
  • A
  • Addyston Pipe & Steel Co. v. United States, 231
  • Aldrich, Abigail, 281
  • Aldrich, Nelson W., 229–230, 257, 280, 282
    • change agent, 281–282
    • “National Reserve Association” proposal, 250
  • Aldrich Plan, ghostwriting, 288
  • Aldrich‐Vreeland Act, 229–230, 240–242, 258, 309
  • Allen, Frederick Lewis, 20
  • Allison, William, 280
  • Amalgamated Copper Company
    • formation, 67
    • Heinze, impact, 101
  • American economy, boom, 16–18
  • American Red Cross, funds (raising), 286
  • American Steel and Wire (monopoly), 235
  • American Tobacco Companies, 20
    • Sherman Act violation, 230n, 231
  • American Tobacco Trust, 121n
  • Andrew, A. Piatt, 179
    • Jekyll Island conference attendee, 259
  • An Enquiry into the Nature and Effects of the Paper Credit of Great Britain (Thornton), 124n
  • Anti‐Nazi League, founding, 283
  • Antitrust laws, enforcement toughness (increase), 230–231
  • Antitrust Paradox, The (Bork), 232n
  • Asset prices, overshooting, 297–298
  • Assurance game, 307
  • Astor Trust Co., impact, 248
  • Autobiography (Roosevelt), 239
  • B
  • Bagehot's Rule, 137
  • Bagehot, Walter (“Bagehot's Rule”), 124–125, 137, 143, 153, 173, 274
  • Baker, George F., 21, 120, 140, 147, 156, 200
    • change agent, 285
    • financial ruler member, 244
  • Baker, Ray Stannard, 49
  • Balance of payments deficit, impact, 34n
  • Bankers
    • financial tremors, impact, 113
    • influence, worry, 23
    • meeting, 190–193
    • reserves, pyramiding, 298
  • Bankers, deposits
    • growth, 110f
    • growth, dominant share, 111
    • withdrawal, panic, 109–110
  • Bankers Trust Company
    • impact, 248
    • money, provision, 150
  • Banking
    • Heinze/Morse linkage, tightness, 101–102
    • institutions, growth, 24f
    • panics, impact, 270
    • stopgap measures, 229–230
    • system
      • defects, 260
      • structure, reform, 262
  • Banking Act (1935), 270–271
  • Bank of Commerce
    • action, 116–117
    • clearing, cessation, 117
    • Morgan, association, 119
  • Bank of England (BoE), 299
    • bank rate/specie reserves, 36f
    • gold export reaction, 34–36
    • gold shipment, 61–62
    • liquidity fears, creation, 32–33
    • private ownership, 258n
    • problems, 53
    • restrictive monetary policy, 7, 54, 80, 132–133
  • Bank of New York, Mellon Financial merger, 274
  • Bank of North America
    • bank funds, misappropriation, 277
    • copper fallout impact, 121–122
  • Bank of the United States, charter, 27, 91–92
  • Bank reserves
    • concentration/immobility, 260
    • decentralization, 257
  • Bankruptcies, dollar volume (increase), 219
  • Banks
    • antipathy, 29–30
    • assets, value (negative information), 299
    • closure, legal holiday usage, 213–214
    • deposits
      • government guarantee, 259
      • growth, cash reserves (mismatch), 94
    • difficulties, 299–300
    • instability, 94–97
    • opening, failure, 164
    • panic episodes, 27f
    • reserves, immobility, 250
    • reserves, orthodox thinking (shift), 257–258
    • runs, self‐fulfilling prophecy generation, 131
  • Barney, Charles T., 75, 99, 111–113, 294
    • change agent, 278
    • financial dealings, 68n
    • Morse, association, 122–123
    • NYCH rescue assistance, 115–116
    • resignation, 118–119
    • suicide, xi–xv, 210
  • Barney, Lily Whitney, 278
  • Barron, Clarence W., 278
  • Berg, Scott, 242
  • Bigotry, opposition, 282–283
  • Black Thursday (1929), 289
  • BNY Mellon, formation, 274
  • Boissevain, G.L., 137
  • Bonaparte, Charles, 205
  • Bond offerings, 44
  • Boom, crisis (relationship), 296–298
  • Bork, Robert, 231n
  • Brandeis, Louis, 248
    • Money Trust Investigation findings examination, 253–254
  • Brands, H.W., 280
  • Brown Burr, Anna Robeson, 21
  • Brown, Joseph T., 129
  • Bull market rally, 45–48
  • Business model
    • descriptors, usage, 315–316
    • usage, 313
  • Butte State Savings Bank, insolvency, 87
  • Buying on margin, 74–75
  • C
  • Cahill, Kevin, 224–225
  • Call loans
    • daily maximum call loan interest rate, 161f
    • investments, 109
    • large‐scale liquidation, forestalling, 160
    • market, significance, 159–160
  • Call money, 47n
  • Calomiris, Charles, 4, 113, 299
  • Capital
    • demand, 57–58
    • flow, control, 33
  • Carlyle, Thomas, 6
  • Carnegie, Andrew, 171
  • Carosso, Vincent, 20, 105, 251
  • Carpenter, Jr., Niles, 222–223
  • Cash stringency, 221
  • Central bank, establishment, 257–258
  • Central banking, debates, 258n
  • Centralized bank, advocacy, 256–257
  • Chain‐banking, 68
  • Chase National Bank, impact, 248
  • Civic activity, post‐Panic cascade, 309f
  • Clearing House Committee, Morse explanations, 122
  • Clearing House Loan Certificate (CHLC), joint bank liability, 96
  • Clearing house loan certificates
    • adoption, cumulative growth, 178f
    • distribution, 178f
    • NYCH issuance, 176–179, 181
  • Clearing relationship, cessation, 116–117
  • Cleveland, Grover, 274
  • Cleveland, Harold, 287
  • Clews, Henry, 4, 38
  • Coinsurance, concept, 96
  • Collateral, central bank lending, 273n
  • Collateralized loans, call loan inclusion, 160
  • Collateral quality, demand, 125
  • Collective action, 96, 109, 111, 142n, 147, 157n, 238, 295, 298, 304, 325–326
  • Columbia‐Knickerbocker Trust Company, Irving Trust Company acquisition, 274
  • Columbia Trust Company, Knickerbocker assets acquisition, 274
  • Commercial banks, deposit mobilization, 92
  • Commercial paper (discounting), bank market (absence), 261
  • Communications, breakdown, 308
  • Complexity, impact, 299
  • Confidence
    • boosting, 210–211
    • notes, appearance, 217
  • Consolidated Gas Company, 291
  • Consolidated Lines, sale (forcing), 278
  • Consolidation, impact, 241–242
  • Contagion
    • outbreak, 297, 301–303
    • sentiment, relationship, 302
  • Contraction, evidence, 80
  • Copper
    • collapse, 300
    • impact, 65
  • Corporate finance, looting/self‐dealing, 49
  • Cortelyou, George B., 43–45, 56–57, 139–140
    • career, 139n
    • change agent, 290–292
    • federal government support announcement, 157
    • government money, direction, 174–175
    • money, disbursement, 303–304
    • partisan/intraparty criticism, 229
    • role, importance, 293–294
  • Country banks
    • calls, meeting, 172–173
    • panics, number, 28f
  • COVID‐19 pandemic, impact, 6–7
  • Credit conditions, worsening, 41–42, 55–56
  • Credit crunch, 53
  • Credit flow, cessation, 124
  • Credit illiquidity, 261
  • Crisis
    • continuation, 212–213
    • fighters, 285–294
    • outbreak, 297, 301–303
    • progression, 2–3
    • response, 297, 303–308
  • Crowd, The (Le Bon), 302
  • Currency
    • exchange rates, control, 33
    • premium, 180f
      • widening, 179–180
    • substitutes
      • cumulative growth, 178f
      • trading, 179
  • D
  • Davison, Henry P., 120, 125, 136, 142, 150, 186
    • change agent, 285–286, 289
    • Jekyll Island conference attendee, 259
  • Decentralization, Glass plan, 265
  • Demoralization, government prevention, 44
  • Department of Justice
    • antitrust lawsuit, 305, 309
    • TCI deal annulment, 232
  • Dependency, problem, 109–111
  • Depositors
    • actions, 75n
    • cash demands, 196
    • hope/optimism, 181–182
  • Depositors, reassurances, 138–139
  • Deposits, interest payments (trust company actions), 106
  • Diamond, Douglas, 131–132
  • Díaz, Porfirio, 225
  • Distressed peer firms, failures, 189–190
  • Donaldson, R. Glenn, 163n
  • Draghi, Mario, 156n
  • Dybvig, Philip, 131–132
  • E
  • Easy money policies, 287
  • Economic fundamentals, deterioration, 56
  • Economic problems, 63
  • Economic ripples, 214, 228, 297
  • Economic scarring, 220
  • Economic shocks, 300–301
  • Economy
    • impact, 218–220
    • weakening, 58–59
  • Elastic money, 284
  • Eldridge, Fred, 111, 121
  • Elkins Act, 50
  • Elkins Anti‐Rebate Act, 230n
  • Empire City Savings Bank, suspension, 164
  • Entrepreneurial activity, trend, 222f
  • Equitable Life Assurance Society, 23
    • Morgan control, 241
  • Equity prices, crash (financial anxieties), 47
  • Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (Mackay), 302
  • F
  • Farmers Loan & Trust Company, 274
  • Faulkner, William, 8
  • Federal bonds, payment of interest (authorization), 45
  • Federal deposit insurance, creation, 133
  • Federal Reserve Act, 282
    • implementation, 269–271
    • publication, 267
    • Wilson signing, 269
  • Federal Reserve Board
    • banker representation, elimination, 267
    • members, terms (serving), 271n
    • proposal, 265
  • Federal Reserve Districts, size/location (determination), 269–270
  • Federal Reserve Note
    • liabilities, 265
    • obligations, assertion, 267
  • Federal Reserve System
    • establishment proposals, Wilson compromise, 268f
    • governance, political vulnerability, 270
  • Fiat money, heresy (return), 265
  • Finance bills, description, 54n
  • Finance, Britain hegemony, 33–34
  • Financial centers, anxiety (deepening), 40
  • Financial crisis
    • federal assistance, 156–158
    • improvement, signs, 216–218
    • national experience, 216
    • political impact, 225–227
    • progression, 2–3
    • regularity, 170–171
    • social impact, 225
  • Financial distress, Roosevelt (impact), 58
  • Financial institutions
    • distress, spread, 164
  • Financial institutions, economic linkage (vulnerability), 88–89
  • Financial rulers, La Follette list, 243–244
  • Financial system
    • architecture, links, 5
    • complexity, 298–299
    • instability, episodes (creation), 241–242
    • pre‐crisis vulnerabilities, attributes, 297
    • shock, 23–24, 31
    • vulnerability, 298–300
  • Financial unrest, 55
  • First Bank of the United States, 95
  • First National Bank, 21
    • influence, accusation, 248
  • Fohlin, Caroline, 108, 315
  • Forbes, John, 290
  • Fractional reserve banking, 93
  • Fractional reserves, impact, 93–94
  • Frick, Henry Clay, 1, 142, 186, 197–199
    • errors of omission and commission, 232
  • Friedman, Milton, 1, 4, 287–288, 304
  • Frydman, Carola, 315
  • G
  • Game theory, usage, 306–307
  • Garfield, James, 204
  • Gary, Elbert H., 1, 186, 197–199
    • errors of omission and commission, 232
  • Gates, John W., 234–235
    • change agent, 278–279
  • General Electric (GE)
    • “cautious conservativism,” 223
    • resilience, 221–223
  • Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), 293, 308
  • General Motors, reorganization, 289
  • Gilded Age
    • excesses, 23
    • La Follette (Senate control), 280
  • Glass, Carter, 7, 250, 260
    • change agent, 281
    • regional reserve bank system advocacy, 264–265
  • Glass‐Steagall Act (1933), 276, 281
  • Global Financial Crisis, 6–7, 156n
  • Global financial instability, 224
  • Gold
    • currency, immobility, 250
    • exports, Bank of England reaction, 34–36
    • government deposits, holding, 264–265
    • imports, 174–176
      • international response, 223–224
    • reserve, balance of payments deficit (impact), 34n
    • shipments, 173
    • standard, 33–34
    • Treasury deposits, pattern (examination), 229
    • U.S. gold bonds, subscription (invitation), 210–211
    • withdrawals, 40
  • Gold coin
    • hoarding, 180
    • redemption, promise, 179
  • Gold Standard Act, passage, 21
  • Gomper, Samuel, 211
  • Gorton, Gary, 4, 113, 131–132, 299, 300
  • Government bonds, Cortelyou issuance, 158n
  • Granovetter, Mark, 308
  • Great Crash (1929), 275
  • Great Depression, 2, 6
  • Great person theory (Carlyle), 6
  • Greed (silver bullet explanation), 4
  • Greenbackism, heresy (return), 265
  • Greenwood, Robin, 297
  • Grenfell, Teddy, 40, 48, 53
  • Gresham's Law, 5n
  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per Capita, growth, 17f
    • historical trend projections, comparison, 221f
  • Gross & Kleeberg, failure, 84
  • Gross, Philip, 84
  • Guaranty Trust Co., impact, 248
  • H
  • Hamilton, Alexander, 27
  • Hansbrough, Henry, 257
  • Hansen, Bradley, 107–109, 132n, 188n, 189n, 314–316, 323
  • Harbaugh, William, 20
  • Harriman, Edward H., 22, 41, 50, 63, 142, 198
  • Harvey, William, 240
  • Havemeyer, William T., 99, 113
  • Heinze, Arthur P., 68n
    • dismissal, 86
    • personal debts, coverage, 101
  • Heinze, Frederick Augustus, 66–68, 73–74
    • banking entry, 67–69
    • change agent, 276–277
    • errors, gravity, 80–81
    • NYCH assistance, 97
    • NYCH defenestration, 100–102
    • personal debts, coverage, 101
    • personal troubles, 101
    • pressure, increase, 74–76
    • public defense, continuation, 99
    • resignation, 87, 91
  • Heinze, Otto, 68n, 277
  • Heinze v. Rockefeller, 67
  • Hepburn, A. Barton, 138, 181
  • Hepburn Act, 230n
  • Higgins, A. Foster, 121n, 130
    • Knickerbocker election, 118
  • Higginson, Henry Lee, 58
  • Hill, James J., 22, 38, 50
    • financial ruler member, 244
  • Hilt, Eric, 315
  • History of the Standard Oil Company, The (Tarbell), 22–23
  • Hoarding, 173, 180
    • stringency, creation, 210
  • Hoover, Herbert (volunteerism mobilization), 275
  • Horwitz, Steven, 179n
  • Hot money (deposits), 109
  • House Banking Committee, Glass (impact), 267
  • House, E.M., 281
  • Houston, David F., 269
  • Hudson and Manhattan Railroad Company, 266
  • Huertas, Thomas, 287
  • Human agency, impact, 304–306
  • Hysteresis, 221–223
    • evidence, 7
  • I
  • Ice Trust, 122–123
  • Implicit insurance contract, 160
  • Impossible trilemma, confrontation, 33
  • Independent Treasury Act, 261
  • Index of Social Stress, trend, 226f
  • Industrial consolidation, Morgan promotion, 293
  • Industrial firms, economic scarring, 221–223
  • Industrialization, impact, 21–22
  • Industrial production, changes, 27f
  • Industrial sectors, share price indexes, 70f
  • Information
    • asymmetry, 131, 299
    • problem, resolution, 186–187
  • Innovative activity, trend, 222f
  • Institutional changes, consideration, 4
  • Interborough‐Metropolitan Company, merger, 61n
  • Interest rates
    • charging, 125
    • control, 33
    • decrease, absence, 212
    • increase, 63
  • Inter‐Met street railways companies, financial distress, 61
  • International disturbances, 61–62
  • International Harvester, creation, 286
  • International Red Cross, formation, 286
  • Interstate Commerce Commission, empowerment/revitalization, 41, 50–51
  • Irrational exuberance, 297–298
  • Irrational Exuberance (Shiller), 302
  • Irving Trust Company purchase, 274
  • J
  • Jackson, Andrew, 23, 28, 91, 95, 265
  • Japan, deflationary pressures, 62
  • Jefferson, Thomas, 28, 265
  • Jekyll Island, financiers/politicians secret conference, 259–260, 290
  • Jennings Bryan, Williams, 1, 21, 211, 229, 257, 281
    • influence, 266
    • monopoly threshold suggestion, 233
    • opposition, 265
  • Jim Crow discrimination, 264
  • Jim Crow living conditions, investigation, 49
  • Johnson, Lyndon B., 284
  • Joyce, Thomas, 196
  • J.P. Morgan & Co.
    • decisions, 304–305
      • criticisms, 273
    • influence, accusation, 248
    • private bank, qualifications, 157n
    • reorganization, 289
  • K
  • Kessler & Company, failure, 184
  • Keynes, John Maynard, 33, 284
  • Kindleberger, Charles P., 2, 302
  • King, Edward, 148
    • Strong meeting, 151–152
  • Kleeberg, Philip, 76, 78
  • Knickerbocker Trust Company, xi–xv, 9–10, 68n, 75, 96, 102, 115–126, 188–191, 273–277, 301–305, 320–322
    • assistance
      • failure, 272–273, 304–305
      • hopes, 123–124
    • cash position, strengthening, 159
    • clearing, Bank of Commerce cessation, 117
    • depositors, run, 127–128
    • deposits (change), knowledge (absence), 190n
    • dilemma, 124–126
    • ethos, 103–104
    • failure, Marcus & Mayer report, 138
    • failure, signal, 102
    • inventory/appraisal, order, 273
    • Morgan, nonintervention, 136–137, 294
      • question, 152–153
    • payment clearing rules, 96–97
    • payment, halting, 129–130
    • reopening, 210, 274
    • rescue, absence, 136–137
    • resurrection, 290
    • run, reason, 131–133
    • solvency, assessment, 305
    • soundness, 125–126
    • success, 111–113
    • suspension, 130–131, 300
  • Ku Klux Klan, opposition/denunciation, 282–283
  • L
  • La Follette, Robert
    • change agent, 282
    • charges, 107, 228, 243
    • money trust idea, resurrection, 240–241
    • Senate control, 280
  • Lamont, Ned, 289
  • Lamont, Thomas Stillwell, 289
  • Lamont, Thomas W., 190
    • change agent, 289
    • reliance, 290
  • Landis, Kennesaw Mountain (verdict), 58, 63
  • Lawson, William, 71
  • Leadership, question, 6
  • Le Bon, Gustave, 302
  • Ledyard, Lewis Cass, 186, 199, 235
  • Lefèvre, Edwin, 41n, 303
  • Lender of last resort (LOLR), 124, 294
    • phrase, invention, 124n
    • role, Morgan assumption, 143
  • Leroy‐Beaulieu, Pierre Paul, 38, 57
  • Less‐than penalty rates, distortions, 125
  • Leveraged industry roll‐up strategy, example, 236
  • Liberty National Bank, impact, 248
  • Lincoln Trust Company
    • cash position, strengthening, 159
    • depositor payment problems, 192
    • rescue, Perkins effort, 164
    • runs, 210
    • support, trust company decision, 305–306
  • Lindbergh, Sr., Charles A., 243
    • change agent, 283
  • Linkages, meaning, 299
  • Liquidity
    • anxiety, increase, 37–38
    • demands, alleviation, 160
    • increase, 210–211
  • Liu, Zikhun, 108
  • Loans
    • calling, 158–159
    • certificates, NYCH suspension/issuance, 305
  • Loans on collateral (TCA assets), 145–146
  • Loeb, William, 203–204
  • Lombard Street (Bagehot), 124
  • Long tail, 213, 297, 308–310
  • Lord Rothschild, tribute, 171
  • Lowenstein, Roger, 4
  • M
  • Mackay, Charles, 302
  • Macroeconomic trends, 19f
  • Madison, James, 28
  • Manhattan trust companies, distribution, 188f
  • Manhattan Trust Company, payment clearing rules, 96–97
  • Manias, Panics, and Crashes (Kindleberger), 302
  • Market. See Stock market
    • discipline, exposure, 314–315
    • dysfunction, measure, 160
    • power, impact, 313–314, 316
  • Marston, Edwin, 191
  • Martin, McChesney William, 271
  • McAdoo, William Gibbs, 266, 269, 281
    • change agent, 283
  • McClellan, George B., 148, 182
  • McCulley, Richard, 16
  • McKinley, William, 139n
  • McNelis, Sarah, 132n, 277
  • Mercantile National Bank, 85
    • books, NYCH examination, 97–98
    • control, Heinze purchase (financing), 277
    • controlling interest, purchase, 69
    • decisions, criticism, 273
    • deposit base, erosion (New York Clearing House attention), 91
    • deposits, decline, 87
    • fear, reduction, 98
    • Heinze, ouster, 276
    • run, NYCH response, 97–100
  • Merton, Robert K., 131
  • Mexican Revolution, catalysts, 225
  • Mexico, rebellion, 225
  • Minsky, Hyman, 2
  • Mitchell, John J., 215
  • Moen, Jon, 54–55, 105, 157n, 159–160, 292, 301, 303
  • Monetary policy, approach, 57
  • Money
    • conditions, tightening, 37–38
    • pool (support), trust companies (assistance), 199–200
    • rates, stress, 184
    • stringency, avoidance, 43
  • Money‐making power, decentralization, 257
  • Money trust, 240
    • activities, opponents, 241–242
    • bank argument (Schiff), 252
    • board representation, 252f
    • community of interest, indication, 251–252
    • firms, total underwritings (study), 253
    • investigation, 242–243
    • phrase, occurrence (frequency), 254f
    • revenge, 121
    • structure, Pujo Committee presentation, 249f
    • underwritings, 253f
  • Money Trust Investigation, 244n
    • findings, Brandeis analysis, 253–254
  • Monopolies
    • focus, increase, 230–231
    • threshold, Bryan suggestion, 233
  • Monopolization, scorn, 293
  • Montana Ore Purchasing Company (MOPC), establishment, 66–67
  • Moore & Schley
    • collapse, threat, 195–196
    • distress, 301
    • failure, avoidance, 200–201
    • rescue, 201–203
    • stability, threat, 235
    • U.S. Steel rescue, possibility, 198
  • Morgan, Henry S., 276
  • Morganization, 293
  • Morgan, J. Pierpont, 1, 4, 6–8, 42, 50, 111
    • antipathies, conspiracy theories, 120–121
    • change agent, 292–294
    • diligence team, impact, 136
    • financial role, 20
    • financial ruler member, 245
    • investigation, 245–247
    • New York City return, 119–121
    • philanthropy, focus, 293
    • progressive fear, 49
    • rail deal, 22
    • rival, 30
    • Strong TCA assessment, 150
    • success, 21
    • underwriting assistance, 60
    • U.S. Treasury, assistance, 139–140
  • Morgan, Jr., J. Pierpont, 30, 37, 40, 42, 45–47, 276
    • change agent, 289–290
    • problems, 54
  • Morgan's Library (Morgan Library and Museum), ix, 120, 123, 142, 147, 149, 150, 152, 164, 167, 182–183, 186, 190, 192, 195, 199–203, 210, 307, 315
  • Morison, Elting E., 279
  • Morse, Charles W. (“Ice King”) (“Steamship King”), 67–69, 75, 80, 89, 294
    • banks control, 112
    • Barney, association, 122–123
    • change agent, 277–278
    • financial dealings, 68n
    • NYCH defenestration, 100–102
    • problems, 121–123
    • replacement, 113
  • Mutual Life, control, 241
  • Mutual savings banks, numbers/assets, 92
  • N
  • National Banking Acts (Civil War Era), 261
  • National Banking System, 265
  • National Bank of Commerce
  • National Bank of North America, 68, 85
    • NYCH inspection, 99–100
  • National banks
    • condition, 26f
    • financial condition, decline, 25–26
    • funds, redirection, 157
    • loans, GDP (comparison), 25f
    • public funds, U.S. Treasury deposits stock (time series), 291f
  • National City Bank, 21, 288
    • board, Morgan, Jr. (joining), 241
    • cash, delivery, 147
    • failure, 41
    • influence, accusation, 148
    • services, range (broadening), 287
  • National Monetary Commission, 24n, 309
    • charter, 258
    • establishment, 230
    • problems, Federal Reserve Act solution, 270
    • publication, impact, 262–263
    • report, 260–263
  • National Reserve Association
    • chartering, recommendation, 261
    • corporation, private ownership, 262
    • design, 259–260
    • opposition, majority, 264
    • proposal, 250, 290
  • National Reserve Bank, proposal, 260
  • Near money, 96
  • New Amsterdam National Bank
    • control, 68
    • copper fallout impact, 121–122
    • NYCH inspection, 99–100
  • New Deal
    • Glass‐Steagall Act, co‐sponsorship, 281
    • monetary reforms, 270–271
  • New York City
    • budget cuts (“irreducible minimum”), 148
    • cash flows, 172f
    • difficulties, return, 59–60
    • financial trouble, spread, 215–216
    • Morgan assistance, 119–121, 182–184
    • specie payments, suspension (lifting), 218
    • street railways, alarms, 61
    • trust companies, instability, 301
  • New York City banks
    • gold deposits, 140
    • stress, gold shipments (impact), 173
  • New York Clearing House (NYCH)
    • balances, settlement, 95–96
    • Barney appeal, 115–116
    • clearing house loan certificate issuance, 176–179
    • decisions, 304–305
      • criticisms, 273
    • intervention, 113
    • loan certificate suspension/issuance, 305
    • Mercantile National Bank deposit base/run issues, 91, 97–100
    • power, examination, 251
    • reserves/specie balance, net gold imports (comparison), 175f
    • role, importance, 293–294
    • trust companies, estrangement, 107
  • New York Life Insurance Company, impact, 286
  • New York Merchants Association, Federal Reserve endorsement, 268–269
  • New York Stock Exchange
    • closure, 8
    • crisis, 155, 164–166
    • houses, failure (possibility), 162–163
    • market‐making function, breakdown (signal), 162
    • money pool loan, 166
    • Morgan rescues, 166, 305
    • panic, 161–163
    • prices, collapse, 164–165
    • stress, 184
    • total capitalization, comparison, 248
    • trading, tenseness, 171
  • Northern Securities Company, lawsuit, 50
  • Norton, Charles D. (Jekyll Island conference attendee), 259
  • Noyes, Alexander Dana, 38, 96, 225
  • O
  • Odell, Kerry, 32, 34, 63
  • Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, creation, 28–29
  • Olson, Mancur, 187–188
  • Optimism, defining, 303
  • Ostrom, Elinor, 187–188
  • O'Sullivan, Mary A., 69–70, 132n, 252–253
  • “Other people's money,” power (source), 248
  • Otto C. Heinze & Company, 99
    • creation, 69
    • involuntary bankruptcy, declaration, 101
    • suspension, 85
  • Otto Heinze & Company, collapse/failure, 300, 301
  • Owen, Robert L., 7, 266
    • amendments, encounter, 267–268
    • change agent, 283–284
  • P
  • Palisades Park, creation, 286
  • Panama Canal
    • bonds, offering (proposal), 292
  • Panama Canal, financing, 210–211
  • Panic (1907)
    • attitude, change, 256
    • bank creation, La Follette charges, 228–229
    • causes/dynamics, 4–5
    • change agents, impact, 276
    • congressional debates, 229
    • consequence, 242
    • dates/civic reaction, 9e–14e
    • economic chain of causation, 301
    • effect, 264
    • events, insights, 296
    • impact, mildness, 215
    • improvement, signs, 216–218
    • international impact, 223–225
    • Morgan commitment, 304
    • Morgan leadership, 294
    • negative effects, 223
    • non‐event, 113
    • political catalyst, 308–309
    • political fury, reduction, 258
    • ripple effects, 214, 228
    • U.S. Steel exploitation, 233–234
  • Panic phase, opinion, 181
  • Payne‐Aldrich Tariff, passage, 263
  • Payne, James E., 80
  • Perkins, George W., 30, 120, 140–141, 150, 182, 200
    • broker action request, 162
    • change agent, 286, 289
    • crisis team support, 156–157
    • financial ruler member, 245
  • Pessimism, defining, 303
  • Pittsburgh Stock Exchange, trading suspension, 148
  • Ponzi, Charles, 277
  • Postal Savings Bank, 309
  • Powell, Jerome, 156n
  • Pratt, Orville, 280
  • “Predatory man of wealth,” threat, 50–51
  • Premeditated panic, Wall Street manipulation, 43
  • Private banks
    • operation, charter (absence), 92–93
    • public deposits, nonacceptance, 106
  • Progressive activism, 51
  • Progressive alarmism, 305
  • Progressive Movement, pinnacle, 284
  • Progressivism, tempering/loss, 275–276
  • Psychology of the Stock Market, The (Selden), 302
  • Public, Morgan/associates reassurance, 167
  • Pujo, Arsène, 107, 282
    • change agent, 283
  • Pujo Committee, 7, 163n, 273
    • change, proposals, 249–250
    • findings, 247–249
    • impact, 254–255
    • investigation, proof, 251–254
    • money trust structure, presentation, 249f
    • proceedings, 245–247
    • report
      • evidence, absence, 252–253
      • reaction, 250–251
    • testimony, 243–245
  • Pujo hearings, 289, 293, 309
  • Pujo Investigation, 264
  • R
  • Recession, initiation, 80
  • Regional reserve banks
    • confederation establishment, 29
    • system, Glass advocacy, 264–265
  • Relief funds, 32
  • Reminiscences of a Stock Operator (Lefèvre), 41n, 302
  • Republican Party, election results, 227f
  • Reserve banks, distribution (Owen desire), 266
  • Reserves
  • Reserve system, emergence, 264–265
  • Resource‐based boom, ending, 69–71
  • Revenue Act (1913), 268–269
  • Reynolds, George M., 215
  • Rich men's panic, 18, 44–45
  • Ridgely, William B., 57, 87, 98–99
  • Risk‐pooling agreement, marshaling, 188–189
  • Roaring '20s, consumption boom, 222
  • Rockefeller, David, 282
  • Rockefeller, Jay, 282
  • Rockefeller, John D., 50
    • anticompetitive tactics, 22–23
  • Rockefeller, Jr., John D., 281
  • Rockefeller, Sr., John D., 158
  • Rockefeller, William, 243n
  • Rockefeller, Winthrop, 282
  • Rodgers, H.H., 71
  • Rodgers, Mary Tone, 80, 159, 292
  • Rogers, Henry H., 67
  • Roosevelt, Franklin D., 284
    • election, 275–276
  • Roosevelt, Quentin, 280
  • Roosevelt, Theodore, 1, 29, 43
    • activism, examples, 230n
    • antitrust action, 22–23
    • change agent, 279–280
    • error, admission (absence), 238
    • financial distress impact, 58
    • monopoly lawsuit, 22
    • progressivism, 48–52
    • reputation, damage, 239
    • Stanley Committee testimony, 237–239
    • State of the Union address, 16, 17, 230–231, 298
    • TCI meeting/decision, 203–206
    • trustbusting, 18
  • Root, Elihu, 43
  • Russian Revolution, 288
  • Russo‐Japanese War, prosecution, 62
  • S
  • Safe deposit boxes, rentals (trends), 174f
  • San Francisco earthquake (1906), 299
    • banks, closure (reason), 48n
    • impact, 31, 34–35
  • Satterlee, Herbert, 112–113, 121, 165, 274
    • impact, 155–156
  • Saxe Act, passage, 116–117
  • Schiff, Jacob, 30, 44, 171
    • financial ruler member, 245
    • money trust bank argument, 252
    • Roosevelt letter, 51–52
  • Schley, Grant B., 195–196, 201–202
    • change agent, 279
    • credit crunch, 235
    • financial distress, 237
  • Schwab, Charles M., 99
  • Schwartz, Anna, 1, 287–288, 304
  • Scrip, corporation issuance, 179
  • Second Bank of the United States, Jackson veto, 28, 95
  • Second Industrial Revolution, 6, 293
  • Securities markets, bank involvement (concern), 94
  • Selden, G.C., 302
  • Self‐fulfilling prophecy, generation, 131
  • Shadow banks, 92, 106
  • Shadow financial system, 3
  • Share prices
    • index, decline, 60
    • recovery, 219f
  • Shaw, Leslie, 43–46, 139
  • Sherman Antitrust Act
    • breach, 203
    • prosecutions, Taft perspective, 231
    • Roosevelt usage, 22, 50
  • “Sherman Antitrust Law” (Roosevelt), 50n
  • Shiller, Robert, 302
  • Shocks
    • attributes, 300–301
    • economic shocks, 300–301
    • impact, 297
    • propagation, 88–89
  • Short sale, 74n
  • Shorts, squeeze, 74–75
    • execution, 76–77
  • “Silent” crash, 39–41
  • Sobel, Robert, 71
  • Societa Bancaria Intaliana (SBI), instability, 62
  • Sornette, Didier, 302
  • Spooner, John C., 211–212
    • change agent, 280–281
  • Sprague, Oliver Mitchell Wentworth, 24n, 35–36, 41–42, 106, 110–111
    • bank criticism, 303
    • BoE perspective, 54
    • confidence, perception, 210
    • crisis examination, 113
    • hoarding criticism, 149
    • judgment, 117
    • New York railway bankruptcy examination, 61
  • Square Deal, 279
  • Squeeze, 74–75
    • execution, 76–77
  • Standard Oil
    • antitrust suits, state filings, 50
    • Heinze, impact, 101
    • rebates, extraction, 49
    • Sherman Act violation, 230n, 231
    • soundness, evidence, 223
    • wrongdoing, hints, 80
  • Standard Oil Company
    • Landis fine/verdict, 58, 63
    • size, 67
  • Standard Oil Trust, creation/breakup, 22n
  • Stanley, Augustus O., 232
    • change agent, 282–283
  • Stanley Committee, 7, 232–234, 278
    • conclusion, 236–237
    • Majority Report, issues, 233–234
    • Roosevelt testimony, 237–239
    • trade restraint, conspiracy argument, 232–234
  • Stanley hearings, 309
  • Stanley Investigation, 264
  • States, payment suspension/limits, 217
  • Steele, Charles, 120
    • financial ruler member, 245
  • Stillman, James, 21, 120, 140, 156, 200
    • cash infusion, 162
    • change agent, 286–287
  • Stock market
    • dominos, 83
    • indexes, 56f
    • mood, improvement, 208
    • speculation, 37–38, 48
  • Stock prices
    • average, 159f
    • boom decade growth, 19f
    • indexes, 47f
    • manipulation, 242
      • illegality, 41n
  • Strong, Benjamin, 10, 120, 125–126, 136–137, 148, 150–153, 185–187, 190–192, 288–289
    • change agent, 287–288
    • Federal Reserve governor appointment, 269–270
    • Jekyll Island conference attendee, 259–260
    • securities, collection, 151
    • TCA evaluation, 141–143
  • Strong, Jr., Benjamin, 148, 186
  • Strouse, Jean, 119, 247
  • Sturgis, Frank K. (financial ruler member), 245
  • T
  • Taft, William Howard, 231
    • Roosevelt opposition, 239
  • Tallman, Ellis, 54–55, 105, 157n, 159–160, 301, 303
  • Tarbell, Ida, 22, 49, 199
  • Tariff reform, 250
  • Taylor, Moses, 121n
  • Tennessee Coal and Iron (TCI)
    • acquisition, Roosevelt objections (impact), 202–206
    • collateral function, 195–196
    • finance committee discussion, 198–199
    • investor syndicate acquisition, 234–235
    • leveraged industry roll‐up strategy, example, 236
    • market shares, 234f
    • Moore & Schley controlling interest, absence, 232
    • reexamination, 232–237
  • Tennessee Coal and Iron (TCI), U.S. Steel acquisition/takeover, 202, 209, 242, 305
    • approval, 209, 279
    • focus, renewal, 231
    • Sherman Antitrust Act violation, 232
    • Wall Street reaction, 206
  • Thomas, E.R., 68n
  • Thomas, O.F., 68n
  • Thomas, Ransom H., 161–162, 165
  • Thorne, Oakleigh, 141, 145, 147
    • securities, collection, 151
  • Thornton, Henry, 124n
  • Topping, John B., 201–202
  • Trade, restraint (conspiracy), 232
  • Trading, slackening, 47–48
  • Treasury acts, 43–44
  • Trimble, Richard, 196
  • Trumbull, William, 129–130
  • Trust companies
    • bank affiliations, 108
    • banking system distance, 107
    • cohesion, absence, 142n
    • conflict/distrust, legacy, 308
    • deposit
      • accounts, percent change, 189f
      • dollar value, percentage change, 315
    • impact, 26, 93
    • instability, 301
    • insurgency, 104–107
    • loans, calling, 165
    • Manhattan locations, 108f
    • money, requirement, 186–187
    • monitoring/discipline, 316–317
    • NYCH estrangement, 107
    • NYCH split, 187
    • opening, failure, 164
    • rescue pool
      • Morgan formation, attempt, 146–149
      • terms, 209–210
    • runs, 138–139
    • support, final plan, 209–210
  • Trust companies, diversity/deposit runs
    • analysis, 312
    • correlations, 319, 320t, 321
    • data/variables, 315–317
    • descriptive statistics, usage, 317, 318t, 319
    • discussion, 325–326
    • regression analysis, 321–322, 323t–324t, 325
  • Trust Company of America (TCA)
    • cash position, strengthening, 159
    • emergency measures, 148
    • evaluation (Strong), 141–143
    • loan, providing (urgency), 192–193
    • Morgan rescue, questions, 152–153, 305
    • peril, 145
    • rescue, Perkins effort, 164
    • runs, 210
    • solvency, assurance, 191–192
    • stability, threat, 236
    • Strong assessment, 150
    • support, trust company decision, 305–306
    • withdrawals, increase, 138–139
  • Trust, geography, 107–109
  • Twain, Mark, 274, 310
  • Twelfth Ward Bank, suspension, 164
  • U
  • Underwriting syndicates, existence, 247–248
  • Union Trust Company, 148n
  • Union Trust Company, loan refusal, 152–153
  • United Copper Company
    • failure, 87, 115
    • gyrations, 86
    • Heinze controlling interest, 84–85
    • holdings, Gross & Kleeberg sale, 83–84
    • share price
      • manipulation/audit, 68–69, 73–76
      • trend, 79f
    • shares
      • delivery, 77–79
      • slide, 78–79
    • squeeze, 76–77
    • stock, cornering attempt (failure), 276
  • United States
    • economic performance, comparison, 18f
    • emerging market, foreign capital attraction, 21
    • financial sector, fragility, 23–27
    • financial system, deposits withdrawal, 173
    • firms, gold purchase/importation, 54
    • gold bonds, subscriptions, 210–211
    • stability, movement (growth), 27–30
  • United States Steel (USS)
    • acquisition. See Tennessee Coal and Iron.
    • competitor absorption, 232
    • creation, 286
    • employee payments, 197–198
    • market shares, 234f
    • monopoly position, bolstering, 232
    • Morgan organization, Gates (joining), 235
    • Panic exploitation, 233–234
    • soundness, evidence, 223
  • Untermyer, Samuel L., 107, 242–245, 273
    • change agent, 283
  • Uptown/downtown, distinction, 316n
  • U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Federal Reserve endorsement, 268–269
  • U.S. Federal Reserve System, establishment, 1, 30
  • U.S. Treasury
    • assistance, 139–141
    • cash, exhaustion, 140–141
    • deposits, 174–176
      • stock, time series, 291f
    • liquidity, 56–59
  • V
  • Vail, Theodore N., 216
  • Vanderlip, Frank A., 259
    • change agent, 288
  • Van Norden Trust Company, payment clearing rules, 96–97
  • Versailles Treaty negotiations (1919), 284
  • Victory Loan bond issue, 281
  • Vreeland, Edward B., 229–230
  • W
  • Wall Street
    • financial lenders, impact, 20–23
    • mood, improvement, 208
    • problem, resurgence, 195
  • Warburg, Paul, 7, 256, 260, 263–264, 268–269
    • change agent, 290
    • Federal Reserve Board appointment, 270
  • Weidenmier, Marc, 32, 34, 63
  • Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company, survival, 221–223
  • Whitney, Payne, 121n
  • Whitney, William C., 112
  • Why Markets Crash (Sornette), 302
  • Wickersham, George W., 231
  • Wiebe, Robert, 308
  • Williams, Clark, 209
  • Wilson, Woodrow, 1, 250–251, 260, 265, 281
    • banking compromise, 266–269
    • Bryan opposition, 265
    • change agent, 284–285
    • technocratic expertise, impact, 264
  • Witnesses, total hearings (percentage), 244f
  • Woods, Philip, 132n
  • Z
  • Zhou, L.Y., 315
  • Zombie banks, persistence (prevention), 125
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