

defined, 1

equation, 13


external users of, 56

internal users of, 45

systems, 2

organizations and society, role in, 2

principles, generally accepted, 89

Accounts receivable, 7374

budgets, Hopping Helga, 9394

turnover and days, 6162

Accrued expense timing differences, 4345

Accrued revenue, 4243

Accrued taxes, 96

Actual return, 131

After-tax income

in CVP analysis, 105

targets achieving, Splash Enterprises, 116

Aging schedules, 94, 96

Annual percentage rates, 98

Annual rates of return, 123

Annual Statement Studies, 52

Asset turnover, 55


current, 1516, 40, 59

noncurrent, 1618

return on, 5456

Audits and assurance, 910

Balance sheet

Fashions by Soges, 48

forecasting, 7378

Hopping Helga, 9798

and timing differences, 46

Weston, 1315

assets, 1518

liabilities, 1820

shareholders’ equity, 2022

Breakeven point, 106

Splash Enterprises

beyond, 110111

in Dollars, 109, 115

in units, 108109

Budgeting inventory for manufacturing companies, 95

Budgets. See specific budgets

Buildings, fixtures, and equipment (BFE) amounts, 75

Capital budgeting

and long-term forecasting techniques, 119

process, 120

general assumptions, formulating, 122

incremental cash flow forecasts, preparing, 122123

incremental income forecasts, preparing, 122

initial capital investment cost, determination of, 120121

payback period, net present value and internal rate of return, compute and interpreting, 123

Satka Manufacturing case, 124

general assumptions, 124126

incremental cash flow forecasts, 127

incremental income forecasts, 126127

initial investment cost, 124

net present value and internal rate of return, 129132

payback period, 127129

time-value of money, 123124

nonfinancial issues, 132133

Capital expenditures budgets, 97

Capital investments, 119

Cash, 78

poor, 6466

Cash budgets, 88

Hopping Helga, 9697

Cash flow, 129

operating, 81, 83

statement of. See Statement of cash flow

timing differences in, 3536

Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), 910

Common stock, 2021, 77

Computer system, Hometown Hardware, 70

Contribution format, 104

Contribution margin per unit, 106107

Corporate charter, obtaining, 21

Corporate financial statements

balance sheet, 1315

assets, 1518

liabilities, 1820

shareholders’ equity, 2022

cash flows statement, 2930

from financing activities, 3233

from investing activities, 3132

from operating activities, 3031

income statement, 2223

expenses, 2427

revenue, 2324

retained earnings statement, 2729

Cost behaviors, 102103. See also specific costs

Cost drivers, 101, 105

Cost of goods sold, 26, 75, 81, 95, 103

Cost structure, 93, 101

Cost–volume–profit (CVP) relationships, 101102

cost behaviors, 102103

graph, 105107

income statements, 103105

in multiple product environment, 113

in single product environment, 108

Splash Enterprises, 112114

after-tax income targets achieving, 116

breakeven point, 108111, 115

operating income targets, achieving, 115116

sales mix percentages, managing, 116117

taxes, 111112

Creditors, 6

Current assets, 1516, 59

Current liabilities, 59

Current ratio, 60

Debt financing, 55, 57

activities, 32, 82

Debt-to-assets percentage, 5758

Decision making, 1, 19, 87

Deferred expense timing differences, 3839

fixed asset investment deferrals, 4142

inventory acquisition deferrals, 4041

prepaid expense deferrals, 3940

Deferred revenue timing differences, 3638

Department of Defense, 124

Depreciable fixed assets, 75

Depreciation, 18

expense, 25, 80, 127

Direct method, 31, 7879

Discount rate, 129, 130

Discounted present value, 129130

Dun & Bradstreet, Inc., 52

Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT), 58

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA), 58

Earnings per share (EPS), 27, 49

Earnings statements or statements of operations, 7

Equity, 8

financing activities, 32, 82

return on, 5354

shareholders’, 2022

Hopping Helga, 99100

Estimated residual (salvage) value, 18

Excel’s present value function, 130

Expenses, 2427

External users of accounting information

creditors, 6

investors, 5

Fair market values, 17

Fashions by Soges, 4851

liquidity, 5964

profit rich but cash poor, 6466

profitability, 5156

solvency, 5659

Federal Trade Commission, 5

Financial accounting, 2

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), 8

Financial assets, 60

Financial forecasting. See Long-term financial forecasting

Financial leverage, degree of, 57

Financial management systems, 23

Financial position statements, 13

Financial reporting, 2

Financial statement

corporate. See Corporate financial statements

forecasts, 70

general purpose, 7

integration, 2728


audits and assurance, 910

governmental intervention, 10

timing differences

accrued expense, 4445

fixed asset investment deferrals, 4042

Financial statement analysis, 47

Fashions by Soges, 4851

liquidity, 5964

profit rich but cash poor, 6466

profitability, 5156

solvency, 5659

Financing activities, cash flow from, 3233, 8283

Financing budgets, Hopping Helga, 92

Fixed amounts, 93

Fixed asset

depreciable, 75

investment deferrals, 4142

Fixed cost, 102103

General assumptions

formulating, 122

Satka Manufacturing, 124126

General ledger software, 3

General purpose financial statements, 7

Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), 89, 17, 103104

Governmental intervention, in financial statements, 10

Graph, cost–volume–profit relationships, 105107

Gross profit, 26, 104

percentage, 52

Historical cost convention, 17

Hometown Hardware, 6971


assessment of, 8384

balance sheets, 7378

income statements, 7172

statements of cash flow, 7883

Hopping Helga, 8890

accounts receivable budgets, 9394

balance sheet budgets, 9798

cash budgets, 9697

financing budgets, 92

income statement budgets, 9293

inventory budgets, 9495

sales budgets, 9091

Selling, General, & Administrative expense budgets, 91

shareholders’ equity, 99100

taxes payable budgets, 96

total assets, 9899

total liabilities, 99

trade payables budgets, 9596

Income statement, 103105

budgets, Hopping Helga, 9293

Fashions by Soges, 49

forecasting, 7172

Weston, 2223

expenses, 2427

revenue, 2324

Income tax rate, 125126

Incremental cash flow, 123


preparing, 122123

Satka Manufacturing, 127

Incremental fixed costs, 126

Incremental income forecasts

preparing, 122

Satka Manufacturing, 126127

Incremental net income, 127

Incremental variable costs, 125

Indirect method, 31, 7879, 122

Initial capital investment cost

determination of, 120121

Satka Manufacturing, 124

Initial public offerings (IPOs), 21

Inpatient-days, 101

Intangible assets, 41

Interest coverage ratio. See Times interest earned

Internal rate of return (IRR), 120

compute and interpreting, 123

Satka Manufacturing, 129132

Internal Revenue Service, 5

International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), 8

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), 8


acquisition deferrals, 4041

amounts, 74

budgets, Hopping Helga, 9495

purchases, 82

turnover and days, 6263

Investing activities, cash flow from, 3132, 82

Investors. See Shareholders

Key Business Ratios, 52

Labor hours, 101

Land amounts, 74

Lenders. See Creditors

Liabilities, 1819

current, 19, 59

noncurrent, 20

Lifeblood of survival, 31

Line of credit, 89

Liquidity, 5964

current assets in order of, 16

Long-term financial forecasting

Hometown Hardware, 6971

assessment of forecasts, 8384

forecasted balance sheets, 7378

forecasted income statements, 7172

forecasted statements of cash flow, 7883

overview of, 6768

Long-term notes payable, 7677

Long-term support, of cash-generating activities, 17

Machine hours, 101

Managerial accounting, 2

internal users of accounting information, 45

Margin of safety, 111

Matching principle, 25

McNamer Enterprises, 69

Mixed cost, 102

Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) method, 125126

Monetary terms, 15

Money, time-value of, 123124

National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ), 6

Net cash flows, 127

Net income, 27, 55

percentage, 53

projections, 127

Net present value (NPV), 120

compute and interpreting, 123

Satka Manufacturing, 129132

Net realizable value (NRV), 16

Net sales. See Revenue

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 6

Noncash assets, 78

Noncash expense, 80

Noncurrent assets, 1618, 32

Nonfinancial issues, Satka Manufacturing, 132133

Operating activities, 78

cash flows from, 3031, 8082, 83

Operating budgets, 8788

Hopping Helga, 8890

accounts receivable budgets, 9394

balance sheet budgets, 9798

cash budgets, 9697

financing budgets, 92

income statement budgets, 9293

inventory budgets, 9495

sales budgets, 9091

Selling, General, & Administrative expense budgets, 91

shareholders’ equity, 99100

taxes payable budgets, 96

total assets, 9899

total liabilities, 99

trade payables budgets, 9596

Operating cycle, 15, 64

Operating expenses, 91, 104

Operating income, 54, 104

percentage, 55

targets, achieving, Splash Enterprises, 115116

Operating leverage, 93

Operating loss, 111

Original acquisition costs, 17

Paid-in capital, 2021

Par value, 21

Passenger miles flown, 101

Payback period, 120

compute and interpreting, 123

Satka Manufacturing, 127129

Period costs, 26

Preferred stock, 21

Prepaid advertising, 39

Prepaid expenses, 39

deferrals, 3940

Price–earnings ratio, 4950

Product costs, 26


generated, 30

rich, 6466

Profitability, 5156, 65

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), 10

Public relations materials, 7

Public Utilities Commission, 5

Publicly owned corporations, reporting requirements of, 68

Quality of sales, 116

Quick ratio, 6061

Rate of return, 129

Reasonable return, 120

Results of operations, 30

Retained earnings, 22, 3738, 7778

Fashions by Soges, 49

statement, Weston, 2729

Return on assets, 5456

Return on equity, 5354

Revenue, 2324

Robert Morris Associates, 52

Sales budgets, Hopping Helga, 9091

Sales mix percentages, 113

managing, Splash Enterprises, 116117

Sarbanes–Oxley Act (SOX), 10

Satka Manufacturing, 124

general assumptions, 124126

incremental cash flow forecasts, 127

incremental income forecasts, 126127

initial investment cost, 124

net present value and internal rate of return, 129132

payback period, 127129

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 6

Selling, General, & Administrative (SG&A) expense budgets, 26, 71, 89, 91

Selling price per unit, 106

Semivariable cost, 102

Shareholders, 5


Hopping Helga, 99100

paid-in capital, 2021

retained earnings, 22

of McNamer Enterprises, 69

ownership, 20

Short-term forecasting. See Operating budgets

Social Security Administration, 5

Solvency, 5659, 65

Splash Enterprises, 112114

after-tax income targets achieving, 116

breakeven point

beyond, 110111

in Dollars, 109, 115

in units, 108109

operating income targets, achieving, 115116

sales mix percentages, managing, 116117

taxes, 111112

Statement of cash flow, 2930, 88

Fashions by Soges, 4950

forecasting, 7883

Hometown Hardware

from financing activities, 8283

from investing activities, 82

from operating activities, 8082

Weston, 15

from financing activities, 3233

from investing activities, 3132

from operating activities, 3031

Statement of comprehensive income, 7, 27

Statement of shareholders’ equity, 7

Statements of financial position, 7

Tangible noncurrent assets, 17

Target operating income, sales volume required for, 107


payable budgets, Hopping Helga, 96

Splash Enterprises, 111112

10-K report, 7

10-Q report, 7

Threshold of materiality, 19

Time-value of money, 123124

Times interest earned, 5859

Timing differences, 57, 66

accrued expense, 4345

accrued revenue, 4243

balance sheet and, 46

deferred expense, 3839

fixed asset investment deferrals, 4142

inventory acquisition deferrals, 4041

prepaid expense deferrals, 3940

deferred revenue, 3638

involving cash flows and income measurement, 3536

Total assets, Hopping Helga, 9899

Total contribution margin, 104

Total cost, 106

Total fixed cost, 105

Total liabilities, Hopping Helga, 99

Total sales revenue, 106

Trade payables, 7576

budgets, Hopping Helga, 9596

turnover and days, 6364


accounts receivable, 6162

inventory, 6263

measures, 6566

trade payable, 6364

Unearned revenue, 37

Unearned ticket revenue, 37

Variable cost, 102103

income statements, 104

Weighted-average contribution margin (WACM), 114

Weighted-average contribution margin percentage (WACM%), 114

Weighted-average selling price (WASP), 114

Weston Corporation, 1314

Weston financial statements. See Corporate financial statements

Working capital, 119

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