

  • accelerated computing instances, 39
  • access control
    • Amazon DynamoDB, IAM policy and, 732–735
    • Amazon EFS (Elastic File System), 776
    • Amazon S3
      • ACLs (access control lists), 124
      • bucket policies, 123
      • defense in depth, 124–125
      • user policies, 123–124
    • ElastiCache, 747
  • access keys, 14, 16
    • KMI (key management infrastructure), 263
  • ACLs (access control lists), 58–61, 105, 124
  • AD Connector (Active Directory Connector), 506–507
  • AD DS (Active Directory Domain Services), 506
  • ADM (Amazon Device Messaging), 537
  • Advanced Message Queuing Protocol. See AMQP
  • AES-256 (Advanced Encryption Standard), 95, 120, 187, 261, 263, 271, 272, 731
  • AFR (annual failure rate), 93
  • ALB (Application Load Balancer), 287, 479
  • all-at-once deployment, 300
  • Amazon API Gateway, 623, 627–628
    • Amazon CloudWatch and, 632–633
    • API keys, 631
    • authorizers, 630
    • AWS Lambda, integration, 631
    • CORS (cross-origin resource sharing), 631
    • definition support, 634
    • endpoints, 628
    • HTTP methods, 630
    • monitoring metrics, 807
    • OpenAPI specification, 634
    • resources, 629
    • RESTful APIs, 631
    • security, 633–634
    • stages, 630
  • Amazon Aurora
    • automatic scaling, 848
    • databases, 176
    • DB clusters, 190–191
      • cluster volume, 191
      • instances, 191
    • global databases, 192
    • serverless, 192
  • Amazon Aurora Serverless, 642–643
  • Amazon CloudFront
    • AWS Elastic Beanstalk and, 297–298
    • content delivery, 626–627
  • Amazon CloudWatch, 189–190
    • alarms, 814–817
    • Amazon API Gateway and, 632–633
    • Amazon SQS, queue monitoring and, 533
    • AWS Lambda functions, 602–603
    • cases, 800
    • cost management and, 867
    • dashboards, 817–818
    • log aggregation, 811–812
    • log processing, 814
    • log searches, metric filters, 812–814
    • metrics
      • aggregations, 804
      • Amazon API Gateway, 807
      • Amazon DynamoDB, 806
      • Amazon EC2, 805
      • Amazon Lambda, 807
      • Amazon S3, 806
      • Amazon SNS, 808
      • Amazon SQS, 808
      • AWS Auto Scaling groups, 805
      • built-in, 802
      • custom, 808–810
      • data points, 802–803
      • Elastic Load Balancing, 804
      • repository, 801
      • statistics, 803–804
      • statistics retrieval, 810–811
    • microservices, 521
    • monitoring, 798
    • performance monitoring, 868
  • Amazon Cognito, 498, 505
    • Amazon SNS, endpoints, 539
    • authentication
      • device tracking, 636–637
      • identity pools, 639
      • multi-factor authentication (MFA), 636
      • password policies, 636
      • SDK, 639–640
      • SMS messages, 636
      • UI (user interface) customization, 637–639
      • user pools, 634–635
    • authorizers, 630
  • Amazon Device Messaging (ADM), 537
  • Amazon DynamoDB, 569, 664
    • access control, fine grained, 214–216
    • adding to tables, 692
    • atomic counters, 715
    • attribute projects, 687–688
    • attributes, 197, 198–199, 669
    • AWS Auto Scaling, 848
    • automatic scaling, 707–711
    • backfilling, 693
    • backups, on-demand, 216, 737
    • base table, 688–689
    • best practices, 216–217
    • burst capacity, 682, 710
    • condition keys, 735–736
    • conditional writes, 716–717, 721
    • control plane operations, 678
    • data plane operations, 679–680
    • data retrieval, 209–212
    • data types, 669–671
    • deleting databases, 694
    • encryption, 216
    • encryption at rest, 730–732
    • error handling, 720, 721
    • expressions, 724–729
    • global secondary indexes, 686–687
    • hash attribute, 665
    • IAM and, 214–216
    • index key violations, 694
    • index name, 688–689
    • item attributes, 722–723
    • items, 198, 669, 715
    • local secondary indexes, 694–700
    • managing, 691
    • monitoring metrics, 806
    • nonrelational database, 177
    • NoSQL databases, 177
    • object persistent model, 214
    • optimistic locking, 713–714
    • partition key, 665–668
    • partitions, 197, 711–713
    • permissions, IAM policy conditions, 732–735
    • PITR (point-in-time-recovery), 738–739
    • primary key, 199–200, 665–666
    • provisioned throughput, 689–690
    • queries, 688
      • filter expressions, 730
      • key condition expressions, 729–730
      • read consistency, 730
    • range attributes, 666
    • read capacity units, 690
    • read consistency, 206, 207
    • read/write throughput, 207, 672–673
      • adaptive capacity, 209
      • burst capacity, 209
      • on-demand, 208
      • provisioned throughput, 208
      • RCU (read capacity unit), 207
      • reserved capacity, 208
      • WCU (write capacity unit), 207–208
    • resource allocation, 693
    • restore, point-in-time recovery, 216
    • restores, on-demand, 737–738
    • return values, 680–681
    • scanning, 688–689
    • secondary indexes, 201, 665, 683
      • alternate key, 684
      • base table, 683
      • configuration, 685
      • global secondary indexes, 202–205, 682, 684
      • local secondary indexes, 201–202, 204–205, 682, 684
    • shards, 668
    • sort key, 666
    • state, 665, 678
    • status in table, 692
    • streams, 205
    • synchronizing, 689
    • tables, 197, 198, 665, 672
    • tags, 714–715
    • throttle capacity, 682
    • throughput, provisioned, 672
      • capacity, reads/writes, 672–673
      • capacity unit consumption, 674–675
      • item sizes, 674–675
      • reads capacity unit (RCU) consumption, 675–676
      • settings, 674
      • writes capacity unit (WCU) consumption, 676–678
    • TTL (time to live), 719–720
    • version number, 713–714
    • write capacity units, 690
    • write cost, 690–691
  • Amazon DynamoDB Local downloadable database, 214
  • Amazon DynamoDB Streams, 665
    • API (application programming interface), 705
    • AWS Lambda triggers, 706–707
    • concurrency, 547
    • consumers, 546–547
    • cross-region replication, 701
    • data, retention limit, 705
    • endpoints, 701–702
    • Kinesis Adapter, 703–704
    • shards, 547
    • stream records, 700–701
    • streams, 702–704
    • use case, 546
  • Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store), 40, 93, 155, 157, 158
    • Amazon EFS comparison, 144
    • Amazon S3 comparison, 144
    • AWS OpsWorks Stacks, layers, 454
    • block storage, 87
    • Elastic Volumes, 94–95
    • encryption, 95–96, 265, 274
    • HDD (hard disk drive)-backed volumes, 93
      • SSD comparison, 94
    • instance store comparison, 143–144
    • performance optimization, 95–97
    • snapshots, 95
    • SSD (solid-state drive)-backed volumes, 93–94
    • storage, persistent, 40–41
    • storage optimization, 855–857
    • troubleshooting, 97
    • use cases, 94
  • Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), 38, 67, 91, 158, 235–236, 587
    • AD DS (Active Directory Domain Services), 506
    • Amazon VPC and, 67
    • answers to review questions, 887–890
    • Auto Scaling, 847–848
    • Availability Zones, 38
    • bare-metal access, 38
    • elastic network interfaces, 42
    • instance store, 97–99, 155
    • instance types, 39
    • instances
      • accelerated computing, 39
      • access, 43
      • CloudWatch, 50
      • compute optimized, 39
      • connecting to, 45–46
      • families, 39
      • general purpose, 39
      • key pairs, 43
      • lifecycle, 43–44
      • memory optimized, 39
      • monitoring, 50
      • storage optimized, 39
    • metadata, IMDS, 47–48
    • monitoring metrics, 805
    • on-premises AppSpec, 362–366
    • on-premises configuration, 359–361
    • primary network interfaces, 42
    • private IP addresses, 42
    • public IP addresses, 42
    • RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) and, 43
    • security groups, 42
    • users, default, 43
    • VPC, default, 42
    • webpages, custom, 49–50
  • Amazon ECR (Elastic Container Repository), 476, 481, 487
  • Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service), 38, 446
    • Amazon ECR, 476, 481
    • architecture, 473–474
    • AWS CodePipeline and, 321, 482–483
    • AWS Fargate, 475–476, 484
    • clusters, 472–475, 486
    • container agent, 481
    • containers, 476
      • deployment, 471–472
      • task definition, 477–478
    • Docker, 471, 473, 474, 484
    • Docker containers, 476, 481
    • images, 476, 481
    • overview, 472
    • service limits, 482
    • services, 478–479
    • task definition, 476–478
    • task scheduling, 479–480
  • Amazon ECS Service Discovery, 480
  • Amazon EFS (Elastic File System), 136–137, 157, 773
    • access control, 776
    • Amazon EBS comparison, 144
    • Amazon S3 comparison, 144
    • authentication, 776
    • AWS DataSync, 139–140
    • AWS DX (Direct Connect) and, 775–776
    • data consistency, 776
    • file storage, 87
    • file sync, 139
    • file system, 137, 778–779
    • file system access, 137–139
    • IAM, user creation, 777
    • performance, 140–141, 779–780
    • resources, 777
    • scaling, throughput scaling, 780–781
    • security, 141–142
    • VPC, 773–775
  • Amazon EKS (Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes), 38
  • Amazon Elastic Container Service, 325
  • Amazon ElastiCache. See ElastiCache
  • Amazon EMR
    • encryption, 267–268
    • S3DistCp, 272
  • Amazon Kinesis, 86
  • Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics, 544–545, 569
  • Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, 151–152, 158, 543–544, 569
  • Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, 540, 569
    • applications, 541
    • consumer options, 543
    • data blob, 541
    • Fluentd, 542
    • Flume, 542
    • Kinesis Video Streams, 542
    • messages, deleting, 541
    • open source tools, 542
    • partition key, 541
    • producers, 542–543
    • real-time analytics, 542
    • streams, names, 541
    • throughput, 541–542
  • Amazon Kinesis Video Streams, 545, 569
  • Amazon Lambda, monitoring metrics, 807
  • Amazon Lightsail, 38
  • Amazon Machine Image. See AMI (Amazon Machine Image
  • Amazon MQ, 570
    • active/standby broker for high availability, 550
    • AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol), 551
    • single-instance broker, 550
  • Amazon Neptune, 231–232
    • graph database, 177
  • Amazon Polly, 5, 11–12
  • Amazon QLDB (Quantum Ledger Database), ledger database, 177
  • Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service), 55, 180, 238, 274
    • Amazon Aurora, 190–192
    • Amazon CloudWatch, 189–190
    • availability, 181–182
    • AWS Elastic Beanstalk and, 298
    • backups, 181, 185–186
    • best practices, 192–194
    • configuration, 181
    • database migration, 489
    • encryption, 187–188, 266–267
    • engines, 182–185
    • hosting and, 182
    • IAM DB authentication, 188–189
    • instances, 464
    • Multi-AZ, 186–187, 238
    • procurement, 181
    • relational databases, 177
    • security, 181–182
      • implementing, 193–194
  • Amazon Redshift
    • 256-abit AES keys, 272
    • architecture, 220–222
    • AWS CloudHSM cluster master key, 272
    • AWS KMS cluster master key, 272–273
    • data warehouse, 177
    • loading data, 224
    • querying data, 224
    • Redshift Spectrum, 225–226
    • security, 224–225
    • snapshots, 224
    • table, 222–224
  • Amazon Resource Name. See ARN (Amazon Resource Name)
  • Amazon Route 53, domain names, 625–626
  • Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service), 10, 64, 157, 747, 782
    • access control, 123–125
    • Amazon EBS comparison, 144
    • Amazon EFS comparison, 144
    • authentication, 129
    • AWS CLI, 128
    • AWS CodePipeline and, 321
    • AWS Elastic Beanstalk and, 297
    • AWS explorers, 128
    • AWS SDKs, 128
    • buckets, 99–105, 155–156, 748–760
    • consistency model, 114–118, 755–756
    • CORS (cross-origin resource sharing), 107–108
    • CRR (cross-region replication), 127–128
    • data consistency, 156
    • data lake architecture, 129–130
    • encryption, 156, 264–265, 274
      • client-side, 121–123
      • data protection, 760
      • envelope encryption, 119–120
      • server-side, 271, 760
      • SSE (Server-Side Encryption), 120–121
    • lifecycle configuration, 157
    • MFA Delete, 127
    • monitoring metrics, 806
    • object operations, 108–109, 765–770
    • object storage, 87
    • object tagging, key-value pairs, 106
    • objects, 105, 761–765, 769, 783
    • performance, 130–134
      • Amazon CloudFront, 133
      • GET requests and, 772
      • multipart uploads, 133
      • object key naming, 131–132
      • range GETs, 133
      • request rate and, 770–771
      • TCP scaling, 133–134
      • TCP selective acknowledgment, 133–134
      • transfer acceleration, 132–133
      • workloads and, 130, 771–772
    • presigned URLs, 118
      • query string authentication, 125
    • pricing, 134
    • query string authentication, 125–126
    • requests, 129
    • serverless applications, 129
    • stateless applications, 129
    • static website, 126, 156, 623–624
    • storage classes, 156
      • Amazon S3 Glacier, 111–113
      • Amazon S3 Standard, 109–110
      • comparison, 114
      • frequently access objects, 757–758
      • GLACIER, 759
      • infrequently access objects, 758
      • OneZone_IA, 111
      • RRS (Reduced Redundancy Storage), 110
      • RTO (recovery time objective), 111
      • setting, 759
      • Standard_IA, 110
    • storage optimization, 853–855
    • uses, 155
    • values, large attribute, 772
    • VPC (virtual private cloud) endpoints, 128
    • web server, 622–623
    • web traffic logs, 624–625
  • Amazon S3 Glacier, 157
    • archives, 112–113
    • AWS SDKs, 112–113
    • encryption, 113
    • object storage, 87
    • objects, restoring, 113
    • RTO (recovery time objective), 111
    • Vault Lock, 111–112
    • vaults, 111
  • Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service), 325, 534, 569
    • Amazon SQS comparison, 540
    • API owner operations
      • AddPermission, 536
      • CreateTopic, 536
      • DeleteTopic, 536
      • GetTopicAttributres, 536
      • ListSubscriptions, 536
      • ListSubscriptionsByTopic, 536
      • ListTopics, 536
      • RemovePermission, 536
      • SetTopicAttributes, 536
    • API subscriber operations
      • ConfirmSubscription, 537
      • ListSubscriptions, 537
      • Subscribe, 537
      • UnSubscribe, 537
    • APIs, clean up, 537
    • billing, 539–540
    • clients, 534–535
    • device tokens, 538–539
    • DLQ (dead letter queue), 599
    • endpoints, 535
      • Amazon Cognito, 539
      • mobile, 538
      • proxy server, 539
    • Free Tier, 539–540
    • limits, 539–540
    • messages, topics, 534
    • mobile, 537–539
    • monitoring metrics, 808
    • registration IDs, 538–539
    • restrictions, 539–540
    • subscriptions, 534
    • topics, 534, 536
    • transport protocols
    • workflow, 535
  • Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service), 294, 523, 569
    • Amazon SNS comparison, 540
    • ChangeMessageVisibility action, 527
    • consumers, 523
    • DelaySeconds action, 528
    • DeleteMessage action, 528
    • distributed cluster of servers, 525
    • DLQ (dead letter queue), 599
    • log server, 524
    • MessageRetentionPeriod action, 528
    • messages
      • attributes, 532
      • storage, 525–526
    • monitoring metrics, 808
    • producers, 523
    • queue, 525
      • Amazon CloudWatch and, 533
      • dead-letter, 531–532
      • dead-letter queue, 528–530
      • dead-letter troubleshooting, 531
      • FIFO (first-in, first-out), 526, 529–530
      • SSE settings, 533
      • standard, 526
      • standard queues, 529–530
    • ReceiveMessage action, long polling, 526
    • ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds action, 527
    • responses, 523
    • servers, distributed cluster, 525
    • VisibilityTimeout action, 526
    • WaitTimeSeconds, 527
  • Amazon Timestream, time series database, 177
  • Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), 38, 67, 268–269
    • CIDR notation, 51
    • connection types, 52
    • default, 42
    • DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), 63
    • IP addresses, 52–53
    • NAT (network address translation), 61–63
    • network ACLs (access control lists), 58–61
    • network traffic monitoring, 64
    • route tables, 55–56
    • security groups, 56–58
    • stacks, AWS OpsWorks Stacks, 453
    • subnets, 54–55
  • AMI (Amazon Machine Image), 41–42, 506, 593
    • Amazon EBS and, 97
    • AWS Elastic Beanstalk, 306
  • AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol), 551
  • AFR (annual failure rate), 93
  • API keys, 631
  • APIs (application programming interfaces), 2
    • Amazon SNS
      • AddPermission, 536
      • ConfirmSubscription, 537
      • CreateTopic, 536
      • DeleteTopic, 536
      • GetTopicAttributres, 536
      • ListSubscriptions, 536, 537
      • ListSubscriptionsByTopic, 536
      • ListTopics, 536
      • RemovePermission, 536
      • SetTopicAttributes, 536
      • Subscribe, 537
      • UnSubscribe, 537
    • answers to review questions, 886–887
    • AWS Lambda functions, 589
    • AWS STS
      • AssumeRole, 503
      • AssumeRoleWithSAML, 504
      • AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity, 504
      • DecodeAuthorizationMessage, 504
      • GetCallerIdentity, 504
      • GetFederationToken, 504
      • GetSessionToken, 505
    • control plane, 497
    • credentials, 14–15
      • assigning, 48
    • endpoints, 10–12, 13
    • microservices, 521
    • requests, 6
    • responses, 7
  • APNS (Apple Push Notification Service), 537, 538–539
  • Application Load Balancer (See ALB (Application Load Balancer)
  • applications
    • Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, 541–542
    • Amazon S3, 129
    • AWS OpsWorks Stacks, 459–460
    • capacity, 289
    • deployment, 288–289
    • mapping to AWS database service, 178
    • running on instances, 44–50
    • serverless, 129, 622
    • stateless, 129
  • AppSpec configuration file, 299
  • architecture
    • data lake, 129–130
    • three-tier, 282
      • versus serverless stack, 640–642
  • ARN (Amazon Resource Name), 22–23
    • Amazon SNS, 536
    • AWS Lambda functions, 600
  • attributes, nested, 722–723
  • authentication
    • Amazon Cognito and, 634–640
    • answers to review questions, 905–907
    • versus authorization, 496
    • control planes, 497
    • federation, 496
    • IAM, 19–20
    • MFA (multi-factor authentication), 15–16, 636
    • RDP, 497
    • SSH, 497
  • authoritative data, 90
  • authorization, 497–498
    • answers to review questions, 905–907
    • versus authentication, 496
    • AWS SSO (Single Sign-On), 500–501
    • control planes, 497
    • cross-account access, 499
    • federation, 496
    • IAM, 19–20
    • permissions policy, 499
    • RDP, 497
    • source accounts, 499
    • SSH, 497
    • target accounts, 499
    • trust policy, 499
  • Auto Scaling, 845–849
  • Availability Zones, 705
    • Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), 38
    • AWS Region, 9, 10
  • AWS (Amazon Web Services)
    • cloud services, calling, 5–9
    • resource management, 4
    • SOAP support, 128–129
  • AWS Amplify JavaScript library, 128
  • AWS ASG (Auto Scaling Group), 383
  • AWS Auto Scaling, 289
    • groups, 289–290
    • groups, monitoring metrics, 805
    • microservices, 521
  • AWS Budgets, 2, 866
  • AWS CLI (Command Line Interface), 3, 4, 128, 382
    • AWS Lambda functions, 589
    • credentials, assigning, 48
  • AWS Cloud, 2, 86, 176, 284–287
  • AWS Cloud9, 66, 334
  • AWS CloudFormation, 382
    • application deployment, 289
    • AWS CloudFormation Designer, 406
    • AWS CodePipeline and, 321, 429–432
    • change sets, 384, 434–435
    • condition functions
    • creation policies, 436
    • custom resource providers, 406–407
    • helper scripts
      • cfn-get-metadata, 425
      • cfn-hup, 425–426
      • cfn-init, 424
      • cfn-signal, 424–425
    • infrastructure and, 382–384
    • intrinsic functions
      • Fn::Base64, 395
      • Fn::Cidr, 395
      • Fn::FindInMap, 395
      • Fn::GetAtt, 396
      • Fn::GetAZs, 396
      • Fn::Join, 396–397
      • Fn::Select, 397
      • Fn::Split, 397
      • Fn::Sub, 397–398
      • Ref, 398
    • metadata keys
      • AWS::CloudFormation::Designer, 405
      • AWS::CloudFormation::Init, 399–404
      • AWS::CloudFormation::Interface, 404–405
    • overview, 382–383
    • permissions, 385–386, 435
    • resource relationships, 408, 435
    • resources, 435, 408–411
    • service limits, 429
    • stacks, 384
      • CREATE_COMPLETE, 411
      • CREATE_FAILED, 412
      • DELETE_COMPLETE, 412
      • DELETE_FAILED, 412
      • deletion policies, 416–417
      • export output, 417–418
      • exports, 417
      • import output, 417–418
      • nested, 417, 418–419
      • policies, 420–422
      • ROLLBACK_FAILED, 412
      • UPDATE_COMPLETE, 412
      • updates, 413–416, 436
    • StackSets, 427–429
    • templates, 386–394, 435
    • wait conditions, 436
  • AWS CloudFormation CLI, 422–423
  • AWS CloudHSM, 262, 268–269
  • AWS CloudTrail
    • events, 818–820
    • monitoring, 798
    • trails, 820
  • AWS Code services, 318
    • AWS CodePipeline, 318
  • AWS CodeBuild, 318, 319, 344–345, 373
    • AWS CodePipeline and, 321, 352
    • build environments, 350–351
    • build projects, 345–349
    • service limits, 351
  • AWS CodeCommit, 292, 318, 319, 332–333, 372, 373
    • AWS CodePipeline and, 321, 344
    • branches, 341
    • commits, 339–340
    • credentials, 333–334
    • development tools, 334
    • files, 337
    • migration to, 341–343
    • pull requests, 337–338
    • repository, 335–337
    • service limits, 343
  • AWS CodeDeploy, 299, 319, 352–353, 373
    • applications, 362
    • AppSpec file, 362–369
    • AWS CodeDeploy agent, 369–370
    • AWS CodePipeline and, 321, 371
    • deployment configurations, 359–361
    • deployment groups, 356–359
    • deployments, 354–356
    • in-place deployment, 300
    • revision, 353–354
    • service limits, 370
  • AWS CodePipeline, 318, 319, 372
    • actions, 323
    • Amazon ECS and, 321
    • Amazon S3, 321
    • approval actions, 325–238
    • artifacts, 326–327
    • AWS CloudFormation and, 321, 430–432
    • AWS CodeBuild and, 321, 352
    • AWS CodeCommit and, 321, 344
    • AWS CodeDeploy and, 321, 371
    • AWS Elastic Beanstalk and, 321
    • AWS Lambda, 321
    • AWS OpsWorks Stacks, 321
    • build actions, 324
    • CI/CD (continuous integration/continuous deployment), 318
    • deploy actions, 325
    • GitHub and, 324
    • invoke actions, 326
    • pipelines, 322, 330–332
    • revisions, 322–323
    • service limits, 329
    • source actions, 323–324
    • stages, 323
    • tasks, 329–332
    • test actions, 324
    • transactions, 326–327
    • workflow, 320
  • AWS compute, 17
  • AWS Config
    • AWS Elastic Beanstalk and, 298
    • tagging and, 836
  • AWS Cost and Usage Report, cost management and, 866–867
  • AWS Cost Explorer, cost management and, 865
  • AWS Cost Explorer API, cost management and, 865–866
  • AWS Cost Optimization Monitor, cost management and, 867
  • AWS Database Migration Service, 176
  • AWS database service, application mapping, 178
  • AWS DataSync, 86
  • AWS Direct Connect, 86, 128, 152–153, 158, 159
  • AWS Directory Service, 509
  • AWS DMS (Database Migration Service), 177, 233–235
    • database migration, 177
  • AWS DX (Direct Connect), 774–776
  • AWS EB CLI (Elastic Beanstalk CLI), 296
  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk, 38, 290–291, 325. See also AWS EB CLI (Elastic Beanstalk CLI)
    • Amazon CloudFront and, 297–298
    • Amazon RDS, 298
    • Amazon S3 and, 297
    • applications, 289, 293
    • AWS CodePipeline and, 321
    • AWS Config, 298
    • components, 307
    • deployment, 307
    • ebextensions directory, 296–297
    • ElastiCache, 298–299
    • environment, 293–297
    • environment tier, 293–294, 307
    • health dashboard, 303–306
    • IAM and, 299
    • implementation, 291–292
    • metrics, 304
    • resources, 307
    • source repository and, 292–293
  • AWS Fargate, 475–476, 484, 486
  • AWS Free Tier, 2
  • AWS General Reference, 13
  • AWS Import/Export, 146–147, 158
  • AWS IoT (Internet of Things), 570
  • AWS IoT Device Management
    • device shadow, 550
    • message broker, 549–550
    • MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport), 547
    • OTA (over-the-air) updates, 547
    • rules engine, 548–549
  • AWS IoT (Internet of Things) Device SDK, 4
  • AWS KMS (Key Management Service), 95, 260–262, 269–270, 760
  • AWS Lambda, 38, 586–587
    • Amazon API Gateway integration, 631
    • Amazon CloudWatch and, metrics, 602–603
    • Amazon DynamoDB Streams, 706–707
    • AWS CodePipeline and, 321
    • AWS X-Ray, 603–604
    • environment variables, 599
    • functions
      • aliases, 600–601
      • concurrency, 597–598
      • concurrency limits, 598–599
      • context object, 595
      • creating, 589–590
      • descriptions, 596
      • DLQ (dead letter queue), 599
      • even objects, 595
      • execution methods, 590–592
      • execution permissions, 592
      • function handler, 594
      • function package, 593–594
      • invocation models, 590–592
      • invocation permissions, 593
      • InvocationType parameter, 591
      • invoking, 601–602
      • memory, 596
      • network configuration, 596–597
      • Nonstreaming Event Source (Push Model), 590–591
      • Streaming Event Source (Pull Model), 590, 592
      • tags, 596
      • timeouts, 596
      • versioning, 599–600
    • languages supported, 589
    • optimization and, 851
  • AWS Managed Microsoft AD, 507–508
  • AWS Management Console, 3–4, 12, 303, 590
    • access, 15–16
    • authentication, multi-factor authentication, 15–16
    • AWS Elastic Beanstalk, health dashboard, 303–305
    • AWS Lambda functions, 589
    • health monitoring, 303–305
    • IAM roles, 305–306
  • AWS Mobile SDK, 4, 128
  • AWS OpsWorks
    • Amazon EC2 auto scaling, 448
    • application deployment, 289
    • AWS CodePipeline and, 321
    • Chef compliance, 448
    • code repository, 448
  • AWS OpsWorks Agent, lifecycle events, 461–462
  • AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate, 447
    • application deployment, 289
  • AWS OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprise, 447
  • AWS OpsWorks Stacks, 446, 484, 485
    • apps, 459–460
    • attribute files, 449
    • auto healing, 486
    • AWS CodePipeline and, 470
    • Chef 11, 464–465
    • Chef 12, 464–465
    • Chef Server, 450
    • Chef Solo, 447
    • components, 485
    • cookbooks, 456, 449–452
    • deployment, 470–471
    • instances, 456–459, 464, 467–469, 485–486
    • layers, 453–456
    • lifecycle events, 461–463, 486
    • Permissions, 460–461, 486
    • recipes, 449–450, 461–462
    • resource management
      • Amazon EBS volumes, 463
      • elastic IP addresses, 464
    • service limits, 469
    • stacks, 452–453, 471
    • templates, custom, 456
  • AWS Region, 9–10, 23
    • API endpoints, 10–12
    • Availability Zones, 9, 10
    • planned regions, 9
    • samples, 13
    • selecting region, 14
  • AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model), 643–645
  • AWS SAM CLI, 645–647
  • AWS SCT (Schema Conversion Tool), 233–235
  • AWS SDK for Python, Boto, 4
  • AWS SDKs (software development kits), 3–4, 7–12, 128
    • AWS Lambda functions, 589
    • instances, 48
  • AWS Serverless Application Repository, 647
  • AWS Signature Version 4, 7
  • AWS Snow family, 86
  • AWS Snowball, 147–148, 158
  • AWS Snowball Edge, 148–150, 158
  • AWS Snowmobile, 150–151, 158
  • AWS SSO (Single Sign-On), 500–502
  • AWS Step Functions, 570
    • Choice Rules, 559–561
    • Choice state, 556–557
    • end state, 564
    • error handling, 564
    • input/output, 564–568
    • Parallel state, 561–564
    • state machines, 551–554
    • tasks, 554–556
    • use case, 568
  • AWS Storage Gateway, 86, 158
    • cached volume mode, 146
    • encryption, 266
    • file gateway, 146
    • migration and, 145–146
    • stored volume mode, 146
    • tape gateway, 146
    • volume gateway, 146
  • AWS STS (Security Token Service), 18
    • APIs, 503–505
    • credentials, 48
      • temporary, 502–503
  • AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store, 346
  • AWS Tag Editor, 836
  • AWS Trusted Advisor
    • cost management and, 864
    • performance monitoring, 869
  • AWS VPN, 158, 775
  • AWS X-Ray, 820
    • application request tracking, 821–823
    • AWS Lambda functions and, 603–604
    • monitoring, 798
    • use cases, 821
  • AWS::CloudFormat::Init, 400, 403–404
  • AWS::CloudFormation::Designer, 405
  • AWS::CloudFormation::Init, 435
  • AWS::CloudFormation::Interface, 404–405
  • AWS::CloudFormation::Stack, nesting, 418–419


  • Baidu Cloud Push, 537
  • bare-metal access, 38
  • binary scalar types, 670
  • BlazeMeter, 324
  • BLOB (binary large object) data, 88
  • block storage, 86, 91, 155, 782, 852
    • Amazon EBS, 87, 93
    • Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), instance store, 97–98
    • DAS (direct-attached storage), 91
    • ERP (enterprise resource planning systems), 91
    • NAS (network-attached storage), 91
    • SAN (storage area network), 91
  • block-level encryption, 265
  • blue/green deployment, 301, 310, 355
  • Boolean scalar types, 670
  • Bouncy Castle, 266
  • buckets (Amazon S3), 155–156
    • limitations, 99–100
    • namespace, universal, 100
    • operations, 103–105
    • regions, 103
    • versioning, 101–103
  • buffers, Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, 544
  • build phase of release lifecycle, 283


  • C# (.NET Core 1.0), AWS Lambda and, 589
  • C# (.NET Core 2.0), AWS Lambda and, 589
  • C++, AWS SDKs (AWS software development kits), 4
  • canary release, 630
  • CAP theorem (consistency, availability, partition tolerance), 115–116
  • CD (continuous delivery), 285
  • cfn-get-metadata helper script, 425
  • cfn-hup helper script, 425–426
  • cfn-init helper script, 424
  • cfn-signal helper script, 424–425
  • Chef, 446, 485
  • Chef 11, 464–467
  • Chef 12, 464–465
  • Chef Client, 447
  • Chef Server, 447, 450
  • Chef Solo, 447
  • Chef Zero, 447
  • CI (continuous integration), 285
  • CIA (confidentiality, integrity, availability) model, storage and, 91–92
  • CI/CD (continuous integration/continuous deployment), 285–286, 318
    • AWS CodeBuild, 286
    • AWS CodeCommit, 286
    • AWS CodeDeploy, 287
    • AWS CodePipeline, 286
  • CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) notation, 51
  • Classic Load Balancer, 287
  • client-side encryption, 121–123
  • cloud, database migration, 232–233
    • AWS DMS, 233–234
    • AWS SCT, 234–235
  • cloud services, calling, 5–9
  • CloudBees, 324
  • cloud-init directive, 47
  • CloudWatch, 50
  • CMK (customer master key), 96
  • code, configuration as, 446
  • cold data, 89
  • compliance, AWS KMS, 262
  • compute optimized instances, 39
  • condition functions, AWS CloudFormation
  • configuration
    • answers to review questions, 903–905
    • Chef, 447–448
    • as code, 446
    • Puppet, 447–448
  • configuration management, 447–448
  • containers
    • deployments, 302–303
    • microservers, 522
    • optimization and, 849–850
  • continuous delivery, 319
  • continuous integration. See CI (continuous integration)
  • CI/CD (continuous integration/continuous deployment). See CI/CD
  • control planes, 497
  • cookbooks, 485
    • AWS OpsWorks Stacks
      • custom, 456
      • dependencies, 451–452
      • management, 450–451
  • CORS (cross-origin resource sharing), 631
  • cost management
    • Amazon CloudWatch, 867
    • AWS Budgets, 866
    • AWS Cost and Usage Report, 866–867
    • AWS Cost Explorer, 865
    • AWS Cost Explorer API, 865–866
    • AWS Cost Optimization Monitor, 867
    • AWS Trusted Advisor, 864
    • EC2 Right Sizing, 868
  • cost optimization, 834
    • AWS usage reduction, 836–838
    • tagging, 835–836
  • critical/regulated data, 90
  • cross-origin resource sharing. See CORS
  • CRR (cross-region replication), 127–128
  • custom builds, identity provider, 499


  • DAS (direct-attached storage), 91
  • data, structure, 88
  • data at rest, encryption, 119
  • data dimensions, 87–88, 154
  • data in transit, encryption, 119
  • data lake architecture, 129–130
  • data lakes, 86
  • data migration, 145, 158
    • Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, 151–152
    • AWS Direct Connect, 152–153
    • AWS Import/Export, 146–147
    • AWS Snowball, 147–148
    • AWS Snowball Edge, 148–150
    • AWS Snowmobile, 150–151
    • AWS Storage Gateway, 145–146
    • VPN connections, 153
  • data plane, 497
  • data protection, 118. See also encryption
  • data temperature, 89
  • data transfer, 858
    • Amazon CloudFront, 858
    • Amazon Kinesis, 86
    • Amazon S3 transfer acceleration, 858
    • AWS DataSync, 86
    • AWS Direct Connect, 86
    • AWS Snow family, 86
    • AWS Storage Gateway, 86
    • caching, 858–859
    • S3 Transfer Acceleration, 86
  • data types
  • data value, 89–90
  • data warehousing
    • Amazon Redshift, 177, 220–226
    • architecture, 217–220
    • benefits, 217
    • data lake comparison, 219
    • data mart comparison, 219–220
    • database comparison, 218
    • databases, 176
  • database migration
    • Amazon RDS, 489
    • AWS DMS (Database Migration Service), 177
    • cloud, 232–235
    • heterogeneous, 233
    • homogenous, 233
  • database services, mapping to database types, 176–177
  • databases
    • Amazon Aurora, 176
    • Amazon EC2, 235–236
    • answers to review questions, 894–895
    • AWS OpsWorks Stacks, deployments, 471
    • compliance, IAM, 236–237
    • data warehouse, 176
    • DAX (Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator), 230
    • ElastiCache, 229–230
    • graph, 176, 230–232
    • IAM (AWS Identity and Access Management), 188–189
    • in-memory data stores, 176
      • caching, 226–227
      • in-memory key-value store, 228
    • ledger, 176
    • nonrelational, 176, 237
      • Amazon DynamoDB, 196–217
      • NoSQL, 195–196
    • relational, 237, 176, 178–180
      • Amazon Aurora, 190–192
      • Amazon CloudWatch, 189–190
      • Amazon RDS, 177, 180–188
      • Amazon RDS best practices, 192–194
      • IAM DB authentication, 188–189
    • security, IAM, 236–237
    • time-series, 176
  • DAX (Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator), 230
  • dead letter queue). See DLQ (dead letter queue)
  • decrypting passwords, Windows, 45–46
  • deployment
    • all-at-once deployment, 300
    • answers to review questions, 897
    • applications, 288–290
    • AppSpec file, 299
    • AWS CloudFormation, AWS CodePipeline and, 430–432
    • AWS CodeDeploy, 299
    • AWS CodePipeline, CI/CD, 318
    • AWS Elastic Beanstalk, 290–291
    • container deployments, 302–303
    • continuous delivery, 319
    • ELB (Elastic Load Balancing)
      • Application Load Balancer, 287
    • environment variables, 284
    • highly available applications, 287–288
    • in-place deployment, 300
    • rolling, 301–302
    • scalable applications, 287–288
    • source repository, 292–293
  • deployment phase of release lifecycle, 283
  • dereference operators, 722–723
  • developer tools, AWS Cloud9, 66
  • DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), 63
  • direct-attached storage. See DAS (direct-attached storage)
  • DLQ (dead letter queue), 599
  • dm-crypt, 265
  • DNS (domain name servers), 63, 506
  • Docker containers, 295–296
    • Amazon ECR, 481
    • CLI tools, 481
  • document data types, 671
  • domain names, Amazon Route 53, 625–626
  • dual-stack mode, IPv6 addresses, 53


  • ebextensions directory, 296–297, 307
  • EC2 Right Sizing, cost management and, 868
  • Eclipse, 334
  • eCryptfs, 265
  • elastic IP addresses, 53
  • Elastic Load Balancing
    • AWS OpsWorks Stacks, layers, 454
    • monitoring metrics, 804
  • elastic network interfaces, 42
  • Elastic Volumes (Amazon EBS), 94–95
  • ElastiCache
    • access control, 747
    • application state, 739
    • AWS Elastic Beanstalk and, 298–299
    • backups, snapshots, 746–747
    • cache hits, 742–743
    • cache misses, 742–743
    • clusters, 741–742
    • data access patterns, 745
    • distributed cache, 740–741
    • endpoints, 742
    • in-memory data store, 177
    • in-memory key-value store, 739
    • lazy loading, 744
    • Memcached, 229–230, 739
    • Multi-AZ replication groups, 746
    • nodes, 741
    • Redis, 229–230, 739
    • replication groups, 742, 746
    • scaling, 745
    • snapshots, 746–747
    • TTL (time to live), 742
    • write-through, 744
  • ELB (Elastic Load Balancing), 287, 383
  • EncFs, 265
  • encryption
    • Amazon EBS, 95–96, 265–266, 274
    • Amazon EMR, 267–268
    • Amazon RDS, 266–267
      • AWS KMS, 187–188
    • Amazon S3, 156, 264–265, 271, 274
    • answers to review questions, 895–896
    • AWS CloudHSM, 262
    • AWS KMS (Key Management Services), 95, 260–262, 269–271
    • AWS managed, 263, 268–269
    • AWS Storage Gateway, 266
    • client-side, 122–123
    • customer managed, 263, 264–268
    • data at rest, 119
    • data in transit, 119
    • data protection, 760
    • dm-crypt, 265
    • eCryptfs, 265
    • EncFs, 265
    • file systems, accessing, 779
    • Loop-AES, 265
    • server-side, 271, 760
    • SSE (Server-Side Encryption), 119
    • TrueCrypt, 265
  • endpoints
    • Amazon SNS, 535
    • API regional endpoints, 10–12
    • ElastiCache, 742
  • envelope encryption, 270
  • environment
    • AWS Elastic Beanstalk, 293–297
    • variables
      • AWS Lambda, 599
      • deployment, 284
  • ERP (enterprise resource planning systems), 91
  • exercises
    • account sign up, 26
    • Amazon API Gateway, running locally, 659
    • Amazon Cloud Directory setup, 514–515
    • Amazon CloudTrail, 827–828
    • Amazon CloudWatch
      • alarms, 826–827
      • dashboard, 828
    • Amazon Cognito setup, 516
    • Amazon DynamoDB table
    • Amazon DynamoDB user lookup, 253
    • Amazon EBS optimization, 877–878
    • Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)
      • instance connection, 73
      • key pairs, 69
      • private subnet, 75–76
      • as web server, 71–73
    • Amazon ECS
      • clusters, 488–489
      • containers, 488–489
    • Amazon EFS, volumes, 787–788
    • Amazon Kinesis Data Stream, 575–577
    • Amazon RDS
      • database migration, 489
      • database tier security, 242–243
      • endpoint value, 245–246
      • removal, 249–250
    • Amazon S3
      • AWS Lambda function invocation, 615–616
      • buckets, uploading to, 788
      • event triggers, 616–617
    • Amazon S3 buckets, 163
      • AWS Lambda functions and, 608
      • deleting, 167–169
      • emptying, 167–169
      • final output, JSON, 608–609
      • HTML file edits, 653–655
      • object load, 164–166
      • Swagger template, 652–653
      • unencrypted uploads, 275–276
      • verifying buckets, 609–610
    • Amazon S3 versioning, 789
    • Amazon SNS, SMS text message, 575
    • Amazon SQS, 573–574
    • Amazon VPC, 70
    • application version update, 311–312
    • auto scaling groups, 879–880
    • AWS CLI
      • configuration, 28
      • CPU usage alarm, 876–877
      • installation, 28
    • AWS Cloud9, 77–78
    • AWS CloudFormation, 437–439
    • AWS CodeBuild project creation, 375–376
    • AWS CodeCommit repository, pull request, 374
    • AWS CodeDeploy, application creation, 375
    • AWS Config rule creation, 878–879
    • AWS IAM role creation, 612–614
    • AWS KMS
      • CMK (customer master key), 277–278
      • create/disable key, 276–277
    • AWS Lambda
      • event source generation, 657
      • function creation, 614–615
      • function modification, 658–659
      • function preparation, 610–612
      • function testing, 617
      • invocation by Amazon S3, 615–616
      • local function definition, 656
      • running, 657
    • AWS Managed Microsoft AD, 512–514
    • AWS OpsWorks Stacks
      • auto healing event notification, 490
      • environment launch, 488
    • AWS SAM template, 655–656
      • local API, 658
    • AWS Step Function, 578–581
    • batch processes, writing data, 253–254
    • blue/green solution deployment, 310
    • cleanup, 78–79
    • code samples, downloading, 28–29
    • cross-region replication, 791
    • deployment, 309
    • ElastiCache, Memcached cluster, 786, 787
    • environment, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, 310–311
    • IAM administrator group creation, 26–27
    • IAM administrator user creation, 26–27
    • IAM roles, API calls, 71
    • instances, private, requests, 76–77
    • launch configuration, 879–880
    • MariaDB database instance setup, 243–245
    • NAT, instances in private subnet, 74–75
    • profiles, 30–32
    • Python script, API calls, 29
    • regions, 29–30
    • scaling actions, 879–880
    • Simple AD setup, 510–512
    • SQL table creation, 246–248
    • SQL table queries, 248–249


  • FaaS (function-as-a-service), 587
  • federation, 496, 498–500, 509
  • file gateways, 146
  • file storage, 86, 91, 155, 853
    • Amazon EFS, 87
  • file-system encryption, 265
  • FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards), 260
  • Fn::Base64, 395
  • Fn::Cidr, 395
  • Fn::FindInMap, 395
  • Fn::GetAtt, 396
  • Fn::GetAZs, 396
  • Fn::Join, 396–397
  • Fn::Select, 397
  • Fn::Split, 397
  • Fn::Sub, 397–398
  • FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array), 39
  • frozen data, 89
  • function-as-a-service). See FaaS (function as a service)


  • GCM (Google Cloud Messaging for Android), 538–539
  • general purpose instances, 39
  • Ghost Inspector, 324
  • GitHub, AWS CodePipeline and, 324
  • Go, AWS SDKs (AWS software development kits), 4
  • Go 1.x, AWS Lambda and, 589
  • GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), 39
  • graph databases, 176–177, 230–232


  • Hadoop, Amazon EMR, 266
  • HDD (hard disk drive)-backed volumes, 93
    • SSD comparison, 94
  • helper scripts, AWS CloudFormation, 425–426
  • heterogeneous database migration, 233
  • highly available applications, deployment, 287–288
  • highly structured data, 88
  • HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), 508
  • HMAC (hash message authentication code), 266
  • homogenous database migration, 233
  • hot data, 89
  • HPE (Hewlett Packard Enterprise) Storm Runner Load, 324
  • HSM (hardware security module), 260


  • IaC (infrastructure as code), 382, 434
  • IAM (AWS Identity and Access Management), 5, 13, 14–15, 496
    • access keys, 16
    • Amazon DynamoDB, 732–736
    • authentication, 19–20
    • authorization, 19–20
    • AWS Elastic Beanstalk and, 299
    • condition element, 734
    • database security, 236–237
    • DB authentication, 188–189
    • dev tools, 16
    • groups, 16–17
    • identities, 19–20
    • as IdP (identity provider), 496
    • Management Console, 15–16
    • many-to-many relationships, users and groups, 16
    • metadata, 48
    • permissions, 20–21, 733–735
    • policies, 20–24
    • roles, 17–18, 20, 24
    • users, 15, 24
      • Amazon EFS, 777
      • roles, 20
  • identity, 497–498
    • identity consumer, 498
    • identity provider, 498–499, 505–506
    • Microsoft Active Directory, 500
  • identity services, federation, 496
  • IdP (identity provider), 496, 509
    • federation, 496
  • images
    • AMI (Amazon Machine Language), 41–42
    • software images, 41–42
  • IMDS (instance metadata service), 47–48
  • immutable deployment, 301–302
  • infrastructure
    • answers to review questions, 900–903
    • AWS CloudFormation and, 382
    • repeatable, 383
    • templates and, 384
    • versionable, 383
  • infrastructure as code. See IaC (infrastructure as code)
  • in-memory data stores, 176–177, 226–228
  • in-place deployment, 300, 354
  • instance metadata service, See IMDS (instance metadata service)
  • instance reservations
    • EC2 reservations, 841–842
    • pricing, 840–841
    • RDS reservations, 842
  • instance store
    • Amazon EBS comparison, 143–144
    • Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), 97–99, 155
    • volumes, 98
  • instances, 38
    • accelerated computing, 39
    • access, 43
    • Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), 45–46, 50
    • applications, running on, 44–50
    • AWS OpsWorks Stacks, 456–459, 464, 467–469
    • CloudWatch, 50
    • compute optimized, 39
    • families, 39
    • general purpose, 39
    • memory optimized, 39
    • metadata, 67
    • storage optimized, 39
    • stores, 40–41
    • types, 39
  • IntelliJ, 334
  • intrinsic functions, AWS CloudFormation
    • Fn::Base64, 395
    • Fn::Cidr, 395
    • Fn::FindInMap, 395
    • Fn::GetAtt, 396
    • Fn::GetAZs, 396
    • Fn::Join, 396–397
    • Fn::Select, 397
    • Fn::Split, 397
    • Fn::Sub, 397–398
    • Ref, 398
  • IOPS (input/output operations per second), 773
  • IP addresses, 42, 52–53
  • IPv6 addresses, 53
  • iSCSI (internet Small Computer System Interface), 145–146


  • Java, AWS SDKs (AWS software development kits), 4
  • Java 8, AWS Lambda and, 589
  • JavaScript, AWS SDKs (AWS software development kits), 4
  • JCE (Java Cryptography Extension), 261
  • Jenkins, 324
  • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), identity, 497


  • key pairs, Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), 43
  • KMI (key management infrastructure), 263, 273


  • latency, 157
  • layers, AWS OpsWorks Stacks, 453–456
  • LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), 506, 508
  • ledger databases, 176–177
  • lexicon, 11
  • lifecycle, release lifecycle, 282–284
  • lifecycle configuration, 134–135
  • lifecycle policies, 102
  • Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. See LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
  • load balancers, 287, 479
  • local secondary indexes, 201–202, 204–205, 682, 684
  • logs, web traffic, 624–625
  • Loop-AES, 265
  • loosely structured data, 88


  • Memcached, 229–230
  • memory optimized instances, 39
  • message infrastructure, refactor to microservices and, 522
  • message-oriented middleware. See MoM (message-oriented middleware)
  • metadata, 67
  • MFA (multi-factor authentication), 15–16, 127, 636
  • microservices, 521
    • answers to review questions, 907–908
    • containers, 522
    • monolithic architectures and, 588
    • refactor to, 522
  • Microsoft Active Directory, 500
    • AD Connector (Active Directory Connector), 506–507
    • AD DS (Active Directory Domain Services), 506
    • AWS Managed Microsoft AD, 505–507, 507–508
    • AWS SSO (Single Sign-On) and, 501–502
  • migration, 145, 158
    • Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, 151–152
    • to AWS CodeCommit, 341–343
    • AWS Direct Connect, 152–153
    • AWS Import/Export, 146–147
    • AWS Snowball, 147–148
    • AWS Snowball Edge, 148–150
    • AWS Snowmobile, 150–151
    • AWS Storage Gateway, 145–146
    • VPN connections, 153
  • MoM (message-oriented middleware), 523
  • monitor phase of release lifecycle, 284
  • monitoring, 303, 798
    • Amazon CloudWatch, 189–190, 798
      • alarms, 814–815, 815–817
      • cases, 800
      • dashboards, 817–818
      • log aggregation, 811, 812
      • log processing, 814
      • log searches, 812–814
      • metrics, 802–811
      • metrics repository, 801–811
      • microservices, 521
      • monitoring, 798
    • answers to review questions, 912–914
    • AWS CloudTrail, 798
      • events, 818–820
      • trails, 820
    • AWS Management Console, 303–306
    • AWS X-Ray, 798, 820–823
    • metrics, 799–800
  • monolithic architectures versus microservices, 588
  • MPNS (Microsoft Push Notification Service) Windows Phone, 538
  • multi-factor authentication. See MFA (multi-factor authentication)
  • MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, 623


  • namespaces, buckets (Amazon S3), 100–101
  • NAS (network-attached storage), 91
  • NAT (network address translation), 61–63, 128
  • nesting
    • attributes, 722–723
    • AWS::CloudFormation::Stack, 418–419
  • .NET, AWS SDKs (AWS software development kits), 4
  • network ACLs (network access control lists), 58–61, 68
  • network address translation. See NAT (network address translation)
  • network-attached storage. See NAS (network-attached storage)
  • Network Load Balancer, 287
  • networks
    • Amazon VPC, 51
    • connecting to others, 51–52
    • connection types, 52
    • DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), 63
    • IP addresses, 52–53
    • NAT (network address translation), 61–63
    • network ACLs (access control lists), 58–61
    • network traffic monitoring, 64
    • primary network interfaces, 42
    • route tables, 55–56
    • security groups, 56–58
    • subnets, 54–55
    • virtual, elastic network interfaces, 42
  • Node.js 4.3, AWS Lambda and, 589
  • Node.js 6.10, AWS Lambda and, 589
  • Node.js 8.10, AWS Lambda and, 589
  • nonrelational databases, 176, 237
    • Amazon Document DB, 177
    • Amazon DynamoDB, 196–217
    • NoSQL, 177, 195–196
  • Nouvola, 324
  • null scalar types, 670
  • number scalar types, 670


  • object storage, 86, 91, 155, 782
    • Amazon S3, 87, 99–105
    • Amazon S3 Glacier, 87
    • DEEP_ARCHIVE, 852
    • GLACIER, 852
    • ONEZONE_IA, 852
    • STANDARD_IA, 852
  • objects, 99, 108–109, 761–765
  • OIDC (OpenID Connect), 498, 500
  • OP (OpenID provider), 500
  • OpenSSL, 266
  • OpsWorks Stacks, 325
  • optimistic locking, 713–714
  • optimization
    • answers to review questions, 914–916
    • Auto Scaling, 845–846
      • accessing, 848–849
      • Amazon Aurora, 848
      • Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, 846–847
      • AWS Auto Scaling, 847–848
      • DynamoDB, 848
    • AWS Lambda and, 851
    • containers, 849–850
    • cost optimization, 834–838
    • costs, 864–868
    • data transfer, 858–859
    • instance reservations, 841–842
    • RDBMS (relational database management system), 859–864
    • right sizing, 838–840
    • serverless approaches, 850–851
    • Spot Instances, 843–845
    • storage, 851–857


  • partitions
    • Amazon DynamoDB, 197, 711
      • distribution, 711–713
      • partition key, 665–668, 712–713
      • primary key, 199–200
      • sort key, 713
    • ARN, 23
    • CAP theorem (consistency, availability, partition tolerance), 115–116
    • nonrelational databases, 197
    • partition key, Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, 541
  • passwords, decrypting, Windows, 45–46
  • PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), 508
  • performance monitoring
    • Amazon CloudWatch, 868
    • AWS Trusted Advisor, 869
  • permissions
    • Amazon DynamoDB, IAM policy and, 732–735
    • AWS CloudFormation, 385–386
      • StackSets, 428–429
    • AWS OpsWorks Stacks, 460–461
    • wildcards, 22
  • persistent storage, 40–41
  • PHP, AWS SDKs (AWS software development kits), 4
  • policies, IAM, 20–24
  • POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface), 773
  • presigned URLs, 118, 125
  • primary network interfaces, 42
  • private IP addresses, 53
  • private subnets, 55, 67
  • privileges, IAM policies, 21
  • programmatic access, 16
  • public IP addresses, 53
  • public subnets, 55, 67
  • push notifications, Amazon SNS mobile, 537–539
  • Python 2.7, AWS Lambda and, 589
  • Python 3.6, AWS Lambda and, 589


  • query string authentication, 125–126


  • RDBMS (relational database management system), optimization and, 859–860
    • fewer tables, 860
    • indexes, 862–863
    • NoSQL and, 860
    • projections, 863
    • query frequency, 863
    • related data, 860
    • scan operations, 863–864
    • sort keys, version control, 862
    • workload distribution, 861–862
  • RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol), 238
    • Amazon EBS, 97
    • Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) instances, 43
    • data plane, 497
  • read consistency, 206–207
  • reads per second. See RPS (reads per second)
  • Redis, 229–230
  • Ref, 398
  • refactor to microservices, 522
  • regions, ARN, 23
  • relational databases, 178–179, 237. See also RDBMS (relational database management system)
    • ACID
      • atomicity, 179
      • consistency, 180
      • durability, 180
      • isolation, 180
    • Amazon Aurora, 190–192
    • Amazon CloudWatch, 189–190
    • Amazon RDS, 177, 180–189, 238
      • Amazon Aurora, 190–192
      • Amazon CloudWatch, 189–190
      • best practices, 192–194
    • columns, 178–179
    • data integrity, 179
    • fields, 179
    • foreign keys, 179
    • IAM DB authentication, 188–189
    • managed, 176, 180
    • nonrelational, Amazon Document DB, 177
    • objects, 178
    • primary keys, 179
    • rows, 179
    • SQL (Structured Query Language), 179
    • transactions, 179
    • unmanaged, 180
  • release lifecycle, 282–284
  • Remote Desktop Protocol. See RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)
  • repeatable infrastructure, 383
  • repositories, deployment and, 292–293
  • Representational State Transfer. See REST
  • reproducible data, 90
  • resource management, security, shared responsibility model, 64–65, 155
  • resources, 24
    • ARN, 24
    • usage reduction, 836–838
  • REST (Representational State Transfer), 623
  • RESTful APIs, 631
  • right sizing, 838–840
  • roles, IAM, 17–18
  • rolling deployment, 301–302
  • route tables, 55
  • RPS (reads per second), 88
  • Ruby, AWS SDKs (AWS software development kits), 4
  • Runscope, 324


  • S3 Transfer Acceleration, 86
  • S3DistCp, 272
  • same-origin policy, 631
  • SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language), 498, 499
  • SAN (storage area network), 91
  • scalable applications, deployment, 287–288
  • scalar data types, 670
  • SDLC (software development lifecycle), 282
    • AWS Cloud, 284–285
    • environment variables, 284
    • release lifecycle, 282–284
  • secondary indexes, 201, 665, 683
    • alternate key, 684
    • base table, 683
    • configuration, 685
    • global secondary indexes, 202–205, 682, 684
    • local secondary indexes, 201–202, 204–205, 682, 684
  • security, shared responsibility model, 64–65, 155
  • Security Assertion Markup Language. See SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language)
  • security groups, 56–58, 68
  • serverless applications, 622
    • Amazon Aurora Serverless, 642–643
    • Amazon S3, 129
    • answers to review questions, 909–910
    • AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model), 643–645
    • AWS SAM CLI, 645–647
    • AWS Serverless Application Repository, 647
    • user cases, 647
  • serverless compute, 586. See also AWS Lambda
    • answers to review questions, 908–909
  • serverless stack versus three-tier architecture, 640–642
  • server-side encryption, AWS KMS, 271
  • service token acts, 406
  • services
    • ARN, 23
    • managed, 65–66
    • unmanaged, 65–66
  • shared responsibility security model, 64–65, 155
    • storage and, 91
  • Simple AD (Simple Active Directory), 507
  • snapshots, Amazon EBS, 95
  • SOA (service-oriented architecture), 476–477, 798
  • SOAP, 128–129
  • software
    • customization, user data and, 46–47
    • images, 41–42
  • Solano CI, 324
  • source phase of release lifecycle, 283
  • source repository, deployment and, 292–293
  • Spot Instances, 844–845
  • SSD (solid-state drive)-backed volumes, 93
    • HDD comparison, 94
  • SSDs (solid-state drives), 665
  • SSE (Server-Side Encryption), 119
    • SSE-C (customer-provided keys), 120
    • SSE-KMS (AWS KMS), 120–121
    • SSE-S3 (Amazon S3 managed keys), 120, 760
  • SSH (Secure Shell), data plane, 497
  • SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), ELB (Elastic Load Balancing), 287
  • SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language), 5
  • stacks, AWS OpsWorks Stacks, 452–453
  • StackSets (AWS CloudFormation), 427–429
  • state machines, AWS Step Functions, 551–554
  • stateless application pattern, 129, 664
    • answers to review questions, 910–912
  • static websites, 126
    • Amazon S3, 156
  • stop deployments, 355
  • storage
    • Amazon EBS, 40–41, 94–97, 855–857
    • Amazon EFS, 136–142
    • Amazon S3, 853–855
      • access control, 123–125
      • authentication, 129
      • AWS CLI, 128
      • AWS explorers, 128
      • AWS SDKs, 128
      • buckets, 99–105
      • classes, 109–114, 156
      • consistency model, 114–118
      • CORS (cross-origin resource sharing), 107–108
      • CRR (cross-region replication), 127–128
      • data lake architecture, 129–130
      • encryption, 118–123
      • MFA Delete, 127
      • objects, 105–108
      • performance, 130–134
      • presigned URLs, 118
      • pricing, 134
      • query string authentication, 125–126
      • requests, 129
      • serverless applications, 129
      • stateless applications, 129
      • static websites, 126
      • VPC (virtual private cloud) endpoints, 128
    • answers to review questions, 890–893
    • block, 86, 91, 155, 782
    • block storage, 852
    • CIA (confidentiality, integrity, availability) model, 91–92
    • comparisons, 142–144
    • DAS (direct-attached storage), 91
    • data dimensions, 87–88
    • data lakes, 86
    • data temperature, 89
    • data transfer, 86
    • data value, 89–90
    • data volume and, 157
    • ERP (enterprise resource planning systems), 91
    • file, 86, 91, 155
    • file storage, 853
    • highly structured data, 88
    • item size and, 157
    • latency, 157
    • loosely structured data, 88
    • mental model, 87
    • NAS (network-attached storage), 91
    • object, 86, 91, 155, 782, 852
    • optimization, 851–857
    • persistent, 40–41
    • products, 142–143
    • SAN (storage area network), 91
    • shared responsibility model, 91
    • temporary, 41
    • unstructured data, 88
  • storage area network (SAN), 91
  • storage optimized instances, 39
  • string scalar types, 670
  • subnets, 55, 67
  • Sun Java JCE, 261
  • system-level encryption, 265


  • tape gateways, 146
  • TeamCity, 324
  • templates
    • AWS CloudFormation, 386–394
    • AWS CloudFormation CLI, transforms, 423
    • AWS OpsWorks Stacks, custom, 456
    • infrastructure, 384
    • transforms, AWS CloudFormation CLI, 423
  • temporary storage, 41
  • test phase of release lifecycle, 283
  • three-tier architecture, 282
    • versus serverless stack, 640–642
  • time series databases, Amazon Timestream, 177
  • time-series databases, 176
  • TLS (Transport Layer Security), ELB, 287
  • transient data, 90
  • troubleshooting, 303, 798
    • Amazon EBS, 97
    • answers to review questions, 912–914
  • TrueCrypt, 265
  • trust policies, IAM roles, 18


  • unstructured data, 88
  • user data, 46–47, 67
  • users, IAM, 15


  • variables, environment variables
    • AWS Lambda, 599
    • deployment, 284
  • variety, data, 88
  • velocity, data, 88
  • versionable infrastructure, 383
  • versioning, buckets (Amazon S3), 100–101
  • virtual networks, interfaces, elastic network interfaces, 42
  • Visual Policy Editor, 24
  • Visual Studio, 334
  • volume, data, 88
  • volume gateways, 146
  • VPC (virtual private cloud)
    • Amazon EFS, 773–775
    • endpoints, 128
  • VPNs (virtual private networks), 128, 159
    • data migration, 153


  • warm data, 89
  • web servers
    • Amazon S3, 622–623
    • traffic logs, 624–625
  • webpages, custom, Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) and, 49–50
  • websites, static, 126
  • wildcards, permissions, 22
  • Windows, passwords, decrypting, 45–46
  • WNS (Windows Push Notification Services), 538
  • WORM (Write Once Read Many), 111
  • WPS (writes per second), 88


  • x-amzn-requestid header, 7
  • Xebia Labs, 325
  • zeroization, 268
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