

  • 4k UHD (Ultra High Definition) video quality, 214
  • 180-degree rule, 229
  • 360-degree video, 233
  • 1080p HD (High Definition) video quality, 214


  • A/B testing, 105–106
  • ABC News, 154
  • About tab (for YouTube channels), 254–255
    • auditing and updating text, 294
  • accessibility, 208
  • account persons, 236
  • acquisition
    • Acquisition report (Google Analytics), 314
    • cost per acquisition, 87–88
  • activities marketing dimensions, 36–37
  • actors, professional, 227
  • ad break spaces, 66
  • ad groups, 123–125
    • Ad group details report, 304
    • Ad group report, 303
    • analytics, 124
    • creating, 115, 124–125
    • general discussion, 115, 123
    • pausing, 124
  • ad recall, 102
  • Ad report, 303
  • ad sequencing
    • brand awareness and reach campaigns, 121
    • overview, 118
    • product and brand consideration campaigns, 119
  • Adobe Photoshop, 60, 141
  • Adobe Premiere Pro CC, 231
  • AdSense, 263, 289
  • advertising
    • advertisers, 11
    • advertising agencies, 236–237
    • advertising platform, defined, 10
    • defined, 10
    • harnessing power of, 13
    • lean in vs. lean back content, 163–164
    • media budget, 29–30
    • sponsors, 11
    • that feels like content, 10–11
    • YouTube Masthead, 21
  • advertising creative, 93–107
    • essentials for, 96–99
    • guidelines for, 100–104
      • clear branding, 103
      • connecting with viewers, 103–104
      • getting attention, 100–102
      • specific directions, 104
    • neglecting to make, 340
    • testing, 105–107
    • YouTube vs. TV, 93–96
      • commonalities, 94
      • differences, 94
      • story arc of TV spots, 94–95
      • story arc of YouTube ads, 95–96
  • advertising formats, 59–74
    • bumper ads, 66–68
    • deprecated, 59–60
    • display ads, 60–61
    • forced vs. unforced, 60
    • goals of, 59
    • Google Display Network, 70–71
    • Google Preferred, 69–70
    • image ads, 61–62
    • midroll ads, 66
    • nonskippable video ads, 65–66
    • overview, 59–71
    • skippable video ads, 62–65
    • testing, 105
    • YouTube Masthead, 68–69
  • advertising policies, 71–74
    • editorial and technical quality standards, 74
    • prohibited content, 72, 160
    • prohibited practices, 72–73
    • restricted content, 73–74
  • advertising strategy, 75–92
    • marketing messages, 75–76
    • micro-moments framework, 76–81
      • want-to-buy moments, 80
      • want-to-do moments, 79
      • want-to-go moments, 80–81
      • want-to-know moments, 78
    • paid media, 81–84
      • buying through auctions, 88–90
      • buying through media agencies, 83–84
      • buying through reserves, 90–91
      • buying yourself, 82–83
      • pricing models for, 84–88
    • scheduling campaigns, 91–92
  • advocacy
    • advocates, defined, 25–26
    • content strategy for, 26, 317, 323
    • Geico example, 26
    • incentive techniques, 26
    • sharing metric, 331
  • affinity audiences
    • Audience report, 304
    • defined, 129
    • reserve-bought media, 91
  • affinity targeting, 115–116, 319
  • algorithm for content discoverability, 207
  • Alvarez, Brian Jordan, 155
  • always-on videos and campaigns
    • hero videos, 194
    • mapping video to marketing calendar, 196
    • overview, 92
    • pulsing approach, 92
  • analysts, 236
  • animators, 146
  • annotations, 280
  • Annotations report, 331
  • Apple iPhone 6S, 214
  • art directors, 237
  • ask-me-anything videos, 159
  • ASMRTheChew YouTube channel, 180
  • aspiration, 100
  • The Atlantic, 100
  • attention span, 66, 102, 150
  • auction-bought media, 88–89
    • altering bidding and budgets, 320
    • always-on videos and campaigns, 92
    • cons of, 89
    • defined, 88
    • innovation of, 90
    • pros of, 89
    • reserve-bought media vs., 90–91
  • audience, 35–56
    • affinity audiences, 91, 129, 304
    • Audience report, 304
    • Audience retention report, 326–327
    • brand purpose and, 175
    • defining, 35–37
    • describing in brief, 32
    • determining, 35–37
    • of educational videos, 149
    • of entertainment videos, 165
    • forgetting about, 8
    • growing, 332–333
    • in-market audiences, 115, 129, 319
    • insights, 37–56
      • development approach, 40
      • Dove Campaign for Real Beauty example, 39–40
      • Four C Framework, 40–44
      • overview, 38–39
      • resources for, 44–56
    • long-tail, 195
    • selecting for campaigns, 128–129
    • signals of intent, 24
    • targeting interests in content, 205–206
    • targeting new audiences, 318–319
  • audio
    • adding to video, 278
    • branding through, 103
    • free music, 292
    • gear for creating, 216–218
    • sound effects, 292
    • testing, 106
    • in video creatives, 101
    • YouTube voice, 100
  • audio mnemonics, 98, 103
  • authenticity, 208–209, 241, 333
  • Automatic placements report, 307–308
  • awareness set, 22
  • AwesomenessTV multichannel network, 242


  • B2B (business-to-business) marketers, 144
  • backing up video, 230
  • backup redundancy streams, 233
  • banner ads. See display ads
  • banner images
    • adding links to, 251
    • adding to channel, 250–251
    • auditing and updating, 293–294
    • defined, 250
    • importance of, 250
    • templates for, 251
  • BBC News, 102, 154
  • BBC Radio 1, 152–153
  • big data, 8–9
  • Billed cost report, 308
  • Blac, Shalom, 148
  • Blevins, Tyler, 347
  • blocking commenters, 288
  • blurring, 276–277
  • boom microphones, 218
  • brand and product consideration
    • awareness set vs. consideration set, 22
    • campaigns for growth of, 118–119
    • consideration marketing, 22
    • defined, 22
    • metrics for, 313–314
  • brand awareness and reach
    • awareness marketing, 21
    • campaigns for, 119–121
    • cost per thousand, 86
    • defined, 21
    • metrics for, 21, 312–313
  • brand lift, 315
  • brand partnerships, 265
  • brand purpose, 173–175
  • brand signals, 103
  • brand style guides, 98
  • brands and branding
    • automatically applying across all videos, 290–291
    • Brand report, 307
    • clarity, 103
    • consistency, 98, 150, 252
    • Creator Studio Classic tool, 290–291
    • educational videos and, 150
    • entertainment videos and, 166
    • hero videos and, 190
    • inspirational videos and, 171–172
    • Shopping report, 307
    • working with, 265
  • briefs, 30–33
    • components of, 31–33
    • defined, 12, 30
    • overview, 31–33
    • posting on FameBit, 243
    • purpose of, 30
    • using metrics and analytics to develop, 13
    • when outsourcing video creation, 238
    • when using online marketplace services, 239
  • Briggs, Gemma, 102
  • b-rolls, 229
  • budgets, 27–30
    • altering in auctions, 320
    • annual, 28
    • in campaign setup workflow, 112
    • as component of briefs, 33
    • describing in brief, 33
    • media, 29–30
    • production, 28–29, 227
    • 70/20/10 approach, 28
  • Buff Dudes YouTube channel, 268
  • built-in microphones, 217
  • bumper ads
    • defined, 66–67
    • experimenting with, 318
    • forced format, 60
    • pros of, 67–68
    • uses for, 67
  • Burke, Molly, 201
  • business challenges
    • campaign overview in brief, 32
    • examples of, 18
    • goal of delivering to, 17
    • identifying, 17–19
    • prioritizing, 18
  • business-to-business (B2B) marketers, 144
  • BuzzFeed, 205–206


  • CAA (Creative Artists Agency), 155
  • calendars, marketing, 188–189, 196
  • call sheets, 226–227
  • calls to action
    • advertising creative, 97
    • defined, 33
    • in display ads, 61
    • end screens, 103
    • in image ads, 61
    • including in brief, 33
    • lead-driving campaigns, 117
    • specific direction, 103
  • cameras, 214–216
  • Campaign details report, 303–304
  • campaign optimization, 317–320
    • adjusting creative, 317–318
    • advertising formats, 318
    • altering bidding and budgets, 320
    • defined, 317
    • failing to optimize, 343
    • growing audience, 332–333
    • growing subscribers, 333
    • increasing views, 332
    • increasing watch time, 332
    • maintaining channel, 333
    • modifying settings, 319
    • targeting new audiences, 318–319
  • Campaign report, 303–304, 315
  • campaign setup workflow
    • ad groups, 115
    • budget, 112
    • campaign name, 111–112
    • campaign type, 111
    • companion banners, 117
    • conversion tracking, 112–113
    • frequency capping, 115
    • language, 114
    • locations, 114–115
    • networks, 113–114
    • start and end dates, 113
    • target audience, 115
    • URLs, 116
    • video, 116
  • campaign types, 111
    • for creating brand awareness and reach, 119–121, 312–313
    • for delivering website traffic, 118, 315–317
    • for designing custom campaigns, 121
    • for driving leads, 117, 315–317
    • for product and brand consideration growth, 118–119, 313–315
  • candid footage, 167, 170
  • Canon cameras, 215
  • cards, 280–281
  • Cards report, 331
  • category insights, 42
  • Category report, 307
  • Catvertising Agency video, 159–160
  • cause marketing, 175
  • Cause Marketing For Dummies (Waters and MacDonald), 175
  • CBC News, 154
  • celebrity entertainment shows, 154–155
  • challenge videos, 152, 160–161
  • channel cards, 280
  • channel icon (profile picture), 251–252
  • channels, 14
    • auditing, 293–294
    • creating, 247–249
    • Creator Studio Classic, 283
      • accessing, 283
      • Analytics section, 291
      • Channel section, 289–291
      • Comments section, 285
      • Community section, 286
      • Community Settings section, 288
      • Create section, 292–293
      • Credits section, 288
      • dashboard, 285
      • Live streaming section, 285
      • Subscribers section, 287
      • Super Chat feature, 287–288
      • Translations and Transcriptions section, 291
      • Video Manager, 285
      • Your contributions section, 292–293
    • customizing, 249–261
      • About tab, 254–255
      • banner images, 250–251
      • channel description, 252–254
      • channel trailer, 260–261
      • Channels tab, 255–256
      • Discussion tab/Community tab, 256–258
      • Home tab shelves, 258–260
      • links, 251
      • profile picture, 251–252
    • good standing, 295–298
    • monetizing, 261–266
    • publishing videos to, 267–281
      • annotations, 280
      • audio, 278
      • cards, 280–281
      • descriptions, 269–270
      • end screens, 278–280
      • enhancements, 276–278
      • subtitles, 281
      • tags, 270–271
      • thumbnails, 271–272
      • titles, 267–269
      • uploading, 272–275
  • Channels tab (for YouTube channels), 255–256
  • cinematographers (videographers), 237
  • classroom recordings, 144–145
  • clickbait, 269
  • click-through rate (CTR), 325–326
  • Clinton, Hillary, 145–146
  • closed captions (CC; subtitles), 281, 291–292
  • cloud storage space, 230
  • CNN, 154
  • Coca-Cola, 21, 97, 174, 253–254
  • collaborating on video creation, 240–243
    • emailing YouTubers directly, 242
    • multichannel networks, 242
    • pros and cons of, 241
    • YouTuber marketplaces, 242–243
  • color
    • branding through, 98, 103, 171
    • to grab attention, 61
    • Super Chat feature, 287
    • thumbnails, 271–272
  • comedy videos, 145, 159
  • comments, 56, 285, 288, 330–331
  • Comments report, 330–331
  • community strikes, 297–298
  • Community tab (for YouTube channels), 256–258, 294
  • competitor insights, 43, 149–150, 165
  • composition, 228–229
  • connecting with viewers, 103–104
  • consideration set, 22, 313
  • consistency
  • consumer insights, 41
  • consumer journey funnel
    • brand and product consideration, 22
    • brand awareness and reach, 21
    • conversion, 23
    • engagement, 22–23
    • help videos and, 194
    • loyalty and advocacy, 25–27
    • overview, 19–20
  • content
    • advertising that feels like, 9–10
    • content creators, 11
    • content platform, defined, 10
    • core considerations, 197–209
      • accessibility, 208
      • authenticity, 208–209
      • consistency, 203–205
      • conversational approach, 200–201
      • discoverability, 207–208
      • interactivity, 201–203
      • shareability, 198–199
      • sustainability, 206–207
      • targeting audience interests, 205–206
    • defined, 10
    • publishers, 12
    • trending video page and, 46
  • content formats, 137–172
    • content strategy and, 172
    • educational videos, 138–150
    • entertainment videos, 150–166
    • inspirational videos, 166–172
    • overview, 138
  • Content ID tool, 297
  • content strategy, 173–196
    • brand purpose, 173–175
    • distribution strategy, 187–188
    • evergreen videos, 184–186
    • Hero Hub Help framework, 189–195
    • marketing calendars, 196
    • overview, 13–14, 188
    • popular niches, 180–184
    • themes, 175–179
    • trending videos, 184–185, 187
    • video content, 172
  • contextual targeting, 71
  • continuity, 229
  • conversational approach, 200–201
  • conversion
    • Conversion action name report, 305
    • Conversion category report, 305
    • Conversion source report, 305
    • conversion-focused marketing, 23
    • Conversions report, 305
    • cost per acquisition, 87, 114
    • defined, 23
    • Dollar Shave Club example, 24
    • metrics, 316
    • performance marketers, 23
    • signals of intent, 24
    • want-to-buy moments, 80
  • conversion tracking, 112–113
  • copycatting
    • authenticity and, 209
    • example of, 171
    • overview, 341
    • popular niches and, 182
  • copyright
    • Content ID tool, 297
    • Copyright School, 296
    • copyright strikes, 285, 296–297
    • as mandatory, 99
    • music, 161
  • cost per acquisition (CPA), 87–88
  • cost per click (CPC), 84, 87, 305, 315–316
  • cost per engagement (CPE), 84
  • cost per install (CPI), 84
  • cost per lead (CPL), 84
  • cost per thousand (CPM), 84–86, 323
  • cost per view (CPV), 86–87
  • counterfeit goods, 72
  • CPA (cost per acquisition), 87–88
  • CPC (cost per click), 84, 87, 305, 315–316
  • CPE (cost per engagement), 84
  • CPI (cost per install), 84
  • CPL (cost per lead), 84
  • CPM (cost per thousand), 84–86, 323
  • CPV (cost per view), 86–87
  • Creative Artists Agency (CAA), 155
  • creative teams, 236
  • Creator Studio Classic, 283. See also YouTube Analytics
    • accessing, 283
    • Analytics section, 291
    • Channel section, 289–291
      • Advanced options, 291
      • Branding feature, 290–291
      • Monetization section, 289
      • Status and features tab, 289
      • Upload defaults section, 289–290
    • Comments section, 285
    • Community section, 286
    • Community Settings section, 288
    • Create section, 292–293
    • Credits section, 288
    • dashboard, 285
    • Live streaming section, 285
    • Subscribers section, 287
    • Super Chat feature, 287–288
    • Translations and Transcriptions section, 291
    • Video Manager, 285
    • Your contributions section, 292–293
  • credibility
    • educational videos and, 150
    • entertainment videos and, 165–166
    • influencers, 240–241
    • inspirational videos and, 171
  • credits, 288
  • crowdfunding, 266
  • CTR (click-through rate), 325–326
  • culture insights, 43–44
  • curating videos, 150, 243–244
  • custom affinity targeting, 115
  • custom campaigns, 121
  • customer service
    • business challenge of, 18
    • help videos, 193–194
    • separate channel for, 255
    • talking head videos, 142


  • dance videos, 161
  • dangerous products or services, 72
  • DanTDM (Daniel Middleton), 262
  • dashboards, 309–310
  • data collection, 73
  • Dawson, Shane, 156, 348
  • Daydream headset, 234
  • DeFranco, Philip, 154–155
  • demographic marketing dimensions, 36, 319
  • Demographics report, 326
  • demonstrations, 146
  • DeMuro, Doug, 199, 204
  • Devices report, 327–328
  • digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) cameras, 215–216, 219
  • disclosing paid endorsements, 243
  • discoverability, 207–208, 332
  • Discussion tab (for YouTube channels), 256–258, 294
  • dishonest behavior, 72
  • display ads (banner ads), 60–61. See also YouTube Masthead
    • calls to action, 61
    • campaign setup workflow, 117
    • consistency with supported video ad, 61
    • defined, 60, 62
    • experimenting with, 318
    • Google Display Network, 71
    • pixels, 60
    • viewable CPM, 85
  • Display and video keywords report, 308
  • Distance report, 306
  • distribution strategy, 187–188, 240, 342
  • Dr. Fork, 107
  • documentaries, 156
  • do-it-yourself (DIY) videos, 177–179
  • Dollar Shave Club, 24
  • donation cards, 280
  • Dove
    • Campaign for Real Beauty, 39–40
    • Men+Care inspirational video, 167–168
  • drive-with-me videos, 159
  • DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) cameras, 215–216, 219
  • Dude Perfect YouTube channel, 160–161, 262, 346


  • E! News, 154
  • editing video, 230–232
    • offline, 231
    • programs for, 231
    • rough cuts, 231–232
    • saving and exporting, 232
  • editorial standards, 74
  • editors, 237
  • educational videos, 138–150
    • checklist for making, 149–150
    • edutainment vs. how-to, 148
    • help videos, 193
    • The Khan Academy example, 138–139
    • types of, 140–148
      • demonstrations, 146
      • illustrated explainer videos, 146–147
      • interviews, 145–146
      • lecture and classroom recordings, 144–145
      • listicles, 142–143
      • presentations, 143–144
      • screencasts, 141–142
      • talking head videos, 142
      • tutorials, 147–148
    • when to make, 140
  • edutainment, 148
  • TheEllenShow, 269
  • emotion, appealing to, 103
  • end screens, 278–280
    • adding, 278–280
    • defined, 103
    • End screens report, 332
  • engagement
    • brand and product consideration, 118
    • brand lift, 315
    • content strategy for, 23, 317, 323
    • cost per engagement, 84
    • defined, 22
    • engagement-focused marketing, 23
    • lean in vs. lean back, 163–164
  • entertainment videos, 138, 150–166
    • checklist for making, 165–166
    • lean in vs. lean back, 163–164
    • types of, 153–163
      • celebrity entertainment shows, 154–155
      • challenge videos, 160–161
      • comedy videos, 159
      • dance videos, 161
      • documentaries, 156
      • fictional shows, 155–156
      • full-length movies, 156
      • haul videos, 158
      • lip synch videos, 161
      • music videos, 161
      • news shows, 154–155
      • parody videos, 159
      • prank videos, 159–160
      • review videos, 158
      • short films, 156
      • sketch videos, 159
      • spree videos, 158
      • super cuts, 162–163
      • tutorials, 162
      • unboxing videos, 157
      • video game walk-throughs, 156–157
      • vlogs, 158–159
      • web series, 155–156
    • when to make, 151–152
  • Epic Rap Battles of History YouTube channel, 202–203
  • evergreen videos
    • content strategy, 184–187
    • help videos, 195
    • hub videos, 192
    • trending videos vs., 187
  • executive producers, 237
  • exporting video, 232
  • Extensions reports, 307


  • Fail Army YouTube channel, 163
  • FameBit, 243
  • fast-cutting (quick-cut technique), 100, 225
  • Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 158
  • fictional shows, 155–156
  • Final Cut Pro, 231
  • Final URL report, 303
  • The Fine Brothers YouTube channel, 206
  • 4k UHD (Ultra High Definition) video quality, 214
  • Fox News, 154
  • frames per second (fps), 214
  • Free clicks report, 308
  • freelancers, 237–238
  • Friends (TV show), 208
  • FTC (Federal Trade Commission), 158
  • Fullscreen multichannel network, 242
  • FunCheapOrFree YouTube channel, 268
  • Funny or Die parody series, 145


  • Galifianakis, Zach, 145–146
  • Gaming YouTube channel, 157
  • GayLeaFoodCoop, 78
  • GDN. See Google Display Network
  • Geico, 26
  • geographic marketing dimensions, 36, 47–48
  • Geographic report, 306
  • Gillette, 24
  • Good Mythical Morning YouTube channel, 198
  • good standing, 295–298
    • community strikes, 297–298
    • copyright strikes, 296–297
    • defined, 295
  • Google
  • Google Ads, 109–110
    • auction-bought media, 88–90
    • campaign setup workflow, 110–117
      • ad groups, 115
      • budget, 112
      • campaign name, 111–112
      • campaign type, 111
      • companion banners, 117
      • conversion tracking, 112–113
      • frequency capping, 115
      • language, 114
      • locations, 114–115
      • networks, 113–114
      • start and end dates, 113
      • target audience, 115
      • URLs, 116
      • video, 116
    • campaign types, 111
      • for creating brand awareness and reach, 119–121
      • for delivering website traffic, 118
      • for designing custom campaigns, 121
      • for driving leads, 117
      • for product and brand consideration growth, 118–119
    • cost per view, 86
    • defined, 109
    • general discussion, 13, 16
    • help resources, 110
    • interface, 121–132
      • account information, 132
      • Ad groups section, 123–125
      • Ad schedule section, 131
      • Ads & extensions section, 124, 126–127
      • Advanced bid adjustment section, 132
      • Alerts options, 132
      • Audience manager tool, 133
      • Audiences section, 128–129
      • Bulk actions section, 133
      • Campaigns section, 123
      • Change history section, 132
      • Demographics section, 129
      • Devices section, 131
      • Go To option, 132
      • Help option, 132
      • Keyword planner tool, 133
      • Keywords section, 127–128
      • Landing Pages section, 127
      • Locations section, 131
      • Measurement section, 133
      • Overview section, 122
      • Placements section, 130–131
      • Portfolio bid strategies tool, 133
      • Recommendations section, 122–123
      • Refresh option, 132
      • Reports option, 132
      • Settings section, 131
      • Setup section, 134
      • Shared budgets tool, 133
      • Tools section, 133
      • Topics section, 129–130
      • Videos section, 127
    • media budget, 29–30
    • mistakes with, 83
    • quality score, 90
    • reports, 302–310
      • custom dashboards, creating, 309–310
      • custom reports, creating, 308–309
      • predefined reports, 302–308
      • scheduling reports, 310
    • signing up with, 110
    • support number, 109–110, 134
    • text ads, 106
    • tours of, 110
  • Google AdWords. See Google Ads
  • Google Analytics, 314
  • Google Cardboard headset, 234
  • Google Display Network (GDN), 64, 70–71
    • advertising formats, 70–71
    • defined, 70
    • targeting methods, 71
    • viewable cost per thousand, 85
  • Google Nexus 5, 214
  • Google Preferred, 69–70
  • Google Search, 70, 184
  • Google Slides, 223
  • Google Surveys
    • creating surveys on, 53–55
    • gaining audience insights from, 52–56
    • randomization, 55
    • screener questions, 55
    • signing in to, 53
  • Google Translate, 292
  • Google Trends, 47–52
    • finding niches with, 184
    • gaining audience insights from, 48–50
    • making help videos using, 193
    • overview, 47–48
    • subscriptions, 51–52
    • top charts, 51–52
    • trending searches, 51
  • Google TrueView
    • auction-bought media, 90
    • cost per view, 86
    • GayLeaFoodCoop example, 78
    • in-stream ads, 64, 117, 119–121
    • networks and, 114
    • overview, 63–65
    • paying by view, 30, 63
    • Shopping report, 307
    • TrueView for Action format, 117
    • TrueView Optimization Playbook, 320
    • video discovery ads, 64, 78, 118–119
    • view count, 64
    • Virgin America example, 63
  • Google Web Designer, 61
  • GoPro YouTube channel, 247
  • GorillaPod, 221
  • “The Gummy Bear Song,” 47


  • hard drives, 230
  • Hardy, Tom, 152–153
  • haul videos, 158
  • Hecox, Ian, 346
  • Helms, Joey, 206
  • help videos, 193–195
  • Hero Hub Help framework, 189–195
    • help videos, 193–195
    • hero videos, 189–190
    • hub videos, 190–193
  • hero videos, 189–190
  • Higa, Ryan, 347
  • Home tab shelves (for YouTube channels), 258–260
    • editing, 260
    • grouping videos, 259
    • reordering, 260
  • hook, explanation, and information structure, 268
  • Hoovies Garage YouTube channel, 269
  • how-to videos, 148, 177–179, 193
  • HTML5, 60
  • hub videos, 190–193
  • Hydraulic Press YouTube channel, 181–182


  • #IceBucketChallenge, 47
  • illustrated explainer videos, 146–147
  • image ads
    • calls to action, 61
    • defined, 61–62
    • Free clicks report, 308
    • pixels, 61
    • pros and cons of, 62
  • iMovie, 231–232
  • impressions
    • cost per thousand, 84–86
    • defined, 84
    • Impressions report, 325–326
  • inappropriate content, 72, 288, 297–298
  • Indiegogo, 266
  • influencers, 240. See also YouTubers
  • in-market audiences, 115, 129, 319
  • insights, 37–40
    • development approach, 40
    • Dove Campaign for Real Beauty example, 39–40
    • Four C Framework, 41–44
    • overview, 38
    • resources for, 44–56
      • Google Surveys, 52–56
      • Google Trends, 47–52
      • social media comments, 56
      • YouTube trending videos, 45–47
  • inspirational videos, 138, 166–172
    • checklist for making, 171–172
    • Dove Men+Care example, 167–168
    • hero videos, 189
    • Volvo Trucks example, 168–170
    • WestJet Christmas Miracle example, 168–169
    • when to make, 170–172
  • interactivity
    • adding to content, 201–203
    • cards, 280–281
    • HTML5, 61
  • interest targeting, 71, 319
  • interviews, 145–146, 217
  • in-video overlay ads, 62
  • Item ID report, 307



  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), 20, 23, 33, 339
  • keywords
    • ad groups, 124, 127–128
    • Automatic placements report, 308
    • campaign setup workflow, 115
    • channels, 291
    • Keyword planner tool, 133
    • Search keyword report, 303
    • settings for, 127–128
    • tags, 271
    • targeting methods, 71
    • third-party tools, 184
    • video description, 269
  • Khan, Salman, 138–139
  • The Khan Academy, 138–139
  • Kickstarter, 266
  • Kin Community multichannel network, 242
  • The King of Random YouTube channel, 268
  • Kjellberg, Felix (PewDiePie), 262, 266, 346
  • Kleenex, 26
  • KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), 20, 23, 33, 339


  • Labels report, 306
  • landing pages, 60–61, 89, 127, 316
  • language, 114, 274, 291–292, 328
  • lavalier microphones, 217–218
  • lead-driving campaigns, 117, 315–317
  • lean in vs. lean back, 163–164
  • lecture recordings, 144–145
  • lighting, 216–220
    • natural lighting, 218–219
    • one-light solutions, 219
    • three-light solutions, 219–220
  • Likes and dislikes report, 330
  • lineups, 69–70
  • link cards, 280
  • links, 251–252, 270, 288
  • lip synch videos, 161
  • listicle videos, 142–143
  • Live streaming report, 328
  • livestreaming, 232–233, 285, 288, 328
  • locations, 226
  • Logan Paul Vlogs, 348
  • logos
    • as brand assets, 98
    • clear branding, 103
    • denouement, 95
    • as mandatories, 33, 99
    • merchandising, 266
    • watermarks, 103
  • long-tail audience, 195
  • LostLeBlanc YouTube channel, 268
  • Lowe’s Home Improvement, 177–179, 247
  • loyalty
    • content strategy for, 26, 317, 323
    • incentive techniques, 26
    • Kleenex example, 26
    • loyal customers, defined, 25
    • metrics for, 26
  • Lynch, Drew, 269


  • Mac Cosmetics, 147
  • MacDonald, Joanna, 175
  • Machinima multichannel network, 242
  • mandatories, 33, 99
  • Marbles, Jenna, 158, 348
  • marijuana, 72
  • marketing agencies, 236–237
  • marketing calendars, 188–189, 196
  • marketing dimensions, 36–37
  • marketing funnel. See consumer journey funnel
  • marketing messages
    • defined, 75
    • developing, 75–76
    • simplicity, 75
    • testing, 105–106
  • marketing mix
    • cause marketing as part of, 175
    • trending videos as part of, 185
    • YouTube as part of, 1, 9–10
  • Markiplier YouTube channel, 347
  • MC ID (Merchant Center ID) report, 307
  • McDonald’s, 97–98
  • MCNs (multichannel networks), 242
  • media agencies, 83–84
  • media budget, 29–30
  • media buyers, 236
  • media consumption marketing dimensions, 37
  • memes, 168
  • memory storage, 215–217
    • capacity of, 217
    • DSLR cameras and, 215
    • speed of, 217
    • video quality and, 214
  • merchandising, 266
  • Merchant Center ID (MC ID) report, 307
  • metrics and analytics, 301
    • for brand and product consideration campaigns, 22, 313–315
    • for brand awareness and reach campaigns, 21, 312–313
    • brief development, 13
    • campaign optimization in response to, 317–320, 343
    • conversion-focused marketing, 23
    • Google Ads reports, 302–310
    • Google Analytics, 314
    • for lead-driving campaigns, 315–317
    • loyalty maintenance, 26
    • measuring success, 15–16
    • metrics, defined, 21
    • overview, 311–312
    • views vs. business results, 15
    • for website-traffic campaigns, 313–315
    • YouTube Analytics, 321–333
  • Meyers, Seth, 253
  • micro-moments framework, 76–81
    • conventional approach vs., 77
    • micro-moments, defined, 76
    • mobile device usage, 76–77
    • want-to-buy moments, 80
    • want-to-do moments, 79
    • want-to-go moments, 80–81
    • want-to-know moments, 78
    • want-to-watch moments, 77
  • microphones
    • hot shoe for, 217
    • kinds of, 217–218
    • pickup ranges of, 217
    • production budget, 29
    • screencasts, 142
    • testing audio, 218
  • microSD memory cards, 217
  • Microsoft PowerPoint, 223
  • Middleton, Daniel (DanTDM), 262
  • midroll ads, 66
  • misrepresentation, 73, 269
  • mission statements, 174
  • moderators, 288
  • monetizing channels, 261–266
    • brand partnerships, 265
    • crowdfunding, 266
    • merchandising, 266
    • Patreon, 265
    • YouTube Partner Program, 262–265
  • monopods, 220
  • movies, full-length, 156
  • MTV, 83
  • multichannel networks (MCNs), 242
  • multivariate testing, 106
  • music videos, 161


  • natural lighting, 218–219
  • news channel videos, 154–155, 184–185
  • niches. See popular niches
  • Nielsen Consumer Neuroscience, 102
  • Nigahiga YouTube channel, 347
  • Nike, 173–174
  • Ninja game, 156, 347
  • nonskippable video ads, 65–66


  • offline editing, 231
  • 180-degree rule, 229
  • one-light solutions, 219
  • online marketplace services, 238–240
  • online resources
    • AdSense, 264
    • Under Armour playlists, 191
    • brand lift, 315
    • BuzzFeed, 205
    • Cheat Sheet (companion to book), 3
    • Content ID tool, 297
    • Daydream, 234
    • Epic Rap Battles of History, 202
    • The Fine Brothers, 206
    • Geico videos, 26
    • Google accounts, 110, 248
    • Google Ads, 66
    • Google advertising policies, 74
    • Google Analytics, 314
    • Google Cardboard, 234
    • Google Preferred, 69
    • Google Preferred lineups, 70
    • Google Translate, 292
    • Google Web Designer, 61
    • GoPro, 247
    • Indiegogo, 266
    • Joey Helms, 206
    • The Khan Academy, 138
    • Kickstarter, 266
    • Lowe’s Home Improvement, 247
    • Matt Santoro, 143
    • mobile device usage, 75
    • Patreon, 265
    • Primitive Technology, 181
    • Red Bull Music Academy program, 144
    • Red Bull YouTube channel, 247
    • Social Blade, 345
    • Sony Pictures Entertainment, 152
    • TEDTalks, 150
    • TikTok, 161
    • TrueView Optimization Playbook, 320
    • union information, 227
    • TheUnsolicitedProject, 266
    • YouTube account verification, 273
    • YouTube ad formats, 60
    • YouTube Ads Leaderboard, 96, 318
    • YouTube blog, 232
    • YouTube channel art templates, 251
    • YouTube channel verification, 232
    • YouTube Community guidelines, 298
    • YouTube Copyright School, 296
    • YouTube counter notification, 297
    • YouTube Creator Benefits program, 289
    • YouTube gaming channel, 157
    • YouTube Masthead creator, 69
    • YouTube Partner Program, 263
    • YouTube policies, 159–160
    • YouTube trending videos page, 184
    • YouTube vs. other social media platforms, 102
    • YouTube webcam information, 233
  • Operation Finally Home, 26
  • Oreo, 160–161, 346
  • outsourcing video creation, 235–240
    • advertising and marketing agencies, 236–237
    • local freelancers, 237–238
    • online marketplace services, 238–240
    • video creation tools, 240
    • video production companies, 237
  • out-stream ads, 120–121
  • overshooting, 229
  • OWN YouTube channel, 290


  • Padilla, Anthony, 346
  • Page, Jordan, 268
  • Paid and organic report, 303
  • paid media, 81–84, 109–134
    • buying, 88–91
      • through auctions, 88–90
      • through reserves, 90–91
    • buying through media agencies, 83–84
    • buying yourself, 82–83
    • content discoverability with, 208
    • content shareability and, 198
    • defined, 81
    • Google Ads, 109–110
      • auction-bought media, 88–90
      • campaign setup workflow, 110–117
      • campaign types, 111
      • defined, 109
      • general discussion, 13, 16
      • help resources, 110
      • interface, 121–132
      • media budget, 29–30
      • mistakes with, 83
      • quality score, 90
      • signing up with, 110
      • support number, 109–110, 134
      • text ads, 106
      • tours of, 110
    • not optional, 340
    • pricing models for, 84–88
  • Park, Andrew, 146–147
  • parody videos, 145, 154, 159–160, 166
  • Patreon, 265
  • Paul, Jake, 156, 348
  • Paul, Logan, 348
  • Payton, Spirit, 180
  • performance marketers, 23
  • permission, 99, 143, 165, 170–171, 226–227, 276–277
  • PewDiePie (Felix Kjellberg), 262, 266, 346
  • phone cameras, 214–215, 229
  • pick-up range of microphones, 217
  • Pink, Dan, 146–147
  • placement targeting, 71
  • planners, 236
  • Playback locations report, 327
  • playlist cards, 280
  • playlists, 273, 280, 285, 330
  • poll cards, 280
  • popular niches, 180–184
    • benefitting from, 180–182
    • defined, 180
    • finding, 182–184
  • post-production (editing) phase, 230–232
    • rough cuts, 231–232
    • saving and exporting, 232
  • prank videos, 159–160
  • preproduction phase, 221–227
    • budget, 227
    • call sheet, 226–227
    • idea development, 221–222
    • legal compliance, 227
    • locations, 226
    • script writing, 224–225
    • shot list, 225–226
    • storyboards, 222–224
  • presentation videos, 143–144
  • Primitive Technology YouTube channel, 181
  • product and brand consideration. See brand and product consideration
  • product integration, 156
  • Product type report, 307
  • product usage marketing dimensions, 37
  • production budget, 28–29, 227
    • editing, 29
    • 80/20 rule, 29
    • hardware, 29
    • locations, 29
    • people, 29
    • post-production, 29
  • production phase, 227–229
    • b-roll, 229
    • composition, 228–229
    • continuity, 229
    • shot planning, 228
  • production teams, 236
  • profile picture (channel icon), 251–252
  • prohibited content and practices, 72–73, 297–298
  • psychographic marketing dimensions, 36
  • pulsing, 92, 196
  • purpose-driven marketing, 175


  • question structure, 268
  • quick-cut technique (fast-cutting), 100, 225


  • rationality, appealing to, 103
  • Red Bull, 144–145, 247
  • remarketing, 71, 115, 319
  • reports, 302
    • custom dashboards, creating, 309–310
    • custom reports, creating, 308–309
    • predefined reports, 302–308
      • accessing, 302
      • Basic reports section, 302–305
      • Conversion report section, 305
      • Display/Video report section, 307–308
      • Extensions report section, 307
      • Labels report section, 306
      • Locations report section, 306
      • Other report section, 308
      • Shopping report section, 307
      • Time section, 305
    • scheduling reports, 310
  • reserve-bought media
    • auction-bought media vs., 90–91
    • cons of, 91
    • defined, 90
    • pros of, 90–91
  • restricted content, 73–74
  • retainers, 236
  • review videos, 158
  • ring lights, 219
  • ring-fencing, 69
  • rough cuts, 231–232
  • RSA (Royal Society of Art) Animate series, 146–147
  • rule of thirds, 228
  • run-of-site strategy, 318–319


  • Samsung, 79
  • Santoro, Matt, 143
  • saving video, 232
  • scheduling campaigns, 91–92
    • always-on, 92
    • flighting, 91–92
    • pulsing, 92
  • screencasts, 141–142
  • scripts, 105, 149, 185, 201, 223–225
  • SD memory cards, 217
  • search engine optimization (SEO)
    • overview, 295
    • title, description, and tags, 271
    • video organization, 294
  • search interest, 48–49
  • Search keyword report, 303
  • Search terms report, 303
  • self-sticks, 220
  • sensory approach, 103
  • SEO. See search engine optimization
  • Sephora, 147
  • shareability, 198–199
    • of hero videos, 190
    • of inspirational videos, 168, 171
    • Sharing report, 331
  • short films, 156
  • shot lists, 225–226
  • shotgun microphones, 217
  • signals of intent, 24
  • Singh, Lilly, 262
  • sketch videos, 159
  • skippable video ads
    • auction-bought media, 90
    • defined, 62
    • Google TrueView, 63–64, 117, 120
    • nonskippable vs., 65
    • pros and cons of, 65
  • Smosh YouTube channel, 346
  • snackable educational content, 143
  • Social Blade, 345
  • social media
    • audience insights from comments, 56
    • posting surveys on, 52
  • Sony Pictures Entertainment, 152–153
  • sound persons, 237
  • source citation, 150
  • spherical capture option on cameras, 233
  • spree videos, 158
  • square video setting, 229
  • Star, Jeffree, 156, 348
  • statement structure, 268–269
  • Store ID report, 307
  • Store visit report, 305
  • story arcs, 94–96
  • storyboards, 222–224
  • street marketing, 23
  • Style Haul multichannel network, 242
  • subscriptions
    • channel subscriptions, 26, 287
    • Google Trends search subscriptions, 51
    • growing subscribers, 333
    • Patreon, 265
    • Subscribers report, 329–330
    • using hub videos to attract, 192
    • video creation tools, 240
    • YouTube Premium, 323, 326
  • subtitles (closed captions [CC]), 281, 291–292
  • Super Chat feature, 287–288
  • super cuts videos, 162–163, 167
  • supers, 101
  • supervising producers, 237
  • sustainability, 206–207
  • syndicated content, 192


  • 1080p HD (High Definition) video quality, 214
  • text ads, 70, 84, 106, 127, 133
  • themes, 175–179
    • alignment with goals, 175
    • defined, 175
    • generating ideas for, 176–177
    • Lowe’s Home Improvement example, 177–179
  • Think With Google resource, 56
  • 360-degree video, 233
  • three-light solutions, 219–220
  • thumbnails, 271–273, 275
  • TikTok, 161
  • titles, 267–269, 273, 275
    • clickbait, 269
    • hook, explanation, and information structure, 268
    • question structure, 268
    • statement structure, 268–269
  • Tom Ford, 101
  • Topic report, 307
  • topic targeting, 71
  • Traffic sources report, 327–328
  • transcriptions, 291
  • Translations report, 328
  • trending videos. See also Google Trends
    • content strategy, 184–185
    • evergreen videos vs., 187
    • YouTube trending videos page, 45, 184
    • YouTube trends blog, 47
  • trimming video, 277–278
  • tripods, 220–221
  • trolls, 286
  • TrueView. See Google TrueView
  • TrueView Optimization Playbook, 320
  • tutorials, 138–139, 147–148, 162


  • unboxing videos, 157
  • Under Armour YouTube channel, 191
  • Unilever, 25
  • unions, 227
  • University of Toronto, 140
  • Unskippable Labs, 107
  • TheUnsolicitedProject YouTube channel, 266
  • uploading videos, 272–275
  • User locations report, 306


  • Van Damme, Jean Claude, 168–169
  • velocity
    • of data, 8–9
    • of views, 45, 189
  • Verlander, Justin, 191
  • video ads (GDN ad format), 71
  • video blogs. See vlogs
  • video cards, 280
  • video content formats, 137–172
    • content strategy and, 172
    • educational videos, 138–150
    • entertainment videos, 150–166
    • inspirational videos, 166–172
    • overview, 138
  • video creation, 213–234
    • advanced options, 232–234
      • livestreaming, 232–233
      • 360-degree video, 233
      • virtual reality, 234
    • core considerations, 197–209
      • accessibility, 208
      • authenticity, 208–209
      • consistency, 203–205
      • conversational approach, 200–201
      • discoverability, 207–208
      • interactivity, 201–203
      • shareability, 198–199
      • sustainability, 206–207
      • targeting audience interests, 205–206
    • gear for, 213–221
      • audio, 216–218
      • cameras, 214–216
      • lighting sources, 216–220
      • tripods, 220–221
    • general discussion, 14
    • ignoring quality in, 341–342
    • post-production phase, 230–232
    • preproduction phase, 221–227
    • production budget, 29–30
    • production phase, 227–229
    • tools for, 240
  • video game walk-through videos, 156–157
  • video production companies, 237
  • video publishing, 267–281
    • annotations, 280
    • audio, 278
    • cards, 280–281
    • descriptions, 269–270
    • end screens, 278–280
    • enhancements, 276–278
    • subtitles, 281
    • tags, 270–271
    • thumbnails, 271–272
    • titles, 267–269
    • uploading, 272–275
  • video release forms, 227
  • videographers (cinematographers), 237
  • Videos in playlists report, 330
  • viral videos
    • defined, 323
    • hero videos as, 189–190
    • shareability and, 331
    • YouTube trending videos page, 45
    • YouTube trends blog, 47
  • Virgin America, 63
  • virtual reality, 234
  • vlogs (video blogs), 23, 158–159
    • ask-me-anything videos, 159
    • conversational approach, 200–201
    • drive-with-me videos, 159
    • using DSLR cameras for, 215
    • YouTube voice, 100
  • The Voice (TV show), 257
  • voice-overs, 141
  • Volvo Trucks, 168–170


  • Warby Parker, 142, 255
  • watch time, 324–325, 332
  • Watch time report, 324–325
  • watermarks, 103, 290
  • Waters, Joe, 175
  • web series, 152, 155–156, 178, 191
  • webcams
    • for livestreaming, 232
    • for talking head videos, 142
    • for tutorials, 147
  • website-traffic campaigns, 118, 315–317
  • WestJet Christmas Miracle video, 168–170
  • Winfrey, Oprah, 290


  • YouTube
    • attention paid to video ads vs. other social media platforms, 102
    • content uploaded per minute, 1, 8
    • Gaming channel, 157
    • growth of, 8
    • trending video page, 45–47
    • visitors per month, 1, 8
  • YouTube Ads Leaderboard, 96, 318
  • YouTube Analytics, 16, 321–333
    • campaign optimization in response to, 332–333
    • dashboard, 321–322
    • exporting reports, 323
    • Interaction reports section, 329–332
    • Revenue reports section, 323–324
    • Watch Time Reports section, 324–328
  • YouTube marketing, 7–33
    • advertising vs. content, 10–11
    • briefs, 30–33
    • budgets, 27–30
    • business challenges, 17–19
    • common mistakes, 337–343
      • copycatting, 341
      • doing too much, 337–338
      • failing to optimize, 343
      • forgetting about audience, 339
      • giving up too early, 342–343
      • ignoring quality in video creation, 341–342
      • neglecting to make creative, 340
      • not setting success criteria, 338–339
      • single-point distribution, 342
      • thinking paid media is optional, 340
    • components of successful, 12–16
      • briefs, 12–13
      • channel and community management, 14
      • content strategy, 13–14
      • harnessing power of video ads, 13
      • metrics and analytics, 15–16
      • video creation, 14
    • consumer journey funnel, 19–27
      • brand and product consideration, 22
      • brand awareness and reach, 21
      • conversion, 23
      • engagement, 22–23
      • loyalty and advocacy, 25–27
    • double-checking settings, 83
    • hesitancy to use, 1, 8–10
    • reasons to consider, 7–10
      • big data, 8–9
      • frequency of visits, 7
      • growth of YouTube, 8
      • part of marketing mix, 9–10
      • receptivity of audience, 8
    • types of marketers, 11–12
  • YouTube Masthead, 21
    • creator tool for, 69
    • defined, 68
    • pros of, 69
    • reserve-bought media, 90
  • YouTube Partner Program (YPP), 262–265, 289
    • AdSense, 263–264
    • eligibility, 262–263
    • monetization preferences, 264
    • review of application, 265
    • terms and conditions, 263
  • YouTube Premium, 323, 326
  • YouTube Premium report, 326
  • YouTube search terms report, 307
  • YouTube Studio, 284, 322. See also Creator Studio Classic
  • YouTube Thumbnail Maker, 272
  • YouTube Trending video page, 45, 184
  • YouTube voice, 100
  • YouTubers
    • collaborating on video creation with, 242
    • most popular, 345–349
    • top-earning, 262
  • YPP. See YouTube Partner Program
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