Appendix C. UDDI Errors

The UDDI specification defines several error codes that can be used to notify the user of any problems with the transactions. As the specification evolves, some of the error codes are amended or retired. The error codes defined in UDDI Version 2.0 API Specification are as follows:

E_assertionNotFound: (30000) Signifies that a particular publisher assertion (consisting of two businessKey values, and a keyed reference with three components) cannot be identified in a save or delete operation.

E_authTokenExpired: (10110) Signifies that the authentication token information has timed out.

E_authTokenRequired: (10120) Signifies that an invalid authentication token was passed to an API call that requires authentication.

E_accountLimitExceeded: (10160) Signifies that a save request exceeded the quantity limits for a given data type.

E_busy: (10400) Signifies that the request cannot be processed at the current time.

E_fatalError: (10500) Signifies that a serious technical error has occurred while processing the request.

E_invalidKeyPassed: (10210) Signifies that the uuid_key value passed did not match with any known key values. The details on the invalid key will be included in the dispositionReport element.

E_invalidProjection: (20230) Signifies that an attempt was made to save a businessEntity containing a service projection that does not match the businessService being projected. The serviceKey of at least one such businessService will be included in the dispositionReport.

E_invalidCompletionStatus: (30100) Signifies that one of the assertion status values passed is unrecognized. The completion status that caused the problem will be clearly indicated in the error text.

E_invalidValue: (20200) A value that was passed in a keyValue attribute did not pass validation. This applies to checked categorizations, identifiers, and other validated code lists. The error text will clearly indicate the key and value combination that failed validation.

E_languageError: (10060) Signifies that an error was detected while processing elements that were annotated with xml:lang qualifiers. Presently, only the description and name elements support xml:lang qualifications.

E_messageTooLarge: (30100) Signifies that the message is too large. The upper limit will be clearly indicated in the error text.

E_nameTooLong: (10020) Signifies that the partial name value passed exceeds the maximum name length designated by the policy of an implementation or Operator Site.

E_publisherCancelled: (30220) The target publisher cancelled the custody transfer operation.

E_requestDenied: (30210) A custody transfer request has been refused.

E_secretUnknown: (30230) The target publisher was unable to match the shared secret and the five (5) attempt limit was exhausted. The target operator automatically cancelled the transfer operation.

E_success: (0) Signifies that no failure occurred. This return code is used with the dispositionReport for reporting results from requests with no natural response document.

E_tooManyOptions: (10030) Signifies that too many or incompatible arguments were passed. The error text will clearly indicate the nature of the problem.

E_transferAborted: (30200) Signifies that a custody transfer request will not succeed.

E_unrecognizedVersion: (10040) Signifies that the value of the generic attribute passed is unsupported by the Operator Instance being queried.

E_unknownUser: (10150) Signifies that the user ID and password pair passed in a get_authToken message is not known to the Operator Site or is not valid.

E_unsupported: (10050) Signifies that the implementer does not support a feature or API.

E_userMismatch: (10140) Signifies that an attempt was made to use the publishing API to change data that is controlled by another party.

E_valueNotAllowed: (20210) Signifies that a value did not pass validation because of contextual issues. The value may be valid in some contexts, but not in the context used. The error text may contain information about the contextual problem.

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