
  • A
  • action
    • action‐oriented mentorship, 164
    • action plan phases (career path), 72–74
    • moving toward, 179 (See also Allyship)
  • active listening, 15–17
  • Advertising Club of New York, 64, 69, 194, 195
  • advocating for yourself, 38
  • Agency DEI Database, 5
  • allyship, 175–188
    • defined, 175–176
    • effectiveness of allies, 177–179
    • leveraging, 179–181
    • misconceptions about, 176–177
    • Sycip on, 181–187
  • alumni associations, 138
  • American Psychological Association, 94
  • Aoki, Steven Hiroyuki, 56
  • “Are You an Introvert or Extrovert?” quiz, 31
  • Asian American Advertising Federation: 3AF, 193–194
  • Asian Americans
  • Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAJC), 121, 124
  • Asian Americans to Unite for Change 2021 STAATUS, 5
  • Asian culture
    • assertiveness and, 155–156
    • as collectivist, 48
    • common myths and stereotypes, 3–5
    • concept of success and, 1–2
    • mental health discussions and, 93
    • networking and, 131–135
    • self‐worth and, 35–36
    • sharing food and, 186–187
    • somatics and, 101
    • work‐life balance and, 78
  • Asians in Advertising, 2, 47, 76, 132, 193, 195
  • assertiveness of leaders, 155–156
  • audience, identifying, 14–15
  • authoritarian leadership style, 150–151
  • C
  • call to action (CTA), 138
  • Cannon, Nikki, 189
  •, 66
  • career path, 63–76
  • Center for Creative Leadership, 175–176
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 93
  • Chi Ku (Eating Bitterness), 118
  • Chinese Exclusion Act (1882), 116
  • Cho, John, 116
  • clarifying, listening and, 15–17
  • collectivism, 48
  • commonality, finding, 15
  • communication, 11–32
    • about managing workload, 87–88
    • Asai on, 28–31
    • creating safe space for, 28
    • for leadership, 156
    • listening skills, 15–17, 153, 165–166
    • networking and skills in, 134–135
    • nonverbal, 13, 19–21, 30
    • overcoming stereotypes with, 11–12
    • of personal brand, 54–55
    • practicing skills of, 21–27
    • self‐awareness and, 12–13
    • soft skills for effective communication, 13–21
    • three Ds (direct communication, discussion, dismantlement), 119–121
    • written, 27
  • conflict management, 24
  • Cordia, 147
  • The Cosmos, 98, 102
  • Crenshaw, Kimberle, 180
  • Cruise, 157
  • Cuddy, Amy, 31
  • culture. See Asian culture
  • D
  • Dalai Lama, 77
  • Dear Asian Americans (podcast), 168
  • Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA, 1996), 183–184
  • delegating, for balance, 84
  • delegative leadership style, 151–152
  • Dim Mak Records, 56
  • diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and learning and development (L&D), 189–199
    • DEI, defined, 190
    • DEI and L&D integration, 192–196
    • Goel on, 196–198
    • leadership mobility for Asian Americans and, 191–192
  • Don’t Stay in Your Lane (Pong), 69
  • E
  • Eating Bitterness (Chi Ku), 118
  • “Elevating Equity” (Bersin), 192
  • elevator pitch, 52–54
  • email, 27
  • Em Cosmetics, 55
  • emotional intelligence, 147–148
  • emotions, sharing, 95–96
  • employee resource groups (ERGs), 180–181, 183–185
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 149, 191
  • events, networking, 137
  • expectations, managing, 84
  • extroverted personality
    • “Are You an Introvert or Extrovert?” quiz, 31
    • self‐awareness and, 13
  • eye contact, 30
  • G
  • Gallop, Cindy, 56
  • Gallup, 149
  • gaslighting, 117–118
  • gender issues
    • leadership roles, 149
    • salary statistics, 39
  • George, Bill, 153
  • Goel, Sonali, 196–198
  • Goodby Silverstein & Partners, 88
  • Good People (Tjan), 166–167
  • Gorman, Carol Kinsey, 21
  • gratitude, showing, 164–165
  • group dynamics, 22–24
  • I
  • ideas, contributing, 21–22, 25, 134. See also Communication; Networking
  • If We Ran the World, 56
  • “If You Want to Get Hired, Act Like Your Potential Boss” (Baer), 14
  • imposter syndrome, 35–36
  • income inequality, 4–5
  • individualism, 48
  • industry organizations, 137
  • International Labor Organization, 78
  • interpersonal communication. See Communication; Soft skills
  • intersectionality, 180
  • interviews
    • Asai, 28–31
    • Goel, 196–198
    • Jahan, 70–75
    • Lam, 98–108
    • Luo, 42–45
    • Nguyen, 142–145
    • Raman, 157–158
    • Sycip, 181–187
    • Ve, 121–125
    • Wan, 88–91
    • Won, 167–170
    • Yu, 57–60
  • introverted personality
    • “Are You an Introvert or Extrovert?” quiz, 31
    • self‐awareness and, 13
  • J
  • Jahan, Ariba, 70–75
  • Jeong, Ken, 68
  • job postings, 66. See also Career path
  • Johnson, Dwayne, 68
  • Just Like Media, 168
  • K
  • Kaling, Mindy, 161
  • Kaur, Rupi, 47
  • Krawcheck, Sallie, 130
  • L
  • Ladies Get Paid, 41
  • Lai, Victoria, 68
  • Lam, Cassandra, 98–108
  • leadership, 147–160
    • accessibility of, 195–196
    • amplifying voices to be shared, 178–179 (See also Allyship)
    • Asian Americans and leadership mobility, 5, 148–149, 155, 191–192
    • Asian Americans represented in leadership roles, 5, 148–149, 191–192
    • characteristics of, 152–157
    • emotional intelligence for, 147–148
    • improving your leadership role, 67
    • investing in training for, 194
    • managers versus leaders, 149–150
    • Raman on, 157–158
    • setting work‐life balance example, 87–88
    • types of leadership styles, 150–152
  • learning and development, DEI integrated in. See Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and learning and development (L&D)
  • Lee, Jerry, 51
  • Lewin, Kurt, 150–152
  • LGBTQ+ issues
    • marriage equality, 185–187
    • mental health and, 110
    • microaggressions and, 121–125
  • Li, Dora, 163
  • The Life Brief (Wan), 88, 89
  • Lifehacker, 23
  • LinkedIn, 55
  • listening skills
    • active listening, 15–17
    • of leaders, 153
    • of mentors, 165–166
  • Lunch Club, 142–144
  • M
  • Ma, Jack, 147
  • Macmillan, 196
  • Make Love Not Porn, 56
  • managers versus leaders, 149–150
  • marriage equality, 185–187
  • Matter of Wine, 49
  • Matthews, Dan, 129
  • Medical News Today, 81
  • Mee‐Lee, David, 131
  • Mehrabian, Albert, 13
  • mental health, 93–110
    • defined, 93
    • Lam on, 98–108
    • prioritizing, overview, 93–94
    • stigma of, in workplace, 96–98
    • suicide and suicidal thoughts, 94–96
  • mentorship, 161–171
  • microaggressions, 113–127
    • defined, 114–115
    • harm from, 115–118
    • overcoming stereotypes, with communication, 11–12
    • recognizing, 113–114
    • responding to, 118–121
    • speaking out and checking in about, 178, 179 (See also Allyship)
    • Ve on, 121–125
  • mindset
    • reframing, 37
    • for visibility, 1–7, 201–203
    • Visibility Mindset Plan, 203–204
  • mirroring, 21
  • Mok, Karen, 101
  • Myers, Vernā, 190
  • N
  • Nadal, Kevin, 127
  • National Association of Asian American Professionals (NAAAP), 68
  • National Origins Act (1924), 116
  • networking, 129–146
    • benefits of, 130–131
    • for creating opportunity, 69–70
    • cultural barriers to, 131–135
    • growing network for, 135–136
    • initial outreach for, 138–140
    • Nguyen on, 142–145
    • power of, overview, 129–130
    • toolkit, 136–141
  • New York Times, 12
  • Ng, Warren, 116
  • Nguyen, Kenny, 142–145
  • “No Asians” (Ve), 123
  • nonverbal communication, 13, 19–21, 30
  • “no,” saying, 83–84
  • Nunchi or Noonchi (subtle art and ability to listen and gauge), 147
  • P
  • pace of speech, 18
  • participative leadership style, 151
  • perfection, fear of, 177
  • performance review, self‐worth vs., 34–35
  • performative allyship, 176
  • Perng, Murphy, 49
  • personal brand, 47–61
    • building, 51–55
    • defining, 48–49
    • examples, 55–56
    • importance of, 47–48
    • uniqueness and, 49–51
    • Yu on, 57–60
  • personal relationships, time for, 81
  • Phan, Michelle, 55
  • “Pivoting Your Career and Switching Fields” (National Association of Asian American Professionals), 68
  • pivots, navigating, 67–68
  • Pong, Cynthia, 69
  • Porritt, Sara, 93
  • The Power of Moments (Heath Brothers), 142
  • “The Power of Vulnerability” (Brown), 154
  • preparation
    • mentorship and, 164
    • for presentation, 23
  • presentations, improving, 21–27
  • professional development
  • promotion, asking for, 43–44
  • R
  • racism, 117–118. See also Microaggressions
  • RAIL (Referring, Annoy, Inform, Love), 144
  • Raman, Prashanthi, 157–158
  • reflecting
    • for active listening, 15, 16
    • on career path, 68–69
    • on current personal brand, 50–51
    • for evaluating priorities, 85–86
  • relocation, 67
  • resources
    • allyship, 188
    • career path, 76
    • communication, 31
    • leadership, 158, 160
    • LGBTQ+ issues, 185
    • mental health, 96, 103
    • mentorship, 171
    • microaggressions, 124, 126–127
    • networking, 143–144, 146
    • professional development, 199
    • staying up to date on, 137, 140
    • work‐life balance, 92
  • responding, listening and, 15, 17
  • Riggs, Ericka, 64
  • Roberts, Laura Morgan, 119
  • Rolfe, Tiffany, 154
  • S
  • salary negotiation, 38–41, 44
  • self‐awareness
    • communication and, 12–13
    • by leaders, 153
  • self‐care
    • examples of, 103–104, 106–110
    • for work‐life balance, 82–83
  • self‐improvement, 11–110
  • self‐worth, 33–46
    • healthy examples of, 36–38
    • importance of, 33–34
    • imposter syndrome and, 35–36
    • Luo on, 42–45
    • negative examples vs., 34–35
    • salary and benefits negotiation and, 38–40
    • terminating employment and, 40–41
  • 7‐38‐55 communication rule, 13
  • severance packages, 39
  • Shakur, Tupac, 100
  • Sharafatian, Houtan, 161–163
  • Shing, David “Shingy,” 56
  • SideChef, 57
  • Silent Messages (Mehrabian), 13
  • sleep, 103
  • social media
    • allyship and, 185–186
    • for networking, 55, 137
    • written communication for, 27
  • soft skills
    • active listening as, 15–17
    • Asai on, 28–31
    • feedback and, 21
    • knowing audience and, 14–15
    • nonverbal communication as, 19–21
    • overview, 13–14
    • verbal communication as, 17–19
    • See also Communication
  • somatics, 101
  • spoken communication. See Verbal communication
  • Spyer, Thea, 184
  • stereotypes
  • Stop AAPI Hate, 116–117, 118
  • strengths, 49–50
  • stress. See Mental health; Microaggression; Work‐life balance
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 95, 117
  • succession planning, 194
  • Sue, Derald Wing, 114, 118–119
  • suicide and suicidal thoughts, 94–96. See also Mental health
  • Sycip, George, 181–187
  • W
  • Wan, Bonnie, 88–91
  • Washington, Ella F., 119
  • website, creating, 54
  • “When and How to Respond to Microaggressions” (Washington, Birch, and Roberts), 119
  • Windsor, Edie, 184
  • Won, Jerry, 167–170
  • Wong, Leo, 63
  • Wong, Stephanie Jade, 33
  • Wonsulting, 51
  • word choice, 18–19, 26
  • working with others, 111–171
  • work‐life balance, 77–92
    • for avoiding burnout, 77–79
    • leading by example for, 87–88
    • negative impact of imbalance, 79–82
    • saying “no” and, 83–84
    • self‐care lifestyle for, 82–83
    • taking action on, 84–86
    • Wan on, 88–91
  • workplace future. See Future of workplace
  • World Health Organization (WHO), 78
  • worth. See Self‐worth
  • written communication, 27
  • Y
  • Yang, Andrew, 113
  • “Yellow Peril” stereotype, 115
  • Yousafzai, Malala, 11
  • Yu, Kevin, 57–60
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