Understanding Patterns of Enterprise Transformation

Transformation is ubiquitous. It seems that every business has done, is doing, or is planning to “do a transformation.” Over the course of the past decade, the idea of transformation has transcended the specific organizations within which they exist to become a standalone entity and industry. At the same time, being agile has become more mainstream as countless organizations seek to emulate the successes of industry standard-bearers like Spotify, Netflix, and Amazon. The resulting explosion of growth that has supported this developing industry has yielded a raft of new roles, certifications, courses, blogs, books, webinars, meet-ups, and events.

This growth spurt is far from over. A recent survey noted that 64% of CIOs now believe political, economic, and business uncertainty is on the rise. Of these, more than half plan to respond by becoming more agile, and 88% by continuing to invest heavily in digital as a strategy. Crucially, these changes all necessitate ongoing investment in people, practice, and technology to continuously adapt to an ever-changing environment. In fact, transformation is becoming less of a one-off event and is evolving in purpose to support the desire for adaptability and responsiveness over longer-term planning for forecasting. Transformation is a byword for investment in continuous improvement.

However, this growing industry is not without its challenges. The often-quoted and debated statistic that around 70% of transformation programs fail highlights an inescapable fact—transformation is extremely difficult. There are many variables and conditions that can influence the ability of an organization to successfully (within its own definition) transform, many of which are not within the control of the people trying to effect the change. This should not cast a dark shadow over an existing transformation program or dissuade anyone from taking action where needed. In fact, this is excellent news because it means that there is a lot of data and experience that we can learn from. And it seems that many organizations are putting this learning into practice. In a 2017 survey, it was reported that 98% of organizations are realizing some successes through Agile projects.

If you’re embarking on transformation program now, you might think you’ve left it too late and are at the back of the pack as a “late adopter,” or even—gasp—a “laggard.” But you have a secret weapon: you have all of this experience and data from the organizations that have come before you, which means the failures, successes, and everything in between. You might even have data from another area within your own organization.

Each transformation program is a snowflake. It is shaped by hundreds of variables that continuously change. However, through the work of thousands of organizations that have undertaken a transformation program, patterns have emerged that can help organizations manage and anticipate challenges in transformation to gain more out of their investments.

These patterns of transformation fall into three broad categories:

Types of transformation

In simple terms, this is what you are trying to achieve. Each transformation seeks to be an answer to a specific problem. Accordingly, not all transformation programs are seeking to change the same things. Awareness of what you are trying to achieve will set you on the right path and help others understand and embrace the journey. It will also help you better spot the potential pitfalls and opportunities along the journey you are taking.

Approaches to transformation

This is how you intend to approach the transformation of your organization. There are multiple paths toward the ultimate destination. Being conscious of your organizational variables will help you select the correct approach to transformation and get the most change for your investment.

Transformation leadership

This is who will lead the charge and help drive the changes through the people, practices, technology, and culture of an organization. The level and type of leadership in an organization can either be the single biggest limiting factor or the greatest asset of a transformation program. A total of 45% of organizations report that lack of leadership and managerial support inhibits the adoption of Agile at scale. Understanding who is backing your transformation will help you in shaping the type of transformation and approach to it, or challenge your program to influence the leadership you need to transform in the way you need.

Knowing your challenges and variables is the first step in identifying helpful patterns in transformation and toward a successful outcome. Klaus Schwab, executive chairman of the WEF, phrases it perfectly:

New technologies and approaches are merging the physical, digital, and biological worlds in ways that will fundamentally transform humankind. The extent to which that transformation is positive will depend on how we navigate the risks and opportunities that arise along the way.

Types of Transformation

Being explicit about what you want to achieve and therefore what type of transformation you are embarking on will determine the radius of impact for the change you want to make. For each type of transformation, there are clear variables that will affect the likelihood of success (see Figure 1-1).

The types of transformation listed are set in ascending order of magnitude in terms of organizational impact and potential value opportunity to be gained.

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Figure 1-1. Finding the sweet spot for organizational transformation

As we increase in impact and value, it’s often the case that the type of transformation is much more difficult to see and measure in terms of change and success. For example, it’s quick and easy to see and measure a change in where people are situated in the organization, but a fundamental shift in how value is delivered to customers or the underlying business model will emerge only over time.

Organizational Transformation

Organizational transformation typically focuses on how people are organized around existing work and technology structures, and attempts to optimize by changing this only. This consists of a change to role descriptions and line management, and usually relies on a target operating model to guide the transformation to a fixed end point. We tend to see this kind of transformation most in rationalization or cost-saving exercises, so the radius of impact and value is quite small compared to the disruption this kind of change introduces.

Because of this low disruption-to-value ratio, organizational transformations can feel very frustrating to those affected. There is an additional frustration in the other challenges within the organization that this shift will expose. Frequently, you will see changes to team structure expose deficiencies or constraints in technology and process.

This kind of transformation is like changing the driver of an old car to see if you can make it drive faster or for longer.

Technology Transformation (Replatforming)

This transformation represents an investment in the IT systems of an organization and quite often occurs when the technology supporting the organization becomes so old and congested that it is the single biggest limiting factor to the organization’s success. In other words, technology is a burning platform.

The key differentiator between this and any other type of transformation is that it is a change to systems, tools, and technology only. There is no need to change team structure to achieve this. There is no prerequisite to adopt other ways of working. This transformation simply addresses a very narrow issue within an organization.

This type of transformation does not happen as often as it once did. Organizations are now cognizant of the missed opportunity in addressing only one small area and are tending toward greater systems thinking in resolving core organizational challenges. Added to this is the growth in credibility of Agile and Lean ways of working in getting value to customers more quickly. It is more appealing to adopt this way of delivering new technology, along with the varying degrees of organizational change that implies. As Conway’s law says, “Any organization that designs a system (defined broadly) will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization’s communication structure.”

Therefore, technology transformations that limit their radius of impact to system only will miss a potential value opportunity to design an architecture that supports the business, and not current technology team structure.

This kind of transformation is like putting a brand-new engine in a rusty old car. It might get you somewhere much faster, but you’ll worry if the body is up to the task!

Delivery Transformation

As its name implies, delivery transformation focuses on the part of the organization responsible for delivering products and services to the customer. This means that our radius is extended beyond system, tools, and technology into people and practice. It makes the part of the organization that builds and delivers products and services more effective, with continuous delivery, data-driven decisions, and a culture of continuous improvement. In many cases, this is where the first signs of transformation emerge in an organization, as product and service delivery teams are often at the sharp edge of the pain organizations feel when technology, practice, and culture are poorly aligned.

The value of achieving this type of transformation is limited, however, by the lack of integration with core business functions around product/service ownership and the customer focus this provides. Organizationally speaking, this type of transformation is still local optimization. We can still invoke Conway’s law as we are limiting the radius of impact, and therefore the opportunity potential, to the delivery function. In some organizations, this extends somewhat into the business to find product representation, but in many examples (financial services organizations are often guilty of this) we find the radius limited to within the IT organization only.

Let’s not overlook that this type of transformation does solve some great problems within organizations. In addition to potentially solving a “burning platform” issue, it can introduce thinking that significantly improves delivery of value of customers not only in terms of speed to market, but also quality in market and overall responsiveness to feedback.

Ultimately, however, a successful delivery transformation will cause cultural dissonance between the areas included within the transformation, and the areas looking at the transformation. Without addressing leadership from the top, organizations remain at risk of increasing flow but still delivering things of relatively low value, fighting competing and continuously changing agendas, and managing too much work in progress.

Delivery transformation is akin to having a fast car with a powerful engine, but with loose suspension and steering and a driver who is not sure where they are going!

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is focused on the aspects of an organization that ensure a high-quality, continuous delivery of value to the customer. It integrates the product and service ownership functions with delivery and is structured around delivering customer value. Continuous innovation is supported by lightweight decision making at product level, adaptive programs, and evolutionary architecture. This type of transformation, as with the delivery transformation, tackles technology, people, practice, and culture, but it does so with a wider radial impact across the organization. Here, organizations take advantage of new channels and technologies so that customers can experience products and services in a new way.

There is less cultural dissonance across the organization horizontally; more organizational capabilities are typically involved with digital transformations. Vertically, however, this kind of transformation can still reveal challenges across leadership. Digital transformation is limited by lack of clarity in organizational purpose and vision, heavyweight/waterfall decision-making processes, and lack of clarity or consistency associated with it. This type of transformation is possible only with the direct support and involvement of the entire leadership team.

Digital transformation is akin to having a fast car with a powerful engine and good suspension and steering but a driver with poor reflexes and sense of direction!

Business Transformation

Business transformation focuses on making the entire organization adaptive. All aspects—from adaptive leadership and clarity of purpose at the executive level, through customer focus, product, and service-aligned teams and evolutionary architecture at the design level, to continuous delivery at the delivery level—are aligned to deliver customer value.

This is essentially a composite of all transformation types that have come before with an added focus on really interrogating the why of organizational purpose and leadership. This is especially useful for organizations that have existed for many years and are beginning to level off in the current marketplace, or have seen many smaller competing organizations begin to chip away at what makes them unique.

As all levels interact and reinforce one another, it is possible for these types of transformations to deliver change more effectively than either digital or delivery transformations. The organization not only aims to deliver value to customers more effectively and cross-functionally, but also to learn and evolve from the data it generates. This creates a resilience and adaptiveness that makes an organization more robust in times of change and uncertainty.

Business transformation takes time and it can take much longer to reap the rewards than a delivery or organizational transformation. It necessitates strong and courageous leadership to hold their nerve in the face of learning through failure as well as investors’ and boards’ questions.

This transformation is like having the best racing car and a trained driver that can use it well!

Summary of Transformation Types

Each transformation type has a varying radius of impact (see Figure 1-2), but across all kinds of transformation, there are two key patterns:

  • The widespread adoption of Lean and Agile practices, coupled with the desire to embrace the digitalization of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, means that organizations are now more likely to begin at delivery transformation and move toward digital and even business transformation.

  • The key factor in deciding to do this is the ratio between anticipated disruption versus value opportunity. The value is decided primarily by the type of transformation, whereas the amount of disruption can be managed through the approach to transformation.

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Figure 1-2. Radius of impact for transformation types

The approach to transformation, and therefore how organizations can manage the disruption that comes along with it, is reliant on the characteristics of the organization and the people within it.

Approaches to Transformation

Now that the type of transformation required has been identified, it’s time to understand the best way to achieve it within the organization. There is no right or wrong way to approach this big, gnarly problem. The characteristics of the organization, the goals the organization wants to achieve, the people within the organization, the leadership support, the technologies that support it, and the external factors that affect it will make some approaches more suitable than others.

Most organizations will manage transformation, for whatever type and in whatever form, through a program. Put simply, in return for an investment of time and money, the organization will deliver change. Transformation is treated exactly like every other kind of product and service delivery program in this sense—we outline what we expect will happen over a timeframe we think is reasonable and a budget that will cover it. This is the first big constraint to acknowledge when selecting an approach because it sets up expectations that are founded on little but will still be enforced. More enlightened organizations choose to experiment a little at the beginning to examine how this change will be received within the organization, then build up to a longer-range view of transformation.

Selecting the right approach for an organization can be the difference between success and failure! A less-suitable approach can make the transformation process frustrating and exclusionary, and fuel negativity and doubt over time. A better-suited approach can create and foster safety for learning and experimentation in a collaborative environment.

Simply put, what kind of disruption can the organization withstand to get the maximum value for this investment?

Approach 1: Boiling the Ocean

You’ve probably heard this stalwart of business-speak many times. It signifies [“link:http://bit.ly/2BAZOzIan impossible task or project or to make a task or project unnecessarily difficult”] or just generally making something much bigger and more difficult than it needs to be. You might be wondering what this is doing in a list of approaches to transformation; however, this approach is more common than you would think.

What does it look like?

This kind of transformation program tries to effect change everywhere at the same time. Typically, it can look quite chaotic and unfocused, with lots of changes happening across multiple areas at the same time. To coordinate this program, there is likely to be a central team. These kinds of programs can feel very pressured, as such a wide radius of impact necessitates high investment, and along with it an expectation of high-impact change over a relatively short time. However, the wide radius of impact often results in a low or superficial penetration of change (see Figure 1-3).

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Figure 1-3. Boiling the ocean

In this kind of program, organizations usually push very visible change to assure leadership and investors that change is happening—for example, story walls, charters, ceremonies, and visible data to support the program.

Boiling the ocean is usually a vehicle for practice change and is most likely to be used to achieve a delivery transformation.

What is it good for?

It’s inclusive

Because the focus is very large, it means more people are part of the program and there is less chance that it will be labeled as exclusive or an ivory-tower change. This is an approach for keeping morale high and people on your side.

It can be a good pathfinder

Sometimes, conditions make it unclear where a good starting point for change in an organization might be:

  • Tightly coupled or monolithic technologies prevent organizations from breaking out distinct areas on which to focus.

  • Lack of leadership commitment to change in business areas, or all leaders wanting to be included simultaneously.

  • Lack of support or expertise to select a starting point within an organization.

The list is not exhaustive, but where the path forward is not known, unclear, or cannot be agreed on, it can be valuable to begin a transformation program by going wide and testing where there is stickiness for the changes required. It can also act to validate some early hypotheses about how the organization will react to change and help shape the remaining program.

In this sense, it is much like the approach one might take to a chaotic situation in the sense-making framework Cynefin, where you might act first (in this case try to change as much as possible) and then sense and respond with a more informed strategy.

What it’s not so good for

It’s high investment for low value

Just as its name suggests, you need a lot of energy to heat up (let alone boil) such a large body of water. At the beginning of a program, where you will be expending a lot of energy (and therefore money) to try to get some of the changes to stick, it might appear as though there is little return for such an investment. This can be the first big test of leadership in transformation.

Centralization over localization

In larger organizations, the resources required could be phenomenal in scale. This often necessitates an additional layer of people to manage the transformation resources and justify the spending on an ongoing basis. This can cause the people affected by the change to feel less ownership for it because of this influence.

It’s one size fits all

Organizations that don’t test and learn during their transformation can tend to adopt a one-size-fits-all approach to coaching, strategy, training material, and so on, which can be off-putting to some areas of the business. This makes it much more difficult to come back to that area over time and reintroduce them to Agile and Lean practices and thinking if their initial experience has been negative.

Do this when…

You need to find out how or where to start a transformation program, what your next steps will be, or test the environment. Then, move onto another approach when you have more data about how the organization responds to this change.

This is an approach that you can use to overlay existing work rather than change the portfolio of work to deliver transformation.

Also do this in conjunction with other approaches (e.g., hot spots) as a secondary approach that can help inclusivity. Where more focused approaches might have other strengths, they can ignore the rest of the organization. Using the spirit of boiling the ocean, organizations can benefit by introducing some smaller changes across the organization to minimize the cultural impact of creating a newly transformed section of the business versus the old business.

Don’t do this when…

This is your only approach. This will quickly run its course and leave you feeling burned out with little deep penetration of change into the organization overall. Because of this, it’s also a poor approach if you are constrained by time, budget, or expectations. High expectations of change in a short amount of time, or with a relatively modest budget, are not best served by boiling the ocean.

Overall, this is a high-disruption approach that does not work well in change-fatigued organizations or organizations that are already experiencing high degrees of change in uncertainty (merger, regulatory change, etc.).

Approach 2: Focusing on Hot Spots

Transformation programs that effect change through hot spots do so to take advantage of preexisting areas and people who are already changing or demonstrate a predisposition to change. Building on and incubating organizational success is a sound strategy for transformation and can develop meaningful change in the affected areas. However, you must take care so that those areas that are not targeted do not experience cultural dissonance, leading to suspicion and resistance to change. This is partly why many organizations often find it difficult to find a path to scale successes beyond the hot spots.

What does this look like?

This will be obvious in the organization because there will be areas of very visible change next to the existing processes and practices. It is likely that the hot spots of change will create friction within the existing organization as key organizational capabilities try to operate next to new and old practices; this will manifest obviously around areas like the project management office (PMO), finance, and HR (see Figure 1-4).

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Figure 1-4. Hot spot

Hot spots are commonly used as a starting point in an organizational, delivery transformation, or occasionally a digital transformation. Due to the difficulty in joining the hot spots together, this approach inevitably fails or evolves into an “extract and enhance” or “strangler” transformation approach.

What is it good for?

Show and grow success

This approach is a great way of showcasing success in transformation in a relatively short amount of time. Hot spots usually contain people who are good at finding ways around organizational constraints to deliver value. They are people who have been brought in because of a background in Lean and Agile practices or who have sought out their own education to support continuous change within their own areas or teams. In short, hot spots can show change with comparatively little investment and build organizational confidence.

Localized change

Whether the hot spot is a project, program, or a team, the change is often controlled and developed locally. This means less influence from a centralized team and more sense of ownership within the area effecting the change.

What it’s not so good for

Organizational goals over local optimization

It is very easy to lose the balance between building a transformed organization and optimizing for the program, project, or team.

An organizational journey

Hot spots, by definition, are small areas of change within a larger organization. This creates dissonance between the existing organization and the areas of change. Unchecked, the hot spots can be treated like an exception, or a virus, which the organization seeks to eradicate.

A path to scaling

Although hot spots are great at showing how things can be successful, they are not always indicative of how this success might look or be achieved across the organization. Hot spots are typically not cross capability; that is, they usually are exceptions that do not include elements of finance, HR, operations, and other key functions, and they are not representative of a scaled organization and cannot provide data to help scaling Agile and Lean practices.

Do this when…

If you have areas of change within your organization, program, business line, and so on, it’s worth using the hot-spot model to explore what conditions would make a transformation successful in that area. The more organizational capabilities you have in your hot spot, the better and more meaningful the data will be to help you scale this successfully.

This is a great approach for tentative organizations that are looking for data to prove that Agile practices, tools, and mindset will work to support further investment. It’s also a good approach when you are looking for an opportunity within an existing portfolio of work to deliver something using new practices.

Don’t do this when…

You’re looking to scale directly from some localized hot spots to organizational agility.

Approach 3: Extract and Enhance

Extract and enhance as an approach to transformation is perhaps the most complex from a delivery perspective. It requires deliberate planning, experienced leadership, and many short feedback loops to course-correct. The approach itself is based on an approach from technical architecture aimed at breaking up a technical monolith.

What does it look like?

The approach involves analyzing the organization and its associated technology systems estate to identify “seams” that you can use to break out organizational capabilities so they can be transformed. In practice, this typically involves splitting out functional elements of the business (e.g., finance), as the functional silos in the organization represent the most easily accessible seams due to organizational ownership, structure, and technology (remember Conway’s law?). The extracted function then is transformed while continuing with its ongoing business function, which necessitates significant integration with the untransformed elements of the business. This is often a significant limiting factor, as this need for integration will limit the amount of real change that can be made. An organization taking this approach will likely have to go through many cycles of change for each extracted function or capability before the old organizational and technological constraints are eliminated (see Figure 1-5).

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Figure 1-5. Extract and enhance

What is it good for?

This approach is best suited for organizations that have very specific targeted areas in need of change rather than those that are looking for more widespread change because it will typically focus attention on one area of the business at a time.

What it’s not so good for

This is generally not a good approach for radical transformation because any change is fundamentally limited by the need to support ongoing business operations and integrate with the existing technology systems estate. Broad-scale organizational change is likely to be slow, and resistance to change within the untransformed elements of the business might create a “us versus them” culture.

Do it when…

Take this approach when you are looking for targeted change in specific elements of the organization.

Don’t do it when…

Don’t take this approach when you are looking for fundamental change in the overall organization.

Approach 6: Organizational Strangler

This is the most significant and impactful approach to change within an organization. It is an effective method of transforming every element of an organization while maintaining the same brand, people, and purpose. It is typically done in parallel with the business-as-usual services, and thus creates an incremental transformation approach in which new services, products, and capabilities are introduced but fit into the wider ecosystem. The strangler effectively creates a business within a business and seeks to draw in old service, products, and capabilities over time until none remain in the legacy space. This is the key differentiator between this approach and the “start again” approach—the change occurs within the organization and therefore is both limited and amplified by the organization’s characteristics.

What does it look like?

This approach will be highly prioritized within an organization because it will use many of the organization’s best people to get the work done. The strangler begins with a small cross-organizational piece of work and gains momentum as more data is collected and understood, so the number of people required to complete a transformation of this approach increases over time (see Figure 1-6).

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Figure 1-6. The organizational strangler

Usually, organizations will create different areas for these teams to work together, meaning there might be a new or transformation feel versus a legacy feel within the organization. Lastly, this approach requires some diligence at the beginning, so there is likely to be a phase in which discovery is undertaken to form an evolutionary view of the business and technical architecture, along with some adaptive planning to understand operational and user impact when the transformed capabilities are released over time.

What is it good for?

Cross-organizational agility

Because the strangler fundamentally targets entire propositions, all capabilities within the organization involved with delivering the service must become part of the transformation. This approach can introduce much higher levels of organizational agility and adaptability because of this.

Promoting systems thinking

This approach can work only where teams deliver an end-to-end capability. Operations, technology, users, channels, and everything else needed must be factored into thinking from the beginning.


As we start small and test something across the entire organization, we learn a lot more about how change affects the business and the approach to transformation than we do in an isolated change program. This approach scales with the data the program gathers, and so over time becomes very adaptive and robust.

What it’s not so good for

Hesitant or misaligned leadership

Because this is cross-organizational, the leadership must buy into this approach. They will be expected to support some key people from their areas being dedicated primarily to transformation over business as usual. This sounds like a sensible request on paper, but in the event of major operational incidents, the pressure will be on to remove those people from the program.

Harmonious culture

The organization will begin to break into the new and legacy factions. It will be obvious where the importance and investment lies from the new tools, support, focus, and facilities a transformation program will have to support it. This prevailing culture will try to quash the emerging culture. Although this can be mitigated, it is always a fine balance to walk and takes a lot of energy to tackle.

Do it when…

When organizational constraints can be managed by isolating areas of the business one by one, the leadership can make difficult calls and keep the various areas of the business allied to the program. This is very well suited to organizations looking to effect large-scale change while managing an operational business.

Don’t do it when…

Leadership is not completely bought into the approach—the strangler approach necessitates too much sponsorship to work without this.

Approach 7: Start All Over

This approach initially might seem extreme, but in the right situation, it’s actually very sensible. If an organization is barely surviving and is being attacked by long-standing competitors as well as startups, making changes to your organizational structure and delivery methodology is unlikely to have a big effect. If the organization has many legacy systems, relationships, processes, political baggage, or cultural toxicity, working within these constraints will limit any transformation that takes place within the organization.

In this situation, the sensible option is to start again. This approach is rarely taken by the established organization. Politically, it is rarely seen as a viable option because it means recognizing that the current organization is coming to its end of life. It takes a bold executive team to admit this, even among itself.

Crucially, unlike the organizational strangler, this change is effected outside of the existing organization completely and therefore has minimal factors from the existing environment that can influence the transformation.

What does it look like?

New premises. White labeling. Lots of outside help. New practices. New technology. Different culture. It’s an opportunity to start again, so expect the essence of what made the organization successful initially but with a new mindset and zero constraints (see Table 1-1).

What is it good for?


This is perfect for organizations that have lots of baggage—technical debt, process debt, and organizational debt that make it feel as though the organization is wading through molasses. Trying to effect change through transformation in any other way would be extremely difficult and time-consuming. Do this to move faster and deliver value.

What it’s not so good for

Continuous improvement

If the organization is delivering value to customers and simply wants to optimize this through changing technology, practice, or structure, starting again is not necessary.

Hesitant leadership

Starting again is not for the faint-hearted. This is not a suitable approach if your executive sponsorship is not invested completely. Start small and build data to prove the approach rather than using this as a jumping-off point for a transformation.

Do it when…

Organizational constraint would mean the investment in delivering change through any other transformation approach would significantly outweigh the potential value of the program.

Don’t do it when…

The leadership team does not support this approach. It needs executive sponsorship and active participation as a starting point and will not work without it.

Transformation Approaches to Avoid

You can execute the aforementioned approaches to transformation with a range of mindsets and strategies. They can, individually or in combination, amplify both positive and negative elements within a transformation. There are some key indicators that the execution of a transformation strategy will amplify the negative elements of the program. These “bad smells” are important to recognize and neutralize quickly!

The Checklist

Beware the checklist! This could be an actual checklist or a list of pre-agreed things that are hidden in plans and story walls. If you are doing something because the transformation program has committed to it or because it has appeared on program material, not because it is the right thing to do, you are checklisting.

Transformation mentality should welcome change and adapt to new data. Following a plan or list because you have one, not because it’s the right thing to do, is a warning sign that things have not really changed. Resist the false comfort of creating lists that will quickly become obsolete.

Headless Change

Leadership is vitally important to transformation programs, and it’s not just executive-level sponsorship that counts. Transformations need leadership that is present and accessible. If your leadership is asking for reports, has a chain of command, and is not visible around the office, chances are that they are not close enough to the program to really lead it effectively.

Organizations need leadership that can defend in times of doubt and adapt to changing circumstances quickly. Neither can be achieved if the leadership is distant from the program.

Outside Bias

Many organizations will seek outside support and expertise, no matter which type and approach of transformation they are undertaking. This is a sensible strategy to supplement both numbers and knowledge. However, too many contractors and consultants swarming onto one area can make existing teams and people feel threatened and out of control. A bias toward external people delivering transformation also does nothing for internal capability building. The people within the organization must experience the end-to-end process and do the difficult stuff as well—this is how we build organizational resilience.


Another fine balance that can have a significant impact on a transformation program is how we govern the program. Typically, a program of any significance will have a centralized capability to support shared learning, shield from outside influence, and course-correct toward the overall goals and vision. Central teams that push change to areas of the business will eventually undermine the transformation program’s effectiveness. To succeed, the transformation must successfully engage the people within an organization. To survive the initial investment and program, the people in the organization must see the value in what they are doing, and want to do it. It is highly unlikely that people will be inspired by a transformation that is done to them.

Installation (Before Experimentation)

Many organizations select a scaling framework because it helps articulate to the organization what an end state might look like in terms of process and organizational design. Selecting a scaling framework necessitates careful consideration of an organization’s characteristics, the characteristics of the various frameworks, the constraints within which it would operate, and how the organization adopts change.

Installing a framework into an organization too early on in a transformation program will detract from the main goal and vision of transformation. Like everything else, it is a tool that can help an organization become a better version of itself. However, it is unlikely this tool will be helpful without much investigation into what makes change successful within the organization and what the limiting factors of the organization are. Moreover, focusing on installing a framework tends to override the cultural changes and dictate the organizational structure prematurely.

Now we have established the “why” that determines the type of transformation, and considered the best approach to effecting change within the organization. The last remaining pattern to consider is leadership, or who is going to create the runway so you can land the change?

What ostensibly started as a digital transformation is, in fact, more of a delivery or technology transformation. Digital transformation is about finding ways of delivering existing services and products to customers via new channels. This necessitates taking what an organization currently offers and finding new ways customer can consume it through digital channels—at minimum an evolution and at best a revolution. Get Me There is an example of where services have been digitized with little or no change—in other words, a digital “lift and shift,” making visible the tensions between the current services and the services customers want.

Transformation Leadership

Leadership is the single most important factor in determining how far the impact of a transformation program can go.

Already considered are the transformation type and approach, defined by two factors:

  • The scope of the transformational vision—the why

  • The characteristics within which the transformation will be delivered—the how

The final pattern of transformation is the biggest limiting factor of all three. The simple truth is this: it is virtually impossible to sponsor transformation in an aspect of the business for which you are not responsible. Therefore, the leadership supporting the transformation program will limit the overall scope and success of a program no matter how compelling the vision and suitable the approach.

The leadership within an organization is like a fingerprint—it is unique to that environment and cannot be replicated elsewhere. However, there are some key roles and characteristics we can identify that can help organizations understand exactly how far their executive sponsorship can get the transformation.

Executive Leadership and Transformation Type

Organizations will form executive teams around the key capabilities required to ensure success. With so many organizations now evolving to embrace digital solutions and technologies at the core of the business strategy, it’s not surprising that we have seen the inclusion or creation of new roles at an executive level. The number of organizations employing a chief digital officer has increased from 7% in 2014 to 25% in 2017—this is a staggering change both in terms of volume and in changing the dynamic of executive teams. Other relatively new roles at this level include chief data officer (information as an enterprise asset), chief scientific officer (technology advisory across the enterprise), and chief product officer (product strategy across the enterprise). Moreover, the balance of power is moving around the executive table with 71% of CIOs stating their strategic influence within an enterprise has grown significantly over the past year.

In this environment of new roles and shifting power, what does the correlation of transformation type and executive sponsorship look like? Table 1-1 provides an overview of the kind of sponsorship required per transformation type.

Table 1-1. Sponsorship requirement by transformation type
Transformation type Executive sponsorship


Chief People Officer and C-level of any affected department




CTO or CIO and CPO


CDO or CTO, COO, and CPO


CEO and all other members of the executive

Organizational transformation

As this kind of transformation is primarily motivated by efficiencies, and therefore cost savings, it necessitates the approval of any C-level member whose departments are being affected. It’s often the case that even though organizational transformation requires approval from C-level sponsorship, the rest of the program is conducted in a fairly light-touch manner.

Technology transformation

This is a much more delineated change and necessitates any C-level sponsor who falls into the information or technology moniker (CIO/CTO) to lead, and broad alignment with the CDO and/or CSO if they exist within the enterprise. Potential sources of friction can occur where the CDO’s strategy is not aligned with the technology changes required in this transformation.

Delivery transformation

Here, we need sponsorship and leadership again from the CIO/CTO with at least buy-in if not full leadership from the CPO. This is to ensure that we can deliver “products” or items of value to customers. Again, the biggest source of friction will be any misalignment with a digital strategy.

Digital transformation

For this kind of transformation, we need much broader sponsorship from the executive team. We will require the technology leadership, product or digital leadership (potentially both if they coexist), and operational leadership. This is to support the new ways the organization will deliver value to customers (new channels, retiring products and channels, options for minimum viable product [MVP] delivery, etc.).

Business transformation

This requires the broadest buy-in from executive teams. This must be led by the CEO with full support from the rest of the executive. Only the CEO can represent a team that is looking to fundamentally challenge and change the business model of the organization. The CEO must work with the team to build a vision and support the organization to deliver toward it, but the CEO alone will be responsible for defending the work, obtaining the investment, and managing stakeholders at the highest level.

If your transformational vision exceeds the scope of your organizational authority, all is not lost. There is no linear path through transformation, and it is not always the executive leadership that starts this journey. This is where the approach can help build confidence and pave the way for the desired transformation type. In this case, beginning with some small hot spots of delivery transformation is perfect for demonstrating how changes might work at small scale, generating data, and testing out where the key challenges will lie.

The roles, and therefore the correlating type of transformation, are only half the picture. The characteristics of the executive leadership team can also be a limiting factor of the approach to transformation. The key role of the executive sponsorship team within the change program is to remove enterprise-level blockers and constraints. Without this, we cannot achieve significant change in the way organizations deliver value to customers. Therefore, the characteristics of the executive team will help determine the approach to transformation that is most realistic at any point in time. It is important to use feedback here because it might be possible to change the approach to transformation based on the data available to help leadership teams make better-informed decisions (see Figure 1-7).

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Figure 1-7. How leadership influences the transformation approach

Hostile and Reluctant Leadership

These kinds of leadership will generally amplify the negative characteristics of a transformation program and do not lend themselves well to change approaches that require more collaboration, courage, and confidence. Hostile leadership can manifest when some, but not all, of the executive team are on board with the transformation vision. The opposing leaders can cause friction at board level when faced with large-scale organizational changes like creating cross-functional teams, streamlining ongoing work, and making key hires.

Reluctant leadership can be rooted in a difference in views between the executive team but can also be found where the leadership feels the changes included in the transformation program are forced upon them. This can happen when external bodies recommend the adoption of new practices and tools rather than the need being generated internally. In this situation, leaders can feel like the change is being done to them—much like the effect an overly powerful central team might have on teams within a transformation program.

These characteristics lend themselves more to certain approaches that are less organizationally risky but have high complexity or lower potential for value. Boiling the ocean is often the starting point for organizations with reluctant or hostile leadership because no decision on a starting point, measures for success, or how to effect change can be reached. Hot spots can form when there is a desire for change but no executive sponsorship, or where the executive seeks data to inform future decisions. Interestingly, the extract-and-enhance approach is also selected by leadership lacking in confidence and commitment as a way of making a large digital change with minimal impact to business as usual or to take advantage of a new capability within the transformation timeline.

Committed and Extreme Leadership

Committed and extreme leadership will amplify more positive characteristic within a transformation program. Committed leaders are fully invested into the transformation and will do all reasonably in their power to remove organizational barriers and make the program work. Extreme leaders are the rare breed that will take the opportunity to really embrace the journey toward organizational adaptability and invest in their own self-development to better serve others in the organization. Both leadership types are needed for digital and business transformation.

Digital transformation requires a profound shift in how an organization is structured to deliver value to customers more effectively. It also necessitates breaking down the fourth wall between the business and the customer. This generally means a high degree of organizational flux during the program, which the leadership team must navigate through while keeping the business running.

Business transformation is even more extreme because it involves all of the above while fundamentally questioning the validity of the organization’s business model and propositions. This kind of leadership requires visioning, storytelling, defending, and exhibiting passion that few leaders possess.

Starting Your Own Enterprise Transformation

Understanding the three key transformation patterns and the relationship between them is a powerful tool for any organization considering transformation. There are combinations that will make the program more effective and efficient. As described shortly, certain types and approaches—for example, a digital transformation—will always need strong visionary and committed leadership. Others can begin to pave the way for change without such leadership, and form part of the overall strategy to engage the executive team.

Some approaches are excellent, but for short-term goals and as part of a wider strategy, approaches such as hot spots can be great ways of gaining data and confidence, but rarely join up to cohesively transform an entire organization.

Mentality is the overriding factor across the three key patterns. Be honest, be brave, and select a starting point that is representative of the need and conditions within the organization. Inspect and adapt the environment and move between approaches where necessary to move the organization further toward its goals.

Transformation is just a tool that should help an organization become a better version of itself. It should never be considered the end point or a goal in and of itself. Transformation is only meaningful in the context of a clear and well-articulated narrative and vision. Because of this, measuring progress through a transformation program will never be the same as measuring how successful the transformation actually is.

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Figure 1-8. Essential patterns for shaping organizational transformation

Recognizing patterns in transformation will make the process of reaching organizational goals easier, but the journey will still be long and challenging. The aim must not be to become an organization that is good at transformation; rather, you should look to become an organization that is adaptive, flexible, and able to move quickly and deliver value to customers. A transformation program might be a necessary first step in this journey, but the adaptive mindset it leaves behind is what ensures enduring success.

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