
12-bit capture, 19, 37

16-bit (high-bit) capture, 21, 22, 37, 43

24-bit color (8-bits per channel), 8, 19, 37, 382

24/7 opening on web, 326

48-bit color (16-bits per channel), 19, 20

ACR see Adobe Camera Raw

Adams, Ansel, 390

Add Noise filter, 197, 215

Adding photos, photo collages, 348-9

Adjust Color Curves feature, 12, 234-5

Adjust Sharpness filter, 212, 387

Adjust Smart fix, 126

Adjustment Layers:

black and white conversion, 167

description, 156

editing, 133

masks, 162

Photoshop, 141-2

Adobe Camera Raw (ACR)

bit capture, 19

camera exposure, 60

camera profiles, 84

dialog, 64-5, 66

editor, 36-7

interface, 64-83

JPEG/TIFF, files 283

multiple files, 78

output options, 80-3

Photoshop Lightroom, 406

plug-ins, 92

preview space, 65-6

processing, 38-9

Raw files processing, 56, 77-8

Updates, 92

white balance, 59

see also Raw files processing

Adobe Photo Downloader:

bulk red eye fixing, 124

organization of photos, 95

Raw files processing, 61-3

Renaming, 97-9

Software, 6, 7

Adobe Photoshop Elements – A Visual Introduction to Digital Imaging, 2

Advanced Dialog, 62-3

Advanced Layer Masks, 143-4

Advanced shooting technique for panoramas, 293-324


backup, 106-8

photo collages, 345

photo location, 111

photo organization, 101-3

synchronization, 106-8

websites, 329-32

Align option, frames, 356

‘All Layers’ tool option, 136-7

Amount slider for Unsharp Mask filter, 202

Analog to digital conversion, 18

Animation, sound and movies for websites 328

Aperture, 23-4, 300

Applied Science Fiction (ASF) software, 47, 48, 49, 280

Arrange option for frames, 356

Art papers, 392

ASF see Applied Science Fiction

Auto Color, 122

Auto Color Correct option, 262, 316

Auto Contrast command, 8-9, 122

Auto face tagging, 100

Auto Levels, 8, 12 2

Auto options, 121-2, 287-8

Auto photo stacking, 117-18

Auto Red Eye Fix, 121, 124

Auto Sharpen 10, 122

Auto Smart Fix, 121

Auto tonal control, 7 4

Auto White Balance feature, 32, 33, 301

Auto workflow, panoramas, 290

Auto-Fill with Project Bin Photos option, 3453

Automatic editing:

auto options, 121-2

Auto Red Eye Fix, 121

Auto Smart Fix, 121

bulk red eye fixing, 124

multi-selection editing, 124

multiple files, 123

several pictures, 123

Automatic Naming option, 95

Background eraser, 158

Background layers, 157-8

Background matting for web, 338

Backgrounds for photo collages, 353


Albums, 106-8

Files , 112 , 113

Frequency, 114

Glossary, 113

Security, 114

Barrel distortion, 245-6

Basic Dialog, 61-2

Basic elements workflow, 10-11

Basic tab, 67

Bayer patterns, 35

Bits comparison, 19

Black and white and color:

gradient map, 192-3

images, 192

Black and White conversion:

advanced, 167

color file desaturation, 165-6

grayscale mode, 163-4

images, 164-6

Photoshop, 173

Black and white prints, 390-2

Blacks (shadows), 71

Blemishes, 258-9

Blend mode:

Burn, 178

darkroom techniques, 207, 230

dodging, 178

layers, 160, 420-1

missing content restoration, 282

non-destructive editing, 137-8

photo restoration, 272

red removal, 263

stain removal, 284

Blur filters, 225

Border techniques, 193

Brightening eyes, 264

Brightness, 71-2, 309-11

Brightness/Contrast levels, 133

Brown, Russell, 167

Brush tool, 257, 263

Bulk red eye fixing, 124


blend mode, 178

images, 173-5

lith printing, 215

non-destructive, 174

paint on, 177

tool, 242

Buttons in websites, 328


ColorVision PrintFIX, 388-9

Printers, 384-8, 388-9

Screens, 382-3

Camera calibration tab, 83

Camera Raw defaults option, 68


Canon, 58

color-management, 377

contrast, 26-7

data, 37

hand-held, 297

Nikon, 58

portrait mode, 7

profiles, 84-7

support, 294-7


cameras workflow, 58

print permanence, 394

printers, 365

Captioning, 96

Capture methods for panoramas, 297

CCDs see charge coupled devices

CD/DVD exporting from websites, 332

Change to old, 247-8

Charge coupled devices (CCD s), 14, 35, 48

Clarity, 73

Click-stop heads, 330

Clone Stamp tool:

Blemishes, 258, 260

Montages, 242

moving subjects, 304

photo restoration, 270-2

scanned prints, 279

seamless backgrounds, 337

CMOS Sensors, 35

CMYK printing 362


black and white conversion, 164-6, 167

Blend Mode, 138, 222

cast correction, 46

casts, 9, 30- 1 , 387

consistency between devices, 374-5

depth, 18-19, 43

depth in Raw capture format, 60

discrete, 18

file desaturation, 165-6

gamut, 374 – 5

interpolated, 36, 37

levels based restoration, 276-7

management, 375-6, 377-81

panoramas, 314-16

printers, 386-7

quality, 20

regeneration, 49

saturation, 27-8

variations in split toning, 190

Color Cast tool, 9

Color Variations feature, 262, 277, 315


capture/manipulation/output, 376

monitors, 378-9

screens, 378-9

workflow, 377-81

ColorVision PrintFIX for printer calibration, 388

ColorVision Spyder for screen calibration, 382-3

Combining images, 238-40

Compare Photos Side by Side option, 109-10

Compression for web photos, 337

Contact sheets for printing, 372

Content palette, 352

Content pane in photo collages, 352-5

Contract/expand slider for Refine Edge feature, 150


Cameras, 26-7

Raw capture format, 60

Raw files processing, 71-2

Unsharp Mask filter, 212-13

Conversion in Raw files processing, 87-91

Convert to Black and White feature, 135, 168-9, 170, 215

Correct Camera Distortion filter, 216-17, 246

Create options, 5

Crop tool, 8, 80, 246

Cross-processing effects, 220-1

Custom option, 68

Cutout filter, 252

CVs on web, 326

Cylindrical option for panoramas, 287-8

Darkroom techniques:

change to old, 247-8

combining images seamlessly, 238 – 40

cross-processing effects, 220-1

depth of field effects, 225-8

diffusion printing, 206-7

digital hand coloring, 222-4

drop shadow, 229-32

Elements’ Curves feature, 234-6

emphasis and saturation, 218-19

high-key pictures, 243-5

instant film transfer effect, 208-11

lens problems, 245-6

lith printing, 214-16

montages, 240-3

painterly photos, 249-52

perspective problems, 216-17

Photoshop’s Curves in Elements, 237

ring flash shadow, 233

Unsharp Mask filter and contrast, 212-13

Date View option, 109

Defragmentation of drives, 412

Depth of field (DOF), 225-8, 299-301, 312

Desaturation of tones, 210

Develop Module, Photoshop Lightroom, 404, 410-12

Diffuse Glow filter, 256

Diffusion printing, 206-7

Digital camera workflows, 40

Digital hand coloring, 222-4

Digital ICE Technology, 47

Digital ROC option, 49

Digital ROC (Recreation of Color) plug-in, 280

Digital shooting technique, 22-4

Distance from subject, depth of field, 300

Distribute option, 356

DNG format, 56, 57

DNG Profile Editor, 85-7


blend mode, 178

images, 173-5

lith printing, 215

non-destructive, 174

paint on, 177

DOF see depth of field

Dreamy effect, 256

Drop shadows option, 228, 229-33, 239

Duplicate Layers, 139-40

Dust and scratches, 47, 136, 271, 272-3

Dust and Scratches filter, 272-3

Dye Sublimation printers, 362, 365, 366-7, 368

Edges and grayscale masks, 194-5


Automatic, 120-4

Guided workspace, 129-30

Lightroom images for Elements, 416-18

Manual, 127-8

non-destructive, 132-9, 167, 266

online, 130-2

panoramas, 306-8

photo collages, 341, 346-8

semi-automatic, 125-6

Effects pane for photo collages, 352-5

Elements’ Curves feature, 234-6

Elements grid option, 155

Elliptical Selection tool, 248

Emphasis and saturation, 218-19

Enhance menu, 8

Enhancement:, 130-2

poorly exposed images, 179


big prints, 398

print permanence, 394

printers, 319, 365

Erase back through tonal layers, 175-7

Eraser tool, 175

Evening, Martin, 221


Aperture, 23-4

Compensation, 24-5

Contro l, 23-4

noise reduction, 60

panoramas, 298, 313-14

Raw files processing, 70-1

Shooting, 22-3, 181

Shutter, 23-4

Exposure Override system, 181

Extra correction help, 280

Eyedropper tool, 257, 262-3

Eyes brightening, 264

F-stops, 24-5, 225

Faded photos, 274-5

Faded slides, 276-7

Feather slider in Refine Edge feature, 150

Fill layers, 156

Fill light, 72-3

Fill masks, 162

Film scanners, 41 – 2


Add Noise, 215

Adjust Sharpness, 212, 387

Blur, 225

Correct Camera Distortion, 216-17, 246

Cutout, 252

Diffuse Glow, 256

Dust and Scratches, 272-3

Gaussian Blur, 206, 224, 2267, 230, 232, 233

Graphic Pen, 249

Lens Flare, 243

Offset, 337

Poster Edges, 252

Rough Pastel, 250, 251

Spherize, 246

Unsharp Mask, 212-13

Watercolor, 251

Find command:

picture files , 11112

Smart Albums, 105

Fine-tuning Auto White Balance, 33

Flat pictures, 156, 320-1

Focal length and depth of field, 300

Focus in Panoramas, 299

Frame layers, 157, 195-6, 340

Frame-by-frame control 25-6

Frames in photo collages, 347, 353, 356-7

Freckles softening, 257

Free Transform tool, 154, 248, 279

FTP protocol for websites, 332

Full backu p , 112 , 113

Full Edit workspace, 5, 127-8, 135, 348

Gallery, web, 326

Gamut of color, 374-5

Gaussian Blur filter, 206, 224, 226-7, 230, 232, 233

GEM software, 48, 49

General purpose papers, 392

Ghosted image repair, 305

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format), web photos, 336

Global enhancement, 20-1

Glossy photographic papers, 392

Gradient Map:

black and white and color, 192-3

high-key pictures, 244

image conversions, 171

levels, 133

Grain filter, 198

Graphic Pen filter, 249

Gray tones, 363-4, 391


Mode, 163-4

printer/ink/paper setup, 385-6 ‘Group with Previous’ masks, 163 Grouping photos, 101-3 Guided Edits, 5, 1 2 9 – 3 0

Halftoning, 362

Hand tool, 80

Hard Light Blend Mode, 204

Headings in websites, 328

Healing Brush tool, 258, 266, 270, 282

Hewlett Packard:

big prints, 398

print systems, 394

printers, 365 High Pass filter, 204

High-bit (16 – bit ):

capture 21 ,

misconception, 21-2 High-key pictures, 243-5

High-resolution mosaics, 317


adding details, 182-3

capture, 44-6

skin, 265

Histogram in image adjustment controls, 66-9

History states, 423

HTML code, 327-8, 337

Hue, tones, 18 4 -5 Hue/Saturation feature, 133, 215, 218-19, 264

ICC profiles, 375, 378, 382, 384

Image cache settings, 423

Image data, 37

Image/printer resolution comparison, 368


adding, 146

adjustment controls, 66-9

black and white and color, 192

black and white conversion, 164-6, 173

border techniques, 193

burning- in, 173-4 , 177-8

combination, 238-40

Convert to Black and White feature, 168-9, 170

dodging, 173-4 , 177-8

edges and grayscale masks, 194-5

editing program, 379-80

enhancing poorly exposed, 179

erase back through tonal layers, 175-7

Frame layers, 195-6

Gradient Map conversions, 171

highlights, 182-3

layers, 156-60

loading, 151

masking, 161-3

modifying, 152

mottling, 210

professional outsourcing, 397-8

Quick Selection tool, 148-9

Raw files, 37

saving 10, 151

screening layers to enhance tones, 179-81

select and tone, 187-8

Selection Brush, 146-7

selection edges, 149-51

selection size, 155

settings menu, 67-8

settings option, 68

shadows, 182-3

sharpening, 200-4

sharpness, 28-9

split toning, 187, 189, 190-1

stacks, 116, 117

subtraction, 146

texture, 197-9, 208

tinted monochromes, 183-5

tones, 66-7, 173

transforming selections, 153-4

two-layer erase, 189

websites, 328


archive/disk/drive, 63

camera/card reader, 61-2

photos, 6

In-camera picture details, 94

Incremental backup, 112, 113

Inkjet printers, 362, 364-6


black and white prints, 390

mottling, 210-11

specialist, 392 Input resolution, 14-15

Instant film transfer effect, 208-11

Interactive Layout for panoramas, 287, 290


Color, 36, 37

size of prints, 399 Invert levels, 134

ISO noise reduction, 60

Jargon buster, 426-30

Joint Photographers Expert Group see JPEG

JPEG 2000 format, 151

JPEG format:

enabling Raw camera, 57-8

interpolated color, 36

Pano2Exe software, 322

Raw advantage, 39

Raw files, 35

web photos, 335-6, 337, 338

JPEG/TIFF files, Adobe Camera Raw, 283


panoramas tripod heads, 303

VR equipment, 294

Keyboard shortcuts, 431-3

Keyword tags, 7, 99, 106

Keywording option, Photoshop Lightroom, 409


big prints, 398

Photo Books, 359-60

Kost, Julianne, 17 4

Laser printers, 362, 365, 366

Lasso tool, 218, 264


addition ,158

adjustment, 156

background, 157-8

blending, 160

fill, 156

Frame, 157

images, 156-60

manipulation, 159

Mask, 192

masking, 138-9

opacity, 160

Shape, 157

styles, 159

text, 156

viewing, 159

Layout of photo collages, 341, 342-4


Flare filter, 243

nodal point, 295-6

problems, 245-6

Levels feature, 13 3 , 216 , 276, 276 -7

Lexmark print permanence, 394

Library module, Photoshop Lightroom, 404, 408-11

Library tools, Photoshop Lightroom, 410

Lichtenstein, Roy, 252


White, 30

white balance settings, 31-2

Lighting conditions, 30

Lith printing, 214-16

Loading of images, 151

Local enhancement, 20-1

Location of files for photos, 110-12

Luminance smoothing, 77

Magic Eraser, 158

Magic Wand tool, 152, 187-8

Magnetic tool, 218

Manfrotto, VR equipment, 294

Manipulation of layers, 159

Manual control of tones, 11-12

Manual editing, 127-8

Manual workflow of panoramas, 290-1

Mask mode in Selection Brush, 147


adjustment layers, 162

fill, 162

‘Group with Previous’, 163

Images, 161-3

Layers, 192

selections and layer masks, 163

Matt/satin photographic papers, 392

Matte option, 338

Metadata option, 95, 111

Misaligned picture parts, 309

Missing content of photos, 282

Modifying selections of images, 152

Monitors color-management, 378-9

Monochrome inks, 391

Montages, 240-3

Mosaics, high-resolution, 317

Mottling of images, 210-11

Moving subjects 304-5

Multi-sample for scanners, 44

Multi-selection editing, 124

Multiple files automatic editing, 123

Multiple prints, 373-6

Naming, 96

NEF format, 58

New Album group option, 102

Nikon cameras, workflow, 58

Nodal points, 295-6

Noise reduction:

preview space, 65

Raw capture format, 60

Raw files processing, 77

Scanners, 48


burning, 174

dodging, 174

editing, 132-9, 167, 266

Photoshop Lightroom, 405

Texture, 199

Offset filter, 337

Offset lithography printing, 367

Online Album feature, 329-31, 333

Online editing, 130-2

Online Gallery/Online Album comparison, 333

Opacity of layers, 160

Open Preference dialog option, 80

Organization of photos:

Adobe Photo Downloader, 95

Albums, 101-3

auto face tagging, 100

backing up albums, 106-8

downloading, 94-5

features, 7, 93-118

grouping photos, 101-3

location of files, 110-12

Photo Browser, 96, 99, 102

Protection, 112

Renaming, 96-7, 97-9

Smart Albums, 103-6

synchronizing albums, 106-8

tagging, 99-100, 111

versioning edits, 115-18

view, 108-10

Organizer workspace, 61

Orientation of pictures, 7

Output options from Adobe Camera Raw files, 80-3

Output resolution, 16

Overexposure, 23

Pages in photo collages, 350-1

Paint on dodging/burning-in, 177

Painterly photos, 249-52

Painting masks, 161 Pano2Exe software, 322


advanced editing, 306-8

brightness, 309-11

camera support, 294-7

capture methods, 297

color balance, 314-16

depth of field, 299-301, 312

exposure, 298, 313-14

focus and zoom, 299

high-resolution, 317

misaligned picture parts, 309

moving subjects, 304-5

nodal points, 295-6

overlap, 303

position of camera, 293-4

printing, 318-19

production, 287

spinning movies, 320-3

stitching modes, 287-90

timing, 302

tripod heads, 295

vertical, 316

virtual reality, 292, 303

web pages with Java Applet, 322

white balance, 301-2

workflow, 324


black and white prints, 390

inkjet printers, 365

texture, 211

types, 392

Pastel strokes, 250

PDF format, 151

Peace River Studios VR equipment, 294

Pen and ink drawing, 249

Permanence of printing, 393-7


Panoramas, 287-8

Problems, 216-17 Photo Books, 341, 344, 358-60

Photo Browser:

albums, 102

Image Stacks, 118

location of files, 110

organization of photos, 96

tagging of photos, 99

Version sets, 115-16

Photo collages:

adding photos, 348-9

albums, 345

backgrounds, 353

content pane, 352-5

editing, 341, 346-8

effects pane, 352-5

frames, 347, 353, 356-7

Kodak prints, 359-60

Layout, 341, 342-4

Pages, 350-1

photo books, 358-60

picture alterations, 348

picture combinations, 347

printing, 358-60

replacing photos, 348-9

super Project Bin, 344-6

Photo Filter levels, 134

Photo site styles on web, 326-7


stitching summary, 291

technology, 286, 317


Importing, 6

optimization for web, 335-7

organization, 7

restoration, 267-84


Advanced Layer Masks, 143-4

Black and White conversion, 173

curves feature, 221, 237

donor documents for Elements, 143, 186

features in Elements, 141-3

split toning, 190-1

tinting, 186

Photoshop Elements:

editing Lightroom images, 416-18

image editing program, 379-80

Photoshop features, 141-3

Photoshop Lightroom, 404-18

speed gains, 422-3

workflow, 4-5

Photoshop Elements/Photoshop equivalents, 434

Photoshop Lightroom:

Adobe Camera Raw, 406

Develop Module, 404, 410-12

editing for Elements, 416-18

interface, 406

Library module, 404, 408-11

Library tools, 410

Print dialog, 405

Print module, 414

Slideshow module, 405, 413-14

web module, 405, 415 -16

web tools, 416

workspace, 407

workspace modules, 408

Enhancement, 130-2

online albums, 329

slideshows, 334

website settings, 332, 3

Picture Package option, 373


alterations for photo collages, 348

automatic editing, 123

combinations for photo collages, 347

flatness, 156

in-camera, 94

orientation, 7

Pin-cushion distortion, 245-6


editing, 405-6

image resolution/printer resolution comparison, 368

interpolation and size of prints, 399

Raw shooting, 35

resolution, 14 , 15-16 ,35

restoration of photos, 276

Plug-ins, 424-5

Polaroid prints replication, 208-11

Portrait mode, 7

Position of camera, 293-4

Poster Edges filter, 252

Posterize levels, 134

Preserve Transparency option, 233

Preview option, 80

Preview space, 65-6

Previous conversion option, 68


module in Photoshop Lightroom, 405, 414

options, 5

scanners, 41-2

Print Preview feature, 371

Printer/image resolution comparison, 368

Printer/ink/paper setup, 385-6


big prints, 398

calibration, 384-8, 388-9

color, 386-7

ColorVision PrintFIX, 388-9

Dye Sublimation, 262, 365, 366-7, 368

inkjet, 362, 364-6

laser, 362, 365

resolution, 384, 386

sharpness, 387-8

tones 384, 385-6


basics, 362-4, 369-71

black and white prints, 390-2

color management, 376

contact sheets, 372

monochrome inks, 391

multiple prints, 373-6

offset lithography, 367

panoramas, 318-19

paper, 392

permanence, 393-7

Photo Books, 358-9

photo collages, 358-9

size of prints, 399-401

thermal wax transfer 367

tones, 363-4

workflow, 402

Professional outsourcing of images, 397-8

Professional retouching: 253-66

blemishes, 258-9

dreamy effect, 256

eyes, 264

freckles, 257

highlights/shadows, 265

non-destructive, 266

red removal, 262-3

Spot Healing Brush, 259-61

visual surgery, 225

Project Bin, 345-6, 348, 349

Protection of photos, 112

PSD (Photoshop Elements File Format), 151, 156, 335, 417

PSE documents, 350-1, 358, 423

Quick Fix Editor, 125

Quick Selection tool, 134, 148-9

QuickTime software for panoramas, 292

QuickTime VR movie format (QTVR), 321

Radius slider for Unsharp Mask filter, 202

RAM percentages, 412

Raw files processing:

Adobe Camera Raw, 56, 64-83

Adobe Photo Downloader, 61-3

Auto tonal control, 74

basic tab, 67-8

blacks (shadows), 71

brightness, 71-2

camera calibration tab, 83

camera enabling, 57-8

camera profiles, 84-7

capture workflow, 59-60

clarity, 73

content, 37

contrast, 71-2

conversion, 87-91

diy, 36-9

DNG Editor 85-7

exposure, 70-1

file queue, 77-8

fill light, 72-3

importing, 61-2

luminance smoothing, 77

noise reduction, 77

output options, 80-3

Photoshop Elements, 56

preview space, 65-6

recovery, 72

saturation, 73, 74

sharpening, 75-6

shooting, 35

synchronizing enhancements, 78

tonal adjustments, 69-70

toolbar, 79-80

Vibrance, 73, 74

white balance correction, 68-9

Recovery in Raw files processing, 72

Rectangular Marquee tool, 282

Red Eye Removal tool, 80, 124

Red removal, 262-3 Refine Edge feature, 149-51, 152

Removing photos in photo collages, 348-9

Renaming, 96-7, 97-9

Replacing photos in photo collages, 348-9

Reposition only option in panoramas, 287-8


Photography, 14-15, 16

Printers, 384, 386

Raw capture format, 58

Scanners, 15 , 42-3

Restoration of photos:

basics, 270-1

extra correction help, 280

fade, 274-5

levels based color, 276 -7

missing content, 282

removing stains, 283-4

scanned print, 278-9

shadow tones, 281

Résumés on web, 326

Ring flash shadow, 233


90 option, 80

feature, 230

Rough Pastel filter, 250, 251

Samples Per Inch (SPI), 14


Raw capture format, 60

Raw files processing, 73, 74

tones, 184-5

Saving images, 10, 151

Scale to Fit option, 370

Scanned print, 278-9


color-management, 377

highlight and shadow capture, 45-6

multi-sample, 44

resolution, 15, 42-3

type, 41-2


dust and scratches, 47

noise reduction, 48

problems, 53-4

workflow, 50 Scratch disks, 412-13

Screening layers to enhance tones, 179-81


calibration, 382-3

color-management, 378-9

Search feature (Smart Albums), 105-6

Select menu, 152

Select in one stroke, 134-5

Select and tone, 187-8

Selection Brush:

painting masks, 161

tool, 147

Selection edges, 149-51

Selection mode, 147

Selection size, 155

Semi-automatic editing:

Adjust Smart fix, 126

Quick Fix Editor, 125

Sepia toned vignettes, 247-8

Settings menu, 67-8


adding detail, 182-3

capture, 44-6, 228

Drop Shadow option, 228, 229-32, 239

Ring Flash option, 233

skin, 265

tones, 281

Shadows/Highlights feature, 236

Shape layers, 157

Share options, 5


images, 9-10, 200-4

preview space, 65

Raw capture format, 60

Raw files processing, 75-6


adjustment, 203-4

printers, 387-8


problems, 51-2

Raw, 35

workflows, 40

Shutters, 23-4

Simple borders, 193

Size of prints, 399-401

Skin highlights, 265

Skin shadows, 265

Slides, faded, 276-7


Photoshop Lightroom, 405, 413-14, 334

web, 326

Smart Albums:

Find command, 105

keyword tags, 106

new, 104

search criteria, 104

Search feature, 105 – 6 Smart Brush tool, 134-5, 136, 156

Smart Objects option, 157

Smooth slider in Refine Edge feature, 150

Soft Light Blend Mode, 178

Specialist ink sets, 392

Speciality papers, 392

Speed gains in Photoshop Elements, 422-3

Spherize filter, 246

SPI see Samples Per Inch

Spinning movies in panoramas, 320-3

Split toning, 187, 189, 190 -1

Spot Healing Brush, 259-61, 270, 278-9, 283

Stains removal, 283-4

Stamp Visible command, 140

Stitching modes, 287-92

Straighten tool 8, 80

Styles in layers, 159

Super Project Bin, 344-6

Synchronized albums, 106-8

Synchronized enhancements, 78

Tagged photos, 99-100, 111

Temperature slider, 69


layers, 156

websites, 328

Tex ture, 197-9, 208

Thermal wax transfer printing, 367

Threshold levels, 134

Threshold slider in Unsharp Mask filter, 202

Thumbnail images in web, 326

TIFF format, 35, 36, 39, 57-8, 151

TIFF/JPEG files in Adobe Camera Raw, 283

Timing in panoramas, 302

Tint slider, 69

Tinted monochromes, 183-5

Tinting in Photoshop, 186

Toggle full screen, 80

Toggle Mark for delete option., 80


adjustments, 69-70, 173

desaturation, 210

enhancement, 179-81

gray, 363-4, 391

hue/saturation, 184-5

images, 66-7

levels control, 11

manual control, 11-12

printers, 384, 385-6

spreading, 8

Toolbar, Raw files processing, 79-80

Trans forming selections, 153-4

Tripods, 295, 296, 303

Two – layer erase in split toning, 189

Underexposure, 23

Unsharp Mask filter, 201-2, 212-13, 256

Upscaling for size of prints, 400

Version sets, 110, 115-16

Version Stacks, 117

Versioning edits, 115-18

Vertical panoramas, 316

Vibrance, 73, 74

View Photos in Full Screen option, 109


layers, 159

photos, 108-10

Virtual Reality (VR):

panorama movies, 320

panoramas, 292-5, 303

Visual surgery, 225

Warhol, Andy, 252

Watercolor filter, 251

Watercolor painting, 251

Web, 325-38

24/7, 326

background matting, 338

CVs, 326

Gallery, 326

pages for panoramas, 322

photo site styles, 326-7

photos optimization, 335-7

Photoshop Lightroom, 405, 415-16

Résumés, 326

slide shows, 326

thumbnail images, 326

tools in Photoshop Lightroom, 416

Web photos:

Compression, 337

GIF format, 336

JPEG format, 335-6


Albums, 329-32

animation, sound and movies, 328

building, 327-8

buttons, 328

CD/DVD, 332

FTP protocol, 332

Headings, 328

Images, 328, 130-2, 329, 332, 334, 3

preview, 332

seamless backgrounds, 337

settings, 332

sharing, 332

text, 328

Welcome screen, 6

White balance:

adjustment, 69, 80

control, 29-33

correction, 68-9

customizing, 34

light source, 31-2

panoramas, 301-2

Raw capture format, 59

White light, 30

Wilhelm Imaging Research (WIR):

certification program, 396-7

print testing, 395-6


color-management, 377-81

panoramas, 324

printing, 402


Control, 110

Panoramas, 299

Tool, 79-80

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