
This book was a labor of love that would not have been possible without the constant support and feedback of Karyn Johnson and Stephen Nathans-Kelly.

Various colleagues gave us support, read our drafts, and lent us the benefit of their knowledge including David Basulto, Evelyn Seubert, Prash Akkapeddi, David Erbach, Roy Unger, Guido Santi, Tina Mascara, Robert Brock, Jeff Sobel, Lori Witt, Tim David, Stace Carter, and Doug Blush.

We would like to thank all of those who contributed additional photos and illustrations, including Mario Castro, Andrea Dietrich, Mitchell Lazear, ASCAP, Aaton Cohen-Sitt at Jungle Software, Perry Goldstein at MXL Audio, Polo Muñoz at the Latino International Film Institute, Simon Maskell at, Sennheiser Electronic Corporation, Avid Technologies Inc., and Apple Inc.

Original illustrations by Juan Romero.

Additional photo editing by Sarah Roseland.

Antonio’s Acknowledgments

For my students, past, present, and future.

I would like to thank Maria L. Hussain for her support through the process of writing this book and throughout my entire life.

To my dear and darling Sarah, your talent in photography helped make the pages of this book look almost as lovely as you are. Your love and support have made me a better teacher, writer, and person.

Thanks to my teammates at the New Media Academy at Hollywood High School for all the support and for showing me what a teacher is supposed to be like, especially George Benainous, Dr. Elizabeth Cohen, Paul DeBonis, Carolyn Fagan, Jorge Maldonado, Ali Nezu, Alvaro Rodarte, and Talma Shultz, Ph.D.

I could not possibly forego thanking my mentor and junior high-school video production teacher, James Gleason. James has not only been a model for me as an educator but also a helpful colleague, a close friend, and a father figure. Thank you, James. Because of you, I’ve learned, I’ve taught, and I will continue to teach others.

Tom’s Acknowledgments

I would like to thank a few of the teachers who have inspired me: first, at Regis High School, John Loose and Fr. Louis Garaventa; at HB Studios, Bill Hickey and Uta Hagen; at Fordham University, Fr. Quentin Lauer and B. Rodney Marriott; and at U.S.C.’s School of Cinematic Arts, David Weber, Mark Harris, Ted Post, and Frank Daniel. I would also like to thank my students at Roosevelt and Bernstein high schools who have taught me so much and pushed me to keep learning.

I want to thank my family: my father, Thomas McCluskey Sr., who took me to see Taxi Driver and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest as a kid and instilled in me a love of movies; my mother, Joan McCluskey; my sister, Patricia McCluskey; my uncle, James O’Malley; my mother-in-law, Barbara Goldberg, whose babysitting support let me write; and my beautiful wife, Lauren Goldberg McCluskey, without whose love and support this book could never have happened.

For Lia.

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