Appendix B. Installing UDDI4J

The Java examples in this book use the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) provided by UDDI4J — an open source initiative.

The Java ARchive (JAR) file containing these APIs can be downloaded from the UDDI4J project Web site at: The examples discussed in the book use APIs from the UDDI Version 2 packaging. Refer to related documentation for more information on how to set up UDDI4J for your environment.

Apache SOAP

UDDI4J APIs need a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) implementation to process incoming and outgoing SOAP messages. Several implementations such as those from Hewlett-Packard (HP) and the Apache project, are supported. To get the Apache SOAP implementation, download the file from the project Web site: 2.3.1 is used in this book. After the installation, add the path to the JAR file into CLASSPATH.

Java Components

UDDI4J also uses Java utilities that are not part of the standard Java distribution. These utilities must be downloaded separately and installed before the APIs can work properly. All the utilities are available on Sun Microsystem’s Web site.


The package, Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE), is needed in order to secure HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTPS). Standard Java distribution only allows non-secure HTTP calls. However, since all the publish APIs in UDDI use HTTPS, JSSE is required. Note that in version 1.4, JSSE is part of standard Java distribution. The site provides installation instructions.

Java Mail

The package javax.mail is required for UDDI4J for its messaging needs. This package is available at After the download, add the corresponding JAR file into CLASSPATH. No specific configuration is needed on the user’s part after that.

JavaBean Activation Framework

The JavaBean Activation Framework (JAF) provides ability to handle arbitrary data types including binary data. This is useful when handing UDDI messages. JAF is available at:

Use the GettingStarted example explained in Chapter 7 to check the installation.

Configuring UDDI4J

The behavior of the UDDI4J APIs can be altered through several configuration parameters. The most commonly used parameters are described below. These parameters can be set either through the command-line or programmatically.

org.uddi4j.TransportClassNameThe class name that provides entry point into a specific SOAP implementation. The version 2.0 provides support for SOAP implementations by HP and the Apache project. The corresponding entry points in the UDDI4J JAR files are as follows:

Apache SOAP: org.uddi4j.transport.ApacheSOAPTransport

Apache Axis: org.uddi4j.transport.ApacheAxisTransport

HP: org.uddi4j.transport.HPSOAPTransport

org.uddi4j.logEnabledThe switch turns logging on or off. When set to true, the exchange of messages between the APIs and the UDDI registry can be browsed. The default value is false.

http.proxyHostThis property is set when the client machine is behind a firewall. The proxy information is used when communicating with the UDDI registry. This property is used when making an HTTP connection.

http.proxyPortThe port number to be used when communicating with proxy during an HTTP connection.

https.proxyHostThis property is set when the client machine is behind a firewall. The proxy information is used when communicating with the UDDI registry. This property is used when making an HTTPS connection.

https.proxyPortThe port number to be used when communicating with proxy during an HTTPS connection.

http.proxyUserNameUser name to be used for the proxy server.

http.proxyPasswordPassword associated with the proxy server user name.

In addition, the following properties are used in the examples in the book. These properties can be used to alter the behavior of the examples.

inquiryURLThis parameter can be used to set the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the registry where the inquiry request is to be sent. Chapter 5 provides a list of URLs where UDDI registries are available publicly.

publishURLThe URL where the publish requests are to be sent.

useridThe user ID to be used during the authentication process. Authentication is required during publication.

passwordThe password associated with userid.

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