

accented edges effects, 257


Actions panel, 308–309

adding commands to, 314

adding stops to, 312

batch file processing, 316–317

building new, 310

built-in scripts, 318

controlling playback of, 311

deleting commands from, 315

inserting a non-recordable command in an Action, 313

order of commands in, changing, 314

recording, 310

running actions within actions, 310


as files, 309

into sets, 309

scripts, 318–319

activation, 2

active documents, 19

active windows, 18

Adobe Bridge

automating tasks in, 418

browsing documents with, 14

Camera Raw feature, 410–411

color settings, 95

components of, 407

description of, 406

editing images in, 416

Get Photos from Camera command, 409

opening documents with, 14–15, 408

placing graphics from, 222–223

preferences, setting, 414–415

revealing documents in, 14

Web Photo Gallery creation, 417

working with images using, 15, 412–413

Adobe ConnectNow, 406, 419

Adobe Device Central

basic description of, 406, 422

checking content using, 423

components of, 422

Adobe Drive, 406, 421

Adobe Extension Manager, 406, 424

Adobe Flex File, saving documents as, 360

Adobe PDF Presets command (Edit menu), 353

Adobe Product Improvement Program, 23

Adobe Studio Exchange, 2

Adobe Updater, 21

Adobe Version Cue

basic description of, 406

file management, 420

Adobe Web site

Adobe Studio Exchange, 2

Community Help, 22

advanced print options, 340–341

Advanced tab (File Info dialog box), 345


anchor points, 148–149

objects, 84

paragraphs, 208

slices, 383

stroke, 120

All Objects command (Select menu), 78

All Objects in Active Artboard command (Select menu), 78

anchor points

adding new, 146–147

alignment, 148–149

Convert Anchor Point tool, 145

converting, 144–145

deleting, 147

direction lines, 142

endpoints, 149

highlighting, 142

moving, 142–143

paths and, 61

preferences, 142

selecting with Direct Selection tool, 72

showing and hiding, 61

smooth points, converting to corner points, 144

anchors, 393

anti-aliasing, 390

Appearance of Black preferences, 402

Appearance panel, 236–237

Arc tool, 66

arcs, drawing, 66

area graphs, 322

Area Type tool, 189


documents, 18

layers, 174–175

slices, 382–383

art brushes, 280–281

Artboard tool

artboard creation, 34

Artboard Options button, 35

multiple artboards, 36


within artboards, 34

aspect ratio, 35

centerpoints, 35

deleting, 36

display options, 37

duplicating, 34

exiting editing mode, 34

landscape/portrait orientation, 35

moving, 36

multiple, working with, 36

navigating within, 34

presets, 34

previewing, 36

resizing, 36

rotating, 36

size, 35

switching between, 17, 37

video safe areas, 35

X and Y positioning, 35

artwork, inserting in documents, 16

Assign Profile command (Edit menu), 96


appearance, 236–237

stroke, 120–121

Audio Data tab (File Info dialog box), 344

auto slices, 378

AutoCAD drawing format, 349

AutoCAD File format, 349


bar graphs, 322

batch file processing, 316–317

Batch Rename command, 418

bend styles, 83

bevel bend style, 83

bevel joins, 121

bitmap, exporting documents as, 350

black appearance options, 402


bleed print option, 335

document creation, 32

Blend command (Objects menu), 127–128

Blend tool, 129


blending fill colors, 126

changing and applying blend options, 128

creating automatically, 127

creating with Blend tool, 129

making and releasing blend objects, 127

objects, modifying, 130

opacity, 131

transformation, 130

transparency settings, 132

Bloat tool, 286

Blob Brush tool

brush options, setting, 155

merging paths with, 154

blur effects, 252

BMP format, 349

bold font, 200

Bounding Box command (View menu), 270–271

Bridge (Adobe)

automating tasks in, 418

browsing documents with, 14

Camera Raw feature, 410–411

color settings, 95

components of, 407

description of, 406

editing images in, 416

Get Photos from Camera command, 409

opening documents with, 14–15, 408

placing graphics from, 222–223

preferences, setting, 414–415

revealing documents in, 14

Web Photo Gallery creation, 417

working with images using, 15, 412–413

Browse in Bridge command (File menu), 14–15, 222–223


art, 280–281

Blob Brush tool, 155

Brushes panel, 273

calligraphic, 278–279

deleting, 284

Paintbrush tool, 274–275

pattern, 282–283

scatter, 276–277

strokes, removing, 284

Brushes panel, 273

built-in scripts, actions, 318


calligraphic brushes, 278–279

Camera Data tab (File Info dialog box), 344

Camera Raw feature, 410–411

caps, 121

case, text, 329

Categories tab (File Info dialog box), 344

center mark, 37

centerpoints, 35

Check Spelling command (Edit menu), 324

circles, drawing, 62


guides, 49

objects, 81

clipping masks

creating, 160

creating for groups or layers, 161

editing, 162

masked object, editing in Isolation Mode, 163

release objects from, 161

clipping sets, 163

Close button, 26

Close command (File menu), 26

closed paths, 61


documents, 26

Illustrator, 26

panels, 7

CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) color mode, 28, 97, 101

collapsing panels, 7

Color Guide panel

applying color with, 112–113

color groups, 113

harmony rules, variations based on, 113

variation options, selecting, 111

variation types, displaying, 111

color management print options, 342

color modes. See also colors

changing, 98

CMYK, 28, 97, 101

document creation, 28

Grayscale, 28, 100

RGB, 28, 97, 100

switching between, 97

working with, 97

Color panel

Color sliders, 100

working with, 100–101

colored paper simulation, 33

colors. See also Color Guide panel; color modes; Swatches panel

applying to objects, fills, or stroke, 99, 118

applying with Eyedropper tool, 122–123

Color Guide Panel, 111–113

Color panel, 100–101

color profiles, changing or removing, 95

color settings, changing, 94–95

converting to grayscale, 109

crop mark registration color, 54

gamut warning icon, 101

global, 108–110

grayscale images, 109

grid colors transparency settings, 33

grids, 52

guides, 48, 51

hue, 101

inverting, 110

Kuler panel, 106–107

Live Color feature, 114–115

luminosity, 101

nonglobal, 108–110

proofing, 116

replacing, 108–109

saturation, 101

selecting, 101

soft proof, 116

Swatches panel, 102–105

themes, 106–107

view box color, 42

Web-safe, 101

column graphs, 322


adding to actions, 314

basic description of, 6

deleting from actions, 315

Panel Options menu, 9

Community Help site, 22

compound paths

creating, 158

releasing, 159

reversing object's fill in, 159

condensed font, 200

ConnectNow (Adobe), 406, 419

Constrain Angle general preference, 390

Control panel

anchor points, converting, 145

basic description of, 11

splitting paths using, 153

tools in, 6

Convert Anchor Point tool, 145

Convert to Shape command (Effect menu), 242

convert to shape effects, 242

converting anchor points, 144–145

Copy command (Edit menu), 197

copying text, 196–197

corner points, 144

Corner Radius general preference, 390

Create New Action button (Actions panel), 309

Create New Set button (Actions panel), 309

crop marks

creating, 54

deleting, 54

general preferences, 391

registration color, 54

cross hairs, 37

Crystallize tool, 286

cursor preferences, 390

curved segments, 143

curves, drawing, 141

custom dictionaries, spell checking, 325

Cut command (Edit menu), 197

cutout effects, 256


dashed stroke, 121

data graphs, 322

data sets

creating, 320–321

deleting, 320–321

renaming, 321

data variables, 320–321

Define Pattern command (Edit menu), 124

Delete button (Actions panel), 309


anchor points, 147

artboards, 36

brushes, 284

commands from actions, 315

crop marks, 54

data sets, 320–321

files, 12

graphic styles, 235

layers, 171

objects, 81

selections, 80

slices, 380

symbols, 291

workspaces, 57

Description tab (File Info dialog box), 344

Deselect command (Select menu), 78

Device Central (Adobe)

basic description of, 406

checking content using, 423

components of, 422

Device Central command (File menu), 39

DICOM tab (File Info dialog box), 345

dictionaries, spell checking, 325

diffuse glow effects, 257

Direct Selection tool

anchor points, adding new, 146

anchor points or segments, moving, 143

deleting anchor points using, 147

editing patterns using, 125

end points, connecting, 149

selecting anchor points and segments with, 72

showing/hiding direction lines, 61

understanding selections, 70

direction lines

anchor points, 142

showing and hiding, 61

Distort & Transform command (Effect menu), 90


objects, 84

slices, 383

dithering, 373

dividing paths, 153

DOC format, 193


documents, 19

panels, 8

Document Color Mode command (File menu), 98, 330

Document Info panel, 346

Document Setup command (File menu), 32, 133

Document window, 6


active, 19

arranging, 18

bleed and view options settings, 32

browsing with Adobe Bridge, 14

closing, 26

color modes, 28


from scratch, 28

from templates, 30–31

using presets, 29

docking/undocking, 19


as bitmap, 350

Export command, 348

export file formats, 349

as Flash Movie, 354–355

to Photoshop, 352

with presets, 353

as TIFF format, 351

file information, inserting, 344–345

finding and replacing text and elements in, 326–327

grid pattern, 19

inserting images in, 16

language settings, 33

linking, 16

measurement units, 32


with Adobe Bridge, 14–15

existing documents, 12

recently opened, 13

from Welcome Screen, 13

printing, 330

revealing in Adobe Bridge, 14

rulers, 46–47

saving, 24–25

as Adobe Flex File, 360

as EPS format, 358–359

as FXG format, 360

as Microsoft Office, 361

as PDF format, 356–357

as template, 362

for the Web, 364–365

setting up, 32–33

spell checking, 324–325

switching between, 18

tabbed, 18

templates, 16

transparency settings, 32–33

type options settings, 33

view size, 17

viewing information in, 17

views, 38–41

windows, 18–19

working with multiple, 18–19

DOCX format, 193

double quotes, 33


arcs, 66

circles, 62

curves, 141

ellipses, 62

line segments, 65

with Pencil tool, 260–261

polygons, 64, 140

rectangle grids, 68

rectangles, 63

spirals, 66–67

stars, 64

drawing tablets, 404

Drive (Adobe), 406, 421

drop shadow effects, 245


artboards, 34

color in Swatches panel, 103

graphic styles, 233

layers, 176

objects, 82–83

slices, 380

symbols, 292


Edit Colors command (Edit menu), 110, 126

Edit Custom Dictionary command (Edit menu), 325

Edit menu commands

Adobe PDF Presets, 353

Assign Profile, 96

Check Spelling, 324

Color Settings, 94

Copy, 197

Cut, 197

Define Pattern, 124

Edit Colors, 110, 126

Edit Custom Dictionary, 325

Find and Replace, 326–327

Paste, 196–197

Paste in Back, 197

Paste in Front, 197

Print Presets, 331

Redo, 58

Transparency Flattener Presets, 341

Undo, 58

Edit Selection command (Select menu), 80

Edit View command (View menu), 38


blend objects, 130

clipping masks, 162

color in Swatches panel, 103

colors with Live Color, 114–115

gradients, 136

graphic styles, 234

images in Adobe Bridge, 416

paths within clipping sets, 163

patterns, 125

selections, 80

symbols, 293

Effect menu commands

Convert to Shape, 242

Crop Marks, 54

Distort & Transform, 90

Effect Gallery, 254–255

Sharpen, 253

Stylize, 243


accented edges, 257

applying multiple, 254

blur, 252

controlling with selections, 255

convert to shape, 242

cutout, 256

diffuse glow, 257

drop shadow, 245

dry brush, 256

Fresco, 256

gaussian blur, 252

glass, 257

glowing edges, 257

grain, 258

graphic pen, 258

Illustrator, 240–241

inner glow, 244–245

mosaic tiles, 258

note paper, 257

outer glow, 244–245

panel knife, 256

Photoshop Effect Gallery, 250–251

plastic wrap, 258

previewing, 240

raster graphics, 248

scribble, 243

spatter, 258

stained glass, 258

stamp, 257

text, 192

3D, 246–247

unsharp mask, 253

vector objects, 249

Ellipse tool, 62

ellipses, drawing, 62

embedded graphics, 226–227

endpoints, 149

Enhanced Metafile format, 349

Envelopes, reshaping with, 92

EPS format, 25, 345, 358–359

Eraser tool, 164

erasing path parts, 164

exiting Illustrator, 26

Expand button (Pathfinder panel), 156

Expand command (Objects menu), 125, 134


gradients, 134

panels, 7

patterns, 125



as bitmap, 350

Export command, 348

as Flash Movie, 354–355

to Photoshop, 352

with presets, 353

as TIFF format, 351

export file formats, 349

Extension Manager (Adobe), 406, 424

Extensions command (Window menu), 106–107

Eyedropper tool

applying colors and attributes with, 122–123

color attributes, changing, 123

Save For Web & Devices tool, 366


families, font, 200

File Handling & Clipboard preferences, 401

File Info command (File menu), 344

file information, inserting into documents, 344–345

file management, Adobe Version Cue, 420

File menu commands

Browse in Bridge, 14–15, 222–223

Close command, 26

Device Center, 39

Document Color Mode, 98, 330

Document Setup, 32, 133

File Info, 344

New, 28–29

New From Template, 30

Open, 12, 220

Open Recent, 13

Open With, 222

Place, 16, 221, 224, 226

Print, 330, 332

Return to Adobe Illustrator, 14

Revert, 24

Save, 24

Save a Copy, 25

Save As, 25, 31

Save For Web & Devices, 364–366

Scripts, 318–319


deleting, 12

saving actions as, 309


applying color to, 99, 112, 118

blending fill colors, 126

patterns as, 124–125

Find and Replace command (Edit menu), 326–327

Find Font command, 328

Fit All In Window command (View menu), 44

Fit Artboard In Window command (View menu), 44

Flare tool, 63

Flash format, SWF, 349, 365

Flash Movie, exporting documents as, 354–355

Flattener Preview command (Window menu), 39, 341

flattening layers, 182


bold, 200

condensed, 200

families and styles, 200

Find Font command, 328

finding, 201

italic, 200

replacing, 201

reusing recent, 200

size, 202

Free Transform tool, 86–87

Fresco effects, 256

full screen mode, 43

FXG format, 25, 360


gamut warning icon, 101

Gap options, 272

gaussian blur effects, 252

General preferences, 390

Get Photos from Camera command (Adobe), 409

GIF documents, optimizing, 372–373

GIF format, 345

glass effects, 257

global colors, 108–110

glowing edges effects, 257

glyphs, 215

Go to Bridge button, 14–15

Gradient tool, 137


applying to objects, 134

creating, 135

editing, 136

expanding, 134

Gradient tool, 137

linear type, 135

mesh, 92, 138

radial type, 135

grain effects, 258

graphic pen effects, 258


embedded, 226–227

linked, 226–227

linking, 224–225

opening graphic images, 220

placing, 221–223

print options, 336


interpolation and, 60

tracing, 228–230

understanding raster graphics, 60


applying, 231

breaking links to, 235

creating, 232

deleting, 235

duplicating, 233

editing, 234

graphs, 322

Grayscale color mode, 28, 100

grayscale images, 109

grid colors transparency settings, 33

grid patterns, 19

grid size transparency setting, 32

grids. See also guides

color, 52

displaying in back of artwork, 52

Polar Grid tool, 69

preferences, 52

Rectangle Grid tool, 68

showing and hiding, 52

Snap to Grid command, 52

styles, 52

subdivisions, 52

Transparency, 133

Group command (Objects menu), 76

Group Selection tool, 70

grouping objects, 76–77

groups, creating clipping masks for, 161

guides. See also grids

clearing, 49

color, 48

converting vector objects to, 49

creating, 49

locking, 48

preferences, 48

ruler, 47

showing and hiding, 48

smart guides

object transformation, 87

preferences, 51

turning on/off, 50

working with, 50–51

snap to point, 48

style, 48

switching, 49


Hand tool

moving elements around with, 53

quick access to, 53

Save For Web & Devices tool, 366

handles, 393

hanging indents, 209

hardware, Illustrator CS4 system requirements, 3

Help menu commands

Adobe Product Improvement Program, 23

Illustrator Help, 22–23

Updates, 21

Welcome Screen, 13

help options

Community Help site, 22

searching topics, 23

Hide Edges command (View menu), 61

Hide Panels command (Window menu), 18


anchor points, 61

direction lines, 61

grids, 52

guides, 48

layers, 178

panels, 8, 43

rulers, 47

slices, 380–381

Transparency grid, 133

highlighting anchor points, 142

histograms, 411

History tab (File Info dialog box), 345

HSB color slider (Color panel), 100

HTML text, adding to slices, 386

hue, 101

hyphenation, 211, 397


icons, collapsing and expanding panel sets between icons and panels, 9

Illustrator Help command (Help menu), 22–23

Illustrator tab (File Info dialog box), 345


inserting in documents, 16

replacing, 16

working with images using Bridge, 15

importing text, 193


hanging indents, 209

paragraphs, 209

Info panel

color fill and stroke information, 55

uses for, 55

inner glow effects, 244–245

installing Illustrator CS4

in Macintosh, 3

in Windows, 2

Internet, checking for updates from, 20

interpolation, 60

Inverse command (Select menu), 78

inverting colors, 110

IPTC tab (File Info dialog box), 344

Isolation Mode, 163

italic font, 200


joining anchor endpoints, 149

joins, 121

JPEG documents, optimizing, 370–371

JPEG format, 345, 349


kerning type, 204

Keyboard Increment general preference, 390

keyboard shortcuts, 403

Knife tool, 152

Knockout Group option, 132

Kuler panel, 106–107


landscape/portrait orientation, 35

language settings, document creation, 33

Lasso tool

selecting objects with, 73

understanding selections, 70

layers. See also Layers panel

arranging, 174–175

creating clipping masks for, 161

creating top level layers, 168–169

deleting, 171

deselecting, 170

duplicating, 176

flattening, 182

hiding, 178

locking, 177

merging, 179

moving, 174–175

moving objects to, 180–181

naming, 169

releasing objects to, 181

selecting, 170

selecting objects with, 172–173

showing and hiding, 178

sublayers, 168–169

Layers panel. See also layers

accessing, 166

components of, 166

locating objects in, 183

options, setting, 167

layouts, workspace, 56

leading text, 203

line graphs, 322

Line Segment tool, 65

line segments, drawing, 65

linear gradient type, 135

linked graphics, 226–227


documents, 16

graphics, 224–225

slices, 381

Liquify tools, 289

Live Color feature

applying color groups to objects with, 114–115

editing colors with, 114–115

Live Paint Bucket tool

paint fills, 266

preferences, setting, 265

selecting options to paint fills or strokes with, 264

stroke edges, changing, 267

Live Paint Groups

adding paths to, 271

converting traced objects to, 263

creating, 262–263

Gap options, 272

reshaping or moving paths in, 270–271

Live Paint Selection tool, 268–269


guides, 48

layers, 177

lossy compression, 373

lowercase text, 329

luminosity, 101



Illustrator CS4 system requirements, 3

installing Illustrator CS4 in, 3

starting Illustrator CS4 in, 5

Macintosh PICT format, 349

Magic Wand tool

selecting objects with, 74–75

understanding selections, 70

marks print options, 334–335

Measure tool, 55


distance between objects, measuring, 55

measurement units, document creation, 32

menus, 6


layers, 179

paths, 154–155

mesh, 92, 138

metadata, 345

Microsoft Office, saving

documents as, 361

miter bend style, 83

miter joins, 121

Mobile SWF tab (File Info dialog box), 344

mosaic tiles effects, 258

Move tool, 50


anchor points, 142–143

artboards, 36

document elements with Hand tool, 53

layers, 174–175

objects, 81

objects to layers, 180–181

segments, 142–143

slices, 382

text, 191, 196–197

between tools, 53



layers, 169

selections, 80

workspaces, 56


artboards, 37

within artboards, 34

Navigator panel

customizing, 42

view area, 41

view box color, 42

view size, 40

New command (File menu), 28–29

New From Template command (File menu), 30

New View command (View menu), 38

Next Object Above command (Select menu), 78

Next Object Below command (Select menu), 78

nonglobal colors, 108–110

normal screen mode, 43

note paper effects, 257



alignment, 84

applying color to, 99, 112, 118

clearing, 81

deleting, 81

distributing, 84

duplicating, 82–83

grouping, 76–77

measuring distance between, 55

moving, 81

moving to layers, 180–181

reflecting, 85, 89

rotating, 85–86, 88

scaling, 85, 88


with Lasso tool, 73

with Magic Wand tool, 74–75

similar objects, 78–79

using Direction Selection tool, 72

using Select menu, 78–79

using Selection tool, 71

transforming, 85–87

Objects menu commands

Blend, 127–128

Clipping Mask, 160

Compound Path, 158

Expand, 125, 134

Group, 76

Text Wrap, 216

Transform, 90

Ungroup, 76

offsetting paths, 83

opacity, blends, 131

Open command (File menu), 12, 220

open paths, 61, 147

Open Recent command (File menu), 13

Open With command (File menu), 222



with Adobe Bridge, 14–15

existing documents, 12

recently opened, 13

from Welcome Screen, 13

graphic images, 220

panels, 7

Origin tab (File Info dialog box), 345

outer flow effects, 244–245

Outline view, 38–39

outlines, 217

output print options, 338–339

output slice settings, 385

overflow, text, 198–199

Overprint Preview command (View menu), 39, 337


Paintbrush tool, 151


art brushes, 280–281

Brushes panel, 273

calligraphic brushes, 278–279

Live Paint Bucket tool, 264–267

Live Paint Groups

adding paths to, 271

converting traced objects to, 263

creating, 262–263

Gap options, 272

reshaping or moving paths in, 270–271

Live Paint Selection tool, 268–269

Paintbrush tool, 274–275

pattern brushes, 282–283

scatter brushes, 276–277

panel knife effects, 256

Panel Options menu, 7, 9


adding, 8

closing, 7

collapsing, 7

displaying hidden, 43

docking/undocking, 8

expanding, 7

hiding, 8, 43

opening, 7

Panel Options menu, 9

sets, collapsing and expanding between icons and panels, 9

subtracting, 8


alignment, 208

indentation, 209

spacing, 209

Paste command (Edit menu), 196–197

Paste in Back command (Edit menu), 197

Paste in Front command (Edit menu), 197

Pathfinder panel, 156


anchor points and, 61

clipping mask, 160–163

closed, 61

compound, 158–159

dividing, 153

erasing parts of, 164, 260

merging, 154–155

offsetting, 83

open, 61, 147

reshaping, 150–151

segments and, 61

Shape Mode command, 156

shape of, changing, 61

splitting, 152–153

pattern brushes, 282–283


applying to objects, 124

editing, 125

expanding, 125

as fills, 124–125

PDF format, 25, 345, 356–357

Pen tool

anchor points, adding, 147

drawing curves with, 141

drawing polygons with, 140

Pencil tool

preferences, 261

reshaping paths with, 151

working with, 260–261

Photoshop Effect Gallery, 250–251

Photoshop, exporting to, 352

Photoshop format, 349

pie graphs, 322

Pixel Preview command (View menu), 39

pixels, 35

Place command (File menu), 16, 221, 224, 226

placing graphics, 221–223

plastic wrap effects, 258

Play button (Actions panel), 309

playback, action, 311

plug-in preferences, 398

PNG format, 345, 349

PNG-8 document, 374–375

PNG-24 document, 376

point type, 187

point/pica size, 46

points, anchor

adding new, 146–147

alignment, 148–149

Convert Anchor Point tool, 145

converting, 144–145

deleting, 147

direction lines, 142

endpoints, 149

highlighting, 142

moving, 142–143

paths and, 61

preferences, 142

selecting with Direct Selection tool, 72

showing and hiding, 61

smooth points, converting to corner points, 144

Polar Grid tool, 69

Polygon tool, 64

polygons, drawing, 64, 140

portrait/landscape orientation, 35


Adobe Bridge, 414–415

anchor points, 142

Appearance of Black, 402

cursor, 390

File Handling & Clipboard, 401

General, 390

grids, 52

guide, 48

hyphenation, 397

keyboard shortcut, 403

Live Paint Bucket tool, 265

Pencil tool, 261

plug-in, 398

ruler, 46

Scratch Disk, 399

Selection & Anchor Display, 392–393

slices, 397

smart guides, 51

text, 394–395

Transparency grid, 133

type, 394–395

Units & Display Performance, 396

updates, 20

user interface, 400


artboard, 34

creating new documents using, 29

exporting with, 353

list of, 29

printing with, 331, 340

Preview view, 38–39

Preview View command (View menu), 260


artboards, 36

color separations, 337

effects, 240

Print command (File menu), 330, 332

Print Presets command (Edit menu), 331


advanced print options, 340–341

bleed options, 335

color management settings, 342

color separations, previewing, 337

documents, 330

general print options, 332–333

graphics print options, 336

marks options, 334–335

number of copies, specifying, 333

output options, setting, 338–339

Overprint preview, 337

overprints, 340

presets, 340

with presets, 331

Print command, 330

print problems, checking for, 343

print tiling, 333

reverse order, 332

Separations preview, 337

summary print options, 343

Product Improvement Program (Adobe), 23

Proof Colors command (View menu), 116

Proof Setup command (View menu), 39

proofing colors, 116

PSD format, 345

Pucker tool, 286

punctuation, 214


Quit Illustrator command (Illustrator menu), 26

quotes, 33


radar graphs, 322

radial gradient type, 135

raster graphics

effects, 248

interpolation and, 60

tracing, 228–230

understanding raster graphics, 60

Raw Data tab (File Info dialog box), 345

Record button (Actions panel), 309

recording actions, 310

Rectangle Grid tool, 68

Rectangle tool, 63

rectangles, drawing, 63

Redo command (Edit menu), 58

Reflect tool, 89

reflecting objects, 85, 89

registration, 4–5


compound paths, 159

objects from clipping masks, 161

objects to layers, 181


data sets, 321

selections, 80

workspaces, 57

rendering intent color management print option, 342


colors, 108–109

fonts, 201

images, 16

Reselect command (Select menu), 78

Reshape tool, 150

reshaping paths, 150–151


artboards, 36

slices, 382

resolution preset transparency setting, 33

Return to Adobe Illustrator command (File menu), 14

reverse order printing, 332

Revert command (File menu), 24

revolving 3 Deffects, 247

RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color mode, 28, 97, 100

Rotate tool, 88


artboards, 36

objects, 85–86, 88

text, 207

round bend style, 83

round joins, 121

Rounded Rectangle tool, 63

RTF format, 193


artboard display options, 37, 47

displaying, 46–47

document, 46–47


alignment, 51

changing, 47

clearing, 49

color, 48

converting vector objects to, 49

creating, 49

locking, 48

preferences, 48

ruler, 47

showing and hiding, 48

smart guides, 50–51

snap to point, 48

style, 48

switching, 49

hiding, 47

origin, changing, 47

preferences, 46


safe area, artboard display options, 37

Same command (Select menu), 79

saturation, color, 101

Save a Copy command (File menu), 25

Save As command (File menu), 25, 31

Save command (File menu), 24

Save For Web & Devices

command (File menu), 364–366

Save Selection command (Select menu), 80

Save Workspace command (Workspace menu), 56



as files, 309

into sets, 309

documents, 24–25

as Adobe Flex File, 360

as EPS format, 358–359

as FXG format, 360

as Microsoft Office, 361

as PDF format, 356–357

as template, 362

for the Web, 364–365

selections, 80

slices for Web, 384–385

symbols, 291

Scale tool, 88


objects, 85, 88

type, 206

Scallop tool, 286

scatter brushes, 276–277

scatter graphs, 322

Scissor tool, 152

Scratch Disk preferences, 399

screen modes, 43

scribble effects, 243

scripts, actions, 318–319


fonts, 201

for help information, 23


curve, 143

moving, 142–143

paths and, 61

selecting with Direct Selection tool, 72

Select menu commands, 78–79

Edit Selection, 80

Same command, 79

Save Selection, 80

Selection & Anchor Display preferences, 392–393

Selection tool. See also selections

aligning and distributing objects using, 84

duplicating objects with, 82–83

moving objects with, 81

reflecting or shearing objects, 89

rotating and scale objects with, 88

selecting objects with, 71

transforming objects with, 85

understanding selections, 70

selections. See also Selection tool

anchor points, 72

controlling effects using, 255

deleting, 80

editing, 80

examples of, 70

inverting color of, 78

layers, 170

naming, 80

renaming, 80

reselecting, 78

saving, 80

selecting next object above/below current, 78

slices, 380–381

type, 194–195

understanding selections, 70

sentence case, 329

Separations Preview command (Window menu), 39

Shape Mode command (Pathfinder panel), 156

Share My Screen command, 419

Sharpen command (Effect menu), 253

Shear tool, 89


starting Illustrator CS4, 4–5

tool, 11

Show Bounding Box command (View menu), 85

Show Edges command (View menu), 61

Show Panels command (Window menu), 18

Show Print Tiling command (View menu), 38

Show Text Threads command (View menu), 198

Show Transparency Grid command (View menu), 133

single quotes, 33


artboard, 35

font, 202

views, 40

Slice Selection tool, 366


alignment, 383

arranging, 382–383

auto, 378

deleting, 380

distributing, 383

duplicating, 380

hiding, 380–381

HTML text, adding, 386

linking, 381

moving, 382

output option settings, 385

preferences, 397

resizing, 382

saving for Web, 384–385

selecting, 380–381

showing, 380–381

stacking, 383

subslices, 379

unlinking, 381

URL links, adding, 387

user, 378

viewing slice options, 380–381

working with, 381

smart guides

object transformation, 87

preferences, 51

turning on/off, 50

working with, 50–51

Smart Punctuation, 214

smooth points, converting to corner points, 144

Snap to Grid command, 52

Snap to Point command, 48, 392

soft proof colors, 116

software, Illustrator CS4 system requirements, 3

spacing paragraphs, 209

spatter effects, 258

spell checking, 324–325

Spiral tool, 66–67

spirals, drawing, 66–67

splitting paths, 152–153

stacked bar graphs, 322

stacked column graphs, 322

stacking slices, 383

stained glass effects, 258

stamp effects, 257

Star tool, 64

stars, drawing, 64

Start menu, opening documents using, 13

starting Illustrator CS4

in Macintosh, 5

shortcuts, 4–5

Welcome screen, 4

in Windows, 4

status bar, 17

Stop button (Actions panel), 309

stops, adding to actions, 312


alignment, 120

applying color to, 99, 112, 118

attributes, changing, 120–121

caps or joins, changing, 121

dashed, 121

weight of, changing, 120


font, 200


applying, 231

breaking links to, 235

creating, 232

deleting, 235

duplicating, 233

editing, 234

grids, 52

guides, 48

type, 212–213

Stylize command (Effect menu), 243

sublayers, 168–169

subscript text, 33

subslices, 379

subtracting panels, 8

summary print options, 343

superscript text, 33

SVG format, 25, 365

Swatches Library

copying swatches between libraries, 104

customized swatch panels, saving, 105

displaying, 104

gradient library, 134

Swatches panel

creating color groups in, 103

deleting colors from, 102

display of, changing, 102

editing or duplicating color in, 103

sorting colors in, 102

swatches, displaying by type, 102

Swatches Library, 104–105

SWF format, Flash, 349, 365


creating, 290

deleting, 291

duplicating, 292

editing, 293

links, breaking, 294–295

saving, 291

sets, expanding instances of, 305

Symbol Libraries, 289

Symbol Screener tool, 303

Symbol Scruncher tool, 299

Symbol Shifter tool, 298

Symbol Sizer tool, 300

Symbol Spinner tool, 301

Symbol Sprayer tool, 296

Symbol Strainer tool, 302

Symbol Styler tool, 304

symbolism tool options, setting, 297

Symbols panel, 288

system requirements, 3


tab stops, 210

tabbed documents, 18

tabs, 210

Targa format, 349


creating documents from, 30–31

document, 16, 30–31

saving documents as, 362


case, 329

copying, 196–197

effects, 192

fonts, 200–202

glyphs, 215

hyphenation, 211

importing, 193

kerning, 204

leading, 203

moving, 191, 196–197

outlines, 217

overflow, 198–199

paragraphs, 208–209

preferences, 394–395

rotating, 207

scaling, 206

selecting, 194–195

styles, 212–213

subscript, 33

superscript, 33

tabs, 210

threads, 198–199

tracking, 205

typing new, 187–188

wrapping, 216

Text Format, 349

Text Wrap command (Objects menu), 216

themes, color, 106–107

threads, text, 198–199

3D effects, 246–247

thumbnail views, 41

TIFF format, 345, 349, 351

Tolerance selection option, 392

tool tips, 391


accessing in Tools panel, 10

accessing multiple, 10

Control panel, 6

moving between, 53

shortcuts to, 11

Tools panel

accessing tools in, 10

contents of, 6

tracing raster graphics, 228–230

tracking type, 205


applying multiple, 90–91

blends, 130

Distort & Transform command, 90

repeating, 90

Transform Each command, 90

transforming objects, 85–87

Transparency Flattener Presets

command (Edit menu), 341

Transparency grid, 133

transparency settings

blends, 132

colored paper simulation, 33

controlling transparency effects, 132

document creation, 32–33

grid colors, 33

grid size, 32

resolution preset, 33

turning on/off smart guides, 50

TXT format, 193


Area Type tool, 189

copying, 196–197

fonts, 200–202

kerning, 204

leading, 203

moving, 196–197

outlines, 217

overflow, 198–199

paragraphs, 208–209

preferences, 394–395

rotating, 207

scaling, 206

selecting, 194–195

styles, 212–213

threads, 198–199

tracking value, 205

Type on a Path tool, 190

Vertical Area Type tool, 189

Vertical Type on a Path tool, 190

Vertical Type tool, 187

wrapping, 216

Type on a Path tool, 190

Type tool, 186

typographer's quotes, 33

Twirl tool, 286


Undo command (Edit menu), 58


documents, 19

panels, 8

Ungroup command (Objects menu), 76

Units & Display Performance preferences, 396

unsharp mask effects, 253

Updater (Adobe), 21


checking for, 20–21

preferences, 20

Updates command (Help menu), 21

updating, from previous versions, 2

uppercase text, 329

URL links, adding to slices, 387

user interface preferences, 400

user slices, 378


variables, data

creating, 320–321

deleting, 320–321

renaming, 321

vector objects

converting to guide, 49

effects, 249

understanding vector graphics, 60

Version Cue (Adobe)

basic description of, 406

file management, 420

Vertical Area Type tool, 189

Vertical Type on a Path tool, 190

Vertical Type tool, 187

Video Data tab (File Info dialog box), 344

video safe areas, artboards, 35

View menu commands

Bounding Box, 270–271

Edit View, 38

Fit All In Window, 44

Fit Artboard In Window, 44

Hide Edges, 61

New View, 38

Overprint Preview, 39

Pixel Preview, 39

Preview View, 260

Proof Colors, 116

Proof Setup, 39

Rulers, 46

Show Bounding Box, 85

Show Edges, 61

Show Print Tiling, 38

Show Text Threads, 198

Show Transparency Grid, 133

Smart Guides, 50

Soft Proof, 116

view size, documents, 17


box color, 42

changing, with Zoom tool, 44–45

display view, changing, 38–39

document, 38–41

fit in window, 44

Outline, 38–39

Preview, 38–39

ruler options, 46

size, 40

thumbnail, 41


Warp tool, 286

WBMP document, optimizing, 377


file formats, 368–369

GIF documents, optimizing, 372–373

images, optimizing to file size, 367

JPEG documents, optimizing, 370–371

PNG-8 document, optimizing, 374–375

PNG-24 document, optimizing, 376

saving documents for, 364–365

saving slices for, 384–385

WBMP document, optimizing, 377

Web-safe color, 101

Welcome screen, 4, 13

Welcome Screen command (Help menu), 13

Window menu

Extensions, 106–107

Flattener Preview, 39

panel display, 7–8

Window menu commands

Flattener Preview, 341

Hide Panels, 18

Separations preview, 39

Show Panels, 18


Illustrator CS4 system requirements, 3

installing Illustrator CS4 in, 2

starting Illustrator CS4 in, 4


active, 18

document, 18–19

Windows Metafile format, 349

Workspace menu commands, 56


creating, 56

deleting, 57

displaying, 56

layouts, 56

naming, 56

renaming, 57

wrapping text, 216

Wrinkle tool, 286


X and Y positioning, 35

XMP format, 344

XMP Software Development Kit, 345



in/out, 45

using Navigator thumbnail, 41

view size, 40

Zoom tool

changing view with, 44–45

Save For Web & Devices tool, 366

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