



ABC 139

Absence of Malice 25, 76, 105, 135

action 18

actions 1, 13, 21, 62, 67, 912, 95, 100, 119, 121, 150, 173, 213

Adams, Amy 101

Adler, Stella 51

Air America 6

Angels in America 7

Antigone 105

Art of Dramatic Writing, The 22, 223

Audition 51, 221, 223


banter 130, 1812, 186, 193, 1967, 211, 213, 215

Bar Scene 44, 129, 139

Berghof, Herbert 105, 221

Bitter Harvest 17

Black Box 139

Blake, Rachael 55

Blanchett, Cate 58

beats 21, 67, 912, 95, 119, 1389, 1445, 1501, 154, 173

beats, tactics, actions 21, 67, 91, 95, 119, 150, 173

Body Heat 64, 81

bones, the 213, 25, 30, 40, 41, 43, 52, 62, 76, 128, 147, 153

Bovell, Andrew 55, 221

Bridges, Jeff 6

Brody, Adrien 6


camera rehearsal 18

Capone, Al 44

Carol 6

Carr, Kate 189

casting director 51, 746, 1389, 1534, 159, 161, 167, 1789, 183, 189, 192, 201, 2056, 209, 210

Cat On A Hot Tin Roof 59

Chazelle, Damien 58

cinematographer 19

close-up 5, 16, 210

continuity 18

Cool Hand Luke 128

commercials 15558, 1601, 164, 1735, 182, 1871, 189, 1989, 201, 2068, 211

coverage 2, 5, 18, 19

Cranston, Bryan 156

Creon 105

cut 5, 18, 19

cutter 19


Davison, Bruce 58

Death of A Salesman 62

Dillon, Melinda 40, 221

director 27, 11, 1619, 24, 51, 59, 61, 67, 746, 801, 102, 1379, 144, 151, 1534, 1734, 178, 192, 207

discoveries 6, 80, 89, 91, 101, 149

discoveries/emotions 79, 81, 95, 101, 11415, 120, 149, 153

dolly 19

double 16

Downey, Robert Jr. 6

DP, Director of Photography 19

Dunaway, Faye 68

Durning, Charles 13

Duvall, Robert 156


editor 19

Egri, Lajos 22, 221

embracing the cliché


environment 1834, 187

establishing shot 19

EXU, extreme close-up 16


Finn, Mali 76

Foster, Jodie 156

Frankel, Aaron 51


Georgia 93, 119, 221

Gibson, Mel 6

Girls in Their Summer Dresses, The 6

Gosling, Ryan 58

Graduate, The 24

Green Mile, The 76

Griffith, Andy 64

Grosbard, Ulu 92, 221


Hackman, Gene 24

Hagen, Uta 51, 223

Harris, Ed 64

Hathaway, Anne 101, 161

HB Studios 105

Hoffman, Dustin 24, 51, 136, 156

Hopkins, Anthony 44

hot set 19

Hours, The 64

Howard, Ron 17

humor 70, 1038, 11011, 150

Hurt, William 64, 81


Inside the Actors Studio 136


Jewison, Norman 68, 221


Kasdan, Lawrence 81

Kramer vs. Kramer 136

Kushner, Tony 7


La La Land 58, 221

Lamos, Mark 58

Lantana 55, 221

LaPaglia, Anthony 55

Lawrence, Ray 55

Leigh, Jennifer Jason 92, 101

Leo, Melissa 24

Les Miserables 17

line-to-line-objectives 1, 1734, 194

L2LO’s 1746, 1812, 186, 1934, 1978, 215

Lion in Winter, The 127

Longtime Companion 58, 221

Looking for Mr. Goodbar 62

Lucas, George 52


main objective 614, 669, 705, 80, 912, 95, 100, 1289, 135, 148, 150, 153

Marceau, Marcel 184

mark 2, 19

martini shot 19

master shot 16

matching action 17, 18

Matrix, The 76

McDormand, Frances 24

McQueen, Steve 68

Mercant, Marsha 17

moment before (commercials) 1779, 1812, 186, 193, 1967, 211, 215

moment before (film) 758, 956, 128, 130, 144, 149

Moonlighting 75


Nelson, Kris 75

Newman, Paul 128, 221

Nichols, Mike 7, 102

Nicholson, Jack 24

number one 19

Nutter, Tarah 17



opposites 659, 74, 130, 148, 153

over-the-shoulder shot 16


Pacino, Al 7

Parsons, Jim 161

Pianist, The 64

pick-up 19

place 11316, 119, 120, 124, 150

Pollack, Sidney

Psacharopoulos, Nicos 51, 221


reaction shot 19

Redford, Robert 51

relationships 13, 513, 579, 148, 153, 1679, 172, 176, 181, 205, 208, 213, 215

reverse close-up 16

reverse over-the-shoulder shot 16

Romeo and Juliet 52, 623, 104

running order 19

Running With Scissors 76

Rylance, Mark 5, 221


script person, scriptie 18

self-taping 101, 138, 153, 206

sense memory 11819, 1225, 150

Shakespeare, William 53

Shepherd, Cybill 75

shooting script 19

shooting out of sequence 17

Shurtleff, Michael 51, 58, 76, 103, 221

Silence of the Lambs 44

slate, slating 15061, 163, 201, 206, 209

Smith, Will 161

Stanislavski, Constantin 51, 223

Stars Wars 52

Stoltz, Eric 139

Stone, Emma 58

Strasberg, Lee 51

Streep, Meryl 6, 7, 21, 64, 136

Streisand, Barbara 51

Swank, Hilary 156

summary 1379, 145, 151, 154


tactics 21, 67, 912, 100, 119, 150, 173

tag 1778, 186, 190, 193, 198, 215

take 19

ten positive attributes 43, 50, 78, 139

Terminator 2: Judgment Day 76

Thomas Crown Affair, The 68, 130, 221

Thompson, Emma 7

Titanic 76

tracking shot 19

transitions 116, 11819, 121, 124

Trustman, Alan 68

two shot 16

Turner, Barbara 92, 221

Turner, Kathleen 64, 81


Untouchables, The 76


Warren, Leslie Ann 15

wide shot 5, 15, 16

Willis, Bruce 75

Wilson, Patrick 7

Winningham, Mare 92

wrap 19

Wright, Al vii

Wright, Jeffrey 7


Young & Rubicam 189


zoom 19

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