
Adizes, Ichak, 25

Administrator, role of, 25

Agile Project Management, 9

Anger session, 94

Audience, 114

Authorization to Proceed (ATP), 3435

Autocratic, management style, 26

Beliefs, 9697

Bid Manager, 22

Bidding process, 22

Bureaucratic, management style, 26

Business case

approval, 34

content, 33

at end of project, 6970

introduction, 3233

Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency (CCTA), 8

Challenges, of outsourcing, 7781

additional human hours, 79

costs, 7980

culture, 78

different language, 78

legal, 78

location, 79

transition costs, 79

working together, 78

Change management

introduction, 4243

during project implementation, 6364

tips, 4344

Character armor, 90

Character structures, 9093

Client environments, access to, 81

Coaching with Body & Mind Language, 2

Cocreation, 24

Communication, 18, 8689

defined, 86


content, 3941

introduction, 3839

during project implementation, 6162

process, 8889

type of media for, 8687

Communications Management Plan, 39, 40, 48, 59, 61, 83

Compliance rules, 19

Conflict management, 102


introduction, 34

terms and conditions, 37

tips, 36

types 1, 3435

types 2, 3536

Contractual arrangements, 83

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs, 1920

Decoding, 88

Defense mechanisms, 94. See also Character structures

Deliverable management, 6566

introduction, 48

tips, 49

Delivery Center (DC), 79, 81, 83, 84

Delivery organization, 34

Democratic, management style, 26

Discharge, project, 7172

DTAP (Development, Test, Acceptance, and Production) street, 6364

E-mail, 87, 89

Emotions, 95

Empathy, 6

Encoding, 88

Entrepreneur, role of, 26

Environment, impact on presentation, 116

Epictetus, Greek philosopher, 96

Executive Management, 4, 17, 33, 34, 53, 54, 61

Executive Manager, 60

Executive summary, 33

Expectation management, 5253

External client, 67, 71

External costs, 52

External issues, 6465

External project, 67, 72

issues of, 48

Extrovert person, 98

Feedback, 8889, 99100

Feelings, 94, 9596

Final report, at end of project, 70

Financial management

for external client, 67

for external project, 67

introduction, 51

during project implementation, 6768

tips, 52

Functional requirements, 21

Gantt chart, 53

versus resource planning, 5558

Global Delivery Center, 35

Global resources, 51

Governmental organizations, 37

Holme, Lord, 19

Human resources, 5051, 55, 56, 57, 63

Humphrey, Albert, 106

Influencers, 38

Integrator, role of, 26

Intercompany Agreements, 83

Internal costs, 52

Internal project issues, 48

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9000, 23

Introvert person, 98

Issue management, 48

during project implementation, 6465

Katie, Byron, 9697

Kiss, Bow or Shake Hands, 27

Knowledge Management, 75

Laissez-faire, management style, 26

Leadership, 5

versus management, 24

Lean model, 10

Learning activity, 110

Learning style, 110

Letter of Intent (LoI), 3435

Line Managers, 1617

LinkedIn, 110

Listening, 86

Lowen, Alexander, 90

Management organization, 72

project transfer to, 7375

Masochistic character structure, 92

McGregor, Douglas, 25


efficiency, 15

ethics, 16

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), 3435

Mental field, in personal development, 109110

Mentor, 110

Message delivering, structure for, 115116

Miller rule, 116

Minutes of meeting (MoM), 14–15

MoSCow analysis, 21

Multiproject Management, 56, 57

Negotiation, 6, 37

Nonfunctional requirements, 21

Nonproprietary method, 10

Nonverbal communication, 88

Obligation of effort, 36

Obligation of results, 36

Office of Government Commerce (OGC), 8

Old pain, 9394

Online self-assessment tests, 110

Open Group Architecture Forum, 23

Oral character structure, 91

Organization chart, 37, 40

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 19


challenges, 7781

client environments, access to, 81

definition of, 77

introduction, 77

tips, 8284

People (and partners), 10

People Planet Profit, 19

Personal baseline, 106108

Personal development, 6

defined, 105

introduction, 105106

log book, 111

personal baseline, 106108

plan structure, 109110

process, 108109

questions to dive into, 106

tips, 110111

Personal Development Plan (PDP), 105, 107

structure, 109110

Philosophy, 10

Physical field, in personal development, 109110

PMBoK (Project Management Book of Knowledge), 8

Portfolio, Programme, and Project Offices (P3O®), 12

PowerPoint presentation, 115, 116


for presentation, 113114

project management

lessons learned, 1213

meetings, 1416

project file, 1314


audience, 114

environment impact on, 116

introduction, 113

itself, 117

possible structure for, 114

PowerPoint, 115, 116

preparation for, 113114

of project, 18, 53

storytelling, 115

structure for delivering message, 114, 115116

tips for, 117119

Prince2 (Projects in Controlled Environment), 8, 12, 23, 45, 70, 110111

Problem behind the problem, 93

Problem-solving process, 10

Process, 10

Producer, role of, 26

Product Owner, 9

Project, 2

assurance, 24


business case, 6970

discharge, 7172

final report, 70

introduction, 69

lessons learned, 75

Project File, 71

remaining items to be finished, 73

team members meeting, 72

transfer to business as usual, 7375

documentation, 31

execution, 5968

change management, 6364

communication management, 6162

deliverable management, 6566

financial management, 6768

introduction, 5960

issue management, 6465

resource management, 6667

risk management, 64

stakeholder management, 60

external, 67, 72

failures, reasons for, 34

impact, 1718

plan, defined, 53

planning, 5

defined, 53

versus Gantt chart, 5558

presentation of, 5354

tips, 5455


business case, 3234

change management, 4244

communication management, 3841

contract, 3437

definition, 4142

deliverable management, 4849

expectation management, 52–53

financial management, 5152

introduction, 29

issue management, 48

kickoff, 3031

Project File, 3132

reporting structure, 39

resource management, 5051

risk management, 4448

stakeholders, 3738

team members, 7, 30

Project File, 1314, 3132, 39, 60, 64, 65, 66, 71, 72, 73, 84

Project Initiation Document, 4142, 70

Project Management, 57, 83

costs, 1112

holistic, 12

introduction, 1

versus leadership, 24

matrix, 1617

methods, 810

organization, 12

personal view on, 6

preparation, 1216

project impact, 1718

Project Manager, 46

quality management, 2324

reasons for, 34

requirements, 2022

solution design, 2223

style, 2527

sustainability, 1920

team climate, 7

tools, 11

Project Management Institute (PMI), 8

Project Management Office (PMO), 12

PROMPT method, 8

Proprietary method, 10

Psychological field, in personal development, 109110


beliefs and thoughts, 9697

character structures, 9093

communication, 8689

conflict management, 102

feedback, 99100

introduction, 85

listening, 86

observing, 8990

old pain, 9394

problem behind the problem, 93

statements, 103

stress management, 9798

subpersonalities, 100102

surrender, 9596

Psychopathic character structure, 92

Psychosocial field, in personal development, 109110

Quality management, 2324

Receiver, 87, 88, 89

Regression, 94, 99, 111

Reich, Wilhelm, 90

Request for Information (RfI), 22

Request for Proposal (RfP), 22

Requirements, for project, 2022

Resource allocation, 5657

Resource management, 56, 6667

global resources, 51

introduction, 50

tips, 5051

Resource planning, versus Gantt chart, 5558

Rigid character structure, 91

Risk budget, 46

Risk identification, 47

Risk management, 5

approach, 45

budget, 46

introduction, 4445

during project implementation, 64

response, 4647

steps, 45

tips, 4748

Risk register, 45

Risk response, 4647

Schizoid character structure, 9293

Scrum model, 9

Sender, 88

Service Level Agreement, 34, 72

Simpact Systems Ltd, 8

SMART (Specific Measurable Acceptable Realistic Timed), 33, 42, 43, 49, 50, 53

Software package, 5758

Solution design process, 2223

Sprints, 9

Stakeholders, 17, 30, 54

introduction, 37

management, 40, 60

steps, 3738

Standish Group, 3

Statement of Work (SOW), 34, 35

Statements, 96, 103

Steering Committee, 48, 54, 63, 64, 65, 113

Storytelling, 115

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis, 106108

Stress management, 9798

Subpersonalities, 100102

accept, 101

allocate time to, 102

collaboration, 102

defined, 100

integrate, 101102

recognize, 100101

synthesis, 102

Summary task, 54

Surrender, 9596

Sustainability, 1920

Symbiotic character structure, 91

Team climate, 7

“The Work”, 9697

Thoughts, 9697

TOGAF® framework, 23

Total/Technical Solution Manager (TSM), 2223

Toyota, 10

Traditional projects, 9

Trigger, for project, 34, 85, 93, 96

Verbal communication, 88

Visualizations, 88

Waterfall model, 89

Watts, Richard, 19

Written communication, 88

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