organic acids, 343
proteins, 342–3
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, 35, 50, 75–6, 292
grinding, 58, 807


Hagen–Poiseuille’s equation, 145
hardwoods, 660
harvest date, 344
heat biomass, 817
heat coagulation, 349
heat shock proteins (HSPs), 278
heat treatments, 816
hemicellulase debranching enzymes, 218
hemicellulose, 322, 340, 627–8, 827–9
herbaceous energy crops, 47
herbage proteins, 342
transesterification, 583–5
general structure features of molecular species of high oleic oil with TMP tri-2-ethylhexanoate, 585
typical structural features of heterogeneous oil, 584
heterogeneous alkali catalysts, 445
heterogeneous catalysts, 162
biodiesel production, 445–51
examples of commonly researched and their effectiveness, 447–50
cellulose conversion to platform chemicals, 630–1
hydrolytic hydrogenation of cellulose to sugar polyols, 631
heterologous cellulases, 252–3
heterologous gene expression, 250–1
high density fibreboards (HDF), 812
high-energy pulse electron (HEPE), 278
high oleic oil-based ester fluids, 581
high oleic oils production, 579–80
high oleic sunflower oil formulations, 589
high-performance biolubricants
chemical modifications of feedstocks, 581–90
cyclopropanated oils, 587
estrolide esters, 585–7
heterogeneity through transesterification, 583–5
isomerisation of oleic acid with zeolite catalyst followed by hydrogenation and esterification, 589
other esters, 587–90
synthetic esters, 581–3
development, properties and applications, 556–92
applications, 571–4
coefficient of friction of base oils without additives, 559
evaporation losses of mineral oil vs fatty acid esters, 560
future trends, 590–1
markets for lubricants, 561–6
molecular structural features of triacylglycerol oil vs petroleum-based mineral oil, 559
feedstocks and key properties, 574–81
functionality of TAG oils, 575–9
high oleic oil-based ester fluids, 581
high oleic oils production, 579–80
performance requirements, 566–71
dependence of lubricant properties of fatty acid esters on molecular structure, 568
high-performance liquid gas chromatography (HPLC), 706
high-pressure homogenisation, 850–1
high speed rotation dowel welding, 760–2
high value products, 677
higher heating value (HHV), 425–6
homogeneous catalysts, 162
homologous recombination, 250
household devices
biochar, 531–2
clean burning biochar stove and smokey traditional stove, 532
hybrid hydrolysis and fermentation (HHF), 209–10
illustration, 209
hybrid processes, 281–2
hydraulic fluids, 565
hydraulic oils, 572
hydraulic retention time (HRT), 485
hydrodeoxygenation (HDO), 174–5, 635
hydrodesulfurisation (HDS), 174
partial pressure, 486–7
productivity, 480
hydrogen bonds, 407–8
hydrogenated vegetable oils (HVO), 406
hydrogenation, 163–4, 442
hydrogenolysis, 155–6, 176–7, 372–3
hydrolysis, 44, 153–5, 182, 477–8, 632
structure of lignocellulose biomass, 154
hydrolysis interface, 203–6
hydrophobic catalysts, 649
hydrothermolysis, 490
hydrotreating, 163–4


Inbicon Biorefinery
case study, 101–4
biomass transport and storage, 102
biorefinery siting, 102
enzymatic hydrolysis, 103
fermentation and distillation, 103
final solid/liquid separation, 103–4
mechanical pre-treatment, 102
thermal treatment, 102–3
industrial cereal-based by-product streams, 323–5
industrial-scale cellulosic biofuels, 235, 241
process development, 288–9
list of critical process development issues at various stages of biorefinery operation, 289
recent patent applications related to biorefinery concept, 290–1
inhibitor tolerance, 276–8
initial delignification, 666
integrated catalytic processing (ICP), 41
integrated renewable energy system
renewable fuels, 427–9
integrated power, heat and transport system featuring large-scale energy storage, 428
internal combustion engines
liquid biofuels improving usage, 389–429
competing fuels and energy carriers, 390–4
future provision of renewable liquid fuels, 423–9
market penetration, 394–405
usage, 405–17
vehicle and blending technologies for alcohol fuels and gasoline, 417–23
internal rate of return (IRR), 222
International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development, 723–4
International Conference of Harmonisation (ICH), 597
International Energy Agency (IEA), 261
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 723–4
International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO), 292
International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology’s Enzyme Nomenclature and Classification, 212–13
inulin, 609
ion exchange, 365–6, 608
purification, 367
ion exchange chromatography, 352
ion exchange resins, 366–7, 454
ionic impurities removal, 122–4
ionic liquid assisted membrane contactor, 134–41
concentration profile of recovered ethanol in ionic liquid phase, 141
liquid-liquid extraction of ethanol, 137
schematic of continuous ethanol recovery, 138
separation factor for ethanol separation from water, 139
thermodynamic calculation of theoretical energy consumption of membrane-based recovery, 140
ionic liquids, 137, 155, 631–5, 670–1
iron-based catalysts, 180–1
ISO 14040, 72, 292
ISO 14044, 72
iso-stoichiometric ternary blends, 421–3
relationship between blend proportions of gasoline, ethanol and methanol, 422
isomerisation, 589, 641


Japan Biochar Association, 548
jatropha, 456–7, 590


ketals, 369–70
kilns, 532–8
drum TLUD oven being field tested in Vietnam, 538
heating curve for Iwate kiln, 535
large-scale production of biochar and wood vinegar in China, 536
modified Adam retort, 537
ring kiln design, 537
two different types of Japanese kilns Iwate and portable iron kiln, 533
kraft lignin, 679–80
kraft process, 666–7


lab-scale assay, 220
lactic acid, 351–2
synthesis, 644–5
proposed reaction scheme for converting monosaccharides, 645
land use, 77
Landfill Directive, 18
landfilling, 325
lanolin, 701, 712
leaf protein extraction, 348–9
leaves, 730
lectins, 605
legumes, 336–7
lentinan, 606–7
less conventional polysaccharides, 834–6
levulinic acid, 168, 170
platform, 168
production, 643–4
selected acid-catalysed or hydrogenation products from levulinic acid, 644
Lewis–Brönsted acid ratio, 641
life cycle analysis, 60–1
life cycle assessment
basics, 72–4
stages, 73
biorefineries, 74–81
results for bio-based chemicals, 78–81
results for biofuels, 74–7
concept, 81–2
studies, 292–3
life cycle costing (LCC), 81–2
life cycle impact assessment (LCIA ), 73–4
life cycle inventory analysis (LCI), 73–4
life cyle thinking, 69
depolymerisation, 682–3
emerging processes for production, 668–72
oligomeric structures proposed for pyrolytic lignin, 671
typical cation and anion combinations, 672
reduction, 182–3
structure and properties, 660–3
approximate composition of some important classes, 661
hardwood native lignin, 662
main interunit linkages, 661
percentage distribution of lignin units, 662
phenyl propane units, 660
properties from different extraction processes, 664
properties of nonwood lignins, 665
softwood native lignin, 663
traditional processes for production, 663, 666–8
kraft pine lignin, 667
spruce lignosulfonate chemical structure, 668
usage, 181–4
catalytic cracking, 181–2
hydrolysis, 182
oxidation, 183–4
reduction, 182–3
lignin adhesives, 745–9
lignins, 745–6
technology, 747–9
usage without adding other synthetic resins, 746–7
lignin conversion
bio-based chemicals from biorefining and lignin utilisation, 659–84
applications of lignin and lignin-based products, 672–84
emerging processes for lignin production, 668–72
future trends, 684
structure and properties of lignin, 660–3
traditional processes for lignin production, 663, 666–8
lignin utilisation
bio-based chemicals from biorefining and lignin conversion, 659–84
applications of lignin and lignin-based products, 672–84
emerging processes for lignin production, 668–72
future trends, 684
structure and properties of lignin, 660–3
traditional processes for lignin production, 663, 666–8
lignocellulose, 625
lignocellulose-ethanol process, 263, 266–78
fermentation, 272–3
hydrolysis, 269, 271–2
inhibitor tolerance, 276–8
challenges faced by yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae during ethanol production, 276
schematic representation on how to deal with inhibition, 277
pentose utilisation, 273–6
some xylose fermenting engineered strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 275
xylose and arabinose pathways expressed in recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 274
pretreatment, 263, 269
summary of different methods, 270
thermo-tolerance, 278
lignocellulosic biomass, 36, 44, 121, 488, 827–31
cellulose and derivatives, 827
hemicellulose, 827–9
lignin, 830–1
monolipids chemical structure, 830
pectins, 829
fragment containing esterified and non-esterified carboxyl groups of galacturonic acid, 829
lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysate liquor
removal of impurities for cellulosic sugars production, 121–6
adsorptive beads for removal of non-ionic impurities, 124–6
RW-EDI for removal of ionic impurities, 122–4
schematic of derived biofuel production route and role of intermediate separation steps, 122
lignocellulosic materials, 701–2
depolymerisation, 153–6
hydrogenolysis, 155–6
hydrolysis, 153–5
lignosulfonate, 673–4, 679–80, 745–6
linear vibration welding, 758–60
lipid-based nutraceuticals, 599–603
types, properties and functions, 599–603
omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, 600
phytosterols, 601–2
polar lipids, 602–3
lipid conversion
bio-based chemicals from biorefining of wax conversion and utilisation, 693–715
future trends, 714–15
methods of extraction and analysis, 703–6
sources, 697–702
types and properties, 694–7
utilisation, 707–14
lipid hydroprocessing, 41
lipid utilisation
bio-based chemicals from biorefining of lipid and wax conversion, 693–715
future trends, 714–15
methods of extraction and analysis, 703–6
sources, 697–702
types and properties, 694–7
utilisation, 707–14
lipids, 343, 506, 599, 841–2, 844
sources, 697–702
extracted from microalgae, 698–700
extracted from plants, 697–8
yeast and fungi, 700
types and properties, 694–7
other lipid compounds, 696–7
phospholipids, 694
terpenoids, 696
triglycerides, 694
wax esters, 694–6
liquefaction, 308–9
liquefied natural gas (LNG), 400
liquid biofuels
competing fuels and energy carriers, 390–4
on-board energy density and technology costs, 390–3
environmental benefits, 393–4
well-to-wheel CO2 emissions as function of fuel well-to-tank carbon intensity, 395
improving usage in internal combustion engines, 389–429
future provision of renewable liquid fuels, 423–9
usage, 405–17
vehicle and blending technologies for alcohol fuels and gasoline, 417–23
market penetration, 394, 396–405
alternative road transport fuels as fraction of global total alternative fuel supply, 396
liquid feeds, 782–3
liquid hot water (LHW), 490
liquid-liquid extraction, 134–6, 138–9, 147
liquid petroleum gas (LPG), 400
liquidity, 577–8
long-chain fatty acids, 486
loss lubricants, 569
low density fibreboards (LDF), 812
low target concentration, 142–3
lubricant dilution, 415–17
lubricants, 712–13
markets, 561–6
general price of lubricant base oils vs vegetable oils, 562
vegetable oil production volumes and yields, 566
lubrication fluids, 563–4


macropores, 647–8
magnesium silicate, 453–4
magnetic sulfonated materials, 630–1
Maillard reactions, 776, 785–6
manure, 501–6
anaerobic digestion, 503
solid and nutrient content of various manure types, 502
volatile solid reduction vs solid loading rate treating dairy manure, 502
volatile solid reduction vs solid loading rate treating swine manure, 503
mat formation, 813
material flow analysis (MFA), 70
matrix synthesis, 95
mechanically-induced friction welding techniques, 756–7
mechanocatalysis, 650–1
medium density fibreboard (MDF), 741–2, 812
membrane distillation (MD), 116
membrane separation technologies, 114–19
charge-based membrane separations, 117–19
photographs of three different sizes of commercially available ED stacks, 120
working principles of electrodeionisation, 118
working principles of electrodialysis, 117
size or solubility based-membrane separations, 116–17
metabolic engineering, 250–1
metal catalysts, 631
metal hydroxides, 446
metal ion absorption, 676–7
metal oxides, 446
metals, 486
metalworking fluids, 573
methane, 478–9
methane production
biohydrogen production from different feedstocks, 492–507
crops residues, 493, 499–501
energy crops, 493
food wastes, 506–7
manure, 501–6
methanogenesis, 478
methanol synthesis, 179, 638
methylolurea mixtures, 740–1
microalgae, 601–2, 730
biomass, 95
biorefinery, 91–2
lipids extraction, 698–700
examples of microalgae cultivation for oil accumulation, 699
oil, 457–8
microbial electrolysis cells (MEC), 479
microemulsion, 708–9
microfiltration, 115, 145–6
microwave-assisted extraction, 11, 704–5
microwave heating, 635
microwave pyrolysis, 26–7
microwave technology, 12, 27
milk proteins, 839
milling, 308–9, 488
minimum ethanol selling price (MESP), 222
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), 547
mixed interior wood panel tannin adhesive, 749–50
mixed tanin-lignin adhesives, 749–50
moisture, 459–60
molasses, 783
monoglycerides, 711
monosaccharides, 843–4
monovalent alkali metals, 158
Monte Carlo simulations, 62
motor octane numbers (MON), 411
moulded products, 813
moving bed pyrolyser, 538
multiple separation steps coordination, 143
mutagenesis, 250
Myceliopthora thermophila, 212
mycotoxins, 790


NAMASTE project, 24
nanocomposites, 851–2
nanofiltration, 115, 352
National Advanced Biofuels Consortium (NABC), 60
National Biodiesel Board, 462
National Institute of Health (NIH), 597
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), 220, 269, 271, 698–9
natural consolidated bioprocessing, 243–4
non-complex glycoside hydrolase systems, 246
non-engine lubricants, 571
non-ionic impurities removal, 124–6
non-starch polysaccharides (NSP), 786
non-structural carbohydrates, 342
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, 705–6
nutraceuticals, 710–12
definition and history, 596–7
legislation and regulation, 597
Nylon 6, 639–40


octacosanol, 712
octane numbers, 411–12
properties of 95 RON gasoline, methanol, ethanol and iso-butanol, 412
oilseed meals, 778–82
global production of oil bearing seeds in 2011 with total and digestible protein content, 779
other oilseed meals, 781–2
rapeseed meal, 780–1
recommended rate of Canola inclusion in production animal diets, 781
top producing countries in 2011–12, 780
soya bean meal, 779–80
oilseeds, 725
olefin polymerisation, 700–1
oleic oils, 565–6
olive mill wastewater (OMWW), 506–7, 611
olivine, 157–8
omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, 600, 711
omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, 711
on-board energy density
technology costs, 390–3
cost comparison of alternative energy vehicles, 392
net system volumetric and gravimetric energy densities, 391
open-core down-draft gasifier, 539–40
operating conditions compatibility, 143
optimising enzymes, 212–20
beta-glucosidase, 214–15
cellobiohydrolases, 215
endo-1,4-β-glucanases, 216
endo-β-xylanases and β-xylosidases, 217–18
fungal cellulase synergistically deconstruct cellulose microfibrils to monomeric glucose, 214
GH61s, 216–17
hemicellulase debranching enzymes, 218
other activities, 218–19
thermostabilisation and development of thermally active enzyme cocktails, 219–20
organic acids, 343
organism development, 249–53
metabolic engineering, 250–1
natural vs engineered GH systems, 252–3
strategies employed in research development for CBP-enabling microorganism, 251
organosolv lignin, 675
organosolv process, 668–9
oriental waferboard (OWB), 810–11
oscillatory baffled reactor (OBR), 649–50
ovens, 532–8
oxidation, 176, 183–4, 577
oxidative activation, 746–7
oxidative dehydration, 376
oxidative stability, 463–5, 575
oxygen, 486


packaging films
biomass usage for coatings, 819–56
components, 822
crosslinking agents for packaging materials, 844–9
film plasticisers, 842–4
future trends, 853–5
processes for producing bio-based films, 822–4
processes for producing edible coatings, 825–6
products, 826–42
reinforcements for packaging materials, 849–53
palm oil methyl ester (POME), 405
paper industries
future transitions, 289, 292
integrated forest biorefinery based on Kraft pulp mill, 292
paraffins, 443
paraformaldehyde fine powder, 740–1
particleboard, 811
properties, 812
particulate matter (PM), 417
partition coefficient, 147
pearled wheat flour, 307
pectins, 829
pennycress, 457
pentose utilisation, 273–6
peptide-based nutraceuticals, 604–6
performance indices, 144–7
adsorption, 147
adsorption capacity, 147
electrodialysis (ED) and electrodeionisation (EDI), 146–7
current efficiency, 147
productivity, 147
separation efficiency, 146–7
liquid-liquid extraction, 147
partition coefficient, 147
reverse osmosis (RO), 144–5
ultrafiltration and microfiltration, 145–6
flux, 145–6
selectivity, 146
periodic anaerobic baffled reactor (PABR), 484
personal care products, 712
pervaporation (PV), 116, 134–6
petroleum, 697
pharmaceuticals, 710–12
carotenoids and cholesterol, 711–12
monoglycerides, 711
structure of two isomeric forms, 711
other applications, 712–14
bioplastics, 713–14
cosmetics and personal care products, 712
lubricants, 712–13
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), 710–11
structure of n-3 PUFA, 710
phenol, 754–5
phenolic compounds, 610–12, 845–6
phenylammonia lyase, 729
phospholipids, 694
representative structure of common lipids, 695
phosphorus, 460–1
photocatalysis, 729
photochemical degradation, 815
phycobiliproteins, 605
phytosterols, 601–2
plant cell cell polysaccharides, 201–2
plant lipids, 697–8
plant proteins, 342
platform chemicals, 78, 680–3
platform systems, 212
plug-flow digesters, 483–4
plug flow reactors (PFR), 481
plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), 392–3
Poaceae, 336
polar lipids, 602–3
structure of polar lipids, 602
structure of sulfoquinovosylacylglycerol, 603
pollutant emission, 415–17
polyalkyleneglycols (PAG), 562
polyalphaolefins (PAO), 562
polyamide synthesis, 646–7
polycondensation reaction, 739–40
polyethylene (PE), 80
polyethylene terephthalate (PET), 80
polyhydroxyalkanoate production
wheat, 316, 318–20
total dry weight, PHB, residual microbial biomass and PHB content in microbial cells, 319
polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), 80, 316, 318
polyhydroxyalkonate, 41
polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), 316, 318
polylactic acid (PLA), 80
polymer surface modifications, 853–4
polymeric adsorptive beads, 124–6
polymeric ion exchange resin beads, 124–6
polymers, 80
polyols, 843
polyphenolic compounds, 610
polyphosphatidyl choline (PPC), 603
polysaccharide hydrolysing enzymes, 247
polysaccharides, 606, 831–6
alginates, 833
basic structures containing units of mannuronic and guluronic acids, 833
chitosan, 833–4
chemical structure, 834
less conventional polysaccharides, 834–6
bacterial cellulose, 836
cactus mucilages, 835–6
carrageenans, 835
tree exudates, 835
starches, 831–2
chemical structure of starch fragment, 832
polytrimethylene (PTT), 80
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), 578, 710–11
polyurethane films, 676
potato starch production residues, 730–1
pour point (PP), 463
prebiotics, 608–9
precipitation, 727–8
preservation, 345–6
press-cake fraction, 352–4
press-juice fraction, 347–52
green juice, 348–51
overview of some green biorefinery activities in Europe, 350
schematic representation of green biorefinery concept, 348
schematic representation of Havelland green biorefinery in Germany, 351
silage juice, 351–2
schematic representation of Utzenaich green biorefinery in Austria, 352
pressing extraction, 703–4
pressure swing distillation (PSD), 310
pretreated slurries, 204
pretreatment, 203–6, 263, 269
methods, 488–92
examples of acid pretreatment of lignocellulosic materials, 490
examples of alkaline pretreatment of lignocellulosic materials, 491
examples of biological pretreatment of lignocellulosic materials, 492
ProAlcool, 397
process analytical technologies (PAT), 106–7
process intensification
increasing dry-matter content, 280–2
hybrid processes and novel concepts, 281–2
process logistics, 93
product-driven biorefineries, 16
product fermentation, 206–11
product heterogeneity, 142
product purity requirements, 142
production costs, 462–3
productivity, 147
project PIVERT, 24
propanediols, 372–4
propene, 374–5
Propylene Glycol Renewable (PGR), 373
Protamylasse, 730–1
proteases, 726
protein adhesives, 750–1
protein-based nutraceuticals, 604–6
algae-derived bioactive peptides, 605–6
algae proteins, 604–5
protein conversion
alternative and novel feedstocks and production routes, 730–1
protein from algae, 730
protein from leaves, 730
protein from potato starch production residues, 730–1
bio-based chemicals from biorefining of protein utilisation, 721–32
(bio)chemical conversion of amino acids to platform ans specialty chemicals, 728–30
future trends, 731–2
protein and amino acid sources derived from biofuel production, 722–4
protein isolation, hydrolysis and isolation of amino acid and chemical feedstocks, 724–8
generic scheme of amino acid or protein production from biomass, 725
protein hydrolysis, 726–7
protein isolation, 725–6
protein utilisation
bio-based chemicals from biorefining of protein conversion, 721–32
alternative and novel feedstocks and production routes, 730–1
(bio)chemical conversion of amino acids to platform ans specialty chemicals, 728–30
future trends, 731–2
protein and amino acid sources derived from biofuel production, 722–4
protein isolation, hydrolysis and isolation of amino acid and chemical feedstocks, 724–8
proteins, 342–3, 836–41
gelatin, 838–9
gluten, 840–1
milk proteins, 839
zein, 839–40
proteolysis, 346
proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEM FC), 392–3
purification, 453–4
purified enzymes, 491–2
pyrolyser, 539
pyrolysis, 12, 41, 47, 681, 708
process, 670


Rankine cycle, 539
rapeseed meal, 780–1
rapeseed methyl ester (RME), 405
raw glycerin phase, 366
recycling CO2, 424–5
reduced order models (ROMs), 62
refinery reactor, 164
refining glycerol, 366
refining process, 807
Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), 5, 7
regulatory issues, 789–91
antibiotics, 790
feed additives, 790–1
mycotoxins, 790
registration of materials for marketing as animal feeds or feed additives, 789–90
Reid vapour pressure (RVP), 410
renewable diesel, 442
biodiesel production methods, 441–65
advantages and limitations, 461–5
biodiesel production routes, 444–54
feedstock quality issues, 458–61
future trends, 465
overview, 442
traditional and emerging feedstocks, 454–8
production routes, 442–3
decarboxylation and hydrogenation reactions for triolein, 443
Renewable Energy Directive (RED), 393–4, 403
renewable feedstock, 17–28, 379–80
concept of waste biorefinery, 19
drivers for change, 17–19
first to second generation waste re-use, 25–8
use of food supply chain waste, 20–4
components of food supply chain waste, 23
examples of by-products and volumes, 22
generic illustration, 21
Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), 48–9, 400–1
renewable identification number (RIN), 50–1
renewable liquid fuels, 390–1
future provision, 423–9
biomass limit, 423–4
renewable fuels within an integrated renewable energy system, 427–9
Sustainable Organic Fuels for Transport (SOFT), 424–7
renewable portfolio standards (RPS), 51
renewable power methane (RPM), 427–8
Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO), 773
reserve osmosis, 352
residual delignification, 666
residues, 47
resin wafer electrodeionisation (RW-EDI)
removal of ionic impurities, 122–4
removal of sulfuric acid and acetic acid from corn stover hydrolysate liquor, 124
schematic of different components inside RW-EDI stack, 123
resins, 674–6
resource, 7
respiratory quotient (RQ), 280
rest streams, 724
Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (ROHS), 5, 7
retorts, 532–8
retro-synthesis, 95
reverse osmosis (RO), 115–16, 144–5
reverse transcriptase (RT), 607
Rhodia, 646–7
ricinoleic acid, 588–9
ring drying, 784–5
ring kilns, 536–7
rotary hearth pyrolysis, 539
ruminant consolidated bioprocessing, 243–4


saccharification, 308–9
See also enzymatic hydrolysis
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 273
scanning electron microscopy (SEM), 830
Schizymenia pacifica, 607
screw continuous pyrolysis two-stage system, 539
screw pyrolyser system, 538
secondary air injection (SAI), 415–16
selectivity, 146
sensitivity analyses, 62
separate hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF), 208, 241, 279–80
schematic representation of different fermentation strategies for bioethanol production, 281
SHF vs SSF, 279
separation efficiency, 146–7
separation technologies, 114–21
adsorption, 119–20
current and emerging technologies in biorefining, 112–48
biofuels recovery by solvent extraction in ionic liquid assisted membrane contactor, 134–41
glycerin desalting as value added co-product from biodiesel production, 126–8
impurities removal from lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysate liquor for cellulosic sugars, 121–6
performance indices, 144–7
solvent extraction and example of recovery of value added proteins from DSG, 130–4
succinic acid production, 128–30
emerging trends for advanced biofuels, 141–4
simplified schematic of production routes of biofuels and biobased chemicals, 142
extraction, 120–1
membrane separation technologies, 114–19
separation scheme of membrane process and membrane filtration spectrum, 115
sequencing batch reactor (SBR), 483
short-rotation woody crops, 47
silage juice, 351–2
simulated fermentation broth, 139–40
simulated moving bed (SMB) technique, 608
simultaneous extraction, 726–7
simultaneous saccharification and co-fermentation (SSCF), 241
simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF), 208–9, 272, 279–80, 702
size based-membrane separations, 116–17
social life cycle assessment (SLCA), 81–2
soda pulping, 666
softwoods, 660
production and application of biochar, 525–50
agricultural usages, 529–31
appendix of IBI standardised product definition and product testing guidelines, 554–5
effects of application, 527–9
future trends, 548–50
larger-scale commercial production, 538–41
markets and usages, 544–8
production, 531–8
testing properties, 541–2, 544
solid acid catalysts, 153–4
solid acids, 634–5
solid-liquid separations, 207
solid retention time (SRT), 487
solid state fermentation (SSF), 611–12
solubility based-membrane separations, 116–17
solvent-based isolation, 850–1
solvent extraction, 703
biofuels recovery in ionic liquid assisted membrane contactor, 134–41
distillation illustration, 135
liquid-liquid extraction illustration, 136
pervaporation illustration, 135
example of recovery of value added
proteins from distiller’s grains and solubles (DSG), 130–4
effect of enzyme amylase on enzymatic saccharification of cellulosic materials, 133
effect of reaction time on enzymatic saccharification of cellulosic materials, 134
schematic of experimental pathway of simultaneous bio-solvent based extraction, 132
sorbents, 814
soy protein isolate (SPI), 853
soya bean meal, 779–80
soya bean methyl ester (SME), 405
soya protein extraction, 725–6
soybean oil, 454
spark-ignition engines, 407–17
sphingophospholipids (SPLs), 602–3
spirulina, 605
splitting process, 208
spray drying, 785
spraying, 825–6
starch ethanol, 42
starch granules, 852
starch nanocrystals (SNC), 852
starch nanoreinforcements, 852
starches, 831–2
steam explosion (STEX), 269, 489–90, 670, 850–1
steroids, 697
sterol glucosides, 460
stoichiometry, 408–10
strategic environmental assessment (SEA), 70
subfractionation, 787
succinic acid, 637
succinic acid fermentation, 129–30
succinic acid production, 128–30
integrated fermentation and RW-EDI separations systems, 130
production ratio of succinic acid vs acetic acid in conventional fermentation, 129
succinic acid, acetic acid and ethanol in recovery tank of RW-EDI, 131
succinic acid fermentation using integrated fermentation, 131
wheat, 312–16
alternative upstream processing strategies, 314
substrate cost vs conversion yield, 315
succinic acid concentration vs yield and productivity in batch fermentations, 317
transformations of succinic acid to added-value chemicals, 312
wheat-based process using wheat and wheat milling by-products, 313
acidification, 480
fermentation, 644
intermediates, 143–4
platform, 263
sugar modification, 166–72
furans platform, 166–8
reactions involved in formation of HMF, 167
schematic upgrade of HMK to liquid fuels, 169
γ-valerolactone platform, 170–2
schematic illustration, 171
upgrading to liquid fuels, 172
levulinic acid platform, 168, 170
production of fuels, 179
sugarcane, 42
sulfated polysaccharides, 607
sulfite process, 667–8
sulfoquinovosylacylglycerol (SQAG), 603
supercritical fluid extraction (SFE), 598, 704
supercritical processing, 452–3
supercritical water, 726–7
supported liquid membranes (SLM), 116
surface oxidation, 528–9
sustainability, 70
assessment, 68–70, 81–3
economic and social assessment of biorefineries, 82–3
historical average of price of petro-and bio-based chemicals, 83
LCA concept, 81–2
Sustainable Organic Fuels for Transport (SOFT), 424–7
fuel synthesis, 425–7
recycling CO2, 424–5
swept drum pyrolyser, 539
symbol triangle, 95
syngas, 37–8
syngas transformations, 178–81
Fischer–Tropsch synthesis, 179–81
cobalt vs iron catalysts, 180
methanol synthesis, 179
synthetic esters, 562–3
modification, 581–3
different polyol head group, 583
thermal behaviour of glycerol, 2-alkylglycerols and 2-alkylglycerol ester, 582


Talaromyces emersonii, 212
tannic acids, 845–6
tannin adhesives, 737–45
condensed polyflavonoid tannins, 738–41
commercial industrial particleboard panels after 15 years unprotected exposure, 740
methylene-ether bridge between flavonoid tannin oligomers, 739
schematic representative of predominantly C4-C8-linked procyanin tannin, 738
new technologies for industrial, 741–5
tannin autocondensation
hardening, 744–5
schematic representative of series of reaction occurring in formation of tannin, 744
tannin extracts, 738–9
tannin-hexamethylenetramine adhesives, 742–3
decomposition and reaction routes when in presence of reactive flavonoid tannin, 743
techno-economic assessments (TEA)
biochemical and thermochemical biorefineries, 34–63
biorefinery economic assessment, 36–47
future trends, 59–63
combination of TEA and LCA, 60–1
public support of pilot and demonstration biorefineries, 60
risk and uncertainty quantification, 61–2
system optimisation and statistical techniques, 62–3
market establishment, 53–9
biomass logistics and transport infrastructure, 54–7
scale-up of biorefinery operations, 57–9
US corn ethanol plant unit capital costs vs capacity, 59
US ethanol biorefinery capacities per year, 54
US total biomass, 56
trade of biomass and subsidies, 47–53
biomass cost estimates by feedstock type, 47–8
EU member nation subsidy programs, 53
European Union subsidy programs, 51–2
federal subsidy programs, 48–51
state subsidy programs, 51
techno-economic modeling, 221–5
CTec3 performance in SHF vs SSF and HHF models, 224
key assumptions of Novozymes techno-economic cost model, 224
technology costs, 390–3
temperate forages, 340
temperature phased systems, 485
TEMPO-mediated oxidation, 850–1
terpenoids, 696, 709–10
representative structure of examples of monoterpene and sesquiterpene, 696
Tetrapack, 19
thermal combustion, 354
thermal pretreatment, 489
thermally active enzyme cocktails, 219–20
thermo-tolerance, 278
thermochemical biorefineries bioproducts, 37–42
biomass conversion pathway intermediates, upgrading and final products, 37
capital and operating costs for alternative biorefineries, 41
capital costs for biomass to fuel conversion via syngas pathway, 39
operating costs for biomass to fuel conversion via syngas pathway, 40
thermochemical biorefinery, 709
thermochemical processing, 262–3
thermoplastic starch (TPS), 831
thermostabilisation, 219–20
top lit updraft (TLUD), 531–2
torrefaction, 47, 58–9
total reducing sugars (TRS), 633
traditional feedstocks, 454–6
traditional lignin products, 673–7
copolymer and resin applications, 674–6
structure of lignin and position of formaldehyde addition onto phenol, 675
high value products, 677
lignosulfonate, 673–4
metal ion absorption, 676–7
transesterification, 160–3, 583–5
process, 366
transformer oils, 573
tree exudates, 835
biomass depolymerisation, 185
product upgrading, 185–6
syngas transformations, 186
tri-flex-fuel vehicles, 420–1
triacylglyceride, 443
hydrolysis, 453
triacylglycerols (TAG), 566
functionality, 575–9
fatty acid composition of high oleic vegetable oils, 579
mechanism of glycerol β-hydrogen abstraction leading to decomposition products, 576
molecular origins of unsaturated fatty acids susceptibility to oxidation, 577
Trichoderma reesei, 211–12
triglyceride, 694
triglyceride transformations, 160–6
deoxygenation, 164–6
reactions involved in triglycerides, 165
hydrogenation, 163–4
hydrogenolysis of triglycerides to produce green diesel, 163
properties of mineral diesel and green diesel, 163
transesterification, 160–3
chemical reaction structure, 161
reaction of triglyceride with methanol, 161
triglycerides, 707–9, 783
hydrocarbon synthesis from fatty acid or lipid, 708
representative transesterification reaction, 708
triolein, 442–3
Triton X-100, 116
trypsin inhibitor activity (TIA), 780
tryptophan, 729
turnover frequency (TOF), 164–5
two-stage configuration concept, 485
two-stroke oils, 571–2


ultrafiltration, 115, 145–6, 352
ultrasonic processing, 451–2
ultrasonic scattering, 705–6
ultrasonication, 850–1
ultrasound-assisted transesterification, 451–2
ultraviolet light and ozone (UV-O) treatment, 854
ultraviolet radiation, 815
unburned hydrocarbon emission (uHC), 415–16
United States Pharmacopoeia (USP), 365–6
unknown contaminants, 142
unsaturated oil adhesives, 752–5
cardanol-based adhesive system, 754
upflow anaerobic sludge bed reactor (UASB), 484
upscaling, 100–1
urea-formaldehyde resin, 812–13
US Department of Energy (DOE), 211–12
US Department of Energy (DoE), 635
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 789
US Renewable Fuel Standard, 393–4


valorisation, 323–5
generic cereal-based waste streams, 325–6
industrial cereal-based waste and by-product streams, 323–5
glucose and FAN concentrations in wheat-derived media, 324
vanadium-impregnated zeolite beta, 376–7
vapour permeation (VP), 116
vapour pressure, 410–11
calculated variation of methanol, ethanol and iso-butanol with alcohol volume fraction, 411
vegetable oil-based transformer oils, 573–4
vegetable oil residues, 725–6
vegetable oils, 452–3, 455, 568, 574
VertecBioSolvents, 133
very high viscosity index (VHVI), 561–2
virtual sensors, 418
viscosity, 567–8
index, 567–8
modifiers, 571
volumetric energy density, 408–10
stoichiometric air-fuel ratio of blends of alcohol-gasoline blends, 409
variation of alcohol-gasoline blends, 408
volumetric ethanol excise tax credit (VEETC), 49


waferboard, 810–11
waste bread, 325–6
waste valorisation, 18–19
waste vegetable oils (WVO), 455–6
water-gas shift (WGS), 180–1
reactions, 443–4
water management, 143
water recovery, 145
water remediation, 791
water splitting phenomenon, 129–30
water washing, 445–6
wax conversion
bio-based chemicals from biorefining of lipid conversion and utilisation, 693–715
future trends, 714–15
methods of extraction and analysis, 703–6
sources, 697–702
types and properties, 694–7
utilisation, 707–14
wax esters, 694–6, 701
chemical structure, 696
wax utilisation
bio-based chemicals from biorefining of lipid and wax conversion, 693–715
future trends, 714–15
methods of extraction and analysis, 703–6
sources, 697–702
types and properties, 694–7
utilisation, 707–14
sources, 697–702
bacteria, 700–1
generated from lignocellulosic materials and other sources, 701–2
types and properties, 694–7
wet-forming process, 811–12
wet fractionation, 346–7
wet oxidation, 490–1
wet process, 822–3
fuel ethanol production, 308–12
polyhydroxyalkanoate production, 316
succinic acid production, 312–16
wheat-based biorefineries, 26, 304–7
composition of major wheat grain functions, 305
concept illustration, 306
wheat gluten proteins, 840
wheat straw, 25–7
utilisation, 320–2
scheme for second generation bioethanol production process, 321
whole-crop biorefinery, 305
whole wood solubilisation, 671–2
bioadhesives types, processing and properties for fibres, 736–65
carbohydrate adhesives, 751–2
future trends, 762–5
lignin adhesives, 745–9
mixed tanin-lignin adhesives, 749–50
protein adhesives, 750–1
tannin adhesives, 737–45
unsaturated oil adhesives, 752–5
wood welding without adhesives, 755–62
dowel welding, 757–8
wood charcoal, 547
wood fibres, 813
wood grain, 759
wood welding
without adhesives, 755–62
systems of frictional wood welding, 758–62
two types of bondlines and late wood tracheid entangled and direct welding of cell walls, 757
welded bondline, 756
World Bank, 723–4


X-ray diffraction analysis, 374–5
xanthophylls, 613
xylooligosaccharides, 609
xylose, 642


yeast, 700, 786
lipids from fungi, 700
oil content of sample fungi and yeast species, 700
yeast protein concentrate (YPC), 787
yellow grease, 455–6


zein, 839–40
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