
Advocacy, 8182

Aspire team, 150

“Audience of one” concept, 113114

Authentic stakeholder engagement, 8789

Authoritarian cultures, 6365

Balmer, J.M.T., 55

Berle, A., 73

Big data, 125

CHRO partnering, 130131

CMO partnering, 131132

enterprise goals and objectives, 130

mining data, 132133

predictive models, 130

Block E.M., 93

Brand identity, 58

2015 Brands2Life/PR Week Annual Communication Directors survey, 28

Brewing a Better World (BaBW) approach, 31

Broom, G.M., 153

Burson, H., 93

Business acumen, 146

Business for Social Responsibility (BSR), 4

Business landscape

clean water, 1416

climate change, 1617

corporate character, 56

health care, 1314

primacy of stakeholders, 45

social purpose, 56

societal changes, 913

technology, 69

transparency, 34

Capital One’s Reputation Risk Management Program, 110113

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), 74

Chief communication officer (CCO)

audience of one concept, 113114

conscience counselor, 25


CEO, 114115

securing, 115

strategic outlook, 115117


annual investor day, 119120

audience of one concept, 118

built-in collaboration requirements, 118

business issues, 118

follow-up meetings, 119

Harrison’s view, 117

Jim Spangler’s Integration Across Navistar’s Enterprise, 120121

profit and loss responsibility, 118

cultivate and disseminate talent, 26

digital engagement system (see Digital engagement system)

effective strategic communication, 22

enterprise strategy, 3033

governments and NGOs, 157

integration and collaboration

CEO relationships, 28

chief information officer, 28

consistency challenges, 27

C-Suite functions, 27

modern communication function, 27

outside-in approach, 27

structural approach, 2829

macro/socioeconomic and geopolitical events, 30

new CCO (see also Modern chief communication officer)

Capital One’s CCO, 110113

integrator responsibility, 109

Johnson’s observation, 110

One-Company culture, 23

Page Model of Enterprise Communication, 23

stakeholder advocacy, 25

Chief executive officers (CEOs)

communications function, 22

global economic challenges, 2

Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO), 28

Chief information officer (CIO), 28

Clean water

cost and economic impact, 15

water risk types, 15

water scarcity, 16

Climate change, 1617

Climate Vulnerability Monitor, 16

Collaboration, 144

Communication skills

corporate positioning, 141

crisis management, 143

effective writing and presenting, 141

enterprise corporate function, 141

internal communication, 142

issues and crisis management, 142

social media, 141

strategic media relations, 142

Compassion, 145

Conscience counselor, 25

Corporate character, 56, 40

core values, 60

enterprise culture

authoritarian cultures, 6365

communication climates, 64

factors creating, 63

institutionalization, 6769

leadership, 65

orienting, 6667

participative cultures, 64

sustaining, 6970

enterprise mission and vision, 5860

ethical reasoning

enterprise corporate conscience, 6263

individual vs. corporate ethics, 61

levels of, 61

ethical responsibility and rectitude, 54

identity, 5456

stakeholder engagement

advocacy, 8687

broader span of control, 84

business outcomes, 84

clear and compelling character, 8384

data-driven process, 84

inside-out approach, 85

leadership and ownership, 87

partnerships, 8586

values and culture, 53

Corporate communication

conduct and values, 24

corporate crisis management, 20

enterprise strategy, 2324

Garrett’s public relations, 20

Page Society’s mission, 21

Page’s public relations, 20

public relations, 19

role of, 2122

Walmart’s “Save Money, Live Better,” 24

Corporate positioning, 141

Corporate social responsibility (CSR), 24

Counselor, 91

Data, 127

Digital engagement system (DES)

big data, 130133

business case for, 135137

content, 127128

data, 127

definition, 126

fundamentals, 134135

marketing, 126

people, 128129

social engagement, 133134

“systems” approach, 137

technology, 128


age, 10

gender equality, 10

LGBTQ community, 11

measure and inclusion, 910

race, 11

religion, 1112

workforce, 910

Dutton, J.E., 55

Earned media, 76

Effective communicator, 92

Engagement models, 123124

Enterprise, 1

Enterprise corporate conscience, 6263

Enterprise culture

authoritarian cultures, 6365

communication climates, 64

factors creating, 63

institutionalization, 6769

leadership, 65

orienting, 6667

participative cultures, 64

sustaining, 6970

Enterprise mission and vision, 5860

Environmental Policy Act, 42

Ethical reasoning

enterprise corporate conscience, 6263

individual vs. corporate ethics, 61

levels of, 61

ExxonMobil, 100

Fernandez, M., 26

Fombrun, C.J., 55

Foundational CCO role, 156

Burson’s public relation, 9394

counselor, 91

Cutlip’s view, 94

diversity, 104105

effective communicator, 92

digital channels, 99

GE’s digital-industrial transformation, 100101

McCarron’s note, 100

Garrett’s work, 9293

Griese’s work, 93

new organization building, 101104

Page Principles, 93

stakeholder relationship building, 94

steward of enterprise reputation, 9192

enterprise brand-building, 98

McGinnis’s reputation, 9899

Page Model of Enterprise Communication, 97

reputation stewardship, 9798

strategic decisions, 97

strategic business leader, 91

Chevron, 96

C-Suite, 96

Ford Motor Company, 9697

senior communications executives, 95

traditional and social media, 95

Gadiesh, O., 23

Garrett, P., 20, 92

Gender equality, 10

General motor communication change model, 102104

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 74

Grey ceiling, 10

Greyser, S.A., 40, 55

Griese, N.L., 93

Harrison, B., 117

Health care, 1314

He, H., 55

Human needs and rights, 2

Hunt, T., 75


attributes, 55

competitive performance, 55

with reputation, 55

United Services Automobile Association, 5557

Interactive communications, 22

Interpersonal skills

change-related skills, 144

collaboration, 144

compassion, 145

inspiring and motivating others, 145

listening, 143144

mentoring and coaching, 145

Issues and crisis management, 142

Jeffrey, N., 75

Johnson, L., 110

Large data, 125

Laurie, M., 43

Leadership, 65

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ), 11

Management/leadership skills

business acumen, 146

corporate character management, 146147

courageous counsel, 147

leadership, 147

problem solving, 146

running effective teams, 147

strategic business thinking, 146

Mission statements, 58

Mobile device, 7

Modern chief communication officer

Andeavor communication function

Aspire team, 150

Goff’s approach, 148149

shared vision, 149150

team and business alignment, 149

CCO’s tools, 139

communication skills, 141143

enterprise identity, 155

interpersonal skills, 143145

legacy skills, 140

management/leadership skills, 146147

Page model, 154

shared vision, 149150

skills and capabilities, 140141

social and digital platforms, 140

Mukherjee, A., 55

One-Company culture, 23

“One voice” process, 121

Openness revolution, 3

Outside-in approach, 27

Owned media, 76

Page Model of Enterprise Communication, 23

Participative cultures, 64

Penner, W.J., 55

Physical risks, water, 15

Proactive communications, 22

Push messaging, 123

Push–pull strategy, 76

Race, 11

Reactive communications, 21

Regulatory risks, water, 15

Religion, 1112

Reputational risks, water, 15

Reputation stewardship, 9798

Responsible Care program, 42

Ripple intelligence, 2

Seeger, M.W., 61

Sheffer, G., 26, 101101

Sims, R.R., 61, 62

Smartphone, 7

Social media, 76, 124125

Social purpose, 56

Software, 7

Spangler, J., 113

Stakeholder, 2

Stakeholder advocacy, 25

Stakeholder engagement

Arthur W. Page Society Report, 7172

authentic engagement, 8789

Carbon Disclosure Project, 74

corporate character

advocacy, 8687

broader span of control, 84

business outcomes, 84

clear and compelling character, 8384

data-driven process, 84

inside-out approach, 85

leadership and ownership, 87

partnerships, 8586

definition, 7476

Deloitte 2008 report, 76

enterprise brands and reputation, 72

Global Reporting Initiative, 74

Lundbeck’s Collaborative Dialogue, 7783

nongovernmental organizations, 74

post-World War II era, 73

USC Annenberg 2016 Global Communications Report, 76

Status epilepticus (SE), 79

Steward of enterprise reputation, 9192

Strategic business leader, 91

Strategic business thinking, 146

Strategic media relations, 142

Sustainability, 1617

Tesoro Corporation, 148

The Authentic Enterprise, 21

Tierney, J., 41

Transparency, 34

Trevino, L.K., 62

Trust imperative

authentic behavior, 52

communication expectations, 51

corporate authenticity

communication-based program, 40

corporate character, 40

defensive situations, 39

enterprise credibility, 40

evidence-based substantive support, 40

positive reputation, 39

promise-performance gap, 39

reputation-intensive situations, 39

substance, 3940

Edelman Trust Barometer

Great Recession, 38

income inequality, 3637

positive findings, 3738

“Unicorn” companies, 37

external stakeholders, 51

general motors ignition switch controversy, 4550

millennials, 5152

Page principles, 5051

sustainability communication

enterprise green economics, 43

enterprise/public issues, 42

enterprise responsibilities, 41

Environmental Policy Act, 42

green/sustainability, 42

mutual gains rule of conflict resolution, 44

sustainable development principles, 4445

Toshiba, 36

Valeant Pharmaceuticals, 35

Volkswagen, 35

Two-way symmetric communication, 76

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), 32, 33

United Services Automobile Association (USAA), 5557, 6667

Vision of enterprise, 58

Walmart’s “Save Money, Live Better,” 24

Welch, J., 28

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