9/11 4, 45

activism 135

Adams, Eddie 20

Addario, Lynsey 117118

“administrative evil” 91

advertising: cartoons 78; Lange interview 142149; public relations 5657, 5961

advocacy documentaries 3839, 134137

Ahva, L. 49

alternative facts 106109

amateur photography see citizen journalism

analysis see Systematic Ethical Analysis

animal rights 142149

Appelbaum, Y. 60

Arab Spring 106

archaeology 63, 6667

Aristippus 9

Aristotle 9, 57; see also golden mean


art movements 67

audio editing 123

augmented reality (AR) 9495, 96

authenticity: image manipulation 4, 26; TARES 53, 54, 145146

awards: cartoons 74; citizen journalism 4246; Özbilici, Burham 132; public service announcements 59

Bahadur, N. 61

Bailenson, Jeremy 127

Baker, Sherry 53

Bakker, P. 113

balanced reporting 34; see also false balance

Bass, Saul 55, 6869

Batson, Dan 125126

Bayard, Hippolyte 19

Beck, Richard 128

Ben‐Hur 8586

Benetton 57

Bennett, Dashiell 27

Bentham, Jeremy 10

Berners‐Lee, Tim 105

Best Gore website 89

bias: false balance 1113; objectivity 37

bioethics 91

Bloom, Paul 128

Bock, M. A. 28, 49

Bok, Sissela 7, 10

BP oil spill 5960

Brady, Matthew 1920

Brennen, B. 28

Brignull, H. 91

Browne, Malcolm 20

Bush, George W., President 5859

bystander photography 44, 47; see also citizen journalism

Cailliau, Tim 105

Cairo, Alberto 76

calligraphy 65

Capa, Robert 20

Carson, David 68

cartoons 7375; annotated sources 8182; case studies 8081; and ethics 7780

Cassidy, Arthur, Dr. 111

categorical imperative 910; awards 46; elections 2016 case study 13; infographics 77; online media 89; violent images 111; visual reporting 1819

cave paintings 6667

Cellan‐Jones, R. 112

censorship 8687, 89

Chamber, T. 49

Chapnick, Howard 41

character traits 3334

Charlie Hebdo incident 79

charts 7677; see also infographics

Cheng, I. 61

citizen journalism: annotated sources 4950; awards 4246; case studies 4849; credibility 4147; interviews 137142; professionalism 47; technology 27, 46; see also social media

Clinton, Hilary, election campaign 1115, 108

CLIO Awards 59

clothing: advertising 56, 57; intellectual property rights 67

Cochran, Wendell 115116

Coleman, C. A. 61

Coleman, S. 49

Collins, Floyd 107

Collins, Jim, interview 137142

colors, infographics 7677

comment section, online news 110

communications: email 104105; internet 105; social media 103, 105106

computers 88

conflict see violent images

Confucius 9, 41

conspiracy theories 107108

Constantine, G. 3839

context manipulation 4

copyright see intellectual property rights

covert journalism 38

Crandell, Ben 43

creative alternatives 10, 14

credibility, citizen journalism 4147

credible alternatives 10, 14

Culver, Kathleen 9899

Cummins, R.G. 49

Cushman, C. 81

Czarny, M.J. 91

daguerreotype process 19

data visualization see infographics

de la Peña, Nonny 80, 97, 9899, 101, 127

Diageo 81

diCorcia, Philip‐Lorca 2223

documentaries: advocacy 3839, 134137; case studies of objectivity 3739; objectivity 3437

Dove’s public relations 6061

Dwyer, A. 112

EA (Electronic Arts) 126

Eastman, George 22

Ebert, Roger 9798

editing: annotated sources 123; awards 46; case studies 121122; challenges and choices 115121; citizen journalism 139140; context manipulation 4; empathy 127128; subject manipulation 4, 2427; Walgren interview 153158; see also image manipulation

egoless editing 158

Eichmann, Adolf 9091

Eisenstaedt, Alfred 27

Eisner, Will 74

elections 2016, USA case study 1115, 2324, 90

email 104105

empathy 9798, 125128, 159164

equity, TARES 54, 55, 147148

ethics overview 26; see also values

Ethics Unwrapped website 6

Facebook: Arab Spring 106; communications tool 103; “Thai man” video 119; violent images 111

facts of the case 78, 1112

Fairey, Shepard 67

fake news 106109

false balance 1113

fax machines 104

films: audience suitability 84, 8587; documentaries 3439, 134137; empathy 126; objectivity 3437; rating system 86

Firmstone, J. 49

first aid 116117

Flynn, Michael, Lt. General 108

Fox News 34

Frances, Tim 119120

Fredriksson, M. 61

free speech 8687, 89

Freeman, C. 3839

Gajewski, M. 91

Galella, Ron 23

games see video games

Gap, stereotyping 6

Gardner, Alexander 24

Gardner, E. 70

gender: advertising 6162; misogynistic games 9596

Giner, Juan Antonio 76

Glaser, Milton 68, 69

golden mean 9; censorship 8687; editing 115116, 120121; elections 2016 case study 14; intellectual property rights 69; violent images 111; visual reporting 133

golden rule 8; elections 2016 case study 14; news comment section 110; violent images 88, 111

González, Elián 115116

Google Cardboard 96, 99, 100

Google Earth 94

Google Glass 96

Google VR 95

graphic design, intellectual property rights 6669, 7071

graphs 7677; see also infographics

Gulf of Mexico, oil spill 5960

Gutenberg, Johannes 6465, 67

Hardy, Arnold 43

Hare, Jimmy 20

Harris, Jonathan 7677

Hartouni, V. 9091

Hawking, Stephen 35

Hawkins, Trip 126

Hearst, William Randolph 20, 42

hedonism 9; advertising stereotypes 56; cartoons 78; credibility 4142; elections 2016 case study 1314; image manipulation 26; infographics 75; loyalties 6466; sensationalization 88

Heller, Steven 6566

Hellman, M. 49

Hennessy, Rachel 128

high‐dynamic range (HDR) 2627

Hill, Sarah, interview 149153

Hille, S. 113

Hiltzik, Michael 41

historical context: cartoons 7374; communications technology 103104, 105; infographics 73; privacy rights 22; visual reporting 1920, 133

Hoefler, Jonathan 68

Hoffman, M.C. 91

Holliday, George 4445

HoloLens 96

Hoover, Herbert 103104, 107

Houle, David 104

HTC Vive 95

human relationships: citizen journalism 46; empathy 126, 127128; interpreting visual media 28; loyalties 6466

Hume, David 35

Hurricane Katrina 48, 58

image manipulation 4; case studies 121123; visual reporting 2427; World Press Photo Competition 121122; see also editing

immersive storytelling 97, 101, 127, 128; see also virtual reality

infographics 7375; case studies 81; and ethics 7577; Orlando nightclub incident 119

infotoons 75, 80

intellectual property rights: annotated sources 7071; case studies 6970; graphic design 6768; logos 68, 6970; philosophy 69; typography 6366, 67, 71

International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) 54

internet: ethics 89, 91; historical context 105; online media 84, 8890, 91

Irby, Kenny, interview 159164

Itzkoff, J. 8081

Jarecke, Kenneth 20

Johansson, B. 61

Kant, Immanuel 910; see also categorical imperative

Kardashian, Khloe 70

Katz, Stephen 134137

Kennerly, David Hume 163

Kent, Tom 98

Kienzler, Donna 77

King, Rodney case 45

Kovach, Bill 46

Kramer, Stella 20

Kristine, L. 39

Kurtz, Adam J. 68

Lambeth, Ed 54

Lange, Dorothea 22

Lange, Lisa, interview 142149

LaRue, Bob 42, 44

Lee, S. T. 61

legal context: cartoon representation 79; censorship 8687, 89; obscenity 89; privacy 34, 2224

Lego 81

Lester, P. M. 2829

Lezter, Rafi 122

live broadcasting 87

logos, intellectual property rights 68, 6970

Long, John 2627

Lorenzini, C. 101

loyalties 8, 6466, 68

Lugrin, J. 101

Lyons, Sara M. 68

Macauley, David 80

MacDougall, Curtis 120

Madden, Matt 80

Mäenpää, J. 29

Mallonee, Laura 108109

Marcinkowski, Paul 73

Mark, Mary Ellen 26

Martinson, David L. 53

Massie, Christopher 120

McCurry, Steve 122

media convergence 28

media industry: citizen journalism 41; ethics 12

media professionals: character traits 3334; public relations 6162; role‐related responsibilities 8, 13, 116117; Systematic Ethical Analysis 1011, 14; TARES Test 5356

Meyer, Philip 3536

Microsoft’s Comic Sans 66

Mill, John Stuart 10


Mitchell, A. 112

mixed reality (MR) see augmented reality

Mlodinow, Leonard 35

modeling, and advertising 56, 61

Moore, Michael 3738

moral agents 8

moral panic 100101

morality, distinction from ethics 2

Morris, Errol 66

Motion Picture Association of America 86

motion pictures see films

movies see films

Muflahi, Abdullah 45

Murtha, J. 8182

Mythen, G. 4950

National Communication Association (NCA) 54

Nazi trials 9091

news reporting: citizen journalism 4149, 140141; comment section 110; fake news 106110; online media 8889; social media 112, 113, 140141; television 87, 88, 112; virtual reality 9798, 99, 101

newspaper industry 7475

Newton, Julianne 35

Nini, Paul 69, 7071

non‐professional reporting see citizen journalism

nudity 157; see also porn media

Nussbaum, Martha 128

objectivity: advocacy 134135, 136137; annotated sources 3839; case studies 28, 29; documentaries 3437; documentaries case studies 3739; editing 116; meaning of 3234

obscenity law 89

Oculus Rift 93, 95

oil spill, Gulf of Mexico 5960

Olshwanger, Ron 4344

online ethics 89, 91

online media 84, 8890, 91

Orlando nightclub incident 7980, 119

Orta, Ramsey 45

Oxford, virtual reality 9394

Oza, Nick, interview 134137

Özbilici, Burham 131, 132

Page, J. T. 61

Paik, Nam June 74, 75

paparazzi 23

Paquin, Denis, interview 131134

Paulussen, S. 113

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) 142149

Pepsi, public relations 60

permission to publish 118119

personal ethical choices 86, 121, 157158

persuasion 45; advertising 57; social media 103104

philosophy: elections 2016 case study 1314; infographics 77; Systematic Ethical Analysis 810; see also categorical imperative; golden mean; golden rule; hedonism; utilitarianism; veil of ignorance

photo ops: decision‐making 116117; public relations 5759; when to publish 118119

Photoshop, image manipulation 2526

plagiarism, image manipulation 26

Plaisance, Patrick Lee 3334

PlayStation VR 95

police actions, citizen journalism 4546, 4849

politicians: cartoons 7879; elections 2016 USA case study 1115, 2324; public relations 5759

Polk Awards 46

porn media 9596, 156157

Porter, Charles 4243, 44

post‐traumatic stress disorder 99100

Potter, Ralph B., Jr. 7

Potter’s Box 7

PowerPoint 81, 82

Priestley, Joseph 10

privacy rights 34, 2224

professionalism: citizen journalism 47; medical dramas 91

professionals see media professionals

public relations 5253; advertising 5657, 5961; annotated sources 6162; case studies 5961; Lange interview 142149; manipulations 5759; TARES Test 5356, 59; Twitter 112

Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) 54

public service announcements (PSAs) 59

Pulitzer, Joseph 42

Pulitzer Prize: cartoons 79; credibility 4244; victims of violence 2021

radio editing 123

radio hoaxes 107

Radio Television Digital News Association 123

Rawls, John 10, 125; see also veil of ignorance

Raymond, A.H. 113

reality reality (RR) 93

reciprocity 8

Reed, Arthur 45

relationships see human relationships

representation: cartoons 79, 82; documentaries 34; empathy 125126, 164; infographics 76; intellectual property rights 67; see also objectivity

respect, TARES 5354, 55, 146147

retail advertising 56, 57

retweeting 112

Rifkin, Jeremy 126

rights see animal rights; privacy rights

Robertson, M. 70

Robison, W. 82

role‐related responsibilities (RRRs) 8, 13, 116117

Roosevelt, Franklin, President 58

Rose, G. 39

Rosenthal, Joe 24

Rothstein, Arthur 24

Royce, Lydia 122

Rubens, P. 82

Sagmeister, Stefan 73

Saliba, Emmanuelle, interview 137142

Salkowitz, R. 111112

Samsung Gear VR 95

Santana, Feidin 45

Schau, Virginia 43

Scheer, Robert 131132

Schultz, E. J. 81

Scott, C. 100101

Scott, Walter shooting 45

screen size 86

screened media 8486; annotated sources 91; case studies 9091; computers 88; editing 123; empathy 126; online media 8890; television 8788; see also films

search engines 91

self‐examination 162163

sensationalization 88

sexual media 9596, 156157

shock advertising 56, 57

The Simpsons (cartoon) 78

Simpson, O. J. 26, 36, 79

Skau, Drew 7677

Skewes, Elizabeth A. 3334

smartphones, violent images 8990

Smythe, Stuart 68

social media: annotated sources 112113; case studies 111112; citizen journalism 41, 140141; as communication tool 103, 105106; editing 119; fake news 106110; false balance 12; intellectual property rights 70; news reporting 113; violent images 110111

social responsibility, TARES 54, 5556, 148149; see also editing

Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) 33, 54

Sofia, Izza 6768

Solomon, Jon 85

Solórzano, F. 90

South Park (cartoon) 78, 8081

Spayd, L. 1112

spot news 116117

staging: public relations 5759; subject manipulation 2425

stakeholders 8, 13

Stampler, L. 61

stereotyping 56; cartoons 78; public relations 5657

storylines, awards 46

storytelling in VR 97, 101, 127, 128, 150153

Strock, George 20

subject manipulation 4, 2427

suicide: privacy 4; “Thai man” video 119

Sullivan, Margaret 99

surveillance cameras 89

Syrian conflict 48, 106, 131

Systematic Ethical Analysis (SEA) 611; case studies 1115, 168173; ten steps of 710, 166167

TARES Test 5356, 59, 142143

Tarrant, Jeff 150151

Taylor, Harriet 10

technical writing, cartoons for 82

technology: citizen journalism 27, 46; communications 103105; computers 88; films 8587; online media 8890; screened media 84; social media 103; television 8788; virtual reality 93, 99, 150151

television 8788, 112

terrorism: 9/11 4, 45; cartoons 7879; Orlando nightclub incident 7980

text messaging 110

“Thai man” video 119

tourism in VR 94, 9697

toys 78, 81

trespassing case study 38

Trump, Donald: election campaign 1115, 90; fake news 106; public relations 59; Twitter 109, 111112

truth: cartoons 79; case studies 28; objectivity 3334, 35; TARES Test 53, 54, 143145; see also fake news

Tufte, Edward 7576, 77, 82

Twitter: Arab Spring 106; ethics in public relations 112; Trump, Donald 109, 111112; violent images 110111

TypeRight 71

typography, intellectual property rights 6366, 67, 71

United States: elections 2016 1115, 2324, 90; fake news 106107; privacy rights 2224; public relations 5859

user‐generated content 138142; see also citizen journalism

Ut, Nick 2021

utilitarianism 10; elections 2016 case study 13; intellectual property rights 68; visual reporting 19, 132133

values: character traits 3334; Potter’s Box 7; Systematic Ethical Analysis 8, 1314; TARES Test 5356, 59

veil of ignorance 10; elections 2016 case study 14; empathy 125, 127, 128; equity 55; infographics 77; public relations 59

victims of violence 3, 1922; see also violent images

video games: empathy 126; misogyny 9596; violence in 78, 88; virtual reality 95

violent images 3; editing 119121, 155156; empathy 163164; non‐professional reporting 27; online media 8890; screen size 86; screened media 85, 8688; social media 110111; victims of violence 3, 1922; video games 88; virtual reality 9596, 99; war photographs 117118

virtual reality (VR) 93101; empathy 127128; Hill interview 149153; Orlando nightclub incident 7980

visual literacy 158

visual reporting 1819; annotated sources 2829; areas of concern 36; case studies 2728; image manipulation 2427; Paquin interview 131134; privacy rights 2224; subject manipulation 2427; victims of violence 1922; see also editing

Walgren, Judith, interview 153158

war photography: citizen journalism 42, 46, 48; editing 117118; empathy 163; image manipulation 24, 26; Nazi trials 9091; Syrian conflict 48, 106, 131; visual reporting 1921, 2829, 131, 133; see also violent images

war tourism 27

Warner, J. 5960

Watercutter, A. 60

web‐based media 84, 8890, 91

web ethics 89, 91

wedding photography 122

Welles, Orson 107, 108

Westervelt, Amy 96

Wikipedia 48

Woodbury, M. 91

World Press Association 25

World Press Photo Competition 121122

“The Yellow Kid” (cartoon) 42, 78

Zapruder, Abraham 44

Zara 67

Zayer, L. T. 61

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