Time for action – the fault and termination handlers

Open the BPEL process that was used in the Time for action – adding scopes section and follow the ensuing steps:

  1. Initially, the <invoke> activity looks like the following screenshot:
    Time for action – the fault and termination handlers
  2. Click on the following icon of the <scope> activity and create a fault handler with a <catch> construct:
    Time for action – the fault and termination handlers
  3. The <scope> activity looks as follows:
    Time for action – the fault and termination handlers
  4. The remaining task is to define the error handling logic. It can be any logic as we explained in Chapter 6, Fault Handling and Signaling.

What just happened?

In this section, we discuss the inner structure of the <scope> activity. We discuss defining local variables, partner links, handlers, and so on.

We can specify <partnerLinks>, <messageExchanges>, <variables>, <correlationSets>, <faultHandlers>, <compensationHandler>, <terminationHandler>, and <eventHandlers> locally for the scope, as shown in the following code. All are optional.

        <!-- Local partner links definition -->
        <!-- Local message exchanges -->
        <!-- Local variables -->
        <!-- Local correlation sets -->
        <!-- Fault handlers local to scope. -->
        <!-- Local compensation handlers.-->
        <!-- Local termination handler. -->
        <!-- Local event handlers. -->


Inner structure of a scope is similar to an overall BPEL process definition. However, there are several differences, as follows:

  • A <process> construct cannot contain <process> as it is not an activity. However, the <scope> can.
  • A compensation handler and a termination handler can only be defined for a <scope> construct, not for a <process> construct.
  • <scope> supports concurrent access to its shared resources such as variables and correlation sets. However, the <process> construct has no such support. We explain about this in the Isolated scopes section.

Based on the defined local variables, partner links, and so on, the behavior of the activities is defined within the scope changes, so we can say a <scope> activity provides behavioral contexts for the enclosed activities.

Let's realize what we discussed with an example scope activity with an inline fault handler. This sample was introduced in the Inline fault handling section in Chapter 6, Fault Handling and Signaling. The primary activity of the scope is <invoke> and the faults generated within the <invoke> activity are handled by the inline fault handler. The primary activity of a <scope> activity can be either a behavioral activity such as <invoke> or a structural activity such as <sequence>, <scope>, and <flow>, as shown in the following code:

<!-- Synchronously invoke the Book Warehousing Web Service -->
<scope name="BookWarehousingInvoke">
        <from expression="false()"/>
        <to variable="WarehousingServicePartnerLink_OutputVariable" />" part="warehouseSuccessed"/>
    <invoke partnerLink="WarehousingServicePartnerLink" 
  outputVariable="WarehousingServicePartnerLink_OutputVariable" />

If the enclosed primary activity of the <scope> activity is a structured activity such as <sequence> or <scope>, it can have many child activities and the depth of the tree is arbitrary.

The variables defined within <scope> are only visible to the enclosed activities. So, there can be multiple variables with the same name but in different scopes that are not enclosed with each other. This rule is applied for any resource such as partner links and correlation sets.

When it comes to handlers, such as fault handler, it handles the faults generated from all the enclosed activities. The faults that are not caught by the inline fault handler are thrown to the enclosing <scope> or <process> activity.

Similar to fault handlers, compensation handlers, event handlers, termination handlers, and so on, can be defined within the <scope> activity. In the next section, we will introduce those handlers. Also the event handling and compensation handling are discussed in detail as separate chapters (Chapter 10, Events and Event Handlers, and Chapter 11, Compensations).


There are four types of handlers that can be installed within a <scope> activity. They are as follows:

  • Fault handler
  • Event handler
  • Compensation handler
  • Termination handlers

Out of these four, the fault handler and event handler can be immediately enclosed within a <process> activity as well. However, the compensation handler and termination handler is not allowed to be installed within a <process> activity.

A fault handler

We discussed the fault handler in Chapter 6, Fault Handling and Signaling, in detail. We discussed how to signal faults and handle faults within the <scope> activity:

<!-- Synchronously invoke the Book Warehousing Web Service -->
<scope name="BookWarehousingInvoke">
  <!—Fault Handling Logic--> 
  <invoke … />

An event handler

As a fault handler is triggered by a signaled fault, an event handler is triggered when the corresponding event occurs. Those events are twofold. An event can be generated due to an incoming message that corresponds to a WSDL operation, or they can be due to a user-defined alarm. An alarm can be configured to fire at a specific point in time or after a specific amount of time period. Also, an alarm can be configured to repeatedly trigger each time the duration period expires, as shown in the following code:

<scope name="bookWareHousingProcess" >   
      <!-- Alarm triggers when a message that correspond to a WSDL operation-->
      <onEvent partnerLink="QueryServiceClientPartnerLink"
         operation="searchOperationStatus" ...>
      <!-- Alarm triggers after one hour-->	

We will discuss event handlers in detail in Chapter 10, Events and Event Handlers.

A compensation handler

When an error occurs, some of the work already done has to be undone. The compensation handler comes into play in such scenarios. We discuss compensation handlers in detail in Chapter 11, Compensations. The following code is an example:

      <!--Undo logic-->
      <invoke name="withdrawSubmition" ... />
   <invoke name="submit" ... />

A termination handler

A scope can be terminated forcefully when the scope or process enclosing it has faulted or the <forEach> activity, that enclosing a scope, can also forcefully terminate it. In such a scenario, the termination handler supports a customized termination behavior such as sending a notification to its client or garbage cleanup, as follows:

      <!-- termination logic -->
      <!-- business logic -->

Isolated scopes

In the preceding sections, we introduced the functionality of the <scope> activity. We discussed how to define local variables, partner links, handlers, and so on. Also, we mentioned that the activities enclosed within a <scope> activity can access the shared variables, partner links, and so on, which are defined in a parent <scope> activity or in the global level. There can be scenarios that involve several <scope> activities that concurrently access the shared global variables, partner links, and so on. In such situations, there should be some concurrency control to avoid conflicting situations due to concurrent accesses.

WS-BPEL 2.0 defines the concept of isolated scopes, which supports concurrency control over shared global variables, partner links, and dependency links. In this section, we are going to discuss concurrency control feature in the <scope> activity. Isolated scopes ensure that the results of each <scope> activity are equal if the conflicting activities on shared resources are reordered in any possible sequence.

There will be no conflict states in the BPEL process due to concurrent access of shared resources by isolated scopes. The semantics of isolated scopes are similar to the isolation level called serializable, which is the highest isolation level in the concurrency control.

Let's learn how to define an isolated scope. There is only one attribute named isolated to configure an isolated scope. Consider the following example, where two <scope> activities within a <flow> activity access the same global variable called global:

<process ...>
      <variable name="global" element="..." />
      <scope name="S1" isolated="yes">
            <invoke ... outputVariable="global" />
      <scope name="S2" isolated="yes">
                  <to variable="global" />

Have a go hero – restructuring a BPEL process into scopes

Now, you have an idea on how the <scope> activities can be used in BPEL processes and how to use a fault handler and a termination handler within a <scope> activity.

In this section, you should restructure the complete book warehousing process and add relevant fault handlers to each external web service invocation taking place.

Pop quiz

Q1. Find the correct sentences regarding the isolated scopes.

  1. An isolated scope can enclose isolated scopes.
  2. An isolated scope cannot access the resources defined within the global level.
  3. Executional semantics of an isolated scope and nonisolated scope become similar if both of them do not access variables, partner links, and dependency links outside of the scope.

Q2. What are the handlers that are only allowed within a <scope> activity?

  1. <faultHandler>
  2. <compensationHandler>
  3. <eventHandler>
  4. <terminationHandler>

Q3. What constructs are not allowed within a <scope> activity?

  1. <sequence>
  2. <import>
  3. <extensions>
  4. <variables>

Q4. Select the possible local variable declarations out of the following:

  1. A scope can have a local variable that has a same name and same type as a variable in a parent scope.
  2. A scope can have a local variable that has a same name but different type as a variable in a parent scope.
  3. A scope can have a local variable that has a different name and same type as a variable in a parent scope.
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