Filing a non-electronic record from Share

We just saw that when filing into a Folder, a dialog first prompts to see whether an electronic or non-electronic record is to be filed. In the last section, we then saw how an electronic record is filed. In this section, we will look at the case of a non-electronic record.

When we select Non-electronic record filing, we are presented with a form to collect metadata associated with the record we are about to file. By filing a non-electronic document, we create a stub entry that references a physical document within the Records Management site that contains no file content. The non-electronic record typically refers to a paper record, but the record could be stored on any type of media, including, for example, older, but popular, archival media types like microfilm, aperture cards, and microfiche:

Filing a non-electronic record from Share

After completing the metadata for the Non-electronic record, we click on the Submit button. After doing that, a new Undeclared Record entry is added to the Folder. The thumbnails for all non-electronic records are represented with the same icon:

Filing a non-electronic record from Share

After filing the record, additional information about it can be entered by editing the metadata to include information such as the location of the physical record, the media type it is stored on, and the format.

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