
Young Money could not have been possible without the help of a number of very important people. First and foremost, I’d like to thank God for the opportunity to write this book. My prayer is that it reaches the hands of all those with financial goals who need these exact words for their lives. I’d like to thank my mother, Tinniziee, for putting up with all of my shenanigans and the crazy ideas that I have about changing the world and building my firm. I appreciate your helping me to feel that my dreams are not so crazy at all. To my sister, Yousanie, who continues to be there when I need her and is one of the most inspiring people I’ve ever met. To Yantee, Leamon, Ernestine, and Plensah for being my biggest fans, whether near or far. To Shabnam, for reaching out to me with the idea of writing this book, I am forever grateful. To Danielle, for being a rock star of an editor—without you none of this would have been possible. Thank you for helping make my message stronger. To all of the clients who give me the privilege to serve them through Berknell Financial Group, I will always give you the best of me.

To my University of California, Berkeley, Sacred Heart Cathedral, and San Francisco Bay Area community, thank you for your unwavering support. To my fellow Liberians for exemplifying strength. To my fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha and the divine nine for committing to the relentless fight for humanity. And, last but not least, to you, for reading this book and designing a beautiful life.

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