Accessibility, 4, 47–48

Down syndrome and, 60–62

Microsoft and, 1–4, 6–7, 110–111

Ace, Nick, 41

Advertising, 52, 65

creative, 38, 44

Advertising by Design (Landa), 44

AKQA (ad agency), 16, 17

Allyship, 121–122

Analogies, using, 91

Antheil, George, 57–58

Arora, Nikhil, 58–59

Arts, gains from the, 100–101

Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI), 122–123

Atkins, Ros, 112–113

Attention. See Focus; Mind wandering

Audience, 77

Avisar, Moty, 30, 72

Back to the Roots, 59

BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), 112–113

Biodegradable products, 51–52. See also Environmental sustainability

Blakely, Sara, 64

Brainstorming, 5

Brand constructs, 36–37

Brun, Pascal, 17

Burbn, 66

Burger King (BK), 38–39, 42

Cain, Hamilton, 31

Can openers, 82–83

Canadian Down Syndrome Society (CDSS), 60–62

Capitalize (company), 49


Carlton, Scott, 51

Challenging the status quo, 62–65, 71, 90–91

Chang, David, 81–82

Changing course, 71

Changing your thinking. See under Thinking

Chernow, Ron, 13–14

Chobani, 39–40

Clothing, 64

recycling, 16–17

Coffee, 43–44, 58–59

Cognition, 54, 88. See also Thinking

Cognitive diversity, 119–120

Collins (brand experience design company), 41

Compassionate power, 40

Compostable pill bottle, 51–52

Construction industry, 83

Constructs, brand, 36–37

Consultants, 7

Crane (paper company), 41

Creation, ix

Creative advertising, 38, 44

Creative habit, building a, 72–73

Creative Habit, The (Tharp), 141

Creative thinking, strategic, 8

Creativity and DEI, 117–119

Crimi-Lamanna, Nancy, 62

Crises, 70

Curiosity, 54

Data. See also Information

gathering and analyzing, 85

De Mestral, George, 53

Dean, Alexandra, 57

Debate vs. dialogue, 154–155

DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion), 109–111, 113–116

and creativity, 117–119

getting started with, 111–112

questions related to, 111

in teams and companies, 119–121

used to magnify the Three Gs, 154–155

as X factor, 109, 116


vs. debate, 154–155

steps for achieving fruitful, 155

Differentiation, 36

Digital world, 41

Disabilities, people with, 6–7, 116. See also Accessibility; Gamers with disabilities

Microsoft and, 2–4, 6–7, 110–111

Discovery, 11

Diversity, equity, and inclusion. See DEI

Doing or making, 91

start, 86–87

Dove Campaign for Real Beauty, 34

Down syndrome, 60–62

Dream Box, 46

Droga5, 122, 123

Duckworth, Tammy, 116

Duolingo, 115

Dynamic insight, 35

Edge effect, 118

Education, gains provided by, 102

Einstein, Albert, 54

Emotional obstacles. See Obstacles

Emotions, 95–96

Engaging with other people, 88

Entertainment, gains provided by, 101

Environmental sustainability, 16–17, 50, 103

plastics and, 21–22, 38–39, 51–52

Equality, 112, 115

Equity. See DEI

Evans, Katie, 38–39

Faculty, 8

Farber, Sam, 45

Fashion industry, 16–17

FCB (Foote, Cone & Belding), 42, 61, 62

Fiaschetti, Justin, 75

50:50 project, 112–113

Fixed insight, 34–35

Flee (film), 121, 122

Fleming, Alexander, 33–34, 43

Flexibility, 68–69

Focus, 135, 158. See also Mind wandering

Food, 136–137. See also Restaurants

vegetarian, 22, 103

Food preservation, 82

Freedman, Wendy, 76

Frequency hopping spread spectrum, 57–58

Furniture and the environment, 50

Future of Storytelling sessions, 145

Gaiman, Neil, 60

Gain(s). See also specific topics

evaluating, 102–104

examples of, 99–102

nature of, 32–33, 41

starting with a, 23, 143

Galinsky, Adam, 118

Game design, 67

Gamers with disabilities, 1–4, 6–7, 32

Games, children’s, 131–132

Gaming, 1–4, 6–7, 32, 79

Gaps(s). See also specific topics

how designers think about, 36

how leaders think about, 37–38

how marketing professionals think about, 36–37

how to find, 77, 78

letting your subconscious mind work on the, 88–90

nature of, 75–81

noticing/looking for, 18–19, 22, 31–33, 143

pinpointing, 83

types of, 79

George, Alice, 57–58

Geri, Alon, 30, 72

Glass jars with lids, 82

Glaucoma, 69–70

Goal, gap, and gain (Three Gs), ix, 11–12, 18–21, 141–144. See also specific topics

how to begin, 33–35

iterations, 22–23

overview and nature of, 5–7, 12, 21

starting with a goal, 29–33

Goal setting, 29–30

ways to set goals, 151–153. See also Ways into the Three Gs


defined, 12

give a goal time to take shape, 71

listing, 141–142

not telling others about your, 71

pushing past your first, 71–72

starting with a, 18, 22, 29–31, 142

ways of finding, 70–72

ways to speculate to pin down a, 60

Gonnella, Rose, 28–29

Google, 60–62

Goswami, Nina, 113

Graphic design, 36

Graphic Design Solutions (Landa), 44

Grinspun, Eitan, 80–81

Groupthink, 110

Gruenspan, Hayley, 45, 46

H&M, 16–17

Hamilton, Alexander, 13–15, 41

“Hamilton Mixtape, The” (Miranda), 14, 15

Harris, Jeremy O., 104–105

Hassani, Reem, 49

Hastings, Reed, 95

Hatfield, Tobie, 48

Hayley (daughter), 45, 46, 68, 129

Hierarchy of needs, Maslow’s, 98

Hip-hop, 13–15

Hite, Matt, 1–3, 32

Hollinghurst, Alan, 87

HOPES (Home Eye Pressure E-Skin Sensor), 70

Hwang Dong-hyuk, 131, 132

Idea generation, 5, 159

combining two existing ideas, 5

five-stage process for, 5

Ideas, 143–144

nature of, 144

starting on the path to worthwhile, 19–23

“If only…” questions, 60, 73

Ikea, 50

Improvising until you find it, 71

Inclusion. See DEI

Incongruities, looking for, 91

Incubation, allowing time for, 92–93

Information. See also Data

gains provided by, 102

Innovation, 1, 37, 109. See also specific topics

Inside Out (film), 96, 97

Insight, 31–32, 34, 35, 37, 83–85

defined, 34

finding an, 90–91

ways of thinking of an, 34–35

Instagram, 65–67

Intersections of factors, thinking about, 91

Intraocular pressure (IOP) testing, 69–70

Inventions, gains provided by, 100

Inversion, 75

Irving, John, 87

Irving, Zachary, 89

James Webb Space Telescope, 76

Jars, food, 82

Jemison, Mae, 129

JKR (Jones Knowles Ritchie), 38–39, 120

Jones, Ken, 1–3

Kalman, Tibor, 75

Kean University, 52, 120, 124

Khachikyan, Karen, 79

Khan, Sal, 27, 28, 32, 70

Khan Academy, 27–28, 70

KlickEngage, 96, 97

Krieger, Mike, 66

Kuleana, 103

Lamarr, Hedy, 57–58

Laundry detergents, 104

Leaders, 8

LGBTQIA+ community, 47

Live Subway Map (MTA), 32

Looop machine, 16–17

Lysol, 104

Ma, Yo-Yo, 118

Maeda, John, 145

Making or doing, 91

start, 86–87

Managers, 8

Marks, Donald R., 120

Maschmeyer, Leland, 39, 40

Maslow, Abraham, 98

Mastercard, 47

Mayer, Marissa, 141

McCann New York, 4, 104

McDavid, Stephen, 39

McFall, Nod Arceo, 123

Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) Live Subway Map, 32

Microaggressions, 122–124

defined, 123

Microsoft, accessibility, and gamers with disabilities, 1–4, 6–7, 110–111

Miles, Tiya, 31

Mind wandering, 88–90

Minecraft, 79

Miranda, Lin-Manuel, 13–17

Mobility, people with limited, 2–4. See also Accessibility

Mocellin, Andrea, 116

Momofuku Noodle Bar, 81–82

Monet, Claude, 126

Morrison, Toni, 27

Moskowitz, Howard R., 136–137

Multi-application thinking, 80

Multiple perspective taking, 109–110, 135. See also under Thinking

Murakami, Haruki, 101

Mushrooms, growing gourmet, 58–59

Nadal, Kevin, 123

Nadella, Satya, 1

Napoleon Bonaparte, 82

Needs, 98–99

Maslow’s hierarchy of, 98

thinking about responding to a need, 69–70

Nero, Dom, 129–130

New Art of Ideas framework, 6–8, 141

framework behind, 21, 147, 158. See also Goal, gap, and gain

handy checklist, 142

value of, 5

Nike Go FlyEase, 47–48

Nouri, Aria, 43

Nouri, Kat, 21–22

Novelists, 87

Numi, 49


building on, 43–44, 151

conducting real-world, 91

Obstacles, overcoming, 133, 158–159

change your thinking, 135–137, 158

focus, 135, 158

make a deal with yourself, 133–134, 158

tackle your doubts, 134, 158

OXO (kitchen utensils brand), 45

Pain points, finding/noticing, 47–48, 90

Paper pill bottle, prescription, 51–52

Pashman, Dan, 129–130

Passion, following a, 48–49, 65–67, 71, 152

Patterns, recognizing, 85

Penicillium, discovery of, 33–34, 43

Perspectives, multiple, 109–110, 135. See also under Thinking

Phluid Project, 20

Photography, 65–66

Phrase searching, 84–85

Picasso, Pablo, 87

Pichai, Sundar, 57

Planning, 87

Plastic pill bottles, 51–52

Plastic toys, 38–39

Plastics, 21–22

Pontoppidan, Klaus, 76

Positioning, 36–37

Possibilities around you, noticing, 86

Pratt, Samantha, 96

Prego, 136–137

Prescription paper pill bottle, 51–52

Pretty for a Black Girl (Thomas), 124

Printers, 3D, 83

Problems. See also specific

topics reframing, 135–137, 158

spotting, 45–46, 151–152

Products, gains provided by, 102


asking imagination-building, 91. See also under Ways into the Three Gs

“If only…,” 60, 73

for individuals, 148–149

judging strategies and creative ideas, 120–121

for organizations, 150

for teams, 149

what-if, 59–60, 72, 91

Quito, 97

Rahim, Ahmed, 49

Rasmussen, Jonas Poher, 121, 122

Real (mental health care company), 50–51

reCAPTCHA, 114–115

Recycling, 39, 50

clothing, 16–17

Reframing your thinking, 135–137, 158

Reinertsen, Sarah, 47

Reporters Without Borders, 79

Responsibility, 121–122

Restaurants, 81–82, 88

Retirement accounts, 49

Revolve Air, 116–117, 134

Robin the Robot, 79–80

Robots, 79–80

Ross, Alan, 58

Royalty Exchange, 30–31

Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness, 51–52

Safira, Ariela, 50–51

Scenario map, 156

Schedule, establishing a, 133–134, 158

Schultz, Howard, 43–44

Self-doubt, 134, 158

Self-interest, 97–99

Serendipity, being open to, 71

Services, gains provided by, 102

Sharma, Gaurav, 49

Silk Road Ensemble, 118

Sinek, Simon, 103

Slave Play (Harris), 104–105

Smith, Lisa, 39–40

Smith, Rob, 20

Social good, 102

Social justice, questions related to, 111

Social media research, 157


Speech recognition, 62. See also Voice-assisted technology

Squid game, 131–132

Squid Game (TV series), 131, 132

Starbucks, 43–44

Stasher, 22

Status quo, challenging the, 62–65

Storytelling, 145

Subconscious mind, 88–90

Success, channeling a, 158

Surgical Theater, 30, 72

Sweet, Julie, 109

Systems, the need for, 37–38

Systrom, Kevin, 66

Szent-Györgyi, Albert, 11, 53, 159


DEI in, 119–121

questions for, 149

Technologies, considering newly available, 82–84

do your research, 84–86

Teddy Repair, 104

Telescopes, 76

Tharp, Twyla, 141

Thinking, 34–35. See also Cognition; Multiple perspective taking

changing your, 135–137, 159

multi-application, 80

strategic creative, 8

Thinking small, 67–68

Thomas, Danielle, 123–124

Three Gs. See Goal, gap, and gain

Tibbot, Seth, 22

Tofurky, 22

Tosi, Christina, 82

True Name, 47

Tu, Rich, 120

Ugly Delicious (Netflix series), 82

Ulukaya, Hamdi, 39–40

Uncensored Library, 79

Unconscious mind. See Subconscious mind

Undergarments, 64

United States Institute of Peace, 154–155

Vasquez, Lillianna, 51–52

Vegetarian food, 22, 103

Velcro, 52

Velez, Alejandro, 58–59

Video games. See Gaming

Virtual reality (VR), 30

Vit, Armin, 40

Voice-assisted technology, 60–62

Von Ahn, Luis, 114, 115

Warfighter Engaged, 1, 2

Washington, George, 14

Ways into the Three Gs, 43

ask “what else?” 52–53, 153

ask yourself what you wish existed/what’s missing, 50–51, 153

build on an observation, 43–44, 151

do what’s best for company’s plan, customers, and the planet, 50, 152

follow a passion, 48–49, 152

go with what you know best, 49, 152

notice pain points, 47–48

spot a problem that needs fixing, 45–46, 151–152

What-if questions, 59–60, 72, 91

“What’s in it for me?” 97–99

Wheelchairs, 116

“Where are you really from?” 122, 123

“Whopper Detour” (Burger King), 42

Wilde, Richard, 126

World issues, 102

Writers, 87

Wrobel, Hans, 22

Wrobel, Rhonda, 22

Xbox Adaptive Controller, 2–4, 110

Yu, Kelu, 69–70

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