15. Exporting a Document


After you finish creating your document in Illustrator, you can save or export your artwork in another file format for use in other programs. There are five file formats to which you can save your artwork, which include AI (Adobe Illustrator), Adobe PDF (Portable Document Format), EPS (Encapsulated PostScript), FXG (Adobe Flex), and SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics). These file format are native to Illustrator, which means they preserve Illustrator content, including multiple artboards, when you re-open them.

If you want to save your artwork in another file format, you need to export it. Illustrator allows you to export your artwork in 13 different file formats, including Flash, Photoshop, Bitmap, JPEG, and PNG. When you export from Illustrator, your content is altered using the Options dialog box for the specific file format. If you want to use an Illustrator document in a Microsoft Office program, you need to save the document as a PNG (Portable Network Graphics) image with the Save for Microsoft Office command.

If you frequently create the same kind of document, then you should create a template. A template is a special document that makes it easier to reuse frequently used material in order to create a new document. An Illustrator Template file uses the (AIT) file format instead of the normal (AI) document file format.

Exporting a Document

After you finish creating your document in Illustrator, you can export it for use in other programs. If you have a document with text, you can export it to a text document, which you can open in a word processing program. If you have a document with artwork, you can export it as a PSD file (for use in Photoshop) or a JPEG file (for use on the web). See the list on the next page for more information about all the file formats. If you have multiple artboards in a document, many file formats preserve them or create multiple page documents during export (New!).

Export a Document

image Click the File menu, and then click Export.

image Enter a name for the file in the File Name (Win) or Save As (Mac) box.

image Click the Format popup (Mac) or Save as Type list arrow (Win), and then select a file format.

See the list on the next page for more information about all the file formats.

image Navigate to the drive or folder location where you want to save the document.

image To preserve artboards, select the Use Artboards check box (if available), and then select the All or Range option. If you selected the Range option, enter a range.

image Click Save.


For some formats, an Options dialog box appears, prompting you for additional settings.


image If prompted, specify the options that you want, and then click OK.

image For help, point to an option to display a description at the bottom of the Options dialog box.

Exporting as a Bitmap

A bitmap document (BMP) is a raster image, which means it’s made up of individual pixels. Since an Illustrator document is made up of vector data, the artwork in the document is converted from mathematical calculations to individual pixels. During the export process, you can specify a color mode for the pixels, resolution size (the number of pixels per inch), and whether you want to smooth out the edges with Anti-Alias.

Export a Document as a Bitmap

image Click the File menu, and then click Export.

image Enter a name for the file in the File Name (Win) or Save As (Mac) box.

image Click the Format popup (Mac) or Save as Type list arrow (Win), and then click BMP (*.BMP).

image Navigate to the drive or folder location where you want to save the document.

image Click Save.


image Click the Color Mode list arrow, and then select a color mode: RGB, Grayscale, or Bitmap.

image Select one of the resolution options.

image Select the Anti-Alias check box to smooth out the edges of the image.

image Click OK.


Exporting as a TIFF

TIFF (Tagged-Image File Format) files can be opened by almost any image-editing or layout program. TIFF is a common format for printing and saving flattened images without losing quality. During the export process, you can specify a color mode for the pixels, resolution size (the number of pixels per inch), and whether you want to smooth out the edges with the Anti-Alias option, compress the image with the LZW compression method, and embed the color profile in the image. If you have multiple artboards in a document, these are preserved (New!).

Export a Document as a TIFF

image Click the File menu, and then click Export.

image Enter a name for the file in the File Name (Win) or Save As (Mac) box.

image Click the Format popup (Mac) or Save as Type list arrow (Win), and then click TIFF (*.TIF).

image Navigate to the drive or folder location where you want to save the document.

image To preserve artboards, select the Use Artboards check box (if available), and then select the All or Range option. If you selected the Range option, enter a range.

image Click Save.


image Click the Color Mode list arrow, and then select a color mode: RGB, CMYK, or Grayscale..

image Select one of the resolution options.

image Specify the following options:

image Anti-Alias. Select to smooth out the edges of the image.

image LZW Compression. Select to compress the image.

image Byte Order. Select a destination operating system for the image.

image Embed ICC Profile. Select to attach the color profile of the document to the image.

image Click OK.


Exporting to Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is a graphics and image editing program. When you export artwork to Photoshop, Illustrator converts objects into pixels and preserves layers and transparency. Other conversions include removing strokes and effects from text and changing opacity masks to layer masks. During the export process, you can specify a color mode for the pixels, resolution size (the number of pixels per inch), and whether you want to flatten or preserve layers, smooth out the edges with the Anti-Alias option, and embed the color profile in the image. In addition to exporting, you can also copy and paste objects into Photoshop, which automatically creates Smart Objects that you can re-edit in Illustrator.

Export a Document as a Photoshop File

image Click the File menu, and then click Export.

image Enter a name for the file in the File Name (Win) or Save As (Mac) box.

image Click the Format popup (Mac) or Save as Type list arrow (Win), and then click Photoshop (*.PSD).

image Navigate to the drive or folder location where you want to save the document.

image Click Save.


image Click the Color Mode list arrow, and then select a color mode: RGB, CMYK or Grayscale.

image Select one of the resolution options.

image Specify the following options:

image Flat Image. Select to flatten image as one layer.

image Write Layers. Select to preserve layers and maximum editability for objects and text.

image Anti-Alias. Select to smooth out the edges of the image.

image Embed ICC Profile. Select to attach the color profile of the document to the image.

image Click OK.


Exporting with Presets

If you frequently use custom settings to export an Illustrator document to an Adobe PDF or Flash SWF file, you can save time by creating a preset. Adobe Creative Suite programs, including Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, and Acrobat, provide built-in presets that you can use in any of the programs. When you create your own preset, you can also use it in other CS programs. The process for creating a preset for an Adobe PDF or Flash SWF is similar; just the settings are different.

Create a Preset for Adobe PDF or Flash SWF

image Click the Edit menu, and then click Adobe PDF Presets or SWF Presets.

image Perform any of the following:

image New. Click New, specify the options that you want, and then click OK.

image Edit. Select a custom preset (not a predefined one), click Edit, change the options, and then click OK.

image Delete. Select a custom preset (not a predefined one), and then click Delete.

image Import. Click Import, navigate to the preset file, select it, and then click Open.

image Export. Select a preset, click Export, specify a location and name, and then click Save.

For PDF files, the preset is saved with the .joboptions extension.

image Click OK.


Exporting as a Flash Movie


IL 8.3

Adobe Flash is a vector-based animation and interactivity program. If you want to use individual Illustrator objects in Flash, you can simply copy and paste them directly into a Flash movie document (FLA). However, if you want to create a Flash movie (SWF) that you can use on a web page and display using Flash Player, you should use the Export command. The Export command gives you options to specify how you want to create a SWF movie. If you have multiple artboards in a document, these are preserved in the SWF file format (New!).

Export a Document as a Flash Movie

image Click the File menu, and then click Export.

image Enter a name for the file in the File Name (Win) or Save As (Mac) box.

image Click the Format popup (Mac) or Save as Type list arrow (Win), and then click Flash (*.SWF).

image Navigate to the drive or folder location where you want to save the document.

image To preserve artboards, select the Use Artboards check box, and then select the All or Range option. If you selected the Range option, enter a range.

image Click Save.


image Click the Preset list arrow, and then select a preset option, or specify your own options to create a custom preset.

image To create a preset that you can use later, set your options, click Save Preset, enter a name, and then click OK.

image Click the Export As list arrow, and then select an export method.

image Click the Version list arrow, and then select a target Flash Player version.

image Specify the following options:

image Clip to Artboard Size. Select to export only objects within an artboard.

image Preserve Appearance. Select to flatten artwork to a single layer.

image Compress File. Select to compress the SWF file.

image Include Unused Symbols. Select to export all defined symbols.

image Export Text as Outlines. Select to convert type to vector paths.

image Ignore Kerning Information for Text. Select to export text without kerning.

image Include Metadata. Select to export metadata with the file.

image Protect from Import. Select to prevent changes to the SWF.

image Password. Select to protect the file with a password.

image Curve Quality. Select a number for Bezier curve accuracy. The higher the number, the more accurate.

image Background. Specify a background color for the file.

image Local Playback Security. Specify whether you want to access only local file or network files.

image To set image compression and quality or animation frame rates and layer order options, click Advanced.


image Click OK.


Saving as Adobe PDF


IL 9.6

If a co-worker or client doesn’t have Illustrator, you can create an Adobe PDF of a document for them to review your work. Adobe PDF (Portable Document Format) is a useful file format for document sharing, viewing, and proofing with Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is free for download on the web at www.adobe.com. If recipients of the file have Adobe Acrobat, they can add comments to an Adobe PDF. If you have multiple artboards in a document, these are preserved in the Adobe PDF file format (New !).

Save a Document as an Adobe PDF

image Click the File menu, and then click Save As.

image Enter a name for the file in the File Name (Win) or Save As (Mac) box.

image Click the Format popup (Mac) or Save as Type list arrow (Win), and then click Adobe PDF (*.PDF).

image Navigate to the drive or folder location where you want to save the document.

image Select the All or Range option to create individual pages for each artboard. If you selected the Range option, enter a range.

image Click Save.


image Click the Adobe PDF Preset list arrow, and then select a preset option, or specify your own options to create a custom preset.

image To create a preset that you can use later, set your options, click Save Preset, enter a name, and then click OK.

image Select a category (General, Compression, etc.) from the list to display options.

image Specify the options for the category that you want.

image To reset options to defaults, hold down Alt (Win) or Option (Mac), and then click Reset.

image Click Save PDF.

Use Adobe PDF Preset Options

image Follow steps 1 through 6 on the previous page.

image Click the Adobe PDF Preset list arrow, and then select one of the following presets:

image Illustrator Default. Creates PDFs that preserve all Illustrator content, which can be reopened in Illustrator, InDesign, or QuarkXPress.

image High Quality Print. Creates PDFs for quality printing on desktop printers and proofing devices.

image PDF/X-1a: 2001/2003. Creates PDFs that meet printing standards for Acrobat Reader 4.0 or later. Useful for a CMYK workflow.

image PDF/X-3: 2002/2003. Creates PDFs that meet printing standards for Acrobat Reader 7.0 or later. Useful for a color-managed workflow.

image PDF/X-4. Creates PDFs that meet printing standards for Acrobat Reader 7.0 or later. Useful for a color-managed workflow with added support for preserving transparency.

image Press Quality. Creates PDFs for high quality print production (digital printing or separations).

image Smallest File Size. Creates compressed PDFs for use on the Web or e-mail distribution.


image Click OK.

Saving as an EPS

EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) is a commonly used file format that you can import into graphics, word processing, and page layout programs. An EPS file can contain vector and bitmap graphics, so it makes the format more versatile for use in other programs. EPS does a good job of preserving graphic objects in an Illustrator document. If you have multiple artboards in a document, these are preserved in the EPS file format (New!).

Save a Document as an EPS File

image Click the File menu, and then click Save As.

image Enter a name for the file in the File Name (Win) or Save As (Mac) box.

image Click the Format popup (Mac) or Save as Type list arrow (Win), and then click Illustrator EPS (*.EPS).

image Navigate to the drive or folder location where you want to save the document.

image To preserve artboards, select the Use Artboards check box, and then select the All or Range option. If you selected the Range option, enter a range.

image Click Save.


image Click the Version list arrow, and then select an Illustrator EPS version.

image To create an image preview for Open dialog boxes, click the Format list arrow, select a format, and then select the Transparent or Opaque option.

image If the artwork contains transparent objects and overprints, specify the options you want.

image Select the Embed Fonts (for other applications) check box to attach fonts used in the document to the image file, so they will be available in other programs.

image Specify the following options:

image Include Linked Files. Select to embed linked files in artwork.

image Include Document Thumbnails. Select to create a thumbnail image of the artwork.

image Include CMYK PostScript in RGB Files. Select to allow the use of RGB output when it’s not supported in a program.

image Compatible Gradient and Gradient Mesh Printing. Select to allow older printers and PostScript devices to print gradients and gradient meshes by converting them to JPEG.

image Use Printer’s Default Screen. Select to use a printer’s default settings.

image Adobe PostScript. Select a PostScript level to save with the image. PostScript Language Level 2 is widely used. If you want to work with mesh objects, use Level 3.

image Click OK.


Saving as Adobe Flex

FXG (Flash XML Graphics) is a file format based on a subset of MXML, the XML-based programming language used by Adobe Flex, which you can use to build rich Internet applications. Illustrator allows you to save your artwork in the FXG file format (New!). When you save a document for use in Adobe Flex, the FXG Options dialog box appears, where you can specify the save options you want. If you have multiple artboards in a document, these are preserved in the FXG file format (New!).

Save a Document as Adobe Flex File

image Click the File menu, and then click Save As.

image Enter a name for the file in the File Name (Win) or Save As (Mac) box.

image Click the Format popup (Mac) or Save as Type list arrow (Win), and then click FXG (*.FXG).

image Navigate to the drive or folder location where you want to save the document.

image To preserve artboards, select the Use Artboards check box, and then select the All or Range option. If you selected the Range option, enter a range.

image Click Save.

image Specify the options that you want.

image For help, point to an option to display a description at the bottom of the Options dialog box.

image Click Show Preview to see a preview of your artwork in FXG.

image Click Show Code to see the resulting code for your artwork in your browser.

image Click OK.


Saving a Document for Microsoft Office

The Illustrator format (AI) is not compatible with Microsoft Office programs. If you want to use an Illustrator document in a Microsoft Office program, you need to save the document as a PNG (Portable Network Graphics) image. This format makes transparent areas opaque. In a Microsoft Office program, you can insert the PNG image file by using the Insert Picture command. To save a document as a PNG image, you use the Save for Microsoft Office command on the File menu.

Save a Document for Microsoft Office

image Click the File menu, and then click Save for Microsoft Office.

The Save for Microsoft Office dialog box appears with the PNG file format.

image Enter a name for the file in the File Name (Win) or Save As (Mac) box.

image Navigate to the drive or folder location where you want to save the document.

image Click Save.


Saving as a Template


IL 1.2

If you find yourself frequently creating the same kind of document, then you should create a template. A template is a special document that makes it easier to reuse frequently used material in order. An Illustrator Template file uses the (AIT) file format instead of the normal (AI) document file format. When you create a new document from a template, a new document appears with the filename “Untitled”, so you don’t mistakenly make and save changes over the template file.

Save a Document as a Template

image Open a new or existing document.

image Create a custom document.

image Click the File menu, and then click Save As Template.

The Templates folder appears, displaying different types of templates available for Illustrator.

image Type a name for the new template.

image Click the Files of Type (Win) or Enable (Mac) list arrow, and then click Illustrator Template (*.AIT), if necessary.

image Navigate to a different location if you want to save your custom templates in a folder other than the Illustrator Templates folder.

image Click Save.

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