

  • Accountable leaders: changing zombie leaders into; committed to moving things forward; company performance by behaviors of; Cut Check on living the leadership contract; define your value and desired impact as a; examining other behaviors of; final thoughts on becoming a truly; have the tough conversations; promoting leaders for being; quarterly and annual actions of; reflections on future of leadership and decision to be; ten key behaviors of; top five behaviors of truly; understand and share your personal leadership story, See also Leaders; Leadership accountability; Leadership is a decision
  • Accountable team building
  • The Adecco Group
  • Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
  • Adversity: building personal resolve to push forward from; building resilience to get through; emerging leader need to build resilience to
  • Aetna Inc.
  • Affordable Care Act (Obama Care)
  • “Age of assholism,”
  • Alcide, Peter
  • Alcohol/drugs temptation
  • Ambiguity: leaders leading through; Steve Jobs on the selfishness of
  • Anders, William
  • Anthony, Susan B.
  • Apollo 8 story (1968)
  • Apple
  • Ascent of the A-Ward (Nunberg)


  • Baby Boomers: becoming less willing to put with rough leaders; work expectations of
  • Bad bosses: Baby Boomers tolerance of; Jim’s story on being a lame; Larry’s story on jerk; study findings on real costs of; Washington Post’s “Is Your Boss Making Your Sick?” article on
  • Badenoch & Clark
  • Barra, Mary
  • Behaviors: accountable leaders and ten key; how temptations can impact; as leadership accountability dimension; unethical
  • Being Driven to Distraction mistake
  • Being Insecure mistake
  • Bell Canada
  • Bertolini, Mark
  • Beth’s story
  • Big D leadership decisions: by accountable teams; Apollo 8 story (1968) on making; clarity and commitment required for making good; description of the; four turning points for deliberately making; Target CEO story on reinventing their leadership with; visceral nature of making; when you are at a crossroad
  • Bilbo Baggins (The Hobbit character)
  • Biologics Manufacturer: Andy on impact of the leadership contract on the; a health care organization being transformed into a; leadership contract of the
  • Blatter, Sepp
  • Branson, Eve
  • Branson, Richard
  • Brazil: Operation Car Wash scandal in; protests against Dilma Rousseff in
  • Brian’s story
  • “The buck stops here,”
  • Building resilience: Chef (film) on; get tough by; mid-level leader’s need for
  • Business strategies: creating strategic clarity by cascading; leader demonstration of drive to execute; make leadership accountability as a priority
  • Business trends
  • Bystander effect


  • Cameron, David
  • Caring leaders
  • Casper, Carl
  • Charismatic leadership cults
  • Chef (film)
  • Chief executive officers (CEOs): Arthur T. Demoulas as example of loved; build a network of close relationships; collateral damage of unethical behavior by; glorified charismatic; high compensation for underperformance by; obligation to build strong management team; shared leadership accountability priority of executive team, HR, and; study findings on high percent of underperforming; survey findings on disconnection felt by; trying to turn around his company; who are community builders, See also Executive leaders; Senior management
  • Citigroup
  • Clarity: for good leadership decisions; on leadership accountability as a business priority; Mary Barra’s story on leading with; a strong community leaders requires commitment and
  • Clark, Ed
  • Climate, See Work climate
  • Clinton, Hillary
  • Collaboration: leadership as a community as opportunity for; missed opportunity of community of leaders engaged in; One-company mindset, See also Community of leaders
  • Collins, Jim
  • Colvin, Geoff
  • Commitment: for making good leadership decisions; Mary Barra’s story on leading with; to move things forward by accountable leaders,; a strong community leaders requires clarity and
  • Communication: building resilience to negative situations and; have the tough conversations; living the leadership contract by soliciting feedback; make it safe to speak truth to power; by truly accountable leaders
  • Community: health benefits of being part of a; leadership obligation to the; people are wired for being part of a; rock climbing story on competition and, See also Leadership is a community
  • Community builder leaders
  • Community building actions: connect across departments; connect informally; connect people to one another; connect via technology; connection over a meal; daily practices and; quarterly and annual practices and
  • Community of leaders: benefits of being part of a; Brian’s story on the meaning of support from a; clarity and commitment for a strong; The Community of Leaders Manifesto for; connect your leaders strategies to build; creating a climate to become the best; executive leader’s role creating and using a; five actions for building; having what it takes to be a builder of; leadership contract on leadership as a; missed opportunity for building; one-company mindset of a; Rob’s story on building a; what you need to build a, See also Collaboration; Connections; Executive leaders; Leaders
  • The Community of Leaders Manifesto
  • Community of Leaders Survey
  • Company performance: behaviors of accountable leaders by; connect your leaders to improve; leadership culture attributes by; organizational practices by; relationship between leadership accountability and; truly accountable leaders express optimism about. See also Performance
  • Competition: as great motivator in moderation; indoor rock climbing story on; mistake of having to win at all costs; one-company mindset instead of in-house
  • Conference Board
  • Confusing Tough with Rough mistake
  • Connect your leaders strategies: assess your current leadership culture; Community of Leaders Survey to help with; importance and benefits of; leadership forums for relationship-building; set up leadership accountability peer groups
  • Connections: accountable teams; Daryl’s story on having a real; Greg’s story on a league of heroes; leadership as a community as opportunity for; missed opportunity for building community and; neuroscience on our need to have; opportunities for relationship-building and; quarterly and annual actions to make; reflections on future of leadership and, See also Community of leaders; Leadership is a community
  • Cook, Tim
  • Cooper, Theodore
  • Cope, George
  • Corbat, Michael L.
  • Cornell University
  • Corporate scandals: employee reactions to; FIFA leadership; how personal reputations of everyone is impacted by; impact on a company by; Mary Barra’s story on leading GM through. See also Unethical behavior
  • Costco
  • Courage: as essential quality for effective leaders; to have the tough conversations; Lisa Su as very definition of leadership; to make difficult decisions; to overcome the “let-it-slide” phenomenon; required for standing up to jerk leaders
  • Covey, Stephen
  • Criticism: building resilience to negative situations and; Chef (film) on emotional response to
  • Crossroad leadership decisions
  • Culture change: leading through transformation and; Zinta’s story as lesson on leadership and; from a zombie to accountable culture, See also Leadership culture; Organizational culture
  • Curt’s story
  • Customers: ensuring that leaders know what matters to; GameStation’s “immortal soul clause” joke (2010) about their; leader clarity on what they value; your obligation to your
  • CVS tobacco ban (2014)


  • Daily actions to practice
  • Daryl’s story
  • Dave’s story
  • David’s story (Knightsbridge CEO)
  • David’s story on leadership decision
  • Decision making: courage to do the hard work of difficult; a few scenarios on signing the leadership contact; by truly accountable leaders, See also Leadership decisions; Leadership is a decision
  • Dehaze, Alain
  • Delegation skills
  • Demoulas, Arthur S.
  • Demoulas, Arthur T.
  • Disappointing leadership
  • Disconnection of leadership
  • Disgraceful leadership
  • Disorganized/distracted leaders
  • Diversity
  • Drugs/alcohol temptation


  • Earl’s story
  • Emerging leaders. See Individual contributors/emerging leaders
  • Employee engagement: Gallup survey (2015) findings on; sharing data on
  • Employees: emotional reactions to corporate scandals by; support of CEO by the Market Basket; your obligation to your. See also High-potential (hi-po) leaders
  • Empty chair leaders
  • The End of Leadership (Kellerman)
  • Enron scandal
  • European Union
  • Evernote
  • Ewing, Sam
  • Executive leaders: build a network of close relationships; illustration of the turning point for; making Big D leadership decisions; moral and fiduciary obligations of; need for self-awareness when making decisions; obligation to build strong management team; relationship with your boss; shared leadership accountability priority of HR, CEO, and; testing the reputation, resilience, and resolve of, See also Chief executive officers (CEOs); Community of leaders; Senior management


  • Facebook
  • Fame temptation
  • Favreau, Jon
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
  • Feedback: building resilience to negative situations and; Chef (film) on emotional response to negative; have the tough conversations; make it safe to speak truth to power; soliciting from others
  • Feeling Like the Victim mistake
  • Financial crisis (2007–2008): company with an accountable culture able to weather the; impact on companies and leaders by the
  • Fishbach, Ayelet
  • Five core obligations of leadership: examples of them in action; illustrated diagram of; story on leader who finally understands; your obligation to your communities; your obligation to your customers; your obligation to your employees; your obligation to your organization; your obligation to yourself
  • Fortune magazine: Lisa Su interview in; on Mary Barra’s leadership of GM crisis; on Palmisno’s legacy of leadership at IBM
  • Front-line leaders: illustration of the turning point for; making Big D leadership decisions; making the shift from being a doer to a delegator; mastering leadership essentials and key skills; shifting responsibilities, obligations, and personal gratification; Thomas’s story on being a
  • Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (Farc) [Colombian rebel group]
  • Future Environment Map activity


  • Gallup The State of the American Manager: Analytics and Advice for Leaders survey (2015)
  • GameStation’s “immortal soul clause” joke (2010)
  • Gandhi
  • Garfield, Charles
  • Gary’s story
  • General Motors (GM) crisis
  • General Motors Institute (now Kettering University)
  • General Specifications for Iron Railroad Bridges and Viaducts (Cooper)
  • George, Bill
  • Getting in Over Your Head mistake
  • Getting tough: accountable teams; building resilience strategy for; develop personal resolve strategy for; on the organizational tough stuff; quarterly and annual actions for; reflections on future of leadership and; shift your view strategy for; by tackling the hard work of leadership, See also Leadership is hard work
  • Glorified charismatic leaders
  • Godbin, Seth
  • Goldberg, Dave
  • The golden boy story
  • Good to Great (Collins)
  • Great leaders: made and shaped by their experiences; Mary Barra’s example as a
  • Greed temptation
  • Greg’s story
  • Grove, Andrew
  • Gut Check for Leaders: embedding the leadership contract in your organizations; leadership is a community; leadership is a decision; leadership is an obligation; leadership is hard work; living the leadership contract; signing the leadership contract; turning points of leadership; what’s wrong with today’s leadership; why we need a leadership contract; your personal leadership story


  • Hard rule of leadership: leaders become weak when they avoid the; strong leaders follow the; the ten “hard work made harder” mistakes
  • Hard work made harder mistakes: 1: Getting in Over Your Head; 2: Confusing Tough with Rough; 3: Mistaking Effort for Results; 4: Feeling Like the Victim; 5: Being Insecure; 6: Needing Good News; 7: Winning at All Costs; 8: Waiting for Permission; 9: Being Driven to Distraction; 10: Losing Perspective. See also Leadership is hard work
  • Hastings, Reed
  • Health issues: being part of a community benefits our health; study findings on having bad bosses and; Washington Post’s “Is Your Boss Making Your Sick?” article; work–life balance; Zinta’s story on costs of leadership in terms of
  • Heroic model of leadership
  • Hewlett-Packard (HP)
  • High-potential (hi-po) leaders: Marcela and Barb’s story on leadership decision by; obligation to develop strong soft skills; promoting them with leadership development support; story on employees who didn’t want to be identified as; succession management program to identity, See also Employees
  • The Hobbit (film)
  • Huffington, Arianna
  • The Huffington Post
  • Human resources (HR): articulating a set of clear leadership expectations; HRPS survey findings on accountability gap in; leadership accountability gap in many; set the leadership bar high for itself; shared leadership accountability priority of executive team, CEO, and, See also Organizations
  • Human Resources People + Strategy (HRPS)
  • Hurricane Irene (2011)


  • IBM
  • “Immortal soul clause” joke (2010)
  • Inc. magazine
  • Individual contributors/emerging leaders: Beth’s story on her turning point; don’t fall into trap of refusing the invitation; every organization needs a constant supply of strong; gratification from own accomplishments by; illustration of the turning point for; making Big D leadership decisions; need to start thinking of yourself as a leader; obligation to develop strong soft skills; start building your resilience to demands and adversity; Tariq’s story on his turning point; Zinta’s story on identifying an
  • Indoor rock climbing story
  • Insecure leaders
  • Institute for Policy Studies
  • Intel
  • International Federation of Football Associations (FIFA) scandal
  • Iron Ring Ceremony (Canada)
  • Isaacson, Walter
  • Ive, Sir Jonathan


  • Jainism
  • Jerk leaders: Baby Boomers’ expectations on; glorified charismatic; Larry’s story on being a; problem of “brilliant,”; Steve Jobs perceived as being a
  • Jim’s story
  • Jobs, Steve


  • Kalanick, Travis
  • Kanter, Rosabeth Moss
  • Kellerman, Barbara
  • Kniffin, Kevin M.
  • Knightsbridge Human Capital Solutions: Adecco/Lee Hecht Harrison (LHH) acquisition of; focus on building company culture; “K-Factor” of cultural uniqueness of


  • Lame leadership: Gut Check for Leaders on problem of; having a strong leadership culture to avoid; how did we get to this state of; Jim’s story on putting up with; leadership development industry accountability for; study findings on real costs of; time to stop settling and increase our expectations, See also Leadership accountability crisis
  • Larry’s story
  • Leader behaviors: accountable leaders and ten key; how temptations can impact; as leadership accountability dimension; unethical
  • Leader questions: why so many are so lame; why so many are such jerks; why so many don’t want to be a leader
  • Leaders: being a community builder; being liked as a leader is overrated; defining your value and desired impact as a; disorganized and distracted; empty chair; executive; facilitating relationship-building among; front-in; glorified charismatic; high-potential (hi-po); identify and address unaccountable; individual contributors/emerging; insecure; the kind of climate for becoming the best; maintaining a work–life balance; mid-level; personal maturity of; selfish versus selfless; weak or wimpy; Zinta’s story on change role of; zombie. See also Accountable leaders; Community of leaders
  • Leadership: current state of; defined as a decision; don’t confuse effort with results; Gut Check on what’s wrong with today’s; the hard rule of; overreliance on heroic model of; Palmisano leaving IBM with legacy of; temptations of; time to start expecting more; you are the future of, See also State of leadership
  • Leadership accountability: Canadian Iron Ring Ceremony ritual on; daily actions for; final thoughts on building organizational; four strategies driving strong; Gut Check on signing the leadership contract for; leadership contract’s leadership is an obligation; organizational practices to build strong; quarterly and annual actions of; relationship between company performance and; the road ahead of building strong; satisfaction by level of leader; satisfaction with accountability by level of leader; set up peer groups for; three dimensions of, See also Accountable leaders; Leadership is a decision
  • Leadership accountability audit
  • Leadership accountability crisis: glorification of charismatic leaders; promoting technical superstars into leadership roles; reliance on heroic model of leadership; using quick-fix view to developing leaders, See also Lame leadership
  • Leadership accountability gap: description of the problem of; leadership contract as solution to the; study findings to understand the
  • Leadership accountability peer groups
  • Leadership accountability strategies: connect your leaders; create a leadership contract for your organization; get tough on the tough stuff; Gut Check on leadership contract and using; the leadership contract as; make leadership accountability a business priority
  • Leadership BS: Fixing Workplaces and Careers One Truth at a Time (Pfeffer)
  • Leadership contract: a copy of the; create your own personal; description of the; embedded into your organization; Gut Check on why we need a; introduction to the four terms of the; it is an agreement with yourself; as leadership accountability gap solution; practices for living the; reflections on the future of leadership and; signing the; understanding the personal and moral nature of a, See also Leadership contract terms; Turning points of leadership
  • “The Leadership Contract” (Conference Board speech)
  • The Leadership Contract Field Guide
  • The Leadership Contract for Teams solution
  • Leadership contract foundational practices: 1: understand and share your personal leadership story; 2: define your value and desired impact as a leader; 3: have the tough conversations; 4: be a community builder; illustrated diagram of
  • The Leadership Contract (Molinaro)
  • Leadership contract regular practices: create your own personal leadership contract; daily actions; quarterly and annual actions; sign leadership contract at each turning point; solicit feedback from others
  • Leadership contract signing: a copy of what you’ll be signing; at every turning point; everything changes after the; experiencing hesitation over; final thoughts on; Gut Checks on; remember that it is an agreement with yourself; you cannot stay in your leader role without the
  • Leadership contract signing scenarios: you have confirmed a decision you already made; you realize that you don’t want to lead; you want to sign, but you don’t feel ready
  • Leadership contract terms: introduction to the four; leadership is a community—connect; leadership is a decision—make it; leadership is an obligation—step up; leadership is hard work—get tough; Mary Barra’s story on living the. See also Leadership contract
  • Leadership culture: assess your current; attributes of accountable; author’s personal journey in understanding; changing it from a zombie to an accountable; facilitating relationship-building among leaders; importance of values in a strong; leader role in creating a vibrant; as leadership accountability dimension; league of heroes rooted in a charismatic personality; share employee engagement data to drive stronger; stable of thoroughbreds; stories serving as examples of toxic; strategies driving strong accountable; Zinta’s story on leader role in changing; zombies working in a weak. See also Culture change; Organizational culture
  • Leadership culture attributes: celebrating success in achieving key milestones; clarity about leadership expectations; commitment to “one company” idea; common leadership experience across organization; culture with minimum of internal politics; leader modeling of organization values; leaders encouraged to give constructive feedback; leaders passion and drive to execute business strategy; leaders with clarity about what customers value; leaders with personal maturity
  • Leadership culture lessons: author’s personal journey through; David’s story on creating a vibrant; international crises serving as “real-world,”; Jim’s story on lame leaders; John’s story on importance of values; Larry’s story on jerk leaders; Zinta’s story on leader role in change
  • Leadership decision types: Big D leadership decisions; made in a deliberate manner; small d leadership decisions; Target CEO reinventing leadership culture through both
  • Leadership decisions: clarity and commitment required for making good; deciding not to lead as an importance; Earl’s story on never making the; as first term of the leadership contract; Gut Check on; leadership defined as being a; Lucia’s story on making; made when you are at a crossroad and feel you no longer fit; making Big D decisions; making small d decisions; required at the mid-level leadership level; Target CEO reinventing leadership culture through; visceral nature of a real; when you change your mind about your; why so many don’t want to make the; why you need to make the, See also Decision making
  • Leadership development: anchor your organizational leadership contract into your; executive leaders; front-line leaders; individual contributor/emerging leader; mid-level leaders; promoting technical superstars with supportive; using a quick-fix view of
  • Leadership development industry: caution to have “buyer beware” attitude toward the; need for accountability by the
  • Leadership expectations: clarity about; define and articulate; “price of entry” conversation on; time to stop settling and increase our
  • Leadership forums
  • Leadership is a community: accountable teams; Gut Check on; leadership contract on connecting; opportunity for connections and collaboration; quarterly and annual actions practices; reflections on the future of leadership and, See also Community; Connections
  • Leadership is a decision: Earl’s story on; as leadership contact term; making the decision; quarterly and annual actions; reflections on the future of leadership and; using to build accountable teams; why the decision has to be made, See also Accountable leaders; Decision making; Leadership accountability
  • Leadership is an obligation: accountable teams; define your value and desired impact to fulfill; final thoughts on; five core obligations of; Gut Check on; as a leadership contract term ; Mary Barra’s story on leading GM with; moral and fiduciary obligations; quarterly and annual actions practices; Québec Bridge accident (1907) and Iron Ring Ceremony reinforcing; reflections on the future of leadership and; story on manager who finally understood; The West Wing on separating your personal feelings from your, See also Step up obligations
  • Leadership is hard work: accountable teams; become a strong leader by tackling the; final thoughts on the; Gut Check on; hard rule of leadership; the hard rule of leadership on; having the tough conversations is; having to make difficult decisions as the; leaders become weak when they avoid; leadership contract on getting tough because of the; “let-it-slide” phenomenon as way to avoid the; quarterly and annual actions practices; reflections on the future of leadership and; required by mid-level leaders, See also Getting tough; Hard work made harder mistakes
  • Leadership legacy: leader desire to create a; Sam Palmisano’s IBM
  • Leading through transformation: financial crisis (2007–2008) and; of General Motors (GM) by Mary Barra; international crises serving as “real-world” lessons on; Zinta’s story as lessons on; from a zombie culture into an accountable one
  • League of heroes leadership culture
  • Lean In (Sandberg)
  • Lee Hecht Harrison Global Conference
  • Lee Hecht Harrison (LHH)
  • Lehman Brothers scandal
  • Leicester City football club (England)
  • “Let-it-slide” phenomenon
  • “Let’s Talk” initiative (Bell Canada)
  • LGBT issues
  • Libin, Phil
  • Libor scandal
  • LinkedIn soft skills study
  • Losing Perspective mistake
  • Lucia’s story


  • Ma, Jack
  • Make it. See Leadership accountability; Leadership is a decision
  • Malden, Karl
  • Marcela and Barb’s story
  • Margaret’s story
  • Market Basket
  • Markkula, Mike, Jr.
  • McKinsey & Company
  • Mediocrity tolerance
  • Michel, Ramsey
  • Mid-level leaders: changing their work climate; core obligation is to organizational impact; hard work of leadership by; illustration of the turning point for; learning how to handle power; making Big D leadership decisions; making the leadership decision at this level; testing the resilience and personal resolve of
  • Millennials
  • Mistaking Effort for Results mistake
  • Modis
  • Money temptation
  • Monin, Benoît
  • “Moral spillover” effect
  • Mulligan, John


  • Nate’s story
  • Needing Good News mistake
  • Netflix
  • New York magazine
  • The New Yorker magazine
  • Nunberg, Geoffrey


  • Obama, Barack
  • The Obligation: a History of the Order of the Engineer (Wedel)
  • Obligations. See Leadership is obligation
  • One-company mindset: benefits of a; leaders with clarity and commitment in a; making a commitment to
  • Operation Car Wash scandal (Brazil)
  • Organization values: emphasized in a strong leadership culture; leader modeling of
  • Organizational culture: changing a zombie culture into an accountable; how asking for help is viewed as key way to gauge a; leader modeling of; values making up a, See also Culture change; Leadership culture
  • Organizational leadership contract: anchor it in your development programs; for a biologics manufacturer; creating one for your; get tough on the tough stuff; have leaders sign it at each turning point; leverage it at key inflection points; use it to build accountable teams
  • Organizational practices: as leadership accountability dimension; scandals of unethical leader and
  • Organizations: constant supply of strong leaders needed by every; create a leadership contract for your; embedding leadership contract into your; executive leader moral and fiduciary obligations to; leadership accountability audit of your; the leadership accountability gap in; make leadership accountability a business priority of your; putting up with having jerk leaders; putting up with lame leaders; story on CEO trying to turn around his; strategies for getting tough on the tough stuff; your obligation to your, See also Human resources (HR)


  • Palmisano, Sam
  • Performance: holding others accountable for high standards of; study findings on real costs of bad bosses on; Tazeen’s story on being unable to tackle issues of, See also Company performance
  • Personal leadership contract
  • Personal leadership story: the beginning of author’s journey; determine your critical leadership experience; identify themes and patterns of your; Knightsbridge Human Capital Solutions experiences; lessons learned on toxic leadership culture; reflecting on your own; sharing your story with those you lead; on values and creating vibrant leadership culture; Zinta’s contributions to
  • Personal Leadership Timeline activity: description of the; Nate’s story on benefits of
  • Personal resolve: as ability to push forward through adversity; get tough by developing; mid-level leader’s need to increase their
  • Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
  • Pfeffer, Jeffrey
  • Platt, Oliver
  • Pontoon
  • Power: make it safe to speak truth to; mid-level leaders and their need to handle; selfish leaders who abuse; temptation of
  • “Price of entry” conversation
  • Pride movement
  • Promoting: leaders for being accountable; technical superstars without leadership support mistake


  • Quarterly and annual actions: leadership is a community–connect; leadership is a decision–make it; leadership is an obligation–step up; leadership is hard work–get tough; for living the leadership contract
  • Québec Bridge project (1907)


  • Ranieri, Claudio
  • “The Real Productivity-Killer: Jerks” (Inc. magazine)
  • Relationship-building. See Connections
  • Renzi, Matteo
  • Republican Party
  • Reputation: executive leader risks and challenges related to; how corporate scandals impact everyone’s personal
  • Reset button
  • Resilience: a balanced perspective as part of true; Chef (film) on struggle for; get tough by building; mid-level leader’s need to increase their; reflections on your own
  • Resolve: as ability to push forward through adversity; developing personal
  • Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer (Canada, 1925)
  • Rob’s story
  • Rock climbing story
  • Romney, Mitt
  • Rousseff, Dilma
  • Royal Commission investigation (Canada)


  • Sandberg, Sheryl
  • Sawaoka, Takuya
  • Scandals. See Corporate scandals
  • Schultz, Howard
  • Selfish leaders: selfless versus; Steve Jobs on ambiguity of
  • Selfless leaders
  • Senior management: leadership accountability as a business priority by; must be an example of accountability; signing organizational leadership contract at each turning point, See also Chief executive officers (CEOs); Executive leaders
  • Sex temptation
  • Sheen, Martin
  • Sheldon, Oliver
  • Shifting your view: Future Environment Map activity for; get tough by
  • Simon’s story
  • Sinegal, Jim
  • Small d leadership decisions: by accountable teams; clarity and commitment required for making good; Curt’s story on importance of making the; description of the; examples of making; importance of making the; questions to ask for making; Target CEO story on reinventing their leadership with; visceral nature of making
  • Social Psychological and Personality Science
  • Society for Human Resources management
  • Soft skills: the Adecco Group’s The Soft Skills Imperative on; leadership obligation to development; LinkedIn study on need for
  • The Soft Skills Imperative (The Adecco Group)
  • Spanish protest against royal family (2013)
  • Speak truth to power
  • Spring Professional
  • Stable of thoroughbreds leadership culture
  • Stanford School of Business
  • Stanford University study on moral spillover effect
  • Starbucks
  • State of leadership: disappointing; disconnection of; disgraceful; time to start expecting more, See also Leadership; Toxic leadership culture
  • The State of the American Manager: Analytics and Advice for Leaders Gallup survey (2015)
  • Steinhafel, Gregg
  • Step up obligations: accountable teams; to develop strong soft skills; examples on core obligations in action; five core obligations; moral and fiduciary obligations; obligation to yourself; quarterly and annual actions to; reflections on future of leadership and, See also Leadership is an obligation
  • Steve Jobs (Isaacson)
  • Stop tolerating mediocrity
  • Stress: of financial crisis of 2007–2008; Washington Post’s “Is Your Boss Making Your Sick?” article on; of working in a leadership culture full of zombies; work–life balance and; Zinta’s story on costs to health by
  • Su, Lisa
  • Success: clear understanding of kind of leadership for; focusing on long-term view of; as a temptation; Zinita on positive and negative aspects of
  • Succession management program
  • Survey Monkey


  • Target Corporation
  • Tariq’s story
  • Tazeen’s story
  • TD Bank
  • Technical superstar promotions: for being accountable leaders; mistake of not providing leadership support
  • Temer, Michel
  • Temptations: faced by leaders; Sheldon–Fishbach study (2015) on behavior and
  • Thatcher, Margaret
  • Thomas’s story
  • The tough conversations: as being rooted in caring; living the leadership contract by practicing
  • Tough stuff strategies: connect your leaders; identify and address unaccountable leaders; make it safe to speak truth to power; promote leaders for being accountable; stop tolerating mediocrity
  • Toxic leadership culture: how our values can improve a; that put up with jerk leaders; that put up with lame leaders; Zinta’s story as leading in a. See also State of leadership
  • Transformation leadership: changing a zombie culture into an accountable one; financial crisis (2007–2008) and; of General Motors (GM) by Mary Barra; international crises serving as “real-world” lessons on; Zinta’s story as lessons on
  • Tribes (Godin)
  • Truman, Harry S.
  • Trump, Donald
  • Turning points of leadership: executive leaders; final thoughts on the; front-line leaders; Gut Check on; illustrated diagram of the four; individual contributor/emerging leader; making Big D leadership decisions; making small d leadership decisions; mid-level leaders; revisiting the; senior management signing leadership contract at each; sign leadership contract at each of the; Zinta’s story on a, See also Leadership contract
  • Twitter


  • Uber Technologies
  • Unethical behavior: collateral damage of CEO’s; “moral spillover” effect of; Sheldon–Fishbach study (2015) on; temptations and, See also Corporate scandals
  • United Kingdom “Brexit” vote
  • U.S. presidential race (2012)


  • Values. See Organizational values
  • Vic’s story
  • Victimizing yourself


  • Waiting for Permission
  • Wal-Mart
  • The Walking Dead (TV series)
  • Wall Street CEOs
  • The Wall Street Journal
  • Washington Post’s “Is Your Boss Making Your Sick?” article
  • Wayne’s story
  • Weak/wimpy leaders: become so when they avoid the hard rule of leadership; how avoid making the difficult decisions
  • Wedel, Kip
  • The West Wing (TV show)
  • Winning at All Costs mistakes
  • Work climate: community of leaders for creating the best; mid-level leadership need to change their
  • Work–life balance: lessons from Zinta’s experience on; your obligation to yourself and your
  • WorldPride Human Rights Conference (Toronto)
  • Wozniak, Steve



  • Zinta’s story: author on being inspired by transformation vision of; on health costs of stressful work environment; on her efforts to improve leadership culture; identifying an emerging leader; on positive and negative aspects of success
  • Zombie leaders: description of the problem of; helping a CEO to turnaround company and his
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