

Actions panel

breakpoints, setting, 385

viewing, 349

ActionScript Editor, debugging with, 376–377

ActionScript Server files, 14

ActionScript Virtual Machine (AVM), 351

ActionScripts, 10, 131, 347. See also behaviors; components; conditional statements; debugging; dot syntax; methods; properties

animation, creating, 282

clip events, 365–366

data types, 360

for dynamic text, 180

external SWF files, loading, 418

files, 14

frame events, 364

functions, using, 361

motion tween as ActionScript, copying, 244, 253

mouse events, 362–363

new version, introducing, 351

preferences, setting, 356

printing with, 489

video with, 328–329

warning preferences, 65

activating masks, 295

Adaptive color palette, 477

Add Statement, 349

Adjust Color effect, 240–241

Adobe Air, 470–471

create, 470

publish, 471

Adobe After Effects CS2, 342

Adobe Bridge, 14–15

Adobe ConnectNow, 508

Adobe Fireworks. See Fireworks

Adobe Flash Exchange Web site

commands, downloading, 459

Extend link for accessing, 4

resources on, 27

updates and support on, 26–27

Adobe Flash Player. See Flash Player

Adobe Flash Support Online Web site

templates on, 13

updates and support on, 26–27

Adobe Flash Video. See Flash movies; FLV files

Adobe Illustrator. See Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop. See Photoshop

Adobe Premiere for alpha masks, 344–345

Adobe Soundbooth, 303, 321

Adobe Stock Photos. See Stock Photos

Adobe Version Cue. See Version Cue

ADPCM compression, 318

advanced colors. See colors

Advertising templates, 13

Alert component, adding, 406–407


with guide layers, 41

HTML alignment, setting, 475

of paragraph text, 172


instance alpha, modifying, 158, 160

masks, working with, 344–345

motion tween, adding to, classic, 262

publishing movies, setting on, 477

shape tween alpha, changing, 279

anchor points, 81

arrow keys for moving, 116

corner points to curve points, converting, 116–117

curve points to corner points, converting, 116–117

anchor points (continued)

deleting, 111

Pen tool using, 110

types of, 116–117

AND conditional statement, 370

animations. See also frame-by-frame animation; GIF files; motion tweening

anti-aliasing for, 176

buttons, adding to, 151

of filters, 241

masks, animating, 300–301

symbols, converting to, 139

sync sounds, adding, 305

anti-aliasing text, 176

API (application programming interface) and components, 413

Apple Final Cut Pro, 342

alpha masks, working with, 344–345

Arial font, 176

built-in Flash device fonts for, 179

armature, 283–288

Arrange command, 133

arrow keys, 116

assets in Library, 134–135

attachMovie() method, 366

attributes, list of, 451

audience, determining, 8

audio. See sounds

Audio Video Interleaved (AVI) files. See AVI files

authoring parameters, 440, 441

Auto Format, 349

Auto Kerning, setting, 169

AutoCAD DXF. See DXF files

AVI files, 325

exporting movies to, 490–491

AvidXpress DV, 342


Back button on Edit bar, 46


attributes, 450

Property Inspector, changing color in, 16

ball animation. See shape tweening

bandwidth and debugging, 375

batch processing video encoding, 342–343

BBEdit, 354

behaviors, 10–11

adding behaviors, 371

instance, changing symbol behavior of, 144–145

sounds with, 310–311

Start/Stop Dragging Movie clip Behaviors, 372

symbol behavior, changing, 144

video with, 328–329

warn on behavior symbol conversion, 65

Behaviors panel, 371

Bevel effect, 240–241

bevel joins, 75

Bézier handles, 81

Pen tool using, 110

Bind tool, 283, 288

bindings, 431

creating, 444–445

modifying, 446–447

Web Services (WSDL) documents and, 434

Bindings tab, Component Inspector, 391, 440. See also bindings

bit depth options, 478

bit rate for sounds, 319


Break Apart for fill patterns, 205

center point of fill, changing, 206

compression, setting, 204


Break Apart for fill patterns, 205

center point, changing, 206

orientation, changing, 206–207

resizing, 206–207

Find and Replace for, 186

Fireworks files, importing, 198–199

graphics, 188

Illustrator, importing from, 190

Magic Wand, editing with, 208–209

orientation of fills, changing, 206–207

outside editor, editing in, 202–203

Photoshop import preferences, 192–193

PNG bitmaps, importing, 198–199

preferences, setting, 63

replacing, 203

resizing fills, 206–207

Stage, importing bitmap to, 196

support for, 189

swapping, 197

text, 176

tracing bitmaps, 210


instance blend, modifying, 159

shape tween, setting for, 278

Blur effect, 240–241

BMP files, 187

Bones tool, 283–288

Boolean data, 360


for dynamic text, 180

for input text, 181

for Label components, 410

Bound To dialog box, 447

Break Apart, 163, 174–175

bitmap fill pattern, creating, 205


instances, 155

setting breakpoints, 385

text fields, 174–175

BREW Handsets, 13, 498


instances, modifying brightness of, 158

motion tween, adding to, classic, 262

Bring to Front/Bring Forward, 133


identifying playback browser, 9

printing from Flash Player, 489

system requirements, 2

building movies, 10–11

Button component, adding, 402–403

button objects, 355

buttons. See also RadioButton

animation, adding, 151

creating, 150–151

enabling/disabling, 152

invisible buttons, creating, 153

mouse events, attaching, 363

window sizing buttons, 19


calling functions, 296

camera data file information, 472–473

caps, 75

case-sensitivity in ActionScripts, 347

cell phones

content for PDA, creating, 498

deployment of Flash movies to, 501

center of gradient fills, changing, 121

centering text, 172

characters. See also kerning

breaking text fields into, 174

for dynamic text, 180

for input text, 181

options, setting, 182

circles, creating, 79


object-oriented programming, 348

working with ActionScript 3.0, 352–353

classic tween. See motion tweening

Clear Keyframe function, classic, 258–259

clip events, 365–366

attaching to movie clips, 366


pasting images from, 201

preferences, setting, 63

Close button, 19


documents, 28

History panel, 453

panels, 52

code hints, 349

in debugging, 377

setting, 356

ColdFusion, 414

collapsing. See maximizing/minimizing

Color Mixer

bitmap fill, selecting, 205

fill colors, changing, 97

gradients in, 105

for shape tween, 279

specifying colors in, 98

stroke color, changing, 98

text colors, changing, 167

color palettes

importing, 99

for shape tween, 279

type options, 477

Web 216

color palette, 477

working with, 98–99

Color Picker, 98–99

colors. See also backgrounds; color palettes; GIF files; gradients; instances; PNG files; RGB colors; Swatches panel; syntax-coloring

advanced colors

motion tween, adding effects to, classic, 262

simultaneously modifying color and transparency, 160

attributes, 450

fill colors, changing, 96–97

Find and Replace for, 186

font colors, changing, 167

highlight color preferences, setting, 162

instances, modifying color of, 158–159

Kuler panel, 100–101

motion tween, adding effects to, classic, 262

shape tween colors, changing, 279

stroke color, changing, 98

TextArea component, adding, 400–401

tint color of instance, modifying, 158

values, creating custom colors with, 98

column of vertical text, creating, 170

ComboBox component, adding, 394–395

commands, 31

deleting names of, 458–459

help commands, 25

History panel, saving steps as command in, 458–459

for Onion Skin markers, 229

running command, 459

saving steps as, 458–459


in Actions panel, 349

with ActionScript Editor, 377

breakpoints, setting, 385

compatibility of ActionScripts, 351

Component Inspector, 391. See also components; parameters

authoring parameters, 440

Bindings tab, 440, 444

description of, 440

Schema tab, 440, 448, 449

components, 10–11, 14, 389. See also bindings; DataGrid component; parameters; schemas

Alert component, adding, 406–407

API (application programming interface) in, 413

attributes, modifying, 450

basic components, understanding, 390–391

Button component, adding, 402–403

categories of, 391

CheckBox component, adding, 396–397

ComboBox component, adding, 394–395

DataHolder component, 431, 432–433

forms, building, 412

Label component, adding, 410–411

List component, adding, 408–409

Loader component, adding, 418–419

MenuBar component, adding, 404–405

NumericStepper component, adding, 420–421

preloaders with, 418

ProgressBar component, adding, 422–423

RadioButton component, adding, 398–399

ScrollPanel component, adding, 424–425

TextArea component, adding, 400–401

TextInput component, adding, 392–393

Tree component, adding, 426–427

WebServicesConnector component, 436–437

Window component, adding, 428–429

XMLConnector component, 438–439


bitmap compression, setting, 204

of Flash movies, 468

for sounds, 318

conditional statements, 367

using, 370

connected lines, drawing, 130

Consumer Devices, 13, 498

context-sensitive help, 376

Convert To Symbol dialog box, 139, 149

Copy Frames command, 220–221

Copy Steps button, 460


bitmap images, 201

files, 21

frame sequence, 43

keyframes, 43, 220

layers or folder contents, 38–39

motion tweens, 252–253

other programs, images from, 201

steps between documents, 460–461

corner points to curve points, converting, 116–117

CPU requirements, 9

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 183

cue points, 343

Current Script tag, 349

curve points to corner points, converting, 116–117


drawing smooth curves, 130

line segments, creating, 112

Pen tool, drawing with, 112–113

S-curves, creating, 113

shapes, optimizing, 77

customizing. See also colors

color palette, 477

keyboard shortcuts, 58

Tools panel, 50–51


data binding. See bindings

data components. See components

data types, 360

Web Services (WSDL) documents and, 434

DataGrid component

adding, 414–415

with DataHolder component, 432–433

local data provider, using, 416–417

options, modifying, 430

DataHolder component, 431, 432–433

Debugger, 380–382. See also properties; variables

ActionScript 2.0, 382

ActionScript 3.0, 380–381

breakpoints, setting, 386

stepping through code, 387

debugging, 373. See also Debugger

in Actions panel, 349

with ActionScript Editor, 376–377

bandwidth and, 375

breakpoints, 376

concepts of, 374–375

Flash movies, permitting debugging of, 468

Flash Player, 388

manual debugging, 388

with Movie Explorer, 378–379

planning and, 375

testing and, 375

Deco tool, 109


Snap Align defaults, saving, 95

Toolbar defaults, restoring, 51

delay, setting, 356

deleting. See also masks; motion tweening

anchor points, 111

Command menu, name from, 458

commands, names of, 458–459

files in dialog box, 22

font mapping, 177

frames, 43

keyboard shortcut sets, 58–59

keyframes, 218–219

layers/folders, 34–35

panel sets, 57

scenes, 45

shape tween, keyframes from, 272

delivery computer system, identifying, 9


Flash deployment kit, 466

to other devices, 501

device fonts, setting, 178–179

DICOM file information, 472–473

dictionaries, using, 184

Digital Juice, 304

Digital video (DV) files, 325

display components. See components

distorting shapes, 120

Distribute to Layers command, 129

dithering on publishing movies, 478

docking/undocking panels, 54

Document window, 7, 30–31

frame rates, changing, 256

documents. See also layers; printing; projects

arranging multiple windows, 18

blank document, creating, 12

closing, 28

copying steps between documents, 460–461


Adobe Air, 470

existing documents, opening, 14–15

general preferences, setting, 60

languages for, 181

last saved version, reverting to, 20

launching, opening documents on, 5

mouse, resizing windows with, 19

moving document windows, 19

multi-language authoring, 181

projector document, creating, 481


setting up, 10

working with, 16–17

recently opened documents, opening, 15

resizing document windows, 19

saving, 20

compacting document when, 20

different name/location, saving with, 21

formats for, 22

multiple documents, 20

templates, saving as, 23

switching between, 18


creating new document from, 13

saving document as, 23

dot syntax

description of, 357

movie clips, applying to, 358–359

Down state for buttons, 150


commands, 459

10-second rule, 488


DataGrids, 415

keyframes, 221

Library items, 134–135

motion tween, keyframes in, 258


Line tool for, 75

masks, 294

model options, 61

Oval tool, 78

Pencil tool for, 76–77

Polystar tool, 80

Rectangle tool, 78–79

rounded rectangle, 79

selection examples, 81

settings, changing, 130

Drop Shadow effect, 240–241

duplicating profiles, 486

DXF files, 189

exporting movies to, 490–491

dynamic media, 10

dynamic text. See text


ease properties. See also motion tweening

shape tween, setting for, 278

ECMAScript, 349

Edit bar, 7

scenes, selecting, 44

showing/hiding, 46

Edit in New Window mode, 140

Edit In Place mode, 140

Edit Snapping dialog box, 94–95

editable parameters, 442

editing. See also bitmaps; outside editors; symbols

keyframes, 220–221

Library, items in, 136–137

masks, 296

Onion Skins, 227

profile properties, 483

scene for editing, selecting, 47

sounds, 320

with Video Encoder, 342–343

effects, sound, 317


sending a document, 507

embedding. See also fonts

audio files, 305

data providers, 416–417

empty keyframe, creating, 214–215

Enable Simple Buttons command, 152

Enhanced Metafile (EMF)

exporting movies to, 490–491

support for, 189

EPS files, 187

exporting movies to, 490–491

importing options, 194

equals (=) statement, 370

event handlers

clip events, 365–366

description of, 362

frame events, 364

events. See also ActionScripts; event handlers

mouse events, 362, 363

sounds, triggering with, 312

existing documents, opening, 14–15

expanding/collapsing. See maximizing minimizing

exporting. See importing/exporting

Extend link, 4

Eye icon, 36

Eyedropper tool

for bitmap fills, 205

fills, editing, 104

strokes, editing, 104


file formats

exporting movies to different formats, 490–491

import file formats, 189

list of existing documents, opening, 14–15


debugging, file names and, 374

deleting, 22

text files, loading, 165

fills. See also bitmaps; gradients

Selection tool, selecting with, 84

colors, changing, 96–97

Eyedropper tool, editing with, 104

locking gradients, 106

Paint Bucket, editing with, 103

text fills, 167

filter effects, applying, 240–241

Find and Replace, 186

for active script, 349


importing files, 198–199

pasting images from, 201

.fla files. See documents

Flash CS4, 1

Flash deployment kit, 466

Flash File for mobile devices, 498

Flash Live Video files. See FLV files

Flash movies, 14 See also debugging; publishing movies

Bandwidth Profiler, working with, 488

different formats, exporting movie to, 490–491


different formats, exporting movies to, 490–491

video clips into FLV format, exporting, 346

Flash Player, optimizing for, 468

For loops for pausing, 368

planning, 8

previewing, 487

progressive downloads, 346

search engine searchability, improving, 17

security for local/network playback, 469

testing, 487

video-editing applications, exporting files from, 342–343

Flash Player, 2

debugging, 388

component, 332–333

frame-by-frame animation, testing, 225

installation, 3

magnification, changing, 487

masking and, 292

optimizing movies for, 468

printing from, 489

support for, 189

Version Detection, 475

Flash Project files, 14

Flash Remoting, 414

Flash Video Import Wizard, 323

Flash window, 30–31

FlashType, 176

flipping instances, 157

flowcharts, developing, 8

FLV files, 10, 325. See also Flash movies

exporting directly to, 346

Property Inspector, modifying video clips in, 346

FLV (Flash Video) QuickTime Export plug-in, 342–343

FLVPlayback component, 332–333

folders. See also layers

Library assets, creating folders for, 12

overlapped root folder warning, 65

renaming (See naming/renaming)

Font Mapping dialog box, 177


ActionScript text, setting for, 356

anti-aliasing, 176

attributes, 450

built-in Flash device fonts, 179

colors, changing, 166–167

deleting font mapping, 177

device fonts, setting, 178

embedded fonts, 178

symbols to embed font, creating, 136–137

Find and Replace for, 186

mapping, 177

missing font information, 178

preferences, setting, 62

size, changing, 167

substitute fonts, selecting, 177

symbols to embed font, creating, 136–137

TextArea component, adding, 400–401

type, changing, 166

warn on missing fonts, 64

For loops, 367

working with, 368

foreign languages. See languages


components for building, 412

screens, creating, 496–497

45 degree angles, creating, 111

frame-based selection, 217

frame-by-frame animation, 211. See also Onion Skinning

Controller, playing with, 224

description of, 212–213

exporting to Flash movie, 224

Flash Player, testing in, 225

keyframes, 211

clearing, 218

converting frames to, 216

copying, 220

creating, 214–215

deleting, 218–219

drag-and-drop, 221

editing, 220–221

empty keyframe, creating, 214–215

pasting, 220

removing content from, 214

selecting frames, 217

span of keyframe, increasing, 215

multiple frames, editing, 230

playing animation, 224–225

selecting frames, 217

simple animation, creating, 222–223

frame events, 364

frame rate, 16

motion tween, changing in, 256

Property Inspector, changing in, 16

frames. See also keyframes; scenes

copying frame sequence, 43

deleting, 43

inserting, 43

moving frame sequence, 43

selecting, 42

warn on inserting frames when importing content, 64

Windows, setting in, 68

FreeTransform tool

distorting shapes in, 120

instances, working on, 156–157

scale of object, changing, 118

for text, 175

FreeTransform tool

envelope of shape, changing, 120

rotating object with, 119

skewing object with, 119

FreeHand, 187

importing options, 195

support for, 189

freehand text preferences, setting, 63

functions, using, 361

Future SplashPlayer, support for, 189


general preferences, setting, 60–61

Generator content, warn on reading, 64

geometric forms for shape tweening, 270

GIF files, 187

lossless compression with, 204

publishing movies, specifying options when, 476–477

support for, 189

Global Handsets, 13, 498

Global Transform, 3D, 122–123

Glow effect, 240–241

Gradient Bevel effect, 240–241

Gradient Transform tool, 121

for bitmap fills, 206–207


locking, 106

multi-color gradient, creating, 105

publishing movies, settings on, 478

quality, setting, 63

transforming gradient fills, 121

graphic symbols, 148–149

graphics, 73. See also bitmaps; drawing; importing/exporting; layers; symbols; vector graphics

bitmap graphics, 188

filter effects, applying, 240–241

grouping/ungrouping, 132

pasting objects between layers, 126–127

in slides, 494

symbols, converting to, 149

vector graphics, 188

warning preferences, setting, 65

greater than (>) statement, 370

greater than or equal to (>=) statement, 370

grids and guides. See motion tweening

creating guides, 91

guide layers, 40–41

locking/unlocking, 91

modifying, 92–93

showing/hiding, 90

snap to grid, locking/unlocking, 91

turning on/off, 91

grouping/ungrouping, 131

artwork, 132

Illustrator import preferences, 191

panels, 55

Photoshop import preferences, 192–193

stacking order, changing, 133

guides. See grids and guides


Hand tool, 47, 88

hardware requirements, 9

headers in XML documents, 435

help, 24–25

in Actions panel, 349

commands, 25

context-sensitive help, 376

Helvetica font, 176

built-in Flash device fonts for, 179

hidden layers. See publishing movies

hiding. See showing/hiding

hierarchical data, viewing, 426–427

highlight color preferences, setting, 162

hints. See also code hints

for shape tween, 280–281

Stroke hinting, 75

History file information, 472–473

History panel, 451

clearing, 453

command, saving steps as, 458–459

copying steps between documents, 460–461

description of, 452

object level undo, working with, 462–463

opening/closing, 453

Options button, 452

repeating previous steps with, 452, 454

replaying steps with, 452, 453–454

undoing/redoing with, 452, 454–455

view, changing, 457

horizontal lines, creating, 111

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). See also publishing movies

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 183

keyboard shortcuts as HTML, exporting, 59

text rendered as, 180

XML compared, 435

HTTP/HTTPS security, 469


Illustrator, 187

converting layers options, 195

exporting Flash movies to, 490–491

file information, 472–473

import preferences, setting, 190–191

options for importing files, 194–195

Pen tool, 110

support for, 189

Import dialog box, 200

Import Script, 376

Import To Stage method, 196

importing/exporting. See also Flash movies; publishing movies; video; specific file formats

color palettes, importing, 98–99

different formats, exporting movie to, 490–491

file formats for, 189

Fireworks PNG files, 198–199

FLV format, exporting directly to, 346

frame-by-frame animation, exporting, 224

keyboard shortcuts as HTML, exporting, 59

media elements, 10

multiple files, importing, 200

profiles, 484–485

scripts, 376

sequence of files, importing, 200

sounds, 304–305

warning preferences, setting, 64–65

incompatibility warning preferences, 65

indents for text, setting, 173

inequality statement, 370

inheritance, 353

Ink Bottle tool, 102

input method, setting, 62

input text. See text

IPTC file information, 472–473

inserting file information, 472–473

Insert Target Path, 349


preparation for, 2

standard application install, 3


advanced color options, 160

behavior, changing, 144–145

blend, modifying, 159

breaking, 155

brightness, modifying, 158

for dynamic text, 180

flipping, 157

for graphic symbols, 148–149

for input text, 181

movie clip instances, 154

multiple instances, working on, 156

properties, changing, 443

rotation, modifying, 156–157

scale, modifying, 146–157

simultaneously modifying color and transparency, 160

Stage, placing on, 142

swapping, 146–147

tint color, modifying, 158

transparency, modifying, 159, 160

Integrated Script window, 377

interlacing on publishing movies, 478

Inverse Kinematics, 283–288

invisible buttons, creating, 153


Japanese Handsets, 13

Java recordsets, 414

JavaScript, 14

commands, running, 459

History panel steps, viewing, 457

joins, 75

JPEG files, 10, 187

publishing movies, specifying options when, 480

Quality slider, dragging, 469

support for, 189

JSFL language, 51

justifying text, 172



adjusting, 168–169

Auto Kerning, setting, 169

preferences, setting, 62

keyboard controlling radio buttons, 398

keyboard shortcuts, 31

adding, 59

deleting, 58–59

HTML, exporting as, 59

open path, ending, 110

sets, creating, 58

Toolbar, identifying for, 51

keyframes, 42. See also frame-by-frame animation; motion tweening; shape tweening

copying, 43, 220

moving, 43

Kuler panel, 100–101


Label component, adding, 410–411


Label component, adding, 410–411

landscape orientation

Macintosh, setting in, 66

Windows, setting in, 68


ActionScript language, setting, 356

character options, setting, 182

multi-language authoring, 181

Lasso tool

general preferences, setting, 61

with Magic Wand, 209

in polygon mode, 85

selecting with, 85


Flash, 4–5

preferences on launch, setting, 60

Layer Properties dialog box, 40, 297

layers, 40. See also masks; motion tweening

copying layers or folder contents, 38–39

deleting layers/folders, 34–35

distributing graphics to, 129

expanding/collapsing folders, 38

guide layers, 40–41

height, changing, 40

Illustrator import preferences, 191

inactive layers, editing object on, 128

layer folder, creating, 34

locking/unlocking, 36, 40

moving layers/folders, 38

multiple layers, selecting, 35

naming/renaming, 34, 35, 40

new layers/folders, creating, 34

outlines, viewing contents as, 36–37

pasting objects between, 126–127

Photoshop import preferences, 192–193

pose, 283

properties, changing, 40

renaming, 34, 35, 40

selecting, 34–35

separate layers, placing objects on, 129

showing/hiding, 36, 40

types of, 40


designing, 8–9

Windows, setting in, 68

leaf of Tree component, 426

left-aligning text, 172

less than (<) statement, 370

less than or equal to (<=) statement, 370

Library, 123. See also importing/exporting; sounds; symbols; video

accessing options, 137

bitmaps, importing, 196–197

items, 350

opening, 134–135

organizing item, 136

other libraries, opening, 134–135

sample common libraries, 134–135

sounds, importing, 304–305

line segments

Selection tool, converting with, 115

Pen tool, creating with, 112

line spacing, setting, 173

Line tool, 75

linear gradients, 105

lines. See also line segments

connected lines, drawing, 130

45 degree angles, creating, 111

horizontal lines, creating, 111

recognize lines option, 130

vertical lines, creating, 111

width, changing, 75

linked layers. See masks

linking Library assets, 137

List component, adding, 408–409

Loader component, adding, 418–419

Lock Fill feature, 106

Lock icon, 36


gradients, 106

grids and guides, 91

layers, 36, 40

masks, 296


creating, 367

exceptions, working with, 369

for graphic symbols, 148

sounds, looping, 317

lossless compression, 204

lossy compression, 204


Macintosh computers

keyboard commands on, 1

Macintosh computers (continued)

launching Flash, 5

margins, setting, 66–67

page setup, working with, 66–67

printing documents, 70–71

projector, creating, 481

system requirements for, 2

MacPaint support, 189

Magic Wand bitmaps, editing, 208–209


Flash Player, changing in, 487

Magnifying Glass, 86–87

Magnifying Glass, 86–87

Main toolbar, 30–31

showing/hiding, 48

mapping MIDI device sounds, 500–501


attributes, 450

Macintosh, setting in, 66–67

text margins, setting, 173

Windows, setting in, 68

markers. See Onion Skinning

mask layers, 40

masked layers, 40

masks, 289

activating, 295

adding layers to, 298

alpha masks, working with, 344–345

animating, 300–301

creating mask layers, 292–293


linked layers, 299

mask layers, 297

description of, 290–291

drawing masks, 294

editing, 296

linked layers

activating masks, 295

deleting, 299

order, changing, 298

Lock Layer column, 296

master symbols. See symbols

Maximize button, 19


in Actions panel, 349

with ActionScript Editor, 377

layer folders, 38

panels, 52–53

Tools panel, 50

media components, 391

Media Controller

advantages of using, 336

for frame-by-frame animation, 224

for streaming video, 335

working with, 336–337

Media Display

for streaming video, 335

working with, 334–335

media elements, 10

Media Playback, 334–335

Media Player for streaming video, 334–335

MenuBar component, adding, 404–405

menus, 31

MenuBar component, adding, 404–405

Merge Drawing, 61, 73

converting to Object Drawing shape, 74


Web Services (WSDL) documents and, 434

in XML documents, 435

Metadata, 354

file information, 472–473

methods, 348, 350–351. See also ActionScripts; parameters

applying, 354–355

MIDI device sounds, mapping, 500–501

Minimize button, 19

minimizing. See maximizing/minimizing

miter joins, 75

Mobile SWF file information, 472–473

mobile devices. See cell phones; PDAs (personal data assistants)

monitor resolution requirements, 9

Motion Editor, 238–243

motion tweening,

adding color effects and filters, 240–241

adding frames to tween, 254

adjusting, motion, 237


classic, 245

motion, 236

color effects, adding, classic, 262

copying tween, 252–253


frames from tween, 254–255

keyframes, classic, 258–259

ease in/out properties

customizing, classic, 266

setting, classic, 251

edit path, motion, 243

frame properties, classic, 247

frame rate, changing, 256

instance properties, 247


adding, 249, 258

deleting, classic, 258–259

moving, 249

work with, motion, 242

length of tween, changing, 254–255

Motion Editor, 238–243

motion guides

animating along, classic, 264

creating, classic, 263

orienting objects along, classic, 265

pasting tween, 252–253

presets, motion tween, 234–235


ease properties, setting, classic, 251

frame and instance properties com-

pared, 247

pasting properties, 253

setting, classic, 250–251

reversing frames, 257

rotation, changing, classic, 260–261


changing, classic, 260

rotate and scale, working with, 119

simple motion tween, creating, classic, 248–249

smoother animation, adding frames for, 255

target object, 231


classic, 232–233, 246

differences, 232

motion, 231, 232–233

working with, classic, 246


events, 362, 363

resizing windows with, 19

movie clips, 154. See also components

clip events, 365–366

controlling video through, 330–331

dot syntax, applying, 358

Illustrator import preferences, 190–191

9-slice scaling, using, 161

Photoshop import preferences, 192–193

placing video in, 327

scaling, 161

ScrollPanel component for, 424–425

Start/Stop Dragging Movie clip

Behaviors, 372

symbols, 154

Timeline, referencing to, 329

Window component, adding, 428–429

Movie Explorer, debugging with, 378–379


document windows, 19

files, 21

frame sequence, 43

keyframes, 43

layers/folders, 38

Tools panel, 50

MPG/MPEG files, 325

MP3 files, 10

compression, 319

streaming MP3 file, loading, 314–315

multi-language authoring, 181

multi-purposing, 466

music. See sounds


named anchor on scene, setting, 61


Command menu, deleting name from, 458

command names, deleting, 458–459

debugging, file names and, 374

folders, 21

keyboard shortcut sets, 58

layers, 34, 35, 40

with Movie Explorer, 378

panel sets, 57

scenes, 44–45

smart conventions, using, 374–375


in help topics, 24

planning for, 10–11

.Net recordsets, 414

nodes of Tree component, 426

normal layers, 40

Normal selection mode, 81

number data, 360

NumericStepper component, adding, 420–421


object data, 360


working with ActionScript 3.0, 352–353

Object Drawing, 61, 73

warning preferences, 65

working with, 74

objects, 348. See also ActionScripts; properties

tracking per-object changes, 462–463

On2 VP6 codec, 346

onClipEvent(), 365, 366

Onion Skinning, 211

activating, 226

manually setting markers, 228

Modify Onion Markers Window, setting markers in, 229

outlines, using, 227

online activation requirement, 3

opaque setting for publishing movies, 477

Open dialog box, 21

open path, Pen tool for, 110


existing documents, 14–15

History panel, 453

launching, opening documents on, 5

panels, 52

Scene panel, 44

Options menu, 349

OR conditional statement, 370

orientation. See also Landscape orientation; Portrait orientation

bitmap fill orientation, changing, 206–207

text orientation, 170

Outline icon, 36

outlines of layer contents, 36–37

outside editors

ActionScript code, editing, 354

bitmaps, editing, 202–203

Oval tool, 78

ovals, creating, 61, 70

Over state for buttons, 150

overlapped root folder warning, 65


page setup

in Macintosh, 66–67

Windows, working in, 68–69

Page Setup dialog box

in Macintosh, 66–67

in Windows, 68–69

page size settings, 68

Paint Behind mode, 107

Paint Bucket

fills, editing, 103

fills with, 98

sensitivity, setting, 103

Paint Fills mode, 107

Paint Inside mode, 107

Paint Normal mode, 107

Paint Selection mode, 107

Paintbrush tool, 98, 107

panel sets

creating, 56

deleting, 57

displaying, 56

renaming, 57

Panel windows, 6

panels, 30

auto-collapsing, 60

docking/undocking, 54

expanding/collapsing, 52

grouping/ungrouping, 55

opening/closing, 52

Panels Options menu, 53

paper size settings, 66–67


authoring parameters, 440, 441

editing, 442–443

working with, 441

Parameters tab, Component Inspector, 391

parameters to functions, passing, 296

password parameters, 442

Paste Frames command, 220–221

Paste In Center, 126–127

Paste In Place, 126–127

Pasteboard. See Work Area


Clipboard, pasting images in, 201

keyframes, 220

layers, objects between, 126–127

motion tweens, 252–253


bitmap, preserving paths on importing, 202

in debugging, 374

Illustrator import preferences, 191

pausing movie with For loops, 368

PDAs (personal data assistants)

content for PDA, creating, 498

deployment of Flash movies to, 501

PDF files, 187

importing options, 194

Macintosh documents, printing, 71

Pen tool,

closed path, creating, 111

curves, drawing, 112–113

deleting anchor points with, 111

description of, 111

open path, creating, 110

options, 130

S-curves, creating, 113

selection with, 81

Show Precise Cursors option, 112

Pencil tool,

in Smooth mode, 76–77

in Straighten mode, 76

perspective angle, 3D, 124

photo compression, 204

Photo Slideshows, 13

Photoshop, 187

converting layers options, 195

file import preferences, setting, 192–193

options for importing files, 194–195

pasting images from, 201

support for, 189

PICT files

exporting movies to, 490–491

settings, 63

support for, 189

Pin Script, 349

pinning multiple scripts, 377

pixels, 188

document, setting for, 16–17


debugging and, 375

movies, 8

project plans, creation, 8–9

Play Once for graphic symbols, 148

playhead, 42


frame-by-frame animation, 224–225

sounds, 312–313

PNG files, 187

importing, 198–199

lossless compression with, 204

publishing movies, specifying options when, 478–479

support for, 189


Lasso tool for, 85

with Polystar tool, 80

polymorphism, 353

Polystar tool, 80

port types, Web Services (WSDL) documents and, 434

portrait orientation

Macintosh, setting in, 66

Windows, setting in, 68

pose layer, 283


ActionScript preferences, setting, 356

Clipboard preferences, setting, 63

general preferences, setting, 60–61

text preferences, setting, 62

warning preferences, setting, 64–65

Preferences dialog box. See drawing

preloaders, 418

ProgressBar component as, 422

previewing, 11

Flash movies, 487

Macintosh documents, 71

Primitive mode, 61

primitive rectangles/ovals, creating, 61, 79

Primitive shapes, 78


Macintosh, setting properties in, 67

Windows, setting properties in, 69

printing. See also margins

with ActionScripts, 489

from Flash Player, 489

general preferences, setting, 61

help topics, 25

Macintosh documents, 70–71

Windows documents, 72

product updates. See updates

profiles. See publishing movies

ProgressBar component, adding, 422–423

progressive downloads, 346

Project panel, 502–505

projector document, creating, 481


creating and managing, 504–505

general preferences, setting, 61, 505

plans, creating, 8–9

testing, 506

properties, 350–351. See also documents; motion tweening; parameters

applying, 354–355

instance properties, changing, 443

layer properties, changing, 40

of movie clip symbols, 154

shape tween properties, setting, 278

viewing, 385

Property Inspector, 6, 30–31. See also behaviors; motion tweening

background color, changing, 16

bitmaps, swapping, 197

Color popup, 158

fill colors, changing, 96–97

Flash FLV video clips, modifying, 346

frame rate, changing, 16

kerning, adjusting, 168

motion tweens, adjusting, classic, 250

stroke color, changing, 98

text, rotating, 170

Publish Preview command, 487

Publish Settings dialog box, 340, 346, 465

security options, 469

publishing movies, 11, 465

Adobe Air, 470–471

Bandwidth Profiler, working with, 488

considerations for, 466

duplicating profiles, 486

editing profile properties, 483

GIF options, specifying, 476–477

hidden layers

exporting, 469

viewing, 37

HTML files, 11

options, specifying, 474–475


different formats, exporting movie to, 490–491

hidden layers, exporting, 469

profiles, 484–485

protecting from import, 468

JPEG options, specifying, 480

modifying publish settings, 467

options, specifying, 468–469

Photoshop import preferences, 193

PNG options, specifying, 478–479

previewing movies, 487


creating, 482

duplicating, 486

editing properties of, 483

importing/exporting, 484–485

projector document, creating, 481

QuickTime video, Flash document as, 340–341

sound documents, 318–319

testing movies, 487

purpose of project, determining, 8

PushButton type, 151


QuickTime Export Settings dialog box, 338–339

QuickTime Image support, 189

QuickTime/QuickTime Pro

exporting movies to, 338–339, 490–491

FLV Export Plug-in support, 342

publishing Flash document as, 340–341

version requirements, 2

video file support, 325

quitting Flash, 28

Quiz, 13


radial gradients, 105

RadioButton, 151

component, adding, 398–399

RAM requirements, 9

raw data file information, 472–473

raw sounds, 319

readability, anti-aliasing for, 176

recordsets, DataGrid component for, 414

Rectangle Settings dialog box, 79

Rectangle tool, 78–79

rounded rectangle, drawing, 79


Selection tool, selecting with, 84

primitive rectangles, creating, 61, 79

redoing. See undoing/redoing

registration point, creating, 139

renaming. See naming/renaming

repeating previous steps with History panel, 452, 454

Replace. See Find and Replace

replaying steps with History panel, 452, 453–454


bitmap fills, 206–207

bitmap graphics, 188

document windows, 19

fonts, 166

gradient fills, 121

text boxes, 165

Timeline display, 32

Restore Down button, 19

Reverse Frames command, 257

RGB colors

instances, modifying colors of, 160

values, entering, 98

right-aligning text, 172

Rotate Text button, 171


with Free Transform tool, 119

gradient fills, 121

instance, modifying rotation of, 156–157

motion tween, changing during, classic, 260–261

Rotation tool, 3D, 122–123

of text, 170–171

working with, 119

round joins, 75

rounded rectangle, drawing, 79

rulers. See also grids and guides

showing/hiding, 89

unit of measure, specifying, 17, 89


S-curves, creating, 113

sample rate for sounds, 319

sans serif fonts, 176

built-in Flash device fonts for, 179

Save As dialog box

folders, renaming, 21

formats for files, 22

saving. See also documents

Snap Align defaults, 95

undo, saving documents after, 455

warning preferences, setting, 64

scale. See also motion tweening

Free Transform tool for changing, 118

instance, modifying scale of, 156–157

Macintosh, setting in, 66–67

movie clips, 161

9-slice scaling, using, 161

Windows, setting in, 68

working with, 119

Scene button, 46

Scene panel, 44


adding scenes, 44

deleting, 45

edit, selecting scene to, 47

named anchor on scene, setting, 61

naming/renaming, 44–45

reordering, 45

selecting, 44–45

Schema tab, Component Inspector, 391, 440, 448, 443. See also schemas


description of, 448

modifying, 449

schematic flowcharts, 8

script, developing, 8

Script Assist, 376, 414

Script Navigator, 349, 377

Script pane, 349

scroll bars, 424–425


DataGrid component with, 414

text, creating, 181

ScrollPanel component, adding, 424–425

scrubbing, 224

search engines, 17


with Find and Replace, 186

for help information, 25

with spell-checking, 184

security for local/network playback, 469

Selection tool, 81

connected stroke segments, selecting, 83

fills, selecting, 84

line segments, converting, 115

multiple stroke segments, selecting, 83

rectangles, selecting, 84

shapes, modifying, 114

strokes, selecting, 82–83


with Selection tool, 82–83

contact-sensitive selection, setting, 61

frames, 42, 217

with Lasso tool, 85

layers, 34–35

scenes, 44–45

span based selection, 61

text, 172

Send to Back/Send Backward, 133

sending a document, e-mail, 507

serial number for installation, 3

serif fonts, built-in Flash device fonts for, 179

shape hints, 280–281

shape tweening, 267

alpha, changing, 279

ball animation

combining tweening and movement in, 276–277

creating, 274–275

blending properties, setting, 278

colors, changing, 279

combining tweening and movement in

ball animation, 276–277

creating shape tween form, 270–271

deleting keyframes, 272–273

hints, setting, 280–281


adding, 272

deleting, 272–273

properties, setting, 278

working with, 268–269

shapes. See also masks; shape tweening

Selection tool, modifying with, 114

breaking text fields into, 174–175

distorting shapes, 120

envelope of shape, changing, 120

optimizing, 77

recognize shapes option, 130

with Rectangle tool, 78–79

rough shapes, converting, 76

Stage, creating shapes on, 414

Subselection tool, modifying with, 116–117

shared audio libraries, working with, 308–309

Sharing My Screen, 508

shortcuts. See also keyboard shortcuts

Macintosh, shortcut to Flash on, 5

Show Precise Cursors, 112


Edit bar, 46

grids and guides, 90

layers, 36, 40

Main toolbar, 48

rulers, 89

Tools panel, 50

Welcome screen, 4

Silicon Graphics Image support, 189

Single Frame for graphic symbols, 148

site maps, 8

size reports, generating, 468

skewing with Free Transform tool, 119

Skinning component, 324

skins, 324

slide presentations, creating, 494–495

Slide Screen feature, 494–495

smooth curves. See curves

Smooth mode, Pencil tool in, 76–77

Snap Align, 94–95

snap to grid, locking/unlocking, 91

Snap to Object command, 95

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 436

Sorensen codec, 346

sound card requirements, 9

Soundbooth, 303, 321

SoundComplete event, 312

sounds, 303

with ActionScript 3.0, 310–311

with ActionScript behaviors, 310–311

with behaviors, 310–311

bit rate for, 319

editing, 320, 321

effects, 317

embedded audio files, 305

events, triggering, 312

external library, adding audio with, 306–307

Find and Replace for, 186

importing, 304–305


external library, adding audio with, 306–307

importing sounds to, 304–305

shared audio libraries, working with, 308–309

Timeline, adding sounds to, 306–307

looping sounds, 317

MIDI device sounds, mapping, 500–501

MP3 file, loading, 314–315

playing sounds, 312–313

publishing sound documents, 318–319

quality, changing, 319

shared audio libraries, working with, 308–309

in slides, 494

Soundbooth, 321

stopping sounds, 312–313

all sounds, 315

streaming MP3 file, loading, 314–315

sync sounds

animation, adding to, 305

Timeline, adding to, 316


animation, adding sounds to, 305

Library, transferring file from, 306–307

sync sounds, adding, 316

timing of, 320

types, 303

zooming on, 320

span-based selection, 61, 217

Spanish text, displaying, 181

Spray Brush tool, 108

speech files, 319

spell-checking, 184–185

Spelling Setup dialog box, 184–185

squares, creating, 79

stacking order, changing, 133

Stage, 7, 29, 30–31. See also frames; importing/exporting; layers; sounds; Work Area

bitmap to Stage, importing, 196

components, adding, 391

dimensions, setting, 17

Hand tool, moving with, 47, 88

shapes directly on stage, creating, 414

Snap Align, 94–95

video files on, 326

view size, changing, 47

zooming specific area on, 86–87

Start menu, 15

Start/Stop Dragging Movie clip Behaviors, 372

startup preferences, customizing, 4

static media, 10

static text. See text

stepping through code, 387

steps. See History panel

stopping sounds. See sounds

Straighten mode, Pencil tool in, 76

streaming MP3 file, loading, 314–315

streaming video. See video

string data, 360

Stroke hinting, 75

strokes. See also lines

colors, changing, 98

Eyedropper tool, editing with, 104

Ink Bottle tool, editing with, 102

Subselection tool, 81

anchor points and vectors, editing, 110

corner points to curve points,

converting, 116–117

curve points to corner points, converting, 116–117

shapes, modifying, 116–117

supplies for Macintosh printing, 71

Swap dialog box, 146–147

Swap Symbol feature, 146–147

swapping bitmaps, 197

Swatches panel

fill colors, changing, 97

for shape tween, 279

stroke color, changing, 98

text colors, changing, 167

.swc files. See components

.swf files. See Flash movies

switching between documents, 18

Symbol button, 46

symbols. See also buttons; instances; motion tweening; movie clips

animations to symbol, converting, 139

attributes, 450

behavior, changing, 144

duplicating during swap, 147


entering/exiting editing mode, 140–141

master symbols, editing, 142–143

existing artwork to symbol, converting, 138

exiting editing mode, 141

Find and Replace for, 186

font symbols, creating, 136–137

graphic symbols, 148–149

IK animations, 283–287

master symbols

breaking instances from, 155

editing, 142–143

new symbols creating, 138

registration point, creating, 139

warning preferences, setting, 65

syntax. See also dot syntax

ActionScript 3.0, 353

checking, 349

indentation, 356


in debugging, 377

schemes, 356

system requirements, 2


tab size, setting, 356

telephones. See also cell phones

activation requirement, 3

templates. See also documents

for mobile device content, 498

saving documents as, 23

10-second rule, 488

Test Movie, 211. See also masks; motion tweening; shape tweening

debugging with, 380–382

general preferences, setting, 60

testing. See also debugging

debugging and, 375

Flash movies, 487

frame-by-frame animation, 225

projects, 506

text, 153. See also characters; fonts; kerning

aligning paragraph text, 172

anti-aliasing, 176

bitmap text, 176

breaking text fields, 174–175

colors, changing, 167

ComboBox component, adding, 394–395

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), working with, 183

dynamic text

character options for, 182

creating, 180

freehand text preferences, setting, 63

Illustrator, importing from, 190

input text, 163

character options for, 182

component, adding, 392–393

creating, 180–181

parameters, editing, 442–443

line spacing, setting, 173

margins, setting, 173

Photoshop import preferences, 192–193

preferences, setting, 62

rotation of, 170–171

scrolling text, creating, 181

selecting, 172

shapes, breaking text fields into, 174–175

single column of vertical text, creating, 170

spell-checking, 184–185

static text, 163

creating, 164

TextArea component, adding, 400–401

tracking, adjusting, 168

transforming, 175

vertical text, 170–171

block, creating, 171

options, setting, 62

text boxes, creating, 165

text files, loading, 165

Text tool, 164

TextArea component, adding, 400–401

TextInput component, adding, 392–393

TGA file support, 189

3D Space

GlobalTransform, 122–123

perspective angle, 124

Rotation, tool, 122–123

vanishing point, 125

Translation, tool, 122

TIFF file support, 189

Timeline, 7, 30–31. See also effects; frames; sounds; video

changing display, 32

elements, adding motion to, 11

frames display, changing, 32–33

movie clips, referencing, 329

resizing display, 32

sync sounds to animation, adding, 305

timing rule, 488

tint color

instance tint color, modifying, 158

motion tween, adding to, 240

toggle buttons, adding, 402–403

Toolbar, 6, 29, 30–31. See also Main toolbar

customizing, Tools panel, 50–51

expanding/collapsing, 49, 50

moving, 50

showing/hiding, 48–50, 52–53

Toolbox, 349

Tools, creating, 51

Tools panel. See Toolbar

tooltip preferences, 61

trace actions, protecting from, 468

Trace Bitmap dialog box, 210

tracing bitmaps, 210

tracking, adjusting, 168

Transformation panel, 156–157

transformation point, working with, 118

transition settings, 478

Translation tool, 3D, 122–123


instance transparency, modifying, 159, 160

publishing movies, setting on, 477

Tree component, adding, 426–427

turning on/off

grids and guides, 91

Work Area visibility, 88

tweening. See motion tweening; shape tweening

typewriter fonts, 179


UI components, connecting, 444

Undo command, 454

saving documents after using, 455


general preferences, setting, 60

History panel for, 452, 454–455

number of levels, changing, 48

object level undo, working with, 462–463

scene deletions, 45

text transformations, 175

Transform effects, 158

unlocking. See locking/unlocking

Up state for buttons, 150


online updates/support, 26–27

previous Flash versions, 3

registering to receive, 26

URLs changes warning, 64

user interface components, 391


variable names

for dynamic text, 180

for input text, 181

vanishing point, 3D, 125

variables, 348. See also ActionScripts

viewing, 383

Watch list, adding to, 384

vector graphics, 73, 188

tracing bitmaps to creating, 210

vectors, 73

Version Cue

enabling, 61

Version Detection, 475

vertical lines, creating, 111

vertical text. See text

video, 293. See also Media Display; movie clips; QuickTime/QuickTime Pro

with behaviors, 328–329

components, 391

controlling from Timeline, 328–329

file formats for, 325

Find and Replace for, 186

FLV format, exporting clips into, 346

video (continued)

with Media Player, 334–335

in slides, 494

Stage, moving file on, 326

streaming video

with Media Controller, 336–337

with Media Display, 334–335

with Media Player, 334–335

Video Import wizard, using, 324–325

video card requirements, 9

Video Encoder, 342–343

Video Import wizard, using, 324–325

views and viewing

document properties, 16

History panel, changing view in, 457

Stage, changing view size of, 46


warning preferences, setting, 64–65

Watch list variables, adding, 384

WAV files, exporting movies to, 490–491

Web Services (WSDL), 431

description of, 434

Web 216 color palette, 477

WebServicesConnector, 431, 436–437

Welcome screen, 4, 6

While loops, 367

working with, 369

width of gradient fills, changing, 121

Window component, adding, 428–429

Windows Media File (WMV), 325

Windows Metafile (WMF)

exporting movies to, 490–491

support for, 189

Windows PCs

keyboard commands on, 1

launching Flash, 4

printing documents, 72

projector, creating, 481

system requirements for, 2

word wrapping, 376

Work Area, 88

storing graphics in, 126

Workspaces. See Panel Set.


XML (Extensible Markup Language), 181

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 183

description of, 435

ECMAScript, 349

HTML compared, 435

projects as, 504

XMLConnector component, 431, 438–439

XMP file information, 472–473


Zoom button, 19


on bitmap images, 196

changing magnification area, 87

with Magnifying Glass, 86–87

on sounds, 320

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