
The first edition of The Leadership Contract was released in July of 2013. At that time, I would not have predicted that the ideas of the book would be so meaningful to so many leaders and companies around the world. I'm humbled by the response, especially now that the third edition of the book has also been released. Accomplishments like this are rarely done single-handedly.

I have so many people to thank for their contributions over the years, whether it was in shaping the ideas of the book, supporting the production of learning materials, certifying global facilitators, or bringing our leadership accountability solutions to our clients worldwide.

I want to express my personal gratitude to my many clients around the world. Without your commitment to my work, none of what has been accomplished would have happened. I have been blessed with many deep and longstanding relationships over my career. I'm also grateful and indebted to those of you who brought the ideas of The Leadership Contract into your organizations.

I want to also thank the many readers of my books and blogs. I deeply appreciate your support. I also especially valued when you have reached out to me to share how my ideas have helped you become a more accountable leader. It is personally gratifying to receive this feedback. I'm always thrilled to hear from a leader who has applied the ideas and made them better.

There are also several colleagues from Lee Hecht Harrison who I would like to acknowledge:

  • Peter Alcide, president and COO and the rest of the executive team for enabling me to share my ideas with the world.
  • To Claudio Garcia, EVP Corporate Strategy and Development, for his ongoing support of my work.
  • Thanks also to my peers on the corporate team: Greg Simpson, Jim Concelman, Jeanne Schad, Beth Rizzotti, and the rest of the team members. Your contributions have been many and deeply appreciated.
  • A big thank you to my many global colleagues and peers. There are simply too many names to mention, but know that your collective efforts have helped us spread the ideas of this book. You each made an invaluable contribution whether it was in organizing customer events in your cities, designing and translating learning materials, certifying trainers, and sharing our thought leadership via social media. I'm personally grateful for your commitment and great work.

I want to also recognize several of my colleagues from The Adecco Group:

  • Thank you to Alain Dehaze, CEO, for your support and for writing the Foreword to this book.
  • To Stephan Howeg, chief marketing and communications officer, thank you to your team for being a constant cheerleader and supporter of my work. Thank you also for recognizing The Leadership Contract with the first ever Adecco Thought Leadership Award. That was a special moment for me and my team.
  • To Shanthi Flynn, chief human resources officer, for your vision and passion.

To my own team in the leadership transformation practice: Tammy Heermann, Alex Vincent, Tess Reimann, and Joey Edwards. Your commitment and passion are constant motivators for me. I'm lucky to work with each of you every single day. An extra special thank you to Razia Garda for your tireless efforts to keep me organized and productive—you are my secret weapon!

Thank you also to Dr. Nick Morgan, Nikki Smith-Morgan, Sarah Morgan, and Emma Wyatt of Public Words. Your full commitment to me and my ideas are deeply valued.

A big thank you goes to the team at John Wiley & Sons, who contributed greatly to this project. A special thank you Shannon Vargo, my editor for the past five years. Thanks also to Elizabeth Gildea, Chris Webb, Peter Knox, Dawn Kilgore, and Kelly Martin.

Writing a book while managing the demands of an executive role, consulting on global client projects, conducting speaking engagements, and leading a busy home life could only be accomplished with the support of my family.

Thank you to my parents, Camillo and Maria; my mother-in-law, Carmela; my brother, Robert; my sisters-in-law, Mary and Rosanna; and my brother-in-law, John; and nephews Owen and Nicholas.

To my children, Mateo, Tomas, and Alessia. You are the constant inspiration in my life. I am proud of the young leaders you are. Once again, an extra thank you to my daughter Alessia and your inspiration for the original design of the book cover.

Finally and most importantly, to my wife, Elizabeth. Once again you amaze me with your support and encouragement. Nothing I do is possible without you. Thank you!

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