

Active Directory.

Microsoft’s trademarked directory service, an integral part of the Windows 2000 architecture. Active Directory is a centralized and standardized system that automates network management of user data, security, and distributed resources, and enables interoperation with other directories.


Registries that are grouped under similar operating policies including data indexing are considered to be affiliated.


Application Programming Interface. (pl.: APIs.) An application programming interface is the exact structure described by a computer operating system or application program using which a programmer writing an consuming application can make requests of that operating system or application.


Active Server Page. Microsoft’s technology for scripted Web pages that can display dynamic content requested by a Web browser.

Asynchronous Interactions.

Not synchronized; that is, not occurring at predetermined or regular intervals. The term asynchronous interactions refers to interactions between the service and the client in which data can be transmitted intermittently, rather than in a steady stream.

See Also Synchronous Interaction..


A key-value pair that is used to describe the characteristics of a service.


A mechanism by which two or more communicating parties in a conversation can ascertain that the other entities involved are truly the same as their identities suggest.


Provides an increased level of security by controlling access to privileged information.



Business-to-Business. An electronic, shared infrastructure that provides businesses a platform to interact in real time with buyers, partners, distribution channels, and suppliers. Also can be called a business-to-business exchange.


Business-to-Customer. An electronic, shared infrastructure that provides businesses a platform to interact in real time with consumers.

Best Practice.

A document accompanying a UDDI specification that provides guidance on how to use UDDI registries. Best Practices not only represent the UDDI Working Group’s view on some UDDI-related topic but also represent well-established practice.


An open framework for B2B (or business-to-business exchange), which is being implemented across all major platforms and most major B2B products from other companies. In addition to being a leading B2B platform, BizTalk is also a new and impressive improvement over previous programming models and presents cost savings when used in internal IT projects.


Business Process Specification Schema. The ebXML BPSS provides a standard framework for business process specification.

Business Entity.

Entities that typically describe the organization responsible for UDDI registrations. For example, the “businesses” in a private registry may be internal organizations.

Business Logic.

Functionality provided by the service — usually focused on a specific task such as a pricing service or a sales tax service. This is the logic that is exposed by the service deployment.



To identify an entity with a category by placing an appropriate keyed reference or keyed reference group in the category bag of the entity. All entities categorized with the same value in the same category system are said to belong to the category named. E.g., in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) category system.


A value from a specified category system used to group various UDDI elements together in an organized manner.

See Also Categorize..


A data structure assigning a tag or name to a subject. Certificates are signed using cryptographic techniques so that they cannot be tampered with.


A value set whose use is subject to validation before an entity that refers to it is published. Checked value sets may be internally hosted or externally hosted.

See Also Unchecked..


A Web service concept that addresses business process integration between business partners.


Any active entity (e.g., a process, thread, service provider) that interacts with a UDDI registry to discover a UDDI resource.

Client-Side Proxy.

Client-side proxy classes are responsible for exchanging messages with a Web service instance.


Common Language Runtime. Microsoft’s new operating system infrastructure that allows software applications and components written in different languages to intercommunicate. It resembles Sun’s JVM (Java Virtual Machine).


Component Object Model. It enables programmers to develop objects that can be accessed by any COM-compliant application.


See Service Composition..


A group of entities that assemble together in support of a common cause or undertaking. For example, the WAP Forum is a 200-member consortium formed to guide WAP’s future. In an ecosystem, consortiums or governing bodies usually define the framework in which ecosystem members will transact.


Business environment in which different entities are competing and cooperating at the same time with each other.


Common Object Request Broker Architecture. An architecture and specification for creating, distributing, and managing distributed program objects in a network. It allows programs at different locations and developed by different vendors to communicate in a network through an “interface broker.”

CORBA Naming Service.

A standard service for CORBA applications, defined in the Object Management Group’s (OMG’s) CORBA services specification that allows you to associate abstract names with CORBA objects and allows clients to find those objects by looking up the corresponding names.

CORBA Trader Service.

A CORBA service that allows CORBA objects to advertise themselves with a set of associated properties. Conceptually, this is similar to an e-Speak advertising service.


Collaboration Protocol Profile. Describes a service provider’s role in offering its service, as well as the technical details for how to access that service. A CPP stored within the ebXML Registry provides a mechanism whereby clients looking for a specific class of CPPs can query for and find the CPPs that meet their requirements.


Each entity in UDDI is said to be in the custody of the node at which it was published. That node is said to be the custodial node for the entity. Through Version 2 of the specification, any changes made to an entity had to be done through the custodial node.



Distributed Component Object Model. An extension of COM to support objects distributed across a network.


The process of decoding data that has been encrypted into a secret format. Decryption requires a secret key or password.

Delegation of Authority.

The process of transferring certain responsibilities to request or perform a task.


Document Exchange Model. Interentity interaction mechanism that uses exchange of structured documents for communication.


A formal approach to express capabilities of a service using an attribute set that is based on standard specifications.

Digital signature.

An electronic signature that can be used to authenticate the identity of the sender of a message or the signer of a document. Digital signatures can also be used to ensure that the original content of the message or document is unchanged.


Demilitarized Zone. The public part of the Internet.


Document Object Model. A platform- and language-neutral interface that will allow programs and scripts to access and update the content, structure, and style of documents dynamically.



Enterprise Application Integration. A business computing term for the plans, methods, and tools aimed at modernizing, consolidating, and coordinating the computer applications in an enterprise.


Electronic Business eXtended Markup Language. A project to use the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) to standardize the secure exchange of business data. Among other purposes, ebXML would encompass and perhaps replace a familiar standard called Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). ebXML is designed to enable a global electronic marketplace in which enterprises of any size, and in any location, could safely and securely transact business through the exchange of XML-based messages.


A collection of related services. This collection, as a whole, provides a set of services in a specific domain.

Ecosystem Arbitrator.

The mediator to resolve various issues/disputes (noncompliance with guidelines, unsatisfactory quality of service, breach of contract or fraud) between the ecosystem members.

Ecosystem Framework.

A set of rules and guidelines that govern the participation and operational procedures in an ecosystem. Ecosystem members are generally expected to abide by the ecosystem framework. The ecosystem governing body and arbitrator use the framework to resolve disputes or enforce certain behavior among members.

Ecosystem Governing Body.

See Governing Body..

Ecosystem Host.

Host that facilitates the general functioning of an ecosystem and is responsible for providing the necessary infrastructure for an ecosystem to function.

Ecosystem Member Services.

The ecosystem member entities are the very reason why an ecosystem exists. The ecosystem member services form the second tier of the ecosystem — the member class services. The entities in this category use the ecosystem infrastructure to function.

Ecosystem Monitor.

An entity that monitors the interactions between ecosystem members and ensures that the members of the ecosystem are following the interactions guidelines set by the ecosystem host and the governing body.


Enterprise Java Beans. A Java-based specification for creating component-based transaction services.

See Also MTS..


The behavior of an inquirer associated with a given registry that publishes copied (and, perhaps, modified) data into some other registry.


The translation of data into a secret code.


Enterprise Resource Planning. An industry term that encompasses a wider set of activities (facilitated through ERP software and applications) that a business employs for its efficient functioning. These activities include product planning, purchasing, inventory management, and order processing.


Find qualifier.

Modifiers that affect the results of an inquiry. These affect the default ANDed behavior. An example is the caseSensitiveMatch find qualifier which will return results whose case matches exactly. See also search qualifiers.


File Transfer Protocol. FTP is an application protocol that uses the Internet’s TCP/IP protocols. FTP is commonly used to transfer files from one computer to another computer.


Governing Body.

A service ecosystem entity that sets the policies in the ecosystem. These policies provide the framework for transactions in the ecosystem.


Higher Level Services.

Higher level services are a composition of several lower level services.

See Also Lower Level Services..

Hosting redirector.

An instance of a UDDI-registered Web service whose service type is a redirector which provides access (and other binding information) information through redirection to the binding template of another UDDI-registered Web service.


Hypertext Transfer Protocol. A protocol for exchanging files (text, graphic images, sound, video, and other multimedia files) on the World Wide Web (WWW).


Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol. A protocol that encrypts and decrypts user page requests, as well as the pages that are returned by the Web server.



Any value set that is used to uniquely identify the entities in which it is referenced. An identifier system is distinct from a category system in that only one entity in a given registry should be associated with a given identifier.


Interface Definition Language. A generic term for a language that allows a program or object written in one language to communicate with another program written in an unknown language. Examples of IDL are: ESIDL, Java-RMI IDL, and CORBA IDL.


Internet Engineering Task Force. The body that defines standard Internet operating protocol, such as TCP/IP.


A registry operator that copies (and, perhaps, modifies) data stored in one or more other registries.

Information model.

An electronic abstraction and representation of the UDDI resources in a registry environment, their properties and attributes, and the way they relate to each other.


Any client who uses the inquiry API set to query a UDDI registry.

Intelligent Matchmaking.

Discovery of a service — choosing, either deliberately or accidentally, a specific service from a class of services, using a specific description.


Internationalization (sometimes shortened to “I18N” , meaning I - eighteen letters -N) is the process of planning and implementing products and services so that they can easily be adapted to specific local languages and cultures, a process called localization.


At the language level, introspection is a mechanism used to query functional aspects of an object. Introspection provides information about methods and properties of an object. In the services world, introspection allows an entity to get more information about functional aspects of a service, such as vocabularies and contracts supported, quality of service, and specific interface methods.



Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition. A platform-independent, Java-centric environment from Sun for developing, building, and deploying Web-based enterprise applications online.


Java 2 Platform Micro Edition. A technology that allows programmers to use the Java programming language and related tools to develop programs for mobile wireless information devices, such as cellular phones and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs).


Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition. A solution for rapidly developing and deploying mission-critical enterprise applications.


Java APIs for XML Binding. Provides an API and tools that automate the mapping between XML documents and Java objects.


Java APIs for XML Messaging. Enables applications to send and receive document-oriented XML messages, using a pure Java API.


Java APIs for XML Processing. Enables applications to parse and transform XML documents using a pure Java API that is independent of a particular XML processor implementation.


Java APIs for XML Registries. Provides access to standard XML registries.


Java APIs for XML-based RPC. This API provides a transport-independent API for standard XML-based RPC protocols.


Java Community Process. An open organization of international Java developers and licensees whose charter is to develop and revise Java technology specifications, reference implementations, and technology compatibility kits.


Java Database Connectivity. An API that lets you access virtually any tab-ular data source from the Java programming language.


Allows Java programs to use JDBC with many existing ODBC drivers.


A network technology that provides an infrastructure for delivering services in a network and for creating spontaneous interaction between programs that use these services, regardless of their hardware/software implementation.

Join and Discovery Protocols.

Entities that wish to start participating in a distributed system of JINI technology-enabled services and/or devices, known as a DJINN, must first obtain references to one or more JINI lookup services. The protocols that govern the acquisition of these references are known as the discovery protocols. Once these references have been obtained, a number of steps must be taken for entities to start communicating usefully with services in a DJINN; these steps are described by the join protocol.


Java Remote Message Protocol. A defined set of message formats that allow data to be passed across a network from one computer to another.


Java Specification Request-109 defines the programming model and runtime architecture for implementing Web services in Java.



A network authentication protocol. It is designed to provide strong authentication for client-server applications by using secret-key cryptography.


Each UDDI element published to the registry is associated with a unique identifier. Any of the unique tokens used to identify and refer to an entity stored in a registry are keys.

Key generator.

A unique identifier key is generated by the custodial node UDDI registry. This custodial node is responsible for applying any registry policies and generating the resource key.



Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. A software protocol for enabling anyone to locate organizations, individuals, and other resources, such as files and devices in a network, whether on the public Internet or on a corporate intranet.


The collection of all elements that occur in a container element.

Lower Level Services.

Services that are atomic functional units.


Member Class Services.

The services in an ecosystem that use the standards and rules set by the regulatory class services to offer a certain service that is within the domain of the ecosystem.


Data packets used for interprocess communication on a network.


Data that is not part of the resource’s implementation but is used to describe and protect the resource.

MQ Integrator.

IBM’s application integration product based on message brokering technology.


Microsoft Message Queueing. Technology that enables applications running at different times to communicate across heterogeneous networks and systems that may be temporarily offline.


Microsoft Transaction Service. A service that allows creation of component-based and transaction-oriented applications.

See Also EJB..

Multi-node registry.

A registry architecture that consists of more than one node. Typically in a multi-node registry, each node maintains its own copy of the entities. In such cases the copies are typically kept synchronized using an implementation of the replication API set at each node.



Microsoft’s initiative around the Web services paradigm. Its goal is to provide a technology stack that is interoperable and make the functional interfaces of the devices and the applications more Web services-oriented.


Namespace is a set of distinct names represented as strings of characters. The distinctiveness, in this case, is limited to the specific namespace only. Usually the names in a namespace are constructed according to a set of rules provided by the definition of the namespace. For example, the URLs available through the HTTP protocol must start with string “http.”


Network Object Model. Interentity interaction model based on objects communicating with each other through some RPC mechanism.



Object Description Language. A Microsoft-proposed IDL.


Object Linking and Embedding. A compound document standard developed by Microsoft Corporation. It enables you to create objects with one application, then link or embed them in a second application.


Object Request Broker. A component in CORBA architecture that mediates the interaction between distributed objects.


Microsoft term for creating and managing business processes that span multiple applications, platforms, and Web services.


The role of a person or business entity that sets UDDI node policy and also runs a node. The UDDI specification requires exactly one operator for a given node.

Overview Document.

A document providing the technical definition of the concept a given tModel represents. The concept in this case could be a business process, a technical interaction sequence, or other such idea that needs a standardized representation. The overview documents for a given tModel may be retrieved using the URLs contained within the overviewDoc structure of the tModel.


A publisher entity that has the authority to change a given resource or entity in the UDDI registry.


Peer-to-Peer Architecture.

A nonhierarchical application design style in which no particular component is in complete control of the overall functioning. The components in this architecture, self-contained, and self-managed, are peers of each other.


The ability of an entity to retain its state and data in an offline mode.


Policy represents a collection of behaviors that are permitted to vary from registry to registry or even from node to node within a registry. The concept of policy is formalized and enhanced in UDDI Version 3 specification.

Policy abstractions.

Policy abstractions are broad definitions of high-level information management policies. Policies can range from business goals to device specific configuration parameters. In UDDI there are often ways to model the poli-cies as a tModel. In other cases the policy may be documented and standardized in some other form.

Policy decision.

A process perspective that deals with the evaluation of a policy rule’s conditions. When an instance of UDDI is implemented, choices are made about the support for the UDDI APIs. There are points at which the implementation is responsible for a determination about whether or not the request is processed based on the rule’s specified for that node. Because UDDI can be implemented in a variety of ways, these actions are considered policy decisions and the implementation must document how these decisions are made within this implementation of UDDI.

Policy enforcement.

The execution of a policy decision.

Policy goals.

The business objectives or desired state intended to be maintained by a policy system. At the highest level of abstraction of policy, these goals are most directly described in business rather than technical terms.

Policy rule.

A basic building block of a policy-based system. It is the binding of a set of actions to a set of conditions where the conditions are evaluated to determine whether the actions are performed.


Any client who uses the publish APIs to publish resources to a UDDI registry.


The act of placing one or more entities in a registry by invoking one of the publication APIs.

Publisher-assigned key.

Any key created by a publisher (as opposed to one created by a node). A publisher may propose a key for a new entity at the time it is first published. If the proposed key meets the registry’s policy for publisher-assigned keys and the publish operation succeeds, the key proposed by the publisher becomes a publisher-assigned key.


Quality of Service.

Defines consistency and predictability metrics for a service.



A directory of Web services, including service description and information on service invocation. One or more UDDI nodes may be combined to form a UDDI Registry.

Regulatory Class Services.

Services that ensure interoperability among the members of the ecosystem and enforce standards and regulations required for that purpose.

Relationship Assertion.

UDDI concept that allows business entities to associate themselves with each other; the relationship needs to be acknowledged from all parties involved unless a single entity owns both sub-entities, in which case asserting the relationship also completes it.

See Also Relationship completion..

Relationship completion.

To agree with and acknowledge the assertion of a relationship from another business entity. Completed relationships are visible to inquirers; relationships that have not been completed are visible only to the owners of the businessEntity structures involved.

See Also Relationship Assertion..


Remote Method Invocation. A Java mechanism for interprocess communication.

See Also RPC..


A consortium of more than 400 worldwide companies. It is a self-funded, nonprofit organization dedicated to creating, implementing, and promoting open e-business standards. These standards form a common e-business language, aligning processes between trading partners on a global basis.


Remote Procedure Call. A protocol that one program can use to invoke a method from another program deployed on a remote computer on the network without having to understand network details.

See Also RMI..

Registry administrator.

The role that sets the policies for a registry. There is exactly one registry administrator for every registry. Typically, a registry administrator is an organization consisting of the operators of the registry’s nodes.

Registry-assigned key.

A key assigned by the registry. If no key is proposed for an entity at the time it is first published, the registry assigns a key.


An association between one business entity and another is established by completing a relationship.



Security Services Markup Language. A standard that provides an XML specification for the sharing of security services between companies engaged in B2B and business-to-customer business transactions.


Simple API for XML. A standard interface for event-based XML parsing.


Service Definition Language. Microsoft’s specification for service description.


An active program or a software component, in a given environment, that provides and manages access to a resource that is essential for other entities in the environment to function.

Service Aggregators.

An ecosystem entity that composes a set of related services and creates a higher-level service.

Service-Centric Economy.

An economy where business interentity interaction happens through a network of services.

Service Composition.

Combines offerings of two or more services to create a new service.

Service Deployers.

These entities can advertise or register their services in such a registry for discovery by service users.

Service Description.

A formal and publicized way to characterize features and functionality of a service offering.

Service Discovery.

A process of finding a service, based on a description.

Service Lifecycle.

A sequence of stages that a service will undergo in its life — from strategic planning to obsolescence.

Service Obsolescence.

A service lifecycle stage in which a service is obsoleted.

Service Registry.

See Registry..

Service Type.

The type of a Web service as defined by its technical fingerprint (tModel).


Standard Generalized Markup Language. SGML is a standard for the definition of device-independent, system-independent methods of representing texts in electronic form.

See Also XML..


Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. A secure and encrypted email protocol.


Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. A TCP/IP-based protocol used for sending and receiving email.


Simple Object Access Protocol. A lightweight protocol for exchange of information in a decentralized, distributed environment. It is an XML-based protocol that consists of three parts: an envelope that defines a framework for describing what is in a message and how to process it, a set of encoding rules for expressing instances of application-defined data types, and a convention for representing RPCs and responses.

Sort order.

Any of the find qualifiers that specify the base algorithm to be used to order the results returned by the find xx APIs.


Simple Public Key Infrastructure. A specific variant of PKI developed within the IETF and used by e-Speak. see also PKI.


Secure Sockets Layer Version 3.0. A commonly used network protocol as defined in


A client-side or server-side representation of a remote object. A stub contains the necessary logic for communicating with the remote object. It hides the complexity of network communication and remoteness of the object.


Any client who uses the subscription APIs.

Synchronous Interaction.

A blocking interaction in which the transacting entities are blocked in their transaction sequence until the current interaction is complete.



Trading Partner Profile. ebXML specification that provides the public interface that a single trading partner can exchange with other trading partners to interact with it.


UDDI defines a special metadata construct called tModel to describe the specifications that a service abides by. Specifications include data formats, business processes, and industry standards to name a few.



Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration. The UDDI Project is an open industry initiative enabling businesses and their services to discover each other and to define how they interact over the Internet and share information in a global registry architecture.

UDDI schema.

Any of the documents written in the XML Schema Definition Language that accompany this specification and are a part of it.


Value sets that are not validated.

See Also Checked..


The character set defined by the Unicode Consortium. See UDDI data is expressed using the Unicode character set.


A Uniform Resource Identifier as represented by the XML Schema.


Uniform Resource Locator. An address that identifies a document or resource on the World Wide Web.


The encoding scheme used by UDDI to express Unicode characters.


A 128-bit value that is either guaranteed to be unique or extremely likely to be unique until 3400 A.D., based on the choice of algorithm. Independent computers can generate UUIDs in such a way that the same one is never generated twice. UUIDs are typically expressed in hexadecimal format.


Value Set.

Any category system, identifier system, relationship system or postal address system used to specify the set of valid values under that system.

Value Set Provider.

Any publisher who publishes a checked value set tModel. Typically a value set provider also provides a get_allValidValues or a validate_values Web service or both.


Virtual Private Network. A group of two or more computer systems, typically connected to a private, dedicated network with limited public network access that communicates securely over a public network.



World Wide Web Consortium. The consortium was created in October 1994 to lead the World Wide Web to its full potential by developing common protocols that promote its evolution and ensure its interoperability.

Web Services.

Self-contained applications based on peer-to-peer architecture that can be described, published, located, and invoked over a network, generally the Internet. They interact with and/or invoke each other, fulfilling specific tasks and requests, and carry out specific parts of complex transactions or workflows.


The sequence of activities performed in a business or entity.


Web Services Description Language. A standard proposed for service description. WSDL is an XML format for describing Internet or intranet services as a set of endpoints operating on messages containing either document-oriented or procedure-oriented information.


Web Services Flow Language. An XML language for the description of Web services compositions proposed by IBM.


Web Services Toolkit. IBM’s toolkit for development of Web services.



A complete language that uses XML as the written format for describing any business process.


eXtended Markup Language. A platform-independent information exchange format. XML is a special case of SGML.

See Also SGML..


XML Document Type Definition. Specifies formatting rules for XML (or SGML) documents.


A specification and set of implementations that allow software running on disparate operating systems running in different environments to make procedure calls over the Internet.

XML Schema.

Specification for information structure in XML documents.

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