A. T. Kearney, 24

Addicks, Mark, 103, 119–20

Africa, 14, 55, 131

agility, 6, 9

Aha!/Eureka! moments, 11, 68, 71, 108

Allen, David, 16

ambiguity, 6, 9, 25, 109. See also creativity

American Psychological Association, 46

Anderson, Ray, 111–14, 118, 132

Apple, 22, 23, 25, 58–59, 68, 108–10, 112, 127

Army War College, 6

Art of Powerful Questions, The (Vogt et al.), 21, 86–87

Arthur, W. Brian, 13–14, 17

Augustine, St., 43


as “being your talk,” 49

character and, 49, 51

credibility based on, 30, 34–35

factors in, 5

and growth of others, 80, 105–6

innovation and, 129

listening with, 33, 88–90

pause it forward with, 132

Pause Principle on, 34–35, 75–76, 105–6

and personal leadership growth, 41, 43, 49, 75–76, 103

“purpose moment” and, 14

of questions, 86–88

self–awareness and, 10, 20–21, 41, 43, 75

value creation and, 34

awareness in others, 94–95. See also self-awareness

“Back to the Rhythm” expedition, 14

backwards pause, 119. See also pause

Bacon, Terry, 30, 46, 48

Barton, Michelle A., 12–13, 90

Baxter Bioscience, 26

BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), 66

Beating the Global Odds (Laudicina), 24–25

“being our talk”, 49. See also authenticity

Belton, Marc, 102–3, 119–20

Bennis, Warren, 6, 33, 42, 57, 96

Berkana Institute, 131

Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 15, 121–22, 167–68

bias for action, 91

Bierce, Ambrose, 51–52

BIG–Biosurgery Idea Gurus, 16, 123

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 131

BookExpo America, 1–2

boredom, 90–91

brain functioning. See also mind; thinking

creativity and, 11, 72

exercise and, 66

hemispheres of brain, 71–72

“intelligent memory” of, 71

meditation and, 69–70

naps and, 66

brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), 66

Brazil, 18–19

Breaking Away (Stevenson and Kaafarani), 113–14

“Brief” pause practice before surgery, 15–16

Brokatsky-Geiger, Juergen, 101

Brooks, David, 44

Brown, Juanita, 21, 86–87

Byron, Lord, 72

Cargill, 16

caring directness, 77–79, 126. See also emotional intelligence

Casals, Pablo, 98

Cashman, Kevin

at Army War College, 6

at BookExpo America, 1–2

books by, 17–18, 41, 163

career of, 163–64

consulting firm of, 31

core purpose of, 63, 64

and ethical transformations in CEO leadership, 132

health crisis in family of, 31–32

and hitting the VUCA wall, 31–32

and pause it forward, 132

Pause Sanctuary in home of, 32

travel to India by, 18

wife and son of, 18, 31–32, 164

and writing The Pause Principle, 17–18

Youth Frontiers and, 132, 164

Cashman, Soraya, 18, 31

Caux Roundtable, 132, 164

Center for Creative Leadership, 25

Center for Ethical Business Cultures, University of St. Thomas, 8, 132, 164

Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society, 69

CFA (Character Foundation Assessment), 48

Chamilia, 15, 115

change. See also growth of others; growth of personal leadership; innovation

and becoming the leader one wishes to

see in others, 84–85, 105–6

beginning of, in self-change, 84

for collaborative leadership style, 93

as constant of leadership, 68

trauma as change-producing teacher, 96

character. See also courage; humility; wisdom

authenticity and, 49, 51

battle between being self-serving and

serving others, 51–52

character-driven leadership, 30

coping versus, 50–53

definition of, 46

Emerson on, 46, 50

energy benefit of, 54

Leading in Character versus Leading by Coping, 50–54

list of character strengths, 47, 53

Pause Points on, 47, 54

power of, 46, 54–55

self-assessment tools on, 47, 48

self-awareness and, 41

study of, 46–49

values and, 55–58

of youth, 132

Character Foundation Assessment (CFA), 48

Character Strengths and Virtues (Peterson and Seligman), 46–47

Charan, Ram, 79

Charlie Rose Brain Series, 71

Cheerios, 119–20

Chief Executive Institute, 17, 40, 164

Chihuly, Dale, 81

China, 79

Christensen, Clayton, 22, 123

Chuang Tzu, vi

Chunyi Lin, 72

Church, Allan, 39

Churchill, Winston, 103

Churchland, Patricia, 71

Cicero, 42

clarity out of complexity, 6, 9, 24–28, 33

Climate Reality Project, 131

Clinton Health Access Initiative, 131

Clooney, George, 96

Coaches Training Institute, 16, 81–82


change in leadership style for, 39

“connect and collaborate” system, 93

for innovation, 110–11, 115–16, 119–20

listening and, 89

Collins, Jim, 41, 81

“command and control” system, 93

commitment in others, 95–97

complexity, 6, 9. See also VUCA forces

clarity out of, 24–28, 33

Conaty, Bill, 79

Confucius, 51

conscious versus unconscious mind, 71–72

Coolidge, Calvin, 89

Cooper, Thomas, 25

coping, 50–53

core purpose, 61–65. See also purpose

Cornell University, 39

Corporate Executive Board, 82


as character strength, 47, 48, 50, 53

for growth of others, 96

for reflection, 81

for risking experimentation, 33, 115, 116

Coyle, Daniel, 98

Cray, Seymour, 116

Cray Research, 116

creativity. See also imagination; innovation; inventors

Aha!/Eureka! moments, 11, 68, 71, 108

ambiguity and, 25

brain functioning and, 11, 71, 72

as character strength, 47, 48

cross-disciplinary ideas and, 123

curiosity and, 123

freedom and, 11

and growth of others, 82, 83, 103, 124–25

listening and, 88

meditation and, 69

pause and, 9–12, 18, 80, 107, 124–25, 126

questioning and, 21, 33, 86–87

transcendental pause and, 69, 70


of leaders, 30, 34–35, 83–84, 87

of managers, 67

cross-disciplinary ideas, 123

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 70

cultures of innovation. See innovation

curiosity, 123, 128. See also questioning

Dalai Lama, 18

Darwin, Charles, 109

de Gaulle, Charles, 54–55

deep practice, 98

deep/transcendental pause, 66–73, 99–101

“democratization of information,” 93

Descendants, The, 96

discovery skills, 22

Disney, 23

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (Edwards), 72


balancing care and, 77–79

balancing immediate drive with future

innovation, 125–26

harnessing of, through pause, 30–31

innovative cultures as purpose-driven, 111–15

of leaders, 30

of managers, 4–5, 38–39, 45

to pause, 26

service-driven approach, 5, 30, 51–52, 71, 121–22

Duggan, William, 71

Dunsire, Deborah, 56–57

Dyer, Jeff, 22, 87, 123

Ecology of Commerce, The (Hawken), 112

Edison, Thomas, 110

Edwards, Betty, 71–72

Eichinger, Bob, 25

Einstein, Albert, 12, 46, 57, 68, 107–8, 109, 110

Einstein: His Life and Universe (Isaacson), 108

Elements of Influence, The (Bacon), 30

Elements of Power, The (Bacon), 30, 46, 48

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 46, 50

emotional intelligence, 43, 51, 67, 78, 91, 96. See also caring directness

Erikson, Erik, 102

ethical behavior, 8, 49, 51–52, 132. See also headings beginning with value

Ethicon Biosurgery, Johnson & Johnson, 16, 122–23

Eureka!/Aha! moments, 11, 68, 71, 108

executive development. See growth of personal leadership

Executive to Leader Institute, 17

exercise, 11, 66, 73

experimentation, risk of, 33, 74, 104, 109, 116–17, 128. See also innovation

“eye of the needle” metaphor, 92

Facebook, 125

failure and innovation, 116–17. See also risk of experimentation

Fairview Health System, 15–16

fast versus slow thinking, 8–9, 22


courage from, 96

deep pause and, 73

of failure, 116–17

and growth of others, 89, 91, 96, 99

hesitation and, 28–29

and Leading by Coping, 50, 53

listening to others’ fears, 89, 91

pause for dealing with, 80

firefighters, 12–13

Fishman, Mark, 109

“Five-Minute Synchronization,” 16

“flow,” 70

Folkman, Joe, 41

forward pause, 119, 120. See also pause

Francis, St., 91


creativity and, 11

innovation and, 109

pause and, 28

Friedman, Thomas, 93

Gaito, Pablo, 16

Gameful, 131

Gandhi, Mahatma, 72, 82

Gates, Bill and Melinda, 131

General Mills, 102–3, 119–20

generative listening, 93–94. See also listening

generativity, 34, 75, 102–3, 105, 129, 132

George, Bill, 42

George, Jeff, 16, 125–26

Get There Early (Johansen), 6

Giant Eagle, 59–61

Gilbert, Daniel, 71

global issues, 51, 93, 131–32. See also VUCA forces

Goleman, Daniel, 41, 42

Good to Great (Collins), 81

Google, 23, 24, 66, 125, 127

Gopnik, Alison, 44

Green Bay Packers, 77–78

Green Peak Partners, 39

Gregersen, Hal, 22, 87, 123

growth. See also growth of others; growth of personal leadership

as core purpose, 63

domains of, 20

as external process, 83

not growing versus, 20–21

questions on, 19, 83

growth of cultures of innovation. See innovation

growth of others

acceleration of, 99

authenticity and, 80, 105–6

building awareness and, 94–95

building commitment and, 95–97

building practice and, 97–99

and care balanced with drive, 77–79

continuous process of, 83–86

deep pause for, 99–101

generativity and, 102–3, 105

and inside–out/outside–in dynamics, 101, 105

language of, 86–94

leader’s role in catalyzing human potential, 82, 83

and less as more, 79–81

listening and, 86, 88–99, 104

merging interrelated pauses for, 94–99

at Novartis, 99–101

Pause Points on, 85–86, 88, 99, 102, 106

Pause Practices on, 103–6

purpose and, 103–4

questioning and, 86–88, 94–99, 104

and reflection and synthesis, 104–5

risking experimentation and, 104

and self-confidence balanced with humility, 91–92

self-growth before, 20–21, 84–85, 105–6

synergy and, 81–82

visioning of, 106

growth of personal leadership. See also leaders

authenticity and, 41, 43, 49, 75–76, 103

and change as constant of leadership, 68

character and, 46–55

core purpose and, 61–65

generativity and, 75

growth of whole person for, 37–41

and inside–out/outside–in dynamics, 44–45, 75

Pause Points on, 40, 43–44, 47, 53–54, 57–58, 63–65, 72–73, 76

Pause Practices on, 74–76

purpose and, 58–65, 74

and questioning and listening, 74

reflection and synthesis for, 33–34, 39, 74–75, 104–5, 128

restorative pause and, 66

risking experimentation and, 74

self-awareness and, 38, 39, 41–44, 75, 94–95, 103

self-growth before growth of others, 20–21, 84–85, 105–6

transcendental/deep pause and, 66–73

unlocking leadership potential, 40

values clarification and, 55–58

visioning of, 76

Häagen-Dazs, 15, 115–16

Habitat for Humanity, 131

Hadza, 55

Hamlet (Shakespeare), 49

Hantson, Ludwig, 26

Harvard University, 71, 108

Hawken, Paul, 112

Healing of the Mind series (PBS), 69–70

hesitation, 28–30

Hoffman, Banesh, 107

Hooda, Rohinish, 16, 122–23

How: Why How We Do Anything Means Everything (Seidman), 93

human resources. See growth of others

humanity, 47, 48. See also service-driven approach


as character strength, 47, 48, 53

drive balanced with, 30

listening with, 91–92

pause and, 81

self-confidence balanced with, for growth of others, 91–92

“situated humility,” 13

and wisdom of experience, 5

hyperactive state, 2, 11, 26, 27, 91, 122, 125. See also VUCA forces

hypoactive state, 27

image of leaders, 50–51

imagination, 11–12, 108. See also creativity; innovation; visioning

Imagine: How Creativity Works (Lehrer), 11–12

impatience, 90–91

India, 18

influence of leaders, 30, 50–51, 89

inner knowing, 13–14, 17. See also knowledge; wisdom

innovation. See also specific innovators and companies

and ambiguity and uncertainty, 109

authenticity and, 129

balancing immediate drive with future innovation, 125–26

boldness and, 108–9

breaking through boundaries to, 124–25

collaboration for, 110–11, 115–16, 119–20

creating culture of, 115–16

and creation of new normal, 7–9

curiosity and, 123, 128

domains of, 117–18

and growth of others, 83

inside-out/outside in forces shaping, 114–15, 129

invention and, 109–11

listening and, 89, 114, 128

missions to move innovation, 121–22

as new leadership, 23, 111

Pause Points on, 114–15, 118, 129–30

and power of “Why?,” 122–23

purpose and, 111–15, 118, 128

questioning and, 22, 87, 114, 119–20, 122–23

by risking experimentation and failure, 109, 116–17, 128

self-awareness and, 110

self-innovation, 117–18

shifting focus and opening up possibilities for, 126–27

skills of innovators, 22

types of, 114

value creation and, 110–11

visioning culture of, 129–30

Innovator’s DNA, The (Christensen et al.), 22, 87

inside-out/outside-in dynamics

and growth of others, 101, 105

and growth of personal leadership, 44–45, 75

of innovation, 114–15, 129

Pause Point on, 114–15

Pause Principle on, 34, 75, 105, 113, 129

self-awareness and, 44–45

insight. See Aha!/Eureka! moments; creativity

Interface, Inc., 111–13

International Development Enterprises, 132

inventors, 109–11. See also innovation

Isaacs, David, 21, 86–87

Isaacson, Walter, 108

James, Ron, 8

Jobs, Steve

death of, 23

and fonts for Macintosh, 68

as innovator, 22, 23, 108, 109–10, 112

pause and, 25

purpose of, 58–59

questioning skills of, 22

Johansen, Bob, 6

Johansson, Frans, 123

Johnson & Johnson, 16, 122–23

justice/civic strengths, 47, 48

Kaafarani, Bilal, 113–14

Kabat-Zinn, Jon, 69–71

Kahneman, Daniel, 8

Kandel, Erik, 71

Karet, Laura, 59–61

Kimsey-House, Karen, 16, 81–82

knowledge. See also wisdom

accessibility of, 24

as character strength, 47, 48

geometric expansion of, 24–25

knowledge work, 21

Korn/Ferry International, 30, 31, 48, 113, 164

“lantern consciousness,” 44

Lao-Tzu, 43, 97, 133

Laudicina, Paul, 24–25

Law of Thermodynamics, second, 7

leaders. See also authenticity; growth of others; growth of personal leadership; innovation; pause; and specific leaders

character of, 30, 46–55

coping by, 50–53

creation of future by, 67, 127

credibility of, 30, 34–35, 83–84, 87

dealing with ambiguity by, 25, 109

drive of, 30

evolution from managers to, 14–15, 27

failure of new organizational leaders, 89

flipping VUCA forces by, 6–10, 13, 25, 26, 87

generativity and, 34, 75, 102–3, 105, 129, 132

going beyond competition by, 116

growth questions for, 83

influence and image of, 30, 50–51, 89

innovation and, 23, 30, 109, 110–11

managers versus, 3–5, 13–15, 22, 27–28, 30, 33, 35, 38–39, 45, 49, 57, 67, 71, 74, 79, 82, 83, 92, 116, 127, 128

people-centered, service-driven approach by, 5, 30, 51–52, 71, 79, 121–22, 126

pressures and stresses on, 4–5

risking experimentation by, 33, 74, 104, 109, 116–17, 128

Leaders Make the Future (Johansen), 6

Leadership and Talent Consulting, 31

Leadership Architect (Korn/Ferry), 48

leadership development. See growth of others; growth of personal leadership

leadership development audit, 85–86

Leadership from the Inside Out (Cashman), 41, 163

LeaderSource Ltd., 31, 164

Leading by Coping, 50–53

Leading in Character, 50–54

Lehrer, Jonah, 11–12

Leider, Richard, 14, 55

less as more, 79–81

“Level V Leaders,” 81

Lincoln, Abraham, 55

listening. See also questioning

authentic listening, 33, 88–90

for building commitment, 95–97

for building practice, 97–99

“eye of the needle” metaphor for, 92

generative listening, 93–94

for growth of others, 86, 88–99, 104

for growth of personal leadership, 74

innovation and, 89, 114, 128

pitfalls of, 90–91

power of, 88–91, 93–94

questions with or without authentic listening, 89

as receptive language of pause, 33, 74, 104

research on lack of, 89–90

and self-confidence balanced with humility, 91–92

synergy and, 92

in VUCA world, 93–94

Lombardi, Vince, 77–78

Lombardo, Michael, 25

Lominger International, 25, 31

Lore International, 30, 31

love, 56, 77–79, 126. See also humanity; service-driven approach

LRN, 93


answers found by, 128

competency of, 45

credibility of, 67

decision making by, 33–34, 57

dependability and accuracy of, 22, 35

drive and control asserted by, 4–5, 83

efficiency and speed of, 28, 30, 67, 82, 109

ethical behavior enforced by, 49

evolution of, to leaders, 14–15, 27

failure avoided by, 117

and future directions of organization, 127

goals pursued by, as Human Doers, 71

and keeping pace with competition, 116

leaders versus, 3–5, 13–15, 22, 27–28, 30, 33, 35, 38–39, 45, 49, 57, 67, 71, 74, 79, 82, 83, 92, 116, 127, 128

people perceived as resource by, 79

as results-driven, 38–39, 45, 74, 82

risk minimized by, 33

self-driven management and, 30

stimulus/response pattern of, 126

well-formulated, time-tested approaches by, 13

Mandela, Nelson, 72

Maslow, Abraham, 70

May, Rollo, 28

McGill, Bryant, 61

McGlade, Jeannine, 124–25

McGonigal, Jane, 131

media, 25

“Medici Effect,” 123

meditation, 11, 16, 32, 66, 69–73, 126

Medtronic, 42, 109–10

Melrose, Ken, 117

midlife crisis, 62

Millennium Pharmaceutical, 56–57

Milner, Brenda, 71

mind. See also brain functioning; thinking

conscious versus unconscious mind, 71–72

mindfulness, 69–70, 72–73

Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction program, 69

mission. See also purpose

for moving innovation, 121–22

organizational versus personal mission, 61

mission pause, 119–20. See also pause

MIT, 108

MIT Sloan Management Review, 12–13, 90

Morrison, Elizabeth Wolfe, 89

Moyers, Bill, 69–70

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 11

music, 72, 73, 98

myelin, 98

Namaste (expression of honor and respect), 60

naps, 66

Narasimhan, Vas, 43

Neuron, 71

New York Times, 16, 93

NIBR (Novartis Institute Biomedical Research), 108–9

Nike, 66

non-doing, 70–71

nosce teipsum (Know thyself), 42

Novartis, 6, 28, 38, 43, 99–101, 108–9

Novartis Institute Biomedical Research (NIBR), 108–9

Onward (Schultz), 62

openness, 79–80

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process (See et al.), 89

Orr, Evelyn, 48

outside-in/inside-out dynamics. See inside out/outside-in dynamics

Ovid, 42

Page, Larry, 125

partnership. See collaboration

pause. See also growth of others; growth of personal leadership; innovation; leaders; Pause Points; Pause Principle

backwards pause, 119

big P Pause, 69–73

and clarity out of complexity, 24–28

consequences of losing or giving up practice of, 31–32

and continuous reflection and action loop, 12–13

and creation of new normal, 7–9

creativity and, 11–12

drive to pause, 26

and evolution from managers to leaders, 14–15

examples of pragmatic pause, 15–17

fighting fires with, 12–13

flipping VUCA forces through, 6–10, 13, 25, 26, 87

forward pause, 119, 120

for global issues, 131–32

harnessing drive through, 30–31

hesitation versus, 28–30

as inherent, generative principle, 18, 126

inner knowing and, 13–14, 17

for leading forward, 3–5

listening as receptive language of, 33, 74, 104

long pause, 17–18

mission pause, 119–20

as “purpose moment,” 14

purposeful performance and, 2, 8–11

question on pausing versus not pausing, 19–20, 28

questions as language of, 21–22, 23, 33, 74, 104

restorative pause, 66

Seven Pause Practices, 32–36

transcendental/deep pause, 66–73, 99–101

wisdom of experience and, 5

pause it forward, 132

Pause Points. See also pause; Pause Principle

accelerating growth of others, 99

alignment to core purpose, 64–65

character pattern, 47

deep pause, 72–73

developing others, 102

distilling own purpose, 63–64

on growth of others, 85–86, 88, 99, 102, 106

on growth of personal leadership, 40, 43–44, 47, 53–54, 57–58, 63–65, 72–73, 76

on innovation, 114–15, 118, 129–30

inside-out/outside in forces shaping innovation, 114–15

leadership development audit, 85–86

leading by coping, 53

Leading in Character, 54

moving from hesitation to pause to deliberate action, 29–30

pause to perform, 10–11

power of questions, 88

purpose-fueled innovation, 118

purpose of, 9–10

self-awareness, 43–44

unlocking leadership potential, 40

values clarification, 57–58

visioning culture of innovation, 129–30

visioning growth of others, 106

visioning personal leadership growth, 76

Pause Principle. See also pause; Pause Points

on authenticity, 34–35, 75–76, 105–6, 129

on being on–purpose, 33, 74, 103–4, 128

definition of, 7–8

on generativity, 34, 75, 105, 129

for growth of cultures of innovation, 128–29

for growth of others, 103–6

for growth of personal leadership, 74–76

growth principles underlying, 20

on inside–out/outside–in dynamics, 34, 75, 105, 113, 129

model of, 26–27

purpose of, 37

on questioning and listening, 33, 74, 104, 128

on reflection and synthesis, 33–34, 74–75, 104–5, 128

on risking experimentation, 33, 74, 104, 128

Seven Pause Practices, 32–36

as universal, 7

Pause Principle, The (Cashman), 17–18

Paxton, Mike, 15, 115–16

“peak experiences,” 70

Peirce Group, 48

Pek, Andrew, 124–25

performance. See also growth of others; growth of personal leadership; innovation

pause for purposeful performance, 2, 8–11

self-awareness of high performers, 39

personal leadership. See growth of personal leadership

Peterson, Christopher, 46–47

Piersanti, Steve, 15, 121–22

Pillsbury, 15, 115

Pillsbury Doughboy, 115

Pink, Dan, 71–72

Pixar, 23

Polak, Paul, 132


of character, 46, 54–55

“command and control” system of, 93

“connect and collaborate” system of, 93

corruption by, 51–52

of listening, 88–91, 93–94

personal sources of, 46

of questions, 86–88, 122–23

of synergy, 81–82

power naps, 66

Power of Purpose, The (Leider), 14

practice, 97–99

prayer, 72, 73, 121

“presencing,” 70

Presencing Institute, 131–32

Procter & Gamble, 59, 127


being on-purpose, 33, 74, 103–4, 128

benefits of clarifying, 61

core purpose, 61–65

distilling of, 63–64

getting to heart of, 59–62

and growth of others, 103–4

innovation and, 111–15, 118, 128

Leider on “purpose moment,” 14

pause it forward with, 132

Pause Points on, 63–65, 118

and personal leadership growth, 58–65, 74

self-awareness and, 41

as transformative force of leadership, 56–62

qigong, 72, 73

questioning. See also listening; Pause Points

authentic listening and, 89

aversion to, in current culture, 21

for building awareness in others, 95

for building commitment, 95–97

for building practice, 97–99

for growth of others, 86–88, 88, 94–99, 104

for growth of personal leadership, 74

innovation and, 22, 87, 114, 119–20, 122–23, 128

knowledge work and, 21

as language of pause, 21–22, 23, 33, 74, 104

by leaders versus managers, 22

power of, 86–88, 122–23

VUCA forces and, 87

“Why?” as powerful question, 122–23

reflection and action loop, 12–13

reflection and synthesis, 33–34, 39, 74–75, 104–5, 128

restorative pause, 66

retreats, 11, 14, 16, 26, 32

risk of experimentation, 33, 74, 104, 109, 116–17, 128. See also innovation

Rollwagen, John, 116

Rothenberger, David, 15–16

Rothman, Naomi, 89

Ruyle, Kim, 48, 127

Sandoz, 16, 125–26

Santa Fe Institute, 13

São Paulo, Brazil, 18–19

Scharmer, Otto, 70, 110

Schultz, Howard, 62

“search-light consciousness,” 44

See, Kelly, 89

Seidman, Dov, 93

self-awareness. See also awareness in others

authenticity and, 10, 20–21, 41, 43, 75

benefits of, 41–42

as classic theme, 42–43

continuous loop of, 44–45

innovation and, 110

inside-out/outside-in dynamics of, 44–45

Pause Point on, 43–44

performance and, 39

personal leadership growth and, 38, 39, 41–44, 75, 94–95, 103

self-confidence, 90, 91–92

Seligman, Martin, 46–47

Seneca, 85

Senge, Peter, 70, 92, 93–94

service-driven approach, 5, 30, 51–52, 71, 121–22

Seven Pause Practices, 32–36

Seven Sages of Greece, 42

Shakespeare, William, 49

Shapira, David, 59

Shaw, George Bernard, 52

“situated humility,” 13

sleep, 3, 12, 66

slow versus fast thinking, 8–9, 22

Social Animal, The (Brooks), 44

Socrates, 42

Soll, Jack, 89

Sperry, Roger, 71

Spring Forest Qigong, 72

Squire, Larry, 71

staff development. See growth of others

Starbucks, 62

Stephanopoulos, George, 1, 2

Stevenson, Jane, 113–14

stewardship model, 122

Stimulated! (McGlade and Pek), 124–25

stimulus/pause/multiple responses, 126

stimulus/response pattern, 126

Strangers to Ourselves (Wilson), 71, 72

surmenage, 3

sustainability, 111–13

Sutcliffe, Kathleen M., 12–13, 90

synergy, 81–82, 92

synthesis, 33–34, 74–75, 104–5, 128

tai chi, 73

Takeda Oncology Company, 56–57

Talent Code, The (Coyle), 98

talent development. See growth of others

Talent Masters, The (Conaty), 79

Talmud, 37

Tanzania, 14, 55

Tao Te Ching (Lao-Tzu), 97

Taoism, 70, 79

“TED in the head,” 123

temperance, 47, 48

Theory U (Scharmer), 70, 110

thinking. See also brain functioning; mind

fast thinking versus slow thinking, 8–9, 22

intelligent actions beginning with, 30

Thinking, Fast and Slow (Kahneman), 8

Tichy, Noel, 96

TM (Transcendental Meditation), 69

Toro, 117

transactive state, 27

transcendence, 47, 48, 66–73, 99–101. See also innovation

Transcendental Meditation (TM), 69

transformative state, 27

True North (George), 42

unconscious versus conscious mind, 71–72

understanding, 6, 9

University of California–Berkeley, 66

University of Illinois–Champaign, 66

University of Massachusetts Medical School, 69

University of Minnesota, 15–16

University of St. Thomas, Center for Ethical Business Cultures, 8, 132, 164

University of Virginia, 71

unpredictability, 6, 9

value creation

authenticity and, 34

and growth of others, 82

innovation and, 110–11

values clarification, 55–58

Values in Action (VIA) Institute on Character, 46–47, 48

Vasella, Daniel, 6, 28, 38, 108–9

VIA (Values in Action) Institute on Character, 46–47, 48

vision, 6, 9


of culture of innovation, 129–30

of growth of others, 106

of personal leadership growth, 76

Vogt, Eric, 21, 86–87

volatility, 6, 9

VUCA forces

and efficiency versus innovation, 109

hitting the VUCA wall, 31–32, 38

leaders’ flipping of, through pause, 6–10, 13, 25, 26, 87

listening and, 93–94

meaning of, 6

questioning and, 87

W. Warner Burke Associates, 39

Walker, Mathew, 66

walking, 11, 66, 73

Walser-Ertel, Mechtild, 100

Wheatley, Margaret, 30, 131

Whole New Mind, A (Pink), 71–72

“Why?” question, 122–23. See also questioning

Wilson, Timothy, 71, 72


attitude of, 5, 13

as character strength, 47, 48

of experience, 5

inner knowing and, 13–14, 17

Wozniak, Steve, 58–59

writing, 15, 17–18, 32, 63, 121, 124

Wu Wei (principle of least action), 79

yoga, 60, 73

Youth Frontiers, 132, 164

Zenger, Jack, 41

“zone,” 70, 81

Zuckerberg, Mark, 125

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