Acceptance, 274

Achievements, 244245


vs. caution, 79

daily steps, 10

vs. fear, 77

and observation, 154

selection of, 27

Addictions, 52, 83. See also Feel-Good Addiction

Advancement, 221

Advice, reactions to, 140142


about, 107109

investing in, 122123

in management, 124125

and odd couples, 127128

stretching to achieve, 116, 130131

tools for, 120122

Agility breaks, 118119

Alcott, Louisa May, 18, 71

All Things Considered, 60

Alonso, Alice, 23, 32, 62

Analysis paralysis, 55

Angkor Wat, 123124

Attention to detail, 9899

Automation of processes and systems, 252253

Avatar, 145


Bad habits, 156

Bad ideas, 9091

Balance, 31

Baldwin, Faith, 167

Bannister, Roger, 15

Barriers, as gate to new perspectives, 110

Bed tea, 267

Beethoven, 6263

Behavior, change of, 157

Bejar, Hada, 281

Belief in self, 14, 16

Big Things, 12, 80, 8485, 87, 90, 103104, 226, 301

bin Laden, Osama, 271

Blanche's agility, 132133

Borg, Anita, 19

Brain clutter, 5354

Brainstorming, 11, 6263, 145, 156

Breaking rules, 118

Breathing meditation, 92

Brevity, 160

Brown, Christy, 195

Budgets, 11, 230

Burdens, 295

Butcher, Susan, 194, 200

Butler, Frank, 194

Butterflies, 205206


Cameron, James, 145

Camp Buck-Up, 9798

“Can do” vs. “should do,” 74

Career change, 79

Career transformation, 2

Caution vs. action, 79

Celebrations, 280281

Certainty vs. mystery, 5758

Certified Legal Nurse Consultants, 117, 179


of change, 111

from differences, 119120

Change, 16, 277

challenge of, 111

courage for, 110


dancing through, 5758

trust through, 5657

Chödrön, Pema, 95

Choice(s), 220

and engagement, 74

menu of, 4749

Chris's genius, 165166

Circle of fusion, 290, 293297, 304, 305

Cirque du Soleil, 99100

Client relationships, 239

Clinton, Hillary, 175


mental, 5354

physical, 5152

social media, 51

toxic, 271

Collaboration, 13, 136137

Colvin, Geoffrey, 151


to dreams, 7

and passion, 9

to passionate level, 73

to self, 170

Commitment queens, 100101

Commodity companies, 245246

Complainers and complaining, 183185

Complaining, 184, 219

Complexities, elimination of, 158

Confidence, 15

Confidence, loss of, 75

Connections, 249250

Consensus, 142

Consultants, 231

Conventional wisdom, 145

Corporate formula, 220221

Courage for change, 110

Credit collapse, 8

Criticism, 270

Curiosity vs. fear, 111113

Current interests, 2526

Customer service

airline industry, 242243

Apple, 243244

excellent, 41, 241242

unsatisfactory, 241

Cyberspace, 85, 162


da Vinci, Leonardo, 45, 47

Dancing through chaos, 5758

Death, 9

Delany, Sarah, 259

Desire expression, 303

Detachment, 272

Details, 9899

DeVito, Danny, 141

Diana, Princess, 271

Dieting, 148150

Differences, challenges from, 119120

Digital footprint, 186

Dirty laundry, 186

Discomforts, 204205

Dissenting viewpoints, 142143

Distractions, 83

Diversity, 125

Douglas, Emily Taft, 258

Downsizing, 11

Dreams, commitment to, 7

Dune (Herbert), 75

Dynamic vs. static existence, 123124


Early interests, 24

Early work experience, 45

Eating habits, 263, 264

Ederle, Gertrude, 194, 200

Edison, Thomas, 150, 190

Einstein, Albert, 16, 45, 46, 47, 62, 145, 154155

Emotional energy, 268275

Emotional intelligence, 193195

Emotional needs, 235


about, 191192

building, 209211

energy for, 208209

examples of, 193194

and fire, 206208

and persistence, 195197

strategies for building, 209211

Endurance dance, 192193

Engagement, 306307

and choice, 74

of fears, 7577

Enjoying the moment, 273


about, 217218

financial control for, 228230

foundation of, 223228

shaping, 226

stability, 225226

strategic life plan for, 223227

vision for, 224

Entertaining, 27

Entrepreneurial formula, 222223

Everyday responsibilities, 27

Evie's fire, 4142

Exercise habits, 264

Exhaustion, 7374

Expectations, 203

Experience and failure, 139140

Experts, reliance on, 144146


Facebook, 32, 51, 53, 83, 89, 90, 108, 126, 156157, 178, 186, 222, 244, 281


and experience, 139140

and success, 66

Faith, 15

Fear, 17

acknowledgment of, 76

vs. action, 77

vs. curiosity, 111113

engagement of, 7577

and lack of enterprise, 218219

and worry, 11

Feel-good addiction, 8284, 86

Female fusion. See Fusion

Feminine forces, 1718

Finishing, 201

Fire. See Passion

Firing employee, 9697, 180

5 promises

agility, 130131

on endurance, 212213

engaging to achieve big things, 103104

of enterprise, 255256

fire, 3940

fusion activation, 311312

on genius intensification, 163164

on integrity, 187188

of intuitive vision, 6869

of life energy renewal, 284285

passion, 3940

of vision, 6869

Fixed viewpoints, 113114, 115

Flexibility, 108

Flying high, 7880

Focus, 9196, 199202

Foolishness, challenges from, 120

Frankl, Viktor, 168

Free products, 238

Froman, Jane, 200

Fuller, Margaret, 135

Fun, 4, 203205, 230, 262, 274, 303

Fusion. See also Circle of fusion

about, 289290

activation of, 302304

and endurance, 291292

energy unleashed, 307308

first female, 290293

format for, 301302

fun with, 309310

invitation for, 300

with professional colleagues, 309

as protective caprock, 297298

purpose, 301

requirements for, 298299

sparking, 306307

value of, 298


Gatekeepers, 231232

Gaudio, Bob, 118

Genius and hard work, 150151

Gere, Richard, 61

Gift with purchase (GWP), 136, 238

Going all in, 4950

Gossip, 182183

Gossip buddy, 183

Graham, Stedman, 57, 110

Gratitude, 273

Gray matter, 13, 135

Group therapy, 148150

Groupthink, 147

Growth, 116117

Guarantees, 4950, 245246


Habits, 264265

Happiness, 24, 269270

Hard work and genius, 150151

Herbert, Frank, 75

Herd mentality, 147

Heroin, 114

Himalayas, 20, 203, 273

Ho Chi Minh City, 5657

Holocaust victims, 168

Hoodoos, 297

Housework, 101

Hypnagogic imagery, 6364


Icebergs, 228


vs. knowledge, 4547

and silence, 5154

Imperfection, 8082

Incremental payoffs, 198199

Independence, 146

Individual passion, 3132

Inner fire, 24, 262

Inner teacher, 147


about, 167168

accountability to, 177

at all levels, 169170

breach of, 168169

consensus about, 172176

and corporate culture, 179

economic value of, 169

public view of, 186

standing up for, 170171

when alone, 177179

Integrity victims, 180181

Intelligence, kinds of, 135

Intensity, 272

Interruptions, 8889

Interruptions policy, 88

Intimate companions, 270

Intuition, 43

as cognition on steroids, 45

trusting, 44

Intuitive vision, defined, 44


Jackson, Michael, 271

Jan's integrity, 189190

Jersey contract, 118

Job dissatisfaction, 12

Just say no, 101102, 263


Kagan, Daryn, 3031

Kennedy, Rose, 191

Kirungi, Rosebell, 194, 200

Knight, Margaret, 46, 47

Knowledge vs. imagination, 4547


Larsen, Miriam Viola, 43

Leadership, 232

Learning from others, 1314

Learning styles, 13

Legal nurse consulting, 144, 147

Ledger, Heath, 271

Leigh's engagement, 104105

Less is more, 159160

Leveraging successful people, 138139

Lindsay's renewal, 286287

Listening, 161

Listening to opposing viewpoints, 142143

Living passionately, 2429, 3238

Loans, 229

Lombardi, Vince, 152

Longevity, 191

Loser culture, 148150

Lost passion, 27


Maggie's vision, 7071

Management theories, 125

Mandalas, 109

Manipulation, 181182

Market, understanding of, 236237


about, 233239

to existing clients, 238239

foundation for, 237

needs fulfillment, 234235

Marketing strategies, 237

Martha's enterprise, 257258

Meditation, 9195

Memories, 239244, 279

Memory, improvement of, 161162

Mental junk food, 277

Mental practice, 6162

Mental repetition, 201202

Mentoring, 140141, 281282

Mentors, 14, 17, 153

Mindfulness, 64

Mind-success connection, 5657, 62

Mistakes, 8081, 140, 236

Molchanova, Natalia, 116

Momentum, safeguarding, 91

Momentum engagement, 8591

Momentum time, 8789

Moses, Phoebe Ann, 193

Moving with stillness, 154155

Music, 269

My Left Foot (Brown), 195

Mystery vs. certainty, 5758


National Alliance of Certified Legal Nurse Consultants, 45

National Public Radio, 5860

Natural state, 111

Nature and wildlife, 269

Needs, methods to fill, 235236

Needs fulfillment, 234235

Negative attitude, 114115

Negotiating, 246248

asking in, 247

bullying in, 248

detached appearance while, 247248

with the person, not company, 248

Networking, 237

selectivity when, 250

vs. socializing, 251

New Orleans, 2, 4, 9, 20, 127, 133, 160161, 172, 274, 278, 280, 281, 282

New perspectives, 110

New York Times, 5, 98, 313

No pain, no gain experience, 205

Note-taking, 161162

Nurturing and renewal of your spirit, 275276


Oakley, Annie, 193, 200

Observation, 154

Obstacles, 157

Off the record speech, 248

O'Keefe, Georgia, 289

Old comforts, 128129

One big thing at a time, 8491

One step at a time approach, 10

Optimists, 99

Orchids, 125126

Overcommitment, 74, 176

Overpromising, 176177


Pace, 197198

Pain, 191, 206

Pain vs. suffering, 9495


about, 1920

and commitment, 9

commitment to, 30, 34

defined, 34

individual, 3132

maintaining, 3637

practice of, 33

and purpose, 24

reality about, 2829

relationships and, 36

self definition, 31

and success, 2122

and talent, 23

time and opportunity for, 36

Passionate drive, 2224

Passionate faith, difficulties of, 2931

Passionate life

living and working, 47

and skydiving, 79

Patterns, breaking, 155156

Pay cuts, 11

Payoffs, 23, 218, 220

Perfectionism, 5455

escape from, 82

and perfectionists, 80

Performance, 233

Perpetual lists, 253

Persistence, 195197

Personal promises, 303304

Personnel framework, 230233

Perspective, 9

Pessimism, 99

Practice with form, 152

Preparation, 207

Problem analysis, 157158

Problem solving steps, 253, 254

Processes and systems, automation of, 252253

Procrastination, 54

Profit, 228

Promises, 176177

Public vs. private discussions, 186

Purpose and passion, 24


Queen Latifah, 133


Rationalism, 55

Reagan, Ronald, 271

Recession, 6, 8, 9, 11, 17, 222

Recharging, 208209, 261, 276

Referral letters, 249250

Referrals while connecting, 249250

Relationships, 221, 239, 249

maintenance of, 125127

passion and, 36

with vendors, 171

Relaxed manner

All Things Considered interview, 6061

NPR interview, 5860

Sydell interview, 5860


about, 259260

celebration to intensify, 278279

of emotional energy, 267275

of energy with people you love, 279281

formula for, 262

by giving back, 281282

goals and strategies, 261, 282

of mental energy, 276277

of physical energy, 263266

planning for, 261263

strategies for total, 282283

of yourself, 260263

Repetition, mental, 201202

Responsibility, owning up to, 179180

Restrictions, 99100

Risk taking, 296

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 106, 183

Routines, 118

Rowling, J. K., 46, 47

Rozen, S. J., 190

Rudolph, Wilma Glodean, 193, 200

Running on empty, 197198


Saigon, 5657

Self discipline, 142

Self-analysis, 151, 152, 153

Selflessness, 281282

Self-perception, 6162

Self-promotion, 244245

Self-reliance, 146

Shaking things up, 109114

Sheehy, Gail, 83

Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 215

Silence and imagination, 5154

Simplicity, 158159

Skydiving, 7678, 79

Sleep habits, 264

Slumdog Millionaire, 63

Soccer moms, 231

Social media, 51, 73, 8687, 156157, 281

Spark, 35, 38, 39

Speaking voice, 160161

Speech Management, 160

Speed, 253

Speed of activity, 6465

Spiritual discipline, 276

Spiritual energy renewal, 275276

Stamina, 191

Starbucks, 156, 183, 197, 239, 244, 271

Stepping out, 8, 7678, 79

Stories of women changed forever, 293297

Strategic life plan

for enterprise, 223227

form for, 227

Strategic plan, 224

Streeter, Tanya, 116

Subcontractors, 231


and behavior, 231232

defined, 50

elements of, 1214

encore to, 6566

and failure, 66

learning from, 66

of next vision, 6667

and passion, 2122

and showing up, 33, 105

Success apartheid, 139

Success percentage, 81

Sucking up, 143144

Support teams, 78

Susan's endurance, 214215

Swayze, Patrick, 271

Swoopes, Sheryl, 81

Sydell, Laura, 5860

Systems, 252253



and passion, 23

value of, 151153

Talent Is Overrated (Colvin), 151

Teaching, 5

Technology, 90, 108, 110

Television, 8586

Thatcher, Margaret, 73

Theresa, Mother, 218

Thompson, Dorothy, 166

Thu, Thi, 3132

Timidity, 5051

Titanic, 59, 228

Toxic clutter, 271

Traditions, 279

Traffic lights, 56

Transformation, 205

Transgressions, forgiving, 178179

Travel, 9, 20, 29, 206207

Trust through chaos, 5657


Uncertainty, 50, 77

Underpricing, 245246


Vacations, 7, 20, 268, 269

Validation, 296

Valli, Frankie, 118

Vélib, 115

Venture capital, 229

Vickie's fusion, 313314

Virtual vacation, 269


and passion, 6566

success of next, 6667

Visions, 6364

Visualization, 6162


War of the Roses, 141

Weed pulling, 8990

Whacking, 9196

What's right vs. what's easy, 9697

Whitchorn, Katherine, 217

White matter, 13, 135

Wicked success, personal nature of, 34

Wildebeest, 218220

Wine tasting memories, 240

Winfrey, Oprah, 287

Women changed by circle of fusion, 293297

Women's intuition, 43

Work ethics, 177179

Writing, 6263

Written goals, 35


Zazen session, 93

Zipcar, 115

Zuckerberg, Mark, 156157

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