
AatonCode, 118-19,121-2, 131-2, 179, 212


AES/EBU digital interface, 85, 88, 106,223-9

AES/EBU interface channel status data, 249-52

clock standards, 165

Ampex Corporation, 30

Analogue audio formats, 110

Analogue video systems, 7

Arriflex timecode, 116,119, 121-2, 212

Assembly editing, 192-3

Atomic clock time, 182

Audio post production, 196-7

Audio sector timecode (ASTC), 87

Audio track of VCR for timecode, 158-9

Auto jam-sync, 153-4,167

restriping, 158

Auto scan tracking (AST), 79,154

Auto-lock synchronizers, 200

Automatic track-finding (ATF), 98

Azimuth recording techniques, 10-11, 98, 99

B-format SMPTE film codes, 114-17

Back-up power supply, 160-1

Bandwidth, 3-4, 41-2

Batteries, 160-1

Beta SP format, 83-4

Betacam, 7, 83-4

Digital Betacam, 89

Bi-phase mark code, 22, 30-1

Binary group flag bits, 40, 50, 51

Binary groups:

extended use of, 246-8

use with film, 241-5

Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK), 182

Binary system, 15-17

Binary-coded decimal (BCD), 17, 19

Biphase mark coding, 38, 40,116

Bit assignment, VITC, 49-50, 51

Bit rate requirements, 19-20

Black and burst pre-recording, 193

Bureau International des Poids et Measures (BIPM), 182

C-format, 46-7, 50, 78-82, 178

dropouts, 79

option-1, 81-2

option-2, 82

option-3, 82

SMPTE film codes, 114-17

Camera code, label options, 212

Cassette changes, 178

CCIR ¼ in centre-track analogue audio, 107-9

CCIR 601 digital video, 59, 70

Chase synchronizers, 198, 199, 207

Chrominance signals, 4-7, 83

Clock standards, AES, 165

Clock on the wall, 70, 75

Codeword timing, 39, 40-1

Coding methods, 15

Colour burst, 6, 7

Colour frame sequence, 230-2

and editing, 194-7

Colour signals, 4-7

Colour sub carrier, 5-6, 8-9

Companding systems, 147

Component analogue systems, 7

Component digital format, see D-1; D-2; D-3; D-5

Compression timing MPEG-2, 70

Continuous jam-sync, 161-2,167

Control synchronizers, 198-200

Control tracks, 11-13, 82

editing, 19,159

Conversion of timecodes, 237-40

Corruption of timecode, 155-61

Crosstalk, 10-11,108,148-51

Cyclic redundancy checking (CRC/CRCC), 28, 43

D-1 component digital format, 84-7

D-2 composite digital format, 87-8, 89, 90

D-3 composite digital format, 88, 91

D-5 digital format, 88

DASH format, 105-7

DAT, see R-DAT

Data code sources, 184-6

DataKode timecode, 118,170

Decode time stamps (DTS) MPEG-2, 70-1

Decoding delay, 152-3

Depth recording, 77

Digital audio interface, AES/EBU, 223-9

Digital audio machines, synchronization, 165

Digital Betacam, 89

Digital codes, 20-2

Digital data organization, 22-3

Digital processing, 14-29

Digital video (DV) format, 91-5, 96

DV auxiliary data (VAUX), 94

Digitizing without timecode, 217

Distributed intelligence, 200

Drop frame flag, 39, 51

Drop in replay level, 27

Drop-frame codes, 56-8

Dropouts, 8, 13, 42, 79

Dubbing with fresh timecode, 159

Earth Centred Inertial coordinate system, 181

Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed (ECEF) coordinate system, 181

Eastman Kodak Company, 118, 123-7

EBU, timecode recommendations, 147-8, 253

EBU Radio Data System timecode, 17

EBU standards:

EBU3096, 114

EBU TECH-3245, 200

EBU / SMPTE Task Force report, 30

N12, 32

SMPTE12M timecode standard, 30

see also AES, AES / EBU interface

EBU/IRT and EBU/TDF timecodes, 114

Edge numbers, editing, 211

Edgeprint formats, 123-7

Edit decision lists (EDLs), 191, 194-5


and colour frame sequence, 1947

see also Non-linear editing/postproduction

Equipment type information (ETI), 87


in digital systems, 23-7

error correction, 43, 85

error detection, 27-9

ESbus, 200-2

European Brodcasting Union, see EBU

Eye, human perception, 4-5

Eye height diagram, 26

Fibre-optic links, 92

Field blanking, 3, 63

Field recording, with R-DAT, 172-6


3-line VITC, 131-2

3/2 pulldown transfer, 132

16 mm timecodes, 113-14

24 frame timecodes, 64,112-14

binary group usage, 241-5

film Type Identifier Codes, 123

machine-readable timecodes, 123-7

transfer to video, 127-31

unlocked shooting, 170-1

wide-screen format, 132-4

Firewire (IEEE, 1394), 92, 95, 96

Flutter, 26,149, 200

Frame rate, 1-2

French National Standardization Office (AFNOR), 38

Frequency modulation in recording, 9-10

Frequency and resolution, 3-4

Frequency shift keying (FSK), 22

Future developments in timecode, 222

Genlocks/genlocking, 161-2,186-8

Global Positioning System (GPS), 147,166

applications, 183

concept, 179-81

signal characteristics, 181-2

time data, 182-3

Global standard frequency and time transmissions, 258-9

GLOSNAR, 147,166

Group of pictures (GOP) MPEG-2, 68, 70, 71

Guard bands/tracks, 10,108,148

Guide audio, 171,172, 173, 176

Heads, see Recording heads; Replay heads

Helical scan, 10-11, 26, 79, 92

Hexadecimal system, 18-19

Hi-8 video format, 95-7

Hi-band U-Matic, 76-8,190

High definition video, see 1125/60 systems

Horizontal ancillary data (HANC), 64-6

Identification (ID) words, 96-7

IEC421, 32


IEC timecode, 36, 99-100,100-5

conversion, 237-40

and MIDI, 138

IEEE, 1394 (Firewire), 92, 95, 96

Ink numbers, 212

Insert editing, 193,194

Institute für Rundfunktechnik, 114

Intelligent synchronizers, 200

Interference, electrical, 27,148,155-6

International Atomic Time (TIA), 182, 184

International Earth Rotational Service (IERS), 182

IRT timecodes, 114

IS0646, 38, 87

IS02022, 38, 243

Jam-sync, 186-9

see also Auto jam-sync;

Continuous jam-sync;

Momentary jam-sync

Jitter, 26, 49

JVC, 91

Key numbers on film, 112

KeyKode, 119-22, 123-7,190, 209, 214, 221, 254

Keylink, 131, 219, 220

Label options, editing, 211-12

Letterbox display, 132-3

Line blanking, 3, 6, 63

Line synchronizing pulse, 3, 7

Linear film transfer, 132

Linear post-production, 190-207

Location shooting and timecode, 166-89

Locking synchronizers, 197-8

Logging databases, 217-19

Longitudinal timecode (LTC), 3041

525/60 system, 39-41, 234, 236

625/50 system, 33-9, 52-5, 233, 234

1125/60 system, 61-2

in ancillary data, 64-6

byte arrangement, 33-5

corruption, 155-7,157-9

crosstalk, 148-51

D-2 composite digital format, 87

development, 30

digital video, 92-5

drop in replay level, 27

pre-striping, 193

shortcomings, 41

wave-shaping, 148

word form, 32

Luminance signal, 4, 6, 83

Machine-to-machine transfer, 153

Magnetic recording/replay, 7-8

Master-slave synchronization, 197-8


channel messages, 135-6

full-frame messages, 140-5

and IEC timecode, 138

MIDI timecode (MTC), 138-46

Quarter-frame messages, 138-40

synchronization, 137-8, 145-6

system messages, 137

Midnight rollover problem, 177-8

MII format, 7, 83-4

Momentary jam-sync:

multiple machine, 163, 166-7

restriping, 153-4, 156,157-8

MPEG-2, 66-75, 92, 95, 96

compression principles, 66-70

packetized data timing, 70-1

reference clock synchronization, 74

transport stream timing, 71-4

MSF time and date code, 184-6

MTC (MIDI timecode), see MIDI

Multi-machine operation, 153-4, 161-2

Musical Interface Digital Interface, see MIDI

NAB, ¼ in centre-track analogue audio, 107-9

Nagra, 107, 108,109,173, 260-4

National Panasonic, 7, 88, 91

National Physical Laboratory Time and Frequency Service, 185

NICAM data blocks, 223

NiCd batteries, 161

Noise bars, 79

Noise reduction, 25,147

Non-linear editing/post-production, 208-22

label options, 211-12

logging' 169-71

logging databases, 217-19

maintaining labels, 214-15

organization of, 209-11

syncing options, 212

with / without external databases, 220-1, 222

Non-return to zero code, 21-2

NTSC system, 2-3

and, 24 fps pictures, 217

colour, 4—field sequence, 230-2

colour for, 5-6

control tracks, 12, 19-20

see also, 525/60 systems

Off-line editing, 190-2

Optical multiplex film transfer, 132

Packetized data timing MPEG-2, 68, 70-2, 73, 95

PAL system, 2-3

and, 24 fps pictures, 215

colour, 8-field frame sequence, 230

colour for, 5-6

control tracks, 12, 19-20

see also, 625/50 systems

Panscan display, 132-4

Paper time, 182

Parity checking, 28-9, 43

Pb/Pr chrominance signals, 7, 83

PCM audio, 80, 82, 95, 97

Phase distortion, 24-5

Phase shift, 5

Phase-locked-loop oscillator (PLL), 74

Picture black pre-recording, 3,193

Playback shoot, 171

Post-production, see Non-lmear editing/post-production

Power supply back-up, 160-1

Pre-roll, 193-4

Pre-striping tapes, 77,193

Preambles, AES/EBU digital interface, 223-5

Presentation time stamps (PTS) MPEG-2, 70-1

Pro-DIO code conversion, 238-40

Pro-R time, 101-2, 237-40

Prodigi format, 105-7

Programme clock references (PCRs) MPEG-2, 68-70, 72-4, 75

Protocols, 14

Pseudo Random Noise (PRN) scrambling, 181

Psion Organizer, 175

Pulse edges, 25

Quadruplex cue track, 30

Quarter frame messages, MIDI, 138-40

R-DAT format/recorders, 17, 97-105

in digital post-production, 206-7

for field recording, 172-6

and IEC timecode, 99-100, 100-5

timecode in shuttle, 104, 105

Radio links, for video-audio, 167-9

Real-time MIDI messages, 141-2

Record-run codes, 160, 161, 177

Recording formats, 76-111

Recording heads, 7, 9-11

Recording levels, 110-11

Reel numbering, 178

Reference clock synchronization, MPEG-2, 74


digital signals, 25

timecode, 148-51,152,153

Remote timecode generation, 176-7

Replay heads, 8, 9-11

dirty, 27

Reshaping, timecode, 151

Resolution and frequency, 3-4

Resolving audio to video, 172

Restriping LTC, 157-8

Retiming, timecode, 151

Return to zero code, 21

Rubber numbers, label option, 212, 213

SECAM system, 2

colour for, 5-6

colour frame sequence and editing, 232

VITC detail, 48

Self clocking codes, 20, 21, 42

Self resolving of timecode, 171-2

Set-up MIDI messages, 142-5

Setting timecodes, 161

Sidebands, 7

Sine waves, 9

Slave lock, see Continuous jam-sync


12M, 30, 51, 147,166

135-1990 Binary Groups, 116-17, 119, 241-5

207M, 200

259M, 64

262M, 37,117, 246-8

270 standard, 123

271 standard, 123

312M, 51

film timecodes, 114-17


Solar time (UTI), 182

Sony Corporation, 7, 91

Sony DVW-700P VCR, 161,162

Space vehicles (SVs), for GPS, 181

Spikes, 25, 27

Synch pulse generators (SPGs), 56, 162,196


digital audio machines, 165

IEC/MTC/MIDI clocks, 145-6

with non-linear editing, 212

video with audio machines, 166-7

video sources, 2-3


auto-lock, 200

chase, 198, 199

control, 198-200

hard and soft lock, 202-4

intelligent, 200

masters and slaves, 197-8

MIDI, 137-8

problems of, 204-5

System messages, MIDI, 137

Tacho pulses, use of, 163


coatings, 8

flutter/jitter, 26, 49

hiss, 150

speed, 10-11

spooling, 25

Tape heads, see Recording heads; Replay heads

Tape logs, 178

TDF timecodes, 114,132

Télédiffusion de France, 114

Terrestrial time, 184-6

Time addresses, 51-8, 56

Time-of-day codes, 160,161,177, 184-5

Timebase correctors (TBCs), 13, 26, 56, 77-8, 149-50, 155, 195

Timecode marker (TCM), 102-4

Timecode Organizer, 175

Timecode regenerators, 150-1

Timecode sync monitor, 56, 57

Timecode words, 20


24 frame film, 64

and, 1125/ 60 TV systems, 59-64

in ancillary data, 64-6

burned in, 168

copying, 148-9

correction, 155-61

and label options, 211-12

setting, 161

see also Longitudinal timecode (LTC); Vertical interval time code (VITC)

Timing errors/jitter, 25-6,149-50

Transfer suite, 190

Transport stream (TS) MPEG-2, 68

timing, 71-4

Tributary interface, 201

U-Matic format, 76-8

Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), 182,184

Unlocked video operation, 170-1

US Naval Laboratory, 182-3

User bits, LTC word, 31-2

USS128 standard, 123

Vertical interval sub-carrier (VISC), 7,84

Vertical interval timecode (VITC), 41-51

3-line for film transfer, 131-2, 254-7

3-line VITC, 222

525/60 system, 44-5, 48-50, 50-1

525/60 waveform specification, 235, 236

625/50 system, 44-5, 52-5

625/50 waveform specification, 233, 235

1125/60 system, 62-4

in ancillary data, 64-6, 67, 68

application problems, 154-5

bit assignment, 49-50

colour framing, 232

corruption, 160

digital, 59, 60-1

digital video, 92-5

error detection for, 28

line setting, 178

word form, 41-3

Video signals, 1-2, 9

Video sync generator, 187-9

Virtual machines, and the ESbus, 200, 202

Wave-shaping, 148

Weighted values, 16

Wide-screen format films, 132-4

Words (digital data), 16

Wow, 204

2's complement coding, 18

3/2 pulldown transfer, 132

4:3 scanning, 132-4

24 fps pictures in NTSC, 217

24 fps pictures in PAL, 215

525 / 60 systems:

drop-frame codes, 56-8

LTC waveform specifications, 234, 236

LTC word, 33-5, 39-41

VITC waveform specifications, 235, 236

VITC word, 44-5, 50-1

see also NTSC system

625/50 systems:

colour field sequence, 231-2

LTC waveform specifications, 233, 234

LTC word, 33-9, 52-5

VITC waveform specifications, 233, 235

VITC word, 44-5, 48-50, 52-5

see also PAL system

1125/60 systems:

LTC, 61-2

timecodes, 59-64

VITC, 62-4

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