
  • Norm developing
  • Norm providing
  • norm-accepting varieties
  • norms
  • North American English (NAmE)
  • nPVI
  • nuclear stress
  • nuclear tones
  • Old English
  • one-sound-to-one-symbol principle
  • onset
  • open syllable structure
  • Orkney Islands
  • orthography
  • outer circle
  • Pairwise Variability Index
  • palatalization
  • Paralanguage
  • Paratones
  • pause
  • pause group
  • peak-valley patterns
  • pedagogy
  • perception
  • perception skills
  • Perceptual Assimilation Model
  • perceptual magnet effect
  • Phonation Time Ratio
  • phoneme
  • phonemic contrast
  • phonemic distinctions
  • phonemic inventory
  • phonemicization
  • PhonePass
  • phonetic approximation
  • phonetic change
  • phonetic requirements
  • phonological development
  • phonological phrase
  • phonotactics
  • phrasal context
  • pidgin languages
  • pitch accent
  • pitch contour
  • pitch matching
  • pitch movement
  • pitch range
  • pitch register
  • pitch visualization
  • PLATO project
  • podcasts
  • Polish
  • polysyllabic word
  • positive transfer
  • Praat
  • pragmatic meaning
  • pragmatic norms
  • prediction skills
  • Prefix Stress Rule
  • Present-Day English
  • primary language
  • Principal Components Analysis
  • priorities in pronunciation teaching
  • procedural knowledge
  • procedural memory
  • production memory
  • production skills
  • proficiency level
  • pronunciation curriculum
  • pronunciation features
  • pronunciation needs
  • pronunciation pedagogy
  • prosodic constraints
  • prosodic constraints
  • prosodic contours
  • prosodic design
  • prosodic features
  • prosodic goodness
  • prosodic hierarchy
  • prosodic parameters
  • prosodic structure
  • prosody
  • Pruned Syllables
  • Prussian Method
  • Public School Pronunciation
  • pulses
  • purist view
  • Raised vowels
  • read speech
  • Received Pronunciation
  • receptive skills
  • reduced forms
  • reduced intelligibility
  • reduced vowel
  • reductions
  • Reform Movement
  • register
  • repair
  • reported speech
  • Republic of Ireland
  • requests
  • resonant frequency
  • resyllabification
  • rhoticity
  • rhyme
  • rhythm
  • rhythmic indices
  • rhythmic patterns
  • rhythmic typology
  • rime see rhyme
  • RP
  • running speech
  • SAfE, Cultivated
  • sandhi
  • schwa
  • Scotland
  • Scottish English
  • Second Language Acquisition
  • segmental contrasts
  • segmental features
  • segmental/suprasegmental debate
  • segmentation
  • segments
  • semi-vowels
  • sentence focus
  • sequence organization
  • Shetland Islands
  • Silent Pause Ratio
  • Silent Way
  • Singapore English
  • Siri
  • sites of reduced intelligibility
  • Situational Language Teaching
  • social accommodation
  • social actions
  • Social Context model
  • social factors
  • Social Interactionism
  • social variation
  • Socially Constructed Metalanguage
  • sociocognitive approach
  • sonorant
  • sound system
  • sound-second principle
  • South Africa
  • South African English
  • South African Indian English
  • Spanish
  • speaking rate
  • spectrogram
  • speech
  • speech act theory
  • speech acts
  • speech analysis
  • speech disorders
  • Speech Learning Model
  • speech melody
  • speech production
  • speech rate
  • speech recognition
  • speech recognition
  • speech rhythm
  • speech signal
  • speech synthesis
  • speech technology
  • speech waveform
  • speech-to-text
  • SpeechViewer
  • spelling
  • Spoonerisms
  • Stability
  • Standard British English
  • Standard English
  • standard lexical sets
  • Standard North American English
  • standardization of speech
  • standardization of writing system
  • stress
  • stress patterns
  • stress rule
  • stress variation
  • stress-based languages
  • stress-based rhythm
  • stress-placement rule
  • stress-timed language
  • stress-timed rhythm
  • stress-timing
  • stress, alternations
  • stress, compound
  • stress, contrastive
  • stress, lexical
  • stress, metrical
  • stress, minimal pairs
  • stress, nuclear
  • stress, phrasal
  • stress, primary
  • stress, secondary
  • stressed vowel
  • strong forms
  • structuralist models
  • Suggestopedia
  • suprasegmental features
  • suprasegmentals
  • Survey of English Dialects
  • syllabic consonant
  • syllabic writing systems
  • syllabification
  • syllable boundary
  • syllable durations
  • syllable initial consonant
  • syllable length
  • syllable onsets
  • syllable stress pattern
  • syllable structure
  • syllable structure constraints
  • syllable-based languages
  • syllable-timed languages
  • syllable-timed rhythm
  • syllable–timing
  • syllables
  • syllables, closed
  • syllables, open
  • syllables, stressed
  • syllables, strong
  • syllables, strong and weak
  • syllables, tonic
  • syllables, unstressed
  • syllables, weak
  • synalepha
  • tabula rasa context
  • tag questions
  • Tamil
  • Tamil English
  • Task Based Language Teaching
  • teachability
  • teacher training
  • teaching methods
  • Telugu
  • Telugu English
  • tempo
  • temporal measures
  • tense vowels
  • tenseness
  • text-to-speech
  • the great trichotomy
  • timing
  • ToBI
  • tonality
  • tone
  • tone groups
  • tone languages
  • tone units
  • tone, complex
  • tones, simple
  • tonic syllables
  • tonicity
  • Total Physical Response
  • transplanted English
  • Treaty of Waitangi
  • trimming
  • triphthongs
  • trochaic pattern
  • turn completion
  • Turn Relevant Place
  • turn taking
  • turn transition
  • Tyneside English
  • Ulster
  • Ulster English
  • United Kingdom
  • Universal Grammar
  • unstressed vowels
  • usage-based approach
  • VarcoC, VarcoV, VarcoS
  • variability
  • variation
  • vernacular London English
  • Versant
  • Vietnamese
  • VisiPitch
  • visual models
  • vocalic intervals
  • vocalization
  • voice quality
  • voice recognition
  • voiced consonant
  • voiceless consonants
  • vowel, full
  • vowel accuracy
  • vowel duration
  • vowel length
  • vowel quality
  • vowel reduction
  • vowel shifts
  • vowel space
  • Wales
  • waveform
  • WaveSurfer
  • weak forms
  • Wells’ keywords
  • West Midlands
  • White South African English (WSAfE)
  • Willingness to Communicate framework
  • word boundaries
  • word classes
  • word recognition
  • word stress
  • word templates
  • word-initial position
  • word-spotting
  • working memory
  • World Englishes
  • writing systems
  • Yod-modifications
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