
In the beginning, Emergenetics started as a tool that helped people decipher how they thought and behaved. It brought scientific objectivity to a most perplexing challenge: human behavior. People have characteristics that emerge from their life experiences, as well as factors that are hardwired by their genetics. The Emergenetics system introduced a simple, but not simplistic, framework that showed people how they naturally used their mental energies and how they presented themselves to the world. The Emergenetics Profile could be used by everyone to understand not only themselves but also their colleagues.

Since that time, we have seen Emergenetics evolve into a complete, scalable driver of positive change and systemic culture. The Profile still shows individuals how to prize their talents, but we also have learned so much more about helping people flex their attributes so they can perform in a well-rounded way and meet others with different preferences where they are. In addition, we have become more sophisticated at valuing and leveraging the talents of all employees in the workplace. We found out that anything can be interpreted by using an Emergenetics Profile, from brainstorming all aspects of a new project to buying a new home.

This book is written to help guide all levels of an organization to create a positive and productive working environment. When we stopped to look at our own offices and our own corporate climate, we realized that we had instinctively used Emergenetics priorities to guide our decisions, whether we were determining what colors to paint our walls or how to infuse our work, and our workplace, with our core values. In short, we had Emergineered our own organization.

Emergineering is the process of taking goals – such as building trust, preparing for the future, spurring innovation, and energizing workplace culture – and making sure every aspect of each goal reflects Emergenetics concepts. This results in a corporate climate that values and supports the most important asset of any organization: its people.

We use Emergineering to align an organization's culture and increase efficiency and productivity while fostering a climate of positivity and collaboration. The principles in this book are the culmination of over 25 years of research, data, and experience from our work with our clients as well as from our own growth. The seven principles in this book represent the best practices of Emergenetics, putting our concepts to their highest and best use.

Most organizations exist in a continuous process of transformation. Emergineering represents a company-wide approach to providing a consistent language to help people and teams work more effectively. This customizable process can fully support the vision and strategic goals of any business. Emergineering brings objectivity to difficult and subjective topics. An unwavering goal is to provide an environment in which individuals feel appreciated, heard, and unafraid. Ultimately, when people are happy in their jobs and believe their input contributes to the greater good of the company, the corporate culture becomes a key driver of business results!

Morgan Browning


Emergenetics International

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