
Book Description

The New Psychology of Selling

The sales profession is in the midst of a perfect storm. Buyers have more power—more information, more at stake, and more control over the sales process—than any time in history. Technology is bringing disruptive change at an ever-increasing pace, creating fear and uncertainty that leaves buyers clinging to the status quo. Deteriorating attention spans have made it difficult to get buyers to sit still long enough to “challenge,” “teach,” “help,” give “insight,” or sell “value.” And a relentless onslaught of “me-too” competitors have made differentiating on the attributes of products, services, or even price more difficult than ever.

Legions of salespeople and their leaders are coming face to face with a cold hard truth: what once gave salespeople a competitive edge—controlling the sales process, command of product knowledge, an arsenal of technology, and a great pitch—are no longer guarantees of success. Yet this is where the vast majority of the roughly $20 billion spent each year on sales training goes.  It’s no wonder many companies are seeing 50 percent or more of their salespeople miss quota.  

Yet, in this new paradigm, an elite group of top 1 percent sales professionals are crushing it. In our age of technology where information is ubiquitous and buyer attention spans are fleeting, these superstars have learned how to leverage a new psychology of selling—Sales EQ—to keep prospects engaged, create true competitive differentiation, as well as shape and influence buying decisions. These top earners are acutely aware that the experience of buying from them is far more important than products, prices, features, and solutions.

In Sales EQ, Jeb Blount takes you on an unprecedented journey into the behaviors, techniques, and secrets of the highest earning salespeople in every industry and field. You’ll learn:

  • How to answer the 5 Most Important Questions in Sales to make it virtually impossible for prospects to say no
  • How to master 7 People Principles that will give you the power to influence anyone to do almost anything
  • How to shape and align the 3 Processes of Sales to lock out competitors and shorten the sales cycle
  • How to Flip the Buyer Script to gain complete control of the sales conversation
  • How to Disrupt Expectations to pull buyers towards you, direct their attention, and keep them engaged
  • How to leverage Non-Complementary Behavior to eliminate resistance, conflict, and objections
  • How to employ the Bridge Technique to gain the micro-commitments and next steps you need to keep your deals from stalling
  • How to tame Irrational Buyers, shake them out of their comfort zone, and shape the decision making process
  • How to measure and increase you own Sales EQ using the 15 Sales Specific Emotional Intelligence Markers
  • And so much more!  

Sales EQ begins where The Challenger Sale, Strategic Selling, and Spin Selling leave off. It addresses the human relationship gap in the modern sales process at a time when sales organizations are failing because many salespeople have never been taught the human skills required to effectively engage buyers at the emotional level.  Jeb Blount makes a compelling case that sales specific emotional intelligence (Sales EQ) is more essential to success than education, experience, industry awareness, product knowledge, skills, or raw IQ; and, sales professionals who invest in developing and improving Sales EQ gain a decisive competitive advantage in the hyper-competitive global marketplace.

Sales EQ arms salespeople and sales leaders with the tool

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Dedication
  5. Foreword
  6. Chapter 1: The Mysterious Brown Bag
    1. The Lesson of a Lifetime
    2. A Front-Row Seat into the Mind of a UHP
  7. Chapter 2: A Perfect Sales Storm
    1. Meet the Ultra-High-Performance Sales Professional
    2. Note
  8. Chapter 3: The Irrational Buyer
    1. Nail-Biting Suspense
    2. The Answer
    3. The Reason
    4. To Buy Is Human
    5. The Secret Ingredient
    6. Approach Buyers the Way They Buy
    7. Notes
  9. Chapter 4: Pattern Painting, Cognitive Biases, and Heuristics
    1. Pattern Monster
    2. Pattern Painting
    3. Mental Shortcuts
    4. People Act on Emotion and Justify with Logic
    5. Notes
  10. Chapter 5: The Four Levels of Sales Intelligence
    1. Innate Intelligence
    2. Acquired Intelligence
    3. A Thirst for Knowledge
    4. Technological Intelligence
    5. Emotional Intelligence
    6. IQ + AQ + TQ + EQ—A Powerful Combination
    7. Notes
  11. Chapter 6: Shaping Win Probability
    1. Poetry
    2. Win Probability Is the First Rule of Ultra-High Sales Performance
    3. Fanatical Prospecting
    4. The Law of Replacement
    5. Disciplined Qualifying
    6. Mapping Stakeholders
    7. Aligning the Three Processes of Sales
    8. Sales EQ and Human Influence Frameworks
    9. Note
  12. Chapter 7: Dual Process
    1. Sales EQ Balances the Scales
    2. Four Pillars of Sales-Specific Emotional Intelligence
  13. Chapter 8: Empathy
    1. The Foundation of Sales EQ
    2. Empathy Scale
    3. Intentional Empathy
    4. Regulating Empathy
    5. Notes
  14. Chapter 9: Self-Awareness
    1. Self-Awareness Is the Mother of High Sales EQ
    2. Psychometric Assessments
    3. Get a Coach or Mentor
    4. Ask for Feedback
    5. Write Down Your Goals and Plans
    6. 360-Degree Review
    7. Self-Reflection
    8. Notes
  15. Chapter 10: Sales Drive
    1. Developing Drive
    2. Physical Fitness
    3. Develop Mental Toughness
    4. Notes
  16. Chapter 11: Self-Control
    1. Managing Disruptive Emotions
    2. Genesis of Disruptive Emotions
    3. Fight or Flight
    4. Cognitive Biases
    5. Developing Self-Control
    6. Rise Above Emotion and Choose Your Behaviors
    7. Notes
  17. Chapter 12: Shaping Win Probability Begins with Qualification
    1. Chasing Ugly Deals
    2. Define the Strike Zone
    3. Qualifying Methodologies and Shortcuts
    4. Nine-Frame Qualification Matrix
    5. Measure Every Prospect against Your Ideal Qualified Prospect Profile
    6. Murder Boarding
    7. Note
  18. Chapter 13: Engagement and Micro-Commitments
    1. Testing Engagement
    2. Tune In to Emotions
    3. Micro-Commitments
    4. Leveraging the Value Bias and Consistency Principle
    5. Getting Caught Up in Emotion
  19. Chapter 14: Stalled Deals and Next Steps
    1. The Bane of Sales Organizations
    2. The Cardinal Rule of Sales Conversations
    3. Getting Past the Next-Step Brush-Off
    4. Ledge
    5. Disrupt
    6. Ask
  20. Chapter 15: Sales Process
    1. Disruptive Emotions Disrupt the Sales Process
    2. Winging It
    3. Complexity Is the Enemy of Execution
    4. No Sales Process
    5. Aligning the Three Processes of Sales
  21. Chapter 16: Buying Process
    1. Mapping the Buying Process
    2. The Danger of Getting Out of Sync
    3. Average Salespeople Dance
    4. Shaping the Buying Process
    5. Get There First
    6. Leverage
    7. Average Salespeople Become Buying Process Puppets
  22. Chapter 17: The Five Stakeholders You Meet in a Deal
    1. The Higher the Risk, the More Stakeholders Involved
    2. Know Your Audience
    3. Hearts Before Minds
    4. BASIC
    5. The One Question Ultra-High Performers Never Ask
    6. BASIC Mapping
  23. Chapter 18: Decision Process
    1. Influencing the Decision Process
    2. Aligning the Three Processes of Sales
    3. The Five Questions That Matter Most in Sales
    4. Aligning Decision Making with Social Proof
    5. Notes
  24. Chapter 19: Do I Like You?
    1. No Second Chances with First Impressions
    2. Likability: The Gateway to Emotional Connections
    3. Connect
    4. Pitch Slapping
    5. Ten Keys to Being More Likable
    6. Connecting Is the Gateway to Lowering Emotional Walls and Discovery
  25. Chapter 20: Flexing to Complement the Four Primary Stakeholder Personas
    1. Four Predominant Stakeholder Personas
    2. Director (DISC Equivalent: Dominant)
    3. Analyzer (DISC Equivalent: Conscientious)
    4. Socializer/Energizer (DISC Equivalent: Influential)
    5. Consensus Builder (DISC Equivalent: Steady)
    6. Style Personas Shift
  26. Chapter 21: Sales Call Agenda Framework
    1. Greeting
    2. Call Objective
    3. Check Your Stakeholder's Agenda
    4. Frame the Conversation
    5. Emotional Contagion: People Respond in Kind
    6. Notes
  27. Chapter 22: Do You Listen to Me?
    1. Why People Don't Listen
    2. Four Principles of Effective Sales Conversations
    3. The Fine Art of Listening
    4. Active Listening
    5. Listen Deeply
    6. Activating the Self-Disclosure Loop
    7. Notes
  28. Chapter 23: Discovery: Sales Is a Language of Questions
    1. The Tour
    2. Alpha and Omega
    3. Joe the Interrogator
    4. Ask Easy Questions First
    5. The Power of Open-Ended Questions
    6. Avoid the Pump and Pounce
    7. Fluid Dual Process Discovery
    8. Developing Go-To Questions
    9. Notes
  29. Chapter 24: Do You Make Me Feel Important?
    1. The Most Insatiable Human Need
    2. How to Make People Feel Important
    3. The Law of Reciprocity
    4. Obligation and Win Probability
    5. Notes
  30. Chapter 25: Do You Get Me and My Problems?
    1. You Can't Differentiate When Everything Looks the Same
    2. The Age of Transparency
    3. Do You Get Me?
    4. People Buy for Their Reasons, Not Yours
    5. The Power of Language
    6. Message Matters
    7. The “So What?” Smell Test
    8. The Fine Art of Bridging
    9. The Three-Step Bridging Framework
    10. Notes
  31. Chapter 26: Asking: The Most Important Sales Discipline
    1. Closing
    2. Afraid to Ask
    3. The Assumptive Ask
    4. Shut Up
  32. Chapter 27: Turning Around Objections
    1. How Salespeople Create Objections
    2. Status Quo Bias and Why Buyers Object
    3. You Cannot Argue Stakeholders Out of an Objection
    4. Five-Step Objection Turnaround Framework
    5. Notes
  33. Chapter 28: Do I Trust and Believe You?
    1. Emotional Baggage
    2. You Are Always on Stage
    3. One Brick at a Time
    4. Note
  34. Chapter 29: Amache
  35. Training and Workshops
  36. About the Author
  37. Acknowledgments
  38. Index
  39. End User License Agreement