

Aberdeen Research

activities. See whiteboard activities

Adams, Scott

Adobe Acrobat

See also slide presentation software

alternative and assumptive closes

“always be closing” (ABC)

Are We a Fit? Qualification and Discovery Whiteboards

attention spans

audiences, for testing

audiences, whiteboard


Baldwin, Alec

battle cards, for messaging

Bell, Brian

best practices. See whiteboard presentation best practices

Bic four-color ballpoint pens

body language

Bulwer-Lytton, Edward

Buscemi, Steve

Business Case Whiteboards

next steps and actions for
when to use

Buying Criteria Solution Whiteboards



certification, whiteboard

cheat sheets, for messaging

Christoff, Kalina

CleanCool technology

Closing Whiteboards

next steps and actions for
when to use

communication, slides and

competitive differentiators

competitive documents, for messaging

Competitive Whiteboards

Competitive Retrofit— Buying Criteria Whiteboards
Cost/Risk to Value Whiteboards
examples of
Four-Quadrant Typical Approach Whiteboards
next steps and actions for
types of
when to use

computers, invention of

confidentiality, risks to


controlled studies

Cool Road Trucking case study

in Are We a Fit? Qualification and Discovery Whiteboards
in Buying Criteria Solution Whiteboards
in Closing Whiteboards
in Competitive Retrofit Whiteboards
in Competitive Whiteboards for
in Cost/Risk to Value Whiteboards
in Day-in-the-Life Level Solution Whiteboards
key references and case studies
in Level Set Wheel Solution Whiteboards
in Mountain Solution Whiteboards
success of
unique company capabilities of
whiteboard content elements
in Why Change Whiteboards

Corporate Visions, Inc.


earning with customers
slides as harmful to

CRM integration

customer engagement

communication and slides
information processing and attention spans
pens vs. slide presentation software
presentation stance and body language for

customer stories

customization, problems with


Day-in-the-Life Level Solution Whiteboards

Dead Zone

“death by PowerPoint”

design. See whiteboard design process

Diamond Pitch

digital papers

Discovery Whiteboards. See Qualification and Discovery Whiteboards

discussion frameworks. See stories and storytelling

Don't Waste My Time Qualification Whiteboards


education. See sales training and education

Einstein, Albert

e-learning. See online learning; sales training and education

electronic slides. See slide presentation software

Emeril (chef)

enablement. See field enablement options

evangelists and thought leaders

eye contact


field enablement options

Large-Scale Whiteboard Symposium Case Study
new hire training
online and e-learning for
Regional Symposium Approach
remote symposiums
Whiteboard Symposium approach

field personnel


Flip Video

flow and flexibility, as sales method

foils, presentation

Food-All-Right/Foody's Fresh Foods. See Cool Road Trucking case study

Forrester Research, x

Four-Quadrant Time and Knowledge Qualification Whiteboards

Four-Quadrant Typical Approach Whiteboards

FridgeRoad magazine

full life cycle services capability


Garber, Angela

Gaskins, Robert

Glengarry Glen Ross (film)

Google searches

for confidential information
for “death by PowerPoint”

grabber statements


Harvard Graphics



information processing

attention spans and sensory channels
story formats and

interaction points


key performance indicators (KPIs)


for preparing designs
slides for sales training in
in Whiteboard Symposium Approach

knowledge ownership

sales cycle shortening and
subject matter expertise for sales
whiteboard certification for


Lagasse, Emeril

Lasseter, John

Learning Management Systems (LMSs)

Level Set Wheel Solution Whiteboards

listening, to customers

lizard brain


lunch whiteboards


markers. See pens and markers

marketing managers and staff

self-assessment for slide addiction
whiteboard preparation guidelines for
for working teams

McCarthy, Ted

message inventories

information sources for
whiteboard preparation guidelines for


mirror neurons

Mountain Solution Whiteboards


names, whiteboard

nationwide networks

New York Times

next steps, for sales


objection reframes

Old Brain

online learning

confidentiality risks in
digital papers and
e-learning videos and modules
paths and methods for
web conferencing software

open-ended questions

overhead projectors


packaging. See whiteboard packaging

Papershow software

Paradi, David

PDF files


pens and markers

as engaging and interactive vs. computers
as lighter load vs. slides
pen-enabled systems vs. slides
“power of the pen” concept
presentation prep and choosing

Pens Quick Access Toolbar (QAT)

Peters, Tom

playbooks, for messaging

points of contact

post-training web surveys


as competitive weapon vs. whiteboards
corporate focus on
“death by PowerPoint”
laziness in presentations and
productivity drain and negative impact of
static nature of vs. interaction
when to use vs. whiteboards
for whiteboard packaging
See also slide presentation software

preparation and preparedness

PowerPoint and lack of
practice and repetition for
slides and projectors, problems for
for whiteboard design process
whiteboard presentation best practices

primal brain

product management staff

product/solution messaging

Progressive Disclosure


proof points

customer stories for
key questions to ask and
for whiteboard content


Qualification and Discovery Whiteboards

Are We a Fit? Qualification and Discovery Whiteboards
Don't Waste My Time Qualification Whiteboards
Four-Quadrant Time and Knowledge Qualification Whiteboards
next steps and actions for
situational fluency in
when to use

quantitative metrics

for Business Case Whiteboards
measuring success

Quick Access Toolbar (QAT)


Ramachandran, V. S.

remote whiteboarding

Richelieu; Or the Conspiracy (Bulwer-Lytton)

RideCold Ratings

role-play-based learning

Rowland, Steve


Sales Benchmark Index

sales cycles

lengthened by slide presentation software
shortened by having knowledge ownership
shortened by using whiteboards

sales enablement teams

sales managers and leaders

as audience for testing
self-assessment for slide addiction
whiteboard preparation guidelines for
for working teams

sales process and selling

“always be closing” (ABC)
Dead Zone in
five sales disciplines
next steps, importance of knowing
slides as harmful to
when to use whiteboards in
See also visual selling

sales tools, for messaging

sales training and education

e-learning videos and modules
new hire training
online learning
post-training web surveys for
role of slides in
whiteboard lunch-and-learns

self-assessment test, slide addiction

sensory channels

Singer, B. Seymour

situational fluency

in Are We a Fit? Whiteboards
for Solution Whiteboards
whiteboard content elements and
in Whiteboard Symposium Approach

slide presentation software

confidentiality risks using
corporate focus on
“death by PowerPoint”
electronic slides vs.
invention of
laziness in presentations and
pre-slide presentation software methods vs.
productivity drain and negative aspects of
projectors vs.
sales cycles lengthened by
for sales training
self-assessment for addiction to
static nature of vs. interaction
when to use vs. whiteboards

slide projectors

software and computers

personal computer, invention of
Quick Access Toolbar (QAT)
web conferencing software
See also PowerPoint; slide presentation software

Solution Whiteboards

Buying Criteria Solution Whiteboards
Day-in-the-Life Level Solution Whiteboards
delivered in person vs. remote
design guidelines for
Level Set Wheel Whiteboards
messaging content for
Mountain Solution Whiteboards
next steps and actions for
situational fluency and
when to use

Status Quo Disruption Whiteboards

See also Why Change Whiteboards

stories and storytelling

from customers for proof
discussion frameworks and stories
flow and flexibility in
power and benefits of
speed and pacing in
story design skills, importance of
in whiteboarding vs. slides

storyboards, for messaging

success, measuring

symposium approaches


teams. See working teams

telephone conversations, whiteboards for

TempTrust technology

testing whiteboards

third parties

for testing whiteboards
working team templates for

Thomas, Christopher

time management

topics, choosing

training. See sales training and education


trial sales closes

trusted partners, for testing

“typical approaches”



activity recording self
for e-learning and enablement
recording for whiteboard packaging

visual selling

power of the pen and
whiteboarding for
whiteboard vs. visual thinking in
without whiteboarding or slides


Wall Street Journal

Wall Why Change Whiteboards

web-based surveys

web conferencing software

Weinschenk, Susan

whiteboard activities

Are We a Fit? Qualification Whiteboards
Business Case Whiteboards
Buying Criteria Solution Whiteboards
Closing Whiteboards
company capabilities list
Competitive Whiteboards
Cost/Risk to Value Whiteboards
Day-in-the-Life Level Solution Whiteboards
design and color
first whiteboard initiatives
Level Set Wheel Whiteboards
Mountain Solution Whiteboards
packaging whiteboards
testing whiteboards
videos for presenting
Why Change Whiteboards
working teams, forming

whiteboard case studies. See Cool Road Trucking

whiteboard certification

whiteboard content elements

as confidential information
examples of
flow of the visual story and
interaction points
for message inventories

whiteboard design process

colors, using
formalizing designs
message inventories and content for
naming whiteboards
preparing for
storyboards vs. whiteboards
story design skills, importance of
topics, choosing

whiteboard enablement. See field enablement options

whiteboard packaging

key questions to ask
objection reframes, adding
professional visuals, creating
into sales tools
whiteboard video recording

whiteboard presentation best practices

engagement and body language
lunch whiteboards
pens and markers
practice and repetition
preparation and preparedness
remote whiteboarding
silence, avoiding
speed and pacing
stance and position
time management
web conferencing

whiteboards, building

message inventories, taking
packaging whiteboards
topics, choosing
whiteboard designs, formalizing
working teams, forming

Whiteboard Symposium enablement option

whiteboard types

Business Case Whiteboards
Closing Whiteboards
Competitive Whiteboards
Qualification and Discovery Whiteboards
Solution Whiteboards
Status Quo Disruption Whiteboards
when to use
Why Change Whiteboards

Why Change Whiteboards

Are We a Fit? Whiteboards vs.
Closing Whiteboards for
next steps and actions for
The Wall Why Change Whiteboards


working teams, forming

working team templates

company/solution key messages
competitive focus
delivered by roles
high-level market trends and themes
key references and case studies
target complete date
third party recognition
whiteboard audience
whiteboard names

Wright, Orville

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